culture of korea (shinta ari herdiana)


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I . Culture ’s Definit ion and Origin of

the word

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I . Culture ’s Definit ion and Origin of the word

1 . Comprehensive aspects of l i fe of the people or the


2 . English Culture, German Kulture originated from → →

the Latin, Cultura and is used in Europe since the 17 th


a . Origin of the word agriculture, cult ivate→

b. Two meanings , caring of the body or the spir i t

Dodangje of Mt. SamgakFarm Music

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I . Culture ’ s Definit ion and Origin of the word


a . Holism

General spir i tual and arti st ic express ion of the people or

the society

Abil i ty , habit or knowledge acquired by the members of the


General aspects of the collective l i fe style

b. Ideal i sm

Not the specif ic behavior , but the bas ic system of value that

controls the behavior , the rule or the principle

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I I . General use “Concept and Properties of


Gangryeong Mask Dance

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I I . General use “Concept and Properties of Culture”

1 . Manner for managing the l ife of the people Nature, Poli t ics , Food, Clothing

and Shelter , Rel igion, Culture , Educat ion

category Korean peninsula Histor ical background with China , Manchuria , →


2. General aspects expressed in the l i fe style of the group of people

Culture is shared.

Culture is learned.

Culture is cumulative .

Culture is a whole of system.

Culture is always changing.

Culture is super organic .

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III . Understanding of the Korean Traditional Culture

Picture of the Dragon King

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III . Understanding of the Korean Traditional Culture

1 . History ’ s progress

The process of overcoming the cultural l imits faced by an era

2 . Ancient t imes ceremony for heaven, heavenly gods , rel igion of god→

Three States ㆍ Goryeo era Buddhism → ㆍ Taoism

Joseon dynasty Confucianism Western learning, 400 new relig ions of →

the Korean culture

3. Dynamics of accepting the culture from the outside world

4. Cultural development

the process of constantly adding new abi l i ty of l i fe to the

previously acquired “abi l i ty of l i fe”

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IV. Power of Culture


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IV. Power of Culture

1 . Nation with a strong root of culture in al l t imes and places Social chaos collapse of today’s economic, material culture, and exclusive wealth

Nation inundated with i llegality , crime and sin

The people dreaming of new resurrect ion

Samuel Huntington , the nat ional income of Ghana and Korea in 1945, 60 years ago

(60$, 87$ <the least developed country>, i l l i teracy rate : 70%)

Temple of Taoism Shrine of exorcism for heavenly god

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V. Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Korean People

Dano festival

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V. Understanding of the Korean Tradit ional Culture

1 . Hometown of the Japanese people ’ s history

2 . Nation with excellent Buddhism pagoda Seokga→

3. Kingdom of white porcela in

Treasure 659’white porcelain cheonghwamaejukmoon byeong’ Suwon hwaseong

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4. Registration of 17 cultural heritages as UNESCO

World Heritagea . 7 Cultural her itages

Bulguksa , Seokguram, Gyeongju histor ical di str ict , Haeinsa Janggyeonggak,

Jongmyo, Suwonhwaseong, Hwaseong Seongyoekuigwae, Dolmen,

Changdeok palace

a . 1 Natural Heritage – Jeju-do volcano cave

b. Documentary cultural heritage

Hunmin jeongeum the Record of the Joseon Dynasty , Seongjeongwon i lgi

, Baekwoonhwasang, Booljoj ikj i s imcheyojeol , Goryeo daejanggyeong,

Joseon ,Dynasty ’ s gwae

d. 3 World intangible cultural assets – Jongmyo royal ancestral memoria l service

and Jongmyo royal ancestral music , Pansori , Gangneung Dano fest ival

V. Understanding of the Korean Tradit ional Culture

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VI. Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Korean People


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VI. Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of the Korean People

1 . Fa ithfulness Fi l ia l Duty, Courtesy , Sense of Shame, Doctr ine of King, master , →

father tr in ity

2 . F i l ia l Duty Nation with an “ar iculture-f irst ”pr inciple , Natural i sm, Irr igat ion →

inst i tut ion, Large-family system, Collective farming

3. Courtesy Confucianism (Confucius ) Saj iks in god of f ive grains , god of heaven, →

god of soi l , god of region , ceremony of ancestors

4. Sense of shame ethics , moral culture and home management , J in- in-sa-dae-→

cheon-myeong (God helps those who help themselves )

Orient Culture (Buddhism Confucian Value<Success stories of Japan and Korea>)

Korea ㆍ China ㆍ Japan- peninsula , continent, is land, Chinese character and Confucian

culture benevolence  cultural code of three nat ions in the Northeast Asia –→ →

communication of Chinese character, unif ication, Korea, China , Japan /Beon-ja/Gan-ja/ Yak-

ja/ Jeong-ja (types of character) , Chinese character, last period of Ching dysnasty 3000~60

mill ion characters

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Seokguram Bulguksa Changdeok palace

