culture multicultural management


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Post on 06-May-2015




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2. INTRODUCTION Meaning Of Culture In a restricted sense, culture refers to the advance development of human body, mind, and spirit. Culture is the sum total of human achievements, material as well as non- material, capable of transmission. The literature, religion and social practices of the people, reveal their culture. Anthropologists define culture as an acquired behaviour in human beings. 2 3. INTRODUCTION Tylor's definition of culture: complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Lassiters definition of culture: A shared and negotiated system of meaning informed by knowledge that people learn and put into practice by interpreting experience and generating behavior 3 4. 4 CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE Learned Shared Trans-generational Symbolic Adaptive 5. CULTURE IS LEARNED Cultural learning is unique to humans. Cultural learning is the accumulation of knowledge about experiences and information not perceived directly by the organism, but transmitted to it through symbols. Culture is learned through both direct instruction and observation (both conscious and unconscious). 5 6. CULTURE IS SHARED Culture is located and transmitted in groups. The social transmission of culture tends to unify people by providing us with a common experience. The commonalty of experience in turn tends to generate a common understanding of future events. 6 7. CULTURE IS SYMBOLIC The human ability to use symbols is the basis of culture A symbol is anything that is used to represent any other thing, when the relationship between the two is arbitrary (e.g., a flag). Only humans have elaborated cultural abilities to learn, to communicate, to store, to process, and to use symbols. 7 8. CULTURE IS ALL-ENCOMPASSING The anthropological concept of culture is a model that includes all aspects of human group behavior. Everyone is cultured, not just wealthy people with an elite education. 8 9. CULTURE IS INTEGRATED A culture is a system: changes in one aspect will likely generate changes in other aspects. Core values are sets of ideas, attitudes, and beliefs that are basic in that they provide an organizational logic for the rest of the culture. 9 10. LEVELS OF CULTURE National: learned behavioral patterns, beliefs, values, and institutions shared by the citizens of a nation. International: cultural traditions that expand beyond cultural boundaries. Subculture: different traditions practiced by groups set within a larger culture. Frequently regionally based. 10 11. 11 PRIORITIES OF CULTURAL VALUES 12. CHANGE AGENTS By introducing new products or ideas and practices, an international business entity becomes a change agent. this may shift consumption from one product to another, or it may lead to massive social change Many governments take action to protect their culture-specific industries. 12 13. 13 HOW CULTURE AFFECTS MANAGERIAL APPROACHES Centralized vs. Decentralized Decision Making: In some societies, top managers make all important organizational decisions. In others, these decisions are diffused throughout the enterprise, and middle- and lower-level managers actively participate in, and make, key decisions. 14. 14 Safety vs. Risk: In some societies, organizational decision makers are risk averse and have great difficulty with conditions of uncertainty. In others, risk taking is encouraged, and decision making under uncertainty is common. 15. 15 Individual vs. Group Rewards: In some countries, personnel who do outstanding work are given individual rewards in the form of bonuses and commissions. In others, cultural norms require group rewards, and individual rewards are frowned upon. 16. 16 Informal Procedures vs. Formal Procedures: In some societies, much is accomplished through informal means. In others, formal procedures are set forth and followed rigidly. 17. 17 High Organizational Loyalty vs. Low Organizational Loyalty In some societies, people identify very strongly with their organization or employer. In others, people identify with their occupational group, such as engineer or mechanic. 18. 18 Cooperation vs. Competition Some societies encourage cooperation between their people. Others encourage competition between their people. 19. 19 Short-term vs. Long-term Horizons Some culture focus most heavily on short-term horizons, such as short-range goals of profit and efficiency. Others are more interested in long-range goals, such as market share and technologic developments. 20. 20 Stability vs. Innovation The culture of some countries encourages stability and resistance to change. The culture of others puts high value on innovation and change. 21. ONE WORLD CULTURE? GLOBALIZATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY Cultures are increasingly coming in contact as a result of improved trade relations, better communication, and easier travel. Multinational corporations and business outsourcing to the Third World are becoming more commonplace. 21