ctc brochure

Providing hope through relationships, CTC is empowering our world. We share in the lives of local communities building mutual understanding and sustainable change. Our education, economic, healthcare, community, and environmental programs are creating a better tomorrow.

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CTC's 2008 Brochure will walk you step by step through our projects in Kenya.


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Providing hope through relationships, CTC is empowering our world. We share in the lives of local communities building mutual understanding and sustainable change. Our education, economic, healthcare, community, and environmental programs are creating a better tomorrow.

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THE VISIONUBUNTU is a traditional African concept that describes the interconnectedness of all humanity. I am because we are. When our brothers and sisters are struggling – enduring oppression, disease, and hunger – so are we. When our brothers and sisters are given opportunities to thrive and live abundant lives, so are we.

CTC believes in the interdependence of all human beings; that we are tied together by a network of mutuality. What we do affects all others by the sheer presence we place in the world. This belief causes us to take seriously how we live our lives and who we are.

We are a community transforming communities by living passionately into the tension of our times: globalization, deforestation, disease, hunger, unemployment, abandonment, neglect. These are issues we face. We believe in a holistic approach to these issues knowing that just as all humanity is connected, so too are the rising difficulties of our world. We cannot address one adequately without addressing all equally.

We are listening to the stories. We are addressing the problems. We are promoting fundamental human rights. We are creating sustainable change.


CTC is a U.S. registered 501c3 non-profit and a Kenya licensed Trust which seeks to serve humanity and empower the world.

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WHY KENYA?The problems facing the African continent are overwhelming. Communities like Maai Mahiu, located along the major trade route between Nairobi, Kenya and Kampala, Uganda, are left alone to fend for themselves with little to no resources to improve their lives. This trade route, also known as the AIDS Highway, runs through some of the most densely HIV-positive populations in Sub-Sahara Africa.

Kenya is home to people who have suffered terribly by the negligent acts of colonialization and exploitation. The story of Kenya is a reminder of what can happen when land and people are treated as property and self advancement is pursued at the cost of human life.

The work CTC strives to achieve is providing the fundamental element of hope. Restoration of hope in individual lives provides people with a sense of identity. This restored identity when channeled through communal efforts such as our economic, education, community, environment and health initiatives brings empowerment and therefore transformation.

There are those that say communities in Africa like Maai Mahiu are beyond help. CTC is making a difference. We know that if we can succeed in Maai Mahiu, we can succeed in other communities in Africa or the world in healing the devastating problems that many communities face.

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2000 -2001CTC’s Founder Zane Wilemon makes his first trip to Kenya as a teacher at Rift Valley Academy.

2003Zane organizes the first team that traveled to Kenya. The Kenya Project builds a trade school.

2004The Kenya Project becomes an official 501c3, CTC International. The Maai Mahiu Polytechnic School is completed and accepts over 120 students.





2005CTC’s first medical team travels to Kenya.

2006Additions are made to the trade school and second medical team travels to Kenya.

2007CTC builds personal relationships with local Kenyans and is introduced to the disabled community; 4 summer teams with over 60 volunteers focus on environmental and health care issues.

2007Rafiki Link (Friendship Link) begins: mutually beneficial school to school connections initiated by Bodwell High School in Vancouver, Canada.

2008The Maai Mahiu Polytechnic School is recognized by Kenyan government as the most improved trade school in the country.

2008CTC establishes its first Kenya-based office in the community of Maai Mahiu

2008Malaika Kids, a day care facility for children with mental and physical disabilities, opens in Maai Mahiu

2009CTC partners with Kansas State University and école Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris to begin phase 1 of an 11-acre land development and community center

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OUR INITIATIVESCTC’s logo is the handprint. The hand serves as a reminder that we are all human, all connected and all interdependent. When you meet a stranger it is with the hand that you reach out and connect. So too it is with the hand that CTC reaches out and connects with individuals, communities and especially the world’s future… children.

The hand also serves as the template for our 5 initiatives: COMMUNITY, EDUCATION, ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH and ECONOMY. Like the fingers on a hand, all 5 initiatives are interrelated, reminding us that what we do through one initiative directly impacts all other areas of the community. This is why CTC’s approach to community development is holistic, as we seek to serve humanity and empower our world.

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EDUCATIONMAAI MAHIU POLYTECHNIC SCHOOLIn July 2003 nine individuals traveled from the United States to Maai Mahiu to construct a classroom at an orphanage that was home to 140 children. That summer CTC built two classrooms to be used for computer training and tailoring courses. Today the school has six classrooms with over 120 students being educated in courses such as tailoring, carpentry, leather works, cosmetology, computer skills and knitting. It is a growing program; it is run in partnership with the Africa Inland Children’s Home. In July 2008 the school received the award for most improved polytechnic school in Kenya.

RAFIKI LINKThe Rafiki (‘Friend’) Link connects Kenyan schools with schools around the world in a connection of friendship and mutual support. Currently CTC has established relationships with three local high schools and four primary schools in the Maai Mahiu area. Local schools in Kenya are home to the underprivileged of Kenyan society. We strengthen local schools by giving in-school prizes, supporting small capital projects, and building up post-secondary school scholarships. These programs are providing opportunity to the youth of Maai Mahiu as well as creating a bridge to youth across the world. By facilitating meaningful, curriculum-based interactions between schools in Maai Mahiu and schools around the world, CTC builds authentic global understanding and solidarity.