Gyeongju historical districtJongmyoSuwon hwaseong

Haeinsa Gyeongpanjeon Dolmen heritage Jeju volcano island and lava cave

VII .Korea –National Culture of God Spir it in the 21 st


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VII . Korea – National Culture of God Spirit in the 21 st century

1 . God-centered way of thinking, t imes of deity , high spirits , shamanism (rel ish, merriment ,

high spirits ) shamanist ic religion

2 . Can do spirit , Why not , Let ’ s l ive a better l i fe , overcoming poverty – the Saemaeul


3 . Supported by education, teaching, ideology miracle of Han river  - 1986 Asian Games, ←

1988 Olympic Games, 2002 World Cup Fest ival for high spirits not just for soccer-

toward the world beyond walls Dynamic Korea   profound taste of culture→

a . Alcohol ic drink

b. music

c . dance

Korean traditional clothes ‘Dandui’ Chinese traditional clothes ‘Chipao’

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VIII .Success and Failure of the 20 th century ’s Cultural



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VIII . Success and Fai lure of the 20 th century ’ s Cultural Challenges

1. Two faces of national image of Koreaa. Nation with insufficient basic technology, and raw materials failure →

of respecting and preserving ancestor’s learning, science, and


b. Korean-made cars, Korean-made Benz – OEM – failure and challenge of


c. War, division of a nation, demonstration, riot, export of orphans,

abuse of foreigners

Fall of the 100 years-tradition of the modern history ( failure to clean

up the vestiges of the Japanese colonial rule and the creative process

of overcoming)

Yeonhui rope walking Jeungpyeongjangddeol dure song of farming

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IX. Era of Cultural Industry

Ancient buildings of Mt. Moodang

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IX. Era of Cultural Industry

1. 21 st century is the era of culturea. Information society – Dream Society(Jensen, Futurology)

b. Era of industrial production – era of cultural production – Rifkin,

writer of The European Dream

c. Nation’s destiny decides the national image

Korean Wave culture to the world , to the culture, to the truth →

the light of the east shines the world→

d. Popular movie countries with the share of more than 25% : →

Korea (50%), France and Japan

e. Music video Popular music

f. IT

g. Be quick world culture history

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X. Chal lenge of the Spiritual Culture of the


Joseon Dynasty royal tomb(Geonwonreung)

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X. Challenges of the Spiritual Culture of the World

1. Cultural policies demanded today a. Enhancing and illuminating mind and temper, purgation method for


b. Improving the ‘quality of life’ on the ground of life

c. Accepting foreign culture in a balanced way

d. Establishing the culture-centered policy environment

e. Fostering “industry and art” that contribute the national development

Jongmyo Changdeok palace

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X. Challenges of the Spiritual Culture of the World

2 . 7 factors deve l op ing sp i r i tua l cu l ture

a . Dr eam ㆍ V is ion & Goa l

b . R ight & Go od s e rv ice

c . Change & Innovat i on

d . Creat iv i ty & Cha l l enge

e . Speed & Ve l o c i ty

f . T rust & C red ib i l i ty

g . Techno l ogy & Informati on

Jongmyo royal ancestral memorial service

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XI. Hanbok ( 1 ) Men’s Hanbok

Men’s Hanbok consists of

: Paj i ( trousers) : Chogori ( jacket ) and optional ly : Chokki (vest ) : Magoja (over-

jacket )

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(2 ) Women's Hanbok

Women's Hanbok consists of

: Ch' ima ( high-waist

skirt )

: Chogori ( jacket with bow)

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(3 ) Special Clothing 1 ) Wedding ceremony:

For weddings , the bride wore ceremonial clothes such as a green Chogori , a red Ch ' ima under a robe, and a Chokturi (a black crown) .

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2)Funeral :

For funerals , Koreans wore white or blackdresses and robes made of l inen.

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(4 ) Accessories

Men: Poson (tradit ional socks) , Taenim (ankle bands) , belt , Kat (a horse-hair hat ) , long shoes for men

Women: Poson (tradit ional socks) , Norigae (ornaments)

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(5 ) Putt ing on Hanbok ( for men) Paj i Chogori and t ie coat ⇒str ings Poson and t ie ⇒Taenim Chokki Magoja ⇒ ⇒ ⇒Turumagi

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XII . Kimchi (1 ) A valuable cultural asset

- An indigenous Korean food: Kimchi is an unique side dish , indispensable for any Korean meal , and therefore, i t has always been the most representative Korean food.

- Koreans ' love of kimchi : Koreans ' love of kimchi remains unchanged and is enjoyed by all generations .

- The popularity of kimchi : Kimchi is gaining popularity around the world and is being exported to countries including Japan.

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(2 ) Making Kimchi - Ingredients :

Kimchi can be made with almost any vegetable such as Chinese cabbage, turnips , cucumbers , eggplants , sesame leaves , and mustard leaves .

