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Visual Design: Mélanie MARLIER
Person in charge of plastic production : Benoit LOPEZ , Benjamin MAILLET
Visual Design of Game Cards and Boards: Mélanie MARLIER, Remy BOSTAL
Rules Creation: Mohamed AIT-MEHDI, Frederic MAENDLY
First édition rule creation (Ravage 2011) : Mohamed AIT-MEHDI, Fabrice TRAN, Thibault SARELS,
Rules Writing and Revision: Mohamed AIT-MEHDI, Frédéric ‘Berf’ MAENDLY, Johan FRAICHARD, Nicolas OUDIN
English translation: Eric HARLAUX , Olivia DELAME , Nicolas OUDIN
Character Design: Loïc ‘Greencat ‘ MUZY, Mohamed AIT-MEHDI, Stephane LOUIS , Didier POLI
Artwork: Loïc ‘greencat’ MUZY, Stéphane LOUIS, Mohamed AIT-MEHDI, Remy BOSTAL
Background: Cedric ‘Kroryn’ GALLEY
Background Revision: Adrien ‘La Fureur’ FABIANI, Frédéric ‘Berf’ MAENDLY, Pierre ‘Jugger’ JOANNE
Miniature Sculpture: Gaël GOUMON, Benoit CAUCHIES, Mohamed AIT-MEHDI
Miniature Painting: Mohamed AIT-MEHDI, Alexandre ROSINI
INTRODUCTION : A NEW EDEN You hold between your hands the fruits of the work of many game enthusiasts. This version of Escape will help you dive into an epic battle that you may fight on your own, against your friends or with them!
This game will make you enter the deepest corridors and face the most dangerous missions : your Resistant team will have to foil the plans of the International Scientific Council’s henchmen to restore Mankind’s former glory.
I urge you to be part of the adventure through the game mode that will suit you best.
As usual, I would like to send a series of thanks to all the people without whom this game could not have come to life. Thanks to Frederic Maendly for his participation in the new version of the rules. Fabrice TRAN, who always believed in me and who accepted to spend time in this adventure Thibault, for his wise advises and his vision about the game. Cedric «Kroryn» GALLEY, who gave words to the twisted universe that was mine until he mastered it to perfection To the whole AIT-MEHDI family for its support.
I could not end this without thanking Benoït LOPEZ and his family for their efforts. Without them, the Eden universe would still be in my portfolios To Pierre «Jugger» Joanne, who brought his rigour. A grand thank to Loic «Greencat» Muzy, Stephane Louis, Remy Bostal and Didier Poli who brought their talent as designers.
A big thank to the kickstarter community who supported us during the campain and without whom this whole adventure would not have come to life. I have to thank particularly Johan Fraichard, Gregoire Boisbelaud, Nicolas «Mjof» Oudin, Vincent «Le Teigneux» Carasse for their help and support at the most delicate moments. At last, a big thanks to the EDEN players community, carried by Gauthier «Bourrin» RENARD whoes enthusiasm is our first salary.
CHARACTERS DEPLOYMENT ......................... 11 a) Turn Initiative test ................................................11 b) Resolution of the random events .................11 c) Character Activation ...........................................12
Active character .................................................... 12 Movement action ................................................. 12 Combat action ....................................................... 12 Intellect Action ...................................................... 12 Passive character and Defense actions ......... 13
d) End of Turn .............................................................13 e) Game result ............................................................13
SPECIFIC RULES FOR EACH FACTION ...... 14 I.S.C .................................................................................14 Resistance ....................................................................14
LIST OF EQUIPMENTS ........................................ 14
SET UP OF THE MATERIAL ............................... 15 Set up of the “Crate” and “Objective” tokens ..15 Set up of the “Equipment” tokens .......................16 Establishment of the AI ..........................................16 Deployment of the characters ............................16
SEQUENCE OF A GAME TURN ....................... 16 a) Drawing Repression cards ................................16 b) Resolution of the random events .................17 c) Activation of the Resistance characters ......17
Active character .................................................... 17 Passive character ................................................... 17
d) Activation of the I.S.C. Tokens and characters............................................................17
Characters ............................................................... 17 Tokens ...................................................................... 18
e) Close the doors which are not hacked ........18 f) End of the turn .......................................................18 g) Result of the game .............................................18
SPECIFIC RULES FOR EACH FACTION ...... 19 I.S.C .................................................................................19 Resistance ....................................................................19
RANDOM EVENTS TABS ............................................ 23
Content of the box :
• Miniatures of the Resistance and the ISC set : Alice, Duncan, Ashton, Jimmy, Freedom,
Black Ubume, Green Mamushi, Blue Rikishi • 8 Profile characters game cards
• Miniatures of the Bots set : 6 Flybots, 6 Scarabots and 6 Wormbots • 4 Gameboards
• 1 Rules book • 1 Universe book • 5 Dices • 1 Whiteboard marker • 21 Repression cards • Gaming counters : • 8 Equipments
• 4 Broken walls • 4 Consoles • 4 Hymns to the Revolution • 4 Crates • 29 Open doors • 29 Fires • 22 Hacked • 3 Cryo-tubes • 5 Airlocks • 48 AI
You hold between your hands a copy of ESCAPE, the boardgame. The aim of the game is to play out the events which happened after
the uprising of some inhabitants of L.A.B. 03.
Each player leads a group of warriors, either those from the I.S.C, or those from the Resistance. Each will have to attempt to defeat their opponent, and to do so, you’ll have to complete your goals before your opponent does. Good luck! To do this, the players activate in turn the members of their squads, who can perform various actions such as: move, attack an opponent, hack a secured airlock door, and so forth. Most of the time, to check if any of your warriors suc-
ceed at an action or not, you will have to roll dice. Speaking of dice, ESCAPE is played with six-sided dice, which we will call D6. When all the characters in a squad have been activated, the turn ends and a new turn begins. The game ends when the victory conditions have been met by one of the players, or when the number of turns allowed in the scenario have been played.
Each character has a unique profile: this is detailed on a card, which shows three statistics, Combat, Movement, and Intellect, to which are associated figures. A profile includes one or more skills, represented by symbols, and a Life Gauge, which indicates the character’s health. Finally his ranking is illustrated by the means of stars. The more stars a character has, the more his ranking is high.
Movement, Combat and Intellect The Movement statistic (Mvt) is used for the character’s movements.
The Combat statistic (Cbt) is used to resolve melee, shooting, and dodging actions.
The Intellect statistic (Int) is used to resolve specific actions, such as hacking a locked door.
Each statistic has a value which represents the efficiency of the character with this statistic and the number of actions it can perfom with it. The higher a value, the more efficient the character is with this statistic. To keep track of the number of actions your characters can take, check the appropriate boxes using the whiteboard marker, this way, you will always know which character can perform which actions.
Example: Ashton has a Combat value of 3, he can thus make up to three Combat actions per turn, and when he makes a Combat roll (either Simple or Opposed), he adds 3 to the result of his dice roll.
AMX-10: range (3) power (1). You can target a vacant square with this equipment. Anyone in the periphery of the targeted square is affected by this ranged attack. Each warrior who suffers at least one Damage point from this attack immediately loses 1 Cbt action (to a minimum of 0). Once per turn.
Anti-gravity field: when the character performs a Movement action, he can move to a periphery square, not only an adjacent one.
Anticipation: once per turn, this character can spend one Int action in order to modify the result on the Random events table by one point (minus or plus).
Armless: the character is unable to pick up Crate or Equipment tokens and cannot use Equipment either.
Armor (x): each time the character suffers Damage points, these are reduced by X point(s) (to a minimum of 0).
Counter-attack: when this character performs a Dodge, if the Success margin is negative, then the active character suffers 1 Damage point.
