cure .!. uree-foen- bat. · from an innocent printer, i to swindler has a tooth missing, dresses...

T WEEKLY STATESMAN THURSDAY AUGUST 24. 1876 The Austin Collegiate Female Institute ill commence 1U twenty-fift- h scholastic yew on tbe fourth of September, with m full corps of teachers. Tbe tuition will be M heretofore. See advertisement.., . . The surveying party of the Internation- al Railroad started on Slonday morning to run a line to this city from Duval, and. $t was said that was to be the final aorrey. "Wbn last beard from they Hrera at Wm. Robinson's, six or seven miles fjoax'Austin, on the upper Georgetown road. Tis Sozodont the whole world tries, ''( Tis Sozodont which purifies Tbe breath and month, and dirt defied. Tis Sozodont for which we cry. Sweet Sozodont for which we sigh, Tis only Suy.odont we buy. ? ' '' . "Rkadino withoct Teak." If y..u would relieve your eyes of hurtful strain, it you would prevent loss of sight, or so soothe the light to your eyes as t rend r reading a physical as well as mental pleas are, use the "Diamond Spectacles," having a small .diamond stamped on every pair. For sale in Austin by A. Bbn. ' f Mrs. Wu.liamh's boarding house, two squares went of the States aw office, ' was bamboozled out of twenty dollars by a dead beat Tbursday. lie went to his room at night and sneaked away with bis books and clothes, having borrowed forty doilnr from an innocent printer, i To swindler has a tooth missing, dresses well, is twenty-f- ive years old, slightly aquiline nose, and never talks in a crowd. . ' ' j 't - - i A htraxobu reports that Col. Taylor sod Frank Taylor report that tbe bodies of two men ware found in a box s few days ago near Brushy, on the road from pirclevilje to Baal rop. He also reports that a fnotm an, poorly clad, was shot and kilted the o her day in the road in Baatrop county. - The man, it was thought, had bee, iullowsd and murdered. ' ,. . , ; There is talk of converting tbe upper portion of the block of buildings now oc- cupied by O'Neal and the United States Court a fellow can freeze ut up stairs Or down into a grand boarding Jjciune. The postoffice, to accommodate . tbe north end of the city and to be at the center of pop- ulation, may be moved, it is said, to . the courthouse neighborhood, and then the custom house and postoffice that Hon, John Hancock built in Austin during his two or three terms, is opposite tbe court house. ' A man named G. A. Wiison, and form- erly arrested as Cosgrove, and again known at his boarding places Ter- rell, a sort of bogus book agent, was ar- rested Thursday and given in charge of a deputy shcri ff . Tbe court allowed him to go out with the deputy to get "money or bail, and he ha not . since been beard from. There are many people about town who would gladly see Mr, Wilson, r'aliat Cosgrove, alia Terrell. ,, He is "described in another place. How did thls'-ma- n get sway? A Mr. Wh. Phillips, a Llano merchant, was in the city Sunday and brought the news that the negro arrested for the mur- der of the two women spoken of in Friday's Statesman was taken out and hung from a live oak. Mr. Phillips says the evidence against him was positive beyond all doubt. Tbe deed was one of the most villainous and cruel that has ever transpired ia.Texas, and tbe man that did it deserved his fate, and worse. Death is too good for such de- mons. " .'. !. - M 1 ' No City Hospital. In the last year or two this paper has frequently lamented the absence of a hospital in this city and urged the importance of one being established. A few days ago tha city authorities sent a sick white man out to Wbeatvill to be Cared for by tbe blacks; and we learn that the man has since died. Whjcan'tthe old jail and the court house,- whi n it is va- cated, be fixed up for a hospital ( if' this suggestion, ' often made before.' idat. meet the approbation of omcialsi and' citizens, let some one propose something! else.;'' v! : '! :l nil hi Two Traokdikb. There was. a current report in the oity Tuesday : that ;tr, sheriff of Williamson county stabbed, and killed, a man whose name we could soi learn last Monday, between Georgetown' and Rouad Rock.. "I. ; A bloody tragedy also accarred .last Sun- day at Merriltown between Sam 'Raven and Bud Deen. They had had a, difficulty fast' Christmas which was tbe cause of the pres- ent tragedy. Deen used, a pocket knjfs and gave Raven several cuts, in. the sck; and a severe wound in the tuTe,: which it was feared would cause his dsuhkl-p.,-i ji ' How is tour LrvERl-Ar- e you Jrou with headache, dullness, incapacity to keep . the mind on any subject; diiiy, aleepj or nervous feelings! gloomy foreoodiage, ir- ritability of temper to si bad' tsst is the mouth, palpiution, natiady ' appetite, choking sensation in the throat,' bloating of the stomach, pain in the side or about shoulders or back, cldero xiremitiea7 etc! If jou have any , of; thine symptoms job should go at once jo youridruggiitsr-Mone- y Brothers and get Dr. "(Sherman's Prickley Ash Bitters; the j are the best and most pleasant 4liver," medicine eyeroJTered to the public If ?ou Jon't believe it ttj a sain pi bottle. .... , .L;! Some people imagine thai Vwf ckn pre- vent a railroad from kRuuing' acroM, their land, which remind one of 'the bullion the bridge nat. tri4 rio siLtae track, but not hoisted "gaily Vest" hintse-lf- . There it a State law which (allow railroad aom any man's land, and when a railroad c aaj and the owner of a piece of land over which" It Is necesaary for tbe road to pass cannot agree regarding the price, then all that has to be done is V place the mat- ter in the hands of disinterested citizen, and if theii decision doe not sanction tbe price put upon the Und by tb owner, that put him in for the cost. ' . Fatal ArrnAT at Brooeville. A fatal aftray occurred last Monday at Brookville, in Williamson county, between two mn named Adklnson and Brooks. . Tbe latter had been Roine to see Adklnson daugh ter and Adkinsnn had told him 1 he came again he would do o at the peril of hi life. But nevertheless he calUd, and was mat by Adklnson before he had dismount ed, who knocked htm uff hi horse wit a tone. Brooks recovered from the TsU and rushed cp" a the old man with a knife. making several wounds, when young AJ kinson came to his father's aid and plunged a knife several times into Brook. iolB men were expected to die three dsvs o wbtn oar informant paased through Rrook-vitl- e. " : ': - 8k.nsiiii.e Apvicb. t'ou are asked every dsy through tbe colatua of newspapers aad 1 y joar div''nt to ;ct'hic for dy- - pepsia and. liver' com pi ami that you know nothing about, you get 'dinoursceo tpend-i- k -- ioney with but little succe..' w to give you satisfactory proof that ( treen's August Flower will core, you of jdy jpsia and liver complaint with all it effect, i, Buch as sour stomach sick headaabe,-- b erdtual costiveneas, palpiution of the heart, heart- burn, watr brash, enming up of foo I after eating, low spirits, etc, we ask yoa: ' to go to yonr dniegist, Morley' Bros., and get a sample bottle of Green's Augut Flo ;r for ten cents and try it, or,regnlar rx for seveatj-fiv- e' cents," two 'doses will relieve " ' ; yon. ' ' lii' Xtk Fire at Blanco. Mr. James Austin, driver o! the Austin and Fort Concho stage, report tbat a fire occurred in Blatujo eaty Tuesday night, consuming the conrB house there. The county record were not eared. The Masonic Lodge was in the appear story of the bnilding and everything w a con-nme- The loss was estimated .at about $18, 000. and tbe fire was believed to be the work of an incendiary. ' In the court house the benches and chairs, etc., were aeen to be piled up together, and in the mornine borks and papers and the county seal were fniind some diatanoe from town a the river bank. A petition from the. Blanco peopln has been brought to the Legislature asking for relief. , . . 1. i Attention U called to the ad Tertioe-me- nt of Hollin's Institute, ol of tbie lead- ing female schools of the Old Do minion. It is located in the southwestern i of the great valley of Virginia, ' wh ich, for beauty of scenery, salubrity of climate and health-givin- g mineral, water is un surpassed on this continent... It has., main tained a prosperous career for the period of a generation, and has pent forth a greater number of that class who seek the-.highe- r order of pduiation than any school in Vir ginia. Its pist history is its most' satis- factory guaranty of its future erfta-incy- . It matriculated during the '. past session eighteen students from: Te.ias. ajid.. num- bers among its patrons some of the roost prominent men of this Stare. j i '. i j I ' K il The advertiser, a retiied" "iihvi.ici.kiL. hav ing providentiallv discovered while e, medi cal missionary in South Asia, a vci y sum pie vegetable tcuiea y lor trio speedv n iruiaiient cure of consumption, asthma, .bronchitis, cutarrb, and all throat ami luu Elections aiso a posiuv ana nuiicnt iip xnno Mr nervout debility, premature Jdecaj', and all nervous complaints, feels it his 'Iuty to make it known to bis snfjuring .'fellows. Actuated by this motive be will bterfully spnd (free of charge) to all who ' desire it, the recipe for prepariuii.Jand full directions for successfully using, this providentially discovered remedy. .Those whojwish to avail themselves of tbe benefits of this dis-cove- iy without cost, cau dor; so .by return mail, vy uaaressing with stamp, i naming this paper. ... DR. Charles P. Majishall, . , No, 38 Niagara Street, Buffalo, N. T. '.The ITlodarM TauialntO jt'.T Is altogether . tha opposite 'of- - his great namesake. The latter, as a punishment from the gods for an infraction of iiieir com- mands, was condemned to perpetual thirst, and Immovably fixed in water to Jus clip, What must have been' Lis feelings to see (hat fluid, which more than all tbe world besides, he wanted, within his' report, and he powerless to drink it! What a refine- ment of cruelty must be such & pnuiihirieD now ainerent our feelings t his antitype, who though suffering from sicknerts all tbe time,, having means to meet tha cost of alleviating his ailment, yet deliberately neg lects using the remedies to his recovery. The majority of sickness arises from the torpidity of the liver, and can be dissipated nd prevented by tbe use of that valuable elixir tonic the Home Stomach Bitftes. Liberate the kiuporlitna or tbe Byetena. This can easily be done through the in strumentality of tbe searching blood de-- purent and alterative, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which incites thos? scavengers ol the body, tbe kidneys and the 'bowels,' to vigorous action. Toft first nam-- d organs secrete impurities where such exist from the blood, which would otherwise poison it, and it is the office of the.bowels to carrv off s portions ef the fcrod rejected" during the process of digestion, ard which if retained interfere with digestion and bil ious secretion. , Ubeumatiiq ajta Kout both products of acid' elements in the cir culation, are remedied by tbe Bitters, which ill likewise be found a 'prompt though gentle cathartic1 ' Both kidneys and bowels are itvigorated, aa well as stimulated by this famous medicine, which possesses tonic properties of the highest order. CiRCDLATios. . Tlta Z STAtxaSrA riias never gained in circulation more rapidly than for tbe pasi month or six weeks. The increase to our dally list has amounted, to from twenty to fifty "a week, and thjs'in- - oreas9 has come mostly from the city. So soon aa farmers begin to realize from their present crop,, we shall have, agents out and caake "an" especial tffort"fo run np the country circulation, and shall exert every energy to make the paper more deserv- ing than ever before. - Four hundred new .subscribers to the daily in- creases the receipts of the Statesman one hundred dollars a week, without en- tailing upon 'it 'inf'txfvneiiept' for blank paper, and that amount of money added to what is spent now in running the establishment would enable us to largelj increase the amount of reading matter given our patron and would f justify a far- ther investment in costly telegraphic news. The Statesman could only grow with the city and the country, and now that the pioneer days for jnuroaltsui are over in this locality, we feel safe in promising that tbe Statesman Khali bo greatly iinpr ved aa a live newspaper ' within tbe next few . '' " ' . ;. ; ' Narrow Gacoe Railroads. It' is use- less tor the Statesman, or anyone, to- - at- tempt to prevail upon the people of Austin to build a narrow gauge railroad from this city to Lampasa and the frontier counties tbat done business with this city; but it 1 possible, by presenting some facts now and then on the sabjaot, that capitalist from abroad, may, hav.tjieir at--1 elude to put it through. - Unless, however, tbe road is ' commenced oori; 'It' wQI most likely never be built, as other roads"1 win In the meantime be constf acted tbbe above section, which will remov the nece aity for & road from her westward.. Th Texaa Central Company and the1 people'of Bell county teem dtcrminedt t .build, a narrow gaug-(o- l from Haaroe to and thence on to Lampasas.