credits, pages 497-499.pdf

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  • 8/17/2019 Credits, Pages 497-499.pdf


    Top 10 Causes of Death (U.S. Population) (page 6)

    Modified from Hoyert DL, Kochanek KD, Murphy SL: Deaths: final data for

    1997. National Vital Statistics Reports 47:1-104, 1999.

    Healthy People 2010 (page 7)

    From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy People 2010

    (Conference Edition, in two volumes). Washington, DC, January 2000.

    Eat 5 A Day for Better Health (page 8)

    By permission of the Produce for Better Health Foundation.

    Dietary Guidelines for Americans (page 9)

    From the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Dietary 

    Guidelines Advisory Committee, 2000. Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary 

    Guidelines for Americans, 2000.

    The Food Guide Pyramid (pages 11 and 79)

    Modified from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of 

    Health and Human Services, The Food Guide Pyramid.

    How Many Servings Do You Need Each Day? (page 13)

    Modified from the International Food Information Council Foundation, U.S.Department of Agriculture Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, and the Food

    Marketing Institute: The Food Guide Pyramid: Beyond the Basic 4. Revised 1996.

    Pyramids (page 15)

    Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid: From Energy density: how to eat more and

    achieve a healthy weight. Mayo Clinic Women’s HealthSource, January 2001, p 2. By 

    permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

    California Pyramid: From Heber D: The Resolution Diet. Garden City Park,

    New York, Avery Publishing Group, 1999, p 80. By permission of the author.

     Asian Pyramid and Mediterranean Pyramid: From Putting the whole back in

     wholesome. Supplement to Mayo Clinic Women’s HealthSource, November 1998. By permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

    Body Mass Index Table (page 49)

    Modified from National Institutes of Health Clinical Guidelines on the

    Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults, 1998.



  • 8/17/2019 Credits, Pages 497-499.pdf


    Illustration (top) on page 50 

    From Weight control: what works and why. Medical Essay (Supplement to Mayo

    Clinic Health Letter), June 1994, p 1. By permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical

    Education and Research.

    Classification of High Blood Pressure (page 54)

    From National Institutes of Health. The Sixth Report of the Joint National

    Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood

    Pressure, 1997.

    Illustration on page 55 

    From Sheps SG: Mayo Clinic on High Blood Pressure. Rochester, Minnesota,

    Mayo Clinic, 1999, p 11. By permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Educationand Research.

    The Combination Diet From the DASH Study (page 56)

    Modified from National Institutes of Health. The DASH Diet (Publication No.

    98-4082), 1998.

    Illustration on page 62 

    From Larson DE: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book. New York, William Morrow 

    and Company, 1996, p B-3. By permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical

    Education and Research.

     Mini-Glossary of Lipid-Related Terms (page 63)

    Modified from McGoon MD: Mayo Clinic Heart Book. New York, William

    Morrow and Company, 1993, pp 347-355. By permission of Mayo Foundation for

    Medical Education and Research.

    Your Blood Lipid Test Results—What Do Those Numbers Mean? (page 65)

    From Cholesterol: put knowledge behind your numbers to lower your confusion

    level. Medical Essay (Supplement to Mayo Clinic Health Letter), June 1993, p 4. By 

    permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

    How You Grow Shorter (page 68)From Osteoporosis: it’s never too late to protect your bones. Medical Essay 

    (Supplement to Mayo Clinic Health Letter), October 1997, p 2. By permission of 

    Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

    Osteoporosis in Men (page 70)

    From Osteoporosis: it’s never too late to protect your bones. Medical Essay 

    (Supplement to Mayo Clinic Health Letter), October 1997, p 3. By permission of 

    Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

    498 Credits 

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    Credits 49

    How Much Vitamin D Is Enough? (page 71)

    Data from Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference

    Intakes: Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and

    Fluoride. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1997, pp 250-287.

    Tips for Selecting and Taking a Calcium Supplement (page 72)

    From Osteoporosis: it’s never too late to protect your bones. Medical Essay 

    (Supplement to Mayo Clinic Health Letter), October 1997, p 7. By permission of Mayo

    Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

    Logo on page 91

    From US Food and Drug Administration: Irradiation: A Safe Measure for Safer Food.

    May-June 1998 FDA Consumer (revised June 1998).

    Health Claims (page 93)

    Modified from US Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied

    Nutrition: A food labeling guide, September 1994 (editorial revisions June 1999).

    Sources of Bacteria (page 148)

    Data from USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service: Four simple steps to food safety,

    September 1999.

    Cooking It Safe (page 149)

    Modified from USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service: Cook it safely! It’s a matter

    of degrees, September 1999.

    Portions of the text of Grains (pages 269-289) and Beverages (pages 377-387) are from the 

     following articles on (retrieved May 1, 2001):

    Celiac disease: when food becomes the enemy 

    Palm oil in breakfast cereals

     What is hominy?

    Facts on flaxseed

    The wonder of water: a drink to your health

     Water, water everywhere