cst 494/598 computer graphics anshuman razdan [email protected] i3dea.asu.edu/razdan

CST 494/598 Computer Graphics Anshuman Razdan [email protected] i3dea.asu.edu/razdan

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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CST 494/598Computer Graphics

Anshuman [email protected]


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 2


These slides can only be used as study material for the class 470 at ASUThe slides cannot be distributed or used for another purposeThe slides may contain errorsThe slides do not contain all the information necessary to succeed in class; additional material from the book must to be studiedThe slides are based on a lecture from Prof. Purgathofer from the Vienna University of Technology

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 4

Color and Gray Scale

color information: RGBcolor codes directly in frame buffer

1024 x 1024 x 24 bit/color 3 Mbyte storage

color (lookup) tables

less storage

easy change of color table(e.g., for color coding)

gray scalecalculated from RGB

e.g. intensity = 0.5 [min(r,g,b) + max(r,g,b)]

red green blue Farbe 0 0 0 black 0 0 1 blue 0 1 0 green 0 1 1 cyan 1 0 0 red 1 0 1 magenta 1 1 0 yellowyellow 1 1 1 white

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 5

Color Lookup Table



r i


g i





xxxx r g b

instead of:

now: selected colors addressed by table index

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 6

Line Attributes (1)

type solid, dashed, dotted,…

pixel mask (raster line algorithms)

width Bresenham + additional vertical (horizontal) spans

width dependent on line slope

line caps

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 7

Line Attributes (2)width

thick lines as filled rectangles joining two segments: miter round bevel

pen and brush options shape, size, pattern pixel mask simulation of brush strokes


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 8

Area-Fill Attributes (1)

fill styleshollow with color border

filled with solid color

filled with specific pattern or design (e.g., hatch,…)

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 9

Area-Fill Attributes (2)

fill optionsedge type, width, color

pattern specificationthrough pattern tables

tiling (pattern reference point)

4 00 4


pixel startposition

4 00 4

4 00 4

4 00 4

4 00 4

4 00 4

4 00 4

4 00 4

4 00 4

4 00 4

4 00 4

4 00 4

4 00 4

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 10

Area-Fill Attributes (3)

combination of fill pattern with background colors

soft fillcombination of colors

antialiasing at object borders

simulation of semitransparent brushes

example: linear soft-fill

pattern back- ground





F...foreground colorB...background color

BttFP )1(

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 11

Scan-Line Polygon-Fill Algorithm

interior pixels along a scan line passing through a polygon area

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 12

Scan-L. Fill: Intersecting Vertices

intersection points along scan lines that intersect poly-gon vertices. y: odd number of intersectionsy’: even number of intersections (bad) can be paired for correct interior pixel spans

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 13

Scan-L. Fill: Incremental Update

incremental update of intersection point







11 kk yy

mxx kk



xx kk 1

slope of polygon boundary line: m

(for 2 successive scanlines)

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 14

Scan-L. Fill: Sorted Edge Table

sort all edges on smallest y-valueedge entry: [max y-value, x-intercept, inverse slope]

active-edge list for each scan linecontains all edges crossed by that scan lineincremental update

consecutive intersection pairs (spans) filled

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 15

Sorted Edge Table: Example

a polygon and its sorted edge table, with edge DC shortened by 1 unit

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 16

Scan-Line Fill: Active-Edge List

active-edge list for -DC’ - DE - AE - AB

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 17

Inside-Outside Tests

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 18

Flood-Fill Algorithm

pixel filling of areaareas with no single color boundary

start from interior point

“flood” internal region

4-connected, 8-connected areas

reduce stack size by eliminating several recursive calls

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 19

Flood-Fill: Definition of Boundary

area must be distinguishable from boundaries

example: area definedwithin multiple colorboundaries

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 20

Flood-Fill: Connectedness

Definition: 4-connected means, that a connection is only valid in these 4 directions

Definition: 8-connected means, that a connection is only valid in these 8 directions

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 21

Example for 4- and 8-connected

a 4-connected area an 8-connected areaa 4-connected area has an 8-connected border

an 8-connected area has a 4-connected border

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 22

Simple Flood-Fill Algorithm

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 23

Bad Behaviour of Simple Flood-Fill




A Razdan and Peter Wonka 24

Span Flood-Fill Algorithm

floodFill4 produces too high stacks (recursion!)

solution: incremental horizontal fill (left to right)

recursive vertical fill (first up then down)

