ctwt changing the world together

Welcome To Changing Welcome To Changing The World 2gether The World 2gether

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Post on 15-May-2015




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Discover how a group of entrepreneurs solved the two biggest problems in network marketing...money & recruits And how they eliminated attrition once & for all.


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Welcome To Changing Welcome To Changing The World 2gether The World 2gether

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• You may be attracted to a home based business for many reasons.








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The reality is that very few people will ever

be able to achieve the goals above. Why is that?

Most people have a trained mindset to work a job,

and they don’t have the mindset to be an entrepreneur.

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Working a job and owning your own home based

business are very different. A job offers you a

paycheck and security, but limits your income

potential. A business may not pay you regularly, but

it offers you an opportunity to earn unlimited

income while giving you more freedom.

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You must change your way of thinking (“Rich Dad Poor Dad”)

You must discipline yourself to work your business

You must focus, be persistent, and persevere

You must work on personal development and growth

You must have the motivation, drive, and vision to succeed

You must be coach able and willing to learn

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Changing The World 2gether is a team of individuals who work together to help each other reach their


Our team consists of single moms, college students, retiree’s, business professionals, and people who have

home based business experience.

Our team consists of men and women from a number of countries, ranging in ages from 18-74.

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Here's one thing I do know:

The world will never be the same. And the economy will never be the same.

Millions of the jobs have been eliminated globally and they are not coming back.

All these billions of dollars, Euros and pounds ofgovernment bailouts are just delaying the inevitable,

spending our children’s future.

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Since January of 2008, nearly 2.6 million jobs have been lost in the United States alone.

The unemployment rate in the US as of Feb 7th, 2009 is 7.6%

Foreclosure’s in America have tripled while the real estate market continues to struggle while the average price of a home has dropped $30,000 in value since 2007.

The deep recession in America shows no signs of rebounding anytime soon.

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The days of depending on a job or your government to take care of you are over. Job security doesn’t exist in the world anymore.

The middle class is disappearing and there are only going to be 2 classes left. The rich class which is getting richer, or the poor class which is getting poorer.

If you don’t have a plan on how to get to the rich class, you will find yourself in the poor class.

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So how does a person who’s always traded their time for a paycheck, learn how to get to the rich class? Well you need to understand that when you trade your time for a paycheck you limit your income potential because you can only work so many hours, and you only get paid so much whether it’s hourly or on a salary.

John Paul Getty said “I’d rather get paid 1% off of the efforts of 100 people, then get paid 100% off of the effort of myself. There’s nothing more powerful then learning how to build a leveraged business that pays a serious monthly residual income.

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Why does the average person struggle in life and live paycheck to paycheck? Could it be they’re paying for everything themselves?

Mortgage, Cars, Insurance, Food, Healthcare, Utilities, Gas, Family entertainment, Vacations, Daycare, Education, Retirement

How would you like to have hundreds, and even thousands of people who pay for these things?

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Business owners have learned how to use leverage to achieve the lifestyle they want by using employees.

The one thing that the rich class has learned that the middle class and poor class haven’t, is to use other people’s money. Whatever it is you want in life, you need to learn how to get other people to pay for it.

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Network Marketing isn’t about selling a product. This is where people misunderstand the industry.

People get into Network Marketing because they’re attracted to the lifestyle that it can offer them.

People want to eliminate debt, send their kids to college, secure their retirement, spend time with their family, travel, invest, and reach their dreams.

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There’s no better way to learn how to build a leveraged business, where you can get hundreds and even thousands of people to pay for your lifestyle then with Network Marketing.

Most People don’t understand what Network Marketing is all about.

Networking: Sharing something exciting with others.

Marketing: The means of getting the word out.

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1)Limited Income Potential

1)Somebody tells you what to do all the time

1)Your life revolves around your job.

4) You don’t show up for work, you don’t get paid.

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This industry is about helping people reach their dreams, and about helping them earn a serious monthly residual income. It’s about surrounding yourself with a team of people who are interested in reaching their dreams, by working together.

A job is simply a vehicle which people use to earn a paycheck. Becoming debt free and financially independent while working a job is much harder because of its limitations.

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Here are a few advantages of owning a business in the Network Marketing industry.

• Unlimited Income Potential

• Nobody to tell you what to do. You’re the boss!

• Your business revolves around your life.

• You can get paid month after month, whether you’re sick, injured, or on vacation.

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We’re building a 5X5 structure with a company called Xango in which nobody will ever have more then 5 people personally sponsored to them.

