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Page 1: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness
Page 2: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness


What is CrossFit? 3

What this guide is meant to do? 4

Supplies 5

Objectives for Participants 6

Session I – The Foundation 7-12

Session II – The Connection 13-14

Session III – The Conclusion 15


Page 3: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness

What is CrossFit?CrossFit

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness in 10 fitness domain areas. Those areas are speed, agility, power, coordination, balance, accuracy, strength, stamina, and cardiovascular/ respiratory endurance.

CrossFit was developed to enhance athletes individual skills in all physical tasks provide to them whether it is inside the gym or outside. CrossFit athletes train to perform a variety, assorted, and random physical task at any given time during a workout. This training regimen can be performed by any individual no matter their profession or athletic background, it is proven to be effective for all participants.

CrossFit Exercises

CrossFit can encompass a number of different exercises a few to mention are dips, pull-ups, squats, deadlifts, bikes, rowers, medicine balls, jump ropes, rings, plyometric boxes, push-ups, handstands, snatches, clean & jerks, and bench press.

CrossFit Routines

CrossFit has no ideal training plan or regimen to follow. CrossFit was created with the idea to be able to train for any unforeseen event in life. The idea of the training regimen is that you train for any stimulus and vary your loads and movements as often as possible. This is the primary objective of the strength and conditioning program that CrossFit stands behind.


Page 4: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness

What this guide is meant to do?In the CrossFit world Coaches who just receive their level 1 trainer certification are immersed in the day-to-day operations of a CrossFit affiliate businesses usually are not able to be provided the opportunity to as a shadow or guest coach. This would be very beneficial to new coaches who are just starting out and could learn to be an effective, efficient, and productive coach in the organization.

This Guide is designed for CrossFit trainers at all levels (mostly beginners) to be involved in a three-five day course where they can shadow the lead coach, guest coach classes, and have time to also discuss/ reflect on their experience of what occurred.

Through these next few days the individuals involved in the on boarding process will have time to discuss coaching skills, program development, leadership, planning, and time management. These are several things that effective coaches must be aware of to allow themselves to flourish in their

Within this Guide we will discuss:

The Nine Foundational Movements of CrossFit The Responsible Trainer Shadowing a Coach Running a CrossFit Class Understanding Technique Leading a Class Guest Coaching


Page 5: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness


Supplies needed for training

o Projector and screeno Computer o Barbellso Dumbbellso WhiteBoardo Dry Erase Markerso Towelso Notepad (Blank Paper)o Pen or Pencilso Rogue Clocko Remoteo CrossFit Level 1 Training Guideo Facilitators

Room set-up

o The room set up will vary depending on the workout that taking place that day.


o Session I – 3 hourso Session II – 2.5 hourso Session III – 1.5 hours


Page 6: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness

Participant objectives

By the conclusion of this 7-hour on boarding, participants will:

1. Create an effective timeline to get through the workout.

2. Identify and correct faults in group classes and individual sessions.

3. Prioritize movement corrections and deliver effective cues.

4. Learn how to effective lead class without the assistance of another coach.

5. Know multiple scaling options for athletes at all skill levels or with injuries.

6. Effectively understand the programming and the desired training stimulus.

7. Properly teach technique, form, and mechanics to athletes within the class.

8. Learn and reflect on how to maximize coaching potential while leading a class.


Page 7: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness

Session I: FoundationIn this session we will discuss the nine foundational movements of CrossFit, the things that encompass a responsible trainer, and the trainee will shadow the lead coach through coaching a class. While the individual is shadowing they will go around as an assistant coach making corrections to athletes form, engaging with the members, encourage athletes though the workout, help clean up/ put away any left out equipment. Then once the shadowing is complete the trainee will sit down, discuss, and reflect upon session I.

The Nine Foundational Movements: The Air Squat The Front Squat The Overhead Squat The Shoulder Press The Push Press The Push Jerk The Deadlift The Sumo Deadlift High Pull The Medicine-Ball Clean

The Air Squat it is the foundation for the front squat and the overhead squat. The squat is performed by 1.) having the athlete stand at shoulder-width stance. 2.) The hips descend back and down. The Knees will remain in line with toes. Hips descend lower than knees (if mobility allows). Heels remain down. 3.) The movement is complete once hips and knees are back at full extension.

The Front Squat which consist of using a loaded barbell. The barbell is supported by the torso in the front-rack position. 1.) Shoulder-width stance, loose fingertip grip on the bar, hands just outside shoulders, Elbows high (upper arm parallel to the ground). 2.) Hips descend back and down, lumbar curve maintained, knees in line with toes, hips descend lower than knees, and heels down. 3.) The movement is complete once hips and knees are back at full extension.


