cudgegong valley public school€¦ · opportunity to select personal gifts for the special blokes...

Date of Publication; 20th August 2019 CUDGEGONG VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL PART OF THE CUDGEGONG LEARNING COMMUNITY 47-65 Madeira Road, MUDGEE 2850 PHONE: (02) 6372 3466 FAX: (02) 6372 6314 SCHOOL EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] SCHOOL WEBSITE: PRINCIPAL: Michelle Neaverson-Smith GENERAL NEWSLETTER – TERM 3 WEEK 5 From the Principal SCHOOL CALENDAR August 19-23 Book Week 22 Book Character Parade and Open Classrooms - 12pm 28 Fathers Day Stall September 3 Brainstorm Productions - The Protectors5 Green Day - Stage 3 6 Gold Assembly - Cut off date 13 Western Athletics 17 Gold Assembly 19 P&C Meeting 20 Kinder Zoo Excursion Our PBL focus at CVPS this week is At CVPS we are responsible learners who are safe and respecul when in a play area. Revised Enrolment Policy Earlier this term I alerted you all to some revisions to the Enrolment Policy for NSW Government Schools. You may have seen something about this on the news recently or have heard it discussed on the radio. Attached to this newsletter is a parent information flyer explaining some of the changes to this policy. This term has seen the beginning of a phased implementation of the revised enrolment policy. I have been working closely with other local principals and the Director Educational Leadership to draft the intake area for our school. The next phase in the process is engagement where I will be running a special meeting to explain the policy changes to the community and discussing our intake area. I am hoping to hold this meeting sometime in Week 7. Date to be confirmed shortly. In the meantime, please make some time to have a read of the information flyer provided with this newsletter. Feedback on interviews and reports In last weeks newsletter I included the link to a parent survey asking you for feedback on our recent reporting procedures. This survey takes about 3 minutes to complete. So far we have had 44 people respond. You have until Friday to complete the survey. I would like to have 100 responses which is only 18% of our current families. In order for our school to continue to improve on what we are doing we need your feedback!! Please take the time to complete this survey this week. It can be accessed at CVPS_Reports_Interviews CBCA Book Week Reading is my Secret Power Each year, schools and public libraries across Australia spend a week celebrating books, and Australian authors and illustrators. Teachers and librarians conduct activities relating to a theme to highlight the importance of reading. This years Childrens Book Council Australia Book Week theme Reading is My Secret Power is designed to ignite the imaginations of children, educators and parents across the country who will celebrate Australian childrens literature and the joy of reading. This week our school will come alive with a teacher swap on Thursday at 11am, our Book Character Parade at 12 noon, and then all families are invited to join their children in their classrooms for some book sharing. You can find out more about the 2019 CBCA Book of the Year Awards at winners-2019 Mudgee Young ReadersFestival Stage 2 & 3 students enjoyed a visit by author, Ursula Dubosarsky's last Friday as part of the Mudgee Young ReadersFestival. Uniform and Lost Property The school community is proud of our school and asks students to wear uniforms each day. Yet we seem to have a large number of students coming to school without appropriate warm clothing (school jackets or jumpers). It is important, especially on these very cold days, that our students are dressed warmly. All items of clothing should be clearly labelled. Our lost property is situated outside the Library where Miss Shady does an outstanding job of looking after this. Articles of clothing that are lost (or left lying around the playground) are placed in the tubs outside the Library. Clothing which is suitably labelled is returned to the child, but we are finding more and more clothing not labelled. If any clothing is not claimed after a significant time, it is

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Page 1: CUDGEGONG VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · opportunity to select personal gifts for the special blokes in their lives during school hours and bring home ready for Father’s Day. Notes

Date of Publication; 20th August 2019



47-65 Madeira Road, MUDGEE 2850 PHONE: (02) 6372 3466 FAX: (02) 6372 6314


PRINCIPAL: Michelle Neaverson-Smith


From the Principal

SCHOOL CALENDAR August 19-23 Book Week 22 Book Character Parade and Open Classrooms - 12pm 28 Father’s Day Stall September 3 Brainstorm Productions - ‘The Protectors” 5 Green Day - Stage 3 6 Gold Assembly - Cut off date 13 Western Athletics 17 Gold Assembly 19 P&C Meeting 20 Kinder Zoo Excursion

Our PBL focus at CVPS this week is

At CVPS we are responsible learners who are safe and respectful when in a play area.

