crystal-structure analysis of a birefringent andradite · hatch and griffen (1989), who predicted...

American Mineralogist, Volume 74, pages 1307-1316, 1989 Crystal-structureanalysisof a birefringent andradite K,c.rHr,nnNJ. KrNclvra,* Javrns W. DowNs Department of Geology and Mineralogy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, U.S.A. The crystal structure of a noncubic garnet of composition AndnrGrrSpessr was refined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction intensitiesto R* : 2.4o/o for 3 145 observations u^nique under Laue group i. Although the unit cell is metrically cubic, with a : 12.048(l) A, the spacegroup for this optically anisotropic garnet is found to be Il., a subgroup of la3d. Partial long-range ordering of Fe3+ and Al over the eight symmetrically unique octahedral sites ofthe Ii structure is found to be significant and is cited as a possible origin for the observedoptical anisotropy. Iurnooucrrox Since the garnetstructurewas first determinedby Men- zer (1926,1928) to be cubic (space group la3d), several silicate garnets, especially those of grossular-andradite composition (grandites), have been found to be optically and structurally noncubic. The origin for the optical an- isotropy has been attributed to many factors, including (1) substitution of rare-earth cations for Ca (Blanc and Maisonneuve,1973), (2) twinning (Ingerson and Barks- dale, 1943), (3) residual strain from lattice mismatch at compositional, twin, or grain boundaries (Chase and Le- fever, 1960; Lessing and Standish,1973;Kitamura and Komatsu, 1978), (4) noncubic distribution of OH- groups due to the hydrogarnetsubstitution (Aines and Rossman, 1984; Rossman and Aines, 1986; Allen and Buseck, 1988), and (5) orderingofFe3* and Al over the octahedral sites (Tak6uchiand Haga, 1976; Tak6uchi et a1., 1982; Aki- zuki, 1984; Allen and Buseck, 1988). Tak6uchiet al. (1982)examined garnets of intermedi- ate grossular-andradite composition that crystallized in space groups11 and Fddd with Fe3* and Al ordering over the octahedralsites.Allen and Buseck (1988) found a garnetof near-end-member grossular composition having a slight almandine component (Fel+AlrSirO,r) to crystal- lize in space group 11 and have cation ordering over both the octahedral (Al and Fe3+)and dodecahedral (Ca and Fe'z+) sites. Since it has been shown that both ordering and optical birefringence decrease with increasing tem- perature, cation ordering is seenas a direct cause for the optical anisotropyofgrandite garnets (Tak6uchiand Haga, 1976; Tak6uchi et al., 1982; Allen and Buseck, 1988). While cation ordering is generallyaccepted as one pos- sible origin for the optical anisotropy ofcertain grandites, less is understood about the mechanisms that initially created the ordering.Gali (1983) and Akizuki (1984) have similarly proposed that ordering occurs during crystal * Present address:Department of Earth and Planetary Sci- ences, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, U.S.A. growth because of the inequivalency of the [Y] sites on the growth faces, which causes preferential site selection by the Fe3+ and Al cations. However, Hatch and Griffen (1989) recently suggested that, in addition to a crystal- growth mechanism, ordering may occur as a tempera- ture-induced phase transformationfrom a disordered 1a3d structure to an ordered, or partially ordered lower-sym- metry structurc of Fddd or 11 symmetry. It was the aim of this study to use single-crystal X-ray diffraction to examine the crystal structure of an optically noncubic andradite containing only a small amount of Al and to investigate to what extent the deviation from cubic symmetry may be ascribed to long-range order of Fe3+ and Al over the octahedral sites. ExpnnrnrnNTAr DETATLS The andradite garnets,from a metamorphic skarn de- posit in the Sonoma Range, Nevada, were obtained from Ernest G. Ehlers' personal collection at The Ohio State University. TheseSonomaandraditesare reddish-brown, measure up to 8 mm in diameter, exhibit aa dodecahedral habit, and are iridescent. The andradites display the la- mellar texture describedby other investigators (Hirai et al.,1982; Akizuki, 1984;Akizukiet al., 1984;Hirai and Nakazawa, 1982,1986a,1986b). Thin sections reveal that the garnets are optically anisotropicwith alternatingzones of variable birefringence. Samples for single-crystal X-ray investigation were preparedby crushingthe largegarnets and mounting suit- able fragmentson glassfibers. Severalof thesefragments were then selected for possible X-ray study on the basis of their optical homogeneity and birefringenceobserved using a spindle stage (for description,seeBloss, l98l). The polyhedral fragment chosenfor the X-ray measure- ments has approximatedimensions70 x 80 x 90 pm with nine easily definable faces.The fragment is biaxial positive with2V,: 66(l)", as determined by extinction data using the program EXcALTBR (Blossand Riess, I 973). The X optical direction is coincident with the crystallo- graphic zone [10], whereas f A [001] : Z A [10] : 0003-004x/89/ l r l 2-l 307$02.00 1307

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Page 1: Crystal-structure analysis of a birefringent andradite · Hatch and Griffen (1989), who predicted the subgroups of la3d that could describe an ordered grandite phase. The function

American Mineralogist, Volume 74, pages 1307-1316, 1989

Crystal-structure analysis of a birefringent andradite

K,c.rHr,nnN J. KrNclvra,* Javrns W. DowNsDepartment of Geology and Mineralogy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, U.S.A.