Drill (X): during his activation, this character can drill through walls. He makes a combat action targeting an adjacent wall and rolls a D6. If the result of this throw is equal or upper to the value (X) of the capacity, then the targeted wall is immediately destroyed (it is impossible to break more than one wall by turn when using this capacity), otherwise nothing takes place. If the result is 1 the drill is destroyed, and the “Drill” capacity can not be used anymore until the end of the game. Some walls are indestructible (see map legend).
Electric cudgel: when this character performs a Combat action (melee), if the opponent suffers at least one Damage point, he immediately loses 1 Cbt action (to a minimum of 0).
Elusive: when this character is the target of an Attack, he can announce a Dodge after seeing the result of the opposing Combat roll. The opponent’s roll is not rerolled, the “Elusive” character performs his Dodge and the two results are then compared as in an Opposed roll.
Feint: once per turn, this character can perform a Dodge action by spending a Mvt action instead of a Cbt action.
Flamerthrower: once per turn, this character can spend one Combat action, he places one Fire token on any peripheric square in his line of sight and a second Fire token in the periphery of the first token, but not across a wall or a door. A character occupying one of these two squares suffers 1 Damage point and loses one Move action.
Hypnosis: when this character performs a Combat action (melee), he must use the Int value of his opponent for his Cbt Simple roll (instead of his opponent Cbt value) and if his opponent announce a Dodge, he still uses his Int value for the ensuing Opposed roll, although he spends a Cbt action and not an Int action.
Infiltrate: this character doesn’t need line of sight when making a Mvt action, he can therefore move through walls and doors.
Insignificant: the Int value of this character is not taken into account when performing Initative tests (setup or turn) and the special rule Hymn to the Revolution does not apply to it.
Skills The symbols stand for one or more skills, which represent special equipment or an unusual skill.
The detailed description of each skill and the conditions of its use (during the character’s activation or not, for example), are detailed below and also in the rules’ summarry. If the rules of a skill contradict the
general rules, the rules of a skill take lead over the rules found in this rulebook.
Broken wall counter
Leadership: this character allows allied warriors on adjacent squares to him to use his Int value for anything (Int actions, defense against the Hypnosis skill, etc.).
Locking: this character can target an adjacent hacked door with a Hacking action. If the action is successful, the door is no longer hacked and closes immediately.
Mechanic (X): this character can spend Int actions in order to heal his allies. For each Int action spent, one adjacent ally recovers (X) point(s) on his Life Gauge. This skill can only be used on a character with the Robot skill or an ISC character.
Medic (X): this character can spend Mvt actions in order to heal his allies. For each Mvt action spent, one adjacent ally recovers (X) point(s) on his Life Gauge. This skill can not be used on a character with the Robot skill.
Otaku: this character can perform a Hacking action targeting a locked door in the same room to which it has a line of sight. If the action is successful, the door is unlocked and immediately opened.
Pilot: at the beginning of the game, you can designate this character and a certain number of character with the Robot skill. The designated Robot character(s) are now enslaved to this character. The sum of the Robot characters’ Ranks enslaved to a Pilot character cannot be higher than the Rank of the Pilot character himself (a Rank 2 Pilot can enslave one Rank 2 Robot or two Rank 1 Robots for example).
Possession: at the beginning of each turn, this character can select one ally present on the board. The character with the Possession skill is then considered as having the Pilot skill and the selected character is considered as having the Robot skill and is enslaved to the former until the end of the turn.
Powerful hit: the character can use this skill during an Attack action. If successful, in addition to inflicting Damage points, the player can choose to push the opponent back one square (the opponent’s maximum number of Movement actions is not affected). The square to which the opposing character is pushed is one of the three squares opposite the warrior with the Digging arm and must be vacant and accessible (not behind a wall, for example). If there are no vacant and/or accessible squares, then this skill has no effect.
Robot: during its activation, this character can (but is not required to) use the actions of the character with the Pilot skill to which he is enslaved, if that character is present on the board. The character with the Robot skill can perform all or part of its actions, removing them from the maximum number of allowed actions from its Pilot character.
Scrambler: allies on a square adjacent to this character cannot be the target of a Combat action (melee or ranged) and do not block lines of sight. A character with this skill can never be affected by it.
Seasoned veteran: this character can re-roll a Cbt or Int roll (Simple or Opposed) once per turn.
Sucker punch: when this character performs an Combat action (melee), he can traget an opponent outside of his line of sight.
Tesla rifle: range (3) power (0). A character who suffers at least one Damage point from this skill immediately loses 1 Cbt action (to a minimum of 0).
Ashton,character with powerful arm capacity Ubume, targeted character by this capacity Possible square to push away the Ubume
Medic (X)
Life gauge The life gauge, or LG, which indicates the state of the warrior’s health, is illustrated at the bot- tom of the card with a series of small white rec-
tangles. The number of spaces of the Gauge represents the number of Damage points the character can suffer before being Taken out. When a character suffers Damage points (following a melee attack, for example), check as many boxes from the LG as the number of Damage points inflicted on the character card. As soon as all the Life Gauge’s boxes of a character are checked, the character is Taken out and is removed from the game board.
Rank Each character has a Rank, which indicates his position in his faction hierarchy and his power regarding the game. The higher the rank, the better the character is. Ranks are taken into account when the players select their character at the beginning of a game, or campaign. There are four Ranks in Escape:
Rank 4: the highest rank. Rank 4 characters are warriors of exceptionnal quality. For the Resistance, it represents the squad leaders, charismatic and cunning fighters. In the ISC, it stands for the strongest Drones, a perpetual threat.
Rank 3: front line characters. Resistance warrior of this rank are often the best fighters, seasoned warrior who would give their lives for the Revolution. Rank 3 Drones are no less a threat than their higher-up, their skills allowing them to easily out-class the weaker humans.
Rank 2: commoner characters. The Resistance has a lot of Pilots and support staff in this rank. The ISC uses mainly Rank 2 Drones as scouts, searching and harrowing the Resistance and its line of supply.
Rank 1: the basic rank. The Resistance can use a lot of freshly drafted rank 1 fighter, Robots or others, weaker but often with one particular helpful skill. The ISC only sends its Rank 1 when the quantity is more important than the quality of the warrior.
Before each game, the players choose the characters they want to field for the mission. If they want to play the whole campaign, they won’t be able to change their respective team between each mission though, they must keep the same team through all the missions. A character Taken out during a game can still be played during the next mission, we consider that a Resistance warrior has been patched up and that a Drone is easily replaced by the factories.
The Resistance player chooses his Rank 4 character first, then the lower ranked characters, by complying with the following chart, each junction being exclusive:
So he can play one Rank 4 character and either: one Rank 3, two Ranks 2 and one Rank 1 (the team included in this box); two Ranks 3 and one Rank 2; one Rank 3, one Rank 2 and three Ranks 1. The I.S.C player then chooses his characters, their Ranks’ number and type depending on the chart in front of the junction chosen by the Resistance player.
There are two types of dice rolls in ESCAPE: Opposed rolls and Simple rolls. An Opposed roll is when two warriors perform actions which are opposed to one another (for example, if one warrior decides to attack another, who wants to stay on defense). For this type of roll, each player rolls a D6 and adds it to the value of the concerned statistic (which varies according to the type of action performed, either Combat or Intellect). Then, subtract the passive character’s result from that of the active character (see Activation of the characters for more details). The result of this operation will give you the Success margin (which can be negative). The rules will then let you know what happens depending on the Suc- cess margin. Most of the time, a Success margin equal to or less than 0 will cause the active character’s action to fail. Example: Ashton (Cbt 3) makes an attack against Mamushi (Cbt 2), who chooses to dodge. The Resistance player rolls his die and gets a 5, while the I.S.C. player rolls his die and gets a 4. Ashton thus gets a total of 8 and Mamushi a total of 6, which gives a Success margin of 2 (see Passive charac- ter and Defense actions, page 13 and 17). On the other hand, a Simple roll is a roll performed against a fixed number, as defined by the rules. Depending on the circumstances, the action is successful if the dice roll equals or exceeds this value. Example: Jimmy (Int 2) makes a Hacking action against a locked door with a difficulty of 7. The player rolls the die and gets a 5, for a total of 7. As the difficulty only needs to be equaled, the test is thus successful, albeit barely.
