crpd accomplishment report

1 ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT ON THE CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (2013-2015) 2.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the eighth treaty signed by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines on September 25, 2007. The country’s ratification of the treaty on April 15, 2008 and entry into forc e on May 3, 2008 mandates the government to be the primary duty bearer for the promotion and protection of human rights of persons with disabilities (PWD) through legislative, administrative, judicial and other measures. This report contains discussions on the achievements, hindering factors, lessons learned and concerns on the four (4) thematic objectives with six (6) strategic indicators. With respect to Thematic Objective No. 1 or the harmonization of national and local legislations three (3) laws were passed by Congress amending section 5 of Republic Act 7277 or the Magna Carta of Persons with Disabilities on the employment of persons with disabilities from 5% contractual, emergency and casual positions of DSWD, DepEd, DOH and other corporation engaged in social development to 1 percent of all positions in the government regardless of nature of appointment and encouraging the private sector to also employ 1% for every company with 100 employees, creation of accessible polling place for persons with disabilities and senior citizen voters and amendment to intellectual property act providing permission to institutions, individuals to reproduce information materials into alternative format accessible to persons with disabilities for as long as it is for non-commercial purposes and for educational and scientific use. As to disability data collection, the Department of Health Persons with Disability (DOH-PWD) Registry is already fully developed and is being rolled out to the different local government units in the country and is set to generate reliable source of data for those already given the privilege discount ID. On the participation of persons with disabilities in policy decision making process, there are about 138 Persons with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) established at different local units. PDAO serves as an institutional mechanism to address the concerns of persons with disabilities to participate in any decision making that may affect them at the community level. The second Thematic Objective focuses on the mainstreaming of human rights standards in infrastructure development to enhance accessibility of PWDs to physical environment, taking into consideration cultural adaptability. The National Council on Disability Affairs has expanded the non-handicapping environment from a previous 2 rural areas of municipalities of New Lucena, Iloilo and Opol, Misamis Oriental in 2008-2012 to additional seven (7) local government units with four (4) municipalities, two (2) cities and one (1) province from 2013 present

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Page 1: CRPD Accomplishment Report




The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the eighth treaty signed by the Government of the Republic

of the Philippines on September 25, 2007. The country’s ratification of the treaty on April 15, 2008 and entry into force on May 3, 2008

mandates the government to be the primary duty bearer for the promotion and protection of human rights of persons with disabilities (PWD)

through legislative, administrative, judicial and other measures.

This report contains discussions on the achievements, hindering factors, lessons learned and concerns on the four (4) thematic objectives

with six (6) strategic indicators. With respect to Thematic Objective No. 1 or the harmonization of national and local legislations three (3) laws

were passed by Congress amending section 5 of Republic Act 7277 or the Magna Carta of Persons with Disabilities on the employment of

persons with disabilities from 5% contractual, emergency and casual positions of DSWD, DepEd, DOH and other corporation engaged in social

development to 1 percent of all positions in the government regardless of nature of appointment and encouraging the private sector to also

employ 1% for every company with 100 employees, creation of accessible polling place for persons with disabilities and senior citizen voters

and amendment to intellectual property act providing permission to institutions, individuals to reproduce information materials into alternative

format accessible to persons with disabilities for as long as it is for non-commercial purposes and for educational and scientific use. As to

disability data collection, the Department of Health – Persons with Disability (DOH-PWD) Registry is already fully developed and is being

rolled out to the different local government units in the country and is set to generate reliable source of data for those already given the privilege

discount ID. On the participation of persons with disabilities in policy decision making process, there are about 138 Persons with Disability

Affairs Office (PDAO) established at different local units. PDAO serves as an institutional mechanism to address the concerns of persons with

disabilities to participate in any decision making that may affect them at the community level.

The second Thematic Objective focuses on the mainstreaming of human rights standards in infrastructure development to enhance

accessibility of PWDs to physical environment, taking into consideration cultural adaptability. The National Council on Disability Affairs has

expanded the non-handicapping environment from a previous 2 rural areas of municipalities of New Lucena, Iloilo and Opol, Misamis Oriental

in 2008-2012 to additional seven (7) local government units with four (4) municipalities, two (2) cities and one (1) province from 2013 – present

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namely Manolo Fortich in Bukidnon, Laguindingan in Misamis Oriental, Guimbal, Iloilo, Puerto Princessa City, Palawan, Alloran, Misamis

Occicental, Iligan City, Lanao del Norte and the province of Misamis Oriental, promoting the use of indigenous materials to make the physical

environment accessible to persons with disabilities. In addition, NCDA has formed access audit teams at the regional level to monitor the

implementation of Batas Pambansa Blg 344 with the Department of Public Works and Highways as lead agency and chair of the Access Audit

Monitoring Team has organized municipal and city access monitoring team in all regions of the country.

