
GENTLE DENTAL CARE Specialists in treating dental anxiety » Page 4 BODY BY ZERONA Time to get your summer body » Page 6 BODIES OF EMPOWERMENT Lose weight, gain confidence » Page 7 S.I. POOL CARE Schedule your pool opening now » Page 9 THE JAEGER FIRM Accidents happen. Be prepared » Page 10 INSIDE... Gentle Dental Care Correcting smiles is as easy as 1-2-3 Centers for Foot & Ankle Care Heel pain can be treated S.I. Pool Care Get ready to relax poolside SPECIAL HOME & GARDEN FEATURE STARTS ON PAGE 11 An Advertising-Sponsored Magazine Published by The Community Press/Recorder Kentucky » March 2012 Creative Living PHOTOSPIN.COM

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Page 1: CreativeLivingKY201203

GENTLE DENTALCARESpecialists in treating dentalanxiety » Page 4

BODY BYZERONATime to getyour summerbody» Page 6

BODIES OFEMPOWERMENTLose weight, gain confidence» Page 7

S.I. POOL CARESchedule your pool openingnow » Page 9

THE JAEGER FIRMAccidents happen. Beprepared » Page 10

INSIDE...Gentle Dental CareCorrecting smiles is as easy as 1-2-3

Centers for Foot & Ankle CareHeel pain can be treated

S.I. Pool CareGet ready to relax poolside




An Advertising-Sponsored Magazine Publishedby The Community Press/Recorder

Kentucky » March 2012CreativeLiving


Page 2: CreativeLivingKY201203

Because community matters.

ContactCreative Living is a monthly advertising-sponsoredmagazine published by Enquirer Media’s Specialty

Publications Department.

Send questions or comments to:Jo Kovach

Specialty Publications EditorEnquirer Media, 312 Elm Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202

Phone: 513-768-8367

To advertise call:Debbie Maggard

Territory Sales ManagerEnquirer Media

Phone: 513-768-8534


3 Health & FitnessBetter sleep • Dental care •Cosmetic • National FootHealth Month

5 Local Business | Senior LivingMobile pet grooming • Hair salon andspa • Swimming pools • Legal services •Retirement living


n today’s world where newstravels at the speed of now, peopleare searching for balance andpurpose and are tapping into thepower of plants to cultivate the“new good life.”

Besides beautifying our homesand gardens, plants play a vitalrole in our health and well-being.They elicit powerful positive emo-tions, revive neighborhoods, andinfluence everything from whatwe eat to life’s milestones.

“Plants are no longer a luxury,but a necessity for our lives,” saysSusan McCoy, trend spotter andoutdoor living expert. “Plants canlive without us, but we can’t livewithout plants.”

Here’s what McCoy and herteam of Garden Media Grouptrend spotters see for gardening in2012:

» Urban knights. A growingarmy of “urban knights” are cre-ating oases wherever they can find

a patch of earth. They’replanting shrubs, flowers,

edibles and pop-up gar-dens on balconies, inalley ways, and onstreet parklets – even

in abandoned buildings.From yard sharing and raising

chickens to “step gardening” andharvesting rainwater, urbanknights are finding a “new good

Costa Farms’ Tropic Escape Hibiscus inTangerine Tango, 2012’s hottest color.

Plants like the new dwarf butterflybush from Hines Growers attractwildlife to your backyard. ARACONTENT


See LIFESTYLE, Page 14

Top 2012garden



With the renewal of spring, many of us thinkabout remodeling projects and planting a garden.Is your game plan ready? Take some time tobrowse through this issue of Creative Living forideas to make your home look beautiful indoorsand outside without a huge commitment of time ormoney.

There’s helpful information for planting theseeds of better health, too – from proper leg, footand dental care to implementing a fitness plan.

Be sure to visit a Cre-ative Living advertiserto prepare your homeand family for springcelebrations.

Whatever your tradi-tion, I wish you and yoursa joyous Easter holiday.

Editor’s note

Specialtypublications editor


Page 3: CreativeLivingKY201203 C R E A T I V E L I V I N GKentucky March 22, 2012

H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

Dr. Kitzmiller wantsCincinnati to understandthe importance of sleep!During National SleepAwareness Week, March5-11, hundreds of interest-ed Cincinnatians attendedfree public-awarenessevents hosted by Dr. Kitz-miller and local sleepprofessionals. Attendeeslearned that while snor-ing can be annoying, it isoften a symptom of alife-threatening conditioncalled obstructive sleepapnea, where the airwaycollapses during sleepand causes the person tostop breathing and toawaken with a gasp mul-tiple times an hour. Un-treated, sleep apnea canlead to excessive fatigue,high blood pressure,heart disease, diabetes,and even death.

At the sleep openhouses, attendees re-ceived free sleep screen-ings, information aboutthe health consequencesof untreated sleep dis-orders, steps for properdiagnosis, and treatmentoptions that include OralAppliance Therapy, Con-tinuous Positive AirwayPressure devices (CPAP)and surgery.

A sleep open houseattendee and new patientof Dr. Kitzmiller’s says,“My husband has snoredfor years. We had no ideathat his snoring was af-fecting his health. Thankyou, Dr. Kitzmiller, forshowing us how to givemy husband – and me – aquiet and healthy night’ssleep!” – Mary

A sleep apnea sufferer,Dr. Kitzmiller has beentreating himself as wellas hundreds of otherswith Oral Appliance Ther-apy. An oral appliance isan FDA-approved CPAPalternative that fits over

your teeth and holds thelower jaw forward, keep-ing your airway fromcollapsing while yousleep. Oral appliances canbe effective at eliminat-ing snoring and managingsleep apnea.

Want to learn more?Call Dr. Kitzmiller’s of-fice at 513-248-8848 toschedule a complimen-tary consultation to dis-cuss a treatment plan thatis right for you. Interest-ed in having Dr. Kitzmil-ler bring a sleep aware-ness open house to yourneighborhood, companyhealth fair or golf/tennisclub? Call Dr. Kitzmiller’soffice to talk about youropportunity.

