creating my doube page

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Post on 11-Jun-2015




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2. Here is my first attempt of my double page spread. I decided not to use this one as I didn't think it was very effective, due to the white background and the title.First Attempt At My Double Page Spread 3. The First StageMy first stage was adding my chosen images. I decided to put them in a film strip. This was because I thought this would be the best way to display the images.Placing the images took aLong time as I had to make them smaller to fit into the strip. However, once I did that I linked the layers so that if in the end I wasn't happy with the way it was set out I could easily move it.The reason why I put the images on a slant was so the audience would pay more attention to it. 4. Stage Two beginning to add the text I found beginning to add the text very difficult as I had to be precise on exactly where I put it. That's why throughout this process I made sure I had the grid and rulers on photoshop appear so I could keep checking if everything was in the correct place. 5. Stage Three- Continuing to add text For the opening paragraph of my article I decided I would like it to stand out so I put a deep red that I had used on my front cover as the background. I also made the first letter a lot bigger than the rest of the text as I thought this would grab my targets audience attention and make them read the article To show the difference between the questions asked and the answers I decided to change the colour of the text to the same red as the box. As for the quotes I decided I would like to make them stand out by places box's of red around them. I took this technique from my contents page, which I had used for the titles. 6. Stage Four- Changing the brightness and contrast of the images To begin with I attempted to change this image here. However, I decided I didn't think it was very effective as it made her look very ghost like.Nevertheless, I did change this image.To this as I did think this had an impact, and I wanted to show she's very happy at home which is why I preferred the image lighter. 7. In the end This is what my finished product looks like