
Introduction Sustainability has become a key focus for many organizations as climate change, regulatory pressures and societal demands for greater environmental and social responsibility have increased. For employers, this focus means a different way of doing business. Alongside economic considerations of growth and profit, organizations should be held accountable for their impacts on society and the environment. In addition, they should assess social and environmental risks and opportunities when making all business decisions. This approach is often referred to as “the triple bottom line,” the simultaneous delivery of positive results for people, planet and profit. Indeed, aspects of sustainability, such as environmental stewardship, workplace responsibility, human rights protection and good corporate citizenship, are increasingly part of an organization’s social legitimacy. The HR function is critical to achieving such as environmental stewardship, workplace responsibility, human rights protection and good corporate citizenship, are increasingly part of an organization’s social legitimacy. The HR function is critical to achieving success in a sustainability driven organization. Sustainability practice pervades every aspect of doing business and needs to be embedded across an organization at all levels, becoming an ongoing change process. Since the prime focus and skills of HR professionals include organizational process, change management and culture stewardship, they should take a leading role in developing and implementing sustainability strategy. This report aids human resource management (HRM) practitioners in understanding sustainability in an organizational context. It can be used as a guide for the HR function to support sustainable business and perform HRM sustainably. Divided into two main sections, this report begins by examining the critical role HRM plays in sustainability and the HRM tools available to embed sustainability strategy in the organization. The second section introduces a roadmap to sustainable HRM. It outlines global

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Sustainability has become a key focus for many organizations as climate change, regulatory pressures and societal demands for greater environmental and social responsibility have increased. For employers, this focus means a different way of doing business. Alongside economic considerations of growth and profit, organizations should be held accountable for their impacts on society and the environment. In addition, they should assess social and environmental risks and opportunities when making all business decisions. This approach is often referred to as “the triple bottom line,” the simultaneous delivery of positive results for people, planet and profit. Indeed, aspects of sustainability, such as environmental stewardship, workplace responsibility, human rights protection and good corporate citizenship, are increasingly part of an organization’s social legitimacy. The HR function is critical to achieving such as environmental stewardship, workplace responsibility, human rights protection and good corporate citizenship, are increasingly part of an organization’s social legitimacy.

The HR function is critical to achieving success in a sustainability driven organization. Sustainability practice pervades every aspect of doing business and needs to be embedded across an organization at all levels, becoming an ongoing change process. Since the prime focus and skills of HR professionals include organizational process, change management and culture stewardship, they should take a leading role in developing and implementing sustainability strategy.

This report aids human resource management (HRM) practitioners in understanding sustainability in an organizational context. It can be used as a guide for the HR function to support sustainable business and perform HRM sustainably. Divided into two main sections, this report begins by examining the critical role HRM plays in sustainability and the HRM tools available to embed sustainability strategy in the organization. The second section introduces a roadmap to sustainable HRM. It outlines global business approaches to sustainability, labor standards and specific aspects of sustainable practice such as employee volunteering, employer branding and green HRM. Finally, the report explores the new HR skills required for practicing sustainable HRM and the applicability of sustainable HRM in different types of organizations.

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Boosting morale through corporate volunteerism

Right away is a great time for organisations to go past their normal corporate social obligation (CSR) exercises, for example, corporate generosity and volunteerism.

Talking as of late at the fifth International Singapore Compact CSR Summit, Speaker of Singapore's Parliament Halimah Yacob said that organizations could keep tabs on "social enhancements" that might realize new business chances and more profit, which thus could help to thin the salary crevice in Singapore. These enhancements may incorporate giving items and administrations to lower-salary bunches and the elderly.

Singaporeans could additionally have an all the more satisfying pace of life and better social wellbeing if organizations apply CSR standards, she noted. For instance, organizations founding labour strategies which give workers better work-life equalization may see a more comprehensive environment subsequently.

IPG Mediabrands is one organization that earnestly sways representatives to volunteer and additionally imparts their ardors to others to motivate them to volunteer. "We are up for anything: philanthropy runs, school tours; blood gift drives; or actually playing The Biggest Loser to give cash or time to great reasons," says Prashant Kumar, President, World Markets Asia, IPG Mediabrands.

"There is no corporate target to fulfil, or a particular reason to backing, or a CSR movement to advertise," he includes. "As an organization that takes after a free enterprise approach towards embracing a reason to help, we intend to help every individual's and each one group's ardors."

Case in point, in Thailand, the group used a few hours every Friday in painting classes, with the best works of art at the end of the year being unloaded in a year-end industry reasonable to store a kids' philanthropy. The Malaysia group took part in a blood gift drive, while the Singapore business settings upheld the 10km Yellow Ribbon Run in backing of giving ex-wrongdoers an opportunity to re-incorporate into social order.