Local doctor’s sleep openhouses get rave reviews

Lori and Dr. Timothy J. Kitzmiller recently teamed up withlocal sleep professionals to raise awareness about snoringand sleep apnea. PROVIDED



Think yoursnoring isjust a painto her?

Snoring can often be a symptomofObstructive Sleep Apnea, a sometimeslife-threatening sleep disorder thatnegatively impacts the health and

quality of life ofmillionsof Americans.

Symptoms include:Snoring •Daytime Fatigue •Morning Headaches •Depression

Restless Sleep •High Blood Pressure • Lack of Concentration

Sleeping in Separate Rooms

Cincinnati Dental SleepMedicineDr. Kitzmiller and his team have been uniquely trainedin state of the art dental sleepmedicine to effectively

treat Sleep Apnea with Oral Appliance Therapy.Visit for more information and

take a quiz to see if you or someone you knowmay have Obstructive Sleep Apnea and benefit

fromOral Appliance Therapy!


Call Dr. Kitzmiller today!

513.248.88485722 SIGNALHILL COURT



Page 4: CreativeLivingKY201203

4 C R E A T I V E L I V I N G March 22, 2012 Kentucky

H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

At Gentle Dental Carethe specialty is fearfulpatients. Dr. Tara Dall-mann and her caring staffmake it their business tocalm the fears of the mosthesitant patients. Heatedneck pillows, warm blan-kets, homemade cookiesmade daily, a refreshingglass of soda or a cool bot-tled water are just a few ofthe ways the staff at GentleDental Care go above andbeyond to give patients asense of being home or at agood friend’s house.

Dr. Tara Dallmann trulydoes her part to make heroffice a place where fear-ful patients feel safe. Shefrequently says, “My of-fice is a place where mygoal is to treat each patientlike they were a goodfriend.” This means leav-ing no stone unturned

when it comes to her pa-tients’ dental health, givingthem several options whenit comes to their treatmentand, most important, theavailability of interest-freeaffordable payment plans.

However, the mostdifficult patient to help isthe one who will not call.Not because of the fear ofpain, but because theythink there is no help forthem. In the mirror they

see a smile that makesthem embarrassed andself-conscious. In manycases, the easy answer isjust not to smile.

One of these patientscame into our office thefirst time to bring hermother, and casually men-tioned she needed work aswell. We brought motherand daughter in for ourcomplimentary consulta-tion and set time aside for

both to get digital photos.The self-conscious patientdidn’t smile much andwhen she did, placed herhand over her mouth. Digi-tal photos were the lastthing she wanted, but wetook them, and that’s whenthe magic began. Dr. Dall-mann came in as she al-ways does to review thephotos with the patient. AsDr. Dallmann began toexplain the possibilities,you could see the spark ofhope in the patient’s eyes.Step one was her consulta-tion, step two was the seda-tion dentistry visit, andstep three is showing offher beautiful new smile.Now she is so comfortablein our office that she nolonger needs to be sedated.

Our next patient wasnew to the area and re-ceived a letter inviting her

to visit our office. With herhead hung low and nosmile, the patient met withGentle Dental Care’s NewPatient Coordinator, KimFisk. “I remember Missy’sfirst visit with us,” Kimsaid. “It took everything inmy power to get her tolaugh for the digital pho-tos.” In this case, the goalto put every patient at easeand prepare them to meetDr. Dallmann was no easychore, as the patient wasextremely nervous. Afterthe consultation we did nothear from her for at leastsix months, when the pa-tient realized she wasfinally ready financiallyand mentally to get hernew smile. Because of herfear the patient was sedat-ed, yet even in a sedated

Correcting your smile can be as easy as 1-2-3

Step one is the consultation, step two is the sedationdentistry visit, and step three is showing off a beautifulnew smile. The Gentle Dental Care staff specializes intreating dental anxiety. PROVIDED

See GENTLE, Page 8

Relaxationwith IV sedation.

1984 Walton-Nicholson Pike, Independence, KY • 859-363-1616 •

If fear is keeping you from normal, routine dental visits sedationdentistry* may be what you need. Dr. Tara Dallmann, DDS is a sedationexpert with the training and skill to put even the most anxious patientat ease. Take advantage of this limited time offer and come back to thedentist, your smile will love you for it!

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If fear is keeping you from normal, routine dental visits sedationdentistry* may be what you need. Dr. Tara Dallmann, DDS is a sedationexpert with the training and skill to put even the most anxious patientat ease. Take advantage of this limited time offer and come back to thedentist, your smile will love you for it!

Mention this ad when schedulingyour dentist appointment and

SAVE $150.00off of Sedation Fee!*

Regularly $495

Stay tunedfor detailson upcomingSedationseminars !


Page 5: CreativeLivingKY201203 C R E A T I V E L I V I N GKentucky March 22, 2012

L O C A L B U S I N E S S | S E N I O R L I V I N G

Northern Kentuckyis home to one of thepremier personal careand memory care com-munities in the area –Emeritus at Edgewood.Located at 2950 Turkey-foot Road, just blocksfrom I-275, Emeritus atEdgewood offers anacre of beautifully land-scaped grounds with acourtyard and gardens,but their hallmark ispersonal, caring ser-vice. According to JanieWinburn, executivedirector, “Emeritus atEdgewood is a personalcare community provid-ing the most medicalcare of any other retire-ment living community.It is a licensed seniorliving communitystaffed by licensednurses seven days aweek, 24 hours a day.”

Emeritus at Edge-wood specializes indiabetes managementincluding dietary mon-itoring, insulin injec-tions and monitoring,and medication man-agement. They alsooffer an innovativeprogram called JoinTheir Journey for resi-

dents with memorydisorders. Plus, thereare a wide variety ofactivities offered eachmonth, including Redsand Bengals sportingevents, art exhibits andthe theater, the ROMEOclub and The Red HatSociety.

Resident Marie H.Parker sums it up thisway: “I am very happyhere. I enjoy the Biblestudies and the Baptistservices and I especiallylike making new friendsand meeting all of theirfamilies. We have a lotof fun on our outingsand day trips.”

