cswl 2010 rules

Canadian Scenario Woodsball League Official Rule Book Version 1.3 2010

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The Official Canadian Scenario Woodsball League 2010 Rules


Page 1: CSWL 2010  Rules

Canadian Scenario Woodsball League

Official Rule Book

Version 1.3


Page 2: CSWL 2010  Rules

1.0 Objective of game: Score as many points as possible during the course of

the game.

2.0 Duration of game: Two 25-minute halves for a total of 50 minutes of game

play time and a 10-minute half time (1 hour of total game time). Teams will

switch starting bases at half time, thereby equalizing the field


3.0 Team size: Teams may register a maximum of 15 players for any event. A

maximum of 10 players per team on field. A maximum of 5 players can be

substituted at reinsertion times and start of game or 2nd half.

4.0 Team Positions

4.1 Team Commander (mandatory): One member of each team will be

the assigned team commander and will be made to wear two

armbands (one on each arm) to identify him. Team Commanders will

be responsible for ensuring a representative of their team is in

attendance for the event orientation. Any team failing to provide a

representative to attend the orientation may be disqualified from the

event without refund.

4.2 Scout/Sniper (optional): One member of each team may be assigned

as scout/sniper. This member will be given the advantage of

deploying 2 minutes before the rest of the team at the beginning of the

game and the 2nd half. The scout/sniper is the only player allowed to

make use of a ghillie suit. This player cannot capture ANY objectives

for his team at any time during the game and is restricted to

Scout/Sniper marker conditions (see 11.2 - marker restrictions)

4.3 Heavy Gunner (optional): One member of each team may be

assigned as the heavy gunner. This member will be given the

advantage of the Heavy Gunner marker conditions (see 11.3 - marker


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5.0 Playing field: The field will be organized with 3 flag stations in an equilateral

triangle. Each station will have a device for registering control by either a red

or yellow team. A rectangle shape around the triangle will denote the

boundary of the field and will be visibly posted. See Appendix A for further


6.0 Scoring points: Scoring points in the game can be done one of two ways

6.1 Capturing a flag station: A flag station is considered captured when

the color of a team is visible on the flag station depending on design of

the station. One minute of control is worth one point.

6.2 Finding a capture objective: Game officials place three objectives on

the field. Each one is worth 7 points when returned to a referee by the

team commander. Only the team commander may return an objective.

Each objective will be visible from two directions at a distance of 2

meters. The objectives must be colorful and no less than .5m in length

regardless of shape (cylinder, briefcase, etc.) Objectives will be on

display for players during the event orientation.

6.3 Mobile Flag Station: A case or box will be placed on the field midway

between the two home bases, opposite of the swing base. For further

location information see Appendix A. This flag station will count as one

point per minute for a team whose player is touching the box. If at any

time there is no player touching the box, no points will be awarded to

either team for that time. The Mobile Flag Station can be moved but

must weigh from 80-100lbs. A ref will accompany the Mobile Flag

Station to track points.

7.0 Special Weapon: A rocket launcher is placed midfield with 3 foam rockets.

This weapon is available to any team but each rocket may only be fired once.

Obtaining the rocket launcher has no point value and is not considered a

capture objective. However, each rocket, when fired, eliminates ALL players

within a 6 pace radius of its initial landing point. Any player eliminated while

holding the rocket launcher will remain suspended until it and any unused

rockets are captured by another player at which point he may return to his

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team‟s elimination area. The rocket launcher is replaced with the three

rockets at half time.

8.0 Capture Objectives: Three Capture Objectives are placed on the field. The

placement of the objectives will be done in a balanced fashion so that each

team has near equal opportunity to retrieve the objectives but the ultimate

location resides with the officials. Each objective is worth 7 points to be

awarded when the team commander returns the objective to a game official.

In addition each objective has a specific function giving an advantage to that

team. Capture objectives are reset at the half time and again available to be

found by either team, being placed by the officials in new locations. The

objective may be passed to another player but cannot be set down or

hidden/concealed in ANY WAY. Any player attempting to conceal an

objective may be subject to a Concealing an Objective penalty. Any player

eliminated while holding a capture objective must stay in a suspended state

with the objective visible until another player takes the objective from him/her.

Players using an objective are responsible for locating a ref prior to its use to

ensure that its effects are properly implemented.

8.1 Dirty Bomb: ANY player coming within 4 paces of the planted bomb is

eliminated. There is a 5 second leeway for the player planting the

bomb to escape. The dirty bomb CANNOT be thrown and must be

placed on the ground. A thrown DB will result in the DB‟s affects being

negated and a possible penalty against the team. The dirty bomb

stays in effect until the next respawn.

8.2 Instant Reinsertion: Up to 5 players can be released from the dead

box at the commander‟s discretion. The players to be reinserted must

be in the dead box at the time that the Instant Reinsertion objective is

used. Delayed reinsertions are not allowed. The commander may use

the Instant Reinsertion objective while he/she is in the dead box.

8.3 High Explosive Grenade: This will be represented by a small foam

football. To be used a player can throw the „grenade‟ at a target. ALL

players within 4 paces of the final resting point will be eliminated.

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9.0 Eliminations: An elimination is defined as any paintball hitting a player and

subsequently breaking ANYWHERE on their person or equipment resulting in

a paint mark larger than a dime including splatter from obstacles. Players

can also be eliminated by a game official verbally. The official must make the

elimination obvious by pointing at a player at close range and declaring

„you‟re out!‟ Bounced paintballs DO NOT result in elimination but good

sportsmanship is encouraged by a player declaring „bounce!‟ when struck.

