cstu 101 quiz 3 correct answers


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CSTU 101 Quiz 3 Correct Answers


Liberty University CSTU 101 Quiz 3 complete solutions correct answers keyMore than three versionsThe socalle! "#rchaic $rin% is associate! with what type o& $reek sculpture'(n "The )arrior*s Leavetakin+% we see the new "realistic perspective% o& $reek art illustrate! in the optical techni,ue o& ----.)hich o& the &ollowin+ is not a term use! in #ristotle*s !escription o& tra+e!y'This &amous sculpture by Myron is perhaps the best e/ample o& the $reek +enius &or takin+ the ol! tra!itions an! makin+ them new.The typical $reek tra+e!y !epicts how the hero becomes ----0)hich or!er o& $reek temple architecture is associate! with the Classical perio! an! !emonstrates ele+ance an! re&inement'1arly in their history the 2omans &ree! themselves &rom the control o& which people'The en! o& the 3a/ 2omana is associate! with which !ate'The en! o& the 3unic )ars is associate! with which !ate'4ou woul! see "relie& sculptures% in which part o& the $reek temple'The ancient $reeks saw the human &orm even in their temple styles0Like the $reeks5 the 2omans were an (n!o1uropean people0$reek come!y can accurately be !escribe! as a philosophy o& li&e0)hen viewe! in $reek terms5 the 6ible must be consi!ere! the worl!*s +reatest tra+e!y0The $reeks value! sculptin+ in bronze more than any other me!ium01arly $reek art shows that the $reeks learne! very little &rom ancient 1+ypt0The 3arthenon was !e!icate! to the $reek +o!!ess #thena0Un!er the ri+ht circumstances5 a $reek tra+e!y coul! &ocus on the pli+ht o& a lowerclass citizen0The most e/pensive $reek temples were peripteral temples built !urin+ the #rchaic perio! on the islan! o& Sicily0The architects o& the 3arthenon a!7uste! the !esi+n o& the temple to create some 8optical illusions089ill in the blank. 8The stu!y o& the humanities is ----- to a liberal arts e!ucation08:oes anythin+ +oo! ever come &rom a multicultural approach to western history an! culture')hat two concepts are the main &ocus o& our stu!ies in ;UM< 101')hat sculpture 8sums up8 what the re&lective an! e/pressive arts are all about')ho is best known as the author o& 89aust8')hat is an e/ample o& the re&lective arts')hich wor! completes the pattern in the &ollowin+ sentence' 8Cultures create5 -----5 an! transmit i!eas an! works o& art08#ccor!in+ to $oethe5 we are livin+ an illusion when we only live &or what')hat is the sum total o& thin+s that bin! people to+ether within a society'(n the 1=thcentury paintin+ 8Ma!onna an! Chil! with the (n&ant St0 >ohn58 what is represente! by the ob7ect in the sky overMary?s le&t shoul!er')hich verse in the 6ible coul! be !escribe! as 3aul?s statement o& values'#ccor!in+ to the te/t5 the 8emotional reason8 &or stu!yin+ the humanities is all about what')hat is history best !e&ine! as'The concept o& 8(ma+o :ei8 is central &or what reason &or stu!yin+ the humanities')hat three verses are use! in the te/t to support the 6iblical reason &or stu!yin+ the humanities'The &irst calen!ars can be !escribe! as what'The term 8crosspollination8 is use! in the te/t to !escribe the e&&ects o& which technolo+y')hat is the most si+ni&icant technolo+y in trans&ormin+ ancient societies')hat revolution must have occurre! be&ore the urban revolution')hat technolo+y is !escribe! as bein+ 8abstracte! &rom pure thou+ht8'The technolo+y o& pottery is !iscusse! primarily in connection with which i!ea'The rise o& comple/ bureaucracies in early civilizations is most closely connecte! with which technolo+y')hat technolo+y is use! in the 6ible as an important metaphor &or $o!?s relationship with ;is people'The term 8historical horizon8 correspon!s most closely with what concept')hat are the three primary sta+es o& the pro+ression o& the early civilizations')hat is the key concept that separates 8culture8 &rom 8civilization8')hat !oes the term 8picto+ram8 most closely re&er to')hat revolution is the 8secon! wave8 that #lvin To&&ler !escribe!')hat two revolutions were very similar !evelopments in early human society')hich ancient writer visite! an! !escribe! the monuments o& 6abylon an! 1+ypt'The !iscovery o& the 2osetta Stone is most closely associate! with which historical lea!er'#ncient art !epicts ob7ects accor!in+ to what')hat are temples that once rose up &rom the &ertile plains o& Mesopotamia calle!')hich arti&act provi!e! the key that allowe! scholars to !eco!e 1+yptian hiero+lyphics')hat is a &oun!ational belie& o& the ancient 1+yptians'#s presente! in the te/t5 which ,uality presents the most challen+in+ !i&&erences &or mo!ern viewers o& ancient 1+yptian art')hich arti&act !epicts the uni&ication o& Upper an! Lower 1+ypt')hat term best !escribes the multiple perspectives we see in 1+yptian art5 especially in portrayin+ the human bo!y'The central work o& Sumerian literature contains remarkable parallels with which book o& the 6ible')ho is a +reat &ictional hero in the literature o& ancient Mesopotamia'#n epic is most concerne! with communicatin+ which two thin+s'#rcheolo+ists have !emonstrate! conclusively that historical truths !o un!erlie ancient ----- an! -------0)hich @l! Testament nation may have ha! a connection to the Minoan civilization')hat was the +reat Minoan palace';omer?s stories o& Troy are really stories about what a+e')hich @l! Testament 3eople were (n!o1uropean'Scholars believe that the Minoan civilization was almost nearly !estroye! by a natural !isaster in which year')hat is !iscusse! as an e/ample o& the relationship between myth an! history')hat was the critical type o& evi!ence that allowe! historians to reconstruct the (n!o1uropean people')e !on?t know a lot about Mycenaeans5 but we !o know they were relate! to what people +roup'The process o& &ormin+ a 8