The third Thematic Objective on the promotion of UN-CRPD and the Philippine Human Rights Plan through the use of mass media to

create awareness in all branches of government. The National Council on Disability Affairs has conducted media forums in various provinces

namely forum on accessible voting, community based rehabilitation congress, regional committee on disability affairs’ press conference in

Davao City and media forum on accessible tourism in eight (8) regions of the country namely NCR (Manila), VII (Cebu and Bohol), XI

(Davao), I (La Union), IV-B (Puerto Princessa, Palawan), CAR (Baguio City, VI (Iloilo City and Boracay), XII (General Santos). The

Department of Tourism is the lead agency in this activity requiring hotel establishments to have accessible accommodation to persons with


On the other hand, Thematic Objective four (4,) NCDA has sensitize three hundred (360) prosecutors and public attorneys combined in six (6)

regions namely NCR, V, VI, VII, X and 11 to enable them to effectively assist persons with disabilities to have access to justice. Also, some

fifty (50) focal persons on disaster risk reduction and management were trained on disability inclusive risk reduction and management. These

include the provinces of Rizal and Guimaras. All of these trainings emphasizes the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA). In addition, the

Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) accepted the recommendation of NCDA to make the accessibility law implementation

one of the criterion in the Seal of Good Governance (SOLG) by the local government

A. Profile of the Agency

Article XIII Section 13 of the 1987 Constitution states that a special agency for the rehabilitation, self-development, self-reliance and

integration of persons with disabilities into mainstream society shall be established. Executive Order (E.O.) 232 (July 22, 1987) amended

Presidential Decree 1509 (June 11 1978) reorganizing the National Commission Concerning Disabled Persons (NCCDP) into the National

Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP). Initially attached to the Department of Social Welfare and Development, NCWDP was

transferred to the Office of the President by Executive Order No. 676 (October 25, 2007) and then reorganized into the National Council on

Disability Affairs (NCDA) by E.O. 709. NCDA by virtue of its charter enshrined under E.O. No. 709 issued on February 26, 2008, formulates

policies, coordinates and monitors programs and projects for PWDs. In an effort to streamline government services and provide efficient and

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effective service to the sector with disability, E.O. No. 33 was issued on April 5, 2011 which retains the organization of the Council but transfers

its attachment to the umbrella of DSWD from the Office of the President.

B. Brief Background on the Report’s Content

The content of this report was based on various consultations with stakeholders. Most of consultations were done at the regional level

with the representation of organizations of persons with disabilities. Other sources are from written report of national government agencies and

members of NCDA Board covering the period of implementation 2013-2015.

The content was summarized in the foregoing executive summary for easy reading.

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Name of Agency/Agencies: National Council on Disability Affairs

Thematic Objective No. 1: To harmonize national and local legislations including administrative orders, policies and guidelines with the UN-CRPD for the

creation of an inclusive, barrier-free and a rights-based environment

Strategic Treaty Indicator


Medium Targets




Lessons learned/ Assessment whether

targets are met/Challenges/Hindering



Areas for improvement or Recommended Next Steps

(5) National/ local legislations with corresponding implementing rules and regulations compliant to specific and comprehensive standards.

Refiling of bills from previous Congress and continue lobbying through meetings with principal sponsors of the bills

Amendment of: Republic Act No. 10524,

titled “An act expanding the positions reserved for persons with disability, amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 7277, as amended, otherwise known as the Magna Carta For Persons With Disability” passed into law on 23 April 2013

Republic Act No. 10366, titled “An act authorizing the

The laws still need strong advocacy for implementation

IRR of RA 10524 is still not finalized

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Strategic Treaty Indicator


Medium Targets




Lessons learned/ Assessment whether

targets are met/Challenges/Hindering



Areas for improvement or Recommended Next Steps

(5) Collection statistical data and analysis on disability and mapping of local legislations that affect persons with disabilities

Baseline data/situationer on persons with disabilities completed/established, disaggregated into age

Commission on Elections to establish precincts assigned to accessible polling places exclusively for persons with disabilities and senior citizens” passed into law on 15 February 2013.