- - Daring the Lampasas fair two wweka ago, a represen- tative of that road was present and tnade a1 talk at tbe fair on the subject, and consid erable stock was subscribed to, and every thing indicates that, work will cma;ence ere long. It ia n one for h- Statemmx to rg th begins log of road at from hereto Lampata. Xt.woulJL do. no good. "The people, tt least Ihose whd are able to take stock in aa eatfjrie of iht kind. hav practically deoioastraied Uiat tbey have' no foaiaca for ich." tiis;. They will, most Lke!jk regret it People are retnrniog from their sumioer trios North. , p . New corn is now down to twenty five cents a busbel. Butter is. very scarce in the city and com- mands forty cents a pound. From the amount of bagging coming in nine one must anticipate a large shipment of cotfon this season.'" ' ' J Delegates to- - the conffressiooal conven- tion pronounced Austin the livest and most thrifty-lookin- g town in the State. .There are -- sixteen 'car toads of - Iron at Round Rock station, and tracklaying 'from there to Duval will soon commence. No stock of goods 'has been opened as yet at Round Rock station. The business houses are not yet ready.' bnt soon will d Rock is looking up. Thirty housm of different sorts are going np, and 150,000 feet of lumber has been sold in the last five week. - ' i There ia a lady in this city who is the mother of three children, of different ages, and the oldest is but ' twenty-nin- e months old. Her name is well, we have reconsidered." r During tbe past week Treasurer Dor n. has taken up over two hundred thousand dol- lars of Bute warrants. - He has exerted himself to meet all demands and tbe Treas- ury js in a healthy condition. '. ' The new court house is now being roofed, and it is expected the court-roo- m will be finished in time for tbe fall term of the dis- trict court, which meets on the the third Monday in October. ,, ( ... .. Warrants have declined in the last day or two to 90 and 92, and this is ia consequence of the suicidal course pursued by tbeLegisls-tur- e in making appropriations. It is proba- ble they will go down ten cents below this figure within the next thirty or sixty days. Judge R. A. Henson, of San ' Antonio, now at the Raymond House, has recently vieited Bexar, Comil, Hays,. Travis Wil- son, Bell and Milam counties, and tells that there were' never such crop produced, and that corn will not be worth more than twenty cents per bushel. . , .r , The Cost of TcKxriKE Roais. A citi- zen of Ohio gives tho following informa- tion in regard to the building of turnpike roads and their cost in that State, which may be equally applicable an these parts. He says there are thirty-tw- o' turnpikes in his county, from five tf twenty-tw- o miles long, and a total of one hundred and sev- enty miles finished. Tbey are from twenty-f- our to twenty-si- x feet wide, gravelled from sixteen to eighteen feet in width, and to a depth of from twelve to sixteen inches in the middle of the road, and eight 'to ten inches in the edges. The cost of these rohds per mile,. he says, is about $9800, inclusive of preliminary survey, and the interest on ' bonds running from' one to five Tears. ..- ' - . .n .. '. ' In these "pikes" no hill is allowed lover five, degrees (eight and- three-quarte- r feet in', one hundred) ; few, ,1ndeed, are so steep; from two to three. qfes (three and tohe,pi)if to five and OBe-quar-ter fet to cine "hnndredy- - is common Wherelhe coun- try is most rolling or hilly, and the roads are made . by ., assessment upon the lands adjacent ,to the road, not to exceed two miles on either side; assessed according to' tbe benefit to be derived ;V running in amotibt from twenty cents .to three dollars Deracre"ton the lands .only." The assess ment has to be paid to the county treasury as other taxes, and the bonds redeemed, one-fift- h of them' annually, they running five farmers worlc out years. Very many the amount of their assessments, and more, and ' receive the pay from ' the ntriictor at from Z to $3.50 per day for plow and ream- - with man to work' them'; the same for wagon and team. V' . " "u ..7i . ,Th4 ;.writer says that towns, .'aid iin the constructions of tbe roads, voting a tax on themselves of , from $50,000 to a $100,000 for each road touching the ' Corporation. and donating from $600 to $800; per mile to each road. " The writer also assert! that ya load over these hills" for, two-hors- e narro- w-tread wagon, is five thousaad pounds, just double what was hauled over the same roads before their ' improvement, which makes a saving to the' farmer an,d teamster of - in Jho way- - of -- transportation. He then goes on. to argue, the .general Dene fits towns and the countiy, andspeaks espec.allyjOf the wonderful demand, ior lauJ along such roads and their consequent increase in price. The cost of repair is very light, and can' be rTone in the way of each and every man in vtliecounty being required to work one or. two or, more days per-annu- on tbe road s We print the above j with .the view of throwing iU the light pssible? opon- - the cost ; f -- bnird' ing turnpike roads, as there seems to be a gen eral desire for inform.ation.of jjhe Jwnd. We hope to hear of a meeting being called at once for theFdiscassion of 'the subject. amr "have 'faith that our eitiadns'sre atflist awakened to the necessity of immediate act tion... ! '! '.: - nf.i'f.-tn.-TH- in jirol LITEST BV TELEGR1PH, mi ;I t ll !!! 1 1- All l?nxtsi! ot ... . t WAIHIN6TON, KEWt. ,. y. i Washikoton, August 18, A dispatch from - Nashville yesterday - says tha the freight and easVbonnd passenger trains col- lided near.. Raccoon mountain." Injuries ' ' alight'.-- 1 - , A negro who was to nave beeq married last night was fatally stabbed jesterdayjby another leatons. ' ;' '': who was - . Washinoton, August 18. The aeventh- - of ceatetialal excursion icaujfin rated bv tho Virginia Midland route ii regis tered at the National. Hutel lUnder jchargej . . . ITT - a 1 l. a. l 01 u. u. liipiey, tne general soutuern agent. - The party ro t Philaaelphii to oayby special train over tbe Baltimore and Ohio Kailroxa.' Tbe 4rtf -- 4aclHM per- sona from twenty different point in Louis-ia- n v AUtbama and othexi Southers State. Herndon telegraphs to Sherman to ask the Commissioner of Indian 'Affairs to give aim 'permission to raise hundred Pawnee scout. . Sherman sent letter to. the Jn-dia- u twmiiskaer endorsed. "Do von b-- j"Ct f Onmmissiooer Smith telegraphed1 to tiu perintendent Kichotson tOv let tbe Paws hav arm and give them all th aid neceasvr .Secretary Chandler Ha or-- nije.d the commission authorized .by ibef iiMtis appropriation bill to treat .within Sioux. They meet in Omaha on the twenty-eig- hths Recent reports of ladiaft fight- ing are now . wholly dircredited at beati. quarter.- . - -- . . . . .... - ...,., j General Townend report 2300 deserter during th put year and aayt th army, be. ing small and scattered, tber is lmie bar to desertion, except that th deserters may b arrested. . . . . ,. . . . ,',.',,. Washixstow, August The follow inn waa received, tbia afternoon Irooa Hon. S. S. Ox: Rockbridge Alam Sprioga, Vir- ginia. Mr. Adaou and Mr. Sajlor arrived, her thia morning with th casket. The rtmains of Mr. Kerr are embalmed, and the escort will leave for Washington this even- ing and arrive there at 7 o'clock in the muming, aad thence by first trsi foe th . . fit, pfc I. i if ' WAsnTS0T02E.Aucust2I. Vice President 7erry !! accoiapaay th remaiaa f Mr. KrrrtrSew Albaay, Indiana, ' - ' VAt-aisoTo- Au?TU,t 19. The rreaideoi ! left Hastiioston to-da- y fvr Lotig iiraact Sen4 BKHJitur of th Cabinet are alQ abacuu Capt. Bancraft Gheradi, of the United Stetes navy, has lieen suspended for two yearj for punishing seamen contrary to la. P it InspetfV-pttl4ins-wfl-A- n dnty-a- t Sau Fruc:S:-- when his clerk,. PurniT,.l-scoiide- d with frovernaent funds. . He. has be"ii dismmed lr."m irvic--- . P.iy Inpt.-cto- r James X. Carpenter,, of the navy, baviu been found guilty of neglect of ucy, is feupcaded from rank and duty for five years. ... - Wasui.ngws, Auuat ?2.-i-T- remains of tne late Speaker Kerr'arrfved her at 7 o'cb'C this morning, accompanied by Ham- ilton, Siylor and S. S. Cox Mr Adams, clerk r t!ie II use, was with Mrs. Kerr and ucr son. M. Kerr bid nga verse to any display, his remio1 were" not laid in state as had beencontarplatd.--T- h oody waa so much emaciated a to be almost be- yond recognition. TJiejLny wttt,ib body left here tout vkJ .t;at;L, party t including V'ice-Pie.ide- D vfrraad fethr distinguished gentlemen, f jr Nl-- 'Albany. The funeral takes place.Tbucsday.