Revised Enrolment Policy Earlier this term I alerted you all to some revisions to the Enrolment Policy for NSW Government Schools. You may have seen something about this on the news recently or have heard it discussed on the radio. Attached to this newsletter is a parent information flyer explaining some of the changes to this policy. This term has seen the beginning of a phased implementation of the revised enrolment policy. I have been working closely with other local principals and the Director Educational Leadership to draft the intake area for our school. The next phase in the process is engagement where I will be running a special meeting to explain the policy changes to the community and discussing our intake area. I am hoping to hold this meeting sometime in Week 7. Date to be confirmed shortly. In the meantime, please make some time to have a read of the information flyer provided with this newsletter. Feedback on interviews and reports In last week’s newsletter I included the link to a parent survey asking you for feedback on our recent reporting procedures. This survey takes about 3 minutes to complete. So far we have had 44 people respond. You have until Friday to complete the survey. I would like to have 100 responses which is only 18% of our current families. In order for our school to continue to improve on what we are doing we need your feedback!! Please take the time to complete this survey this week. It can be accessed at

CBCA Book Week Reading is my Secret Power Each year, schools and public libraries across Australia spend a week celebrating books, and Australian authors and illustrators. Teachers and librarians conduct activities relating to a theme to highlight the importance of reading. This year’s Children’s Book Council Australia Book Week theme Reading is My Secret Power is designed to ignite the imaginations of children, educators and parents across the country who will celebrate Australian children’s literature and the joy of reading. This week our school will come alive with a teacher swap on Thursday at 11am, our Book Character Parade at 12 noon, and then all families are invited to join their children in their classrooms for some book sharing. You can find out more about the 2019 CBCA Book of the Year Awards at

Mudgee Young Readers’ Festival Stage 2 & 3 students enjoyed a visit by author, Ursula Dubosarsky's last Friday as part of the Mudgee Young Readers’ Festival. Uniform and Lost Property The school community is proud of our school and asks students to wear uniforms each day. Yet we seem to have a large number of students coming to school without appropriate warm clothing (school jackets or jumpers). It is important, especially on these very cold days, that our students are dressed warmly. All items of clothing should be clearly labelled. Our lost property is situated outside the Library where Miss Shady does an outstanding job of looking after this. Articles of clothing that are lost (or left lying around the playground) are placed in the tubs outside the Library. Clothing which is suitably labelled is returned to the child, but we are finding more and more clothing not labelled. If any clothing is not claimed after a significant time, it is

Page 2: CUDGEGONG VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · opportunity to select personal gifts for the special blokes in their lives during school hours and bring home ready for Father’s Day. Notes

School Bus Pass To apply for a school bus pass go to:

Students of the Week

Hank Honeysett, Ella Cassell, Molly Drysdale, Thomas Neely, Sebastian Robeson, Robert O’Connell, Joshua Battersby, Aiden Edwards, Tiffany Demeril, Ruby Clayton, Jack Levett, Evelyn-Margaret Smith, April Robeson, Brianna Evans, Ethan Diener, Willow Kloosterman, Ryan Oldfield, Noah Skinner, Bobby Pascoe, Jaiylan Dowel-Hogan, Aleira Peters, Jayden Richey

Kinder, Years 1&2 - Presented 2:35pm Mon 26/8 Henry Wilson, Jock Buckley, Aliarna Hasaart Years 3-6 - Presented 12:00pm Wed 28/8 Lachlan Thorpe, Luke Andrews, Miles McGreal, Chantell Taylor, Abby Mackay, Angus Hawkins

Gold Assembly - 12:00pm Tues 17 September 2019 Miles McGreal, Chloe Skinner, Alayna Batty

Red Certificates

Gold / Red Gold / Green Gold Certificates

Notes sent home last week: Kinder Zoo excursion, Father’s Day Stall

Touch Football Our boys touch football team travelled to Dunedoo last Wednesday for the PSSA Knockout Competition. Dunedoo Central was a strong opposition and unfortunately we did not get the win on this occasion. The final score was 4-6. The Cudgee team really pulled together in the second half of the game to score 3 of tries. CVPS is now out of the competition but will compete in a Gala Day later in Term 3. Thank you to the many parents who provided transport on Wednesday and cheered the boys on.

