cua configuration steps

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  • 8/12/2019 CUA Configuration Steps


    CUA Configuration stepsinShare

    Steps need to be performed to set up the CUA:

    Steps to Set Up the CUA

    1. Create Administrator

    2. Specify Logical systems

    3. Assign logical systems to client

    4. Create system users

    . Create !"C destinations

    #. Create CUA

    $. Set field distributor parameters

    %. Synchroni&ation of company addresses

    '. (ransfer Users

    )elo* are the systems considered as an e+ample to set up CUA:

    System ABC*ith client 123

    System PQR*ith client 456

    System XYZ*ith client !"

    ,ere- *e *ill set system A)C client 123/ as a CUA central system01# is also refered as CUA

    system/ and other systems(1#-! and 5/ as child systems. As per this structure- *e *ill proceed

    *ith abo6e mentioned steps:

    1# 1# Create A$%inistrator User

    7n a completely ne* system that is to be set up- an administration user needs to be created *ith

    *hich all further steps can be performed. (o create such administrator user:

    Login to all systems *ith user SA8 and create the user in t9code SU1

    Assign the rele6ant administrator role to user

    Apply the security measures to secure SA8 user against misuse

  • 8/12/2019 CUA Configuration Steps


    2# Spe&if' (ogi&a) s'ste%s

    7n CUA landscape- SA systems are identified *ith Logical system names. 0ue to this- Logical systems

    need to be created for e6ery system *hich is going to be included in CUA landscape. (his is one time

    tas; to be performed before setting up CUA. (he Logical systems can be defined be follo*ing belo*


    Login to s'ste% ABC *&)ient 123+*ith administrator user created in step 1

    ?()0LS using transaction


    Choose dit B e* ntries

    7n the LogSystem column- &reate a ne- )ogi&a) na%e in &apita) )etters for' CUA

    s'ste% *that is/ for the &entra) an$ a)) &hi)$ s'ste%s in&)u$ing those fro% other SAP

    S'ste%s+#,ere- the standard naming con6ention for logical system is 0S'ste% ,C(0C)ient.

    7n this *ay- the belo* logical systems *ill be created in CUA central system A)C system/:

    o A)CCL(123

    o !CL(4#

    o 5CL($%'

    n the sa%e -a'/ &reate the )ogi&a) s'ste% na%e for the &entra) s'ste% in a)) &hi)$

  • 8/12/2019 CUA Configuration Steps


    01# is CUA and it has (1# logical system in )04

    (1# is child and it has CUA 01# logical system in )04
  • 8/12/2019 CUA Configuration Steps


    3# Assign )ogi&a) s'ste%s to &)ient

    De need to perform this cross9client procedure only once for ea&h SAP s'ste%as per belo*


    Login *ith administrator user and e+ecute the t9code SCC4

    S*itch to change mode

    Call the detail display of the client that you *ant to assign a logical system by double clic;ing

    on the line of the client

    7n the Logical System field- specify the name of the logical system to *hich the selected client

    is to be assigned

    +: E 7f *e e+ecute the t9code SCC4 in system A)C then- open the client 123 and maintain the

    logical system name as A)CCL(123

    Assign logical system name in scc4
  • 8/12/2019 CUA Configuration Steps


    4#Create s'ste% users

    System users are reFuired for the internal communication of the systems in an AL group. (hese

    system users- defined in the target systems- are entered in !"C destinations in the calling systems.

    ote o )i&ense fees app)' to these s'ste% users#

    (o simplify the maintenance of system users- use the follo*ing naming con6entions:

    7n the central system system A)C/- the naming con6ention *ill be CUA70s'ste% $. (hissystem user is used in the !"C destinations from child to central system. Dith this naming con6ention-

    *e need to create the system user in system A)C *ith name: CUA7ABC

    7n the child systems- the naming con6ention CUA770S'ste% $70C)ient. (hese system

    users are used in the !"C destinations from central to child system. Dith this naming con6ention- *e

    need to create the system users as belo*:

    (able 1

    )elo* are SA deli6ered roles for system users *hich need to be copied to customer namespace

    before assigning them to system users.

