critical book review- the nazi voter

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  • 8/10/2019 Critical Book Review- The Nazi Voter


    Childers, Thomas. The Nazi voter: the social foundations of fascism in

    Germany, 1919-1933. The university of North Carolina press: Chapel Hill

    and London.Juan Vargas

    Critical Book Review

    Dr. Cook

    September 30, 2014

    The Nazi voter review

    Almost everyone in modern society knows or at least has

    heard the name Adolf Hitler, without questioning one of the most

    brutal and despicable men in the whole history. Guilty of many

    things including multiple war crimes and the slaughter of more

    than 11 million humans, among these approximately two thirds of

    the Jews that lived in Europe at such time. But truth be told

    very few know what brought him into power, and the things that

    happened in Germany during those years, where misery and death

    were an everyday thing.

    Few are able to talk about the facts like Thomas Childers,

    a career historian who earned a Ph.D. from Harvard in 1976 after

    graduating from the University of Tennessee, where he started a

    career as a historian, the same year he would start working as a

    teacher in Pennsylvania State where his main focus was European

    history and the two great wars. That same year he would publish

    his very first book The Nazi Voter.

  • 8/10/2019 Critical Book Review- The Nazi Voter


    The Nazi Voter is basically a study of the voters in the

    country and city and how these two affected the German

    constituency. The book basically talks about how the Nazi were

    created, what social groups were among them, what conditions

    they had and what were the things they promised the people.

    Childers utilizes much of the data available in this day and age

    to inspect each of the national elections during the Weimar era,

    by doing this he pretends to figure out and give new insight

    about how Hitler came into power, who voted for him and why.

    Thomas Childers also gives the reader a critical explanation of

    how the Nazi campaign worked and how it achieved some of its


    The author of The Nazi Voter points out continuously during

    the book how the opinion of the people was divided during a

    post-world war era, with crime rates on the rise the population

    was demanding safety. When the need for and anti-criminal entity

    started to be provided by the new political party, the Nazis,

    the popularity of such group increased greatly, the people acted

    in the best perceived interest; little did they know about what

    was to come. The unusual thing in this book is that the author

    uses an uncommon sample that goes from 1920 to November of 1932,

    Childers gives the reader numerous tables and graphs including

    even data regressions, all of this in an attempt to clarify and

    provide comprehensive analysis of how the electoral parameter of

  • 8/10/2019 Critical Book Review- The Nazi Voter


    Germany was shifting into a socialist-fascist environment. This

    would later result in catastrophic events. He also uses many

    types of evidence to support his arguments.

    Childers examines much of the educational material of the

    Weimar era, he argues that all of the content included in such

    books is somewhat supporting the ideals that the parties sought

    to project into their audience. The author seems to lack

    specific opinions about the people of such era and for this

    reason he continuously makes inferences about the opinions of

    the electors, but such give the reader a valuable insight of

    what was the environment in which the elections at this point of

    time were being held.

    The author talks about how the existing parties started

    dissolving not during the depression in the 1930s but instead

    during the rampant inflation that would take place during 1922

    and 1923. Through history it has been continuously linked the

    rise of Hitler and the hyperinflation that took place during the

    1920s. The economic uncertainty, increasing poverty and

    instability lead the people to not ask but demand for change,

    they thought this revolutionary and his ideas of socialism

    combined with some fascist aspects would be the key to change

    the current situation.

  • 8/10/2019 Critical Book Review- The Nazi Voter


    Childers argues that the political parties of the Weimar

    era struggled to meet the demands of their supporters to end the

    harsh policies the people was under. The policies were a

    countermeasure to the rampant inflation, but the people did not

    understand what was going on. The situation was so extenuating

    the people started to get tired, a ninety percent tax rate was

    not something people was going to endure for a long time. Things

    would have to change and the one to make this change would be

    Hitler, sadly it would not be quite what they were expecting

    because things were about to be even worse.

    The Nazi voter is indeed an interesting book to read in

    order to understand the development and the things that happened

    during the Weimar era. It is a book that develops well the why

    and how of the coming into power of Hitler. Unfortunately it has

    too many graphs and tables of numbers that for many readers like

    this one can quickly turn the book into something tedious and

    boring to read. Though an aspect of history of such

    transcendence is indeed developed through the book, it is

    somewhat questionable why Childers would take such a long period

    as the polling sample. This makes the reader wonder how many

    details were omitted because of the countless amount of events

    that took place during the Weimar era. Indeed a very informative

    book to read but sadly not a pleasant one.