cse 3345 spring 2014 android test

CSE 3345 Spring 2014 Android Test

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Post on 25-Feb-2016




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CSE 3345 Spring 2014 Android Test. Overview. Create a simple Android Application that allows a user to View all 3 starting Pokémon and choose their starting Pokémon. . UI after user chooses a Pokémon. User clicks C harmander at bottom o f screen. UI when application starts. Part 0: Set up. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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CSE 3345 Spring 2014 Android Test

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Overview• Create a simple Android Application that allows a user to View all 3

starting Pokémon and choose their starting Pokémon.

UI when application starts UI after user chooses a PokémonUser clicks Charmander at bottomof screen

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Part 0: Set up

1. Download the resources posted on the class webpage to complete this app.

2. Import the images from the /imgs folder to the drawable-xhdpi folder.

3. Import the colors.xml file into your res/values folder.

4. Copy and paste the text inside the strings.txt into your strings.xml file inside the res/values folder.

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Part 1 : UI1. Create a XML Layout which looks like the image below.

2. Take a look at the Design Consideration slides before starting. There are several important details to consider.

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Section A

Section B

Design Consideration

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Section A’s height isdependent on the height of Section B. In other words, Section A will resizedepending on the height of Section B.

Make Section B’s height is largeenough to display the text and images for the 3 Pokémon in full (nothing should be clipped/cut off).

Step 1: Design Consideration

Section A

Section B

To complete this, you shouldn’t use a


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Section A’s height got smaller thanthe previous slide because Section B got taller.

Section B got taller.

For example (Your actual app shouldn’t look like this, this is an example only)

Section A

Section B

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Each of the images inside Section Ashould be center cropped.


Step 2: Design Consideration

Section A

Section B

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Part 2: Add Logic and Event Handling

1. Inflate your UI into an Activity2. Add click listeners to all Pokémon in Section B

so that when one is clicked, the associated image in Section A will expand to fill the parent width.

3. See the next slides for details

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When the user clicks on a Pokémon inSection B. The associated Pokémon image in Section A will change to take up the entire width of Section A.


Step 1: Logic Consideration

Section A

Section B

In this example, the user clicked Squirtle in

Section B.

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If the user clicks another Pokémon inSection B, then the associated image inSection A should appear.


Step 2: Logic Consideration

Section A

Section B

In this example, the user previously clicked on

Squirtle from Section B. Now, the user clicked

Charmander in Section B.

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Extra (If you finish and have time do this)

1. When the user clicks on a Pokémon image in Section B, show a Toast message that says, “I choose you ________.” Replace the _______ with the name of the Pokémon clicked.

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Video Demo

• See a video demo @http://youtu.be/IrjkpWaFoec.

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Submission Instructions

1. Your Android Project should be in a folder titled AndroidTestLastname.

2. Zip up the Android Project folder (not the contents of the folder) into a file titled AndroidTestLastname.

3. Submit your zip file to the Bb assignment called Android Test Code Submission.