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 25

Good Behaviour of Span Flood-Fill




A Razdan and Peter Wonka 26

Span Flood-Fill Example


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 27

Span Flood-Fill Example


1 2 3


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 28

Span Flood-Fill Example

s5 s4

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 2 3 s2



A Razdan and Peter Wonka 29

Span Flood-Fill Example


12 13 14 s4

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

s3 1 2 3 s2


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 30

Span Flood-Fill Example

12 13 14 s4

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

s3 1 2 3 s2


16 17 1815

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 31

Span Flood-Fill Example

15 16 17 18

12 13 14 19

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

s3 1 2 3 s2


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 32

Span Flood-Fill Example

12 13 14

s4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

20 21 22 1 2 3 s2

s3 s1

15 16 17 18


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 33

Span Flood-Fill Example

12 13 14

23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

20 21 22 1 2 3 s2

s3 s1

15 16 17 18


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 34

Span Flood-Fill Example

12 13 14

23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

20 21 22 1 2 3 s2

24 25 s1


15 16 17 18


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 35

Span Flood-Fill Example

12 13 14

23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

20 21 22 1 2 3 s2

24 25 s1=s5

26 27 28 29 30

s4 s3

15 16 17 18


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 36

Span Flood-Fill Example

12 13 14

23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

20 21 22 1 2 3 s2

24 25 31 32 33

26 27 28 29 30

s4 s3

15 16 17 18


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 37

Span Flood-Fill Example

12 13 14

23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

20 21 22 1 2 3 s2

24 25 31 32 33

26 27 28 29 30

34 35 s3

15 16 17 18


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 38

Span Flood-Fill Example

12 13 14

23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

20 21 22 1 2 3 s2

24 25 31 32 33

26 27 28 29 30

34 35 36 37

15 16 17 18


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 39

Span Flood-Fill Example

12 13 14

23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

20 21 22 1 2 3 38

24 25 31 32 33

26 27 28 29 30

34 35 36 37

15 16 17 18


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 40

text attributesfont (e.g. Courier, Arial, Times, Roman, …)

styles (regular, bold, italic, underline,…)

size (32 point, 1 point = 1/72 inch)

proportionally sized vs. fixed space fonts

string attributesorientation

alignment (left, center, right, justify)

Character Attributes




Displayed primitives generated by the raster algorithms discussed in Chapter 3 have a jagged, or stairstep, appearance.

Displayed primitives generated by the raster algorithms

discussed in Chapter 3 have a jagged, or

stairstep, appearance.

Displayed primitives generated by the raster algorithms

discussed in Chapter 3 have a jagged, or

stairstep, appearance.

Displayed primitives generated by the raster algorithms discussed in Chapter 3 have a jagged, or stairstep, appearance.

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 41


what is aliasing?

what is the reason for aliasing?

what can we do against it?

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 42

What is Aliasing?

not enough resolution

not enough colors

not enough images / sec

geometric errors

numeric errors

errors that are caused by the discretization of analog data to digital data

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 43

Aliasing: Staircase Effect

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Various Aliasing Effects

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 45

Aliasing from too few Colors

artificial color borders can appear

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Aliasing in Animations

jumping images"worming“

backwards rotating wheels


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 47

Backwards Rotating Wheels

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 48

Solutions against Aliasing?

1. improve the deviceshigher resolution

more color levels

faster image sequence

2. improve the imagespostprocessing

antialiasing !




A Razdan and Peter Wonka 49

Shannon Sampling Theorem

a signal can only be reconstructed without information loss if the sampling frequency is at least twice the highest frequency of the signal

this border frequency is called "Nyquist Limit"

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 50

Shannon Sampling Theorem


sampling rate

original signal

reconstructed signal

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 51

Antialiasing: Nyquist Sampling Frequency

a signal can only be reconstructed without information loss if the sampling frequency is at least twice the highest frequency of the signal

maxcycle /1x with2


x cycles

i.e. sampling interval one-half cycle interval

max2 ff s Nyquist sampling frequency:

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 52

supersampling straight-line segments

subpixel weighting masks

area sampling straight-line segments

filtering techniques

compensating for line-intensity differences

antialiasing area boundaries(adjusting boundary pixel positions)

adjusting boundary pixel intensity

Antialiasing Strategies

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 53

Antialiasing: Supersampling Lines

00 00 1100 22 2233 11 00

00 00 4411 66 8888 55 00

3 = max. intensity...0 = min. intensity

9 = max. intensity...0 = min. intensity

thin line line of finite width

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 54


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 55

Antialiasing: Area Sampling Lines

calculate the pixel coverage exactly

can be done with incremental schemes

00%% 00%% 4343

1515 7171 8484

9090 5252 33%%

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 56

Antialiasing: Pixel Weighting Masks

relative weights for a grid of 3x3 subpixels

more weight for center subpixels

must be divided by sum of weights

subpixel grids can also include some neighboring pixels

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 57

Antialiasing: Filtering Techniques

box filter cone filter Gaussian filter

continuous overlapping weighting functions to calculate the antialiased values with integrals

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 58

Antialiasing: Compensating for Intensity Differences

unequal line lengths displayed with the same number of pixels in each line/row have different intensities

proper antialiasing compensates for that!

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A Razdan and Peter Wonka 60

Antialiasing Area Boundaries (1)

adjusting pixel intensities along an area boundary

alternative 1:supersampling

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 61

Antialiasing Area Boundaries (2)

alternative 2: like midpoint line algorithm

p´ = y ymid = [m(xk + 1) + b] (yk + 0.5)

p´<0 y closer to yk

p´>0 y closer to yk+1

p = p´+ (1m) :p<1m closer to yk

p>1m closer to yk+1

( and p [0,1] )


Note: We add (1-m) so that the decision parameter p = area covered by polygon!

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 62

Antialiasing Area Boundaries (3)

p = p´+(1-m) = [m(xk + 1) + b] (yk + 0.5) + (1 m)= mxk + b yk + 0.5


xk xk+1


yk+ 0.5p for next pixel= overlap areafor current pixel

p = p´-m+1 = p´+(1-m)


A Razdan and Peter Wonka 63

Antialiasing Examples

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 64

Antialiasing Examples

A Razdan and Peter Wonka 65

Summary: Attributes of Primitives

color and greyscale

line attributes

area fill attributes

character attributes

antialiasingaliasing effects

reasons for aliasing

antialiasing strategies