creative writing prelim


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Prelim Exam


Page 1: Creative writing   prelim

A Day in the Life of a Time Traveler

By: Jorge Barzanas

My name is Virgil Delta F5. I wake up not remembering anything except the year and

place of my birth. The calendar on the wall says it’s November 18, 2013. My GPS indicates I’m

in Midwest U.S.A. But here’s what I remember. I was born in Lunar Colony Alpha –B4, District

12, on April 9, A.D. 2099

I get up and find the strangest human being I’ve ever seen standing at the foot of my bed.

“Finally, you’re awake. Breakfast is ready” She says, beaming I look at her closely and I gasp

because she looks very familiar as if I’ve known her for a long time. I ask her, “Who are you?”

saying with full confusion in my head. “What are you talking about Arthur? I’m Aurora Delta you

wife!” She replies. She quickly kiss my lips then I feel all of a sudden that there is a small spark

of current flowing inside my veins. I’m shock! And my eyes become gigantic and round. I cannot

say a word after she kissed me.

I eat with her with a zippered mouth, she prepared a strong black coffee for me and a wheat

bread for breakfast. My thoughts now begin to knock, why am I here? Why is she calling me

Arthur? Wait! I know Arthur! Did she said Aurora Delta?! I remember Arthur is the name of my

great Grand Father. He invented the very first time machine! My great Grand Father Arthur is

then married to Aurora Delta. Oh no! It can’t be. It means that I kissed my great Grand Mother

Aurora Delta? But wait I’m in the big and serious dilemma right now, why am I here? I still don’t

remember anything. Meaning to say if I’m here with Aurora Delta then the date is November 18,

2013, I came back to the time far decades ago? Aurora holds my hand and says “what’s the

problem Arthur? You didn’t touch your coffee neither eat anything that I’ve prepared. Is there

any problem? It seems you’re out of your mind. Maybe you’re just tired. By the way, what’s with

that fancy dress your wearing? Are you again going to test your space machine?” I just simply

smile and nods at her. My head is full of questions and I think I will going to explode. Maybe it’s

just dream! A nightmare that I can’t remember why I’m in here. So I bite my thumb to test if I’m

dreaming. “Oouch! That hurts! Now I am convince that this is not a dream. I’m in reality, I need

help. I have to tell Aurora!

“You have to help me, please! I’m not Arthur. I don’t know how I came here. I am Virgil

Delta. I think I came from the future. I came from Lunar Colony Alpha, District 12 and was born

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in 2099. I don’t know if you know that place but you must help me in any way possible.” Saying

this to her desperately. She smiles and nods at me while saying “just be calm, I know, I know.

The moment Arthur was gone I waited until he comes back but it’s been 2 years already since

he left me all alone then you came in, I know and I can say you are not Arthur because from the

moment I kissed you I felt something different though you look very similar to him. I really

thought Arthur came back but I was wrong then I pretended to act as normal as if nothing

happens. I’m just waiting for you to say you’re not Arthur. So I assume that Arthur went to the

future because he was working on the space time machine the last time I’ve seen him.” Telling

this to me with a tear on her eyes.

“I can help you. I have an idea! I still do have the space time machine Arthur was making

before he left me. You can fix it and maybe you can reversed its function and set the time where

you came from and eventually maybe Arthur will come back again to me also.” She added with

excitement. I don’t know if I can fix it. I have no idea how I can renovate that machine but I’ll try

my best.

The sun is already up and we start to fix together the time machine, and as we repair the

engine my memory begins to restore. I already remember who I am. The best space time

machine pilot was embedded to my name. Unluckily there’s a malfunction the last time I was in

the flight. Maybe that’s the reason why Arthur and I swapped era. “It’s no impossible for me to

fix the time machine because of my expertise”. Telling this to Aurora. She smiles, continue

working hard and giving help to me in any way possible. At last, we finish fixing the time

machine for the straight of 5 hours. Aurora smiles at me and with excitement she hugs me very

tight. I can feel and see the very perceptible joy in the face of my great grandmother.

It’s already dark, “now we will test the proficiency of our space time machine” I say. I go

inside the control panel and starts to push the buttons and turn it all into activation. The

machine’s engine starts to vibrate. “Yes! The machine is working!” I shout and with full joy on

my face. Now I am in the crucial part of saying goodbye to my great grandmother. “I am about to

live you and few hours from now you are going to see Arthur again. Thank you for the hospitality

you showed to me. I owe you a lot my great grandmother. I have to say goodbye” I say to her.