The crystal structure of a noncubic garnet of composition AndnrGrrSpessr was refinedfrom single-crystal X-ray diffraction intensities to R* : 2.4o/o for 3 145 observations u^niqueunder Laue group i. Although the unit cell is metrically cubic, with a : 12.048(l) A, thespace group for this optically anisotropic garnet is found to be Il., a subgroup of la3d.Partial long-range ordering of Fe3+ and Al over the eight symmetrically unique octahedralsites ofthe Ii structure is found to be significant and is cited as a possible origin for theobserved optical anisotropy.


Since the garnet structure was first determined by Men-zer (1926,1928) to be cubic (space group la3d), severalsilicate garnets, especially those of grossular-andraditecomposition (grandites), have been found to be opticallyand structurally noncubic. The origin for the optical an-isotropy has been attributed to many factors, including(1) substitution of rare-earth cations for Ca (Blanc andMaisonneuve,1973), (2) twinning (Ingerson and Barks-dale, 1943), (3) residual strain from lattice mismatch atcompositional, twin, or grain boundaries (Chase and Le-fever, 1960; Lessing and Standish,1973; Kitamura andKomatsu, 1978), (4) noncubic distribution of OH- groupsdue to the hydrogarnet substitution (Aines and Rossman,1984; Rossman and Aines, 1986; Allen and Buseck, 1988),and (5) ordering ofFe3* and Al over the octahedral sites(Tak6uchi and Haga, 1976; Tak6uchi et a1., 1982; Aki-zuki, 1984; Allen and Buseck, 1988).

Tak6uchi et al. (1982) examined garnets of intermedi-ate grossular-andradite composition that crystallized inspace groups 11 and Fddd with Fe3* and Al ordering overthe octahedral sites. Allen and Buseck (1988) found agarnet of near-end-member grossular composition havinga slight almandine component (Fel+AlrSirO,r) to crystal-lize in space group 11 and have cation ordering over boththe octahedral (Al and Fe3+) and dodecahedral (Ca andFe'z+) sites. Since it has been shown that both orderingand optical birefringence decrease with increasing tem-perature, cation ordering is seen as a direct cause for theoptical anisotropy ofgrandite garnets (Tak6uchi and Haga,1976; Tak6uchi et al., 1982; Allen and Buseck, 1988).

While cation ordering is generally accepted as one pos-sible origin for the optical anisotropy ofcertain grandites,less is understood about the mechanisms that initiallycreated the ordering. Gali (1983) and Akizuki (1984) havesimilarly proposed that ordering occurs during crystal

* Present address: Department of Earth and Planetary Sci-ences, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland2 1 2 1 8 , U . S . A .

growth because of the inequivalency of the [Y] sites onthe growth faces, which causes preferential site selectionby the Fe3+ and Al cations. However, Hatch and Griffen(1989) recently suggested that, in addition to a crystal-growth mechanism, ordering may occur as a tempera-ture-induced phase transformation from a disordered 1a3dstructure to an ordered, or partially ordered lower-sym-metry structurc of Fddd or 11 symmetry.

It was the aim of this study to use single-crystal X-raydiffraction to examine the crystal structure of an opticallynoncubic andradite containing only a small amount of Aland to investigate to what extent the deviation from cubicsymmetry may be ascribed to long-range order of Fe3+and Al over the octahedral sites.


The andradite garnets, from a metamorphic skarn de-posit in the Sonoma Range, Nevada, were obtained fromErnest G. Ehlers' personal collection at The Ohio StateUniversity. These Sonoma andradites are reddish-brown,measure up to 8 mm in diameter, exhibit aa dodecahedralhabit, and are iridescent. The andradites display the la-mellar texture described by other investigators (Hirai etal.,1982; Akizuki, 1984;Akizuki et al., 1984;Hirai andNakazawa, 1982,1986a,1986b). Thin sections reveal thatthe garnets are optically anisotropic with alternating zonesof variable birefringence.

Samples for single-crystal X-ray investigation wereprepared by crushing the large garnets and mounting suit-able fragments on glass fibers. Several of these fragmentswere then selected for possible X-ray study on the basisof their optical homogeneity and birefringence observedusing a spindle stage (for description, see Bloss, l98l).The polyhedral fragment chosen for the X-ray measure-ments has approximate dimensions 70 x 80 x 90 pmwith nine easily definable faces. The fragment is biaxialpositive with2V,: 66(l)", as determined by extinctiondata using the program EXcALTBR (Bloss and Riess, I 973).The X optical direction is coincident with the crystallo-graphic zone [10], whereas f A [001] : Z A [10] :

0003-004x/89/ l r l 2-l 307$02.00 1307

Page 2: Crystal-structure analysis of a birefringent andradite · Hatch and Griffen (1989), who predicted the subgroups of la3d that could describe an ordered grandite phase. The function

l 308

l2'. Although the indices of refraction were not deter-mined, maximum birefringence is estimated to be lessthan 0.005. Table I summarizes the data for the crystalfragment chosen for X-ray measurements.

An ern-seuq electron microprobe operating with anaccelerating voltage of 15 kV and a beam current of 20nA was used to determine the composition of the samepolyhedral fragment used in the measurement of X-rayintensities. Results of the analyses taken at 150 pointsacross the fragment indicate near-end-member andraditecomposition (AndroGrrSpess,) with no apparent compo-sitional zonation across the grain. Table 2 lists the aver-age of the microprobe analyses. The chemical formulaassumed during the crystal-structure refinement was{Cao rrMno o, } r[Feo noAlo ou]r(Si)3orr.