- A recipe for making Baechu (cabbage) Kimchi : Stuff various vegetables and condiments into the leaves of a whole cabbage which has been soaked in salted water overnight .

⇒ Condiments : T hin strips of turnip, salted f ish , red pepper powder, salt , spring onions , garlic , and oysters .

⇒ Put kimchi into a large earthenware jar and bury underground for a month, then eat .

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(3 ) History T here are records indicating that people made and ate Kimchi in the oldest Korean states . In the 18 th century, red pepper powder was f irst brought to Korea and added to Kimchi .

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-Baechu kimchi : Made by stuff ing Chinese cabbage with

condiments . T he most general kind of kimchi .

-Kkakdugi : Made of oriental turnips cut into cubes and

mixed with various condiments .

-Dongchimi : A soup-like Kimchi made by putting whole

oriental turnips in salt water without red pepper powder.

-Baek kimchi : Made without red pepper powder, it is

white ; thus it is called Baekkimchi ( ‘baek ’ means white) .

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(5 ) Medical benefits

Aside from Kimchi ' s bas ic purpose as a s ide

dish, recent medical studies have shown that

Kimchi reduces body fat , delays aging, and

boosts immune system.

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XIII . Etiquette ( 1 ) Manners and customs - Etiquette in dai ly l ife1) Shoes are always removed when entering a Korean

home. 2) Koreans usually prepare many dishes when inviting

guests . 3) Using both hands when handing something to

someone. 4) Koreans do not easi ly express their feelings . 5) Public displays of affection between the sexes are

frowned upon.6) Koreans generally respect the elderly .

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(2 ) Gestures Every culture has its own gestures 1 ) Beckoning someone2) Making an “O” with f ingers3) Touching older people or members of the opposite gender4) Laughing when embarrassed .

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(3 ) Handshake - Differences between the Korean and Western handshake:

1 ) Duration: T he Western handshake tends to be quite brief while the

Korean handshake is often longer.

2) Firmness : Koreans usually shake hands rather loosely while the Western

handshake is very f irm with both persons using a f irm grip.

3) Politeness : T he use of the left hand indicates degrees of politeness and

formality for Koreans.

4) Inclusion of a bow: T he tradit ional oriental bow and the Western

handshake have been combined in Korea.

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(4 ) Jeol : Korean Bow Jeol i s a deep bow of courtesy to show reverence and grat i tude to others .

- Keunjeol (Big bow) : Performed

when the greeted person is uni lateral ly respected. - Pyungjeol- Banjeol

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(5 ) Greetings

1 ) Bow: Tradit ional greeting2) Handshake + Bow: between men3) Professional meetings : handshake ->

exchange business cards -> presenting & accepting the cards with both hands

4) Women shake hands less often than men do.

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5) Between peers or for subordinates : “Annyong haseyo?(Are you at peace?, How are you?”) .

6) Children: “Annyong?” Bow or nod when greeting adults or people other than friends and relat ives

7) Use of honorif ics to show respect : “Annyong hashimnikka?”

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XIV. Table Manners(1 ) Tradit ional table manners

- Dining tradit ion is a uniquely valuable cultural feature that identif ies the dist inctiveness of Korean people .

- Sa-so-jol (1775) by Duk-moon Lee- Nae-hoon (1475) by Queen So-hye “ . .Do not eat more if you are full , do not pick up

solid ingredients from soup, do not season your soup at the table…”

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(2 ) Table Sett ings

-Korean food is not served in courses , but instead is

placed on the table s imultaneously

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1. DanceAs with music, there is a distinction between court dance and

folk dance. Common court dances are  jeongjaemu ( 정재무 ) performed at banquets, and  ilmu ( 일무 ) , performed at Korean Confucian rituals. Jeongjaemu is divided into native dances ( 향악정재 , hyangak jeongjae) and forms imported from Central Asia and China ( 당악정재 , dangak jeongjae). Ilmu are divided into civil dance ( 문무 , munmu) and military dance ( 무무 , mumu). Many mask dramas and mask dances are performed in many regional areas of Korea. [ 5 ]

 The traditional clothing is the genja, it is a special kind of dress that women wear on festivals. It is pink with multiple symbols around the neck area.

Traditional choreography of court dances is reflected in many contemporary productions.

Taekkyeon the traditional military martial art is central to the classic Korean dance. Taekkyeon being a complete system of integrated movement found its core techniques adaptable to mask, dance and other traditional artforms of Korea.


XV. Tradit ional arts

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•Buchaechum, fan dance •folk dance

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Arts are both influenced by tradition and realism. For example, Han’s near-photographic "Break Time at the Ironworks" shows muscular men dripping with sweat and drinking water from tin cups at a sweltering foundry. Jeong Son’s "Peak Chonnyo of Mount Kumgang" is a classical Korean landscape of towering cliffs shrouded by mists.


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