Voluntary exercises have likewise been coordinated inside Mediabrands' Happiness Programme. Case in point, in an approaching test, every office will organise a task to have any kind of effect

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in their prompt group. The venture may include working with accomplices (customers, media sellers, or altruistic associations) and take any shape or structure, from social event gifts, to volunteering time to the organisation's exercises, to giving administrations as media office, or the organization's own particular inward abilities. The test is pointed at discovering joy while helping others, including however many associates as could reasonably be expected and making the most amazing effect conceivable.

"We have likewise completed different engagement programmes with schools in the district. Our senior pioneers are swayed to instruct at heading source organizations around the area," Kumar includes. "Thailand for example has started a mentorship programme for maturing media people."


Almost all significant organizations confer exertions in somehow to an extensive variety of CSR programmes, and gladly show their great corporate citizenship to stakeholders on official sites or in their publicizing crusades.

Likewise, consistently one can go over different corporate social obligation rankings, for example, the GLOBAL 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World positioning, or Newsweek's Green Rankings posting the organisations with the most astounding level of inclusion in mindful ecological practices.

As stated by exploration by Purdue University, formal or organized volunteering has a positive total impact on the mental and physical action of workers as they age. The study, headed by the chief of Purdue's Centre on Ageing and Life Course, Kenneth Ferraro, uncovered that "more established grown-ups who were occupied with normal volunteering had slower expands in physical handicap, and they stayed autonomous and physically dynamic for a more drawn out time of time".

Ferraro ascribes these effects to the banquet of social engagement accomplished through volunteering. Exact proof underpins that the individuals who volunteer on a consistent support have better cardiovascular health, less dejection, and easier circulatory strain than the individuals who are not included in volunteerism.

"Voluntary exercises captivate individuals in a totally diverse manner. They give representatives an opportunity to cooperate, get familiar with each one in turn energies, and take pride in having the ability to have any kind of effect altogether," says Kumar.

"We have seen larger amounts of camaraderie, fearlessness and individuals liking themselves after (they) have been included in a voluntary action," he notes. "My groups have let me know about feeling deliberate and having the ability to better know their qualities and shortcomings,

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Something a workshop or classroom chance doesn’t do,”prioritizing”. Unfortunately, CSR programmes are often the first to feel the impact of budget cuts. As a result, the ability to prove – and improve-the value of volunteer.Programmes is critical to attracting“We go with qualitative evaluation of the outcomes,” Kumar says about Mediabrands’ voluntererism promotion. “We give our employees feedback forms on an initiative taken and over the course of time have begun to understand what they would like to do and what activity brings the best outcome.

“We don’t make volunteering a corporate objective or part of a CSR activity and have seen this being extremely successful as it is not associated with a budget or any corporate goals,” he adds. “We believe volunteering must be a natural thing and a matter of choice and a personal connection, not a corporate connection. This approach has worked best for us.” Challengesaplenty

While volunteerism brings about higher benefit, higher worker resolve, and can support in maintenance and enrolling, there may be some potential negative viewpoints also.

Case in point, the greatest concern is that urging workers to take an interest in worker volunteerism programmes can make them feel that the support is more required than voluntary, and in that way all the representative's work disposition, including characteristic inspirations, may not be expanded as one might need, says Kumar.

"Worker volunteerism programmes may likewise partition representatives into those that partake and know one another better, and those that are not occupied with volunteering and therefore may get a handle on left," he includes. "Besides, representative volunteerism programmes are extra exercises that may divert representatives from regular work errands."

At last, volunteering must be a staff-headed movement, not a corporate-headed one. Staff must be enabled to assume responsibility. "We likewise don't anticipate that representatives will invest a lot of time organising occasions that detract them from their real work. This is the place collaborating with a great philanthropy gets important," says Kumar.

"Additionally, we don't set high objectives. Little methods for having any kind of effect are maybe the best, particularly for groups like our own which don't have a completely fledged CSR objective," he includes.

"Volunteering is in fact a basic, yet important method for building trust and trust around groups and I might say, each one organization – huge or little – can start to empower volunteering just about quickly." Kumar prompts. "The profits it pays are coloss 


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Greening up the workplace

Organisations that think profoundly about their surroundings and social order are less averse to deal with their representatives. Thus, lies the draw of maintainable organizations around occupation seekers.

As stated by a 2012 study directed by US-based online employment board Theladders, 72% of occupation seekers might like to work for an "eco-cognizant" organization.

The review likewise found that 75% of representatives might be quick to change their every day routine if their organization furnished them with little impetuses to be green.

Nonetheless, practicality isn't practically minimising natural effects – its greater than that, says Shirley Chua, chief of interchanges and effort, Singapore Environment Council. "In the connection of HR, its all the more about taking a long haul perspective, and that is the key normal for a manageable organisation – a sympathy toward what's to come survival of the business, not simply of present productivity."

As stated by Chua, HR can have significant influence in manageability as far as dealing with the relationship between the business and its workforce. "Be that as it may, the test for advanced organizations is one of changing workforces – in light of the fact that today's workforce is altogether different from past eras," she says.

Boosting Staff Morale

Earth cognizant organizations regularly have an edge over the opposition concerning ability fascination.