Active character: character whose activation is currently underway.
Adjacent: element (character, square, door, equipment, crate, wall) in contact with one of the four sides of the reference square (usually the one occupied by a character).
Closed: a door which requires the use of a Movement action by an active character to be opened.
Damages: when a character suffers Damage points, check as many boxes from its LG than the number of Damage points inflicted to it.
Distance: when distance is measured between points A and B, the number of squares between the two points is counted while also counting the square of point B, but not counting the one of point A.
Fire: a square containing a Fire token (most often because of a skill or an equipment) is considered occupied. All Fire tokens are discarded from the board during the End of turn step (step f ).
Hacked: locked door which has been the target of a successful Hacking action from the Resistance, can now be opened or closed normaly.
Line of sight: A character is regarded as having a LoS on another element (character, token, etc.) if a line can be traced between the center of the square of the concerned character to the center of the other one’s square. The LoS is blocked if that line crosses a wall, a closed door or another character. If a diagonal LoS goes between exactly 2 squares, then the LoS is blocked if both squares are occupied or if the diagonal LoS goes between an occupied square and a wall.
Locked: a door which can be opened by the Resistance following a successful Hacking action. The difficulty of the required Int Simple roll stands on the side of the door.
Occupied: square which contains a character.
Open: closed or locked door which has been opened.
Passive character: character who has either not yet been activated at this turn or who has already been activated during this turn.
Periphery: all eight squares surrounding the reference square.
Room: a room is a set of squares delimited by the following things: wall(s), door(s) and/or edge(s) of the board. Adjacent rooms neither separated by a wall nor a door are delimited by a dotted line between their repective squares. Two rooms with similar colored squares but delimited by the aforementionned elements are different rooms regarding these rules.
Secured airlock doors (Airlock): each map contains 5 secured airlock doors: 4 on the edges of the board and one near the center of the board (high security airlock). They represent the access to the board. Following the conditions given in the scenario, one of the factions can enter on the board or leave it by one or more airlock doors.
Taken out: character whose life gauge has reached 0. The character is immediately removed from the board when this happens.
Vacant : square in which there are no characters.
Position of the referent X (in this case Alice)
Not adjacent square
Not adjacent door
from passive character B
Active character
Passive character
Locked door Square in the line of sight Square out of the line of sight
Open door
At the beginning of the game, the players decide which fac- tion they want to play. They then choose the scenario and proceed to set up the various elements according to the scenario’s indications. The players thus place the board on the proper side, then take the number of Crate and Equip- ment tokens required by the scenario. Once the various elements have been selected, the players then make an Ini- tiative test, to determine who will go first when placing the elements on the board. If the players decide to undertake the campaign (see Cam- paign principle and Pathfinder, page 15), they will not be able to change factions before the end of the campaign. The first game then follows the conditions of scenario 1 “Infiltration”, with the following scenario being determined by the results of the first game.
Setup Initiative test Each player rolls a D6 and adds to the result the sum of all of their selected characters’ Int values. The player who gets the highest result wins the Initiative for setup. In case of a tie during setup, the Resistance player wins the Initiative.
Placement of the Crates and Objectives tokens
The player who wins the Initiative starts by placing a Crate token in the room of his choice (Crate side up), then his opponent does the same thing, and so on, in turn, until the players have placed all the Crate tokens required (with a maximum of 1 Crate per room). During its activation, a character who is on the same square as an Crate token can pick it up automatically, the player places the token on the character’s card. A character can only carry a single token, Crate or Equipment, at a time. The Crate tokens can be used as projectiles and thrown at an opponent (see Combat action p.12 and 17 and the list of Equipment for the effects of a Crate). A Crate used as a projectile is destroyed and removed from the game board, no matter what the result of the combat action may be. An active character (see Activation of the characters) can hand over a Crate token to an ally who is in his periphery and to whom he has a line of sight, at the cost of one Movement action.
On the back of the Crate tokens are the Aim tokens. These are only used in some scenarios and the rules of their use are described in them. The Aim tokens have different values: 1 or 2 points. A character can turn over an Aim token on a square in their periphery, to which they have a line of sight to learn its value. A character who is on the same square as an Aim token can pick it up automatically. A character can only carry a single Aim token at a time, nor can they carry another token, Equipment or Crate, simultaneously. During their activation, a character carrying an Aim token can hand it over to an ally in their periphery and to whom he has a line of sight , at the cost of a Mvt action.
Placement of the Equipment tokens
As for the setup of the Crates tokens, the player who wins the Initiative starts by randomly drawing an Equipment token, which he places face-down in the room of his choice, then his opponent does the same, and so on, in turn, until players have placed all the required Equipment tokens. There cannot be more than one Equipment tokens per room. During its activation, a character on a square in the peri- phery of an Equipment token and to which he has a line of sight, can automatically turn over the token in order to see which piece of equipment it is. A character who is on the same square as an Equipment token can pick it up automa- tically, the player places the token on the character’s card and can use it normally from that moment on. A character can only carry a single token, Crate or Equipment, at a time. An active character (see Activation of the characters) can hand over an Equipment token to an ally who is in his peri- phery and to whom he has a line of sight, at the cost of one Movement action. When a character carrying an Equipment token is Taken out, the Equipment token is returned to the board and left on the square occupied by the warrior at the moment of his elimination. The conditions for using an Equipment token are specified in its description. All equipment can only be used once.
Note: a given square can contain multiple Crate and/or Equip- ment tokens.
Characters deployment The deployment of warriors on the board is determined by the scenario. Two types of deployment are possible:
Mode (Position): all warriors are placed directly on the board, in a room specified by the scenario. A player can place his warriors on any vacant square in the given room. Example: in Scenario 2 «Evasion», the I.S.C. characters begin the game in the “Central room”. The I.S.C. player thus places his characters where he wants in the central room.
Mode (Entry): warriors aren’t placed directly on the board. Instead, each warrior will begin its activation on the first turn with a Movement action which will allow it to enter the board by one of the two square of one of the Secured airlock doors specified by the scenario.
Example: in Scenario 1 «Infiltration», during their activation, the Resistance characters successively enter the board by one of the two squares of Airlock 1.
Advice: Be careful how you place your warriors during deploy- ment, as your less mobile characters might hinder your more mobile ones!
Now that the setup is complete, you can begin the first turn.
A Turn is split into distinctive steps, which are resolved in the following order:
a) Turn Initiative test b) Resolution of random events c) Character activation d) End of Turn e) Game result
a) Turn Initiative test Each player rolls a D6 and adds the result to the sum of the Int values of all of their characters still present on the board at the beginning of the turn. On the first turn, however, we still consider all characters to be present on the board, even if they are not yet in play due to the (Entry) deployment Mode. The player who obtained the highest result wins the Initia- tive for the turn. In case of a tie, the player whose characters have the highest Int value when added together wins the roll. If the Int value does not allow players to split ties, roll the dice again. The player who wins the Initiative chooses who will acti- vate one of their characters first.
b) Random events The shelters sometimes hold surprises for whoever enters. To represent that, both players roll a D6 and add the results. They then check the total obtained on the following table and will apply the effects for the remainder of the current turn.
2 Supreme AI: the statistics of all I.S.C. characters become Mvt 7 Cbt 3 Int 3 for the duration of the turn.
Intervention of the Celestial Order: the I.S.C. player immediately moves one of his characters from its original position to any vacant square on the board, without taking into account its Mvt value, or any obstacles or closed or locked doors. The character can be activated normally during the turn.