She replies with tears of joy “take care of yourself Mr. Virgil Delta. Have a safe trip back to your

time” I’m all set to go back where I came. “goodbye!” the lasts word I say to her. In just a blink

of an eye I am home. I did it! I am here. I wonder if my great grandfather did it as well. I wonder

if Arthur made it.

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By: Jorge A. Barzanas

Year 2001, there are two things that I cannot erased in my mind about the days of my father,

these days was the days that stored in my memory of how he show his love and compassion,

the love of the father to his child that stores up, evolved to appreciation and eventually develop

to a wonderful experience that can never forgotten.

The sun was about to rise from the east, a cold morning on the street of O.L. Osorio. I was

walking in the sidewalk holding the hand of my papa. I felt the warm sweat the strength of his

hand. Everyday we passed by a bridge going to school, this bridge is a very elevated bridge and

every time we pass in this bridge my heart beats fast because of fear to fell in it so what I

always do is I hold the hand of my papa very tight and close my eyes until we will reached the

end of the bridge. Everyday my papa sends me to school enthusiastically and after he sent me

he will go to his work. The office of my papa is very near to my school so that’s the reason why

he is the one dropping me off to school every day. Then after his very tiring work, he will

patiently wait for me in the school for my dismissal, then we will go home together. The moment

that I’m always at my side of my father was very secure and it’s like nothing will happen as long

you’re in his side, indeed nothing compares to the sense of security when you are in the side of

your trusted person. This things

Another incomparable love was visible in my father was during our family time, this time was set

by my father every Sundays. Probably it’s his one way of telling us his children including my

mom that she loved us so much that we must have the time at least just a spare time for our

busy week, I can say that it’s the happiest time of my childhood days because all of us have all

the time to be with one another and be whole again after the tiring week.

Now, I have the idea of how to rear up my own family thanks to my father because he serves as

an inspiration to me on how I must take care of my family someday, thanks papa for being one

of the best in the universe.

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Days of a Cute Fat Boy

By: Jorge Barzanas

I am a cute fat 7 year old boy kissed by a lovely black shiny curled hair. A cute memorable

scene that cannot deleted in my memory, probably this was the sweetest thing happened in my

cute little days.

It was summer of the year 2000, as I’ve remembered, I could felt the warmth of the sun above

my head. I was playing in the backyard of my neighbor’s childhood best friend. The feeling of

timeless and worry free life my friend and I possessed as we played and could not anymore

noticed the time. I was so in love in that moment that you have nothing to worry about, no

problems to face and all you have to do is too enjoy the rest of the days in my childhood.

How I wished I could bring the past back just to experience again those memories of joy.

While we’re playing a newly transferred family had their child, a cute girl at around my age with

a curly hair. She might look strange and some kind a different for me but in that moment I felt

like frozen and could not move. I can’t rid of my eyes in her. I was staring at her because she is

playing outside their house and our backyard has a transparent iron fence and our lot it adjacent

so definitely I could see her not from a distance. My playmate notice me staring at her and

started teasing me that I have a crush on that girl. After that day, I always go to the backyard to

play hoping that she might as well playing in their balcony. And I was right she is always outside

playing her playing time was 8 am in the morning and 3 pm in the afternoon. Then Christmas

Day came and exchanging of gifts, foods and parties where present in that time gladly our

family invited some of our neighbors to have a dinner in the house, this includes the family of

this little cute girl so I have the chance to meet her in the house. Then the dinner came and their

she comes holding the hand of her mother I was so deeply struck and I think my bestfirend was

right telling me that I have a crush on her. So both of our parents greet each other and kids

were separated from the adult so I have the chance to play with her. So I asked her name while

we’re playing and she answered me “My name is Stef” this was the happiest moment in my life.

Then suddenly comes the saddest part of my life saying goodbye to her because they will

already leaving the house before they left I gave her my toy truck before she leaves and that

moment after I gave my toy truck she suddenly kissed me in my chicks, leaving a memory that

cannot be forgotten. The sad part is after New Years’ Day they leave and find again a house to

rent. I wonder if she still remembers me.