Data collection and reduction

All X-ray diffraction data were collected on a RigakuAFc-6R single-crystal diffractometer at 23'C. MoKa ra-diation (^ : 0.71069 A1 was generated with a Rigakunu-zoo rotating-anode generator (0.5-mm filament, 0.5-mm collimator) operating at 50 kV and 180 mA andmonochromatized with pyrolytic graphite. Diffractome-ter setting angles for 18 reflections with 90 < 20 < ll0'were used in a least-squares unit-cell and orientation-ma-trix refinement, yielding an idealized cubic cell with a :12.048(l) A, which agrees well with a value of a-" :12.05 A, calculated from the regression formula ofNovakand Gibbs (1971). Intensities were measured using <r2dstep-scans to allow for manual intervention during datareduction. Three standard reflections were monitored af-ter every 150 measurements to check for crystal move-ment and to monitor intensity fluctuations. A total of5921 intensities, including standards, were measured.Preliminary data collection indicated that reflections thatmight violate the body-centering symmetry rule (hkl: h+ k + I : 2n) werc low-angle reflections having 2d lessthan 20'. Data were therefore collected in two stages inorder to limit the total collection time without sacrificingthe completeness of the final data set. First, all nodes ofthe reciprocal lattice within the sphere of reflection with0 < 20 < 20o were scanned. This was followed by themeasurement of intensities within one octant of the sphereofreflection that satisfy the body-centering rule and have2 0 < 2 0 < 1 0 0 . .

Data-reduction software of Blessing (1987) was used toevaluate the peak positions and widths, correct each stepfor Lorentz and polarization effects, and calculate inte-grated intensities and variances. The polyhedral frag-ment's shape and size were accurately characterized usinga spindle stage and an image-splitting eyepiece prior tothe absorption correction, which was done analyticallyusing the program ABsoRB (DeTitta, 1985). Because nosignificant deviation of intensity was noted during datacollection (- l0 d), these data were not corrected for time-dependent intensity fluctuations. Replicate and equiva-lent data were averaged under Laue groups m3m and l.


Finally, ld" I and "( l.F. l) were estimated from l{ l'z and

d( | F. | ), using Bayesian statistics described by French andOatley (1983) and French and Wilson (1978).

Ofthe original 5921 intensities, 5357 are unique underLaue group 1, and only 932 are unique under z3z. Noneof the 209 measurements of reciprocal lattice points thatviolate the body-centering rule yielded significant inten-sities. These data and 27 observations found to be inte-grated incorrectly were eliminated from the averaged re-flection list. The final data set therefore contains 5l2lobservations unique under Laue group l, with 3 I 45 hav-ing l.F'. l > 2o(lF"l). Data collection and reduction aresummarized in Table l.

Rrsur,rsSpace-group determination

Although the refined unit cell is metrically cubic, theSonoma andradite is optically noncubic. It was assumedthat the optical anisotropy was due to an atomic arrange-ment that deviated from la3d symmetry. To maintainthe atomic coordinates of the garnet structure, onlysubgroups of IaSd may be considered in choosing refine-ment models that depart from la3d symmetry. Prelimi-nary refinements in the la3d subgroups 1213, I2r2r2r, Pbca,and P2r2r2r, which each lack a center of symmetry and/or body-centering, showed strong correlations betweenthe positional parameters of oxygen atoms that are relat-ed, in la3d by these symmetry operations, indicating thatthe proper space group must be a centrosymmetric body-centered subgroup of la3d. This conclusion is supportedby the results of the recent group theoretical analysis ofHatch and Griffen (1989), who predicted the subgroupsof la3d that could describe an ordered grandite phase.

The function >w(lf.l - klF.l)'z was minimized byfull-matrix least-squares refinements where k is a scalefactor and w: l/o'(lF"l). Refinements were completedin space group la3d and its subgroups Ia3, Ibca, 14,/a,Fddd, R3 and 11 using the program nnNv (Finger andPrince, 1975). Expansion coefficients for neutral-atomscattering-factor curves and the anomalous dispersionterms of Cromer and Liberman (1970) were taken fromInternational Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974).

The final refinement cycle for each space group variedscale factor, positional parameters of atoms on generalpositions, anisotropic temperature factors, and Fe3+ oc-cupancies on the unique octahedral sites (with the excep-tion of la3d, which has only one unique octahedral po-sit ion). During preliminary refinements, secondaryextinction was not found to be significant, and thereforea coffection was not attempted. Octahedral-site popula-tions were constrained by the unit-cell contents obtainedfrom the results of the microprobe analyses of the samplecrystal. Since preliminary structure refinements includingthe occupancy of Ca did not show significant orderingover the unique dodecahedral sites, only octahedral-siteoccupancies were refined.