Call 859-426-1888 orvisit

Home and family atEmeritus at Edgewood


Now residents ofNorthern Kentucky,Southwest Ohio andSoutheast Indiana can getmore than just pizza de-livered to their homes.

Pet Stylist Nancy Hol-land has been involved inthe pet industry for morethan a decade. She is agraduate of the NashAcademy of Animal Arts,well-known throughoutthe U.S. for turning outhighly skilled and sought-after pet stylists. Hollandis certified in CPR PetFirst Aid and has a strongbackground in the pethealthcare field, whichuniquely qualify her torecognize potential healthissues while pets are inher care.

Holland started Wag ’nDetail so that local petowners can have theirpets groomed at home, ina stress-free environ-ment. Operated from aspecialized high-techsalon, the mobile serviceis self-contained, air-conditioned and heated.Holland’s service areas inKentucky include He-bron, Burlington, Flor-

ence, Erlanger, Edge-wood, Crestview Hillsand Villa Hills.

“Only quality prod-ucts, tools and the mostinnovative techniques areused,” Holland said. Thesalon is powered by agenerator/inverter sys-tem that has a 100-gallonfreshwater tank on boardthat empties into a graywater tank, so there’s nomess left behind and nohookup to your electricityor water. “Advantagesover a grooming shop,”

Holland says, “are conve-nience, no need to behome, no cages and theindividual attention thatyou and your pet de-serve.” She adds, “I’velost a few dogs to old age,it definitely hurts. Yougroom a pet every four tosix weeks for two years,there’s definitely a bond.”For more information call513-202-WAGS (9247),voicemail or [email protected] visit

Wag ‘n Detail is comingto a driveway near you

Mobile pet grooming is stress-free for pets and theirowners. PROVIDED

Certified Pet Stylist513.202.WAGS

Coming to a driveway near you!

Servicing…Hebron, Burlington, Florence,Erlanger, Edgewood, Villa Hills &

Crestview Hills, KY SE Indiana • SW Ohio

Nancy Holland

[email protected] CE-0000498520

Mobile Pet Salon


(859) 426-1888Personal Care, Alzheimer’s & Memory Care

Specializing in Diabetic Management2950 Turkeyfoot Rd., Edgewood

"This place saved my life.These people are familyand this is my home.

It's a blessingand I feel great",

Veteran, diabetic, andresident -

Harry Coome

Rates Starting at$95 a day

Page 6: CreativeLivingKY201203

6 C R E A T I V E L I V I N G March 22, 2012 Kentucky

H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

March is NationalNutrition Month andchoosing the rightfoods in your diet isimportant for healthyteeth and good oralhygiene. The mouth isthe entry point forfood, and the abilityto chew and swallowis a critical functionrequired to obtainessential nutrients forthe body.

To prevent cavitiesand maintain goodoral health, your diet– what you eat andhow often you eat –are important factors.Changes in yourmouth start the min-

ute you eat certainfoods. Bacteria in themouth convert sugarsfrom the foods youeat to acids, and it'sthe acids that begin toattack the enamel onteeth, starting thedecay process. Themore often you eatand snack, the morefrequently you areexposing your teeth tothe cycle of decay.

The best foodchoices for a healthymouth includecheeses, chicken orother lean meats, nutsand milk. These foodsare thought to protecttooth enamel by pro-

viding the calciumand phosphorus need-ed to re-mineralizeteeth.

Other food choicesinclude firm/crunchyfruits such as applesand pears, and vege-tables. These foodshave a high watercontent, which di-lutes the effects ofthe sugars they con-tain, and stimulatethe flow of saliva,which helps protectagainst decay bywashing away foodparticles and buffer-ing acid.

The best beveragechoices include wa-ter, milk and un-sweetened tea.

This month, makeit a point to keepyour “plate inshape.” Your teethand mouth will thankyou!

Right foods crucial forhealthy teeth, mouth

time. Body by Zerona hasperformed well over5,000 procedures, and 98percent of clients arehappy with the resultsand would recommendthe program to their fam-ily and friends.

Whether you want toslim down fast for springbreak or get a runningstart on your new sum-mer body, now is the timeand this is your remindercall.

“I’m so glad that I didthis for myself! I wasfeeling so defeated that Icouldn’t lose the weight.The Zerona really hasbeen a miracle for me.They were professionaland encouraging. Theirprograms are personal-ized and they really caredabout me. They are doingsomething really special.”– M.A. Campbell

In addition to the Zero-na, Body by Zerona offersSpa-PhotoFacials, Hydro-Massages, individualizedpersonal training ses-sions and permanentmakeup application.

Call 859-212-0577 orvisit

Bathing suit season iscoming. Are you ready?Call Body by Zerona at618 Buttermilk Pike inCrescent Springs, Ky.

Soon you’ll be shed-ding the baggy sweaters,sweatshirts and coats thatyou’ve been hiding underall winter. In just weeks,you can emerge lookingwonderful (even in abathing suit) with a spe-cialized program fromBody by Zerona. Theyoffer the much-talked-about nonsurgical ZeronaLipoLaser. Dr. Oz called it“the miracle procedure tofight fat without undergo-ing the knife.”

The Zerona takes offin a few weeks what nor-mally takes months tosweat off at the gym orboot camp. The Zeronadoes it with no surgery,no shots, no drugs, nostarving, no strenuousexercise and no recovery

Time to get yoursummer body

Clients areeasilylosinginches atBody byZerona.PROVIDED


Healthy Plate. Healthy Smile.Healthy You.


Call (859) 525-7586to schedule your appointment today! Follow Us!



Use towardsANY procedure!

*Bring this coupon with you to redeem. Valid for new patients only. Offer cannot becombined with any other specials. No cash value. Offer expires April 30, 2012.

$25First visit


Spring BreakSpecial!

9 Zerona Sessions for(Reg. $2400)

12 Zerona Sessions for(Reg. $3000)

Buy Now!$1050

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Offer Expires (must be purchased by)4/6/12 and must start Sessions by 10/6/12.

