csi710 community assistance grants guidelines · assistance offered grant funding will take the...

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Page 1: CSI710 Community Assistance Grants Guidelines · ASSISTANCE OFFERED Grant funding will take the form of a financial payment. 5. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA All grant applications must meet

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Community Assistance Grants 2018/2019


Page 2: CSI710 Community Assistance Grants Guidelines · ASSISTANCE OFFERED Grant funding will take the form of a financial payment. 5. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA All grant applications must meet

2018/2019 Community Assistance Grants GUIDELINES

CSI710 Page: 2 of 14 Endorsed: 22/11/2018

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1) About the program………………………………………………………………………...3

2) Grant categories for 2018/2019 ……………………………………………............3

3) Key dates …………………………………………………………………………………….3-4

4) Assistance offered..……………..………………………………………..………………...4

5) Eligibility criteria ………………………………………………………………….……...4-6

6) Application ………………………………………………………………………………….....6

7) Assessment …………………………………………………………………………..…....7- 8

8) Notification of outcome…………………………………………………………….……8

9) Funding agreement and payment ………………………………………….……...8

10) Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………………….8

11) Reporting and acquittal..…………………………………………………………………8

12) Further information and support..………………………..…………………….......9

13) Right to Information…... ………………………………………………………………….9

Grant Categories

14) Community Capacity Building ..…………………………………………………….10

15) Facilities Development …………………………………………………………….11-12

16) Community Events ..…………………………………………………………………13-14

17) Equipment …………….……………………………………………………….………….….14

Page 3: CSI710 Community Assistance Grants Guidelines · ASSISTANCE OFFERED Grant funding will take the form of a financial payment. 5. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA All grant applications must meet

2018/2019 Community Assistance Grants GUIDELINES

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Gympie Regional Council is committed to working in partnership with the community to support

initiatives that contribute to making the Gympie region the natural choice to live, work and play.

Through the Community Assistance Grants program, Council provides financial assistance to

eligible community organisations to deliver projects which respond to community need, align

with Council’s Corporate Plan 2017-2025 and enhance the social, cultural and community

development of -the region.


1. Community Capacity Building

2. Facilities Development

Planning & Design

Capital works

3. Community Events

4. Equipment

Detailed information for each category is outlined on pages 10-14.








Outcome Advised Project delivery timeframe

(one year)

Round 1 1 September


14 October


by 30 November 1 December 2018 to 1

December 2019

Round 2 1 March 2019 14 April 2019 by 31 May 2019 1 July 2019 to 1 July



Grants Anytime

within 10 working days

of Council’s receipt of


Projects must start


3.1 Emergency Grants

Emergency grant applications can be submitted at any time, under any grant category, while

grant funds are still available. The maximum amount available is $2,000. General and category

specific eligibility and assessment criteria apply, as well as co-contribution requirements. Given

the nature of these grants, projects in this category only may start prior to application, but there

is no guarantee that the application will be successful.

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Emergency grant applications will be assessed using the following criteria:

failure, damage or loss of essential equipment or infrastructure due to unforeseen

circumstances and considered to be an emergency by Council

significant impact on the organisation’s ability to continue to operate

significant health and safety implications for the organisation or its users

evidence the project is not covered by insurance


Grant funding will take the form of a financial payment.


All grant applications must meet general eligibility criteria (outlined below), as well as any

category specific eligibility criteria as detailed in these guidelines.

5.1 Eligible Applicants

Not-for-profit community organisations that:

are incorporated, or auspiced by an incorporated organisation (including Co-operatives,

Australian Public Companies Limited by Guarantee, Trusts)

hold $20M public liability insurance and other forms of insurance relevant to the project

have no outstanding debt with Council

have satisfied requirements of previous Council grant funding

are based in, or provide direct benefits to, the Gympie region

5.2 Ineligible Applicants


commercial businesses and enterprises

local, state or federal government agencies and/or entities

educational institutions, kindergartens and pre-school centres

Parents and Friends or Parents and Citizens Associations

medical organisations or primary health care providers

religious organisations where the application is for the organisation’s core business

political organisations

organisations that hold a gaming machine licence

organisations with a liquor licensed supporters/associated club that commercially trade

seven days a week

Page 5: CSI710 Community Assistance Grants Guidelines · ASSISTANCE OFFERED Grant funding will take the form of a financial payment. 5. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA All grant applications must meet