Page 8: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness

The Overhead Squat consist of a load added in the overhead position. 1.) Shoulder-width stance, shoulders push up into the bar, arms extended, wide grip on the bar (wide enough to perform a pass-through), armpits face forward. 2.) Hips descend back and down, knees in line with toes, lumbar curve maintained, hips descend lower than knees, heels down, bar moves over the middle of the foot. 3.) The movement is complete once hips and knees are back at full extension.

The Shoulder Press is the foundational movement to the Push Press and Push Jerk. 1.) Hip-width stance, elbows slightly in front of the bar, hands just outside shoulders, full grip on the bar, bar rests on torso. 2.) Spine neutral and legs extended, heels down, bar moves over the middle of the foot shoulders push up into the bar. 3.) The rep is complete at full arm extension.


Page 9: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness

The Push Press starts with a loaded barbell. 1.) Hip-width stance, elbows slightly in front of the bar, hands just outside shoulders, full grip on the bar, bar rests on torso. 2.) Torso remains vertical as hips and knees flex in the dip, hips and legs extend, then arms press, heels remain down until hips and knees extend, bar moves over the middle of the foot. 3.) The rep is complete at full hip, knee, and arm extension.

The Push Jerk starts with a loaded barbell. 1.) Hip-width stance, elbows slightly in front of the bar, hands just outside shoulders, full grip on the bar, bar rests on torso. 2.) Bar rests on torso, torso remains vertical as hips and knees flex in the dip, heels stay down until hips and knees extend, hips and knees extend rapidly, then arms press to drive under the bar. 3.) The rep is complete at full hip, knee, and arm extension.


Page 10: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness

The Deadlift is the foundational movement to the sumo deadlift high pull and the med ball clean. 1.) Hip-to-shoulder-width stance, hands just outside hips, eyes on the horizon, full grip on the bar, shoulders slightly in front of or over the bar, arms straight and bar in contact with the shins. 2.) Lumbar curve maintained, Hips and shoulders rise at the same rate until the bar passes the knee, hips then open, bar moves over the middle of the foot, heels down. The rep is complete at hip and knee full extension.

The Sumo Deadlift High Pull is started with a loaded bar. 1.) Slightly wider than shoulder-width stance, hands inside legs with a full grip on the bar, shoulders slightly in front of or over the bar, knees in line with toes, arms straight and bar in contact with the shins, eyes on the horizon. 2.) Lumbar curve maintained, hips and shoulders rise at the same rate until the bar passes the knee, hips then extend rapidly, heels down until hips and legs extend, shoulders shrug, then the arms pull, elbows move high and outside, bar moves over the middle of the foot, 3.) The rep is complete at full extension of hip and knee with bar pulled under the chin.


Page 11: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness

The medicine ball clean starts with a weight medicine ball on the ground. 1.) Shoulder-width stance, ball between the feet with palms on the ball, knees in line with toes, shoulders over the ball, eyes on the horizon. 2.) Lumbar curve maintained, hips extend rapidly shoulders then shrug, heels down until the hips and knees extend, arms then pull under to the bottom of the squat, ball stays close to the body. 3.) The rep is complete at full extension of hips and knees with the medicine ball at the rack position.

Responsible CrossFit TrainersBeing a good and effective coach is about improving one's overall health while keeping them safe during a training routine. Keeping clients safe includes knowing the movements, being able to identify, and correct violations. Through being a responsible trainer you must know the programming, the clients, and how to adapt for each one of them as needed throughout the workout. Within CrossFit understanding that everybody is not the same and their will need to be scaling options depending upon the individual.

ScalingAs a CrossFit trainer it is important to know how to scale athletes accordingly when you scale an individual this will all them to complete the workout, no matter where they are on their fitness journey. You can scale a atheletes movements, reps, weights, or even cut back the time in which they do the workout. This allows even beginners to complete the workout that is programmed and it is nice that in CrossFit there is a scaling option for everything.



Page 12: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness

Spotting is a tool utilized in CrossFit to allow individuals a chance to complete a movement with some assistance. This tool could be used if someone needs help finishing rep or someone who is struggling to complete rep. Of course there are particular ways that spotting is to be conducted, but it can be beneficial in a variety of ways.