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ENVIRONMENTDEMONSTRATION/COMMUNITY GARDENSOur aim is to provide simple means for people living under a dollar a day to grow their own food. CTC’s community gardens demonstrate more effective methods of farming, especially in hot dusty towns with unreliable sources of water and limited space. Sack gardens, improved compost methods and drip irrigation systems provide realistic ways for people to grow basic vegetables right outside their homes. These improved farming methods make it possible to enhance the basic health and nutrition of the community. Currently CTC is working alongside two main groups, 1) Shosho Shamba and 2) Good Shepherd Orphanage

SHOSHO SHAMBAShosho Shamba is Swahili for “grandmother’s garden”. Many grandmothers in this community are caring for extended families, having lost their own children to AIDS. The women manage the garden and, with the help of our environmental coordinator, demonstrate productive, water efficient organic farming methods. All the crops that are grown will be used by these women to support their families.

GOOD SHEPHERD ORPHANAGEGood Shepherd Orphanage is home to over 20 children who are in desperate need. When CTC was introduced to the orphanage in 2008 the children were struggling just to meet basic food needs and overall nutrition. With the new demonstration garden they are on their way to becoming a sustainable entity, capable of providing healthy meals and meeting the children’s nutritional needs.

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HEALTHMany of the health problems in towns like Maai Mahiu are preventable. A basic understanding of nutrition and personal hygiene could save many children from common ailments such as worms, diarrhea and malnutrition. Whilst we recognize that symptoms cannot be left untreated, our approach is to provide health initiatives that focus on both prevention and treatment. We are addressing health related issues in Maai Mahiu by improving the diet of families through our agricultural programs, running health education classes in local schools and orphanages, and working on nutrition for patients with HIV/ AIDS. CTC is also working alongside the government health clinics and the Ministry of Health in providing week-long medical and dental clinics run by volunteer doctors from the United States.

ECONOMYHIKI SI KIKAPU CHA PLASTIKI [this is not a plastic bag]Ten amazing women, all of whom have one or more children with a mental and/or physical disability, are responsible for CTC’s canvas bag-making initiative. The bags that they make serve two purposes: 1) to provide an income for them and their families, and 2) to promote environmental sustainability. Plastic bags are often called “the national flower of Kenya” as they can be seen lodged in trees and shrubs in almost every town. “Hiku si kikapu cha plastiki”- “This is not a plastic bag” is a way to turn around this dependence on plastic bags and show a nation that there is another way.

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COMMUNITYMALAIKA KIDSTo be disabled either mentally or physically in Kenya is to live a life of exclusion and shame. Many believe it is a curse to be disabled and there is little compassion or provision for this voiceless community. Children with disabilities are often hidden away by families too embarrassed or ashamed to admit their struggle. Children who need simple operations, equipment or physical therapy most often go without and spend their lives in isolation and unnecessary suffering. In March 2008 CTC established the first day care in Maai Mahiu for children with disabilities. We provide a stimulating and safe environment where children with disabilities receive basic education and care. By offering this service we are also ‘freeing up’ the mothers – the primary care givers – to earn a living to provide for their families. The name Malaika in Swahili means ‘angel’ – not everyone believes in angels, but those who do often say that they come in a form that we do not expect and bring a gift that we did not anticipate. Spending any time with these amazing children makes it clear why we named the group Malaika Kids.

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COMMUNITY CENTERThe Community Center will fulfill basic needs for the local community with water, education programs,health care facilities, and economic opportunities. Situated at the T-junction along two roads leading toKenya’s safari and game parks, 80% of Kenya’s tourists will travel past the center each day. It is an idealsource to generate income for local business owners and provide tourists a safe place to purchase goods.The community center’s water distribution, soccer fields, basketball courts, internet cafe, education resources, medical facilities, and inter-faith chapel will serve the community with opportunities that currently do not exist. The planned health center will include a fully functional pharmacy, and will help to combat the accelerating HIV/AIDS rate, infant mortality, and other health care needs.

Through a partnership with Kansas State University, Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture and the Universityof Nairobi, the center is currently in its design phase. Our vision is that the center will serve as the heartof the community, instilling hope through the sharing of lives, while providing income, education, andopportunity. The Maai Mahiu community center will then serve as a model to be replicated in other partsof Kenya and the world.

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GET INVOLVEDBECOME AWARECTC encourages all people to join in our efforts to make a difference. Educating yourself on the problems that face our world is the first step to seeing a real change in any community. Whether it is regarding a local fundraiser or traveling to Africa, we offer our support and encouragement to anyone who wants to empower communities.


VOLUNTEERSince the first trip in 2003, almost 200 volunteers have traveled to Kenya, dedicating their time and energy to the people of Maai Mahiu. The impact they have on the community is immeasurable. CTC is committed to bringing willing and hopeful volunteers to help us continue the cycle of change through summer trips to Maai Mahiu. Each year, CTC identifies the immediate needs of the people in Maai Mahiu and determines the best method to help meet those needs for both the near and distant future. Such teams include Go Green, Therapy and Healing and CTC’s Summer Camp.

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3210 Mesa Way // suite C LaWrenCe, Kansas 66049
