cs 152 computer architecture and engineering lecture 7 - memory hierarchy-ii krste asanovic...

CS 152 Computer Architecture and Engineering Lecture 7 - Memory Hierarchy-II Krste Asanovic Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California at Berkeley http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~krste http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs152

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CS 152 Computer Architecture and


Lecture 7 - Memory Hierarchy-II

Krste AsanovicElectrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

University of California at Berkeley


2/14/2008 CS152-Spring’08 2

Last time in Lecture 6

• Dynamic RAM (DRAM) is main form of main memory storage in use today

– Holds values on small capacitors, need refreshing (hence dynamic)

– Slow multi-step access: precharge, read row, read column

• Static RAM (SRAM) is faster but more expensive– Used to build on-chip memory for caches

• Caches exploit two forms of predictability in memory reference streams

– Temporal locality, same location likely to be accessed again soon

– Spatial locality, neighboring location likely to be accessed soon

• Cache holds small set of values in fast memory (SRAM) close to processor

– Need to develop search scheme to find values in cache, and replacement policy to make space for newly accessed locations

2/14/2008 CS152-Spring’08 3

Relative Memory Cell Sizes

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

[ Foss, “Implementing Application-Specific

Memory”, ISSCC 1996 ]

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

DRAM on memory


On-Chip SRAM in logic chip

2/14/2008 CS152-Spring’08 4

Placement Policy

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 1 2 3

Set Number


Fully (2-way) Set DirectAssociative Associative Mappedanywhere anywhere in only into

set 0 block 4 (12 mod 4) (12 mod 8)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9

3 30 1


Block Number

block 12 can be placed

2/14/2008 CS152-Spring’08

Direct-Mapped Cache

Tag Data Block V



Tag Index

t k b


HIT Data Word or Byte



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2-Way Set-Associative Cache

Tag Data Block V



Tag Index

t k



Tag Data Block V

DataWordor Byte



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Fully Associative Cache

Tag Data Block V








DataWordor Byte




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Replacement Policy

In an associative cache, which block from a set should be evicted when the set becomes full?

• Random

• Least Recently Used (LRU)• LRU cache state must be updated on every access• true implementation only feasible for small sets (2-way)• pseudo-LRU binary tree often used for 4-8 way

• First In, First Out (FIFO) a.k.a. Round-Robin• used in highly associative caches

• Not Least Recently Used (NLRU)• FIFO with exception for most recently used block or blocks

This is a second-order effect. Why?

Replacement only happens on misses

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Word3Word0 Word1 Word2

Block Size and Spatial Locality

Larger block size has distinct hardware advantages• less tag overhead• exploit fast burst transfers from DRAM• exploit fast burst transfers over wide busses

What are the disadvantages of increasing block size?

block address offsetb

2b = block size a.k.a line size (in bytes)

Split CPU address

b bits32-b bits


Block is unit of transfer between the cache and memory

4 word block, b=2

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CPU-Cache Interaction(5-stage pipeline)

PC addr inst













rdataPrimaryData Cache





Cache Refill Data from Lower Levels of Memory Hierarchy


Stall entire CPU on data

cache miss

To Memory Control



What about Instruction miss or writes to i-stream ?

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Improving Cache Performance

Average memory access time =Hit time + Miss rate x Miss


To improve performance:• reduce the hit time• reduce the miss rate• reduce the miss penalty

What is the simplest design strategy?

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Causes for Cache Misses

• Compulsory: first-reference to a block a.k.a. cold start misses

- misses that would occur even with infinite cache

• Capacity: cache is too small to hold all data needed by the program

- misses that would occur even under perfect replacement policy

• Conflict: misses that occur because of collisions due to block-placement strategy

- misses that would not occur with full associativity

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Effect of Cache Parameters on Performance

• Larger cache size

• Higher associativity

• Larger block size

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Write Policy Choices

• Cache hit:– write through: write both cache & memory

» generally higher traffic but simplifies cache coherence

– write back: write cache only (memory is written only when the entry is evicted)

» a dirty bit per block can further reduce the traffic

• Cache miss:– no write allocate: only write to main memory

– write allocate (aka fetch on write): fetch into cache

• Common combinations:– write through and no write allocate

– write back with write allocate

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Write Performance

Tag Data V



Tag Index

t k



HIT Data Word or Byte




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Reducing Write Hit Time

Problem: Writes take two cycles in memory stage, one cycle for tag check plus one cycle for data write if hit

Solutions:• Design data RAM that can perform read and write in one cycle,

restore old value after tag miss

• Fully-associative (CAM Tag) caches: Word line only enabled if hit

• Pipelined writes: Hold write data for store in single buffer ahead of cache, write cache data during next store’s tag check

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Pipelining Cache Writes

Tags Data

Tag Index Store Data

Address and Store Data From CPU

Delayed Write DataDelayed Write Addr.