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5.3 Eligible Projects

meet eligibility and assessment criteria

are delivered in the public interest, responding to community need and contributing to

community benefit

demonstrate alignment with Council’s priorities as described in Council’s Corporate Plan,

strategies, plans or policy positions

meet specified project delivery timeframes

have not commenced

5.4 Ineligible Projects

are primarily a commercial venture

run solely for fundraising purposes, without broader community benefit

are conducted for the purpose of raising charitable funds for a third party

have a sole religious or political purpose

are considered to be the core responsibility of other levels of government

have already commenced or occurred

5.5 Ineligible Expenses

ongoing operational or administrative costs (e.g. ongoing salaries, rent, rates, insurance,

maintenance of equipment)

debts or the costs of litigation

prizes, awards or trophies


donations to individuals or organisations

purchase of alcohol

retrospective funding for activities that have commenced or already occured

5.6 Funding Amounts and Contributions

Applicants can apply for the amounts specified under each grant category with a minimum

grant amount of $500.00. Most grant categories require a co-contribution from the applicant.

Council encourages organisations to contribute from their own funds and/or obtain co-funding

from other grant bodies, sponsorship, donations or in-kind support.

Council reserves the right to part fund any grant application under Council’s Community

Assistance Grants Program. If the project cannot proceed without the total requested amount

from Council, the applicant can state this in the application (where indicated).

Page 6: CSI710 Community Assistance Grants Guidelines · ASSISTANCE OFFERED Grant funding will take the form of a financial payment. 5. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA All grant applications must meet

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5.7 Number of Applications per Round Only one grant application per organisation per round can be submitted.

5.8 GST

GST is paid on top of the approved grant funding amount, to GST registered applicants only. If

an applicant is not registered for GST, the approved grant funding amount will be paid exclusive

of GST. For information and advice on GST and the implications for your project, call the

Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on 13 28 66 or visit the website www.ato.gov.au.

5.9 Other requirements

Grant applicants must ensure that projects will comply with all local, state and federal

government legislative and policy requirements. Depending on the nature of your project, it

may be important to consider working with children requirements, risk management and

building standards/approvals and have available all necessary permits and approvals.


6.1 Before you apply

Applicants must read these Grant Guidelines and speak with Council’s Community Partnerships

Team about your project. Applicants are also encouraged to attend a Council grants information

session (refer to Council’s website for session dates).

6.2 How to apply

Applications must be submitted online via Council’s website www.gympie.qld.gov.au/grants .

6.3 Support material

One quote from a registered business must be submitted for all items over $1,000. Applicants

may be required to attach further documents as specified under the grant categories.

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2018/2019 Community Assistance Grants GUIDELINES

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7.1 Assessment criteria

Community need or support

Evidence of community need (as supported by an adopted concept plan, feasibility

assessment and/or planning process if applicable); and/or

Demonstrated community support

Community benefit

Strength of the application in meeting one or more of the grant category priorities

Project management capability

Sound budgeting (the budget is itemised, complete, balanced and reasonable)

Sound project/ event planning (demonstrated planning including marketing, risk

management, asset management, waste management, permits and licenses as relevant to

the project type)

Sound environmental practices and the promotion and protection of our natural


Project sustainability (if the project is recurrent, demonstrated sustainability planning)

Organisational capacity to deliver the project/event (as demonstrated through previous

Council grant acquittals, evidence of delivering similar projects/events or demonstrated

skills and capacity of the project/event organiser)

7.2 Assessment considerations:

Distribution of grant funding across the region: based on the eligible applications

received and identified community needs, consideration is given to how grant funding

will be distributed across the region

Prior Council grant funding to applicants: lower priority may be given to applicants or

projects and events which have received funding in the previous five years

Other forms of Council support to applicants: lower priority may be given to projects

that are receiving other forms of financial contribution or support from Council

Financial position of the applicant: based on a comparison of applicants’ financial

positions and assessment of relative need of each applicant

Council Planning and development issues: planning and development issues that may

impact on the project or the applicant’s capacity to deliver the project

Page 8: CSI710 Community Assistance Grants Guidelines · ASSISTANCE OFFERED Grant funding will take the form of a financial payment. 5. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA All grant applications must meet

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7.3 Assessment process

Eligibility check: All applications are checked against eligibility criteria to ensure the applicant

type, project type, amount requested and timeframes are eligible. Ineligible and incomplete

applications will not progress to the assessment stage.