-- , w Negotiations for the liew' treasury loan will not be concluded f.,- - DO.TIKSITIC NRWV .it .1 Columbia, August 17. following is the address in fait of Gen: Wade Hamp- ton, just delivered before the cooveotio : Mr. Prtn'uUnt and GentUmfnd'Ccep-in- g the honorable post to wtiich yuan. v called me, tbat of your standard r in the preat struggle for reform which you uae b gun, I do so with the most grateful appreciation of your kindness and the most profoond sense of the high but the grave responsibilities pertaining to tbe position. In the better days of our country, when the nureat fnutsport 'to official tatiov were found 'in the ability, the honesty nd th integrity of her public servants, the m-s- t distinguished sois of South Carolina looked upon tbe chief. magistrate of tbe Staje a-- , the gQal.otJheir highest ambition,' aud tbe best reward of their public services. If men, of whom S uth Carolina is justU proud, held in such deserved estimation the Uesire of being thought worthy by their fellow- -citizens of the highest office in the gift of tbe State in the days of her prosperity and peace, bow much more highly would 1 esteem the honor you have done me by calling me unanimously to lead you in this hour of gloom and peril. You are striving for the highest stuke' for which 'a people ever contended. YjU are striving to get back to jour prostrate State the inestiniabv blessings which can only follow orderly and regulated liberty under free and good We-;- ; believe, that these tness ings can only be secured by complete change in the administration of our public artnrs, National and state. Believing this. our sympathies and our interests lead us naturally and iuvariably inio un. alliance with tfiat Jieatfparty hp'-- whose' banners ; V k." J l t-- . are incrioeu warenworus 01 democratic reform, gooa govertiment, a hard money and home rule, xou nave indorsed and rat ined tbe platrorm of the Democratic party accepter! at Dt. L.ouis, ana placing your- selves firmly on that, you look forward hopefully aud conridently to victory, in which you will not only share, but to which you' will have contributed. Tbe platform . which .. i..yu have adopted here is so catholic in its spirit and strong in its foundation,' so broad in its construction that every man in South Carolina who honestly desires reform can find room to stand upon it. With such a platform, and when citiznns of all parties and races can rest assured ol equal rights and full protection, you can surely bring back to our distracted State great blesnnjs of good government,-an- d for myself, should I be elected to the high pssition for which vou have m initiated me, e assured that iny sole eff rts shall be to restore our State government to the Democracy, to honesty, 10 economy, to in tegrity. I shall be the Governor of tbe whole people, knowing no pt.riy, m iking no vindictive discriminations, holding the scales 'Of justice with firm1 and impartial hands, seeing, as far as in me lies, that the laws are enforced and juMica tempered by mercy, .protecting all classes alike, and de voting every effort to t he restoration of pros perity and the of government. i Thanking you, gentlemen, for the honor you have conferred upon me, and invoking the blessing pt,,.Uod on your praiseworthy effort to redeem our State, I pledge myself to work with yon in tbat sacred cause with all the zeal all th6 energy,'-al- l the ability, and all the constancy of which I am capabre.Vl HrX . ' I t " I Sa Francisco, August 17. A -- bark from Manilla reports that it fell in with a Japanese- - junk when -- she left Hanckadi, November i'Sand that-- ouly two of the crew were alive, seven died of scurvy. Mystic, Conn., August 18. The Peace Society passed resolutions bpposing the re' turn of tbe Indian Bureau to tbe War De- partment, and denounce 'tbe invasion of the Black Hills, and charge tbat tbe Indian war was-force- tpotr tbe Indians so as t prevent a reduction of the ariny;' demand an investigation of many of the enu- merated ;:outrages bytbe military upon the Indians; declare that the death, ot Gen. Custer was a just retribution fot thenlatlshterof fnendlt Indians: comment on congressional investigations of the war and navy departments; urge universal am- nesty to ex Confederates; and the removal of the army from .tbe, Indian .country. Zachariah Crouch presided- - (luring the ses-io- n of two days, 2000 persons attended. A heavy rain fell tbroug'uout yesterday, but did not materially interfere with tbe pro- ceedings, i ii 7T:. :v:r: .m.i;i New York. Angrjst 21. The employees of the New York and New Jersey Railroad Company, comprising engineers, conduc tors, brakesmen and trackmen, struck yes terday morning, and since that time trafhc over th rbad has been entirely 'suspended. The strike was caused by the of four' months wages. ATso" the protest-in- g oTfcsff?thfc company given men for pavment'pf ttheir; wages for four months' prvhiods.U W lis Leavenworth, Kansas, August 21. A terrible storm passed over a portion of Western Missouri Saturday. It damaged t he corn along the Chicago and Rock Island railroad. il uatikotox- - West., Va., August 20. Saxnuti 'Camden,' a iegro arrested on the charge of rape, was taken from the Bour-bonvil- le j til by a body of masked men this nioruing and hanged. '- - . - -- ' eW,!Tor, TAhgust al. The PotCt financial' article says that Wnty continues easy; gold, heavy; foreign exchange fiim; United States bonds lower; stock lower than it closed Saturday. 1 SCNBCUT, JA.AujiUst 2t-r-- L. Io- nian, ol this place, was unanimously nom- inated by the Democratic convention f Congress from this district. . ; New Orlkass, Aogr' 21. General Har- ry T!II-i?si- dead,' seed 56 years. Judges Cotton Dibble and Walkfr delivered eulo-- ties on Attorney General Field and General Htys, and tha superior d strict court ad journed out of mutual respect for the j ' 'i '3 J Nbw York, August 21. Tbere were frosts last night at Port Jervis, New York, and Milford, Pennsylvania. i New York, August 20. Tbe Twenty- - sixtn Lxdge, Knights of Pythias, leave here ' join tbe aunnal . parade -- in Phttadeina-Tuesday-i'"- "' - i 'Ihe ctnrtit:on ol ii. U. neweu, Detter known as Orpheus ;C. Kerr, yesterday ap- peared to be precarious, and doubt were entertained aa to hi recovery. ' CiscajTArx. vicr.stt- - 19. A special to tbe Enquirer, dtted St. Louis, Angnst 15, aya mat a Dallss, Texas, special state that aboat 1 o'clock to-da- y two robber en- tered tbe office of the State Saving Bank, on Msin street, jumped over tbe counter, and commenced an attack on . IL Graber, president of tbe bank. After felling him to the floor by a blow on the bead with navyi iTCTOlver, ' they neipsa tneat- - eelve to what money they could ana. MTben an alarm waa raised they ran into an alley whertf their homes were bitcbea ana rode off. Mr. Graber state tbat tbe los will not exceed two bond red dollars. He has off-erc- a reward of five hundred dol lar ao4 tMttsi have increased tbe amount to fifteen hundred for the captor of the robber. ; ,ir-T- . Lock. Angnst 19. Tbe Kansas CSty (M l) Tif published letter porpome w be '. from Jess Jam, de--' cjuig . be had asyttung to do wab th Atlantic trim hbtery, and glviogtbe name cf t a' pr.muteni citizen L Jack-te- a county, no be ; t can testily b stw and talked with them on the morning followirg tlm roobery. St. Paul, August 19. Sitt:ug Bull. July 27. replies to Major Mitchell, Fort Peck : -- Te!t trim I am coining before long to his post to. htm I did not commence (.ne war. w aua gcttBig old 1 hat 1 diti not want to fight, but the btt ru.-ne- d ou ine and I compelled to defeud my- self; that but' for the soldier stationed on J, I, with my pe ple, would have betm tiiMfs. b Jnrc- - Thar if I surrender to prouci 'u of Th Great Father, I wou:d g t.f Fort Peck for the purpose of mxkmg peace. I and other chiefs want the B.ack Hii-i- abaudoneil, and we will make peace. Mediciue Ctoud estimates the hostile at fruueighutrten Abyusand fighting men. TIr-- re rrrig entirety ou nieat, which is hard to close proximity of ire whites. Tne hostile bamp is now OttToUjue, RJaef.jtouri o the Yellow- - Stftn. ' t 'Nrw'TrbRK. 'Airgast 19. Th-- ? Tammany and executive committees jnet.yesteNlay to; arrange difficulties. No resnit. .C.UrBsxox,. Anust Tbe Galvestoa Prounce Exchange is thoroughly organized and ly invitation of the Texas Central Bailioad will make an excursion to Dnion, leatfhg Kere Monday' at 3 o'clock. Tbe excursion party will stop at the principal trepVitj on their return, traveling by special i nun, aud .stopping at Dalla on Tour.-- d night. The agents of the Exchange are lor business. Nkw Orleans. August 19. Col. A. P. Child, Attorney General of Louisiana, died to-da- y, aged seventy-si- x. Cheysaxs, August 22. All but twenty-seve- n of the TJte Inrtians who leftFort Kettermao after he i tig feasted" atfri armed have deserted with theif arms,' which were furnished to light Sioux. Pbkscott, W. T., August 22. The fol- lowing is announced-officiall- y t ilaptain Pofrer.CJB'gbth'JlnUnU-y'hBde- r inatruc-- i tious from General Kouize, commanding the Department of Arizona, left camp Verde. August 12, with a detachment of the Eighth Infantry'1 and fifteen Indian scouts in pursuit of a hostile party of Apaches, which had left San Carlos reser- vation and committed depredations ppon settlers in northeastern Arizona. Capt. Por- ter, commander, 'struck the renegades thirty miles north of of Verde, and immediately attacked them. After a severe fight of sev- eral hours the Indians were defeated with a loss, of seven- - bucks-killed- ,' Vnd.-tw- wo- men and 1iv chilli n captured; and' Por- ter's casualties were one Indian scout badly wouoled..'.- - He! js stitt pursuit ot the Indians and will probably capture or kill the whole party.- - Dayton, Ohio, August 22. Governor Hayes 'declines to interfere in the case of Murphy v. sentenced. o,be, hanged, .for tbe tnur''U?r of CoC Dasjuaj last gep'ember. Richmond, Va., August ''i. Hillany Page, a negro known as the 4 Chesterfield Fire Fiend," uuder sentence of death for a wswtt,. attempted escape from the jail yesterday By throwing a pail of water m the face of the jailor, and grappling with him while he was blinded. All the prisoners in jail, somn .thirteeii, , were ic the lilot, but the attempt wai: frustrated Dy tbe iailoBL r ;"! . J ...vtt . Long Branch, August 22. The follow- ing is just received from the President: "It is with extreme pain that the President announces to the people of the United States the death of Speaker Kerr, of the House of Representatives. Hon. Michael C. Kerr,-- : of ! Indiana, " a ' man of great intellectual .endowments,, large culture, great probity and earnestness in his devo- tion to the public, has passed from tbe po- sition of power and usefulness to which he had been recently called; the body over which he had- - been selected , to preside, not being in session to render its tribute 'if affection and respect to the memory of the deceased, tbe President invites the people of the United States to a solemn recognition of ; tbe -- public and private worth and the services' .of 'a, pure and emi- nent character., i .j'i.r, u '. ii,j.-- l'lV?" - ' (Signed) TJ. S. Grant. By the Preside : t v"-r.- rif John L. CApwALtApR, actjing 'SecreV tary of State.: .' : - Washington, Angrtst 21, 1876." ''v Boston, August 23. The ' echoouer G'. K. Hatch, from Havana, has a c.ise of yel- low ever on board tnd s detaiued at the quarantine. - -- FORETOir NEWS. London. August 17. The Scottish na- tional memorial to tbe late Prince Consort was unveiled in Edinburgh this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Her Majesty the tjueen, who performed the ceremony ST" inauguration, arrived in-- Edurh,-acertmpaine- d By the uune ot Uonnaugbt, rnnce Leopold and Princess BeatricarThert was no official reception of ceremony on 'their Arrival? but at three o'clock in the afternoon ber Maj esty received an address enclosed in a gold and silver casket from the magistrates - and coiiacri-a- t Holyrood Place 1 ( London, Atgust, 17.Adispa,tcB jft.nm tie I grade to the standard, says that a war manifest 'Will be issued by Prince Milan to-da- declaring that Servia and Montenegro will hgbt together to the last man ; rTbe. 1 pntg ;orre8poh4ehtf,Ragti'aa.srj- - nounces me report oi tue severe neieat ot tbe Turk at Kuci confirmed. According to the Montenegrin account, Mo hammed .Pasha with 20,0Q0 men advanced into tbe'raviDes'of Kuci on Monday. H's irmv was attacked on all sides, routed and pur-de- by Montenegrins from' Med on to Pokigoritz, wtii-r- n the Turks were pr'itect-- d hy Ubtiif 'artillery' estimate, tbe lurkjsri loss at To000. Ko doubt this' 'gravest 'disaster of the war. . The' Piinai'i Psns dispatch says that tbe rumor of the resignafioi Tif pen'Dtj-Ciss- y and' appointment 6T Gen. "Bortbout as minister bf war W'b'fficTatly confirmed..'