All sales are final. No refunds. CE-0000501159

Page 7: CreativeLivingKY201203 C R E A T I V E L I V I N GKentucky March 22, 2012

H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

Spring is here and withit comes marathon season.If you need to get in shapefor a big run (or just wanta healthier and leanerphysique), check out Bod-ies of Empowerment.They offer complete per-sonal fitness training,program design and nutri-tional consulting, all over-seen by Nate McConnell,who has15 years of experi-ence, and his staff of train-ers.

McConnell can tell youall the benefits for gettingin shape and all the rea-sons for coming to Bodiesof Empowerment, but itmeans even more to hear itfrom a satisfied customer.

Here’s what Jamie hadto say: “I started workingout with Katie a year agowith three goals: to lose 50pounds, to run the Bour-bon Chase (200- mile over-night relay), and to be ableto wear my engagementand wedding rings. I haveaccomplished two of thegoals and am close toreaching the third of los-ing 50 pounds! Losingweight and reaching mygoals has helped me bemore confident in myself.I have joined a gym andtake group classes, whichis something I would havenever done a year ago. Ihave run several 5Ks and10Ks, and the BourbonChase. I joined a runningtraining group and will berunning the Heart Mini15K and the Flying Pighalf-marathon in the com-ing months. I now continueto set goals for myself tohelp keep me motivated. Iknow with my new confi-dence I will be able toaccomplish anything I setmy mind to!"

Visit Orcall 859-578-4500.

Get in shape forsummer now

Losing weight and reachingher goals helped Bodies ofEmpowerment client Jamiebecome moreself-confident. “I havejoined a gym and takegroup classes, which issomething I would havenever done a year ago,” shesaid. PROVIDED

Losing weight isabout education andinformation. FigureWeight Loss providespatients with theknowledge they need toknow to get the weightoff and keep it off.

The Figure WeightLoss Program will helpyou lose those extrapounds quickly andsafely. Our programfocuses on the essentialcomponents needed toachieve healthy weightloss. Through compre-hensive physician care,prescription medica-tion and a medicallytrained staff that as-sists you every step of

the way, you will lookand feel great. Thesecomponents, combinedwith lifestyle changeand healthy eating hab-

its will ensure sustain-able weight loss.

Initial Visit: On your

Sustainable weight loss:Education is the key

From left: Dr. Robert Grober, Dr. Greg Weckenbrock andDr. Ryan Woods, of Figure Weight Loss. PROVIDED




safe. effective. affordable.

Lose WeightNOW!

Dr. Greg Weckenbrock,Dr. Robert Grober, Dr. Ryan Woods

Get the Body You’veGet the Body You’veALWAYSALWAYSDREAMED Of!DREAMED Of!



Why spend countless hours in the gym with little tono return for your efforts? Eliminate years of trialand error!There is no need towaste time and energyon routines that don’t work, or are just simply madefor someone else. BEGIN MAKING CHANGESNOW,with the use of our proven system.

Page 8: CreativeLivingKY201203

8 C R E A T I V E L I V I N G March 22, 2012 Kentucky


Plantar fasciitis is aninflammation of the plan-tar ligament that attachesto the heel bone. Thepatient’s most commoncomplaint is pain in thebottom of the heel or archarea with the first step inthe morning and painafter periods of rest. Itcan become chronicallypainful throughout theday and lead to signifi-cant disability. Conserva-tive therapy is successful90 percent of the timeand includes stretchingexercises, custom-madeorthotics, anti-inflamma-tory medication, nightsplints, physical therapyand cortisone injections.Custom-made orthoticsare the most conservativetreatment option. Theseare covered by mostinsurance plans and moreeffective than insertssold over the counter.

In some cases, the painpersists and surgical

treatment is necessary.Years ago, large incisionsto surgically remove theheel spur and release thetight plantar ligament ledto months of casting andtime off work. The surgi-cal approach has im-proved significantly. Itcan now be performedthough two small inci-sions with a techniquecalled Endoscopic Plan-tar Fasciotomy. In mostcases, patients are backto regular shoes in threeto seven days and pain-free in four weeks. Plan-tar fasciitis is also treat-

ed with shock wave ther-apy. The shock wave,which is ultrasonicallydriven, loosens the plan-tar ligament and allows itto stretch. It’s not unusu-al for patients to be backto work in two days withno limitations. This issimilar to the ultrasonicshock wave used to elim-inate kidney stones.

If you suffer from thistype of discomfort andare looking for relief, callthe Centers for Foot andAnkle Care office nearyou or visit

Heel pain can be treatedYour first step ofthe day shouldn’tbe painful

The need forprofessional footand ankle carereaches farbeyond thosewho are athletic,diabetic or older.Healthy personsof any age cansuffer frompainful footconditions.PROVIDED

first visit, the attend-ing physician will pro-vide a medical assess-ment, answer anyquestions and pre-scribe the right medi-cation for you. We willwalk you through thecomponents of ourproven weight lossprogram and leave youwith goals you WILLbe able to achieve.

Follow-Up Visits:Every four to sixweeks our staff willmedically assess yourprogress and continueto guide you throughour program. The at-

tending physician willrefill your prescrip-tion and will be avail-able for consultation.Once you reach yourgoal we will make sureyou have all the toolsnecessary to maintaina healthy weight. Ourphysicians and ded-icated staff are avail-able for any assistanceyou may need.

Dr. Greg Wecken-brock leads the teamof doctors which alsoinclude Dr. RobertGrober and Dr. RyanWoods. These North-ern Kentucky nativesare leaders in the med-ical community andensure our patientsreceive the highestlevel of care possible.

EducationContinued from Page 7

state, the moment sheopened her eyes and sawher new smile the tearsbegan to flow. A newsmile and a new life.

Missy said: “I urgeanyone who may be leeryabout going to the dentist,anyone who has let thelook of their teeth controlhis or her lives, don’t giveup, don’t make adjust-ments for it and don’t letit become commonplacefor you. Instead, do some-thing about it. Let GentleDental Care help you findyour smile again. Theycan do for you what theyhave done for me.”

