criminal justice 10: bullet style

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Post on 24-Dec-2014




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Bullet style is an easy and efficient way to record information in a report


  • 1. CRIMINAL JUSTICE REPORT WRITING THE HOW AND WHY Part 10 Using Bullet Style to Write a Police Report

2. CRIMINAL JUSTICE REPORT WRITING THE HOW AND WHY Part 10 Using Bullet Style to Write a Police Report 3. Bullet style is an easy and efficient way to record information in a report. 4. Heres what bullet style looks like: I went to the bedroom and saw: a pile of womens underwear on the floor an overturned dresser drawer on the bed necklaces, earrings, and a watch on the dresser top an empty jewelry box on the dresser top 5. By contrast, heres what a conventional paragraph looks like: I went to the bedroom and saw a pile of womens underwear on the floor. There was an overturned dresser drawer on the bed. I saw necklaces, earrings, and a watch on the dresser top. I also saw an empty jewelry box there. 6. Information in bullet style doesnt require: complete sentences complex grammar capitalization punctuation 7. Bullet style lists often begin with headings like the ones below: I saw the following items on the workshop floor: Jesse said these valuables were missing: Five people were working that morning: I performed the following actions: Jackson failed two sobriety tests: 8. Bullet style offers many advantages when youre writing your reports: speed efficiency grammatical simplicity more effective organization of facts and ideas 9. To Learn More: Criminal Justice Report Writing is available in softcover ($17.95) from and in a variety of ebook and Apple formats (Kindle, Nook, SONY etc.) for $11.99 from Read a free sample online! 10. Find FREE report writing resources online at