!','; '" London, August 17. The Timet of to-- J o ay says oeiruou, up geurrat oc, jjTiaion of infantry, was one pf fb4 hiost'oipsll officers in tbe army, aud as he fsVof a mem- ber of Parliament, his selection itonfirms tbe jrinciple of making the war department -, rt'"'''tl Paris, August 17. The Russian telegram tgency, in reply to speeches made in the Engl sb House of Common, lately,-t- o tbe eflect that Knssia was atrongerin 1853 than f she is now,' says tnat tbe Gaulou shows that Russia, who, in 1833, bad an army of 600 000 men, now has 1,340,000 as a. peace armament, and 2,500,000 men injime of war. Bklokadjl, An rust 17. Official dis patches received here state tbat on Tuesday 50,000 Tarks attacker! ColantilochU' "posi tion on tots side f Klieaouia-deBi- n. ana after severe flvbrine. lastinir from 10 a. v. till 4 V. x , the Turk were repulsed with treat loss. Jxjkd n, August 18. A dispatch 4o Km-- ter Teleicrabbic Comnany, from ' Pans, Mvetbat Oon. reaipnati-- of tbe War Lrepartment was not voluntary,' : as President MacMihon rrqnested it. This cs tion is construed to mean tbat tbe Presi dent wishes hi war. rn'iuistryt be7 no longer subject to parliamentary vicinsitndes, and change during recess. I be selection of Gen. Ben i. out, who is not a ni'-mb- of. Parliament, eicite coosidcrablc comment, particularly amnst tbe Republican organi zation of ta . tv a dJe teat ; aanl tna larce eitjnsion of the powtsrs of the chief general of "staff, is Shortly exbmed, in con- sonance witb the views "of puk, D'Aodif-frct- , which Gen.' Bertbont sbare. It u ex pected taat Geo- - aCisey will be asalened to one of the great military communis at tb artroachiDg periodical crmnge of those " " posts. . 1 as .e A corresponoent ot to aauy 3-- t write from Fhillipoli, under date ef AOcrast 11. that the condition of th Tarkisb army of tscn . is ,pepiorriirv -- n4r starvation ra threatening them. The country around does not afford supplies of forage. Be tween crie and S.fro the village are abandoned. Tha army will soon b obliged tu advance, into the, Servian, territory ,or ojiplies or retreat., i 4,. Throcgn. tha efirU ei Mr, Shovler. of tbe American legation, tb reTeas of all prisoners, except those in tb first category, lias bei ordered, v . j :'";;... A diopatch to tb 7tv frota Beigrsdi say tliist frirwe Jlilan ha received several, j If not fnm all tbe powers, cougrstnlauons upon ue tiirtb of an heir, ail of which enain ex preoaiom leave r drobt in tbe mini olT the rrioc tbist the puwor stsds-airott- of tttisg to tad of th war, which is daattfmtit to the general peace of Europe.' Los cox, August 21. A Bcmaa corre- - Fpondent nf the Stimrfird sayr a dispatch frop At!:ns tbstaLnusurectioo has broken wit at Rftemo, in Crete. Raaavic tvauie Patha left Guergusovatz ani to Gramada, from Gnimada here, idthns toward Atexiwitav "His vao- - I sut1 attacitttd thre bscvian-- ' battalions Friday, and drove them at Azreu luoua-tain- . Ti e headquarters are now ten miles from Alcxina;x. will surely fall. ' Paris, Auaut 31. Intelligence received hex state mat .!. Euipctur ' of Morocco hat. declared bia inability to send his cus tom M-- eatw'Kiy tc' the Saltan -- Ttf Tm key, owing t.t a heavy draft on his rources caused by a repression of disturbance in his own dominion. " London. August 19. Private advice from 'Lisbon announce' thai: the, government has isued a ' decree for suspension of all engagements for two months, cons quently the flaancial crisis is considered over. This arrangement gives the embar-rae- d banking josMtntkns time. to de- termine.! the Jesfc coarse to .adopt. I Liqui-ilatio- o. however, seems unavoidable in many case. Paris Augu" 19. A sabre duel in Bel- gium, between Pcndy and Chardeon, well known Communist refugees took place to- day. One received six gashes and the other eight. Both fainted from the loss of blood. Ttuy had accused each other of robbing ' the Commune. Bayrelth, August 19. There were five hundred persons present at the battjuet last .night, given, in- - hoaorpf Jletr -- W r. After makfnsr' speech" which wa loudly applauded, Herr Wagner was crown- ed with a silver and laurel wreath. London, August .22. A Turkish official dispatch from' Nissa reports tbat tbe Otto- man forces defeated the Servian near Alex- ins' z. The Servian loss is heavy. Vienna, August 22. Prince Milan, in spieu yt the war .party .to th contrary, ha received a communication from England with considerable favor, and he is person- ally inclined toapply to the powers for me diation. London. Angnst 22. Mr. DisraRli has 1 his farewell address to his' Constitu- ents, by whom be baa been returned to tbe House of Commons continuously since 1847. He says: Throughout my pnblic lite I have aimed at tw chief .results not to r lie1 insensible - to the' principle of pro- gress. I have endeavored to reconcile the chsnge wiih that respect for tradition which is one of the main elements of our social affairs.' I ' have' endeavored to de- velop ana strengthen the empire, believing that the combination of achievement and responsibility elevates rhe, character and condition of the people." Bki.gradk, August 22. An official dis- patch received here claims that tbv Turks were repulsed twice Monday, despite their numbers. They were unable to approach tile fortifications of Alexisvitz and only succeeded in burning some Christian London, August 22. A dispatch to the Rente- - Telegraph- - Company from Semlin says it is stated in well informed circles that the Servian Prime Minister R stis re- cently interviewed Mr. Hariz- fT, the Rus- sian representative ' at ''Belgrade, on the eleventh inst., in which he appealed to the generosity of tbe Russian government to permit Russian. officers and soldier to enter the Servian ermy. He also asked for pecu- niary assistance, as Servia has determined tocontii ue tlm war. The Russian governr incut has replied, granting the above re- quests under certain conditions. In conse- quence of the arrangements the Slavonic commissioners in Russia cotmucnccd to send funds in' large amounts. '.Russian of- ficers and sub-office- rs in parties , uf ten reach Belgrade daily, passing through Roumama unhindered, - The" ufiitiers give thoir services srratrjiWHisly.' v ' '; , , "Utb,. August .., Ti ,wTlie pieliminarv work of the International xhiMtion.'to be L u , ca I : 1. :"L; ':.? .1 .T .''i;.. ' ueiu iu ioio nap uecu umiiuciceu, -- J ' ' ime;ti;;iii,liiX?n';,K Gaiveston. August S2, Gold WM&hlH: Silver 1 per cent, discounts par.' , Cotton quiet ;'n lea 94. bales t good mid- dling, 12.1-ic- ; middling MKb-- l low middling tit..1 a . t - tAt". iijc; goou oruuiary iuac.,, .. ,, Nkw Yquk, August 22. Stocks dull and unsteady. Money is offered at 2 'per cent. Gold 110". Excliange-lo- Bg 4.88;,short 4.90.", Governments dull but a little'-better- State bonds quiet; Tennessee and Virginia new better. y " .... Cotton quiet; sales 1049 bales; upIariuslSicj uneans is c. ' mi,.. - The Ponf financial article says: Gold llljg tfjjiii . iLtXcnange nrin .ana,, advanced. Money 1 percent, and abundant. - Govern ramtlaflnti. ...... ... . ..l.t . nnn. ffn. 1 1'' l.t u.. ' ' miu .1 jua JQKi UiUtl. XaferrMoney .dnllat perceut. Gold quiet at 110ymo,J... Governments dull but better. ' u , - - - ' t ; New; Obleans,' Augii8t'2. Gold 110JJ; sight Ji" per cent premium. . . Sterling 5.42. Cotlon-Oemau- d, limited; prices easier; 8alerW.V bajes;' good ordinary' '9giiOJ.c; low middling 10,?8lllc; -- middling ii-8- c; goou miauiing i4fflpMc;, receipts' net, 32 bales; exports noue; stock on hand, ol, (48 Dales, h,,v.( v, vtrxi - j t. .! it, i ..Foreign ; Warfcota.',.- -' LrvRPodL,'August23. NoOn-Cot- tbn mar- ket dull and easier; middling uplands 6 1- rjd; uxnxuiug vrneans sales ouisi rmies. u2as': :; OAHD. rlh 1 Win.' . T6 ill' who' are suffering from tue errors and ' ladls- - or ions or youtn. utuo weakness, early, decay, lose of manbi-to-t- , etc., 1 will Send a recipe that will curtf you, rKHB CuABQa. This great mnvdy - misauuutif iq bouui America. o j uu rru kuuivh i u.veiope tv toe r.BT. osapj i, Inha, Station D, UM Uoum, A Turk City, ... aprledeodawSm DEATH TO THE SCREW t. Bnrhsn'i Crell Ointment win mil the "Tew Worm every tiam, and otre iwoi Hot In Sheep and Cattle. ; HurbawtaiCrajwylle mWp Mrp 1 ahWaUlble remedy for the Scab In Sbeeu; being soap, It peae-- tratoe at oac ZD th akin and kflla the Scab. ' Buehao'a Caibolle Dlslireiwg Roap cures i rlanarwto llore, Itotr, nd tiastlo, aad Kills a.lre, fleas and Tick on all animate. Be t,ure JAS.'BV'CHAS Mm pperi'on the labela". AIT others are counterfeit and worthleaa. Ii, WJI, PKIDBBH, , 'Pbiucipai. Dxror; Jel5.deodwSm . 83 Job sc., Hew r.Tork. A G:3 worth Reading! A Di-- ucl worth "BeeuiI SAVE YOUR EYESI 7 Waav-i-W- WAnw XOOIAJJ. W J WlaiaV SWAaAAW h '4 TulOw'AfrHrfl-reCHCLE- S., i By featdlnc mr Illwa-- ' I travtcd FIIV10LOOY I ii'mvriii i H1BIISHT. Telle r tow m assesere impair- - rtl Vision mud OvarwerkM A.) J beer ' tocwre Weak, tVerjr, (mflaaaed,amel Near-8lgt- F.yes, a4 all tmec OU-eaees- wf the Kyr. ' ' wMsr wo hobk vnttcr BT Atsjvsrmj mot rvvR nose akd dis- - FtGUBlVO TOtin F.lCg Pmaavklrl mt 10 paftva Matleaf Fr , Seixt yrwaar aoalri tea o also. ( L , Agents .WantetS, , Heats r Ladles, ti ta Sifts day I tall pertlra ra seat fr e. Wrtte hwtdbwely, DR. J. BALL at C0n rp.a bo bk, ' ; 59.8lLibertT6t,irIorkCty, I.X. , PB 8 ALB A e fwootr'e Cot tne Frees complete. hy A. H. KOBJJIeON b4. UKSdatw4t i , - - XTOBG AN LINES,. xjtAi v xi 3 jl -i.- -a To IVasw Orlosvnsj, - 2V , a.nt lndlanola. - ' To 3NT- --- Orlea Tl I net ale Itnu, Brasbaar an Hi KB' Loafaaaaa aa Texaa Ha 11 ram al. steamers of this line are ail arm -- ' Inn a at unahlpa. belit cxpreaely for the trad. Steamers leave (niveau for new oneaaa dauj laneetin via Kn Orleans wtrh all railroad. v Leave Geiveeioa for ladiaaoia averv Teas is v Thareday and 8atardsy, maner nnf wtta th 6lre to, w eet 7 exas aa raoac naiiroaa lot ta Interior pointa. i i - ' .' - gtiasiiiia lueie iiiBBiiaai n mew lam tmmj w iay, carry u rr urataaly. ? Pa ucAeta and umaik kill dlae slim to aB priampal potat saatat the ii aaai rasae. .: . i . . (. . rvsus. s wit ' ' Cestral Wsarf, GeivtrKoa. TVjtat SV tt T a, alt. . . a M dSwt . 8wd On tHaller - ttm P re Enrtoa al iEBO'S-BICTIOM- I il 1 Cantatas VI ortia. buie of f all are. Xao-e- of JSnn r. aad m a e ; IJJ. iborr iaisiae W erda, A'ar-aae- . twilM.Ae, from iae Orr aoe t ea.aee) to iteorra Lstus ge. Mw-a- co 1 ars, Uiit JuLjaak Uy IO.Itp!gIl,S. . : iTICX. BLAKEM A i. TATLOH A CI- - sag: aim U ami H iarsod at, ftew lark. Statical. TAKE Sff MONS'S LIVER KEGULATOR, For ill l'fv tif Um X9t, ttomen aa I SplsMa. Will Cure XypeplM, I MUST OWK that yoar Bimnoui'i Urar Krjrolator ' (nlly dewm tk popolart- - ty U has atiahwd. As a tmamj dl.a It aa b aqval. It 'carad my wife ot - a aiAlwij I tut nrnaiad ta-.