Bounced paintballs DO eliminate a player in a ghillie suit. Any player who

raises their gun barrel above their head or declares „hit!‟ is eliminated

regardless. An eliminated player cannot communicate with live players by

any means and must proceed directly to the elimination area or off field


9.1 Mercy: There is no mercy in the CSWL! If a player has a chance to

eliminate another by marking him at close range they can ask the

other player if they want mercy but that does not automatically

eliminate the player. Practice good sportsmanship by marking the

player once or twice in a piece of equipment if possible (i.e. tank or


9.2 Hot Reinsertion: If 80-100% of a team is eliminated from the field the

opposing team will be pushed back to the half way or „50‟ at the one

minute warning before reinsertion in an effort to give the eliminated

team an opportunity to regroup. All fighting during this one minute will

cease and remaining players of the eliminated team will be free to

travel inside their half of the field. In the event that they are in „enemy

territory‟ i.e. the opposing team‟s side of the 50, they are to remain in

their position and not move.

10.0 Elimination Area: Elimination areas must be clearly marked with tape,

paint, lathe, etc. The elimination area is NOT a mask-off area and all

markers must have a barrel-blocking device in use. It is also recommended

that electronic markers be turned off and mechanical markers use a safety

switch. Paint, air tanks, water and snacks may be brought into the EA but

must be taken out again. PACK IT IN, PACK IT OUT. Fill stations will not be

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allowed in the EA. A player MUST be inside the boundary of the EA to be

reinserted no exceptions. All items must be removed from a team‟s first half

EA and transported to the other EA before the start of the second half. Any

items left behind may result in a penalty being assessed at the discretion of

the refs.

11.0 Marker Restrictions: Game officials will use a calibrated device to test

velocity and rate of fire to enforce restrictions. ALL markers must consistently

fire at a speed below that which is required by the hosting facility, This speed

will be provided to the players during the event orientation..

11.1 Standard Player/Infantryman: Markers will be programmed or set

to 12 balls per second firing rate. All electroneumatic markers with a

double trigger will be set to semi automatic. Any marker/hopper

combination is allowed as long as it adheres to these specifications.

11.2 Scout/Sniper: Markers and loaders for the scout/sniper will be

restricted to clip fed pistols/rifles and pump fed markers. All

scout/sniper markers must NOT be equipped with an

electronic/response triggers. Examples are a phantom pump with a

gravity fed hopper or a Tiberius clip fed rifle. A Scout/Sniper may carry

multiple markers but all markers must comply with the Scout/Sniper

marker restriction. The Scout/Sniper role may not be reassigned to an

alternate player once the game begins.

11.3 Heavy Gunner: There are absolutely no marker/loader restrictions

for the heavy gunner role except the heavy gunner can only carry ONE

marker. For example a heavy gunner could run an Ego 08 with a

Reloader B loader on an uncapped rate of fire, but could NOT also

carry a Tippmann TPX. If the heavy gunner‟s marker malfunctions

during game play, a teammate‟s marker CANNOT be modified to meet

these restrictions. The Heavy Gunner role may not be reassigned to

an alternate player once the game begins.

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12.0 Minor Penalties: All minor penalties will result in a 10-point penalty to the

offending team and may also result in an Unsportsmanlike Conduct major


12.1 Leaving the field of play: Any player leaving the playing field will be

eliminated. This is the only minor penalty that doesn‟t result in a 10-

point penalty, just the elimination. An intentional leaving of play could

result in a further Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty.

12.2 Illegal talking: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES! An eliminated player

cannot communicate with any „live‟ players, regardless of team other

than to indicate that they have been eliminated by yelling, “hit!” or

“out!” Short compliments like “nice shot!” will NOT be assessed a

penalty as long as an official doesn‟t judge them to be an intentional

distraction. Anyone using this to distract a player may also get a

Playing On major penalty.

12.3 Foul Language: Expletives directed towards another player or

official will not be tolerated.

12.4 Radio Interference: Interfering with the opposition‟s radios will not

be tolerated. Monitoring the opposition‟s radio is allowed. Radio

communication is limited to live players on the field of play. Any team

found to be using radio communication from the dead box or with

spectators will be assessed a penalty or disqualification.

12.5 Bonus Balling: Intentionally firing on an obviously eliminated player

will not be tolerated.

12.6 Concealing a Capture Objective: Capture Objective must be held in

open view and may not be placed inside jackets or jerseys or set down

anywhere on the field. Accidentally dropping may occur but must be

picked up again immediately without taking any further actions. If a

player is subject to this penalty the objective is now „eliminated‟ and

removed from play. For example, player A finds and picks up a

capture objective. He then passes it to player B to run back to the

team commander. Player B accidentally drops the objective while

under fire. Player B must pick up the objective before returning fire or

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taking cover or will be subject to a minor penalty (-10 points) and the

objective would be removed from play.

13.0 Major Penalties: The following penalties could result in a 20-point penalty

against the offending team to the team or player being disqualified from the

game. The severity is at the will of the official.

13.1 Wiping: Concealing or removing an obvious eliminating hit.

13.2 Playing On: After a player has been eliminated he/she continues to

play the game. This will not always be as obvious but if in doubt ASK

FOR A PAINT CHECK from an official

13.3 Hot Gun: Any player on the field with a marker that shoots over

300 feet per second can be assessed this penalty and may also be

assessed an Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty.

13.4 Unsportsmanlike Conduct: The definition of this penalty is broad.

Any conduct of a player that an official sees as Unsportsmanlike could

be assessed this penalty. This could include but is not limited to:

A player acting in an overly aggressive manner

Willful disregard of an official‟s instructions

Arguing with an official or other player

Excessive use of foul language or obscene gestures

An eliminated player using him or herself as cover for a


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Appendix A