4 Power-grid overload: all Resistance characters adjacent to a door get a jolt and suffer 2 Damage points.
5 Fire alarm: all the characters, present on the board or not, immediately lose one Movement action.
6 High Security Airlock: the central secured airlock can be used during this turn by the I.S.C. for Redeployment (see Faction specific rules).
7 RAS: nothing happens, but the atmosphere becomes increasingly oppressive.
8 Black-Out: the Resistance player chooses a room. No character can perform Combat actions in that room during the turn.
9 Short circuit: the Resistance player chooses a door, even a locked one. If it’s closed, it opens, if it’s open, it closes.
10 Firewall: during the turn, the Resistance characters can perform a Movement action through an occupied square. They cannot end their activation on such a square, however.
11 Interference: the Resistance player wins the Initiative for the turn, even if he’d lost the Initiative test. Moreover, he can activate a second character immediately after having activated his first character.
12 Disconnection: no I.S.C. character can use its skills for the duration of the turn.
11 ES
c) Character Activation In this step, the players activate their characters in turn, starting with the player chosen by the player who won the Initiative.
The player who must activate a character chooses one of their warriors, who then becomes the active character. All other warriors on the board are passive characters, whether they have already been activated this turn or that they have not yet been activated at this point. The player then has their active character undertake the various actions that the character has access to, whether by performing actions or by using his skills or his Equipment. The actions can be performed in any order, unless otherwise specified. It’s not mandatory to take all of your actions or use a skill or Equip- ment during an activation, however a warrior can only be activated once per turn. When the player considers that their warrior has done eve- rything he can do for that turn, he end his activation and hands over the lead on to his opponent, who can in turn choose one of his warriors as the new active character and activate him normally. Here’s the list of possible actions for an active character:
The value of a character’s Movement statistic represents the maximum number of squares that the character can move in during his activation. A Movement action thus allows a character to move from a square to an adjacent and vacant square. It’s impossible to move through a wall, a closed door or a locked door. A character on a square adjacent to a closed door can perform a Movement action to open the door. Likewise, a character can close an adjacent open door by taking a Movement action. Locked doors can only be opened by performing an Intellect action (see below). Finally, it’s possible for a character to drop an Equipment, Crate or Aim token in his possession on any square in their periphery to which they have a line of sight (so not behind a wall or a close door of course) by taking a Movement action. If the selected square is occupied by an allied cha- racter, said character automatically receives the dropped token.
Leaving the board: some scenarios require you to leave the board so as to claim victory, to do so a character must be on one of the squares of the secure airlock specified by the scenario and perform a Movement action.
The value of a character’s Combat statistic represents the maximum number of Combat actions the character can perform during the turn, whether as an active character or as a passive one. Moreover, this value is used during Com- bat rolls (either Opposed or Simple ones). During his acti- vation, a warrior can perform two types of Combat actions: melee attacks and ranged attacks. Melee attack: the warrior makes an attack against an opposing warrior who is on a square in their periphery and to which they have a line of sight. To do this, they make a Simple Combat roll, the difficulty of which is the Combat value of the targeted opponent. The result of this Simple roll is the Attack total. If the Attack total is positive, the attack is successful and the opposing warrior suffers the difference between that Total and its Cbt value in Damage points. If the Attack total is equal to or less than 0, then the attack fails and causes no Damage points.
Ranged attack: the warrior can perform a ranged attack only if they have a skill or equipment with the following statistics: Range (X) and Power (Y). The value of (X) represents the distance up to which the projectile can be used (in number of squares), the value of (Y) represents the impact strength and is added to the Combat value of the warrior for the subsequent simple Combat roll. A ranged attack action must target an opposing warrior that is (X) squares or less from the active character performing this action and to which they have a line of sight. The warrior performing this action then makes a Simple Combat roll (don’t forget to take into account the (Y) value for this roll), the difficulty of which is the Combat value of the targeted opposing warrior. The result of this Simple roll is the Attack total. If the Attack total is positive, the targeted warrior suffers the difference between that Total and its Cbt value in Damage points.. If the Attack total is equal to or less than 0, then the attack fails and causes no Damage points.
As with Combat, the value of the Intellect statistic of a character represents the maximum number of Intellect actions that they can perform during the turn, whether as the active character or while passive. Moreover, this value is used during Intellect rolls (whether Opposed ones or Simple ones). During their activation, a warrior can perform Hacking Intellect actions:
Hacking: this action does various things, depending on the scenario. For the Resistance, this is the only way to open a locked door. The conditions of use of this action (range, target, etc.) are specified by the scenario, or the Equipment, as well as
its effects (opening a locked door, for example). In all cases, a Hacking action requires a simple Intellect roll the difficulty of which varies according to the target. For a locked door, the difficulty level is indicated on the card, for a character, it’ll be his Int value. The difficulty just needs to be equaled or exceeded for a Hacking action to be successful.
A passive character is a warrior present on the game board who has already been activated during the turn or who has not yet been activated. Despite not being able to perform a Movement action, nor any of the Combat or Intellect actions listed above, he can nonetheless use his skills and equipment normally, as long as these do not require him to be the active character. Also, the character has the chance to perform Defense actions: Dodge or Counter-measure. A Dodge is a type of Combat action reserved to passive cha- racters, but which cannot be used if the warrior has already performed the maximum number of Combat actions he can make according to its Cbt value during the turn. Dodge: a passive character can try to Dodge when targeted by a melee or ranged attack. When targeted by such an action and before the resolution of the Simple Combat roll of their opponent, the player controlling the targeted passive character declares whether he is attempting to Dodge or not (attempting this action is never mandatory). If he decides not to attempt it, the roll occurs normally. If he attempts to Dodge, the Simple roll is replaced by an Opposed Combat roll between the two warriors. The Attack Total then becomes equal to the Success margin of the Opposed roll. If the Success margin is positive, then the passive character suffers this Margin in Damage points. If the Margin is equal or lower than 0, the attack fails. A passive character never inflicts Damage points following a Dodge.
Example: Ashton (Cbt 3) attacks the Mamushi (Cbt 2), the I.S.C. player chooses to dodge. The Opposed Combat roll is made: 2 for Ashton and 3 for the Mamushi, so a total of 5 for Ashton and 5 for the Mamushi. The Attack total being 0, the Mamushi thus suffers no damage.
Ashton performs a new attack which the Mamushi dodges again. Result of the Opposed roll: 4 for Ashton and 2 for the Mamushi, meaning a total of 7 for Ashton and 4 for the Mamushi. The Attack total is 3 this time, so the Mamushi suffers 3 Damage points.
Ashton announces a third attack, the Mamushi can’t dodge (as it only has 2 possible Cbt actions). Ashton gets a 3 on his Simple Combat roll, giving an Attack total of 4 (3+3-2). The Mamushi suffers 4 damage points and is Taken out.
The Counter-measure is a type of Intellect action reserved to passive characters, which can thus not be used if the warrior has already performed the maximum number of Intellect actions allowed by his Int value during the turn. Counter-measure: a passive character can perform a Counter-measure when targeted by a Hacking action. When targeted by such an action and before the resolution of his opponent’s Simple Intellect roll, the player controlling the targeted passive character declares whether he is attempting a Counter-measure or not (attempting this action is never mandatory). If he decides not to attempt it, the roll occurs normally. If they attempt a Counter-measure, the Simple roll is replaced by an Opposed Intellect roll between the two warriors. If the Success margin is positive, the Counter-measure fails and the effects of the Hacking action are applied normally by the active character.
d) End of Turn The turn ends once all the characters on the game board have been activated once. At that moment, the players check if one of the following conditions has been filled: 2. The turn ending is the last one according to the scenario.
