crt tv with pincushion problem repaired. model lenco 6382.doc

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  • 5/22/2018 CRT TV with Pincushion problem repaired. Model Lenco 6382.doc


    CRT TV with Pincushion problem

    repaired. Model: Lenco 6382

    By Jestine Yongon April 4, 2014

    A friend of mine brought this TV set to my shop for repair. e brought me this TV set

    about t!o years ago and at that time, the main problem !as the po!er supply. Today, he

    brought the same e"a#t set but !ith a different problem. ere is the story.

    This is the information on the ba#$ of this TV set.

    A fe! s#re!s off and this is !hat % found inside. %t is a &ery dusty TV set.
  • 5/22/2018 CRT TV with Pincushion problem repaired. Model Lenco 6382.doc


    'n#e % got it #leaned and eye s#anned the !hole board for bad parts, % #ould not find

    any. % po!ered the de&i#e and here is !hat %


    %n my #ountry, !e #all it, (ast )est problem. it might be $no!n to others as pin #ushion

    problem. *ifferent names for the same problem. +et the repair begins.

    )hen % see a problem li$e that, % usually go dire#tly to the #oil that usually #auses su#h

  • 5/22/2018 CRT TV with Pincushion problem repaired. Model Lenco 6382.doc


    )hen % #leaned and #he#$ed it !ith the Blue ring meter, it ga&e me full light bar. That is

    an indi#ation of a !or$ing #oil. % put it ba#$ on board and started loo$ing for parts that

    is #onne#ted to this #oil !ith the hope to find the main #ause of this problem.

    % found this '-(T and it !as !ritten on the bottom of it (/). That is the '-(T

    gets &oltage from the #oil. )hen % #he#$ed for &oltage there % did not get any reading. %

    started to tra#e the problem ba#$!ards to find !hy there !as no &oltage there. This

    tra#ing led me to this area.
  • 5/22/2018 CRT TV with Pincushion problem repaired. Model Lenco 6382.doc


    You #an see the main #oil and the blan$ spa#e is !here the main diode is that supplies

    the main '-(T. To my surprise, the diode #he#$ed fine !hen % tested it !ith my

    multi meter. % ha&e #he#$ed all that area and % #ould not find anything !rong. Then, it

    hit me, !hat if this diode is testing o$ but failing !hen under load. % de#ided to #hange


    'n#e % #hanged this diode, loo$ at the result.
  • 5/22/2018 CRT TV with Pincushion problem repaired. Model Lenco 6382.doc


    % $no! the pi#ture is not #lear but you #an see a full s#reen. That diode !as the main

    #ause of this problem yet, it tested fine. The part number is By2. %t too$ me a !hile

    to get it fi"ed but ission a##omplished.

    This arti#le !as prepared for you by )aleed ishma!i, one of our aster Authors3 and

    #urrently !or$ing in the Bethlehem area of alestine repairing ele#tri#al and ele#troni#