Load Data to CPU




1 0


Data from a store hit written into data portion of cache during tag access of subsequent store

2/14/2008 CS152-Spring’08 18

CS152 Administrivia

• Krste, no office hours, Monday 2/18 (President’s Day Holiday)

– email for alternate time

• Henry office hours, 511 Soda– None on Monday due to holiday

– 2:00-3:00PM Fridays

• In-class quiz dates– Q1: Tuesday February 19 (ISAs, microcode, simple pipelining)

» Material covered, Lectures 1-5, PS1, Lab 1

• We’re stuck in this room for semester (nothing else open)

2/14/2008 CS152-Spring’08 19

Write Buffer to Reduce Read Miss Penalty

Processor is not stalled on writes, and read misses can go ahead of write to main memory

Problem: Write buffer may hold updated value of location needed by a read miss

Simple scheme: on a read miss, wait for the write buffer to go empty

Faster scheme: Check write buffer addresses against read miss addresses, if no match, allow read miss to go ahead of writes, else, return value in write buffer

Data Cache

Unified L2




Evicted dirty lines for writeback cacheOR

All writes in writethru cache

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Serial-versus-Parallel Cache and Memory access

is HIT RATIO: Fraction of references in cache

1 - is MISS RATIO: Remaining references

CACHEProcessor MainMemory

Addr Addr

DataDataAverage access time for serial search: tcache + (1

- ) tmem

CACHEProcessor MainMemory



Average access time for parallel search: tcache + (1 - ) tmem

• Savings are usually small, tmem >> tcache, hit ratio

high• High bandwidth required for memory path • Complexity of handling parallel paths can slow tcache

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Block-level Optimizations

• Tags are too large, i.e., too much overhead– Simple solution: Larger blocks, but miss penalty could be large.

• Sub-block placement (aka sector cache)– A valid bit added to units smaller than full block, called sub-blocks

– Only read a sub-block on a miss

– If a tag matches, is the word in the cache?




1 1 1 1

1 1 0 0

0 1 0 1

2/14/2008 CS152-Spring’08 22

Set-Associative RAM-Tag Cache

Not energy-efficient– A tag and data word is read

from every way

Two-phase approach– First read tags, then just

read data from selected way

– More energy-efficient

– Doubles latency in L1

– OK, for L2 and above, why?

=? =?

Tag Status Data Tag Status Data

Tag Index Offset

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Highly-Associative CAM-Tag Caches• For high associativity (e.g., 32-way), use content-addressable memory (CAM) for

tags (ARM, Intel XScale)• Overhead: Tag+comparator bit 2-4x area of plain RAM-tag bit

Only one set enabledOnly hit data accessed – saves energy

tag set index offset

Tag =? Data BlockTag =? Data Block

Tag =? Data Block

Tag =? Data BlockTag =? Data Block

Tag =? Data Block

Tag =? Data BlockTag =? Data Block

Tag =? Data Block

Set 0Set 1Set i

Hit? Data

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Victim Caches (HP 7200)

L1 Data Cache

Unified L2 Cache



VictimFA Cache4 blocks

Evicted datafrom L1

Evicted dataFrom VC

where ?Hit data from VC (miss in

L1)Victim cache is a small associative back up cache, added to a direct mapped cache, which holds recently evicted lines• First look up in direct mapped cache• If miss, look in victim cache• If hit in victim cache, swap hit line with line now evicted from L1• If miss in victim cache, L1 victim -> VC, VC victim->?Fast hit time of direct mapped but with reduced conflict misses

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Way Predicting Caches(MIPS R10000 L2 cache)

• Use processor address to index into way prediction table

• Look in predicted way at given index, then:


Return copyof data fromcache

Look in other way

Read block of data from next level of cache

MISSSLOW HIT(change entry in prediction table)

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Multilevel Caches

• A memory cannot be large and fast• Increasing sizes of cache at each level


Local miss rate = misses in cache / accesses to cache

Global miss rate = misses in cache / CPU memory accesses

Misses per instruction = misses in cache / number of instructions

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Inclusion Policy

• Inclusive multilevel cache: – Inner cache holds copies of data in outer cache

– External access need only check outer cache

– Most common case

• Exclusive multilevel caches:– Inner cache may hold data not in outer cache

– Swap lines between inner/outer caches on miss

– Used in AMD Athlon with 64KB primary and 256KB secondary cache

Why choose one type or the other?

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A Typical Memory Hierarchy c.2008

L1 Data Cache

L1 Instruction Cache

Unified L2 Cache

RF Memory




Multiported register

file (part of CPU)

Split instruction & data primary caches (on-chip SRAM)

Multiple interleaved memory banks

(off-chip DRAM)

Large unified secondary cache (on-chip SRAM)


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Itanium-2 On-Chip Caches(Intel/HP, 2002)

Level 1, 16KB, 4-way s.a., 64B line, quad-port (2 load+2 store), single cycle latency

Level 2, 256KB, 4-way s.a, 128B line, quad-port (4 load or 4 store), five cycle latency

Level 3, 3MB, 12-way s.a., 128B line, single 32B port, twelve cycle latency

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Workstation Memory System(Apple PowerMac G5, 2003) Dual 2GHz processors, each

has:•64KB I-cache, direct mapped•32KB D-cache, 2-way•512KB L2 unified cache, 8-way

•All 128B lines

Up to 8GB DDR SDRAM, 400MHz, 128-bit bus,


1GHz, 2x32-bit bus, 16GB/s

North Bridge Chip

AGP Graphics Card, 533MHz, 32-bit bus, 2.1GB/s

PCI-X Expansion, 133MHz, 64-bit bus, 1 GB/s

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• These slides contain material developed and copyright by:

– Arvind (MIT)

– Krste Asanovic (MIT/UCB)

– Joel Emer (Intel/MIT)

– James Hoe (CMU)

– John Kubiatowicz (UCB)

– David Patterson (UCB)

• MIT material derived from course 6.823

• UCB material derived from course CS252