creative manifestation techniques – intuitive path for success

Your intuition is the source of the most powerful wisdom to follow the right path and make soul-inspired decisions.

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Post on 09-Feb-2017



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Your intuition is the source of the most powerful wisdom to follow the right path and make soul-inspired decisions.

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We all take many major decisions in our life, to be more successful and happy. Hence we ask questions to our friends and family for better answers or suggestions. Sometimes we consult specialists from internet or teachers. We become habituated of these practices it since our childhood and often neglect to consult our most important authority of our self i.e. our own intuition, the subconscious, mind. Why? Because we never try to assess it’s unlimited wisdom.

Your intuition is the source of the most powerful wisdom and will always guide you in the right direction and knowledge you need to move forward. This is relevant for everyone, including those who consider themselves to be highly intuitive.For Example, You meet the same person on the way or in the canteen, you had been thinking of some time before, Or have you ever been thinking of someone and out of the blue the door bell rings and that exact person is standing in front of you while opening the door?

These are just common illustrations about your intuition at work. Just like thought, consciousness, recognition, your intuition is a psychological muscle built in your brain, which can enhance and can be used to become successful with best of your own power.

You can practice following tips to develop your intuition and make more soul-inspired, wiser decisions for your life.

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→ Closely Follow Your Intuition

First and foremost important trick is to hear and recognize the voice of your intuition. Usually, the voice is not very loud and demanding; it’s very thin and interacts in different ways for different individuals in different situations.

For example, you may receive images that appear in quick flashes, whisper slowly in your mind when you are thinking of a solution or your mind motivates to do something adventurous, extraordinary activities. You may start a conversation with your intuition to get more clarity in direction or decisions. Your intuition might speak to you in a way of thought, or may be in words whisper in your ears. In other words, your intuition may interact with you in way of satisfactory feeling of relief, while the change in activity etc.Alternatively, you may receive intuitive messages through your emotions, such as feelings of shyness, uneasiness or confusion, surprises or when your inner voice is escorting you away from something – or when you are guided down a path which will drive you to greater self-fulfillment, joy and abundance.

Sometimes intuition messages are just a deep sense of certainty. You might have ever felt strongly that you know something to be very true from the bottom of your heart or soul, then chances are there that it was a directive from your intuition.

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→ Sharpen Your Intuitive Voice Using Meditation

Meditation is an excellent tool to develop and deepen your connection with your intuition. Doing meditation regularly will clear all your negative thoughts, distractions, and helps to grow your understanding the subtle impulses from within.

I suggest you to plan your daily schedules to meditate each day on your own or you can follow steps given in this link.

You can spend less than 10 minutes daily, which will develop powerful results. It becomes easier to recognize the voice of your intuition when it speaks through physical sensation, emotions, flashing images or words.

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→ Devote few minutes to sharpen your Intuition

Due to increase in responsibility, competitiveness in the society, and many other factors, our life becomes busier, and we easily stop tuning into our higher intelligence.

Hence, I suggest you allocate time for your intuition every day – multiple times a day if required – to give your intuition a centre stage of your life. This is very important when you’re being asked to make any major decisions in your life.

Make sure to find some time with your intuition and look inside yourself for the right answer or direction before you choose.

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→ Devote few minutes to sharpen your Intuition

Due to increase in responsibility, competitiveness in the society, and many other factors, our life becomes busier, and we easily stop tuning into our higher intelligence.

Hence, I suggest you allocate time for your intuition every day – multiple times a day if required – to give your intuition a centre stage of your life.

This is very important when you’re being asked to make any major decisions in your life.

Make sure to find some time with your intuition and look inside yourself for the right answer or direction before you choose.

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→ Brainstorm Your Thoughts From Intuition

Getting the message from your intuition should not be in passive mode. You should get the specific message which matters to you intuitively. Hence the more clearly you raise your questions to your inherent wisdom, the luminous guide you will get.

→ Record The Messages From Intuition

These intuitive messages are subtle and can disappear from your conscious mind, hence it is imperative to record them. If the person is struggling with overactive or over excitement, then the intuitive message can disappear within seconds. So recalling the intuitive message varies from one person to another.One of the most effective methods of accessing your intuition is writing a journal on the messages you receive from inner wisdom. I suggest doing journaling for five or ten minutes a day. You will be amazed at the clarity of directives received from the intuitive state.

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→ Act Immediately on Intuitive Guidance

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.- William B. Sprague

When you act on the information and guidance you receive from your intuition, you automatically start developing a wider connection between conscious and sub-conscious mind. You will receive more intuitive messages that are stronger and easier for you to follow and take action.

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→ Develop Believing In Yourself

The more you believe and act on the messages from your intuition the greater result it will reward you.

When you take better decisions, solve problems quickly, or create successful plans for your life, you will achieve your goals faster and more effectively when you tune into your inner wisdom and listen to what it says.

Trusting your inner world means trusting yourself – the more trust you develop in yourself, the more success and happiness you will have throughout your life. In this way, we can manifest whatever we wish to achieve in our life. It’s called intuitive model for success.