cross system create supplier process

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  • 8/10/2019 Cross System Create Supplier Process


    Cross system create supplier process

    In our example we will build a cross-system supplier self-service registration and approval process. Asupplier registers via a website and enters some initial data such as company name, street, city andpostal code. These global attributes are stored in NetWeaver ! for further distribution to Non-"A#systems. When the supplier is approved by the master data specialist a change re$uest isautomatically generated in "A# aster !ata %overnance. A wor&'ow in "A# aster !ata governanceensures that all ()# speci*c attributes are maintained. After *nal approval in "A# aster !ata%overnance the new supplier is activated and distributed. After activation a noti*cation is send tothe original re$uester.

    Figure 1: High-level process overview

    In *gure + below you see which systems are part of the process

    A "A# aster !ata %overnance / maintenance and distribution of ()# speci*c attributes

    0 "A# NetWeaver ! - maintenance and distribution of global attributes

    1 NetWeaver 1( / process runtime, process speci*c 2Is, process wor&list, web service consumptionand provisioning

    ! NetWeaver !eveloper "tudio / process design time

  • 8/10/2019 Cross System Create Supplier Process


    Figure 2: System Landscape

    As mentioned above the process was implemented using NetWeaver 0# for the design andexecution of the cross-system process. 0ut we also leverage the out-the-box governance process inaster !ata %overnance for maintenance of ()# speci*c attributes.

  • 8/10/2019 Cross System Create Supplier Process


    Figure 3: Technical process overview

    The *gure above provides a more technical process overview using the 0usiness #rocess odelingNotation 0#N notation from "A# NetWeaver 0#

    3 The initial supplier registration web page triggers the start web-service of the 0#


    + The global attributes from the registration web-page are used to create a new supplier

    record in "A# NetWeaver !

    4 In this human interaction step a new supplier is being approved

    5 0# calls a "A# aster !ata %overnance Web "ervice to create a change re$uest with

    the initial supplier data. This also triggers a "A# 0usiness Wor&'ow in "A# aster !ata %overnance.

    6 This step in 0# is called an intermediate message event. The process waits for a

    message to come in from aster !ata %overnance before the 'ow commences. (arly in the "A#0usiness Wor&'ow process we have inserted a tas& to call 0#. In this call we transmit the I! of thechange re$uest.

    7 0# uses the change re$uest I! from "A# aster !ata %overnance to send an e-mail to

    the original re$uestor. The e-mail contains a lin& to the "A# 0usiness Wor&'ow log. 2sing this lin&the original re$uestor can monitor the status of the change re$uest in !%.

    8 After sending an e-mail the 0# process waits again for a message from "A# aster

    !ata %overnance. This time "A# aster !ata %overnance sends a message at the end of the "A#0usiness Wor&'ow process and after the "upplier has been *nally approved and activated. Themessage includes the *nal I! of the 0usiness #artner in the primary persistence.

    9 The last step in the 0# process informs the original re$uestor that the new 0usiness

    #artner has been created and activated.

  • 8/10/2019 Cross System Create Supplier Process


    mplementation Steps

    Integration between NetWeaver ! and 0# has already been su:ciently documented on "!N. Inthis section the focus is on the integration between "A# aster !ata %overnance and NetWeaver0#. Therefore we loo& speci*cally at the three integration points numbered step 5, step 6 and step8 in *gure 4 above. In step 5 we show how the inbound communication to "A# aster !ata

    %overnance was reali;ed using a standard Web "ervice. The steps 6 and 8 are technically verysimilar in the sense that they both use a web service client proxy to transmit process statusinformation from the "A# 0usiness Wor&'ow bac& to "A# NetWeaver 0#.

    !sing the in"ound #usiness $artner %e" Service

    The (") Web "ervice used to create a 0usiness #artner in our scenario iscalled BusinessPartnerSUITEBulkReplicateRequest_In. In order to leverage this Web "ervice toautomatically create a change re$uest and &ey-mapping in "A# aster !ata %overnance , themethod IN03 1reate "upplier is being created.If &ey-mapping information was send as part of the Web "ervice call, the &ey-mapping for the newsupplier will automatically be updated.

    The A0A# code in the (nhancement "port loo&s for the *rst process type SUP1in table 2"!373

  • 8/10/2019 Cross System Create Supplier Process


    and ta&es the change re$uest type from that line. In our example >)!(< will be selected aschange re$uest type when the web service is called refer to table 2"!373 in *gure 5 below. Boumay have to adapt the A0A# code to ensure your custom change re$uest type as de*ned in thefollowing section = 1ustomi;ing the governance process= is correctly assigned in the (nhancement"pot.

    Figure &: Ta"le !S'(1)*1

    An example C> document to test the web service is attached to this wi&i.

    Test your scenario Inbound Web Service

    You should now test if the implementation is working. Using a Web Service test toolsuch as the SAP Web Service Navigator you can call the Web Service. After successful

    eecution you should find a new change re!uest in the P"W#$ %&ist 'Personal "b(ectWork #ntity $epository). You can access the P"W#$%&ist via the supplier role in SAP*aster +ata ,overnance.

    Customi+ing the governance process

    Bour Web "ervice is wor&ingD %oodE Bour inbound connection to "A# aster !ata %overnance is nowready. Next we need to establish the outbound connection to NetWeaver 0#. In our example weextend the governance process for create supplier by two additional "A# 0usiness Wor&'ow tas&s.(ach of the two tas&s sends a message to NetWeaver 0#.

    "ince we do not want to modify the "A# delivered wor&'ow template and change re$uest type, we*rst create a copies.

    >oo& up the id of the wor&'ow template for Create Supplier 3 1reate "upplier. Assign the new wor&'ow template id from the previous step

  • 8/10/2019 Cross System Create Supplier Process


    to the new change re$uest. In our example we have created a custom change re$uest type >)!(