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We are half way through the season of Lent and as we approach the Holy Tridum, especially Good Friday, I think it is important that we recall how Christ continues to be crucified today. We prayed for Christ crucified in the bodies of Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Dontre Hamilton, Mother Emanuel Massacre, Mexican immigrants killed at our borders, and most recently the Syrian refugees.

We often say that Lent is the season of repentence, contemplation and forgiveness. If we are able to get to this point then perhaps we have another opportunity to be resurrected people. For we certainly are Good Friday people experiencing the Cross in our daily lives, but I believe we rise as Christ rises when we are to reconcile. But we cannot reconcile without confessing the truth, and the truth is racism is the “Original Sin” of our nation. The ideology of race was created to divide poor whites from poor blacks more than


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350 years ago so that Virginia and other southern states could grow cotton and tobacco for profit.

“This ideology — this lie — proved critical when a slave owner named Jefferson penned the words, “All men are created equal,” while charging the scientific community to prove his suspicion that black people were/are not men — and thus not equal. Junk science, tyrannical laws, and quack theology has justified more than two centuries of slavery, a century of Jim Crow segregation enforced by lynch mobs, and our current era of mass incarceration.”

The Rev. Dr. James L. McDonald reminds us that, for these reasons, Christians must be in the vanguard of confronting and ending racism. The Church must be a bold, strong, prophetic voice in our society combatting racism, denouncing White Supremacy, dismantling White privilege and its structures and systems, and modeling relationships of respect, equality, dignity, and mutuality. We need to be and become evidence of the New Creation given to us in Jesus Christ.

We must believe that the prophetic ministries of the 21st century are ministries that foster conversation, interaction, common action and uncommon community among people and groups that do not know each other, do not understand each other, and do not agree with each other. We need church leaders who are capable of bringing people together across the political, ideological and cultural divides, and of bridging those gaps. The place to start is with the issues of race and racism.

We must study the Bible, we must pray, and we must appropriate the mind of Christ in our daily lives and in our


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common life. We need to develop the emotional intelligence and practice the spiritual habits of mind and spirit that help us to be the kind of religious leaders and people our broken and hurting world so desperately needs.

My spirit cries out to the Lord in anguish and deep distress that we continue to perpetuate the sin of Racism that fuels such hatred and violence. I know that God’s heart was the first to break, as it always is when we continue to live our lives mired in such ugliness. I can also imagine and feel God’s fury and condemnation at the unaddressed persistence of racism that lies at the root of such despicable acts that we have participated in through direct violence, complacency and fear. God is with us, both to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable. Each of us knows in our own hearts which of those two we are in.

Surely as we must be people of the Cross and walk with Jesus on Good Friday, we must also rise out of the oppressive structures and institutions to advocate for all of God’s people so that we rise with Christ and are able to live as Resurrected people as we construct the Beloved community for ourselves and the future of our children and this nation.

Happy Easter,

Pastor Michelle 

This ideology — this lie — proved critical when a slave owner named Jefferson penned the words, “All men are created equal,” while charging the scientific community to prove his suspicion that black people are not men — and thus not equal.


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Junk science, tyrannical laws, and quack theology has justified more than two centuries of slavery, a century of Jim Crow segregation enforced by lynch mobs, and our current era of mass incarceration.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month!!!! Not the most fun topic to talk about, but important that you know the facts:

Colorectal cancer is a leading cause of death in this country.

It can be detected early (often before symptoms appear) with simple screening tests.

It’s slow growing and can often be successfully treated if diagnosed early.Colorectal cancer refers to cancer of the colon or rectum, both of which make up the large intestine (large bowel). This cancer usually starts as small benign polyps, which if not removed can become cancerous over a period of five to fifteen years. Screening for colorectal cancer can save thousands of lives each year – but you must be tested.What testing is recommended? Men and women age 50 and older should be screened in one of the following ways:

Colonoscopy every ten years. In this procedure a long flexible tube is used to examine the full length of the colon. This test looks closely at the lining of the rectum and the entire colon. If polyps are seen- they are removed for further testing.