P&C Association News Welcome to our new President! The P&C Association has had a difficult year so far in filling vacant executive positions. At the August meeting held last Thursday, Nikki Amphlett was elected to the position of President from her Vice President role. Congrats Nikki! Remaining vacant positions are now Vice President and Secretary, and we will be actively seeking to fill these roles over the coming months. The P&C is driven by volunteers who assist in more than just fundraising. We are the parent voice of our school community. If you would like some more information on what it means to be apart of the P&C, please get in contact with us via email [email protected] or our Facebook page Zone Athletics Carnival Canteen The Zone Athletics Carnival was held on Friday, with the CVPS P&C coordinating and running the canteen. It was a hugely successful day, raising approximately $1250. We would like to thank all the parent volunteers who supported this event and were paramount in its success! We would also like to thank Coles Mudgee and the Mudgee Bakery for their donations. Father’s Day Stall On Wednesday August 28

th, the P&C will be holding our

annual Father’s Day Stall. The stall gives children the opportunity to select personal gifts for the special blokes in their lives during school hours and bring home ready for Father’s Day. Notes have gone out and money is due back at school Monday August 26

th. If

your child is absent on the day, the stall will be held again at recess on Thursday, and from the Canteen Friday. Volunteers Needed! The P&C are in need of parent volunteers to assist in the running of the Father’s Day Stall on Wednesday August 28

th from 9-11:30am and during recess on

Thursday August 29th. If you can volunteer a few hours

to support this event, please email [email protected] or get in touch via Facebook.

donated to the uniform shop where it is available for purchase. We have had an increase in the number of students coming to the lost property and taking a jumper or jacket to wear because they have not brought their own with them. They then leave the lost property area extremely untidy. Can I ask ALL PARENTS to please ensure that you send your child to school in the appropriate school uniform and that you actually clearly label all of your child’s clothing with name and class. School Community Charter Earlier this year I provided all parents with a copy of The School Community Charter which outlines the responsibilities of parents, carers, educators and school staff in NSW public schools to ensure our learning environments are collaborative, supportive and cohesive. The best education happens when students, parents and schools work together. The School Community Charter informs parents and carers on how to engage with NSW Public Schools to create a positive learning environment for our students. This is a timely reminder that at Cudgegong Valley PS aggressive or intimidating actions, such as violence, threatening gestures or physical proximity will not be tolerated. No parent/carer is to approach another student for any reason. If you have a concern, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance. A copy of the charter is on display in the Front Office. Zone Athletics What a great day for the Zone Athletics Carnival which was held last Friday. Well done to the 55 students who represented CVPS at this sporting event and congratulations to the students who have qualified for the Western Athletics Carnival in September. More details in next week’s newsletter. Michelle Neaverson-Smith Principal

Page 3: CUDGEGONG VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · opportunity to select personal gifts for the special blokes in their lives during school hours and bring home ready for Father’s Day. Notes

Classifieds While we accept advertising from commercial enterprises,

the school does not endorse these.



To be held every Tuesday from 4pm to 5pm

Ages 9 years and over

$ 5 per afternoon

Play holes and win prizes

We look forward to seeing you all there for another term of golf and good fun

Garden Club We always have a Cudgee teacher helping out each Thursday in the garden - a big thank you goes to our regulars Mrs Daniell, Mrs Bambrick and Miss Shady! Last week we had Mrs Neaverson-Smith join us again for the lunchtime session so she was soon gloved-up and put to work on the compost crew! Ross "The Compost Boss" was impressed with our Principal's shovel-handling skills as she and our organics recycling team turned over the crunch-and-sip waste to speed its breakdown into beautiful brown compost. We also sowed our first crop of tomato seedlings into pots, compared the EASY vs HARD-to-pull-out weed species growing in the path, harvested loads of parsley AND our entire crop of 'Emperor' mandarins... they were so sweet and delicious! Keep in touch via FB and Instagram @cudgeeschoolkitchengarden Lunchtime Gardening: Thursdays 1-2pm.

Page 4: CUDGEGONG VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · opportunity to select personal gifts for the special blokes in their lives during school hours and bring home ready for Father’s Day. Notes
Page 5: CUDGEGONG VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL€¦ · opportunity to select personal gifts for the special blokes in their lives during school hours and bring home ready for Father’s Day. Notes