Using Hamilton's significance test (Hamilton, 1965),

Page 3: Crystal-structure analysis of a birefringent andradite · Hatch and Griffen (1989), who predicted the subgroups of la3d that could describe an ordered grandite phase. The function


TABLE 2. Average of chemical analyses


TABLE 1. Crystal data

ColorUnit-cell contentsDimensions (mm)Crystal volume (mm3)-Crystal mass (mg)"Transmission factor range*Linear absorption coefficient,

p (cm')Formula weight (g)Density, p*o (g cm-3)

a*. (A)t4*(A)Y""" (43)

Step-scan modeSteps per scanStep size ('@)Seconds per stepTotal no. of observations,

including standardsRange of sin d/^ (Aj)

Laue groupR (%)+R*(%lNo. of unique observations

All data:R(74$R.(%)No. of observations

Datawith lF. l > 2of lF" l ) :R (o/o)

&(%)No. of observations

No. of parameters9.

reddish brownICao reMno o, ]s[Feo r4Alo 6]2(SD3Orz- ( 0 . 0 7 x 0 . 0 8 x 0 . 0 9 )4.77 x '10 41 .83 x 10 30.640-0.719



Cationsoet'12 Refinement

s' oxygens formula






+ 0.41 3.04a 0.01+ 0.23 0.12+ 0.35 1.83+ 0.02+ 0.05 0.04+ 0 .19 2 .96+ 0.02+ 0.01






6.82.431 452602.12

Notej Esd's in parentheses refer to last significant digit.' Value from face definitions using the program ABsoRB (DeTitta, 1 985).t ad : 9.04(2) + 1.61(4) (rlxl) + 1.89(8) (rlyl), the linear-regression

formula of Novak and Gibbs (1971), using efiective ionic radii of Shannonand Prewitt (1969).

+ Internal agreement factors are of the form R : (>ly, - ylll'y andB- = a(>wlY, - Y)"lDwv1u", with w: llf-(Y). Yis the average Lorentz,polarization, and absorption-corrected integrated intensity, anri the sum-mation is over all symmetry equivalents and replicate observations.

$ R: (> l lF " l - lF " l l )D lF I , R : I (>vr ( lF" l - lF . l )2 ) t>wlF . l11n, w:1|o'z( lF"l l .

' . s : >(l I F"l - lF"l l ) /o( lr" l) l /(n - m).

the addition of anisotropic temperature factors to the re-finement was significant at the 0.05 confidence level forall space groups. At the same confidence level, the addi-tion of the occupancy parameters to the anisotropic re-finement was only significant for space groups IT, Fddd,and R3.

Since the R factors for the final refinement in 1i werethe lowest of all refinements, the significance test was thenused to compare the results of the 11 refinement with theresults ofthe final refinements ofeach ofthe other spacegoups. At a 0.05 confidence level, the 11 model (380parameters, including Fe3+ occupancies and anisotropictemperature factors for all atoms) is significantly betterthan each of the other space-group models and thus waschosen as the space group for the Sonoma andradite.

's : [(1/(N - 1))>(x, - x)'z]12 (Bevington, 1969), IV: 150.t Fe was determined as FeO and converted to Fe2Os by multiplying by

1.1113, the ratio of the atomic weights of FeO and FerO3.

Refinement of the 1l structure

After determining the space group to be 1I, severalmethods were used to determine (l) whether the refinedFe3+ occupancies were stationary with respect to variousportions ofthe data set and (2) which observations or setofobservations had intensities that are not predicted bythe chosen 1l model.

Because the Sonoma andradite has so little Al, it wasnot immediately apparent if the refined site occupanciesof the 11 structure were physically meaningful. By doingmany 11 refinements, each using a different portion ofthe original averaged data set, it was hoped that the siteoccupancies would remain virtually unchanged, indicat-ing a nonequivalence among octahedral sites.

First, many 1l refinements were done using diferentsin d/tr shells ofthe averaged data, where a "sin d/), shell"is defined as all of the allowed reflections that are withinchosen upper and lower sin O/tr limits. Two groups ofrefinements, which we label the "high-angle refinementseries" and the "low-angle refinement series," were ana-lyzed for variations in refined site-occupancy parameters.Both series start with a refinement using all data in theaveraged reflection list. The high-angle refinement seriesthen consists of 13 additional refinements, each usingprogressively less of the low-angle data starting with theremoval of data with 0.04 < sin d/tr < 0.05 A-'. Thelow-angle refinement series consists of I I additional re-finements, each using less of the high-angle data startingwith the removal of data with 1.05 < sin d/tr < 1.08 A-'.

In the high-angle refinement series, the Fe3+ occupan-cies remain constant until too many of the low-angle datahave been removed, at about (sin 0/tr)-," : 0.45 A-' (Fig.I and Table 3)r. Similady, results of the low-angle refine-ment series [Fig. 2 and Table 4 (see footnote l)] alsodemonstrate that the Fe3+ occupancies are stable until too

t A copy ofTables 3,4, and 9 may be ordered as DocumentAM-89-421 from the Business Ofrce, Mineralogical Society ofAmerica, 1625 I Street, N.W., Suite 414, Washington, D.C.20006, U.S.A. Please remit $5.00 in advance for the microtche.

