creative vs business

Creative v Business © New Republique 2014

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Creative v Business© New Republique 2014

In this presentation we will be assessing the role of the creatives in business.

We all know the story of the right brain v left brain.

One is more emotion-driven and the other is more logic-driven.

Most of us tend to be dominated by one side. The lucky few are run by a balance of both.

But in advertising, where we are fundamentally the sales and communications part of the marketing pie, what is the right mix and are these differences becoming redundant parts of the pie?

As you know, most creative agencies are predominantly run by ‘creatives’ and the odd strategist.

But most creatives and strategists have never run a business.

So how can they recommend a solution to a business if they don’t have any formal understanding of a balance sheet or the operational implications of ideas?

Why on earth would clients spend millions with ad agencies. What is the bene!t?

The answer is simple.

It’s all about balance.

Marketers need people around them who are not constrained by the realms of possibility of the business.

They need people without restrictions to come up with ideas that will move the business forward.

You see, knowledge is as restrictive as it is powerful.

Sometimes the best ideas come from people with the least knowledge. The reason they can solve a problem, is because they are unrestrained by assumptions or past experiences.

Today’s creatives differ from creatives of the past. They have completely new skill sets to complement their marketing counterparts.

Source: David Armano

This is the new advertising and client synergy and it’s vital in driving better sales results.

It’s the partnering of numbers focused client-side marketing with limitless expressive, creative ideas.

Clients rely too heavily on creatives to solve all aspects of the puzzle. They need to understand that it is balance we should be all striving for.

A great example of this is Old Spice guy campaign. The creative idea saw limitless growth opportunities with millions of people sharing the idea.

However it was the integration of the idea with heavy retail couponing that resulted in the massive spike in sales.

It’s a perfect example of balance between marketing and creative.

Great brands and great sales are built on the harmonic balance of IQ and EQ.

We must always strive to create work that is not only emotionally engaging but also logically engaging.

This is what the partnership between marketing and creative can offer.

Ultimately, the question is, how balanced is your brand?

About the Author:

My name is Nima Yassini. I am the founder and CEO of creative agency New Republique located in Sydney, Australia.

Since our inception, our mission has been to create a home for talent and ideas that change our world.

We have been fortunate to bring our magic to brands such as Coca-Cola, Zurich and The University of Western Sydney.

Find out more about us at: or contact us at +61 2 9332 2218