cultivator - clover davis,...

Cultivating Christ’s Presence in Our Congregation October 2013 Volume 11, Issue 10 CULTIVATOR Luke Benjamin Vanley was baptized on September 22, 2013, in the Fellowship Service. His parents, Jeremiah and Shay, joined by Profession of Faith. Harper Ellis Bishop was baptized on September 22, 2013 in the Traditional Service. She is the daughter of Josh and Abby Bishop. Holy Baptisms and New Members E xciting ministry continues to happen at our second campus, The Bridge. On Sunday, September 22, the Bridge welcomed new members into our fellowship, ten adults and three children. When anyone joins The Bridge his or her membership is included with the down- town campus. One of the new members, Mandi Carson, was also baptized. The worship service was followed by a meal on the patio at the school. It was a great time for members to fellowship together and celebrate. Bridgekids had fun playing on jumpers and the playground together. The Bridge is very grateful for all the prayers and support everyone has given. Together, our two campuses are reaching out into our community and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ! - Rev. Donnie Williams FUMC Welcomes New Members! Ten adults and three children joined The Bridge on September 22, Mandi Carson was baptized by Rev. Donnie Williams at The Bridge on September 22, 2013.

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Page 1: CULTIVATOR - Clover Davis, Keri Lynn Lucas, Travis Riley, Shelby Schlueter, Hannah Silvas, and Alex Wilson. Four

Cultivating Christ’s Presence in Our Congregation October 2013 Volume 11, Issue 10


Luke Benjamin Vanley was baptized on September 22, 2013, in the Fellowship Service. His parents, Jeremiah and Shay, joined by Profession of Faith.

Harper Ellis Bishop was baptized on September 22, 2013 in the Traditional Service. She is the daughter of Josh and Abby Bishop.

Holy Baptisms and New Members

E xciting ministry continues to happen at our second campus, The Bridge.

On Sunday, September 22, the Bridge welcomed new members into our fellowship, ten adults and three children. When anyone joins The Bridge his or her membership is included with the down-town campus. One of the new members, Mandi Carson, was also baptized. The worship service was followed by a meal on the patio at the school. It was a great

time for members to fellowship together and celebrate. Bridgekids had fun playing on jumpers and the playground together. The Bridge is very grateful for all the prayers and support everyone has given. Together, our two campuses are reaching out into our community and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ! - Rev. Donnie Williams

FUMC Welcomes New Members!

Ten adults and three children joined The Bridge on September 22,

Mandi Carson was baptized by Rev. Donnie Williams at The Bridge on September 22, 2013.

Page 2: CULTIVATOR - Clover Davis, Keri Lynn Lucas, Travis Riley, Shelby Schlueter, Hannah Silvas, and Alex Wilson. Four

Page 2 Volume 11, Issue 10

The Fellowship Worship Service hosted special guests on Sunday, September 1. The Christian Motorcycle Association’s ministry team is lead by James McCollum and he shared his faith story with the congregation. Church members Susan and Donnie Butler are active members of CMA. The volunteers go to rallies and serve communities by cleaning up camp sites. The CMA’s mission is to

“change the world, one heart at a time.” Free membership is supported by a fund raiser called Run for the Son in May every year. They have raised over $48 million and reached over 16 million souls in every country except four.

They are always looking for how they can serve when they attend rallies.—Mary Jane Wright

Christian Motorcyclists Association

Lisa Jones, her son David, and cousin, Tabitha Jones helped Samaritans By Grace recently. David and Tabitha sacked the sandwiches and other food items before heading to Noel Heritage Plaza. That’s where SBG distribute food every Sunday to anyone who is hungry. The children eagerly handed out the sacks. Lisa’s young son not only gave food for the tummy, but also food for the soul as he shared a hug with one of the men. Samaritans By Grace welcomes volunteers to help every Sunday. SBG meets at 10:00 in the church kitchen to assemble the food sacks.