Unit-cell dimensions12.051 2.048(1 )1748.8(4)

Data collectione20960.021 . 0


Data averaging11 . 01 . 35121

Final ll refinement


Page 4: Crystal-structure analysis of a birefringent andradite · Hatch and Griffen (1989), who predicted the subgroups of la3d that could describe an ordered grandite phase. The function


Fe3* on Octahedral Sites_l- Y1--a- Y2--- Y3---s- Y4---+- Y5--+- Y6--+- Y7---a-


Agreement Factors---+-- R (all data)--e- R ( lFol>20(lFol)* R* (all data)---*- R* (lFo | >2'(lFo l))

(sin a/r).,n (A-t)

Fig. 1. Fe3+ occupancies and agleement factors from the 1I high-angle refinement series. For each refinement, (sin 0/I)* :

1.08 A- ' .







many of the high-angle data are removed at about (sin d/tr)-*: 0.75 A-' '

In addition to these refinement series, separate 11 re-finements were done using (l) only those observationsallowed by the la3d limiting conditions [R* : 2.lolo forthe 3000 observations having l-F.l > 2o(lF"l)l and (2)only the low-intensity observations that are allowed by

the la3d limiting conditions [R* : 5.90lo for the 2398observations having lf"l > 2o(lF"l) and l{l/k < 100,where k : 0.1292(l), the refined scale factorl. For bothrefinements, although only la3d-allowed reflections wereused, the same Fe3+ occupancies were refined as in theoriginal 11 refinement using all the data.

Because the Fe3+ occupancies do not vary as a function

Page 5: Crystal-structure analysis of a birefringent andradite · Hatch and Griffen (1989), who predicted the subgroups of la3d that could describe an ordered grandite phase. The function


Fe3* on Octahedral Sites

----+- Yl--a- Y2--* Y3---+- Y4---+- Y5--€- Y6--+- Y7---a- Yg

Agreement Factors

---+- R (all data)--e- R (lFol>2'( lrol))

R* (all data)Rw 0Fol>UlroD)

1.08 1.05 1.m 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55

(sin a/r),n", (A't)

- Fig.2. Fe3+ occupancies and agreement factors from the 1I low-angle refinement series. For each refinement, (sin O/I)-t : 0.04A - r .

1 3 1 1








of the data used for refinement, as indicated by the resultsof the high-angle and low-angle refinement series and the11 refinements using only la3d-allowed observations, weassume that the garnet has actual partial long-range or-dering over the octahedral sites.

It is very interesting to note that the Sonoma andraditefollows the ordering scheme predicted by Hatch and Grif-

fen (1989). They concluded that ifthe ordering seen inmany grandite garnets is the result of a homogeneoustemperature-induced order-disorder phase transforma-tion, the cation ordering of the /a3d subgroup 1I couldbe governed by both the I," and Zr" irreducible represen-tations of la3d. However, the observed ordering of boththe Sonoma andradite and the 11 Munam grandite from

1.08 1.05 1.m 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55

Page 6: Crystal-structure analysis of a birefringent andradite · Hatch and Griffen (1989), who predicted the subgroups of la3d that could describe an ordered grandite phase. The function


TABLE 5. Fe3* ordering in the /1 garnet structure

Munam grandite' Sonoma andradite

Oberved FeP* (%) Observed Fert(isotropic (%) (anisotropic

Site lab€l refinement) refinement) Ordering function for 7;stObserved Fe3*

Site Site label+ (%)


( 0 0 0 )(V2 0 V2l(0 V2V2l(Y2V2 0)(3/tVt Vtl(VtT+Ta)(Ve Ve 3h)(Ve%Ve)

4145291 54945271 6

M(11 )M(12)M(22)M(21)M(14)M(13)M(23)M(24)

87(1 )89(1 )s7(1)s6(1 )s3(1 )s0(1 )

1000)1 00(1 )

88(1 )91(1)99(1 )s8(1)s2(1 )8s(1)ss(1)98(1 )

rh + r lzt l ls

r y - n2 - ns- \ - \ z I 4 e-rh -t flz - rlg

n 1 - q 2 - t l s

\r r t lzr 4g- r h - 4 z t n s

- t h t 4 z - n s

- Results from Tak6uchi et al. (1982).t From Hatch and Griffen (1989).t Although the site labels are those of Tak6uchi et al. (1 982), the associated site coordinates are based on the unit{ell orientation of this study and

of Hatch and Griffen (1989), such that a(Munam): t(Sonoma), qMunam) = qsonoma), and 4Munam): a(Sonoma).

Treu 6. Atomic positional parameters and isotropic tempera-ture factors

B q o r B

Tak6uchi et al. (1982) can only be described by the or-dering function for Zro which predicts that the eightunique octahedral sites must divide into four sets ofequivalently ordered sites (Table 5). Using the site labelsof this study, these sets are Yl and Y5, Y3 and Y6,Y2and Y8, and Y4 and Y7.

To determine which observations, or set of observa-tions, were contributing to the large difference betweenthe weighted and unweighted R factors obtained from thefirst 11 refinement, (l) R factors from the high-angle andlow-angle 11 refinement series were examined, and (2) Rfactors were calculated for certain subsets of observationsfrom the structure-factor list calculated during the first 11refinement, which used all of the original averaged data.

Results of the higJr-angle refinement series [Fig. I andTable 3 (see footnote 1)l show that removal of the low-angle data leaves the weighted R factors unchanged whilesteadily worsening the unweighted R factors. Removal ofthe high-angle data in the low-angle refinement series alsoleaves the weighted R factors relatively unchanged, butsteadily improves the unweighted R factors [Fig' 2 andTable 4 (see footnote l)1. Since removal of the high-angledata, but not the low-angle data, reduces the diferencebetween R and R* by improving R, it was assumed thatthe large number of low-intensity observations, most ofwhich are high-angle, in the complete data set are re-sponsible for the discrepancy between the weighted andunweighted R factors.

