creative message strategies 1214156902526711 8

Techniques in Print & Broadcast  Advertising Creative Message Strategies

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Techniques in Print & Broadcast Advertising

Creative Message Strategies

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Message Strategy

• An idea about how to creatively andpersuasively communicate a brand

message to a target audience• A message has to have an appeal- an

idea that motivates an audience to


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Creative Brief 

• Statements about a brand thatsummarizes the research and insights

for the creative team.• Also known as IMC Message Strategy

Brief, Creative Platform, Creative Plan

or Work plan, Creative Strategy or CopyStrategy

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Three basic Steps in Developinga Message Strategy Brief 

• Step 1: Determining communicationobjectives: What type of impact does the

message need to achieve? – Sample Marketing Communications Objectives:

• Cognitive: awareness, educate, explain, brandknowledge

•  Affective: image or personality, attitudes & brand liking,desire or need, strike emotional chord

• Behavioral: increase trial, purchase, repurchasing

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Three basic Steps in Developinga Message Strategy Brief …Cont’d   

• Step 2: Customer Insight: Finding diamondsin the data

 – Customer insight: below-the-surface attitudes & beliefs that influence customer’s behavior. Forexample, Marlboro cigarettes. Insight that youngand middle-aged men fantasize about freedom & macho independence of cowboys. It allowed mento escape into this fantasy.

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Three basic Steps in Developinga Message Strategy Brief …Cont’d   

• Step 3: Selecting a Selling Strategy – Benefit: how a product satisfies customers’ 

needs, wants & desires; promise: whatgood things will happen if a person buysthis product; reason why: substantiation,support or proof that explain why a

product will provide the promised benefit

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Three basic Steps in Developinga Message Strategy Brief …Cont’d   

• Step 3: Selecting a Selling Strategy

 – Feature: attributes that give a product a distinctive

difference – Value-pricing: offers the best quality product you

can buy for that price. There may be better-quality products but it would cost more. Price isfixed, value is not. Value is a perception of whatsomething is worth in terms of quality and price.


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Three basic Steps in Developinga Message Strategy Brief …Cont’d   

• Step 3: Selecting a Selling Strategy

 – Unique-selling proposition: selling strategy based

on a product’s most distinctive difference fromcompetitive products; provide reason or proof onwhich a claim, benefit or proposition rests

 – Generic: stresses a basic feature or benefit of aproduct that is not brand specific


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Three basic Steps in Developinga Message Strategy Brief …Cont’d   

• Step 3: Selecting a Selling Strategy

 – Pre-emptive: focuses on an attribute or benefit

that any other product on the category could haveclaimed but did not.

 – Informational: based on going facts about a brand& its attributes

 – Credibility: heightens conviction & decreasesperception of risk; use of endorsers, PR,testimonial


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Three basic Steps in Developinga Message Strategy Brief …Cont’d   

• Step 3: Selecting a Selling Strategy

 – Emotional: connects with customers & 

prospects at the affective level & movesthem to respond with feelings

 – Association: psychological connectionbetween a brand & its customers & prospects


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Three basic Steps in Developinga Message Strategy Brief …Cont’d   

• Step 3: Selecting a Selling Strategy

 – Lifestyle: Uses situations & symbols of 

lifestyles that the target audience canidentify with or aspire to.

 – Incentive: Creates a sense of immediacy & rewards customers for responding quickly


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Three basic Steps in Developinga Message Strategy Brief …Cont’d   

• Step 3: Selecting a Selling Strategy

 – Reminder: Keeps a brand top-of-mind with the

target. Used by mature brands with establishedbrand identity & designed to jog the customer’smemory at point of purchase.

 – Interactive: Creating two-way communication inorder to open up communication with customers & capture their feedback 


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Selling Strategies

Type of Response



Think   Awareness,brandknowledge,understanding, conviction

Info, generic,pre-emptive,credibility

FeelBrand image

& personality,liking, desire,self identity



Do Buy, try,repeat, visit,





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The Big Idea

• Simple

• Has legs: can cater to difference

audiences or media or versions

• ROI: relevance, originality & impact


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The Creative Process

• Formal procedure for increasingproductivity & innovative output by an

individual or a group• Step 1: Exploration

 – Brainstorming: gather to generate many

new ideas – Lateral thinking: bouncing from one

thought to another in free association; look for metaphors of what the product is like


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The Creative Process…Cont’d   

• Step 2: Insight – Reviewing all info, analyzing the problem,

identifying patterns and searching for a key verbal

or visual concept to communicate what needs tobe said

• Changing patterns

• Looking at things in different ways

•  Adaptation- change context

• Imagining- what if?

• Reversal- opposite, negative effect (what would happenif you did not use the product?)


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The Creative Process…Cont’d   

• Step 2: Insight – Reviewing all info, analyzing the problem,

identifying patterns and searching for a keyverbal or visual concept to communicatewhat needs to be said• Connection- join 2 unrelated ideas

• Comparison- metaphor• Elimination- subtract or break rules

• parody- make fun of something


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The Creative Process…Cont’d   

• Step 3: Execution

• Step 4: Evaluation & Copy testing

 – Copy testing: testing the effectiveness of abrand message, a creative concept, orelements such as a headline, slogan, or

visual for creative impact andunderstandability


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Creative Brief (Mccann-Ericson 7-question format)

1. Who is our audience?2. Where are we now in the minds of our

target audience?

3. Where are our competitors in the minds of our target audience?

4. Where do we want to be in the minds of our target audience?

5. What is the consumer promise or the bigidea?

6. What is the supporting evidence?7. What is the tone of voice of the ad?