Republic Act No. 10372,

titled “An act amending certain provisions of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, and for other purposes,” passed into law on 28 February 2013

Department of Health - Philippine Registry for Persons with Disabilities

Access to the DOH registry is still difficult due to the following reasons:

1. Connectivity 2. Hardware and

Training for the offline version of the system is ongoing Modification of the registry

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Strategic Treaty Indicator


Medium Targets




Lessons learned/ Assessment whether

targets are met/Challenges/Hindering



Areas for improvement or Recommended Next Steps


sex, income, type of disability, place of origin, others. Inventory of laws for PWDs

(System operationalized)

(Estimated 30,000 persons with disabilities Identification card issued and registered)

DSWD National Household Targeting System-Poverty Reduction (NHTSPR)

(Persons with disabilities are already included in the survey)

Collection of local legislations on disability

(One (1) compendium on local legislations on administrative structures of persons with disabilities)

peopleware availability in the LGU for the registry

3. Registry form needs revision to adapt to the new requirement of the registry

Only the household with member with disabilities is identified, not the persons with disabilities Difficulty in collecting local legislations due to non-awareness of focal persons on disability legislative agenda

system and form to conform to the new requirements DSWD is conducting the second round of data collection of the NHTSPR and intends to identify persons with disabilities Establish linkages with the different Sanggunian secretaries through DILG

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Strategic Treaty Indicator


Medium Targets




Lessons learned/ Assessment whether

targets are met/Challenges/Hindering



Areas for improvement or Recommended Next Steps


Persons with disabilities and their organizations are included in the national/local disability policy decision-making process, with emphasis on mainstreamed gender initiatives, their participation to organized associations, and their identity as a person or as a group.

Disabled people’s organizations, women with disabilities organized and functional, participated in decision making

Organized disabled persons group in all the regions of the country in partnership with DSWD About two hundred (200)

organizations of persons with disabilities are functional with ongoing advocacy activities

About 200 women with

disabilities have been trained in leadership and personality development covering the areas of Regions II, CAR, VII, and XI to ensure their advocacy and participation in the community

Sustainability of the organizations is a major challenge due to inadequate support of the local government units

More advocacy in mainstreaming gender agenda at the local government units.

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Strategic Treaty Indicator


Medium Targets




Lessons learned/ Assessment whether

targets are met/Challenges/Hindering



Areas for improvement or Recommended Next Steps

(5) An increase of 50% in the

number of cooperatives of persons with disabilities

National cooperatives:

Manila, Nueva Ecija, Nueva Vizcaya, Zamboanga, Iloilo, Davao, Cotabato, Cebu

Additional: Tolosa Cooperatives of

Persons with Disabilities; Asingan Cooperatives of Persons with Disabilities; Tunga Cooperatives of Persons with Disabilities; Leyte Federation of Physically disabled Persons of Leyte; Leyte These Abled Person Producers Cooperative

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Strategic Treaty Indicator


Medium Targets




Lessons learned/ Assessment whether

targets are met/Challenges/Hindering



Areas for improvement or Recommended Next Steps


About 76% of the regions have regional federation of persons with disabilities (CAR, I, II, III, V, VI,VII, IX, X, XI, XII, CARAGA, NCR)

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Name of Agency/Agencies: National Council on Disability Affairs

Thematic Objective 2: To mainstream human rights standard in infrastructure development to enhance accessibility of the PWDs to physical environment,

taking into consideration cultural adaptability

Strategic Treaty Indicator


Medium Targets




Lessons learned/ Assessment whether

targets are met/Challenges/Hindering



Areas for improvement or Recommended Next Steps


Government structures and utilities are designed, constructed, audited and retrofitted in strict compliance with the provisions of the Accessibility Law incorporating and promoting Universal/ Inclusive Design

40-50 percent of

structures/facilities in

highly urbanized areas





offices, banks,

churches, hotels, malls,

supermarkets, parks,

street sidewalks and

others complied with



Non-Handicapping Environment - LGUs ensuring

implementation of the Accessibility Law in its respective jurisdiction; Orientations conducted for Local Building Officials and PWD Organizations on accessibility monitoring; LGUs compliant with CRPD Standard

Expansion to additional

regions in Visayas and


Inadequate resources to

implement infrastructure

involved at the LGU levels

Expansion to 17 regions

from 20-13-2016

Advocacy campaign by


compliance to

accessibility law

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Strategic Treaty Indicator


Medium Targets




Lessons learned/ Assessment whether

targets are met/Challenges/Hindering



Areas for improvement or Recommended Next Steps


Land Transportation in

NCR, Cebu and Iloilo

City for persons with

disabilities are


As to date based on the

SGLG report 254 of the

city and municipal

buildings are accessible

which is 20% increase in

1,291 compliant accessible

buildings reported by

DPWH in 2010

At present the land

transportation such as

taxis, buses, jeepneys,

LRTs and MRT, PNR are

all safe for persons with

disabilities. Only LRT,

MRT and PNR have

facilities for accessibility.

