cultural competence series: communication across differences ©2012 the university of texas md...

Cultural Competence Series: Communication Across Differences ©2012 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center HR Talent Development: Diversity Programs

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Page 1: Cultural Competence Series: Communication Across Differences ©2012 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center HR Talent Development: Diversity Programs

Cultural Competence Series:

Communication Across


©2012 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

HR Talent Development:

Diversity Programs

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©2012 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center



The Communication Across Differences workshop will encourage

participants to practice effective cross cultural communication skills in the

healthcare environment and workplace by:

Understanding how culture influences communication between patients

and employees and between team members.

Increasing self awareness of your cultural communication style.

Identifying effective strategies to build trust and respect when

communicating across cultures with patients and employees.

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©2012 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Trust and Respect

The MD Anderson Cancer Center provides culturally appropriate

patient care and a culturally competent work environment. As an

institution, MD Anderson strives to understand and respect the cultural

beliefs, customs, and lifestyles of globally diverse individuals and groups.

These efforts will enable our institution to bridge cultural differences, build

trust and respect, to provide quality care, and to be the employer of


The Joint Commission views the delivery of services in a culturally

and linguistically appropriate manner as an important healthcare safety

and quality issue.  For general information on standards related to cultural

competency, please visit or contact

[email protected]


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Cultural Identity

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CommunicationAcross Cultures

Communication is the process of sharing an idea or information.

Being able to communicate across cultural differences is important to our

patients and employees.

Successful cross cultural communication is essential for individual and

organizational success.


“No one, when he uses a word, has in mind exactly the same thing that another has…” ~ Wilheim von Humboldt (1767-1835)

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Communication Matrix

Communication Levels:• Organizational• Leader Employee• Employee Employee• Employee Patient

Disclosure Levels:• Intimate (Full Disclosure & Trust)• Interpersonal (Some Trust)• Casual (Minor Trust)






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Why Our Actions Count

Keep in mind, that the best of our intentions can be negatively

impacted by how our words or actions are perceived. Several influencers are

listed below.


Communication Influencers Cultural Influencers Communication Levels Age

Disclosure Levels Gender

Emotions Geographic

Transmission (Personal, Media, Technology) Health, Medical Beliefs

Voice (Pitch, Pauses, Speed, Tone, Volume) Mental, Physical, Health Condition

Body Language (Actions, Behaviors, Eye Contact, Facial Expressions, Personal Space, Touch)

Organizational or Social Hierarchy

Direct or Indirect Approach Focus Power and Privilege Perception

Topic Focus (Health, Organizational, Personal, Relationship, Task)

Race, Ethnicity

Language (Native or Alternate) Sexual Orientation

Words Used (Abbreviations, Colloquial Phrases, Formal, Informal, Slang)

Socio-Economic Class

Interruption Sources Spiritual Religious Beliefs

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& Patie


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Positive Relationship

The relationship between a

patient and their healthcare

providers is based upon trust

and respect.

Negative Relationship

The effects of disrespect and

derogatory conduct towards a

healthcare provider can cause

the decrease in morale, staff

retention, and the quality of care.



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The Truth of the Situation

Source: “Don’t Judge too Quickly” series. Ameriquest Mortgage Company. ©2005. 10

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Patient Communication Points




End of LifeDischarge

and Transfer

Influencers: Cultural Communication Trust

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Identify and address patient communication needs.

Language Assistance provides interpretation and translation services at no cost to the patient. Interpreters can facilitate cross-cultural communication between patients and healthcare personnel who do not speak the same language.

The hospital provides information to communicate with the patient who has vision, speech, hearing, or cognitive impairments in a manner that meets the patient’s needs. As an example, Sign Language Interpreters can be used to assist hearing-impaired patients.


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Always check the accuracy of the patient's name to the patient's record.

Greet the patient by their last name and then introduce yourself.

Identify and address patient communication needs.

When possible, the hospital accommodates the patient’s cultural, religious, or ethnic food and nutrition preferences, unless otherwise instructed.

Ask the patient to identify a support person.

Ask the patient and their family members what they prefer regarding their cultural and/or spiritual beliefs.

Communicate information about unique patient needs to the care team.


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Address the communication needs of a patient that may have sensory and/or communication impairments.