3. All of the Resistance player’s warriors have been Taken out.
4. The victory conditions for the scenario have been completed. If none of these three conditions are filled, then all charac- ters (even the ones Taken out) recover their Mvt, Cbt and Int actions, all the Fire tokens on the board are discarded and finally the players go back to step a) Initiative Test and start a new Turn. If at least one of these three conditions is filled, then they immediately move on to step e) Game Result.
e) Game result Depending on the conditions given in the End of the Turn step, you can now determine who is the winner of the game. For there to be a winner, the Victory Conditions of the scenario played must have been fulfilled by one of the two players. If the last turn of the scenario has finished and/ or all the Resistance warriors have been Taken out, but no Victory condition has been fulfilled, then the game is a draw. If the last turn of the scenario has been played and/or all Resistance warriors have been Taken out, and one of the two players has fulfilled his objectives in accordance to their Victory conditions, then that player has won the game. If the players have decided to play the campaign, it will directly influence the next game (see Campaign principles and Pathfinder, Universe Book page 15).
13 ES
Encrypted key: all I.S.C. characters ignore locked doors. They can open them as if they were simple closed doors. Moreover, they can take a Movement action to close an open door, even if that door is still locked.
Internal factory: when an I.S.C. character is Taken out, the I.S.C. player must return that character on the board on the turn following their elimination, if possible (so if any airlock is eligible as a way back). That special deployment follows the Mode (Entry) rules, with the following exceptions:
• It is possible to deploy on any turn, not only on the first one.
• A warrior can be deployed from any airlock, not only those specified by the scenario (with the exception of the central one, which can be used only through a High Security Airlock random Event).
• If a Resistance warrior is within 3 squares of one of the two access squares of a secure airlock and to has a line of sight, then that airlock can not be used to deploy.
Note: Some events or scenarios change the conditions of use of the Internal factory. In that case, the special rules prevail over those given above.
Hymn to the revolution: when a Resistance character is Taken out or exits the board according to the scenario specific rules, the Resistance player gains one Revolution token, which he can spend at any time to re-roll any of his dice rolls or allow one of his characters to perform an extra action of any kind.
Hackers: when a Resistance character successfully performs a Hacking action targeting an adjacent locked door, the targeted door immediately becomes open and hacked.
Combat drugs: at any point, this equipment allows the active character to perform an extra Combat action (melee or ranged).
Crate: range (3) power (0). If the target suffers at least one Damage point, he immediately loses 2 Mvt actions (to a minimum of 0).
Datadisk (I.S.C. characters only may use this equipment): at any point, this equipment allows the active character to perform an extra action, to be chosen between Movement, Combat, or Intellect.
EM grenade (Resistance characters only may use this equipment): range (3) power (1). You can target a vacant square with this equipment. Anyone in the periphery of the targeted square is affected by this ranged attack. Each warrior who suffers at least one Damage point from this attack immediately loses 1 Cbt action (to a minimum of 0).
Gas grenade (I.S.C. characters only may use this equipment)): range (3) power (1). You can target a free square with this equipment. Anyone in the periphery of the targeted square is affected by this ranged attack. Each warrior who suffers at least one Damage point from this attack immediately loses 1 Mvt action (to a minimum of 0).
Improvised shield: when an opponent announces an attack on the owner of this shield, the character carrying it can announce that he’s discarding this equipment to gain a free Dodge action.of 0).
Medkit (only usable by the Resistance): during his activation, the character can use the Medkit to heal himself and immediately recovers 2 points on his Life Gauge.
Nitro vial : when the character carrying this equipment is Taken out, all the characters who are on a periphery square of his and have a line of sight suffer 2 Damage points.
Radio: at the end of their activation, a character with this equipment can choose an allied character anywhere on the board. The chosen warrior is immediately activated, without the opponent being allowed to activate one of his own warriors first.
At the beginning of the game, the players chose the cha- racters of the Resistance they want to play during the game and part them following the recruitment chart below
The player in charge of the Rank 4 character is the Leader of the Resistance and choose a branch (be careful : a branch is exclusive, like in the Revolu- tion Mode) allowing the other players to control at least a cha- racter. Players have to balance the sum of the Ranks selected among them as fairly as possible. For instance, with three players using the standard team, one player will control Alice, an other will control Ashton and Duncan and the last player will control Jimmy and Freedom. If a player chooses a Pilot, he should add at least one Robot, depending on the recruitment chart, to be able to interact in an efficient way during the game. The player controlling the Rank 4 character is the leader of the Resistance. If the character of the Leader of the Resistance is Taken Out, the player keeps the status until the end of the game during all the choices depending on the Leader or the Resistance. Depending on the branch chosen, the players will have to face different ranks of I.S.C. characters. The players then choose the sce-
nario they want to play and set the different elements of the game up, following the instructions of the scenario. They place the board on the proper side and take the right number of “Crate” and “Equipment” tokens.
NB : One of the branches allows to team up to six players, which is fully possible. The players will only have to get the additional characters or merely download the profile cards on the website :
Set up of the “Crate” and “Objective” tokens
The Leader of the Resistance places the “crate” tokens in the rooms of his choice (“crate” side up) with a maximum of 1 token per room. During an activation, a character standing on the same square as a “Crate” token may pick it up automatically and places it on his profile card. A character can only carry one “Crate” or “Equipment” at the same time. The “Crate” tokens may be thrown at an enemy (see Action of combat). A thrown “Crate” is destroyed and discarded from the board, regardless of the result of the combat action. An Active character (see Activation of the characters) may hand a “Crate” token over to an ally located in a periphery square on which he has a line of sight, this costs one Move action. If a character carrying a “Crate” token is Taken Out, the token is back into play on the square previously occupied by the character at the time of the elimination. The back of a “Crate” token corresponds to an “Objective” token. These are only used in some scenarios and follow the rules given in the scenario. The “Objective” tokens have two different values : 1 or 2 points. A character may read the back of an “Objective” token in a periphery square and on which he has a line of sight. A character located on the same square as an “Objective” may pick it up automatically. A character can carry only one “Objective” token at a time. Nobody can carry an “Objective” and an “Equipment” at the same time. During his activation, a character carrying an “Objective” may hand it over to an ally the same way you hand over a “Crate” token.
Set up of the “Equipment” tokens The Leader of the Resistance then places the “Equipment” tokens on the board. He picks them up randomly and sets them face down on the rooms he wants. There may not be more than 1 “Equipment” token per room. During an activation, a character may read the back of a token located in a periphery square and on which he has a line of sight to discover what kind of piece of equipment it represents. A character located in the same square as an “Equipment” token may pick it up automatically, then places the token on the profile card and may use it normal- ly from now. A character may only carry one “Equipment” or “Crate” token at a time. An Active character (See activation of the characters) may hand it over to an ally in a periphery square on which he has a line of sight, at the cost of a Move action. If a character carrying an “Equipment” token is Taken Out, the “Equipment” token is back into play on the square previously occupied by the character at the time of the elimination. The way a character may use an “Equipment” is described in its description. Equipments may be used only once in a game.
NB : A single square may contain several “Crate” and / or “Equipment” tokens
Establishment of the AI
The players start by picking up every Rank 1 token of each color (Black, Green and Blue) and then agree on the type of I.S.C. characters they will have to face besides the bots taking into account the recruitment chart above. They choose one I.S.C. character for each rank provided by the chart, and every token of the proper rank and color (Black, Blue or Green). They then put aside the proper characters, always taking the maximum number of characters avai- lable for every type of fighter. The tokens of the characters are then added to those of the bots of the same color and form up three piles of tokens, one per each color (Black, Green and Blue). The Leader of the Revolution will use these piles during the Activation of the I.S.C. characters to allow the tokens selected during the “Drawing of Repression cards” step to enter play. He picks up randomly the number of tokens indicated by the Repression cards and puts them into play following the indications on the card. At last, the Repression cards are shuffled to form a deck. The deck of the Repression cards symbolizes the time avai- lable to success in the mission. Then, drawing the last card of the deck indicates this is the last turn of the game.
