creative thinking

Creative Thinking IACER Spring 2015

Upload: ajaya-bhadra-khanal

Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Strategies for creative thinking. Discusses basic skills.


Creative Thinking

lACLR Srlng zc vhen wus the lust tlme you cume u wlth u creutlve ldeu? vhut wus lt? vhut motlvutes you to be creutlve? !1hls mornlng !Yesterduy !Lust week !Lust month !Lust yeur Creutlvlty vhy be creutlve? "vhen lt's no longer osslble to solve current roblems wlth yesterduy's solutlons "lt's fun to be creutlve " "ldeus, llke orgunlsms, huve u llfe cycle. 1hey ure born, they develo, they reuch muturlty, und they dle. So we need u wuy to generute new ldeus. Creutlve thlnklng ls thut meuns.' Roger von Cech !"#$%&'# %)&*+&*, A. 1hlnk vlsuully. MlndjConcet Mulng 8. lorm relutlonshls. Muke connectlons C. Rethlnk. 1hlnk dlerently. L. Yoke heterogenous ldeus together. L. Metuhor. Slmlle. Eulku. A. Visual thinking vlsuul 1hlnklng vlsuul 1hlnklng j of our bruln's sensory resources ure dedlcuted to vlslon. Cnly j for ull the other senses comblned!ve rocess verbul und vlsuul lnformutlon wlth dlerent urts of the bruln: left hemlshere (verbul, loglcul, sequentlul, unulysls) und rlght hemlshere (vlsuul, emotlonul, lntultlve, nonllneur, blg lcture, synthesls). Leurnlng deends on both hemlsheres. 1o muke use of your whole bruln, you must ut your vlsuul thlnklng lnto luy wlth verbul thlnklng.Mlnd Mus , Stes to Muklng u Mlnd Mu Sturt ln the CLN1RL of u blunk uge turned sldewuys. vhy? -#.$/0# 0%$"%&*, &* %)# .#*%"# ,&'#0 12/" -"$&* 3"##425 %2 06"#$4 2/% &* $77 4&"#.%&2*0 $*4 %2 #86"#00 &%0#73 52"# 3"##71 $*4 *$%/"$7719 Use un lMACL or PlC1URL for your centrul ldeu. vhy? -#.$/0# $* &5$,# "# :2"%) $ %)2/0$*4 :2"40 $*4 )#760 12/ /0# 12/" ;5$,&*$%&2*9 < .#*%"$7 &5$,# &0 52"# &*%#"#0%&*,= +##60 12/ 32./00#4= )#760 12/ .2*.#*%"$%#= $*4 ,&'#0 12/" -"$&* 52"# 23 $ >/??@ Use CCLCURS throughout. vhy? -#.$/0# .272/"0 $"# $0 #8.&%&*, %2 12/" -"$&* $0 $"# &5$,#09 !272/" $440 #8%"$ '&>"$*.1 $*4 7&3# %2 12/" A&*4 A$6= $440 %"#5#*42/0 #*#",1 %2 12/" !"#$%&'# B)&*+&*,= $*4 &0 3/*@Muke your brunches CURvLL ruther thun strulghtllned. vhy? -#.$/0# )$'&*, *2%)&*, >/% 0%"$&,)% 7&*#0 &0 $%&"'( %2 12/" -"$&*9 CCNNLC1 your MAlN 8RANCELS to the centrul lmuge und connect your second und thlrdlevel brunches to the frst und second levels, etc. vhy? -#.$/0# 12/" -"$&* :2"+0 >1 )##%*")+"%', ;% 7&+#0 %2 7&*+ %:2 C2" %)"##= 2" 32/"D %)&*,0 %2,#%)#"9 ;3 12/ .2**#.% %)# >"$*.)#0= 12/ :&77 /*4#"0%$*4 $*4 "#5#5>#" $ 72% 52"# #$0&719 Use CNL lLY vCRL PLR LlNL. vhy -#.$/0# 0&*,7# +#1 :2"40 ,&'# 12/" A&*4 A$6 52"# 62:#" $*4 E#8&>&7&%19 Use lMACLS throughout. vhy -#.$/0# #$.) &5$,#= 7&+# %)# .#*%"$7 &5$,#= &0 $702 :2"%) $ %)2/0$*4 :2"409 So lf you huve only c lmuges ln your Mlnd Mu, lt's ulreudy the equul of c,ccc words of notes! B. Form relationships lorm relutlonshls Muke connectlonsslmllur to mulng but uddlng text us to why concets connect.C. Think Different 1hlnk Llerent Llscovery conslsts of looklng ut the sume thlng us everyone else und thlnklng somethlng dlerent. Albert SzentCyorgyl Nobel Prlze vlnner, Physlcs Plcusso vhen he creuted 8ull's Eeud ln z by uddlng u blke's hundleburs to lts seut so they becume horns, Plcusso ut Luchum ln hls luce. 1hls ls the zcth century's greutest reudymude, Plcusso lts sureme creutlve fgure. Mentul locks Mentul Locks . "1he Rlght Answer'Much of our educutlonul system hus tuught us to look for the one rlght unswer. 1hls urouch ls fne for some sltuutlons, but muny of us huve u tendency to sto looklng for ulternutlve rlght unswers ufter the frst one hus been found. 1hls ls unfortunute becuuse often lt's the second or thlrd, or tenth rlght unswer thutls whut we need to solve u roblem ln un lnnovutlve wuy.1l #: A good wuy to be more creutlve ls to look for the second rlght unswer. 1here ure muny wuys to ursue thls unswer, but the lmortunt thlng ls to do lt.1l #z: 1he unswer you get deends on the questlons you usk. Pluy wlth your wordlng to get dlerent unswers. Cne technlque ls to sollclt lurul unswers. Another ls usklng questlons thut whuck eole's thlnklng.z. "1hut's not loglcul!' Loglcul ls un lmortunt creutlve thlnklng tool. lts use ls eseclully urorlute ln the ructlcul huse of the creutlve rocess when you ure evuluutlng ldeus und reurlng them for uctlon. vhen you ure seurchlng for ldeus however, excesslve loglcul thlnklng cun shortclrcult your creutlve rocess.1l #: lor more und better ldeus, l rescrlbe u good dose of soft thlnklng ln the germlnul huse, und u heurty hellng of hurd thlnklng ln the ructlcul huse.Mentul Locks !" $%&''&( )*+ ,-'+./ 0 12+3)45+ )*467468 4. 6&) &6'9 :&6.)2-:)45+; 4) 4. 3'.&