criminal justice 4: organizing and writing a report

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Steps in organizing and writing a criminal justice report


  • 1. CRIMINAL JUSTICE REPORT WRITING THE HOW AND WHY Part 4 Organizing and Writing a Police Report

2. Report writing begins at the scene start organizing your thoughts and observations think in six categories: yourself, victims, witnesses, suspects, evidence, disposition record information promptly and accurately use quotation marks for someones exact words 3. When you begin writing follow your agency or institutions procedures if youre filling out a form on paper or a laptop, enter the facts first if youre writing on a blank sheet of paper, begin with a detailed opening sentence 4. Your opening sentence should include date, time, and location your name and ID additional officers, if present why you were at the scene nature of the call or incident 5. Typical opening sentences: At 3:20 p.m. on October 3, 2009, I, Officer Carole Donner #13925, was dispatched to a break-in at 35 Woodland Road. At approximately 10:35 a.m. on July 9, 2010, I, Officer Frank Dunham ID 0621, went into Building B to talk to the chaplain about plans for next months musical program. NOTE: Some agencies require an opening sentence even if youre filling out a paper or 6. When you write your report start a new paragraph for each witness, victim, and suspect Use names, not Victim1, Suspect2 Use later identified as if you dont know the persons name right away Record contact information for each person you talked to (get phone numbers for a friend or relative if necessary) 7. Be sure to include Each investigation you performed, even if there were no results (important if someone violates the crime scene later) Serial numbers, makes, and models when appropriate Behavioral characteristics that may be useful in court later (such as trembling, crying, clenched fists) A victims or suspects exact words when they might assist an investigation (often perpetrators have a consistent pattern of speech and 8. Be sure to complete the disposition Tie up every loose end Establish a chain of custody for each piece of evidence Explain how injuries were handled If a suspect was apprehended, include Miranda rights, charges, and custody Document agency procedures, such as victims rights booklets and follow-up information If more than one officer was present, record who performed each step 9. To Learn More: Criminal Justice Report Writing is available in softcover ($17.95) from and in a variety of ebook and Apple formats (Kindle, Nook, SONY etc.) for $11.99 from Read a free sample online! 10. Find FREE report writing resources online at