GentleContinued from Page 4

The physicians with the Centers for Foot &Ankle Care provide compassionate and

state-of-the-art healthcare for patients with:

• Heel and Arch Pain• Ingrown and Fungal Nails• Diabetic Foot Care• Running and SportsInjuries

• Fractures and Sprains

• Bunions / Hammertoes• Corns, Calluses, Warts• Neuromas• Foot and Ankle Surgery• Second Opinions andConsultations

Call today to schedule an appointment:Anderson, Batavia & Milford

Dr. Dipika PatelDr. Steve Mirkos513-831-7503

Delhi & LawrenceburgDr. Carl Goodin

513-251-4753 – Delhi812-537-4848 – Lawrenceburg

Evendale & CliftonDr. Aaron Fritzhand513-563-7755

Hamilton & MasonDr. Nickolas MinnieDr. Celeste FellnerDr. Michael Kiehl513-844-8585

Harrison & BrentwoodDr. Michael Brock

513-367-0775 – Harrison513-521-2300 – Brentwood

Springdale - New Location!Dr. David Zink

Dr. Theresa MelodyDr. Michael Kiehl513-851-7700

White Oak & Western HillsDr. Richard Lowstutter

Dr. Shawn Walls513-385-7733 – White Oak513-471-0658 – Western Hills

Western Hills & HarrisonDr. Michael CookeDr. Chad Miller513-662-3900


Page 9: CreativeLivingKY201203 C R E A T I V E L I V I N GKentucky March 22, 2012


When you go to asalon to get a haircut oranother service, youexpect to get good ser-vice and a quality job.At Cut-N-Loose Salon &Spa in Florence, you’llget that and an enjoy-able experience.

“We’re a fun crowd,”said owner CandyVaughan, herself a mas-ter stylist. “We offerprofessional services ata reasonable price in afun atmosphere, and ourstylists can do things noone else can do.” Theirsix stylists, nail tech-nician and massagetherapist offer all thestandard services, in-cluding hair cutting andstyling, coloring andwaxing, plus customwig-making and stylingof sewn-in hair exten-sions. “This service isvery popular with can-cer patients and is

unique to this area,” saidVaughan.

The salon and spa cantreat you from head totoe, from haircuts topedicures and every-thing in between, andthey’re getting ready tooffer massage therapyfor a total spa experi-ence. And for a limitedtime, all first-time cli-ents will get half off ahaircut. Cut-N-Loose isopen for walk-ins 10 8 p.m. Tuesday andThursday, 10 a.m. to 6p.m. Wednesday andFriday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.Saturday, and othertimes by appointment.They’re located at 8001Connector Drive in themilitary recruiting cen-ter across from Flor-ence Mall. Call 859-282-7597 to make an appoint-ment or check them outat

Cut loose atlocal salon

“Now’s the time toschedule your pool open-ing so you can get in yourpool when you want toand not when our sched-ule allows,” said SamIonna, owner of S.I. PoolCare. If you’re in themarket for a new pool, S.I.Pool Care features fi-berglass pools by BlueHawaiian. They’re avail-able in various colors andare stronger and moreflexible than either vinylliners or gunite pools andcome with a 35-year war-ranty.

According to Ionna, theadvantages of fiberglassover vinyl liner and gu-nite pools are clear:“Compared to vinyl, thereare no liners to replace,no tears or holes in liners,no fading, no floating ofliners with ground waterand liners have a 12- to15-year warranty, withonly the first two or threeyears covered at full

warranty.“And the only advan-

tage a gunite pool hasover fiberglass is that youcan make the pool larger.Cost, strength, flexibilityand warranty are all onthe side of a fiberglasspool,” Ionna said.

Renovation servicesinclude installing a newliner, pump or filter oradding a heater or saltgenerator. You can alsoresurface your gunitepool with fiberglass and

get a 25-year warranty,opposed to the one-yearwarranty you’d get if youmake plaster repairs, atabout the same cost. Fi-nally, think about replac-ing, refurbishing or ex-panding that concretepool deck. S.I. Pool Care isopen Monday throughFriday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.and Saturday 10 a.m. to 5p.m. Closed on Sunday.Call 859-331-4110 or 513-394-6260. Or

Days are getting longer.Thinking about the pool?


3145 Dixie Highway, Erlanger, KY 41018






Schedule byMay 1, 2012

and Receive a FREEDolphin Supreme M3Robotic Cleaner!Value $1000 *See store for details.


Kairi Jabbar…New York trained stylist living inHebron, Kentucky. She custom designscomfortable, fitted, 100% human hairwigs and hair extensions at half theprice you would expect to pay.

KimHorn…A master stylist that specializes in color,highlighting, and special occasionupdo’s. She is coming from GenesisSalon and Spa in Walton, Kentucky.

8001 Connector Drive, Florence, KY 41042 | 859-282-7597


Page 10: CreativeLivingKY201203

10 C R E A T I V E L I V I N G March 22, 2012 Kentucky


Life is fast-paced.People bustle throughthe streets with a cell-phone in one hand anda latte in the other.Grocery stores haveself-scanners instead ofcashiers to help speedup the process of buy-ing a gallon of milk.Cars and trucks raceup and down thestreets.

With all the chaos inour lives, it is no sur-prise that accidentsoccasionally happen.

In the event you orsomeone you love is inan accident, it is impor-tant that you be pre-pared. Should you findyourself involved in anaccident, here is someadvice on steps to take:

1. Make sure you aresafe.

2. Get medical assis-tance, if needed. Don’t

put off being checkedby a medical doctor.

3. Make a police re-port.

4. Catalog the eventsof the accident as bestas you can. Make adiary.

5. Photograph thescene of the accident,any injuries sustained,or any property dam-age incurred as a result

of the accident.6. Contact your in-

surance company.7. Make sure you

keep copies of all med-ical bills, pharmaceu-tical receipts, or addi-tional expenses associ-ated with the accident,as they may be neededat a later date, or forinsurance purposes.

No matter the typeof accident, make sureyou take the necessarysteps to protect your-self and those you love.The legal professionalsat The Jaeger Firm,PLLC, are here to helpguide you through theprocess. For more in-formation, give them acall at 859-342-4500.