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Fecal occult blood test every year. This is a simple screening test to find unseen blood in the stool, which can be a sign of cancer in the colon or rectal area.Flexible sigmoidoscopy every five years. In this procedure, a flexible tube is used to detect cancer cells or polyps inside the rectum and lower colon. If any area appears abnormal, a small tissue sample can be taken and sent to the lab for further study.Both the fecal occult blood test (every year) and sigmoidoscopy (every five years).

People with a high risk for colorectal cancer may need to have these tests done earlier and more often – your health care provider will let you know when your next screenings need to occur and what screenings are most appropriate for you. People at higher risk include those who have had colorectal cancer or polyps, who have inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis, or who have a family history of colorectal cancer.What can you do to lower your risk of colorectal cancer?

Eat a well-balanced diet and keep your weight in check.

Exercise regularly.Don’t smoke.Limit your alcohol intake.Discuss your risk factors with your health provider and have regular preventative testing as recommended for you.

If you are age 50 or older, you are at higher risk for colorectal cancer, so talk with your health care provider about how often you should be tested. Also, share this information with family members and others who may need to be tested – you can help save lives by spreading the word.


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For more information, call the Vince Lombardi Cancer Hotline at 1-800-252-2990, contact me at 414-344-1746, or go to Parish Nurse,Linda

 National Women’s History Month 2016

“Working to Form a More Perfect Union: Honoring Women in Public Service 

and Government” *

The National Women’s History Month theme for 2016 honors women who have shaped America’s history and its future through their public service and government leadership. Although often overlooked and undervalued, collectively they have dramatically influenced our public policy and the building of viable institutions and organizations. From championing basic human rights to ensuring access and equal opportunity for all Americans, they have led the way in establishing a stronger and more democratic country.

Each of these public leaders succeeded against great odds. The diversity of their experiences demonstrates both the challenges and the opportunities women in public service have faced. Their ability to use the art of collaboration to create inclusive solutions


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and non-partisan policies, as well as their skill and determination, serve to inspire future generations. The tenacity of each Honoree underlines the fact that women from all cultural backgrounds in all levels of public service and government are essential in the continuing work of forming a more perfect union. © National Women's History Project 


Easter Dethrow, Neighborhood Minister

I’ve been hearing that I am missing in action? Why have I been absence in church on Sunday morning? Well, I may not be at Cross in Milwaukee, but I am in somebody’s church often. For the past few months, I have been spending more of my time with our partners, Christ Our Savior in Sussex, Advent in Cedarburg, and Cross of Life in Brookfield. Most of you know that I pick up food as a main part of my job and that has me traveling up and down our highways most every week. O course, in the city too, at Feeding


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America and downtown to Just One More ministry and a few other places in between and that alone keeps me pretty busy.I continue to develop and deepen the relationships with the partner volunteers that come here weekly, but also with the pastors of the churches and some of their lay leadership. This has given me the opportunity when asked to go and worship with them to offer contemporary witnesses during worship or talk directly with people and answer questions about the Bread of Healing Empowerment Ministry (BOHEM) during Adult forums and special stewardship fairs.Consequently, through my relationship with folks from Advent in Cedarburg, I have been able to establish a partnership with Family Sharing in Grafton which gathers a generous amount of dry and can goods that support our pantry. St. Matthew’s shared their fill a grocery bag program and that idea was picked up by Advent in Cedarburg and they too are contributing quite a few bags to our pantry as well. Christ Our Savior likes to build huge towers of Mac N Cheese on pallets which is pretty incredible to see and load onto the truck. We truly appreciate this additional support outside of the financial dollars that are sent in addition, as we have a steady increase in participants to BOHEM, especially the third through fifth Wednesdays. Often during those weeks we are serving 300+ guests.We are also blessed to see strong attendance in our bible study which is continuing to grow and deepen spiritually. With the addition of a wonderfully gifted musician, Deonte Baldwin, and guest pastor, Rev. Angela from Ascension and Rev. John from Cross of Life lending their time and sharing the Word along with Pastor Michelle we have a dynamic and spirit filled good time together. I have the opportunity to sing and invite others to share their gifts.


