creativity and computers prototype pdf


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Post on 12-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Page 1: Creativity And Computers Prototype Pdf


Page 2: Creativity And Computers Prototype Pdf

What is my marital status?

What about my religion?

Where am I from?

Who am I?What are my interests?

What music do I listen to?

Judge Me...

What are my skills/talents?

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“loookin’ like a good Christian girl”

“Is that a St. Christopher? Catholic/Christian??”

“you seem to be from somewhere warm, and slightly urban”

“from the second to last picture, I’m going to guess you have a boyfriend”

“In a relationship with the guy in photo #4!”

“you’re pretty tan! I would guess you’re from California or Florida”

“you enjoy cooking, traveling, learning, gardening, animals...”

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“looks like you got maad skills girl... cooking and gardening”

“You definitely seem like a student, so writing? also, cooking!”

“you seem pretty eclectic! World music??”

“you listen to rock/pop, and possibly some world music”

“Interests: gardening, animals, and cooking”

“you seem very driven”

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any of this true?!?!?!??!?!?!?

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Page 13: Creativity And Computers Prototype Pdf

What is my marital status?

What about my religion?

Where am I from?

Who am I?What are my interests?

What music do I listen to?

Judge Me...

What are my skills/talents?

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“based on that pic with the face masks, I’d guess you were pretty into liberal/environmental movements, so if you are religious I would guess you don’t associate

that with any particular denomination”

“you have a bf because you’re a purrty girl”

“You’re from somewhere suburban, smaller. Because of all the friends and activities it looks like you usually stay in to have fun and make up things to do, so maybe your town

isn’t that exciting to you”

“single, just because you always seem surrounded by friends....”

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“you like chillin with your friends, arts and crafts, reading, and being outside”

“Vermont/Maine.... somewhere cold... seems like you like snow?”

“rock/metal/dance music”

“General Interests: hanging out with friends, keeping yourself busy with activities, the

environment”“you like alternative, pop, and maybe some club

music like techno?”

“Skills: sculpting, drawing, or painting”“creative projects (arts and crafts stuff), music (just based

on the pictures you kind of look like someone who’s musical, don’t ask me why!)”

“you seem laid back and easy going, you definitely a blazer”

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What is my marital status?

What about my religion?

Where am I from?

Who am I?What are my interests?

What music do I listen to?

Judge Me...

What are my skills/talents?

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“non-practiced, but whatever her parents are”

“spiritual but not ‘religious’”

“You seem like you’re from Boston”

“She deff got a man”

“I would say you’re single (lots of friends, all girls)”

“you’re from somewhere suburban, but not a small town. Jersey?”

“you love hanging out with your friends, listening to music, dancing, partying, exploring, thinking...”

“Interests: Party! (half of the pictures look like she’s at a party) nature, hanging out”

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“rock/indie/dance. lives bands”

“You listen to rap, techno (glow sticks!), pop dance music (Rihanna, Lady GaGa, ect.)”

“you know how to have a good time”

“You seem pretty artistic... maybe you’re good a photography?”

“You’re skilled with glow sticks!”

“You seem fun, laid back, and adventurous!”

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LILA!Is this who you