Know your legal rights inpersonal injury cases

Accidents happen, be prepared. Steven R. Jaeger, left, andSteven D. Jaeger, of The Jaeger Firm, PLLC, can guide youthrough the process. PHOTO BY TONYA BORGATTI

If you are looking fora unique and money-saving way to shop, youneed only go as far asFlorence to have anexperience like no other.

“I can’t say for sure,but my store might bethe only one of its kindin the area,” said MaryaHaynes, who, along withher mother, Pat Welsh,owns Burlington PikeThrift Store. It mightalso be the newest – itopened its doors on Jan.

3 of this year. Accordingto Haynes, the idea is assimple as it is different:she buys items frompeople and then resellsthem. “It’s not consign-ment and it’s not anauction,” said Haynes.“It’s a brand-new con-cept.” Effective April 1,the store will doublesquare footage to 3,000,offering customers evenmore merchandise.

“We offer a little bitof everything,” saidHaynes. In addition tothe store’s expansion,Haynes is branching outinto new services, in-cluding in-home pickup.“Give me a call and I’llcome out and appraiseyour items right in yourbasement or garage.”She hopes to launch awebsite soon.

Burlington PikeThrift Store is at 1624Burlington Pike, acrossfrom Oakbrook. Open 10a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondaythrough Saturday andnoon to 5 p.m. Sunday.Call 859-534-0775.

Try new shoppingexperience in NKY

reason to quit.» Use tools. Websites

such as will helpyou stay on track forcalorie intake. A work-out journal is anotheruseful tool. People bene-fit from a more formalmedical program as away to jump-start theirsuccess.

This month’s Creative LivingTip of the Month contributoris Dr. Greg Weckenbrock,medical director of FigureWeight Loss, the leadingweight management pro-gram in the Ohio Valleysince 1999.

» Stay active, wheth-er it’s going to the gym,walking up the stairs towork or even exercisingat your desk.

» Drink water. Didyou know that watermakes up 60 percent ofyour body weight? Wa-ter benefits your bodyby carrying nutrients tocells and flushing toxinsout of vital organs. Youshould drink at least 64ounces of water (eight8-oz glasses) a day.

» Avoid procrastina-tion. Be realistic whensetting goals; if we fallshort of our goals itsometimes gives us a

Ways to keep the weight off

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Page 11: CreativeLivingKY201203

HOME & GARDEN C R E A T I V E L I V I N GKentucky March 22, 2012

ADVERTISER DIRECTORYBath Magic ....................................................15Concrete Concepts of the Tri-State.........14Florence Nursery..........................................12Rightway Nursery ........................................15Rooftime........................................................12Wild Birds Unlimited...................................13


When it comes to home im-provement, most of us have twoto-do lists: the things we need todo, such as paint the shutters andclean out gutters, and the list ofthose we want to do, such as funand easy projects that add visualinterest or practical enhance-ments to the outdoors. Since ourbudgets for both lists are usuallylimited, it makes sense to seek outprojects that are easy, affordableand that create the most impact ina short amount of time.

“Adding elements like planterboxes and raised garden beds is agreat way of creating impactwithout a huge commitment of

time,” says home improvementexpert Mark Clement, co-host of“My Fix it Up Life,” which airsnationally, on iTunes, Blog TalkRadio and at

Clement offers some easy tipsto help guide weekend projectsthat anyone can build:

Raised bed gardens. Some ofthe most abundant vegetable,herb and cut-flower gardens growexceptionally well in raised bedsbecause there is less soil compac-tion and they allow for excellentdrainage. While raised beds areextremely functional, they can

See SPRUCE UP, Page 13

Tackle easy and affordableweekend spruce-up projects



Page 12: CreativeLivingKY201203

12 C R E A T I V E L I V I N G March 22, 2012 Kentucky

H O M E & G A R D E N

Popular contractorRooftime has crewsbooked through the begin-ning of April while theirestimators have been busypreparing new quotessince the first of the year.The mild weather enabledroofers to work virtuallyall winter, and homeown-ers have taken advantageof winter pricing andwarm temperatures tobeat the spring rush.

MissMona, Rooftime’soffice manager, offersthese tips for homeownerswho are considering aspring or summer roofproject. “It’s time now tostart collecting bids,” shesaid. “Due to the manyhome shows since Janu-ary, the mild temper-atures and windy, rainyweather, good roofers arealready getting busy. By

the time a homeownerschedules meetings with acouple of roofers forquotes, decides who theywill trust their home toand gets scheduled, theReds will be back in actionand the Easter Bunny willhave visited.”

Rooftime is a greatchoice for homeownerswho seek a trusted con-tractor. Rooftime hasagain earned the presti-

gious Angie’s List ServiceAward for 2011(the com-pany’s fifth consecutiveyear). A complaint-free,“A” rating as members ofthe Better Business Bu-reau also lets homeownersknow they can be trustedto install quality work,MissMona said.

Of the 366 roofers theBetter Business Bureau

Spring has sprung at RooftimeRooftime recentlyearned Angie’s ListService Award forthe fifth consecutiveyear. Now is the timefor homeowners tostart collecting bidsfor spring or summerroof projects.PROVIDED

See ROOFTIME, Page 13

Spring is the time tospruce up your yard. Avisit to Florence Nursery& Landscaping should befirst on your list. FlorenceNursery & Landscapingfeatures a garden centerand provides completelandscape design and in-stallation, and a full-ser-vice florist to meet all yourgarden needs. They carrya complete line of earth-friendly green products,insecticides, herbicidesand fertilizers. Their pro-fessional and knowledge-able staff can recommendthe right plants for theright locations, givingsuggestions for soilamendments to get thoseplants off to a good start.

According to the nurs-

ery staff, spring is the timeto apply fertilizer andweed control to your lawnand landscape areas. Theysell the Fertilome 3 Steplawn fertilizer with easy-to-follow instructions. Thefirst step should be appliednow through April. Andright now, get10 percentoff retail when you pur-chase any Fertilome 3 StepProgram.