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The work that the staff and guest have put in is really paying off. The AODA/Support groups for Men and Women Of Faith are going strong still and we continue to grow and learn together. Our retreats are a special time in which we build up our cohesion and we are blessed to have a strong relationship with Andy & Jan Fleckenstein. They continue to support our BOHEM in our retreats and for technology so that we are able to provide better resources and spiritual rejuvenation for the groups that meet.I am more directly involved with the Men Of Faith and currently we have 25-30 men in our groups regularly and they have really solidified their leadership and deepened the ministry. 80% of the men are sober and clean now and they are pretty self-sufficient and have been setting their own agendas for the group. The spirituality is very important and they have articulated the need to give back for all the support that they have received from Cross. This has given birth to the joint project with Walnut Way for the Men’s Wellness group.Alcohol and other drug related issues also present themselves on their on schedule and we have to be tight as staff. We operate as a team and have a strategy to respond to needs at the moment. These kind of issues have helped us as a team to better rely on one another and support each other.It truly can be challenging trying to allow for spaces of empowerment and growth for the volunteers and manage the changes that occur weekly with that staffing and the often new crews from the Felmer’s Chaney Center that assist in our BOHEM & Adult Center program as weekly volunteers. It is never a dull moment.Often times just managing the comings and goings on and trying to keep a peaceful environment for all concerned in the building, especially the clinic can be a bit much at times,


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but since we are all here working together and supporting one another in our various ministries we get it done well most days.My behind the scenes work allows me to visit some of our guest and their families during the week at certain establishments they frequent or in their homes to check in and make sure they are doing okay.I love my job because I get to meet so many interesting people, but I must admit sometimes my body just gives out and I do take a Sunday here and there to recoup as I’m getting up in age and I just seem to need more rest these days. Be well in the meantime,Easter

Greetings Everyone, Well, we just wanted to take a moment to send a heartfelt thanks out to all of our partners and friends, who so gracefully assisted in making the seventh annual Ball a fun filled event!!! We appreciate your attendance, ticket donation, auction donation, and committee participation; as well as spreading the word in your congregations. In essence, we are truly grateful for the love you have all shown to Cross, for the work done in our various ministries! The truth of the matter is that we could not have done anything without YOU! It takes a year long effort to make this event a success, not to mention many volunteer hours, so just know that we don’t take anything for granted.


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Therefore, without further ado, please know, members and friends alike, that we are down-right appreciative for all of your help, as we humbly look forward to a successful 2017Ball ! THANKS, THANKS, THANKS

Co-Chairs,Kaylynn Blackwell and Pat Coleman

Cross Financial Summary 4th Qtr

Cross Lutheran ChurchAnnual Financial Report Jan-Dec 2015 2015 Actual 2015 Budget Variance Dec 31, 2014 Revenue Offerings1 141,384 145,000 (3,616) 152,980 General Fund 6,482 14,000 (7,518) Building fund 2,490 5,000 (2,510) Partners 57,069 75,000 (17,931) Grants 182,200 191,800 (9,600) Other 68,599 47,400 21,199 Total Revenue 458,224 478,200 (19,976) 534,205 Expenses Benevolences 26,336 48,075 (21,739) Building Regular2 77,350 90,696 (13,346) Building Extra 0 5,000 (5,000) Programs 38,327 38,180 147 Staff3 269,796 311,661 (41,865) Other 1,891 6,400 (4,509) Total Expenses 422,612 500,012 (77,400) 507,152 Operations Surplus (Deficit) 35,612 (21,812) 57,424 27,053


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Checking Account Balance 21,308 22,484 Endowment Funds 74,385 (mostly restricted scholarship funds) 73,822 Mortgage Balance 207,006 218,550 Total Fixed Assets 877,515 (Property and equipment minus depreciation) 936,793 Current Liabilities 9,902 7,596

1Offerings ended the year $3,616 under budget. There were 104 giving units (down from 125 in 2014 and 146 in 2013) 2 Building costs decreased because of lower heating and repair expenses 3Staff was under budget because associate pastor position was vacant for 9 months. What the numbers mean: 2015 ended with a positive cash result because of reduced expenses. Congregation offerings continue to drop because of reduced numbers of contributors. However we are thankful that many of those who do contribute have continued or increased their offerings. We are very dependent on grants and partner support to continue our community ministries. If you have questions or comments about this report please contact Treasurer Lisa Quam at [email protected] or Finance Chair Tom Jackson at [email protected].


