credit building - neighborhood partnerships' re:conference 2014


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Page 1: Credit Building - Neighborhood Partnerships' RE:Conference 2014
Page 2: Credit Building - Neighborhood Partnerships' RE:Conference 2014

What we will cover today

Program overview of the Ways to Work Program

Our credit building “recipe”

3 program participant profiles

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Program Overview

• National Program Model

• 35 locations throughout the US

• All programs housed at local non profit organizations

• National loan pool

• Vehicle loans only

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Program Eligibility

Resident of Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas (and some others) in Oregon or SW Washington

18+ years old

Valid drivers license

Involved parent(s) of dependent child(ren)

Challenged credit (score of 640 and below)

Ability to repay the loan

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Program Eligibility (continued)

Employed at least three months, and working at least 20 hours/week.

Yearly household income less than 80% of the area median family income (see below)

Household size Income limit

2 person $44,400

3 person $49,500

4 person $55,500

5 person $59,950

6 person $64,400

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Types of Auto Loans

•Purchase loan at 8% interest–$5,000-$6,000 with 24-30 month term

–$6001-$8,000 with 30-36 month term

•Repair loan at 8% interest–$500-$1,500 with 12 month term

•Refinance loan at 8% interest–$5,000-$6,000 with 24-30 month term

–$6001-$8,000 with 30-36 month term

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Ways to Work Loan vs. Regular Car loan

Ways to Work Loan: Market Rate Loan:


Interest Rate

Term Total of all payments

Total interest paid

$5000 8% 30 $5545 $605

$6500 8% 36 $7331 $891

Loan Amount

Interest Rate

Term Total of all payments

Total interest paid

$5000 20% 30 $6394 $1,394

$6500 25% 36 $9,303 $2,803

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Having a car means….

At work

At home

For your family.

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•Financial goal setting•Budget education•Credit review and education•Credit report planning•Client relationship building

Ongoing credit building and repair

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Three Real Ways to Work Participants

•Participant one: •Loan entry588 6 months534 End of loan700

•Participant two: •Loan entry462 6 months526

•Participant three: •Loan entry n/a 6 months634

•Participant four:•Loan entry560 6 months588 End of loan523

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© 2013 Credit Builders Alliance, Inc. Some rights reserved. CREDIT BUILDERS ALLIANCE and the accompanying Logo are trademarks of Credit Builders Alliance, Inc.

This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License (US/v.3.0).

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Credit Builders Alliance ("CBA"), a not-for-profit organization, makes this information available for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as legal, financial, or other advice, and you and your clients should consult qualified advisors before making any decisions. CBA does not represent that any of the information will produce results.

Credit as an Asset

Neighborhood Partnerships, October 30, 2014

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What you will learn

• How to describe how credit as an asset and the specific ways that improved credit can impact an individual’s financial stability.

• A basic understanding of credit building and how it differs from credit/debt counseling, and credit repair.

• How CBA enables nonprofits provide credit building opportunities to their clients in order to achieve those goals

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Credo: (kreed’ o) v. trust

Credit: (kred’ it) n. value; worth

What is Credit?

Dette: (Det) n. A sum of money that is owed or due

Debitum: n. Something owed


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“Credit is the passport to the new economy”

--Andrea Levere, CFED

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Why Credit Building?

Having no credit or poor credit usually brings individuals to the same place: application denial.

Underserved populations, such as low-income households, households of color, immigrants, and younger consumers, are more likely to have no or low credit histories. Often times this is because they are not connected to the financial mainstream with a savings or checking account, which makes it much tougher to get a traditional credit card or bank loan.

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Credit is a deficit

Credit is an ASSET!

Shifting the Paradigm

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Paid in Full each month =

30 day 0% loan

400%+ APR =

cycle of debt

Without access to affordable credit it is difficult if not impossible to achieve or maintain financial stability or security

Why Credit Building?PRODUCTS MATTER

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Where we live

How we store & manage our money

How we get around

What and how much we pay for credit

The cost of household/ personal needs & wants


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$10,000 auto loan5 year term

Score Interest

RateMonthly Payment

500 17% $249.00

620 11% $217.00

720 3% $182.00

Potential Savings each month = $67

over 5 years = $4,020



$100,000 mortgage30 year fixed

Score Interest

RateMonthly Payment

<620 N/A N/A

620 5.6% $1,153

760 4% $960

Potential Savings each month = $192

over 30 years = $69,280

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620+ 650+

Lenders generally require a personal credit history

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What is Credit Building?

CREDIT BUILDING is fundamentally different from Credit Repair and Credit Counseling:

CREDIT REPAIR: Reducing current debt loads and paying off historical accounts in collections.

CREDIT COUNSELING: Addressing urgent current credit challenges.

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What is Credit Building?

CREDIT BUILDING:The act of making on-time monthly payments on a financial product such as an installment loan or a credit card that is reported by the creditor to the major credit bureaus






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Credit Repair = fixing negative history

Credit Counseling = dealing with current crisis

Credit Building = creating opportunities for the future

What is Credit Building?

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How do you build credit?


ON-TIME payments

REPORTED to a credit bureau

EVERY month

BUILDS credit

What is Credit Building?

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3 ACTIVE trade lines always paid ON-TIME!

MIX of installment and revolving Installment: assess affordability of monthly


Revolving: maintain below 30% & don’t use for general consumption

6 months of history and activity

PAIR with credit education & support

What is Credit Building?Best Practice

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The Catch?


Individuals, families and communities with no, thin or

poor traditional credit histories have few opportunities to build

good credit

Opening and successfully managing financial products is

key to building and maintaininga good credit history

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Credit Builders Alliance400 Members and Growing

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CBA’s Credit Builder Platform

CBA Business Reporter

CBA AccessCBA Rent Reporter

CBA Reporter

Reported to consumer and business credit bureaus every month by over 160 members

For financial counseling, underwriting & outcome

tracking in the last 12 months

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Join our CBA Credit Builder Community©

Invest in your Credit Building Capacity!The greatest source of credit building

expertise lies in the combined experience and knowledge of practitioners on the ground.

ConclusionCBA’s Advantage

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Get Started with CBA!

CBA 202-730-9390

[email protected]

Write or call to get started!