Deployment of the characters The characters are deployed on the board following the rules described in the scenario. Two types of deployment are allowed :
Mode (Position) : all the characters are placed directly on the board, in a room indicated by the scenario. The player may place their characters in any empty squares of the room
Mode (Entry) : The characters are not placed on the board. Instead, they start their activation of the first turn with a Move Action that allows them to enter the board on any of the two squares of the Airlocks indicated by the scenario.
Advice : Be careful when deploying the characters, as the less mobile characters may block the more mobiles
When the set up of the game is over, you may start the first turn of the game.
A turn is composed of distinct steps, resolved successively in this order :
a) Drawing Repression cards b) Resolution of the random events c) Activation of the Resistance characters d) Activation of the I.S.C. Tokens and characters e) Close the doors which are not hacked f) End of the turn g) Result of the game
a) Drawing Repression cards The players draw as many Repres- sion cards as indicated depending on the difficulty of the game chosen earlier. The cards are revealed to allow the players to anticipate the arrival of the drones to some extent. The tokens are not placed on the board, they enter game during the “Activation of the I.S.C” stage, fol- lowing the Mode (Entry) rules and through the Airlock indicated on their card.
b) Resolution of the random events The L.A.B sometimes offer surprises to their inhabitants. To represent this, the Leader of the Resistance rolls two dice and adds the results. He reports the sum on the chart below and applies the effect described for the duration of the ongoing turn.
2 Automatic Repression : the players draw a Repression card and add it to those drawn previously.
3 Hidden trap : A Resistance character randomly selected will not be able to be activated this turn. He will be able to defend himself as any other passive character.
4 Network overload : a hacked door randomly chosen loses the “hacked” status. It automatically closes and will have to be hacked again to be opened later.
5 Fire alert : The Resistance characters on the board lose a Move Action
6 Closed circuit Television : the Leader chooses a token on the board which is immediately revealed.
7 Nothing to Report : Nothing happens but the air feels more oppressive.
8 Firewall : During this turn, the Resistance characters will be allowed a Move action towards an occupied square. They even can not end an activation on such a square.
9 Short circuit : Ignore the “Close the doors which are not hacked” stage.
10 Black-out : The players chose a room. No character will be allowed to perform a combat action in this room for the duration of the turn.
11 Heroism : The players earn a Revolution token.
12 Active locking : The players chose an Airlock. It may not be used as an entry point for the duration of the turn. The Repression card drawn earlier indicating this airlock are discarded immediately.
c) Activation of the Resistance characters
During this stage, the players may activate their characters alternatively. The order followed by the players do not have to be determined beforehand, but they have to organize to accomplish their mission. However, in case of dispute, the Leader of the Revolution will decide who activates first (and then second, third...).
The player who has to activate a character chooses a cha- racter who becomes from now the active character. All the other characters on the board are Passive characters; they may have been activated before or are still to be activated. The player chooses the actions the active character may perform, either using Actions, special abilities or “Equip- ments”. The actions may be performed in any order, except if the contrary is mentioned. It is not compulsory to per- form all of the actions, activate an ability or an “Equipment” during an activation, but a character may only be activated once a turn. When a player estimates his character has done everything he had to do during this turn, then, he ends the activation and the game goes to the next player, who will be able to chose one of his characters as the active character and acti- vate him normally. Here is a list of the actions available to an active character : a) Move action, See page 12
b) Combat action, See page 12
c) Intellect action, See page 12
As in the Revolution Mode, the passive characters are able to defend themselves with a dodge or counter measure if they want to. This only applies to the Resistance characters, therefore to the players, the Drones never defend themsel- ves when attacked in this game mode (see below).
d) Activation of the I.S.C. Tokens and characters
Once all the Resistance characters have been activated or if the players agree on ending their activation stage, the game goes on to the activation of the I.S.C. fighters. This activation is resolved following the sequence :
1) Black characters
2) Green characters
3) Blue characters
4) Black tokens
5) Green tokens
6) Blue tokens
When the I.S.C characters activate, starting with the one of the higher rank, followed by those of inferior ranks, in descending order, they must follow the same rule : always head for the closest Resistance character (taking into account the doors to open and wall to get around if any). If several Resistance characters are at the same distance, the Leader of the Resistance chooses where the drone(s) head for. To do so, they must use every Move action they have and open the doors they encounter on their way. As soon as an I.S.C. character is in position to perform a melee attack targeting a Resistance character, or when he has a line of sight on a Resistance fighter in a periphery square, the cha- racters ends its move for the turn.
An I.S.C. character performs every combat action during its activation, the target of the attacks are chosen by the Resis- tance player who controls the character with the lowest Life Gauge (including 0) or, in case of a draw, the one who owns the character with the lowest Rank.
Bots, even being characters, do not have an individual pro- file card, because they all have the same characteristics, indicated below, and because it is not necessary to keep track of their life gauge as they are Taken Out as soon as they suffer one Damage point.
Life Gauge Move Combat Intellect
1 6 1 1
As for the characters, the tokens activate following the rule of heading for the closest Resistance character, using every Move action they have, opening the doors they encounter (Green Tokens can never open a door). As for the characters, the Leader of the Resistance chooses the direction a token heads for if several characters are at the same distance. Tokens do not occupy squares and may therefore move to a square in which there is already a token, but may not end their activation in such a square. If a token has to end its move in a square where there is already a token, the move is canceled and the token is sent back to the square it pre- viously occupied. If a Resistance character has a line of sight on a token, it is revealed. This completely ends the move of the token, if required. The I.S.C. Character(s) corresponding to the value of the token is placed on the board in the square where the token was located. If several characters, especially bots, have to be placed, the first character is placed in the square occupied by the token at the time it was revealed, then the other characters are placed in periphery squares, in the closest square to the closest Resistance character avai- lable. If this is impossible, the extra bots are discarded. The revealed token is put back in its color pile.
e) Close the doors which are not hacked
Once every I.S.C. character has been activated, the open doors are closed. The hacked doors remain open.
f) End of the turn The turn ends once all the characters on the board have been activated once. At this time, the players check if any of these conditions is met :
1.The ending turn is the last one if the deck of Repres- sion cards is empty.
2.All the Resistance characters have been Taken Out.
3. The victory conditions indicated by the scenario are met.
If none of these conditions is met, then, all the charac- ters (including those who are not on the board) get their Actions (Mvt, Cbt and Int) back, then the players discard the Fire tokens off the board and the game goes back to stage a) Drawing Repression cards and a new turn begins. If at least one of these conditions is met, then, players move to step e) Result of the game
g) Result of the game Depending on the conditions detailed in the “End of the turn” stage, it is now possible to determine If the Resistance prevailed. If the Resistance successfully fulfilled the Victory conditions of the scenario, then the players have won, even if the two other conditions are also met. If the Repression deck is empty and/or all the Resistant character have been Taken out, but the Victory conditions are not met, then the Resistance failed and the players have lost.
Blue : The bot follows the rule Armor (2).
I.S.C Encrypted key : All the I.S.C. characters (tokens and characters) ignore locked doors. They may open them as if they were only closed.
Order 99 : During their activation, the I.S.C. character must attack if they are able to, up to the number of times allowed by the value of their Combat Characteristic. Furthermore, they may never perform a Defense action, even if they still have Combat or Intellect action set apart. At last, they may never pick tokens up.
Material restrictions : I.S.C. characters of rank 2 and higher lose all of their abilities, except those listed below, depending on their color :
• Black : The character follows the rule Anti-gravity-field.
• Green : The character follows the rule Infiltrate.
• Blue : The character follows the rule Armor (X) without changing this value.
RESISTANCE Hymn to the Revolution : If a Resistance character is Taken Out or gets out of the board following the rules of the scenario, the controlling player gets a “Revolution” token. This token may be used at any time by the player to allow him to re-roll a dice or give one of his characters still on the board, or an ally character of his choice, an extra action.
Hackers : When a Resistance character successfully hacks an adjacent locked door, the door becomes Hacked and Opened.