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The Association for the Study of African American Life & History has selected this annual theme to bring attention to the centennial celebration of the National Park Service and the more than twenty-five sites and the Underground Railroad Network to Freedom that are part of America’s hallowed grounds, including the home of the father of black history, Dr. Carter G. Woodson.


SOUL FOOD POTLUCK & CELEBRATIONSunday, February 28th in Joseph Ellwanger Fellowship



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March 16th at 5:45pm, Ellwanger Fellowship Hall


Saturday Mornings at 9:00am-10:00am in Youth Education Room.

February 27th – Painting Chalice March 12th –Instruction & Sacristy March 19th – Communion Bread &

Rehearsal*First Communion Rite will be celebrated on Palm

Sunday, March 20th.


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Walnut Way LinkIf you’d like to keep up on the events and programming of

Walnut Way Conservation Corp., please click on the following link:

Tues., March, 1 Adult Center, 9:30 a.m.. Bridges tutoring, 6 p.m.Wed., March, 2 BOHEM , 11:45 a.m.Thurs., March, 3 Bridges tutoring, 6 p.m.Sat., March, 5 Cross Youth Praise Team, 10 a.m.

Cross Comm. Gospel Choir practice, 11 a.m.Cross Praise Choir practice, 12:30 p.m.


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Sun., March, 6 Worship, 9:30 a.m. Annual meeting will follow the service.

Tues., March, 8 Adult Center, 9:30 a..m. Bridges tutoring, 6 p.m.Wed., March, 9 BOHEM, 11:45 a.m.Thurs. March, 10 Bridges Tutoring-6pmSat., March, 12 Quilting ministry meets at 10 a.m.

First Communion Class Schedule meets Saturday morning at 9:00-10:am .

Cross Youth Praise Team practice, 10 a.m.Cross Comm. Gospel Choir practice, 11 a.m.Cross Praise Choir practice, 12:30 p.m.

Sun., March, 13 Worship, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Forum will follow the service.

Mon. March, 14 MICHA Board Meeting, 5:30-7:30pmTues., March, 15 Adult Center, 9:30 a.m.

Bridges tutoring, 6 p.m.Wed, March, 16 BOHEM, 11:45 a.m. Wednesday’s Lenten Soup Meal & Sacred conversations for Racial Justice-5:45pm Thurs., March, 17 Men’s Wellness,11:30-1:30pm Bridges Tutoring, 6 p.m .Sat., March, 19 MICHA Core Group-9-10:am. First

Communion Class Schedule-9:am-10am. in Youth Education Room. Focus: Orientation

and Instruction. Cross Youth Praise Team practice, 10 a.m. Cross Comm. Gospel Choir practice, 11 a.m. Cross Praise Choir practice, 12:30 p.m.

Sun., March, 20 Worship, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School/Adult Forum to follow the service.

Tues., March, 22 Adult Center, 9:30 a.m. .No Bridges tutoring!

Wed., March, 23 BOHEM-11:45am.Thurs., March, 24 No Bridges Tutoring!Sat., March, 26 Quilting ministry-10:am

Cross Youth Praise Team, 10 a.m.Cross Comm. Gospel Choir practice, 11 a.m.


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Cross Praise Choir practice, 12:30 Sun., March, 27 Worship, 9:30 a.m. Annual meeting to follow

afterward.Tues; March, 29 Adult Center, 9:30--am


No Bridges Tutoring!Wed; March,30 BOHEM, 11:45amThurs; March, 31 No Bridges Tutoring!

Cross Lutheran ChurchA Reconciling in Christ ELCA Congregation

1821 N. 16th StreetMilwaukee, WI 5320Phone: 414-344-1746

Fax: 414-931-0537Email: [email protected]

Web Site:

Michelle Townsend de López, Senior PastorPastor Michelle’s Email:

[email protected]

Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m.


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Sunday School/Adult Forum: 11:15 a.m.Office Hours: Monday--Thursday, 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.