To further test this theory, the structure-factor-ampli-tude list calculated during the 1I refinement using all datawas used to calculate R factors for specific groups ofob-servations. Regardless of sin d/tr, all of the relatively lowintensity observations do not agree well with the chosen11 model lR:28.3o/o and R* : 16.40/o for the 1823 ob-servations with l^F.l/k < 30 and l,("1 > 2o(lF"l)1, whileall of the more intense observations are in good agree-ment [R :2.0o/o and R* : l.7o/o for the 1322 observationswith I .F. | /k > 30 and I f. | > 2o(l FJ)1. Most of the low-intensity observations are also high-angle [1183 ofthe1823 observationswith lF"l/k < 30 and l,I! l > 2o(lF.l)




0 .1251(1) 0 .0001(1)0.2496(1) 0.1252(11

-0.0001(1) 0.2498(1)0.6250(1) 0.0001(1)0.2499(1) 0.6250(1)0.0000(1) 0.2500(1)

0.0 0.00.0 0.50.5 0.00.s 0.50.25 0.2s0.25 0.750.75 0.250.75 0.75

0.3751(2) 0.0000(2)0.2497(2) 0.37s1(2)

-0.0001(2) 0.2498(2)0.87s0(2) 0.0005(2)0.2496(21 0.87s3(2)

-0.0001(2) 0.2498(21

0.0391(3) 0.0490(3)0.5391(4) 0.4s23(4)0.9604(3) 0.5493(3)0.461 2(4) 0.9519(4)0.6ss1(3) 0.0383(3)0.1ss3(4) 0.4612(4)0.3450(4) 0.5393(4)0.8442(3) 0.9607(3)0.0490(4) 0.6549(3)0.5486(4) 0.8448(3)0.9507(4) 0.155s(4)0.4s19(4) 0.3449(4)0.2891(4) 0.9057(4)0.78e4(4) 0.5950(4)0.7101(4) 0.4058(4)0.2109(3) 0.0948(3)0.2989(4) 0.2887(410.7ee0(3) 0.2107(3)0.7013(4) 0.7900(4)0.2012(41 0.7107(410.9052(4) 0.2ee5(4)0.4049(4) 0.201s(4)0.0943(4) 0.7991(4)0.5947(4) 0.7018(4)

0.2498(1 )0.0001(1)0.1252(1)0.2501(1)

- 0.0001 (1 )0.6251(1 )

0.2501 (2)- 0.0001(2)


0.6556(3)0.3451(4)0.8446(3)0.1 5s0(4)0.0495(3)0.9516(4)0.4s16(4)0.s491 (3)0.0396(4)0.9600(4)0.4607(4)0.s396(4)0.2989(4)0.7021(4)0.201 0(4)0.7983(3)0.905s(4)0.0943(3)0.5946(4)0.4059(4)0.288s(4)0.7114(410.2107(4)0.7894(4)





o102o3o4o5o607o8o90100 1 10120130140 1 50 1 6017018019o20o21o22o23o24

Notei lsotropic temperature tactors are reported for the oxygen atoms,whereas equivafent isotropic temperature factors [Bq : (413)d(P. + P22+ Bs)l are reported for all cations.

Page 7: Crystal-structure analysis of a birefringent andradite · Hatch and Griffen (1989), who predicted the subgroups of la3d that could describe an ordered grandite phase. The function


Trel-e 7, Apparent anisotropic-temperature-factor coefficients for cations

l 3 l 3

aP23P 1 3a






0.0006(1 )0.001 0(1 )0.0008(1 )0.0005(1 )0.0008(1 )0.000s(1 )0.0007(1 )0.0004(1 )0.0008(1 )0.0004(1 )0.0007(1 )0.0006(1 )0.0005(1 )0.0008(1 )0.0004(1 )0.0005(1 )0.0008(1 )0.0009(1 )0.001 0(1)0.0005(1 )

0.001 0(1 )0.0007(1 )0.001 2(1 )0.001 0(1 )0.0005(1 )0.0008(1 )0.0008(1 )0.0005(1 )0.0006(1 )0.0006(1 )0.0007(1 )0.0009(1 )0.0006(1 )0 0007(1)

0.0007(1 )0.0007(1 )0.0008(1 )0.0008(1 )0.0008(1 )0.0007(1 )

0.000s(1 )0 0010(1)0.0007(1 )0.0007(1 )0.0008(1 )0.0004(1 )0.0006(1 )0.0009(1 )0.0004(1 )0.0003(1 )0.0008(1 )0.0003(1 )0.0007(1 )0 0005(1)

0.0007(1 )0.0008(1 )0 000s(1 )0.0008(1 )0.0005(1 )0.0008(1 )

0.0001 (1 )0.0000(1 )0.0001 (1 )-0.0002(1)0.0002(1 )0.0000(1 )

- 0.0001 (1 )0 0003(1)

- 0.0001 (1 )0.0001 (1 )-0.0001(1)

- 0.0003(1 )0.0003(1 )0.0001 (1 )0.0000(1 )0.0002(1 )0.0001 (1 )0.0000(1 )-0.0003(1)0.0001 (1 )