Provide information to communicate with the patient who has vision, speech, hearing, or cognitive impairments in a manner that meets the patient’s needs.

Identify and accommodate a patient's cultural, religious, or spiritual beliefs and practices that may influence care.

Determine any cultural or alternative healing medications or practices that the patient may be integrating into their treatment plan.

Confirm any individuals which are outside of the institution that the patient considers as a member of their treatment and support team. Incorporate cultural competence and patient/family-centered care concepts into care delivery.

Communicate information about unique patient needs to the care team. 14

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End of Life

Address patient communication needs during end-of-life care.

Monitor changes in the patient’s communication status during end-of-life


Involve the patient’s surrogate decision-maker and family in end-of-

life care.

Address patient mobility needs during end-of-life care.

Identify patient cultural, religious, or spiritual beliefs and practices at

the end of life.

Make sure the patient has access to his or her chosen support person.


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Discharge and Transfer

Access patient communication needs.

Engage patients, loved ones, and care-givers in the discharge and transfer planning and instruction.

Provide discharge instruction that meets the patient's needs.

Identify follow-up providers that can meet the patients' unique needs.


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Patient Resources

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Language Assistance

Language Assistance provides the following interpretation and translation

services at no cost to our patients:

Interpreters are available on site for the following languages: Arabic,

French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish,


24 hour notice is required to acquire interpreters for additional languages.

Telephone interpreter service is available 24 hours a day.

Interpreters are also available to assist our hearing impaired patients.

For more information or to request interpretation services, please call the

Language Assistance department at (713)-792-7930.

18Source: Language Assistance at:

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Additional Patient Resources

Anderson Network: Is a unique global cancer support group of more

than 1,800 current and former patients.

Chaplaincy: To guide our patients on their spiritual journey.

International Center: Welcomes our international patients and

assists them with their transition into MD Anderson.


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Additional Patient Resources – continued.

Patient Advocacy: Provides patients and families with a central

department in which to register complaints or concerns.

Social Work: To help patients and their families cope with the diagnosis

of cancer and to eliminate through outstanding integrated programs in

patient care, research, education and prevention.


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What do you really mean?

Source: “If Delivery People Ran the World”. ©2009.

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Are you Talking the Talk?

T – Convey mutual respect by reducing power barriers, pausing to give everyone time to speak, and be aware of non-verbal communication.

A – Acknowledge the individual(s) and their contributions, ask questions, and be accountable.

L – Identify the problem and create an atmosphere of equality and trust through listening.

K – Keep to the point and keep the conversation at an understandable level.

I – Maintain a non-emotional interaction and refrain from interrupting.

N – Clarify the need of the communication or negotiation.

G – Examine possible solutions, identify the goal(s) of the resolution, follow up, move on, and motivate. 23

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What’s yourCommunication Style?

1. Read each question in each category.

2. If the question applies to you then answer “YES” by shading the indicator. You may shade more than one “YES” per row.

3. If the question DOES NOT apply to you then proceed to the next question.

4. Each shaded box is worth “ONE” point. Add the score for each style column.

5. Write the total score for each style.

6. Circle the highest score which indicates your most dominate communication style preference.

7. Compare your results.

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Communicator Styles

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Self Check: Are you practicing the 5 Main Building Blocks of Trust?

1. CommunicationAre you clear and concise in your communications or are you sending vague hidden messages?

2. PatienceDo you pause within a conversation to give the other person time to process the message, organize their thoughts, and to respond back to you?

3. RespectDo you demonstrate respect through your words, body language, and actions when interacting with another individual?

4. Cultural ConsiderationDo you express openness and consideration towards another individual’s perspective?

5. Honesty/AcknowledgementDo you acknowledge other individual’s contributions and ideas?


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You will receive an email containing a link to complete an online

evaluation. Your input and suggestions are very important to our team

because we value your feedback to improve our educational programs.

Let us know if there is a diversity topic or topics that you would like to

learn more about.

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How do I printmy certificate?

1. Log into the Education Center at:

2. Click the MANAGE MY LEARNING Tab.

3. Select MY TRANSCRIPT from the Left Navigational Menu.

4. Confirm the START and END date range.

5. Locate the applicable course TITLE.


7. Print the certificate.

8. Log out.

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