csv method validation.ppsx

CSV http://www.valgenesis.com

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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CSVhttp://www.valgenesis.comProductsComputer SoftwareCSVMethod ValidationSAP ValidationCleaning ValidationComputer System ValidationValidation SoftwareIntroduction Global Access: Extend secure access to users worldwide As web-based applications, ValGenesis validation lifecycle management solutions are accessible to your team worldwide ValGenesis can also integrate wit! your organi"ations #$A% or Active $irectory using &A'# (), t!us minimi"ing t!e e*ort to setup and manage users +!roug! a web browser your business ,nowledge is made accessible to team members in any geograp!y -urt!ermore, data partitioning and access controls ensure t!at access is secured in a way t!at users can only view t!e information t!ey needValidation Software forPharmaceutical and iotechnology Companies.egulated%!armaceutical and /iotec! companiesare c!allenged to develop manufacturing capabilities 0uic,ly and cost-e*ectively w!ile at t!e same time safeguarding product 0uality and patient safety Validation !as been an essential part of regulated industries for over () years, yet as t!e 1eld !as evolved, little !as c!anged in t!e approac! to validation 2ver time t!e traditional validation activities !ave centered more and more on documentation, w!ic! !as increased tremendously and led to additional 0uality issues -or t!e most part, validation still re0uires a !ig! degree of manual e*ort for trac,ing and reporting and t!e execution of most validation protocols is paper basedSAP ValidationIt would !aveValidation process managementbeen never possible in t!e process of out t!is 3ebsite done as well as related tools portal +!ere are-$A %aperless Validationmany more tools ad good round of factor sally coming in t!e process w!ic! all can !elp in getting t!e order deliveredElectronic #og 'anagementin point of time +!e tools are very particular in t!e process4&Vand !elpful in ma,ing sure t!e way it is2verview of ValGenesis Validated 4loud :-+!e ValGenesis cloud %latform was designed to manage t!e life sciences industry5s critical validation, 0uality6regulated data and documents in t!e secured cloud 3it! ValGenesis validated 4loud users can instantly reali"e t!e bene1ts of a full-featured, enterprise-class Validation #ifecycle 'anagement &ystem &ystem activation is instant, setup is intuitive and t!e scope of t!e solution can be scaled to support from pro7ect level to multi-site corporate level