Special Helpers For Samaritans By Grace

Page 3: CULTIVATOR - Clover Davis, Keri Lynn Lucas, Travis Riley, Shelby Schlueter, Hannah Silvas, and Alex Wilson. Four


This is the third of a series of stories written by members of the Haiti Mission Trip

Depoze – Lay It Down – by Karin Carlson, Discipleship Pastor Haiti was a unique spiritual awakening. Spending time in the village of Leveque deepened my understanding of poverty and sharpened my eyes to hope from faith in God. Worshipping God with the Haitians taught me how to lay it down (depoze), to lay everything down to God…and have HOPE. A part of my life that I will always treasure is going on mission trips with my daughters. This time I was with Megan. Megan describes the mission trip as, “both eye opening and heart wrenching. When Shane told us where we were going, I was expecting nicer buildings, gas stations, roads and stop lights. But when we were headed to the main campus of Mission of Hope, I saw NONE of these things. The roads were dirt and the buildings were mostly made of tarp, cardboard, or curtains. We saw some building made of cement blocks but they were old and cracked and just falling apart. The gas stations were just tables with gallons of gas stacked on top of each other. People could pretty much drive on both sides of the road! It was loud and crazy!” Watching Megan put her faith in action in these conditions and have fun also, is empowering (and gives me hope as a parent). Thank you FUMC for all of the prayers and support! 

September 22 was Invite Sunday for

the Student Ministry. Over 30

students attended, among those

several first timers.

The Haiti Mission team consisted of seven students: Megan Carlson, Ashlyn Davis, Keri Lynn Lucas, Travis Riley, Shelby Schlueter, Hannah Silvas, and Alex Wilson. Four adults also participated: Student Pastor Shane Branecky, Discipleship Pastor Karin Carlson, Kris Riley, and Kevin Wilson.

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Page 4 Volume 11, Issue 10

J.O.Y. Small Group members Sue Drainer, Barbara

Norris, Lynn Correa, Paula Ahder, and Mary Jane

Smith hold up their circles drawn on day one of the

40-day study on prayer.

1 Corinthians 2 Pastor Terry’s Circle

for Our Church

God, I pray that Your Church, at First United Methodist-Odessa, will receive

the promise of 1 Corinthians 2— But we have the mind of Christ —

during our 40 Day Prayer Challenge. As we begin this challenge — to change

the way we pray about our biggest dreams and greatest fears, God, I pray

that by the revelation of your Spirit, You will give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and minds to conceive the things You have

prepared for us: Things like showing up and showing off in our lives, because we are praying like everything depends on You and working

like everything depends on us. I pray that every page of this challenge

will bring new inspiration to every participant, to pray as long as it takes, to see the things You have prepared for us!


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Page 5: CULTIVATOR - Clover Davis, Keri Lynn Lucas, Travis Riley, Shelby Schlueter, Hannah Silvas, and Alex Wilson. Four


More than 70 people enjoyed a

delicious meal at Wednesday Eats.

W.E. is for anyone wanting a good

supper cooked by someone else.

aying the Psalms” 15-12:45 pm Chapel . 2 – 30

ne reading) is a slow, rocess often termed, ptures.” The purpose Bible to become a

nion with God.

1 Corinthians 2 Our Church’s Circle

for Pastor Terry

God, we pray that Pastor Terry, as well as anyone under his authority

to preach, may bring the proclamation of Your Word that is

not about wise and persuasive words, but the demonstration of

the Spirit’s power — that our faith may not rest on human wisdom,

but on God’s power. Amen

Page 6: CULTIVATOR - Clover Davis, Keri Lynn Lucas, Travis Riley, Shelby Schlueter, Hannah Silvas, and Alex Wilson. Four

Page 6 Volume 11, Issue 10

Birthdays Are Listed on Web: Click on ‘About Us’

Then Click on ‘Monthly Birthdays’

The “Spice of Life” group met this September 19, and had a great time together in fellowship! As usual, the food was great. A special “Thank You” goes to Russell Kimble, and to Steve and Debra Meador who prepared the meal of spaghetti and marinara sauce, meat balls, Italian sausage, garlic bread, salad, cake and all the trimmings. Thank you all for the very delicious meal!!

The program was given by Johnnie Williams on the topic of “Bells.” One of the great “treats” of the meeting was that Johnnie put three bells on each table for our table drawings. What made it really special was the fact that each bell came from her mother’s, Hazel Suggs, bell collection! Thank you Johnnie for such wonderful and meaningful gifts that delighted so many.

Mike Parker and I were the September “birthday boys,” and the Spice of Life group surprised me with a gift certificate to La Margarita, complete with balloons and a treble-clef flower arrangement holder! Did I mention I also got a delicious, chocolate birthday cake! Thank you Johnnie. The cake was just great! Thank all of you “Spice of Lifers” from the bottom of my heart! You are all THE BEST!

We hope to see you again next month on October 17. Anyone who is either retired or just wants to come join in the fun and good food is welcome to come!! We would love to have you.

In Christ, Jody Wallin, Congregational Care Pastor

Spice Of Life

September birthdays are celebrated by Jody Wallin and Mike Parker.