Crate : Range (3) power (0). If the target suffers at least the loss of one point of Damage, it gets a -2 modifier on its Move characteristic (reducing its number of maximum actions available).
Datadisk : The character may discard this equipment to perform a hacking action without spending an intellect action.
Combat Drugs : A any time, allows to perform an extra combat action (range or melee).
EM grenade : range (3) power (1). You can target a vacant square with this equipment. Anyone in the periphery of the targeted square is affected by this ranged attack. Each warrior who suffers at least one Damage point from this attack immediately loses 1 Cbt action (to a minimum of 0).
Nitro vial: when the character carrying this equipment is Taken out, all the characters who are on a periphery square of his and have a line of sight suffer 2 Damage points.
Gaz grenade : Range (3), Power (0). You may target a vacant square with this equipment. The occupant of the targeted square and all those in its periphery are affected by this range attack. Place a “Fire” token on the affected squares.
Makeshift shield : The character may discard this equipment to perform a dodge without spending a combat action.
Medikit : During his activation, the character may discard this equipment to heal. He immediately recovers two points of his Life Gauge.
Radio : The character may discard this Equipment to automatically success in a hacking action targeting an adjacent door.
L Melee attack 12
Objectives tokens 10,15 Occupied 9 Open 9 Ordre 99 19
AMX-10: range (3) power (1). You can target a vacant square with this equipment. Anyone in the periphery of the targeted square is affected by this ranged attack. Each warrior who suffers at least one Damage point from this attack immediately loses 1 Cbt action (to a minimum of 0). Once per turn.
Anti-gravity field: when the character performs a Movement action, he can move to a periphery square, not only an adjacent one.
Anticipation: once per turn, this character can spend one Int action in order to modify the result on the Random events table by one point (minus or plus).
Armless: the character is unable to pick up Crate or Equipment tokens and cannot use Equipment either.
Armor (x): each time the character suffers Damage points, these are reduced by X point(s) (to a minimum of 0).
Counter-attack: when this character performs a Dodge, if the Success margin is negative, then the active character suffers 1 Damage point.
Drill (X): during his activation, this character can drill through walls. He makes a combat action targeting an adjacent wall and rolls a D6. If the result of this throw is equal or upper to the value (X) of the capacity, then the targeted wall is immediately destroyed (it is impossible to break more than one wall by turn when using this capacity), otherwise nothing takes place. If the result is 1 the drill is destroyed, and the “Drill” capacity can not be used anymore until the end of the game. Some walls are indestructible (see map legend).
Electric cudgel: when this character performs a Combat action (melee), if the opponent suffers at least one Damage point, he immediately loses 1 Cbt action (to a minimum of 0).
Elusive: when this character is the target of an Attack, he can announce a Dodge after seeing the result of the opposing Combat roll. The opponent’s roll is not rerolled, the “Elusive” character performs his Dodge and the two results are then compared as in an Opposed roll.
Feint: once per turn, this character can perform a Dodge action by spending a Mvt action instead of a Cbt action.
Flamerthrower: once per turn, this character can spend one Combat action, he places one Fire token on any peripheric square in his line of sight and a second Fire token in the periphery of the first token, but not across a wall or a door. A character occupying one of these two squares suffers 1 Damage point and loses one Move action.
Hypnosis: when this character performs a Combat action (melee), he must use the Int value of his opponent for his Cbt Simple roll (instead of his opponent Cbt value) and if his opponent announce a Dodge, he still uses his Int value for the ensuing Opposed roll, although he spends a Cbt action and not an Int action.
Infiltrate: this character doesn’t need line of sight when making a Mvt action, he can therefore move through walls and doors.
Insignificant: the Int value of this character is not taken into account when performing Initative tests (setup or turn) and the special rule Hymn to the Revolution does not apply to it.
Leadership: this character allows allied warriors on adjacent squares to him to use his Int value for anything (Int actions, defense against the Hypnosis skill, etc.).
Locking: this character can target an adjacent hacked door with a Hacking action. If the action is successful, the door is no longer hacked and closes immediately.
Mechanic (X): this character can spend Int actions in order to heal his allies. For each Int action spent, one adjacent ally recovers (X) point(s) on his Life Gauge. This skill can only be used on a character with the Robot skill or an ISC character.
Medic (X): this character can spend Mvt actions in order to heal his allies. For each Mvt action spent, one adjacent ally recovers (X) point(s) on his Life Gauge. This skill can not be used on a character with the Robot skill.
Otaku: this character can perform a Hacking action targeting a locked door in the same room to which it has a line of sight. If the action is successful, the door is unlocked and immediately opened.
Pilot: at the beginning of the game, you can designate this character and a certain number of character with the Robot skill. The designated Robot character(s) are now enslaved to this character. The sum of the Robot characters’ Ranks enslaved to a Pilot character cannot be higher than the Rank of the Pilot character himself (a Rank 2 Pilot can enslave one Rank 2 Robot or two Rank 1 Robots for example).
Possession: at the beginning of each turn, this character can select one ally present on the board. The character with the Possession skill is then considered as having the Pilot skill and the selected character is considered as having the Robot skill and is enslaved to the former until the end of the turn.
Powerful hit: the character can use this skill during an Attack action. If successful, in addition to inflicting Damage points, the player can choose to push the opponent back one square (the opponent’s maximum number of Movement actions is not affected). The square to which the opposing character is pushed is one of the three squares opposite the warrior with the Digging arm and must be vacant and accessible (not behind a wall, for example). If there are no vacant and/or accessible squares, then this skill has no effect.
Robot: during its activation, this character can (but is not required to) use the actions of the character with the Pilot skill to which he is enslaved, if that character is present on the board. The character with the Robot skill can perform all or part of its actions, removing them from the maximum number of allowed actions from its Pilot character.
Scrambler: allies on a square adjacent to this character cannot be the target of a Combat action (melee or ranged) and do not block lines of sight. A character with this skill can never be affected by it.
Seasoned veteran: this character can re-roll a Cbt or Int roll (Simple or Opposed) once per turn.
Sucker punch: when this character performs an Combat action (melee), he can traget an opponent outside of his line of sight.
Tesla rifle: range (3) power (0). A character who suffers at least one Damage point from this skill immediately loses 1 Cbt action (to a minimum of 0).
Ashton,character with powerful arm capacity Ubume, targeted character by this capacity Possible square to push away the Ubume
Medic (X)
2 Supreme AI: the statistics of all I.S.C. characters become Mvt 7 Cbt 3 Int 3 for the duration of the turn.
Automatic Repression : the players draw a Repression card and add it to those drawn previously.
3 Intervention of the Celestial Order: the I.S.C. player immediately moves one of his characters from its original position to any vacant square on the board, without taking into account its Mvt value, or any obstacles or closed or locked doors. The character can be activated normally during the turn.
Hidden trap : A Resistance character randomly selected will not be able to be activated this turn. He will be able to defend himself as any other passive character.
4 Power-grid overload: all Resistance characters adjacent to a door get a jolt and suffer 2 Damage points.
Network overload : a hacked door randomly chosen loses the “hacked” status. It automatically closes and will have to be hacked again to be opened later.
5 Fire alarm: all the characters, present on the board or not, immediately lose one Movement action.
Fire alert : The Resistance characters on the board lose a Move Action
6 High Security Airlock: the central secured airlock can be used during this turn by the I.S.C. for Redeployment (see Faction specific rules).
Closed circuit Television : the Leader chooses a token on the board which is immediately revealed.
7 RAS: nothing happens, but the atmosphere becomes increasingly oppressive.
Nothing to Report : Nothing happens but the air feels more oppressive.
8 Black-Out: the Resistance player chooses a room. No character can perform Combat actions in that room during the turn.
Firewall : During this turn, the Resistance characters will be allowed a Move action towards an occupied square. They even can not end an activation on such a square.
