cuban revolution

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Cuban Revolution notes


Cuban revolution- Causes1- A desire to be rid of American influence. Before the revolution America controlled the cuban economy. It controlled the banking sector, sugar production, oil refineries, tele communication, transportation and the gas industry(some books speak to the light and power..).More than half of cuba's export went to the US and a significant amount of manufactured goods, food stuff came from the US. The cubans felt that America was draining the country of its wealth and giving nothing back to improve the quality of life for the lpoor majority in cuba. America also influenced cuban politics by supporting governments that were pro-America such as the dictator Fulgencio Batista. They did not care whether the government was democratically elected or in support of cuba's development2-The majority of cubans were poor. the unemployment rate in cuba was very high and the poor owned no land. All the lands in cuba were owned by wealthy cubans and Americans. this meant that families had no way of supporting themselves and were basically at the mercy of the rich. Many cubans livied below the poverty land especially in the rural areas. Those who had jobs were payed very low wages e.g. those who worked on the sugar plantation would earn just about a dollar a day, and this was not enough to maintain family and even to survive. However, while all of this was happening to the poor, the rich were living lavish lifestyles.

3-Lack of social Amenities. Social facilities such has health care and education were severely lacking. Many cubans did not attend school. The government invested no money in the development of schools, hospitals and health centers for the poor. In the 1950's, the cuban economy was extremely prosperous, yet none of this money was reinvested in the poor to live better life for e.g. no indigent homes, daycare, children's home. 4-Poliitcal corruption. For many years, cubans suffered under the respect for the cuban government. they were corrupt and interested only in maintaining the favor of the americans and the wealthy cubans. They neglected the welfare of the cuban people and sought only to gain wealth for themselves. At the time of the revolution in Cuba, baptista's government could be safely called a dictatorship. He denied cuban's their right to vote, he censored books, he closed universities, and he brutally squashed any opposition to his governance. Fidel Castro Che Guevara

(for your thing, focus on the exploitation of fidel castro) (talk about the mobilization of castro's group)

effects of cuban revolution

1-removal of American influence. When fidel castro came to power in 1959 he set about nationalizing cuban assets. This meant that all the cuban industries and financial institutions that were owened by armiecans were now under control of the cuban government. Not only were they nationalized but they were expropriated. America loss control both economically and politically. 2- re-distribution of wealth. Once the new government took control of the industries, they started a process of sharing the wealth of the country of the poor. 3- Agrarian reform. Land was removed from the control of a few land owners and co operations and given to the people. The economy was diversified to include a variety of crops to offset imports and allow the poor to be self-sufficient and to each better. Each family was given one quarter of a hectare.4- Free social Amenities. Health care, education, transportation, and other social services were made free for all.5-The development of an antagonistic relationship between cuba and the US. When cuba took contorl of the us industry and freed iself from american influence, this led to hostilities been the two countries. This istuation was made worse when cuba developed friendly relations with an enemy of the USA, USSR(rusia). This happened in 1960. USA retaliated by imposing a band on all trade between US and CUBA (US embargo)6-Cuba became a communist country. By 1962 fidel castro decided that he wanted cuba to become a communist state. He formed 1 political party, called the party of the socialist revolution and encouraged cubans to become members of the party. By 1965 he renamed the party communist party of cuba(PCC) and no opposition was tolerated.