    Ro)es in Centra) s'ste%




    Ro)es in &hi)$ s'ste%
  • 8/12/2019 CUA Configuration Steps




    Dith these details- *e need to create the respecti6e users *ith their applicable authori&ations in t9

    code SU1 as belo*:

    (able 2

    Create users *ith abo6e roles in child system to maintain in CUA system !"CGs for connection bet*een

    CUA and child systems.


  • 8/12/2019 CUA Configuration Steps


    5# Create R8C $estinations

    (ill this step- *e are ready *ith Logical systems and system users- o*- *e need to create !"C

    connections bet*een the systems as mentioned in belo* steps:

    Login to central system A)C- e+ecute the t9code S@' and Choose Create.

    (able 3

    ote You %ust &reate the na%e of the R8C $estination in &apita) )etters#

    Confirm your entries *ith (!

    Choose the option ,ost ame for Sa6e as and Confirm your entries *ith (!

    Specify the name of the SA system of the child system such as !/ in the target system 70

    field. (o do this- o6er*rite the automatic entry.

    Specify the message ser6er of the target system in the @essageSer6er field. (o do this-

    o6er*rite the automatic entry.

    Sa6e your entries.

    (o define the return connection- repeat the procedure in the child system for the central

  • 8/12/2019 CUA Configuration Steps


    (o determine *hether the net*or; connection bet*een the t*o systems is functioning

    correctly- choose (est Connection.

    n this -a'/ -e ha.e &reate$ the R8C &onne&tions *-ith na%es i$enti&a) to (ogi&a) s'ste%

    na%e of target s'ste%+ in ea&h SAP s'ste%s.

    6# Create CUA

    (ill no*- *e ha6e connected all the systems A)C- ! and 5 as in belo* figure:

    figure E Create CUA E Central User Administration

    o*- *e *ill define the system A)C as CUA in this landscape as detailed in belo* steps:

    Login to system A)C and e+ecute the t9code SCUA

    nter the name of your distribution model- such as CUA.

    Choose Create.

    nter the name of the child systems 6i&. !CL(4# and 5CL($%'

    Sa6e your entries.

    n this -a'/ -e ha.e $efine$ the s'ste% ABC as &entra) s'ste%# After &o%p)etion of this

    step/ 'ou &an no )onger &reate user %aster re&or$s in the &hi)$ s'ste%s#

    SCUA 7 01#
  • 8/12/2019 CUA Configuration Steps


    # Set fie)$ $istri9utor para%eters
  • 8/12/2019 CUA Configuration Steps


    7n Central User Administration- *e can use the distribution parameters in transaction SCU@ to

    determine *here indi6idual parts of a user master record are maintained.

    7n the central system

    Locally in the child system

    7n the child system *ith automatic redistribution to the central system and the other CUA child


    6ery input field of the user maintenance transaction SU1 has a field attribute that you set once in

    the central system *ith transaction SCU@ during Customi&ing. (o perform this customi&ing- perform

    the belo* steps:

    Login to system A)C and e+ecute the t9code SCU@

    (he system displays the User 0istribution "ield Selection screen- *ith tab pages of the fields *hose

    distribution parameters you can set. ou can select the follo*ing options on the tab pages:

    SA Set field distributor parameters

    (o maintain the other parameters- too- s*itch to the other tab pages. (he tab pages

    correspond to those of user maintenance.

    Sa6e your entries. (he distribution parameters are automatically transferred to the child


    SCU@ 7 01#

  • 8/12/2019 CUA Configuration Steps


    !# S'n&hroni:ation of &o%pan' a$$resses

    (he company addresses are maintained in indi6idual systems ! and 5. (o enable CUA to

    communicate properly you must ensure that at least the central system contains complete information

    about all 6alid company addresses. ou then distribute this complete company address set to all child

    systems- meaning that there is a consistent status of company addresses in the entire CUA.


    Login to central system A)C and e+ecute the t9code SCU