- 0.0002(1 )0.0000(1 )0.0002(1 )0.0003(1 )-0.0001(1)0.0000(1 )0.0000(1 )- 0.0002(1 )- 0.0001 (1 )0.0002(1 )- 0.0002(1 )0.0001(1 )0.0000(1 )0.0001 (1 )0.0001(1)0 0000(1)

- 0.0002(1 )-0.0003(1)-0.0002(1)

0.0001 (1 )

0.0001 (1 )0.0000(1 )-0.0003(1)0.0000(1 )0.0000(1 )0.0002(1 )

- 0.0001 (1 )-0.0001(1)0.0001(1 )0.0001 (1 )0.0000(1 )0.0003(1 )-0.0001(1 )-0.0001(1 )

-0.0002(1 )-0.0003(1)0.0002(1)0.0000(1 )0.0003(1 )-0.0002(1 )

Notej The temperature factor in the structure-factor equation is of the form I(h) : expl-(rrpr, * krgzz + I2ps + 2hkp,z + 2hlB$ + 2klpn)]

have sin 0/)\ > 0.7 5 A- ' and R : 30. 10/o and R* : 29 .80/o),thus confirming the theory.

Although the Hamilton significance test indicated thatthe addition of anisotropic temperature factors for eachatom to the 1l refinement was significant over a refine-ment having only isotropic temperature factors, the an-isotropic temperature factor coefficients for five of theoxygen atoms form a nonpositive definite matrix. Al-though the remaining oxygens had positive definite tem-perature factors, none was significantly positive withinerror. Since nonpositive definite anisotropic-tempera-ture-factor coefficients represent a nonphysical probabil-ity-density function, all oxygens were constrained to vi-brate isotropically.

The final refinement for which parameters are reportedtherefore varied scale factor, positional parameters foratoms on general positions, isotropic temperature factorsfor the 24 oxygens, anisotropic temperature factors forthe 20 cations, and Fe3+ occupancies on the octahedralsites. Agreement factors (Table l), Fe3+ site occupancies(Table 5), atomic positions and isotropic temperature fac-tors (Table 6), apparent anisotropic-temperature-factorcoemcients (Table 7), interatomic distances and angles(Table 8), and observed and calculated structure-factoramplitudes (Table 9; see footnote l) are reported for the1l refinement using the complete averaged data set, whichincludes data with 0.04 < sin 0/tr < 1.08 A-'.

DrscussrouIt has been known for some time that certain garnets

of the grossular-andradite solid-solution series may shownoncubic optical and structural characteristics. This studyrepresents the first crystal-structure analysis of an opti-cally anisotropic garnet of near-end-member andraditecomposition, and, because the structures of garnets ofgrossular (Allen and Buseck, 1988) and intermediate

grandite composition (Tak6uchi et al., 1982) have pre-viously been carefully studied, this research serves tobroaden the knowledge ofthe noncubic behavior ofgar-nets over the entire grandite solid-solution series.

Like the results ofAllen and Buseck (1988) and Tak6u-chi et al. (1982), crystal-structure refinements suggest long-range cation ordering over the octahedral sites in the So-noma andradite. This ordering of Fe3+ and Al defineseight symmetrically unique octahedral sites that are bestdescribed by an 11 structure; the ordering may be re-sponsible for the observed noncubic optical behavior ofthis garnet. However, without further characterization itmay be premature to assume that long-range cation or-dering is the only cause for the observed optical aniso-tropy of the Sonoma andradite. As demonstrated by Al-len and Buseck (1988), the deviation from cubic symmetryof some grandites can be attributed to a complex origin,including not only long-range cation ordering, but alsostrain from twin-boundary lattice defects and noncubicdistribution of OH- goups. Although single-crystal X-raydiffraction suggests long-range cation ordering ofthe So-noma andradite, further charucterization using transmis-sion electron microscopy and vibrational spectroscopy isin order.


Microprobe analyses were performed at Virginia Polytechnic Instituteand State University with the assistance of Todd Solberg. K.J.K. thanksMickey Gunter and F. Donald Bloss of YPI & SU for assistance in thecollection of extinction data. This work was submitted by K.J.K. to theGraduate School of The Ohio State University for the panial fulfillmentofthe requirements for the degree Master ofScience and was supportedby NSF Grant EAR-8618834 to J.w.D.

Rnrnnrxcns crrnnAines, R.D., and Rossman, G.R. (1984) The hydrous component in gar-

nets: Pyralspites. American Mineralogist, 69, | | 16-1 126.

Page 8: Crystal-structure analysis of a birefringent andradite · Hatch and Griffen (1989), who predicted the subgroups of la3d that could describe an ordered grandite phase. The function


Tlele 8. Interatomic distances (A) and angles (')

X1 dodecahedlonx1-o1c 2.359(5)


-ot3^ 2.355(5)-0148 2.357(5)-o23a 2.495(4)-o24e 2.503(5)

Mean 2.440(5)

X2 dodecahedronx2-o5c 2 357(5)

-o7D 2.360(5)-o10c 2.505(4)-o12o 2.501(5)-0148 2.507(5)-016^ 2.503(4)-o17o 2.352(5)-0198 2.362(4)

Mean 2.431(5)

X3 dodecahedronx3-o2D 2 506(5)