Bishop W “Earl” Bledsoe, of the New Mexico Annual Conference, thanks our church for fulfilling our shared ministries commitment of $5,215 to the Ministerial Education Fund and to the General Board of Higher Education &

Ministry. According to the United Methodist Church website, the Ministerial Education Fund is the church’s affirmation that we continue to share the responsibility for education of our clergy. It is one of the seven apportioned funds that enables United Methodists to do together what no church, district, or annual conference could do alone. Through the MEF and other funds, each individual, each family, each congregation gives a fair share for the church's work. Our seminary students need the support of their annual conference, congregation, and the MEF, which is a critical piece of the circle of support for those on the path to ordained ministry. For most of our seminaries, MEF support represents between 9 percent and 20 percent of their annual budget -- a big piece of keeping tuition and other costs lower for the clergy we need.

Ted Hogan on the loss of his wife

Pedie Hogan

Tuesday, November 12 Noon


Spice of life

Memorials Children’s Clothes Closet

In Memory of Naomi (Pedie) Hogan

Given by The Wesley Class

Given by Mary Lu Shaw

Given by Minnette Goodman

Samaritans By Grace In Memory of

Naomi (Pedie) Hogan Given by

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Williams

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Loving flowers. Many worshipers in the traditional service have commented on the lovely flower arrangements that adorn the sanctuary each Sunday. Usually there is a statement in the bulletin acknowledging the donor, but most Sunday’s there is nothing. A member, who prefers to be anonymous, wants flowers there every Sunday.

Dear Anonymous, the church thanks you.

Weekly flowers given by an anonymous donor enhanced a recent communion service.

Are You Drawing Your Circle?

A t the September 18 Prayer Gathering in the Fellowship Center, Pastor Terry began his testimony by saying that the idea for the

Draw The Circle 40-Day Prayer Challenge that our church is participating in, began while having lunch with church member Chris Garrett. Pastor Terry says that lunch changed his life. Chris Garrett says that his life was changed on December 24, 2012 when a friend of his invited him to a breakfast to introduce him to Draw The Circle. After completing the 40-day prayer challenge with his friend, Chris says that he felt an emptiness because the challenge was so enriching. He decided to read the book again, so he and his wife, Julie, began Draw The Circle together. Chris is thrilled to read the Draw The Circle book for the third time as he participates with the rest of the church. Obedience to God and listening to God now guide Chris. He encourages everyone to keep a prayer journal. He says that if he had never written down the things he prayed about, he would never have known how or when that prayer was answered. With a joyful chuckle, Chris says that he is now drawing circles in unexpected places at unexpected times but always with miraculous results. To hear the excitement in his voice for yourself, ask Chris

about the circle he drew on the golf course or about the circle he drew in the parking lot of his company. What is Chris’s prayer for our church? Without hesitation he answered, “To come with open ears, obedience to God’s will and that we open our hearts to God.” Terry read two prayers at the Prayer Gathering. The first prayer was his prayer for our church. The second prayer was a prayer that he asked us to pray everyday for him. Please turn to pages 4 and 5 for the text of those prayers. - Betsy Triplett-Hurt

UMW’s October Mission Project—Mi ens and kni ed caps will warm the hearts and souls of children served by Four Corners Ministry this winter.  Faith and New Beginnings circle members provide these items as 

their missions project for October.  Members will bring them to the mee ng Thursday, October 10 at 9:30 in the parlor.—Genelle Felio 

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Enjoy The Cultivator Online

415 N. Lee Odessa, TX 79761

First United Methodist Church, Odessa, Texas, founded in 1890, is a community of Christians who have pledged to support this church with their presence, their service, their gifts and their prayers. We dedicate ourselves to spreading God’s Word throughout our community and to providing meaningful worship experiences, fellowship, and opportunities to fulfill the teachings of Jesus Christ through a variety of ministries. As United Methodists, “our doors, our hearts and our minds are open to all those who seek God’s Grace.” The CULTIVATOR is a monthly publication whose exclusive purpose is to help FUMC-Odessa accomplish its Mission by communicating and “cultivating” the presence of Christ in the lives of this congregation.

Bring A Friend This Sunday

8:00 AM

Adult Bible Class

9:00 AM Traditional Worship —Sanctuary

10:00 AM

Sunday School, all ages

11:00 AM Fellowship Worship —Fellowship Center

10:16 AM The Bridge Worship, —at LBJ Elementary 6401 Amber Dr.

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