creating play scripts from stories

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Act 1, scene 1

    Matthew: (shouting) Mrs Hall, how canI write a play script all bymyself?

    A classroom full of noisy children throwingpaper around.

    [enter the teacher, Mrs Hall]

    Mrs Hall: Its simple really Matthew, Ill takeyou through step by step and Imsure youll understand.

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    [there is a knock at the door, in walks littleMaitha]

    Maitha: Sorry Im late, Mrs Hall, I wasfinishing off my story.

    Mrs Hall: Thats ok Maitha, maybe we coulduse it to write a play script.May I share it with the class?

    Maitha: (smiling) Yes of course

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Jenni fell to the floor with a bump, Whaton earth just happened? she mumbled asshe struggled to her feet and brushed theearth off her jeans.Jenni, what are you doing down there?

    called David.I dont know, she replied, I just sort of passed out I suppose and fell into thishole.You do realise its a grave youve falleninto, dont you? queried David.Errrgh! screamed Jenni, quick David,get me out of here!

    A Grave Situation, by Little Maitha, aged9

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Jenni fell to the floor with a bump, Whaton earth just happened? she mumbled asshe struggled to her feet and brushed theearth off her jeans.Jenni, what are you doing down there?

    called David.I dont know, she replied, I just sort of passed out I suppose and fell into thishole.You do realise its a grave youve falleninto, dont you? queried David.Errrgh! screamed Jenni, quick David,get me out of here!

    A Grave Situation, by Little Maitha, aged9

    Step 1 Highlight the

    spoken parts

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Jenni fell to the floor with a bump, Whaton earth just happened? she mumbled asshe struggled to her feet and brushed theearth off her jeans.Jenni, what are you doing down there?

    called David.I dont know, she replied, I just sort of passed out I suppose and fell into thishole.You do realise its a grave youve falleninto, dont you? queried David.Errrgh!screamed Jenni, quick David,get me out of here!

    A Grave Situation, by Little Maitha, aged9

    Step 1 Highlight the

    spoken parts

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Act 1 Scene 1

    Jenni: What on earth just happened?David: Jenni, what are you doing down there?

    Jenni: I dont know, I just sort of passedout I suppose and fell into this hole.

    David: You do realise its a grave youve falleninto, dont you?

    Jenni: Errrgh! quick David, get meout of here!

    Write them down without speech

    marks, dont forget the name of

    who is saying them goes first

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Jenni fell to the floor with a bump, Whaton earth just happened? she mumbled asshe struggled to her feet and brushed theearth off her jeans.Jenni, what are you doing down there?

    called David.I dont know, she replied, I just sort of passed out I suppose and fell into thishole.You do realise its a grave youve falleninto, dont you? queried David.Errrgh! screamed Jenni, quick David,get me out of here!

    A Grave Situation, by Little Maitha, aged9

    Step 2 Identify

    stage directions

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Jenni fell to the floor with a bump, Whaton earth just happened? shemumbledasshestruggled to her feet and brushed theearth off her jeans.Jenni, what are you doing down there?

    calledDavid.I dont know, she replied, I just sort of passed out I suppose and fell into thishole.You do realise its a grave youve falleninto, dont you? queried David.Errrgh!screamedJenni, quick David,get me out of here!

    A Grave Situation, by Little Maitha, aged9

    Step 2 Identify

    stage directions

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Act 1 Scene 1

    Jenni: (mumbling as she struggles to her feetbrushing the earth off her jeans)What on earth just happened?

    David: (shouting down the hole) Jenni, whatare you doing down there?

    Jenni: I dont know, I just sort of passedout I suppose and fell into this hole.

    David: You do realise its a grave youve falleninto, dont you?

    Jenni: (screams) Errrgh! quick David, get meout of here!

    Put them in


  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Jenni fell to the floor with a bump, Whaton earth just happened? she mumbled asshe struggled to her feet and brushed theearth off her jeans.Jenni, what are you doing down there?

    called David.I dont know, she replied, I just sort of passed out I suppose and fell into thishole.You do realise its a grave youve fallen

    into, dont you? queried David.Errrgh! screamed Jenni, quick David,get me out of here!

    A Grave Situation, by Little Maitha, aged9

    Step 3 - Set the


  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Jenni fell to the floor with a bump, Whaton earth just happened? she mumbled asshe struggled to her feet and brushed theearth off her jeans.Jenni, what are you doing down there?

    called David.I dont know, she replied, I just sort of passed out I suppose and fell into thishole.You do realise its agraveyouve fallen

    into, dont you? queried David.Errrgh! screamed Jenni, quick David,get me out of here!

    A Grave Situation, by Little Maitha, aged9

    Step 3 - Set the


  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Act 1 Scene 1

    [A girl has just fallen down an empty grave, herfriend is looking down]Jenni: (mumbling as she struggles to her feet

    brushing the earth off her jeans)What on earth just happened?

    David: (shouting down the hole) Jenni, whatare you doing down there?

    Jenni: I dont know, I just sort of passedout I suppose and fell into this hole.

    David: You do realise its a grave youve falleninto, dont you?

    Jenni: (screams) Errrgh! quick David, get meout of here!

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Dinners ready! called mum fromthe kitchen.Im not hungry, answered Helen.Helen Julie Allen ,get yourselfdown here now, if I have to comeinto that bathroom there will betrouble shouted mum.

    Helen sighed as she watched thelast of the bubbles disappear fromthe bath, Ok mum, just let me getmy clothes on first.

    Toad in the Hole by Mrs Hall aged 21++

    Try this one on

    your whiteboards

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Act 1 Scene 1

    Mum: Dinners ready.

    Helen: Im not hungry.Mum: Helen Julie Allen ,get yourself downhere now, if I have to come into thatbathroom there will be trouble

    Helen: Ok mum, just let me get my clothes onfirst.

    Your work should

    look similar to this

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Act 1 Scene 1

    Mum: (shouting from off stage) Dinnersready.

    Helen: (calling down) Im not hungry.Mum: Helen Julie Allen ,get yourself downhere now, if I have to come into thatbathroom there will be trouble

    Helen: (she sighs and watches the bath) Okmum, just let me get my clothes onfirst.

    Your work should

    look similar to this

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Act 1 Scene 1

    [A girl is in the bathroom letting the water out ofthe bath]Mum: (shouting from off stage) Dinners

    ready.Helen: Im not hungry.Mum: Helen Julie Allen ,get yourself down

    here now, if I have to come into thatbathroom there will be trouble

    Helen: (she sighs and watches the bath) Okmum, just let me get my clothes onfirst.

    Your work should

    look similar to this

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories


    Matthew: Wow Miss, I think I could managethat, what do I do first?

    Mrs Hall: First write a chapter of a story and thenwe will adapt it into a scene for a play, ascene is like a paragraph or a chapter ina book. Are there any questions class?

  • 8/3/2019 Creating Play Scripts From Stories