Assessment: Applications are assessed against specified assessment criteria by a panel

comprised of Council staff who have knowledge and experience in the respective grant

category. Panel members participate in a moderation meeting to review the assessments and

determine grant recommendations. The Manager, Community Partnerships (or delegate) will

provide a briefing to the portfolio chair on the grant recommendations.


Panel recommendations for standard rounds are provided to Council for consideration and


Panel recommendations for emergency grants are provided to the Director of Corporate and

Community Services for consideration and endorsement, with the maximum grant being $2,000

and the endorsement of emergency grants being reported to the next Council meeting.

Please note that most grant rounds are highly competitive and not all applicants will be

successful. The number and value of grant applications awarded will be at Council’s discretion

and will reflect the strength of the applications in meeting the assessment criteria.


All applicants will be advised by email of the outcome of their application. Unsuccessful

applicants are invited to seek feedback about their application by contacting Council Officers

listed in the email. Failure to receive funding is not necessarily due to a poor application but

may be the result of the demand for funds.


Successful applicants will receive a Funding Deed of Agreement from Council, setting out the

amount of funding offered and grant conditions. Grant funds must be claimed within 30 days of

the successful applicant receiving Council’s email notification and funding agreement. If the

applicant is being auspiced, payment will be made to the auspicing organisation.


Page 9: CSI710 Community Assistance Grants Guidelines · ASSISTANCE OFFERED Grant funding will take the form of a financial payment. 5. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA All grant applications must meet

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As a condition of funding, successful applicants are required to publicly acknowledge Council’s

support. The level of acknowledgement is determined by the nature of the project and will be

outlined in the Funding Agreement.


All grant recipients must complete an Outcome Report and acquit grant money within four

weeks of the project completion date, unless an extension is provided in writing by Council.

Organisations will not be considered for further grant funding from Council if previous grant

acquittal conditions have not been met.


Detailed information about Council’s grant programs, including the dates of grants

information sessions, is available on Council’s website at: www.gympie.qld.gov.au/grants

We strongly recommend that you discuss your proposed project with us to make sure your

group is eligible and to understand the guidelines and application process.

For all enquiries relating to Council’s Community Assistance Grants program or to make an

appointment with the grants officer, please contact the Community Partnerships Team on:

phone (07) 5481 0760, or email [email protected]

If you do not have a computer, you can access computers at Council’s libraries at no cost.


Submitted documents may be subject to disclosure under the Right to Information Act 2009,

subject to the exemptions under that Act. Likewise, applicants may access information under

the Right to Information Act 2009, subject to the exemptions under that Act. For more

information, see https://www.gympie.qld.gov.au/access-to-information

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13. GRANT CATEGORY: Community Capacity Building


To support community-led projects that increase the social wellbeing of residents

To increase the capacity of community organisations and clubs to deliver services

to their members and the broader community.

Amount Up to 80% of total project costs, maximum $5,000 grant


(Address one

or more)

1. Social connection and sense of belonging between residents, neighbourhoods

and/or the broader community;

2. Volunteering opportunities and retention;

3. Active and healthy lifestyles including sporting, recreational or social initiatives

that encourage active community participation;

4. Partnerships and collaborations between community organisations in

improving community outcomes;

5. Learning and skills development for particular target groups, residents and/or

the general community;

6. Organisational capacity of community organisations and clubs including

strategic planning, governance, financial management, leadership skills,

training for members or management committees;

7. Positive outcomes for specific target groups or community issues, for example

young people, seniors, access and inclusion.




Equipment purchases may be eligible under this category if the equipment is integral

to the delivery of the community capacity building project.

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business, strategic, feasibility or other planning documents

evidence of community need

letters of support from stakeholders as evidence of community consultation

and support

event or workshop programs



Training programs for volunteers, workshops for young people.

14. GRANT CATEGORY: Facilities Development

Purpose To support safe, inclusive and accessible community facilities to enhance community

participation, active and heathy lifestyles and social wellbeing.