Florence Nursery &Landscaping is located at7501U.S. 42 in Florence,Ky. Hours are Mondaythrough Friday 8 a.m. to 6p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to 5p.m. and in April, May andJune, Sunday11a.m. to 4p.m. Call 859-371-5999 orvisit www.

Give your yard anew look in 2012


513-753-8463 859-341-8463



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See store for pricing & complete details.

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Page 13: CreativeLivingKY201203 C R E A T I V E L I V I N GKentucky March 22, 2012

H O M E & G A R D E N

By now, humming-birds have begun theirannual migration northand will be due to arrivein the Tristate by the endof April. If you want to beready to welcome thesetiny, colorful bundles ofenergy to your yard, youneed to stop by WildBirds Unlimited today.

“We specialize in feed-ing all kinds of birds forthe backyard hobbyist,”said owner Dan Swei-gard. “We sell over 100different types of feed-ers, birdhouses, hum-mingbird feeders, bird-baths and mounting sys-tems for houses and feed-ers so you can mountthem on your porch ordeck for maximum enjoy-ment.”

Wild Birds Unlimitedalso carries 16 to 18 dif-ferent kinds of birdseedvarieties, all regionally

formulated to attract areabirds. “They’re 100 per-cent edible,” explainedDan “with no fillers.”

Many area bird enthu-siasts report that squir-rels often eat all the birdseed before the birds caneven get to it. Sweigardhas that problem solved.“We have a specialtyselection of squirrel-proof feeders, but if youwant to feed the squir-

rels, we have squirrelfeeders, too.”

Rounding out theirselection of merchandiseare books on bird watch-ing and bird identifica-tion, wind chimes andgarden flags and evennature-related gifts suchas jewelry. “Our goal is tobring people and naturetogether,” said Sweigard.“We do that with the bestfeeders and education forpeople to enjoy the hob-by.”

Wild Birds Unlimitedis located at 4987 HoustonRoad in the TurfwayCommons Shopping Cen-ter next to Babies R Us.They’re open Mondaythrough Friday from 10a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sat-urday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call859-283-2473 for moreinformation or visit themon the web at

The bird is the word atWild Birds Unlimited

Store owner Dan SweigardPHOTO BY TONYA BORGATTI

also add style to youryard and garden. Theirorganized appearancelends a structural ele-ment, particularly if youconstruct them withquality materials likecedar.

Window and planterboxes. An easy and fungreen project, woodplanter boxes can bebuilt in an afternoon.Whether arranged in agroup or hung as win-dow boxes, they instant-ly add a warm textureand welcoming touch toyour front porch orbackyard deck whenfilled with foliage.“Even if you’ve neverbuilt a box, you cancreate a classic look byadding a bit of thin trimto the top and bottom of

the box,” Clement says.“You can also buy wood-en brackets to supportthe window box for amore traditional look.”

Simple structures.For those looking totackle a bigger project,invite friends over andmake it a do-it-yourselfproject party. Fromsmall decks to barbequeplatforms, or front doorarbors to backyard gaze-bos, gather friends tohelp assemble projectsthat create new spacesand places to entertainor dress up your out-doors. Power washingyour deck, play equip-ment and even yourfurniture is also an easy,low-commitment, low-cost way to spruce upyour outdoor environ-ment. You can buy orrent a power-washer andaccomplish the job in aday.

– ARAContent

Spruce upContinued from Page 11

tracks, Rooftime is one ofonly three that are OwensCorning-certified as “Topof the House” insulation/ventilation/roofing ex-perts, said MissMona. Sogreat is Rooftime’s beliefin O.C. products and VE-LUX skylights, that if ahomeowner wanted to hireRooftime as the installerbut requested a differentproduct brand, we wouldregretfully decline to dothe work.

“Yes, we’re differentthan everybody else in thatwe exclusively recom-mend and install only theOwens Corning line ofproducts,” says companyowner Dale Shoemaker.After researching all avail-able products nothing elsecame close in quality, war-

ranties, selection and pric-ing. Homeowners knowand trust the Owens Cor-ning brand. MissMonasaid, “We want to installbeautiful-looking, top-quality jobs that last andthat we can be proud of.”

Rooftime crews keep upto date on the newest prod-ucts, technology and codes,through company-paidseminars and annual Ow-ens Corning certifications.Rooftime estimators do notwork on commission,which ensures that thecustomer always receivesan honest estimate that isnot influenced by what asalesman might earn.

Most roofing companiescan only be reached 9 to 5on weekdays. Rooftimeunderstands that a stormcan happen anytime. “Ifyou need us we’re here,”said Shoemaker. “We knowif someone is calling itmeans they need help, so

we forward our office linesto a cellphone after hours,to be available.”

Rooftime provides freewritten estimates and willexplain what they can do tofix a home’s issues. Ser-vices include new roofs,metal roofing, roof repairs,attic insulation, seamlessgutters and VELUX sky-lights. They also are boxgutter experts and loveworking on older homes.

Rooftime uses digitalcameras, iPad video, satel-lite measurements andthermal camera scans topinpoint problems. The useof technology allows home-owners to see issues forthemselves and provides“to-the-inch measure-ments for to-the-pennypricing.”

Visit them on the web Orcall MissMona at 513-753-8463 now to schedule afree home inspection.

RooftimeContinued from Page 12


4987 Houston Road, Florence, KY 41042Next to Babies ’R Us (283) BIRD (2473)(283) BIRD (2473)


❂ Bird Food

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❂ Feeders

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On ANY BirdFeeder.

With coupon only. Not valid with otheroffers or SALE items. Excludes bird food,optics, gift cards, and DSC Membership.One coupon per visit. Expires 5/15/12.


Page 14: CreativeLivingKY201203

14 C R E A T I V E L I V I N G March 22, 2012 Kentucky

H O M E & G A R D E N

In today’s economy,many homeowners areremodeling their existinghomes instead of buildingnew ones. One of theeasiest and most effectiveways to give your house anew look is with a con-crete overlay systeminstalled by ConcreteConcepts of the Tri-State.

According to ownerFrank Davidson: “We cando any color or designyou want. If you wantyour concrete patio tolook like brick or stone,we can make it look likebrick or stone.” A con-crete overlay system isless expensive than a newpatio laid with brick orstone pavers, and with theproper care, it can lastlonger, too.

