creative content marketing - why, not how! #sascon

Creative Campaigns for SEO – why, not how! #SAScon @LisaDMyers

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Post on 19-Jan-2017




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Creative Campaigns for SEO why, not how!


Have you ever thought:Why are some companies or people more successful than others?

People like Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs and Elon Musk all have something in common.

Source: Simon Sinek

The Golden Circle: Everyone knows WHAT they do, some knows HOW they do it, but FEW know WHY they do it. NOT a profit, thats just a result. Why is your purpose your belief!! The great leaders and companies operates from the INSIDE out, starting with WHY not WHAT.

We make great campaigns. Theyre creative, innovative, beautifully designed, and easy to use. Want to buy our services?

This is how most companies market. Say what it does, and why it is different. This is how most marketing and people communicate.

We want to be THE destination for digital pioneers. We believe in thinking differently and pushing the boundaries. The way we push the boundaries is by being brave, honest, inquisitive and accountable. We just happen to make great campaigns. Want to buy our services?

Heres how APPLE sells

People dont buy WHAT you do but WHY you do it!

Source: Simon Sinek

IT IS BIOLOGY not psychology. When we communicate from the outside in YES people can understand vast amount of information, facts and figures. It just DOESNT drive behavior!But when we communicate from the inside OUT we communicate directly with the part of the brain that controls behavior, and then we allow them to rationalize it. This is where GUT feeling comes in, when people say yes I understand the facts and figures it just doesnt FEEL right.

Facts and figures dont drive behavior

People buy WHY you do it! NOT what or HOW!

What you do is just the proof.

Facts and figures dont drive behavior

People buy WHY you do it! NOT what or HOW!

What you do is just the proof.

Facts and figures dont drive behavior

People buy WHY you do it! NOT what or HOW!

What you do is just the proof.

The innvoators and early adopters are driven by gut decision and what they BELIEVE. These are the people that will stand in line for 24 hours to get the new iphone, they want to be the first.

The tipping point (mass market success) lies between the Early Adapters and Early Majority at about 15-18%. Early majority will not try something before someone else have tried it first.

When it comes to targeting sites for coverage and links we have tendency to THINK like Innovators and Early adopters but to get mass success we need to appeal to the early majority before achieving mass success. And to do that we need to focus on the core of the idea WHY are we doing this. People dont buy what you do BUT WHY you do it.

The idea needs to be simple and compact enough to be sticky and meaningful enough to be different

Does it support our vision and values? Simple yet meaningful core idea

Easy to use, great design and execution. WHYHOWWHAT

Plans just dont work in the battlefield


Narvik - national significance feeling of pride. Achieved army, monarchy and top broadcaster.2.

Emotional investment through collaboration makes outreach more successful

Narvik - national significance feeling of pride. Achieved army, monarchy and top broadcaster.2.

Data and emotions are your friends

Nostalgia and history + technology = Sweet Spot

Historic London

When your campaign is good enough to get TV coverage


I won a bunch of awards before I was 35Best Newcomer- B2B Marketing AwardsBest Use Of Technology - Blackberry Woman & Technology35 women under 35 High Achievers List - Management TodaySearch Personality of the Year - UK Search AwardsI started my own SEO agency at 31On my own. No business partners. I have grown the agency to become a successful and profitable 25+ people business. In the last 12 months the agency has won 9 awards


I am dyslexicMy grades at school were; mehI dropped out of university My family was bankrupt (twice!) when I grew upI had an alcoholic parentI had my first baby at 26I started the agency in the height of the recessionI had my second baby in the first year of my businessOh. and my IQ is totally average

100 people theory



Luke: I cant believe itYoda: That is why you fail



change the way you look at thingsthe things you look at changeif youWayne Dyer

A group of scientists placed five monkeys in a cage, and in the middle, a ladder with bananas on top. Every time a monkey went up the ladder, the scientists soaked the rest of the monkeys with cold water. After a while, every time a monkey would start up the ladder, the others would pull it down and beat it up. After a time, no monkey would dare try climbing the ladder, no matter how great the temptation. The scientists then decided to replace one of the monkeys. The first thing this new monkey did was start to climb the ladder. Immediately, the others pulled him down and beat him up. After several beatings, the new monkey learned never to go up the ladder, even though there was no evident reason not to, aside from the beatings. The second monkey was substituted and the same occurred. The first monkey participated in the beating of the second monkey. A third monkey was changed and the same was repeated. The fourth monkey was changed, resulting in the same, before the fifth was finally replaced as well.What was left was a group of five monkeys that without ever having received a cold shower continued to beat up any monkey who attempted to climb the ladder.

Do not take on or inherit behaviors that you do not understand or want.

YOU are NOT a monkey!

Its not who you are that holds you back, its who you think you are. David Brinkley

Thank [email protected]