- - - eatable thu. oUbaa-u- r - or s.aricaa peofdo, Vy- - i - A. . P ALBtRT. i ProtmortaNkholuPaV . . Uc school, Pui of Tarn.. boM,La , 'MnlMrloxtss Fervem, . ; Yia arc at liberty to aM my a bm te prals or year Hegalator a prepared by yo. aa rwooUM R to mrnry on as tb bM pravemiv tor fweraad Agatta the world, I piaal In 8euUweetera Qeorgia, aeer Georgia, aad aiit ay tbat tt aa oa ator goodoaaiy plantation anancav. aefroae, taaa any medicine I ever used; It rapeneds qtitala tf take lntline. . " Voors, etc., Boa B. B. BILL, be. ( ' , CHILDREN. Toar tUfalator 1e vnporlor to any other remedy for i Malarial DiMSiee among Children, i and It has larfi sal ta this rc- -' ttoa'bT KJeoivia. W. X. RCH-- ! . StLL, Alknay. Oe. ""'L t . 0utlia(lo. TBWIMOST U?,T1W CKlM JTTICOF QOB GlX 1 h?e aetd Simmoiu's LtTur KecaUtor far conrtlpetiou of my bowel, caused b a temporary de-- raiifrimenl of tbe liver, for ih last rare or four yetrs.and always, when seed according to th dtreo tlone, with derided benefit. I think it If a good medi cine fur tbe dersnguineni uf the liver at least sack has bnen my persona! ozpenenre In the use of It. UtHAM WARNKR, Chief Justice of Georgia. "" "Hlcflc'lleadaohe. . .. .i BDITORIAL "W have tested Its 1 vlrtiee personally, and know that for 1 lyepepeia, Btlloo-ne- s and Throbbing I Headache- - tt is the "best mxU- - i Ctn tbe I werM - over eaw. ' Wi ' i have tri'id forty ether remedies before a Bunmone1 Uver Befraiaior, lint nocft of them gave ns more ibaa temporary ' ' rcllf j but the KegalaUir not only ' . i relieved, but cored n. ditor Ttl- - ' yrapK aiui Meumgtr, Macon, tie. . Having had, daruur the leet twenty years of my life, tost ea t to racing- Mock, and having had eo much trouble with them with colic, grnhb-- , etc, gsve me a great deal ef trouble; bavlug heard or your Regulator sa a cure for the above diseases, I concluded to try It, AftHr trying one package In math. I fouud It to ear in every instate. .It U oal to be tried lo prove what I have said in Its praise. 1 can send ye cartiaeate from Augusta, C hiton and Macon, as to tbe cure of norsee. : o UEUHUI WAYMA, M. on. Qa.. Julr 4. 1H7H. . i iySTdendAiMy ST.: LOUIS' ! BUSINESS HOUSES UXtHO TBXA TB1S1. 1 : AQt Ayn BAGGWQ.' ;. " H L. CH IME, rta.s or'aTl kiode for grain,' Sour, e. . 8 and W) If. Main 8 1 COMMiSSlQN ML&CkA'XTd. ' ' GABTWRiflRT dcfO- - ComiaUsiAa HMhants Wool. 4 rain. 1W8. Com '1 k 1 TlKUKaA. A CO., Comruinainn, Cot on. Fkxir.On .ta.Tebacco.Hlili.-- s Ac. UN Ma nSt I W. KICKS tc ( 0.. boleoale duaiera U ITult wane Prod oca. 1M Walnut St. V 1. CiLilOVS A (t)..Cottin racUiraeVCom' ila Grain, LualWHlilea Wool. kwCom'l SKTKR fc C- O- Cotton Faotort tin N. Mala St. IV X. R. BfcALL tc ill., Ujtton Fsclora aud It a (.'omailaHlonM erchsn ta 18 8 (Commercial bl. : Ukr goods'. " " SAW'tC. BAtW Cfnleai:eTGooill Avenne and Firth bt. WOY. .. SMdOIBOnSTOEK.lS07N.M8t. Iroa.Meel, Ac. So LIVE' STOCK' COMMISSION. ; BEASLET BROS..IJvr Stock Commission Her Nat'l Stock Tarda, Jaat bt. Louis. III. Hl'KTaB. DVA.NS S CO., Mve Kloi-- nuuis. Na'l Btoch YarOa, IU. STATlOl)&a ... LrrOHs BT.TTHStaMoners, Printers and M'Prs. Preprletort of Uw Uiani. plon V iolct Copying and Record Ink. tlKHWa St. KANSAS CITY BUSINESS HOUSES SESKUrO) TZX.1 TB.ADS. j AGRICULTURAL 1SWLEUENT3. rflRCXBULL, BETJtOLDS tt ALLCK. BD and A. A 'yl Implement house, attend 411 W aliiut t. MEDtSAL AXD SURGICAL ISSTfTUTET DEFORM AT1ES awf Clironir Dseaaee treated, Dn. tlicaaraaa e aiark. M IMUwaia su 'STOCK YARDS r LIVE STOCK COATS."- - THK KA.TSA8 RTOflC TASDR, the moet rore-- 1 uiodlous In tbeMo.TalleyL.V. Murae. Supt, IT INasBEKfTl UlkB CO.. K amies Stock Vda A Kanaas Otty.Mo. National Ho,- - Yanls. ! Kt. Louie, III. Soeclaliy uudeuf Blooded Cattle. DOWEKS. Bl ALAMO.. Live Stoik t . slon Merchants, Kansas Stock Yards. J. II. WELLS & CLAY, . Opposite Bi emond's Bank, Pecan St., .. Practical Gunsmiths, W-- w. Dealers In all kinds of fire-ar- sad rom oaitlos Oshing tackle, etc., etc. All kind' of repairing douc st suort notice. . uui wora warrsntrai or no cnarge ' .; M-- i . I. -- .iris wir . , : ' ; AMhfl LL01D, ;l I (!-. I ' Austin, Texa? , . ; ; ( ' ' Tendsct hH eervlee to tha sahne a -- i Closner and Ketdjntr of all Eiaala ol Sewlsg naeuiaa, .. .... .. , Satisfaction raaranteed oa all work or ao nav. Hee. tdeno west aide of Saosl creek, asar Cannlnghsml - auiass ip RLLNGTON RON WORKS, ..ii ll ' i : : 'i; Austin, Texas Bavin Sbtten oar Ponndrv and ST ac hlnere la anera. uen, we are prepares uansu siao or t ' BB1M mm IBwIf CASTINGS (or BKOlftBS, Asrw WBSf liUI, 1 , CU SKABIS6, TUBtaJBSIKatS ; r Tl Keep on hand sooply of tesss n. skUtoU, Steam tttings aad ptpiag. Fitting S AH Kind of Ifscaiaaryrj wood Style, lad oa abort Wotica. t All W oz-Is- v W xx'sjrs.tasl Cash e IMtvary, or City Astept. Tfe eTls-wo- a P siitot rrte talel (wr AS Uraaa ae Ilea. D. 12. Cromtliwalt myU ly ROANOKE COLLEGE, SALEM, VLR-uri- Be t aasa'iim Weias Sept. C CWVaiste ed Prepar atory eoarera. Lasarpeaeed loretlwa. aehhy, moaa-tai- n cUoMta. swanal canoes it v. maeWsa eapmeae. Prem ties to for tea moothe Oacladlxg aoani, lailioa. etc . etc) College quite prosperoas. Scaaeat from all SMtoaaof tha St free Texaa. Foe r taOo MSk. saav. addree Secretary e Pacaitv. Bas-po-ka Coiiaaa. Sal a. Va. Jvl aVsasAerla ' j ohn Mcdonald, irtkltect, Contractor and BtLUer, ...... ;i anddealaf ts ':;.- .: - ' - Lcxbek, Sash, Dooms, JSauax, Glass, Crasaat, Plaatar Part. Farr. Pahrtar aad Plamrier ataurnUa, Ld. !ec, blase, (vatveataed troa, SbeeV uue. Tie rM aoaevar, roofs iu, area aaa Slat, plant (aothte aad On stsseataL Jfaaafacxaiar of Ctmcncm, Doom, BsACSurTs, Wwdow sjtd t ; . Duos Cats,' op O alvaxizkd Iko. - Oa-e-- ei Dr. WeoteaV Tl aad Canalee Shop and H areeuaasa, hem alei rSMostn Mt, aaaeoaaeaens of Pacaa su rt. .... lrKdlyc a. ISO tfc. to O. T. EOWEU. m CO.. 5ew York. . . . . W W. ( - w. w,U.w IIHI .19 Bl oAJV rm oust of aa avatkg. Mlscellancons. ,OR SALE. . tMrm of tss scree, with an the UcimsaiiU, ra Have conaty one mile east of the Bianco rive. T5)l?ZLl?'?rlll,mm'mi rs- - dwelllBg boaee. wua oetaooM aad ciaUre; fiT i2'il"b, "d Metare, SM acre dinted pastarea; a nice yeesg MSaacefucabeep. Call oa M. K bWkigT? 1? "V Travis coanty! Uree-foen- h of a mil from Moeat Boaaall; six acree la calUrauoa; good aoaaa, apleadld spring aad ebaadaae ot aa batldlBgrock aad Umber. A berniacaa be bad by applying to M. B. bAT. M7 tent, as aora farming land, with tmprov. meat, piaaty of wood and water, aoe paetara. v sole west from Austin, hi Travia eoaaif . : los acree of Wad. with stock aad Improvement, la Beaaalspe neanlj. el mile 4 from Klageoery eellwn station, Bear to chare aad,- - school boa; aa Sar 1SB acr. wttk aB th taHOMt. tw frm Cgia, oo ike Central ftaaroad, i Bastrop eoaa-ty- . Ceil and get bargai. acree rat mad Is Bastrop coanty, one arvfl half miiea Sam the Central Kaflroad, wit all th UBfvwv meaia, near betweea iicUade aad Kris. A food ebanf for bargain. Terme easy. Call oa k . SS1XT, TU Coacrsea Aveaae. If yo want farms. Improved and ulmproved. laad rted as any la the Mela, yua had better rail o S. B. iWUilir. sssmmm-- as If yoa want to bay a boose and tea, t baUdiac tats, roe oaa tad them by oaUm oa M. JV IWXZXXT. , , tt yo wsat to real s guoi beam, tall e . M. A. IWtETir. f yoa want your property ranted, can on" SWUDTXT OR BALE. 1 I SOW offer foe aale the baat aaarWft - .a fralt farm Is the Stat ol Texas, with all the improve-meo- u, with every convenience attached to the plana, except tb present growls crop, wlihia three adle ui toe kiij oi Assun, aorta eiae or iae uotaredo near. Knr funhar laformatlua aad decni of the e k erty. eaU oa M B SWBJCSSV. No. TU Ceacrea Arenas, opposite Arena Motel. 'OR SALE. r farm, sin aad a half mile from Asstia. os On lee creek aad oa the San Antonio road: 1SU acre Inclosed and tacaltlvaUoa, with all Thl laiim i iMiali. adandaaee of limber aad water.- - Apply to at. B. BWXJtSIT. A farm of a acres, north of Asstia aboat three aad e naii auiee; eu aoree tor can tret ion, to i tare, and wood, with improvement, sear to chare aaa eenem aonse, in a sooa neicnsoraood. tSvll tmi afl & swionr, A farm foar artlee eeet of- - Austin, oa the Beetrop roail, eontaiainR Sv an i, with Improvemmts, near to church and sohool konae; woou an watsr oa th rfoj- - APPlT to . , ,; H, H. tViSMXtJ. JeSS tf , OR BALK. A valuable farm of 100 scree la WlUla sajamiuf the corpo ate Umiu of Oeonretova. Si acr-- e la cnllivatl. a, with Improvements en thi oth sideef r,a Uabrlal tin, oppntlte th Fair irsnads; high and' heel thy, serine; a tne view of the ooeetry for mile around; flne location: near to college aad female academy; no better la ih Bute, the anilea. aors of which woald bean bono I e any Inalltnttoa of learning. Living Is cheap; the oeatry heaaUfel aad henrthy. I will sell this place for the low prloe of fcttue cash. Yoa ca caU oa Mr. J. M. Price, ef Oeorgetowa, who wul take great pleaeara la showlmg tbe property, or communicate with me by letter or otherwise. TlUe perfect. St. B. SWXtNKY. I ng fp,i . 715 Cosgrea A ranee, Austin. ' ?0R SALE. A dice little farm of ten acres, sortheaat, within I mile of A set In, on the Manor road, with all the Im- provement. Wood aad water: near . to chore . . , aad u .1 knM I iu mamawq. I aie place Ui known aa WUaoa's Cannery. WUI eell the property for 1J0. Till perfect, Appl to UK M. D 8WKR5BT. OR BALK. F 19S0 acre of land Is Llano eoantv. near T.) .an t n for one dollar per acre. Till perfect. Call oa auge. ... At. H. OWaa.MST. . C. F. MILLETT, v x zrp m? zi x. jl. Dealer la pts sad typtsi Shingle, Laths, Door, Sash. Blinds and Ballders Hardware. ataafatarar of sail kinds of draaeed lam-ba- r, mouldings, brackets, bannisters, newels aasa. SanM, blind and eypreee cUterna. OflSoe aad aUlla. Ash street, aeer Ooagraee Aveese. Trd es Pace street neer railroad depot, sa Sabwlp ONLY. DIRECT ROUTS FOn( Mexico & Far West TBBOVOB tntlTBD 8TATB8 HAIL LEfB. . 'I Ti TEXAS m CALIFORNIA 8TAC C3. IU.I TJnited States msU coacbee leave Aaatln and Baa Antonio every Taeeday, Thursday and Set array morning for fttT)TtICKSBrRi. LOTAL TALLXT. , Pi n 'I MA8JN, HE!f ARTSVILLK, . POKT jl'KATBTT, POST OOMCHO and all 7 EST ER N TEXAS.' ... , . i . The eoechaa atartlor Taeadav sad Bstsrssy dose coonec tloai at Fort Coacse for PORT BTOCKTOrT. PORT ATI. . TOUT OCITUAN. SAN BLIZARIO. ' - ' . : j , TbXBTa, si PASO and aU pomUU , Hew Mexico, Arizona and Call : . ,' , fornla. , 1 I ' TVs coaches etartlng from Aastla and aa Astonla os Satarday maira citomiaectloaata Paso with s ; I BIX WCIM OOACH to - - - - j CHXHCABTJA aad sU potaU St 170XITZZEX117 MEXICO. fc CEI7TRAL Partbrv pertlrn lari faraisbed apoa rajnetlos to SAM T. SCOTT'S Stage Omee, Aaatln, Tessa. C. BSE CO.' Baa Anloe Tes. HON. LOCIS CABDIS, Bl Psaa, Tesa77 - , Any loeel aa at ea the haea. See. Tezae ead Osl. Staare Com., Washington, D. C. Tree. Tea aad CaL. Slag Cms Llui tick. Arm. M-DS- . , ALLX tt CO., CORirZR EAST AVEXUB ft CEDAR St. Erccsrs tzi tezlzi t!:rch::tsf BASH. IWOSB. BTJ-- M, WSTTB fESB KOCU, AO aa tu i i sum, Dram id taiberslwy bead sad dressod to cedar sPBciAi. buxb or DniEraioa unoua at to aar mtt aea. ssart soUcs. Ttev kasa tSaar atock of OeaeaHe and Lam her at. ways contcMa. Tbey rsvtt sa eiamiaa-lo- e e their aaa pawnee mwaye sae a a j ajadt., aetaai ICS FACTOKV. JCXTVA Oar seer as sad eaeeaaaer or los geaweiry. wa vrtahto aeearetoe from as. are rjneed to lufxraa. ae tareoes drlvere, tbe poatomoa, er at tr . rv. the aeaatiU of Ace they awS aa to femuAi tea tkrwtrb ii 1 aoae lekie the evl aril totr tae k 4 tlsne the -- t.rriw. li-r- we kee m reeed la sJl ke tor ui aet 4 v, .t we aj arw mssefacssn;ig a tervtaa evr prmat daasasss. asa'L aier f ., ' Uf pfl' raoca. sia I e arrai'girsaaai s - i. a V- s- Aasaata, IPSh