Concrete Conceptsalso offers:

» Excavation/grading» Concrete garage-

floor overlays, patios,driveways and pool decks

» Stamped and plainconcrete installation

A homeowner’s num-

ber-one complaint abouttheir concrete patio isthat it looks drab.

“Even if they paint, itcan still look faded,” saidDavidson. “We’ll pres-sure-wash it, apply thefinish and color you want,then seal it to keep itlooking newer longer.”Because concrete is po-rous, it lets in impuritieslike oil and dirt that candull the finish, but Con-crete Concepts’ sealingprocess keeps these sub-stances on the surface sothey’re easier to remove.

Concrete Concepts ofthe Tri-State is a 2010Angie’s List Super Ser-vice Award winner, andall technicians are bondedand insured. Call themtoday at 859-816-2679 fora free consultation. Don’tforget to ask about their10-year warranty.

Visit them at and checkthem out on Facebook

Rehab, redesignand renew withConcrete Conceptsof the Tri-State

life” by getting ground-ed with the earth.

» Eco-scaping. Fromrocks in the garden torocks in the living room,nature’s influence canbe found both indoorsand out.

“Herbs are popular ascooking shows andhealthy eating habitsgrow,” says BriscoeWhite, head herb farmerat The Growers Ex-change. “It’s easy to potup herbs indoors and outfor fresh ingredientsyear round.” He recom-mends planting contain-ers of herbs de Provencefor beauty and cookingor edging a landscapeborder with lavender.

» In living color.Neon colors, pop art andcolor blocking are influ-encing fashion on therunways and fashion inthe garden. From Tan-gerine Tango, the newPantone color of theyear, to deep purplesand soothing greens,

colors are all over thelandscape. Rich, gemcolors create your ownpersonal piece of para-dise. Tropic Escape Hi-biscus from CostaFarms produces hugeflowers that last twice aslong as regular hibiscusand are perfect for deco-rating patios and land-scapes.

» Techno-gardening.New motion-activatedsprinkler repellentsfrom Havahart providecaring control solutionsthat safely rid animalsfrom your yard.

» Seedlings. Fromthe White House to theneighborhood schools,kids are learning how togrow their own food andtake care of the planet.McCoy says we’ve ig-nored two generations ofgardeners and need toget kids back to havingfun growing things. Shesays the popularity offairy gardens is ideal forkids and the young atheart to share the whim-sical world of plants andappreciate the joy ofgardening.

– ARAContent

LifestyleContinued from Page 2

Edible landscapes create a mixture of beauty and functionlike this rosemary wall from The Growers Exchange.ARACONTENT PHOTO



Our Missionat Concrete Concepts of the Tri-Stateis to do everything we can to enhancethe beauty of your home.

When it can beRehabbed, Redesigned

and Renewed!

Why rip outyour existing concrete...

859-816-2679411 Highland AvenueFt. Thomas, KY 41075

Frank Davidson, owner of Concrete Concepts of theTri-State, reviews plans for a backyard patio project withcustomer Judy Connett. PHOTO BY TONYA BORGATTI

Page 15: CreativeLivingKY201203 C R E A T I V E L I V I N GKentucky March 22, 2012

H O M E & G A R D E N

It’s spring and time toadd value and curb appealto your home with land-scaping and garden sup-plies from Rightway Gar-den Center in Burlington,Ky.

“We are a full-scalenursery and garden centerand we offer landscapingdesign,” said LandscapeDesigner Tori Buechter.

For the do-it-yoursel-fers, Rightway offers alarge variety of chemicalsand fertilizers, mulch andsoil conditioners, andgrass seed. In addition,they carry a full line ofannuals, perennials,shrubs and evergreens,and flowering trees likecherry and dogwood,along with fruit trees suchas apple and pear. Theyalso offer vegetable seeds

and starters, includingmany heirloom vegetablestarters. And be sure topick up pansies to add alate winter/early springshot of color to your yard.

Plus, they offer customplanters, hanging baskets,wind chimes, gardenflags, tools and suppliesand a new line of glazedpottery fountains. “Thepump is included – justplug them in and enjoy thesoothing sounds of run-ning water,” said Buech-ter.

If your needs run to-ward a whole new look foryour yard, Rightway alsooffers landscaping designand installation, includingretaining walls, patios andwalkways.

“We do our own designswith a computerized sys-

tem that uses digital pho-tos to let you actually seewhat the finished designwill look like, instead of ablueprint,” explainedBuechter.

Call Chris at 859-586-6422 for your free esti-

mate today. Stop by theirstore at 5529 Highway 237.They’re open 9 a.m. to 5p.m. Monday throughSaturday. Or like them onFacebook at

Landscaping done the right wayadds to home’s curb appeal, value

If you’re looking for afun makeover project,the easiest room to redec-orate may be your bath-room.

The bathroom is thefirst place you look atyourself every day, whichis why Erika Woelfel,director of color at BehrPaints, favors pink forbathrooms. “Peach, apri-cot and salmon pinksprovide a warm, rosybackground glow.They’re great to use indressing or vanity areas,as they enhance skintones for daily groom-ing,” said Woelfel.

Here are a few colorschemes and themes:

Keep It Classic: Con-sider a light minty green,an ethereal white and adowny white, then accentwith soft pops of color.Choose an eclectic col-lection of light fixturesand hardware.

Make a Bold State-ment: Go for all-outglamour with walls inaubergine, eggplant andlilac. Add black trim andonyx tiles to the floor.Brighten with white tow-els and linens.

Get a Handle on It: Avariety of decorativedrawer pulls and handlescan be incorporated into adecorating scheme. Anddon’t be afraid to paintbuilt-ins.

– North American PrecisSyndicate

Brighten yourbathroom in aweekend

Consider using peach,apricot and salmon pinks togive your bathroom awarm, rosy glow. NAPS PHOTO

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Page 16: CreativeLivingKY201203

16 C R E A T I V E L I V I N G March 22, 2012 Kentucky

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