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Back to Holiness

By: Jorge Barzanas

Living my life with a dedication to serve the Lord is very noble and a life time process. Way back

June 13, 2007 6:30 am my first encounter of God’s mercy and love.

I was sitting in the stairs waiting for my class when suddenly someone approached to me and

told me that he will gonna borrow just a few time, he wanted to talk to me of somewhat

important matter but he said that this maybe boring to some or maybe just a trash talk but he

seemingly convinced me to listen to him anyway it’s too early and I’m also bored waiting for my

class to start so I granted his request. He is a very serious guy and I saw him always early in the

school as the way I am. His name is Jeric, God’s instrument to enlighten my knowledge about

God. I digest all of what he said about God, about the gospel of the Lord. And after that

conversation, I dnt know what happen to myself and in that moment I started to cry begging for

forgiveness of my sins. I was in deep pain and sorrow and my eye full of tears, probably I truly

understand what the Lord has done just to save me from my sins, knowing also myself as an

emotional person and easy carried away in that kind of atmosphere. I thank Jeric for His time

and effort to approached me and the courage to speak about God knowing many youths today

dnt listen to God’s voice they tend to follow the evil desires of their heart. And don’t have time to

pause and reflect to what Christ has done in the cross.

After that beautiful conversation with Jeric, I was so renewed and refreshed. Its like a new

person is born with great fear in the Lord and with enthusiasm to tell others what He did for us

and who is He in our lives.

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A Man of Faith

By: Jorge Barzanas

Have you ever encounter a man with a tremendous faith? Have you seen or met a man

living a true and an honest Christian values? May I introduce to you Mr. Rusil Sombito a Christ-

like attitude living in a human form of a simple man. He is probably the great man ever live in

terms of Christian faith.

Rusil Sombito was born July 11, 1969 in Barotac Viejo, Iloilo but grew up here in Negros

occidental, their family wasn’t well known in their place but one thing is for sure people

recognized and known them as a broken family. Because at the early age of Rusil, his father

left them, his father do have other family, this was probably the saddest part of his life. This

traumatic event in his life affected some aspect of his life, his social life, emotional life and

especially spiritual life. As a result, during his teenage years he became an addict. Cocaine,

marijuana and shabu became his best buddy. He was the middle child, his father was a doctor

and her mother is just plain housewife.

During his high school days he was caught in his school smoking and drinking in their

classroom this results to his expulsion in school. He is studying in the Himamaylan National

High School in that time then was transferred in the private school. Her mother enrolled him in

the Christian school and this results to lessen his vulgar behavior. He somewhat already knows

what is good and what is bad, He graduated his high school in the year of 1986. In his college

years, he became more stable and more Christian values was shown in his life. No drugs and

no alcoholic drinks because he met the girl of his life. This girl became his girlfriend and

eventually became his wife. He became serious in the relationship so he decided to pursue to

have a diploma as a sign for her girlfriend that he is truly dedicated to have a better life and in

this he graduated with academic distinction and eventually this results to win the heart of her

girlfriend. Her girlfriend choses to marry him. They were blessed by having three children.

After his marriage he became very serious in his family life, he studied books and articles about

family, he attended seminars on family and marriage. And he found answers through reading

and studying the bible, he was amazed because all the question that he asked was answered

all by the bible. He said that “all you wanted to know about life is found in the bible” all question

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about marriage, life, problems, pains and happiness that he searched for was all found in the

bible. For him bible is everything and faith alone can open your eyes to the message of truth it


He is now currently teaching in Victorias National High School because after he graduated in

B.S.Bio, he studied supplemental to teach. And now currently studying theology. He became an

active member in the church and now pastoring the youth in Victorias City. Much like the calling

of God to St. Paul, God entrusted the mission to Rusil to spread the word of God to the people

and shepherded the people of God. Rusil has seen the God’s will for him and to the church, and

has led the congregation through years of productive growth and blessings.

As a young Pastor led a growing youth, his greatest challenged was the need for additional

space because the place of where they’re having their fellowship is too small,

By God’s grace the existing space for fellowship was renovated, and additional youth volunteers

extended their help and also families in their community. Every Sunday He preach the good

news of salvation to people and still encourages the last, least and the lost to know Jesus

Christ. Maybe his experiences in his past is one way of God’s intervention to realize that he is

too weak and He needs God in His life as a result He is being used by God to bless other