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Page 1: Cure .!. Uree-foen- bAT. · from an innocent printer, i To swindler has a tooth missing, dresses well, is twenty-f-ive years old, slightly aquiline nose, and never talks in a crowd




The Austin Collegiate Female Instituteill commence 1U twenty-fift- h scholastic

yew on tbe fourth of September, with m

full corps of teachers. Tbe tuition will beM heretofore. See advertisement.., .


The surveying party of the Internation-al Railroad started on Slonday morning torun a line to this city from Duval, and. $twas said that was to be the final aorrey."Wbn last beard from they Hrera at Wm.Robinson's, six or seven miles fjoax'Austin,on the upper Georgetown road.

Tis Sozodont the whole world tries, ''(Tis Sozodont which purifiesTbe breath and month, and dirt defied.Tis Sozodont for which we cry.Sweet Sozodont for which we sigh,Tis only Suy.odont we buy. ?

' ''

. "Rkadino withoct Teak." If y..uwould relieve your eyes of hurtful strain,it you would prevent loss of sight, or sosoothe the light to your eyes as t rend rreading a physical as well as mental pleasare, use the "Diamond Spectacles," havinga small .diamond stamped on every pair.For sale in Austin by A. Bbn. ' f

Mrs. Wu.liamh's boarding house, twosquares went of the States aw office, ' wasbamboozled out of twenty dollars by adead beat Tbursday. lie went to his roomat night and sneaked away with bis booksand clothes, having borrowed forty doilnrfrom an innocent printer, i To swindlerhas a tooth missing, dresses well, is twenty-f-

ive years old, slightly aquiline nose, andnever talks in a crowd. . ' ' j

't -- iA htraxobu reports that Col. Taylor sod

Frank Taylor report that tbe bodies of twomen ware found in a box s few days agonear Brushy, on the road from pircleviljeto Baal rop. He also reports that a fnotm an,poorly clad, was shot and kilted the o herday in the road in Baatrop county. - Theman, it was thought, had bee, iullowsdand murdered. '

,. . , ;

There is talk of converting tbe upperportion of the block of buildings now oc-

cupied by O'Neal and the United StatesCourt a fellow can freeze ut up stairs Ordown into a grand boarding Jjciune. Thepostoffice, to accommodate . tbe north endof the city and to be at the center of pop-

ulation, may be moved, it is said, to . thecourthouse neighborhood, and then thecustom house and postoffice that Hon, JohnHancock built in Austin during his two orthree terms, is opposite tbe court house. '

A man named G. A. Wiison, and form-erly arrested as Cosgrove, and againknown at his boarding places Ter-

rell, a sort of bogus book agent, was ar-

rested Thursday and given in charge of adeputy shcri ff. Tbe court allowed him togo out with the deputy to get "money orbail, and he ha not . since been beardfrom. There are many people about townwho would gladly see Mr, Wilson, r'aliatCosgrove, alia Terrell. ,, He is "describedin another place. How did thls'-ma- n getsway?

A Mr. Wh. Phillips, a Llano merchant,was in the city Sunday and brought thenews that the negro arrested for the mur-der of the two women spoken of in Friday'sStatesman was taken out and hung from alive oak. Mr. Phillips says the evidenceagainst him was positive beyond all doubt.Tbe deed was one of the most villainousand cruel that has ever transpired ia.Texas,and tbe man that did it deserved his fate,and worse. Death is too good for such de-

mons. " .'.!. -

M 1 '

No City Hospital. In the last year ortwo this paper has frequently lamented theabsence of a hospital in this city and urgedthe importance of one being established.A few days ago tha city authorities sent asick white man out to Wbeatvill to beCared for by tbe blacks; and we learn thatthe man has since died. Whjcan'ttheold jail and the court house,- whi n it is va-

cated, be fixed up for a hospital ( if' thissuggestion, ' often made before.' idat. meetthe approbation of omcialsi and' citizens,let some one propose something! else.;'' v!

: '! :l nil hiTwo Traokdikb. There was. a current

report in the oity Tuesday : that ;tr, sheriffof Williamson county stabbed, and killed, aman whose name we could soi learn lastMonday, between Georgetown' and RouadRock.. "I. ;

A bloody tragedy also accarred .last Sun-

day at Merriltown between Sam 'Raven andBud Deen. They had had a, difficulty fast'Christmas which was tbe cause of the pres-

ent tragedy. Deen used, a pocket knjfsand gave Raven several cuts, in. the sck;and a severe wound in the tuTe,: which itwas feared would cause his dsuhkl-p.,-i ji '

How is tour LrvERl-Ar- e you Jrouwith headache, dullness, incapacity to keep

. the mind on any subject; diiiy, aleepj or

nervous feelings! gloomy foreoodiage, ir-

ritability of temper to si bad' tsst is themouth, palpiution, natiady ' appetite,

choking sensation in the throat,' bloating

of the stomach, pain in the side or about

shoulders or back, cldero xiremitiea7

etc! If jou have any ,of; thine symptoms

job should go at once jo youridruggiitsr-Mone- y

Brothers and get Dr. "(Sherman's

Prickley Ash Bitters; the j are the best and

most pleasant 4liver," medicine eyeroJTered

to the public If ?ou Jon't believe it ttj asain pi bottle. .... , .L;!

Some people imagine thai Vwf ckn pre-

vent a railroad from kRuuing' acroM, their

land, which remind one of 'the bullion the

bridge nat. tri4 rio siLtaetrack, but not hoisted "gaily Vest" hintse-lf-.

There it a State law which (allow railroad

aom any man's land, and when a railroadc aaj and the owner of a piece of landover which" It Is necesaary for tbe road to

pass cannot agree regarding the price, thenall that has to be done is V place the mat-

ter in the hands of disinterested citizen,and if theii decision doe not sanction tbeprice put upon the Und by tb owner, thatput him in for the cost. '


Fatal ArrnAT at Brooeville. A fatal

aftray occurred last Monday at Brookville,

in Williamson county, between two mnnamed Adklnson and Brooks. . Tbe latterhad been Roine to see Adklnson daugh

ter and Adkinsnn had told him 1 he came

again he would do o at the peril of hilife. But nevertheless he calUd, and was

mat by Adklnson before he had dismount

ed, who knocked htm uff hi horse wit a

tone. Brooks recovered from the TsU andrushed cp" a the old man with a knife.

making several wounds, when young AJ

kinson came to his father's aid and plunged

a knife several times into Brook. iolBmen were expected to die three dsvs o

wbtn oar informant paased through Rrook-vitl- e.

": ':-

8k.nsiiii.e Apvicb. t'ou are asked every

dsy through tbe colatua of newspapers aad

1 y joar div''nt to ;ct'hic for dy- -

pepsia and. liver' com pi ami that you knownothing about, you get 'dinoursceo tpend-i- k

--ioney with but little succe..' w togive you satisfactory proof that ( treen'sAugust Flower will core, you of jdy jpsiaand liver complaint with all it effect, i, Buchas sour stomach sick headaabe,-- b erdtualcostiveneas, palpiution of the heart, heart-burn, watr brash, enming up of foo I aftereating, low spirits, etc, we ask yoa:

'to goto yonr dniegist, Morley' Bros., and get asample bottle of Green's Augut Flo ;r forten cents and try it, or,regnlar rx forseveatj-fiv- e' cents," two 'doses will relieve

" ' ;yon.' ' lii' Xtk

Fire at Blanco. Mr. James Austin,driver o! the Austin and Fort Concho stage,report tbat a fire occurred in Blatujo eatyTuesday night, consuming the conrB housethere. The county record were not eared.The Masonic Lodge was in the appear storyof the bnilding and everything w a con-nme-

The loss was estimated .at about$18, 000. and tbe fire was believed to be thework of an incendiary. ' In the court housethe benches and chairs, etc., were aeen tobe piled up together, and in the mornineborks and papers and the county seal werefniind some diatanoe from town a theriver bank. A petition from the. Blancopeopln has been brought to the Legislatureasking for relief. , . .

1. i

Attention U called to the ad Tertioe-me- nt

of Hollin's Institute, ol of tbie lead-ing female schools of the Old Do minion.It is located in the southwestern i ofthe great valley of Virginia, ' wh ich, forbeauty of scenery, salubrity of climateand health-givin- g mineral, water is unsurpassed on this continent... It has., maintained a prosperous career for the periodof a generation, and has pent forth a greaternumber of that class who seek the-.highe- r

order of pduiation than any school in Virginia. Its pist history is its most' satis-factory guaranty of its future erfta-incy- .