In Metro Cebu, taxis and

jeepneys are being

monitored by persons with

disabilities themselves

through a task force

organized by the city.

While in Iloilo, there is a

It is difficult to implement

accessible transportation

for persons with

disabilities due to high

cost of budgetary

requirement in operating a

transportation facility.

There is a need for

government to provide

incentives to transportation

operators for the

acquisition of new

accessible vehicles.

Lobby for government

incentives is necessary to

encourage private

investment in this area

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Strategic Treaty Indicator


Medium Targets




Lessons learned/ Assessment whether

targets are met/Challenges/Hindering



Areas for improvement or Recommended Next Steps


need for a strong group of

persons with disabilities to

lobby for accessible land

transportation facilities.

On the other hand, NCR

jeepneys and buses are not

accessible to persons with


Only 17% of LGUs passed

the SGLG criterion

compliance to the

accessibility law

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Name of Agency/Agencies: National Council on Disability Affairs

Thematic Objective 3: To popularize UN-CRPD using traditional and non-traditional mass media to encourage accountability in the Executive, Legislative

and Judicial branches of government, as well as to inform persons with disabilities and the general public about NHRAPP, especially on how persons with

disabilities can participate and benefit from it

Strategic Indicator


Medium Targets




Lessons learned/

Assessment whether

targets are




Areas for improvement or

Recommended Next Steps


Coordination committees

are established and

strengthened. Their

mechanisms are developed

with coordinated

implementation and

participation of the multi-

media, information

officers of the national and

local agencies including

persons with disabilities

and their organizations

NCDA prepared


accomplishment reports of

CRPD to the United Nations

1 Report submitted to the

concerned agency for

submission to the UN

Reporting the UN should

be undertaken by the

concerned agency in

partnership with DFA to

facilitate submission.

Preparation for the

submission of report

should be done early

quarters of the year to give

time for consolidation and

analysis. NCDA will

establish a technical

working group to

undertake collection of


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Strategic Indicator


Medium Targets




Lessons learned/

Assessment whether

targets are




Areas for improvement or

Recommended Next Steps


Local committees on

disability established

About 138 local

committees on disability

were established to

coordinate disability

agenda in line with the

convention on the rights of

persons with disabilities.

NCDA needs to strengthen

its campaign by engaging

more local government

units to fund disabilities

activities, projects and


Existence of several

languages/dialects in the


Disability as understood in

the different communities

in the country

NCDA is expanding the


environment to include

strengthening of advocacy


Translate into Filipino

Sign Language

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Name of Agency/Agencies: National Council on Disability Affairs

Thematic Objective 4: To sensitize and enhance the positive perceptions and acceptance of communities to PWDs by conducting sensitivity

training, correct use of language, value information, and re-direction of attitudes for duty-bearers and claimholders

Strategic Indicator


Medium Targets




Assessment whether targets are

met/Challenges/Hindering Factors


Recommended Next Steps

(5) Capacity building for duty bearers/ claimholders on HRBA to draw attention to and promote a better understanding of disability

Claimholders are part of the training team and are able to communicate issues/concerns to LGUs for the latter’s consideration into its Work and Financial Plans

Sensitivity trainings for PAO lawyers and prosecutors from regions NCR, III, V, VI, VII, X, and XI - Access to justice for persons with disabilities (60 prosecutors per region or 420 covering 7regions) Sensitivity training for Department of Trade and Industry personnel Training of Airline front liners on how to assist passengers with disabilities (PAL and Cebu Pacific)

Disability agenda needs to be mainstreamed in all activities of society since disability is a cross cutting issue

NCDA is preparing modules for training of trainers on disability inclusive disaster risk reduction, accessibility of physical environment and community-based rehabilitation program

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Strategic Indicator


Medium Targets




Assessment whether targets are

met/Challenges/Hindering Factors


Recommended Next Steps

(5) National Disability Summit (NDS) is institutionalized and conducted every two years as avenue to discuss issues and concerns and to present challenges

Training of government web administrators, designers, and content providers for web accessibility of government sites - Thirty (30) web designers Inclusion of BP 344 to the

Seal of Good Governance

of the DILG for LGU


Disability Inclusive

Disaster Risk Reduction

Training Regions IV-A,

and VI,

NCDA is consultation

with the regional

committee on disability

affairs as a strategy on a

regular basis

Consultations should not always be conducted in a very short of time because issues and concerns gather are almost the same. There should be more time for implementation and resolving issues.

Consultations should be planned to gather only strategic information requiring resolution of a difficult issue on disability and to achieve this there is a need to capacitate all stakeholders to quality planning and strategies hence, NCDA is designing capacity building programs for all of its stakeholders.

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