Our team uses the products Xango produces as a vehicle in which to achieve our financial goals and dreams. Just like your job or business is the vehicle that currently pays you a paycheck, our business with Xango pays us.

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Network Marketing is the perfect business for everyone, however not everyone is perfect for network marketing.

Many people have been taught the wrong ways to build a business for many years. They’ve been taught to make lists, approach their family, friends, and coworkers.

They’ve been taught to purchase leads, hang up flyers, hand out sizzle cards, CD’s, or the 3ft rule.

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Here’s what a leveraged business looks likeHere’s what a leveraged business looks like

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XANGO pays out 9 levels deep.

Level 1- 5% Level 2- 5%

Level 3 -10% Level 4 -5% Level 5- 5% Level 6 -5% Level 7- 5% Level 8 -5% Level 9 -5%

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The power of the internet has changed the way people do business, and has truly turned Network Marketing into a home based business.

It’s much easier to build a successful business from home today, then the old methods of inviting somebody to a hotel to look at a home based business opportunity.

Working your business from home has never been easier.

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Average Monthly Income at each Position you can reach in ( USD)

1K ( $212.37 ) 5K ( $737.50 ) 20K ( $3,048.85 ) Premier ( $10,296.26 ) 100K Premier ( $17,598.30 ) 200K Premier ( $47,526.04 ) 500K Premier ( $117,149.96 )

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Earn Free VacationsEarn Free Vacations

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People can also qualify for Xango’s global bonus pool as you promote up the company ladder of success.

These quarterly bonus checks are paid in addition to the weekly power start bonuses, and in addition to the serious monthly residual income people can earn, these bonuses can be quite substantial.

As you move up the ladder and promote, you literally can give yourself a raise, so you can decide how quickly you’d like to increase your income.

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How Changing the World 2gether can help you! How Changing the World 2gether can help you!

There are two ways people on our team use to build their business. The first is through attraction marketing.

Using the combined skills and talents of our team, we can teach anyone how to use a variety of online marketing tools in an effort to build your business on an individual level.

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Attraction marketing using the InternetAttraction marketing using the Internet

Here’s a few of the online marketing tools people can learn in assisting them with building their business on a personal level.

Social sites like Myspace, Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter.

Learn how to blog, use blog radio, powerpoints, create videos and squidoo lenses.

Learn how to create ezine letters and press releases. Learn about Search Engine Optimization. Learn how to generate your own tracking urls, so our

team knows how each person heard about us.

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In addition to being able to help your business grow based on individual efforts, each person is given the opportunity to participate in growing their business faster utilizing team efforts.

Beginning in Feb of 2009, Changing the World 2gether will be hosting live Freedom Financial seminars across the United States with goals of expanding internationally.

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Teamwork makes the dream work! Teamwork makes the dream work!

Each member of Changing The World 2gether is given the opportunity to make a $20 (USD) seminar marketing contribution which makes them eligible to have any new distributors placed in their business through assigned numbers.

This team aspect provides us with the opportunity to get in front of hundreds of people, and makes the task of building an individual business even easier.

The individual and team efforts can help anyone who’s ever struggled to build a network marketing business in the past, much easier and eliminates the problems many people face with sponsoring.

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Changing The World 2gether offers free CTWT support using instant messaging via Skype.

We have our own Changing The World 2gether social site for our own team members.

We have 2 conference calls a week every Thur and Sat, where we’ll bring in some of the companies most successful businessmen and women.

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Getting Started Getting Started

Dreams without action will always remain dreams. Success doesn’t happen overnight. It requires patience, persistence, and most importantly perseverance.

The cost to secure your position within our team’s structure is $35 (USD), less then it costs to take a family out to dinner.

The monthly product is $100 (USD) plus tax and shipping and you can choose which product works best for you.

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If you have additional questions or you’re ready to get started, then you can either get back with the person who sent you to this presentation, or you can access our live chat feature and speak to a Changing The World 2gether team member.

I want you leave you with something to seriously think about.

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Leaving A Legacy Leaving A Legacy

You have the ability to build a serious monthly residual income, get out of debt, and secure your families future for generations to come.

Your business can be willable to your children and grandchildren, and it can financially provide for them for years after you have left this world.

You have the opportunity to leave your family with zero debt, and financial security that no job, program or the government is capable of doing.

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Network Marketing is an opportunity where people can live a better quality of life. It’s the opportunity for the average person regardless of race, sex, origin, nationality, or education to live a life that creates time and financial freedom.

Time flies by very quickly, and this business can give you the one gift that means the most, and that’s time and financial freedom for you to choose what you want to do with your life.

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