Amount Planning & Design: Maximum $5,000 grant, no co-contribution required

Capital Works: Up to 75% of project costs, maximum $10,000 grant


(Address one

or more)

1. Demonstrate sound planning and design

2. Improve the quality and sustainability of the facility

3. Increase, maintain or enhance community participation and access;

4. Encourage multi-use or shared use of community facilities;

5. Address issues of risk management or compliance with Australian standards;

NB Lower priority may be given to projects which are considered routine

maintenance. Emergency repairs may be eligible for funding under an Emergency

Grants (see page 4 for further details).




An organisation applying under this category must:

o own or be trustee of the land/facility and demonstrate how the project will

benefit the broader community; or

o have an existing tenure agreement with Council and be compliant with all

relevant conditions of the agreement (including completion of any works or

maintenance obligations)

o Applications for projects on land owned by the State government may be

considered where there is a formal public use arrangement in place

between Council and the State government.

N.B. Organisations applying to develop or improve facilities on properties owned

by an individual or commercial entity are ineligible.

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For projects on Council owned or controlled land: consent from Council’s

Manager, Property or delegate (email: [email protected]) must be

submitted with the application (requests for a letter of consent may not be

considered in the final week of the grant round if Council deems there is

insufficient time to investigate the proposed project)

For projects on non-Council land: written consent from the land owner or

trustee of the land must be submitted with the application. If the applicant

organisation is the owner of the subject land, a copy of the last rates notice

must be submitted with the application.




A concept and site plan for proposed buildings works must be submitted with

the application

business, strategic, feasibility or other planning documents

evidence of community need

letters of support from stakeholders as evidence of community consultation

and support

relevant building and planning approvals if required


of eligible


Planning & Design: Architectural or engineering plans, concept, site, feasibility plans,

consultation studies or other planning documents generally required prior to

commencement of capital works.

Capital works: materials, construction and contractor costs, e.g. building repairs,

plumbing and electrical works, playing surface or lighting upgrades to sporting fields,

safety fencing.



Landscape garden development, installation of plumbing and sewerage, external


Page 13: CSI710 Community Assistance Grants Guidelines · ASSISTANCE OFFERED Grant funding will take the form of a financial payment. 5. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA All grant applications must meet

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15. GRANT CATEGORY: Community Events


To support community events and celebrations which generate community pride,

social well-being and liveability.

Amount Up to 60% of total event costs, maximum $5,000


(Address one

or more)

1. Celebrate the identity, creativity, diversity and/or lifestyle of the local

community or region as a whole

2. Contribute to social well-being through encouraging community

participation and pride, social inclusion and active and healthy choices

3. Contribute to the local economy by attracting a broad range of patrons and


4. Build the capacity of local event management talent, suppliers and/or artists

5. Increase access to and engagement with cultural heritage, including

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander culture

6. Contribute to achieving positive outcomes in relation to:

Seniors (e.g. Seniors Week)

Children and Young People (e.g. Youth Week)

Access and Inclusion (e.g. Mental Health Work)

Festive Season ( e.g. local Christmas/New Year events)




Must be a public event (not exclusive to individual organisations or their


Must avoid the potential to adversely affect existing community events which

have a similar target audience or geographic target

Events can be one-off or held on a periodic basis (e.g. annual or biennial)

For events requesting over $4,000, an event management plan must be

submitted with the application (template is available from Council)

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Ineligible events:

School and church fetes

Ineligible expenses:

Event insurance


Judging or adjudication fees




business, strategic, feasibility or other planning documents

evidence of community need

letters of support from stakeholders as evidence of community consultation and


event or workshop programs

Examples of



Temporary venue and equipment hire, entertainment, appearance fees and travel

costs, marketing and promotion, traffic management, waste management,

engagement of short term specialised personnel.



Event organisers are strongly encouraged to consider obtaining event insurance as

unexpected or unforeseen circumstances may result in the cancellation of the event.

Council funding can be used for postponed events, however, no additional requests

for assistance will be accepted. Any unspent grant funds resulting from a cancelled

event must be returned to Council.

16. GRANT CATEGORY: Equipment

Purpose To support community organisations to purchase equipment so they can better serve

their members and the broader community.

Amount Maximum $2,000 grant, no co-contribution required


(Address one

or more)

1. Enable the effective functioning of a community organisation

2. Support volunteers to undertake their roles in a safe and enjoyable manner

3. Encourage shared use of resources between community groups (where


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evidence of community need

letters of support from stakeholders as evidence of community support



White goods, storage solutions, sporting equipment, safety and/or training resources,

office furniture.