9 Short circuit: the Resistance player chooses a door, even a locked one. If it’s closed, it opens, if it’s open, it closes.
Short circuit : Ignore the “Close the doors which are not hacked” stage.
10 Firewall: during the turn, the Resistance characters can perform a Movement action through an occupied square. They cannot end their activation on such a square, however.
Black-out : The players chose a room. No character will be allowed to perform a combat action in this room for the duration of the turn.
11 Interference: the Resistance player wins the Initiative for the turn, even if he’d lost the Initiative test. Moreover, he can activate a second character immediately after having activated his first character.
Heroism : The players earn a Revolution token.
12 Disconnection: no I.S.C. character can use its skills for the duration of the turn.
Active locking : The players chose an Airlock. It may not be used as an entry point for the duration of the turn. The Repression card drawn earlier indicating this airlock are discarded immediately.
Adjacent: element (character, square, door, equipment, crate, wall) in contact with one of the four sides of the reference square (usually the one occupied by a character).
Line of sight: A character is regarded as having a LoS on another element (character, token, etc.) if a line can be traced between the center of the square of the concerned character to the center of the other one’s square. The LoS is blocked if that line crosses a wall, a closed door or another character. If a diagonal LoS goes between exactly 2 squares, then the LoS is blocked if both squares are occupied or if the diagonal LoS goes between an occupied square and a wall.
Position of the referent X (in this case Alice)
Not adjacent square
Not adjacent door
Locked door Square in the line of sight Square out of the line of sight
Open door
AVAILABLE ACTIONS : Active character
Movement: moving in an adjacent square, up to a maximum of squares equal to the MVT value.
Melee attack: the player performs a Simple CBT roll, the difficulty of which is the CBT value of the targeted opponent.
Ranged attack: Range (X) and Power (Y). The player performs a Simple CBT roll, the difficulty of which is the CBT value of the targeted opponent. The target must be within (X) squares of the shooter.
Hacking: the player performs a Simple INT roll, the difficulty of which is the locked door value or INT value of the targeted opponent.
Passive characters
c) Character activation
d) Activation of the I.S.C. Tokens and characters
e) Close the doors which are not hacked
f) End of the turn
g) Result of the game
2 Supreme AI: the statistics of all I.S.C. characters become Mvt 7 Cbt 3 Int 3 for the duration of the turn.
Automatic Repression : the players draw a Repression card and add it to those drawn previously.
3 Intervention of the Celestial Order: the I.S.C. player immediately moves one of his characters from its original position to any vacant square on the board, without taking into account its Mvt value, or any obstacles or closed or locked doors. The character can be activated normally during the turn.
Hidden trap : A Resistance character randomly selected will not be able to be activated this turn. He will be able to defend himself as any other passive character.
4 Power-grid overload: all Resistance characters adjacent to a door get a jolt and suffer 2 Damage points.
Network overload : a hacked door randomly chosen loses the “hacked” status. It automatically closes and will have to be hacked again to be opened later.
5 Fire alarm: all the characters, present on the board or not, immediately lose one Movement action.
Fire alert : The Resistance characters on the board lose a Move Action
6 High Security Airlock: the central secured airlock can be used during this turn by the I.S.C. for Redeployment (see Faction specific rules).
Closed circuit Television : the Leader chooses a token on the board which is immediately revealed.
7 RAS: nothing happens, but the atmosphere becomes increasingly oppressive.
Nothing to Report : Nothing happens but the air feels more oppressive.
8 Black-Out: the Resistance player chooses a room. No character can perform Combat actions in that room during the turn.
Firewall : During this turn, the Resistance characters will be allowed a Move action towards an occupied square. They even can not end an activation on such a square.
9 Short circuit: the Resistance player chooses a door, even a locked one. If it’s closed, it opens, if it’s open, it closes.
Short circuit : Ignore the “Close the doors which are not hacked” stage.
10 Firewall: during the turn, the Resistance characters can perform a Movement action through an occupied square. They cannot end their activation on such a square, however.
Black-out : The players chose a room. No character will be allowed to perform a combat action in this room for the duration of the turn.
11 Interference: the Resistance player wins the Initiative for the turn, even if he’d lost the Initiative test. Moreover, he can activate a second character immediately after having activated his first character.
Heroism : The players earn a Revolution token.
12 Disconnection: no I.S.C. character can use its skills for the duration of the turn.
Active locking : The players chose an Airlock. It may not be used as an entry point for the duration of the turn. The Repression card drawn earlier indicating this airlock are discarded immediately.
Combat drugs: at any point, this equipment allows the active character to perform an extra Combat action (melee or ranged).
Combat Drugs : A any time, allows to perform an extra combat action (range or melee).
Crate: range (3) power (0). If the target suffers at least one Damage point, he immediately loses 2 Mvt actions (to a minimum of 0).
Crate : Range (3) power (0). If the target suffers at least the loss of one point of Damage, it gets a -2 modifier on its Move characteristic (reducing its number of maximum actions available).
Datadisk (I.S.C. characters only may use this equipment): at any point, this equipment allows the active character to perform an extra action, to be chosen between Movement, Combat, or Intellect.
Datadisk : The character may discard this equipment to perform a hacking action without spending an intellect action.
EM grenade (Resistance characters only may use this equipment): range (3) power (1). You can target a vacant square with this equipment. Anyone in the periphery of the targeted square is affected by this ranged attack. Each warrior who suffers at least one Damage point from this attack immediately loses 1 Cbt action (to a minimum of 0).
EM grenade : range (3) power (1). You can target a vacant square with this equipment. Anyone in the periphery of the targeted square is affected by this ranged attack. Each warrior who suffers at least one Damage point from this attack immediately loses 1 Cbt action (to a minimum of 0).
Gas grenade (I.S.C. characters only may use this equipment)): range (3) power (1). You can target a free square with this equipment. Anyone in the periphery of the targeted square is affected by this ranged attack. Each warrior who suffers at least one Damage point from this attack immediately loses 1 Mvt action (to a minimum of 0).
Gaz grenade : Range (3), Power (0). You may target a vacant square with this equipment. The occupant of the targeted square and all those in its periphery are affected by this range attack. Place a “Fire” token on the affected squares.
Improvised shield: when an opponent announces an attack on the owner of this shield, the character carrying it can announce that he’s discarding this equipment to gain a free Dodge action.
Makeshift shield : The character may discard this equipment to perform a dodge without spending a combat action.
Medkit (only usable by the Resistance): during his activation, the character can use the Medkit to heal himself and immediately recovers 2 points on his Life Gauge.
Medikit : During his activation, the character may discard this equipment to heal. He immediately recovers two points of his Life Gauge.
Nitro vial : when the character carrying this equipment is Taken out, all the characters who are on a periphery square of his and have a line of sight suffer 2 Damage points.
Nitro vial: when the character carrying this equipment is Taken out, all the characters who are on a periphery square of his and have a line of sight suffer 2 Damage points.
Radio: at the end of their activation, a character with this equipment can choose an allied character anywhere on the board. The chosen warrior is immediately activated, without the opponent being allowed to activate one of his own warriors first.
Radio : The character may discard this Equipment to automatically success in a hacking action targeting an adjacent door.
Square in the line of sight
Airlocks : Secured airlock doors (airlock): each map contains 5 secured airlock doors: 4 on the edges of the board and one (near the center of board) high security airlock. They represent the accesses to the board. Depending on the conditions given by the scenario, a given faction can enter and/or leave the board by one or more Airlock. A room containing an Airlock is named after said Airlock (for example: the room containing the Airlock 4 is the room 4).
Open: closed or locked door which has been opened.
Closed: a door which requires the use of a Movement action by an active character to be opened.
Hacked: locked door which has been the target of a successful Hacking action from the Resistance, can now be opened or closed normaly.
Locked: a door which can be opened by the Resistance following a successful Hacking action. The difficulty of the required Int Simple roll stands on the side of the door.