It matriculated during the '. past sessioneighteen students from: Te.ias. ajid.. num-bers among its patrons some of the roostprominent men of this Stare. j i '.


j I ' K il

The advertiser, a retiied" "iihvi.ici.kiL. having providentiallv discovered while e, medical missionary in South Asia, a vci y sum pievegetable tcuiea y lor trio speedv n iruiaiientcure of consumption, asthma, .bronchitis,cutarrb, and all throat ami luu Elections

aiso a posiuv ana nuiicnt iip xnno Mrnervout debility, premature Jdecaj', and allnervous complaints, feels it his 'Iuty tomake it known to bis snfjuring .'fellows.Actuated by this motive be will bterfullyspnd (free of charge) to all who ' desire it,the recipe for prepariuii.Jand full directionsfor successfully using, this providentiallydiscovered remedy. .Those whojwish toavail themselves of tbe benefits of this dis-cove- iy

without cost, cau dor; so .by returnmail, vy uaaressing with stamp, i namingthis paper. ...

DR. Charles P. Majishall,. , No, 38 Niagara Street, Buffalo, N. T.

'.The ITlodarM TauialntO jt'.TIs altogether . tha opposite 'of- - his great

namesake. The latter, as a punishment fromthe gods for an infraction of iiieir com-

mands, was condemned to perpetual thirst,and Immovably fixed in water to Jus clip,What must have been' Lis feelings to see(hat fluid, which more than all tbe worldbesides, he wanted, within his' report, andhe powerless to drink it! What a refine-ment of cruelty must be such & pnuiihirieDnow ainerent our feelings t his antitype,who though suffering from sicknerts all tbetime,, having means to meet tha cost ofalleviating his ailment, yet deliberately neglects using the remedies to his recovery.The majority of sickness arises from thetorpidity of the liver, and can be dissipatednd prevented by tbe use of that valuable

elixir tonic the Home Stomach Bitftes.Liberate the kiuporlitna or tbe Byetena.

This can easily be done through the instrumentality of tbe searching blood de--purent and alterative, Hostetter's StomachBitters, which incites thos? scavengers olthe body, tbe kidneys and the 'bowels,' tovigorous action. Toft first nam-- d organssecrete impurities where such exist fromthe blood, which would otherwise poisonit, and it is the office of the.bowels to carrvoff s portions ef the fcrod rejected"during the process of digestion, ard whichif retained interfere with digestion and bilious secretion. , Ubeumatiiq ajta Koutboth products of acid' elements in the circulation, are remedied by tbe Bitters, which

ill likewise be found a 'prompt thoughgentle cathartic1 ' Both kidneys and bowelsare itvigorated, aa well as stimulated bythis famous medicine, which possesses tonicproperties of the highest order.

CiRCDLATios. . Tlta Z STAtxaSrA riiasnever gained in circulation more rapidlythan for tbe pasi month or six weeks. Theincrease to our dally list has amounted, tofrom twenty to fifty "a week, and thjs'in- -

oreas9 has come mostly from the city. Sosoon aa farmers begin to realize from theirpresent crop,, we shall have, agents outand caake "an" especial tffort"fo run np thecountry circulation, and shall exert everyenergy to make the paper more deserv-ing than ever before. - Four hundrednew .subscribers to the daily in-

creases the receipts of the Statesmanone hundred dollars a week, without en-

tailing upon 'it 'inf'txfvneiiept' forblank paper, and that amount of moneyadded to what is spent now in running theestablishment would enable us to largeljincrease the amount of reading mattergiven our patron and would f justify a far-ther investment in costly telegraphic news.The Statesman could only grow with thecity and the country, and now that thepioneer days for jnuroaltsui are over in thislocality, we feel safe in promising thattbe Statesman Khali bo greatly iinpr vedaa a live newspaper

'within tbe next few

. '' " '.


' Narrow Gacoe Railroads. It' is use-

less tor the Statesman, or anyone, to- - at-

tempt to prevail upon the people of Austinto build a narrow gauge railroad from thiscity to Lampasa and the frontier countiestbat done business withthis city; but it 1 possible, by presentingsome facts now and then on the sabjaot, thatcapitalist from abroad, may, hav.tjieir at--1

elude to put it through. - Unless, however,

tbe road is ' commenced oori; 'It' wQI

most likely never be built, as other roads"1

win In the meantime be constf acted tbbeabove section, which will remov the neceaity for & road from her westward.. ThTexaa Central Company and the1 people'ofBell county teem dtcrminedt t .build, anarrow gaug-(o- l from Haaroe toand thence on to Lampasas.- - Daring theLampasas fair two wweka ago, a represen-

tative of that road was present and tnade a1

talk at tbe fair on the subject, and considerable stock was subscribed to, and everything indicates that, work will cma;enceere long. It ia n one for h- Statemmxto rg th begins log of road atfrom hereto Lampata. Xt.woulJL do. nogood. "The people, tt least Ihose whd areable to take stock in aa eatfjrie of ihtkind. hav practically deoioastraied Uiat

tbey have' no foaiaca for ich." tiis;.They will, most Lke!jk regret it

People are retnrniog from their sumioertrios North. , p .

New corn is now down to twenty five

cents a busbel.Butter is. very scarce in the city and com-

mands forty cents a pound.From the amount of bagging coming in

nine one must anticipate a large shipmentof cotfon this season.'" ' ' J

Delegates to-- the conffressiooal conven-

tion pronounced Austin the livest and mostthrifty-lookin- g town in the State..There are --sixteen 'car toads of - Iron at

Round Rock station, and tracklaying 'fromthere to Duval will soon commence.

No stock of goods 'has been opened asyet at Round Rock station. The businesshouses are not yet ready.' bnt soon will d

Rock is looking up. Thirtyhousm of different sorts are going np, and150,000 feet of lumber has been sold in thelast five week. - '

i There ia a lady in this city who is themother of three children, of differentages, and the oldest is but '

twenty-nin- e

months old. Her name is well, we havereconsidered." r

During tbe past week Treasurer Dor n. hastaken up over two hundred thousand dol-

lars of Bute warrants. - He has exertedhimself to meet all demands and tbe Treas-ury js in a healthy condition. '. '

The new court house is now being roofed,and it is expected the court-roo- m will befinished in time for tbe fall term of the dis-

trict court, which meets on the the thirdMonday in October. , , ( ... ..

Warrants have declined in the last day ortwo to 90 and 92, and this is ia consequenceof the suicidal course pursued by tbeLegisls-tur-e

in making appropriations. It is proba-

ble they will go down ten cents below thisfigure within the next thirty or sixty days.

Judge R. A. Henson, of San ' Antonio,now at the Raymond House, has recentlyvieited Bexar, Comil, Hays,. Travis Wil-

son, Bell and Milam counties, and tells thatthere were' never such crop produced, andthat corn will not be worth more thantwenty cents per bushel. . , .r ,

The Cost of TcKxriKE Roais. A citi-

zen of Ohio gives tho following informa-

tion in regard to the building of turnpikeroads and their cost in that State, whichmay be equally applicable an these parts.He says there are thirty-tw- o' turnpikes inhis county, from five tf twenty-tw- o mileslong, and a total of one hundred and sev-

enty miles finished. Tbey are from twenty-f-

our to twenty-si- x feet wide, gravelledfrom sixteen to eighteen feet in width, andto a depth of from twelve to sixteen inchesin the middle of the road, and eight 'toten inches in the edges. The cost of theserohds per mile,. he says, is about $9800,inclusive of preliminary survey, and theinterest on ' bonds running from' one to five

Tears. ..- '- . .n .. '.

' In these "pikes" no hill is allowed loverfive, degrees (eight and- three-quarte- r feetin', one hundred) ; few, ,1ndeed, are so

steep; from two to three. qfes (threeand tohe,pi)if to five and OBe-quar-ter fet tocine "hnndredy- - is common Wherelhe coun-

try is most rolling or hilly, and the roadsare made . by ., assessment upon the landsadjacent ,to the road, not to exceed twomiles on either side; assessed accordingto' tbe benefit to be derived ;V running inamotibt from twenty cents .to three dollarsDeracre"ton the lands .only." The assessment has to be paid to the county treasuryas other taxes, and the bonds redeemed,one-fift- h of them' annually, they runningfive farmers worlc outyears. Very manythe amount of their assessments, and more,and ' receive the pay from ' the ntriictor

at from Z to $3.50 per day for plow andream- - with man to work' them'; the samefor wagon and team. V'

." "u ..7i .

,Th4 ;.writer says that towns, .'aid iin theconstructions of tbe roads, voting a tax onthemselves of , from $50,000 to a $100,000for each road touching the ' Corporation.and donating from $600 to $800; per mile toeach road. " The writer also assert! that yaload over these hills" for, two-hors- e narro-

w-tread wagon, is five thousaad pounds,just double what was hauled over the sameroads before their ' improvement, whichmakes a saving to the' farmer an,d teamsterof - in Jho way-- of -- transportation.He then goes on. to argue, the .general Dene

fits towns and the countiy, andspeaksespec.allyjOf the wonderful demand, iorlauJ along such roads and their consequentincrease in price. The cost of repair isvery light, and can' be rTone in the way ofeach and every man in vtliecounty beingrequired to work one or. two or, more daysper-annu- on tbe road s We print theabove j with .the view of throwing iU thelight pssible? opon- - the cost ; f --bnird' ingturnpike roads, as there seems to be a general desire for inform.ation.of jjhe Jwnd.We hope to hear of a meeting being called

at once for theFdiscassion of 'the subject.amr "have 'faith that our eitiadns'sre atflistawakened to the necessity of immediate acttion... ! '! '.: - nf.i'f.-tn.-TH- in jirol

LITEST BV TELEGR1PH,mi ;I t ll !!! 1


All l?nxtsi! ot... . t WAIHIN6TON, KEWt. ,. y.

i Washikoton, August 18, A dispatchfrom - Nashville yesterday - says tha thefreight and easVbonnd passenger trains col-

lided near.. Raccoon mountain." Injuries' '

alight'.-- 1 -, A negro who was to nave beeq marriedlast night was fatally stabbed jesterdayjbyanother leatons. ' ;' '':who was - .

Washinoton, August 18. The aeventh--

of ceatetialal excursion icaujfinrated bv tho Virginia Midland route ii registered at the National. Hutel lUnder jchargej

. . .ITT - a 1 l. a. l01 u. u. liipiey, tne general soutuernagent. - The party ro t Philaaelphii tooayby special train over tbe Baltimore andOhio Kailroxa.' Tbe 4rtf --4aclHM per-sona from twenty different point in Louis-ia- n

v AUtbama and othexi Southers State.Herndon telegraphs to Sherman to ask

the Commissioner of Indian 'Affairs to giveaim 'permission to raise hundred Pawneescout. . Sherman sent letter to. the Jn-dia- u

twmiiskaer endorsed. "Do von b--j"Ct f Onmmissiooer Smith telegraphed1to tiu perintendent Kichotson tOv let tbePaws hav arm and give them all thaid neceasvr .Secretary Chandler Ha or--

nije.d the commission authorized .by ibefiiMtis appropriation bill to treat .withinSioux. They meet in Omaha on the twenty-eig-

hths Recent reports of ladiaft fight-ing are now . wholly dircredited at beati.quarter.- . - --. . . . .... - ...,.,j General Townend report 2300 deserterduring th put year and aayt th army, small and scattered, tber is lmie barto desertion, except that th deserters mayb arrested. . . . . ,. . . . ,',.',,.

Washixstow, August The followinn waa received, tbia afternoon Irooa Hon.S. S. Ox: Rockbridge Alam Sprioga, Vir-ginia. Mr. Adaou and Mr. Sajlor arrived,her thia morning with th casket. Thertmains of Mr. Kerr are embalmed, and theescort will leave for Washington this even-ing and arrive there at 7 o'clock in themuming, aad thence by first trsi foe th

. .fit, pfc I. i if' WAsnTS0T02E.Aucust2I. Vice President7erry !! accoiapaay th remaiaa f Mr.KrrrtrSew Albaay, Indiana, ' -' VAt-aisoTo- Au?TU,t 19. The rreaideoi !left Hastiioston to-da- y fvr Lotig iiraactSen4 BKHJitur of th Cabinet are alQabacuu

Capt. Bancraft Gheradi, of the UnitedStetes navy, has lieen suspended for twoyearj for punishing seamen contrary tola.