Junior representatives nowadays try to join an organisation whose society resounds with their own particular individual qualities, Retnam Pui Yim, Vice President of Corporate Services, YTL Powerseraya. "They might want to be connected with an organization that looks after nature's domain. This is obvious in a portion of the questions that our HR division has led for potential competitors. They were quick to join YTL Powerseraya as a result of its dynamic inclusion in green practices."

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As stated by the Singapore Environment Council, green practices are by and large positive in nature and assistance to guarantee representatives that their organization is concentrated on its end result as well as is similarly aware of the earth and the effect it has on staff.

Green programmes are likewise a great approach to help worker engagement. An animated green programme to reliably captivate staff will particularly help the individuals who quality green practices to ponder their inclusion and, accordingly, prompt more amazing engagement and feeling of having a place in the organization, says Retnam.

Workers who as of recently embrace green practices in their home might additionally feel more captivated and more satisfied working in an organization that likewise embraces green practices, says Retnam. "Aggregate green deliberations in the organization can help construct a normal reason and this helps tie staff parts and support their resolve."

YTL Powerseraya, which is an ensured Eco-office (see: boxout) incorporates green activities in its corporate social obligation exercises. Case in point, it led pot-painting workshops with its embraced philanthropy GROW, which set finished potted plants in staff work ranges. "Having such plants at work can help towards a superior nature, enhance indoor air quality and push staff's prosperity," says Retnam.

Socially-mindful organizations additionally emanate a more alluring boss brand. Organizations that take after naturally sound activities, for example, electronic indexing, auto offering, remotely coordinating, reusing, web preparing, and vitality effective office spaces leave a positive effect. "All these measures don't simply guarantee agreeability and enhance profit, they likewise have an effect on impalpable yet significant holdings, for example, brand and notoriety. Representatives are pulled in to organizations who run their organizations and accomplish objectives in a manner that adjusts to their qualities, and join their business choices to moral, social and natural concerns," Chua says.

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Sharing with the community

CSR is regularly released as a warm and fluffy idea with no genuine business profit. In any case, that view is changing as organizations acknowledge there are wide business and different profits to great CSR.

A worldwide IBM study, for instance, found that numerous organizations now see CSR as a development chance as opposed to simply an administrative agreeability or generous exertion, with 68% kept tabs on creating income through CSR exercises while a further 54% accept CSR activities assistance give a focused business advantage.

At last, be that as it may, CSR is about such a great amount of more than how the money adds up. Purchasers, speculators and representatives all search for pointers of long haul victory and methodology, and not only how the money adds up, says Olivia Lum, Founder of the Hyflux Group and the President of Singapore Compact, a national social order made to advancement Singapore's CSR system.

To stay beating the competition, she says managers ought to look to actualizing CSR as a great business system as "it adjusts maintainable benefits to social advancement objectives". 

Banking with a heart

The keeping money group in Singapore has taken a proactive methodology to CSR, and Standard Chartered Bank is one bank that has met with measurable accomplishment in its CSR activities. Beam Ferguson, Regional Chief Executive for Singapore and Southeast Asia, Standard Chartered Bank, says the bank has dependably been receptive to building a supportable business that is "adjusted to the requirements of the group".

The bank is included with a few group and philanthropy programmes, a critical one being 'Existing with HIV'. The programme is a shared instruction activity to bring issues to light of HIV in the group.

Ferguson clarifies that the programme was started in 1999 by workers who understood that their partners were truant because of their own or their relatives sick health in Africa. The bank understood that HIV was having a "hindering effect on numerous representatives in key African markets".

With the programme, Standard Chartered has contacted 50,000 people in schools and organizations in Singapore to teach them about HIV.

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As the establishing part of the AIDS Business Alliance in Singapore, the bank's senior administration has given talks at workshops and courses at spots, for example, NTUC and Singapore Management University. The bank was additionally included in the seventh Singapore AIDS gathering on the best way to actualize a Hiv/aids work environment programme.

In any case, Ferguson sincerely says there are tests in receiving CSR programmes in any organization, and in Standard Chartered's case, that test is attaining dynamic cooperation. "Workers may not completely comprehend why volunteering is so essential and may be hesitant to partake in the exercises. Anyhow after some time, we have made an extremely solid society, headed by our administration group," he says.

The bank has attempted different measures to take get its staff included, including three days of volunteering leave in a year. As a business method, the bank's CSR activities have not gone unnoticed. Standard Chartered has been pulling in new ability in light of upgraded open recognition because of its CSR programmes. "Fifty percent of our new graduate petitioners refered to our methodology to CSR a component when picking Standard Chartered over different organizations' graduate programmes," says Ferguson.

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1. HRM’s Role in Corporate Social and Environmental Sustainability [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.shrm.org/about/foundation/products/documents/4-12%20csr%20report%20final%20for%20web.pdf. [Accessed 12 March 2014].

2. HRM Asia-Sharing with community[ONLINE] Available at:http://www.hrmasia.com/resources/csr/sharing-with-the-community/108591/. [Accessed 12 March 2014].