These are just a few ways coaches can protect athletes: Know the movements Scale the workouts appropriately Be mindful of volume that athletes are under Put safety and technique first Educate athletes on proper form Only talk about what you know

Shadowing a Class:After the nine foundational movements and the responsible trainer have been discussed, the trainee will act as a assistant coach to the trainer and help coach the class for the day. The trainee will introduce themselves to the class and demonstrate the warm up. After that the trainee will walk around and help the athletes with their workouts for the day. If someone needs corrections they will make it and also act as a demonstrator for movements when called upon by the trainer.

Reflection & Discussion:Once the class is done the trainer and the trainee will sit down to discuss the day and what just occurred.

What did you learn today?

What do you believe you did right?

What are some things that you can improve on?

What are something's that you would like to review?

How could this have been done differently?

Anything else you would like to add?


Page 13: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness

Session II: The ConnectionOn Day Two the trainer and the trainee will dive into running a CrossFit class, understanding technique, and the trainee will lead the class on day two. Following the lead coaching of the class, the trainer and trainee will sit down for reflection/ discussion.

Running a CrossFit ClassThere are a few things that should be addressed when tackling this subject such as:

Does the warm-up…• Increase the body’s core temperature? • Prepare the athletes to handle the intensity of the workout? • Allow the coach to correct movement patterns needed in the workout?• Allow the coach to assess capacity for scaling modifications? • Offer a chance to develop and refine previous skills?

Does the workout…• Include scaling options that are appropriate for all athletes? • Allow athletes to reach their relative level of high intensity? • Challenge the athlete’s? • Include corrections of movement patterns while moving?

Does the cool-down…• Allow the heart and respiratory rate to slow? • Allow the athlete to record workout performance or track progress? • Prepare the gym for the following class? • Take advantage of remaining time for recovery practices, speak with members, and connect?

These are questions that should be answered consistently throughout the workout day. This will help the trainee identify what the desired goal of the class may be for the day.

The trainer and trainee will go through exactly the things that need to be addressed as in how long should the warm-up be? What are some scaled movements for the workout? What are some cool down stretches and mobility that can be done at the end of the workout? Just so that the trainee is able to fully grasp what goes into running a CrossFit class.

Understanding Technique: Three words that are important in CrossFit is Safety, Efficiency, And Efficacy. They all work simultaneously to try and give the athlete a greater return on their fitness than where they started in each training session. One can greatly affect the other if they are used either better or worse than the other. So individuals must understand when it comes to technique, a coach must place extreme importance on a athlete to learn it.

Technique, form, and mechanics all are terms that help a athlete perform the movements in CrossFit the right way. While they all at times can have different meanings they are equally as important. These terms are the qualifications in which you can judge a movement and also how to fix it. When an individual learns how move properly or increase their technique it will also lower the energy expended and increase their work output. So for CrossFit coaches it is important that they constantly push athletes to do things


Page 14: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness

right. Even if they must scale them back in the beginning or caution them to move forward slowly, having good technique will result in less injuries, higher performing athletes, and increase the athletes productivity.

Leading The ClassOn Day Two the Trainee will lead the class while the trainer will pose as the assistant coach to the class. This time the trainer will lead the class through the entire warm-up, the workout, and the cool down. While the trainer will be there to assist the class they will also be able to assess the trainee throughout this process. Once the class is completed the trainer and trainee will clean up behind the class.

Reflection & Discussion:Once the class is done the trainer and the trainee will sit down to discuss the day and what just occurred.

What did you learn today?

What do you believe you did right?

What are some things that you can improve on?

What are something's that you would like to review?

How could this have been done differently?

Anything else you would like to add?


Page 15: CrossFit Coaching Onboarding  · Web viewCrossFit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. That encompasses a variety of movements that is looking to optimize physical fitness

Session III: The ConclusionOn the third day the Trainee will guest coach the class and there will be a reflection/ discussion point following the class. Also on this day the trainee will be evaluated and informed if they need to do another guest coaching class or if they will be released from the training.

Guest CoachingAt this point the trainee will coach the class by themselves. The trainer will be outside of the class area and will just critique the trainee. The trainee will lead the class through a warm-up, the workout, and a cool-down/ mobility session at the end. Once the class is finished the trainee will clean up the classroom and meet with the coach for a reflection/ discussion session.

Reflection & Discussion:Once the class is done the trainer and the trainee will sit down to discuss the day and what just occurred.

What did you learn today?

What do you believe you did right?

What are some things that you can improve on?

What are something's that you would like to review?

How could this have been done differently?

Anything else you would like to add?

Do you think this on boarding process has been effective?

What would you change about this entire process?

Is there anything that you believe should be covered that was not?