-o3c 2.494(4)-ogc 2.368(5)-o12o 2.363(5)-o18o 2.49414\-0198 2.501(5)-o21^ 2.352(5)-0248 2.356(5)

Mean 2.429(5)

X4 dodecahedlon





o6^-088o60-o9a060-015co8B-ol 1B086-0130o9A-O130

01a -o11a01^-o17Do1a-o23co4B-O108o48-O20co4B-O22D




















90.1 (2)8s.1 (2)91.3(2)






oga-o18c01 1B-O1 5c011B-O20Do130-o200015c-o18co18c-o20D

010B-o1 1^010B-o17D011a-o20co170-0220o20c-o23c0220-o23c

























74.2(2169.5(1)74.0(2172.8(2)72.9(2)65.7(1 )




88.7(2)91 .1(2)88.e(2)90.0(2)


-otsD 2.362(3)-o16c 2.357(5)-0210 2.487(51-o22c 2.500(5)

Mean 2.426(41

X5 dodecahedlonx5-o6A 2.353(3)

-o8B 2.359(5)-o9o 2.493(5)-0118 2.492(5)-o13o 2.497(51-o15c 2.496(5)-o18c 2.357(5)-0200 2.357(3)

Mean 2.426(5)

X6 dodecahedlonx6-o1^ 2.495(5)

-o4a 2,503(5)-o108 2.367(5)-o11a 2.361(3)-o17D 2.496(5)-o20c-o22D-o23c


2.4s8(5)2.354(3)2 3s7(5)2.429(51

Y1 octahedron'Y1-O2B 2.009(5)

-o7B 2.014(5)-0128 2.014(41

Mean 2.012(5)

Y2 octahedron-Y2-O4B 2.011(5)

-o5B 2.016(3)-o108 2.018(4)

Mean 2.015(4)

Page 9: Crystal-structure analysis of a birefringent andradite · Hatch and Griffen (1989), who predicted the subgroups of la3d that could describe an ordered grandite phase. The function

TABLE 8-Continued



89.1 (2)90.7(2189.3(2)90.0(2)





1 13.6(2)113.3(3)102.1(3)



1 09.6(2)

1 13.3(2)1 13.6(3)1 02.1 (3)


1 14.1(3)113.2(2)102.4(2)


1 13.1(2)1 13.s(3)1 02.0(2)

1 09.6(2)



Nofe: Superscript letters next to oxygen atoms indicate ll symmetry equivalent of rofined position. Symmetry @des are as follows: A: (X, Y, 4,B : ( - X , - Y , - 4 , C : ( V 2 + X , V z + Y , y 2 + 4 , D : ( V 2 - X , y 2 - Y , V 2 - 4 .' Each octahedral interatomic distance and each angle are related by twofold symmetry to anothor distance and angle that are not listed in the table.

Y3 octahedron"Y3-O3B 2.022(41

-068 2.015(5)-ogE 2.015(3)

Mean 2.017(4)

Y4 octahedron.Y4-O1B 2.022(3)

-o8E 2.024(4)-o1 18 2.022(5)

Mean 2.023(4)

Y5 octahedron'Y5-O148 2.012(4)

-o1 98 2.021(5)-0248 2.017(5)

Mean 2.017(5)

Y6 octahedrontY6-O158 2.027(5)

-0188 2.024(4)-0218 2.016(3)

Mean 2.022(4)

Y7 octahedron-Y7-O138 2.022(3)

-0208 2.025(5)-0238 2.023(4)

Mean 2.023(4)

Y8 octahedron-Y8-O168 2 015(4)

-0178 2.019(3)-0228 2.011(5)

Mean 2.015(4)

Si1 tetrahedronsi1-o3E 1.645(3)

-o4^ 1 .651(6)-o13^ 1 .647(5)-o148 1.647(5)

Mean 1.648(5)

Si2 tetrahedronsi2-o6^ 1.646(5)

-086 1.647(3)-o174 1.652(5)-o19E 1.641(6)

Mean 1.647(5)

Si3 tetrahedronsi3-o108 1 .644(3)

-o11a 1.645(6)-o21^ 1.658(5)-0248 1.647(6)

Mean 1.649(5)

Si4 tetrahedronsi4-o1c 1 653(5)

-o2o 1.642(6)-o150 1.638(6)-o16c 1 650(3)

Mean 1.646(5)

Sis tetrahedronsis-osc 1 .661(5)

-o70 1.642(6)-o18c 1 .645(3)-o20D 1.646(6)

Mean 1.649(5)

Si6 tetrahedronsi6-o9c 1.647(5)

-o12D 1.639(5)-o22o 1.660(6)-o23c 1.649(3)

Mean 1.649(5)


o1E-O8Eo1E-O8Dol B-o1 1E


o15B-O1 88015B-O1 8co15B-O21 B





ol 0B-o1 1^o1 0B-o21^o10B-o248
















91 .1(2)88.s(2)90.9(2)


s1.4(2)88.6(2)91 .1(2)




102.4(211 13.3(2)112.6(2)

102.1(2)113.7(2)1 13.2(3)



102.4(3)1 13.1(2)113.2(2)

103.0(3)1 13 .1(2)113.2(2)


01B-O1 1 0o8B-O1 1B086-01 10





























Page 10: Crystal-structure analysis of a birefringent andradite · Hatch and Griffen (1989), who predicted the subgroups of la3d that could describe an ordered grandite phase. The function

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