P it InspetfV-pttl4ins-wfl-A- n dnty-a- tSau Fruc:S:-- when his clerk,. PurniT,.l-scoiide- d

with frovernaent funds. . He. hasbe"ii dismmed lr."m irvic--- .

P.iy Inpt.-cto- r James X. Carpenter,, of thenavy, baviu been found guilty of neglectof ucy, is feupcaded from rank and dutyfor five years. ... -

Wasui.ngws, Auuat ?2.-i-T- remainsof tne late Speaker Kerr'arrfved her at 7o'cb'C this morning, accompanied by Ham-ilton, Siylor and S. S. Cox Mr Adams,clerk r t!ie II use, was with Mrs. Kerrand ucr son. M. Kerr bidnga verse toany display, his remio1 were" not laid instate as had beencontarplatd.--T- h oodywaa so much emaciated a to be almost be-

yond recognition. TJiejLny wttt,ib bodyleft here tout vkJ .t;at;L, party tincluding V'ice-Pie.ide- D vfrraad fethrdistinguished gentlemen, fjr Nl-- 'Albany.The funeral takes place.Tbucsday.-- ,


Negotiations for the liew' treasury loanwill not be concluded f.,- -

DO.TIKSITIC NRWV .it .1Columbia, August 17. following

is the address in fait of Gen: Wade Hamp-ton, just delivered before the cooveotio :

Mr. Prtn'uUnt and GentUmfnd'Ccep-in- g

the honorable post to wtiich yuan. vcalled me, tbat of your standard r inthe preat struggle for reform which youuae b gun, I do so with the most gratefulappreciation of your kindness and the mostprofoond sense of the high but the graveresponsibilities pertaining to tbe position.In the better days of our country, when thenureat fnutsport 'to official tatiov werefound 'in the ability, the honesty nd thintegrity of her public servants, the m-s- t

distinguished sois of South Carolinalooked upon tbe chief. magistrate of tbeStaje a--

, the gQal.otJheir highest ambition,'aud tbe best reward of their public services.If men, of whom S uth Carolina is justUproud, held in such deserved estimation theUesire of being thought worthy by their fellow-

-citizens of the highest office in the giftof tbe State in the days of her prosperityand peace, bow much more highly would 1esteem the honor you have done me bycalling me unanimously to lead you in thishour of gloom and peril. You are strivingfor the highest stuke' for which 'a peopleever contended. YjU are striving to getback to jour prostrate State the inestiniabvblessings which can only follow orderly andregulated liberty under free and good

We-;- ; believe, that these tnessings can only be secured by completechange in the administration of our publicartnrs, National and state. Believing this.our sympathies and our interests lead usnaturally and iuvariably inio un. alliancewith tfiat Jieatfparty hp'-- whose' banners

; V k." J l t--.are incrioeu warenworus 01 democraticreform, gooa govertiment, a hard moneyand home rule, xou nave indorsed and ratined tbe platrorm of the Democratic partyaccepter! at Dt. L.ouis, ana placing your-selves firmly on that, you look forwardhopefully aud conridently to victory, inwhich you will not only share, but towhich you' will have contributed.Tbe platform . which .. i..yu haveadopted here is so catholic inits spirit and strong in its foundation,' sobroad in its construction that every manin South Carolina who honestly desiresreform can find room to stand upon it.With such a platform, and when citiznnsof all parties and races can rest assured olequal rights and full protection, you cansurely bring back to our distracted Stategreat blesnnjs of good government,-an- dfor myself, should I be elected to the highpssition for which vou have m initiated me,

e assured that iny sole eff rts shallbe to restore our State government to theDemocracy, to honesty, 10 economy, to integrity. I shall be the Governor of tbewhole people, knowing no pt.riy, m ikingno vindictive discriminations, holding thescales 'Of justice with firm1 and impartialhands, seeing, as far as in me lies, that thelaws are enforced and juMica tempered bymercy, .protecting all classes alike, and devoting every effort to t he restoration of prosperity and the ofgovernment. i

Thanking you, gentlemen, for the honoryou have conferred upon me, and invokingthe blessing pt,,.Uod on your praiseworthyeffort to redeem our State, I pledge myselfto work with yon in tbat sacred cause withall the zeal all th6 energy,'-al- l the ability,and all the constancy of which I amcapabre.Vl HrX . ' I t " I

Sa Francisco, August 17. A -- barkfrom Manilla reports that it fell in with aJapanese- - junk when -- she left Hanckadi,November i'Sand that-- ouly two of thecrew were alive, seven died of scurvy.

Mystic, Conn., August 18. The PeaceSociety passed resolutions bpposing the re'turn of tbe Indian Bureau to tbe War De-

partment, and denounce 'tbe invasion ofthe Black Hills, and charge tbat tbe Indianwar was-force- tpotr tbe Indians so as tprevent a reduction of the ariny;' demandan investigation of many of the enu-

merated ;:outrages bytbe military uponthe Indians; declare that the death, otGen. Custer was a just retribution fotthenlatlshterof fnendlt Indians: commenton congressional investigations of the warand navy departments; urge universal am-nesty to ex Confederates; and the removalof the army from .tbe, Indian .country.Zachariah Crouch presided- - (luring the ses-io-n

of two days, 2000 persons attended. Aheavy rain fell tbroug'uout yesterday, butdid not materially interfere with tbe pro-ceedings, i ii 7T:. :v:r: .m.i;i

New York. Angrjst 21. The employeesof the New York and New Jersey RailroadCompany, comprising engineers, conductors, brakesmen and trackmen, struck yesterday morning, and since that time trafhcover th rbad has been entirely 'suspended.The strike was caused by theof four' months wages. ATso" the protest-in- g

oTfcsff?thfc company given men forpavment'pf ttheir; wages for four months'prvhiods.U W lis

Leavenworth, Kansas, August 21.A terrible storm passed over a portion ofWestern Missouri Saturday. It damagedt he corn along the Chicago and RockIsland uatikotox-- West., Va., August 20.

Saxnuti 'Camden,' a iegro arrested on thecharge of rape, was taken from the Bour-bonvil- le

j til by a body of masked menthis nioruing and hanged. '- -

. - --

' eW,!Tor, TAhgust al. The PotCtfinancial' article says that Wnty continueseasy; gold, heavy; foreign exchange fiim;United States bonds lower; stock lowerthan it closed Saturday.1 SCNBCUT, JA.AujiUst 2t-r-- L. Io-nian, ol this place, was unanimously nom-inated by the Democratic convention fCongress from this district. .; New Orlkass, Aogr' 21. General Har-ry T!II-i?si- dead,' seed 56 years. JudgesCotton Dibble and Walkfr delivered eulo--ties on Attorney General Field and GeneralHtys, and tha superior d strict court adjourned out of mutual respect for the

j ' 'i '3 J

Nbw York, August 21. Tbere werefrosts last night at Port Jervis, New York,and Milford, Pennsylvania. i

New York, August 20. Tbe Twenty- -

sixtn Lxdge, Knights of Pythias, leave here'join tbe aunnal . parade --in

Phttadeina-Tuesday-i'"- "' -i 'Ihe ctnrtit:on ol ii. U. neweu, Detter

known as Orpheus ;C. Kerr, yesterday ap-peared to be precarious, and doubt wereentertained aa to hi recovery.

' CiscajTArx. vicr.stt- - 19. A special totbe Enquirer, dtted St. Louis, Angnst 15,aya mat a Dallss, Texas, special state

that aboat 1 o'clock to-da- y two robber en-

tered tbe office of the State Saving Bank,on Msin street, jumped over tbe counter,and commenced an attack on . IL Graber,president of tbe bank. After felling himto the floor by a blow on the bead withnavyi iTCTOlver, ' they neipsa tneat- -eelve to what money they could ana.MTben an alarm waa raised they ran into analley whertf their homes were bitcbea anarode off. Mr. Graber state tbat tbe loswill not exceed two bond red dollars. Hehas off-erc- a reward of five hundred dollar ao4 tMttsi have increased tbe amountto fifteen hundred for the captor of therobber. ;

,ir-T- . Lock. Angnst 19. Tbe KansasCSty (M l) Tif published letterporpome w be '. from Jess Jam, de--'

cjuig . be had asyttung to do wabth Atlantic trim hbtery, and glviogtbename cf t a' pr.muteni citizen L Jack-te- a

county, no be ; t can testily b

stw and talked with them on the morningfollowirg tlm roobery.

St. Paul, August 19. Sitt:ug Bull. July27. replies to Major Mitchell, Fort Peck :

--Te!t trim I am coining before long to hispost to. htm I did not commence(.ne war. w aua gcttBig old 1 hat 1 ditinot want to fight, but the btt ru.-ne- d

ou ine and I compelled to defeud my-self; that but' for the soldier stationed on

J, I, with my pe ple, would havebetm tiiMfs. b Jnrc- - Thar if I surrender toprouci 'u of Th Great Father, I wou:dg t.f Fort Peck for the purpose of mxkmgpeace. I and other chiefs want the B.ackHii-i- abaudoneil, and we will make peace.

Mediciue Ctoud estimates the hostile atfruueighutrten Abyusand fighting men.TIr-- re rrrig entirety ou nieat, which ishard to close proximityof ire whites. Tne hostile bamp is nowOttToUjue, RJaef.jtouri o the Yellow- -Stftn. ' t

'Nrw'TrbRK. 'Airgast 19. Th-- ? Tammanyand executive committeesjnet.yesteNlay to; arrange difficulties. Noresnit.

.C.UrBsxox,. Anust Tbe GalvestoaProunce Exchange is thoroughly organizedand ly invitation of the Texas CentralBailioad will make an excursion to Dnion,leatfhg Kere Monday' at 3 o'clock. Tbeexcursion party will stop at the principaltrepVitj on their return, traveling by speciali nun, aud .stopping at Dalla on Tour.--dnight. The agents of the Exchange arelor business.

Nkw Orleans. August 19. Col. A. P.Child, Attorney General of Louisiana, diedto-da- y, aged seventy-si- x.

Cheysaxs, August 22. All but twenty-seve- n

of the TJte Inrtians who leftFortKettermao after he itig feasted" atfri armedhave deserted with theif arms,' which werefurnished to light Sioux.

Pbkscott, W. T., August 22. The fol-

lowing is announced-officiall- y t ilaptainPofrer.CJB'gbth'JlnUnU-y'hBde- r inatruc-- itious from General Kouize, commandingthe Department of Arizona, left campVerde. August 12, with a detachment ofthe Eighth Infantry'1 and fifteen Indianscouts in pursuit of a hostile party ofApaches, which had left San Carlos reser-vation and committed depredations pponsettlers in northeastern Arizona. Capt. Por-ter, commander, 'struck the renegades thirtymiles north of of Verde, and immediatelyattacked them. After a severe fight of sev-eral hours the Indians were defeated witha loss, of seven-- bucks-killed- ,' Vnd.-tw- wo-men and 1iv chilli n captured; and' Por-ter's casualties were one Indian scout badlywouoled..'.- - He! js stitt pursuit ot theIndians and will probably capture or killthe whole party.- -

Dayton, Ohio, August 22. GovernorHayes 'declines to interfere in the case ofMurphy v. sentenced. o,be, hanged, .for tbetnur''U?r of CoC Dasjuaj last gep'ember.

Richmond, Va., August ''i. HillanyPage, a negro known as the 4 ChesterfieldFire Fiend," uuder sentence of death for a

wswtt,. attempted escape from thejail yesterday By throwing a pail of waterm the face of the jailor, and grapplingwith him while he was blinded. All theprisoners in jail, somn .thirteeii, ,

were icthe lilot, but the attempt wai: frustrated Dytbe iailoBL r ;"! . J ...vtt

. Long Branch, August 22. The follow-ing is just received from the President:"It is with extreme pain that the Presidentannounces to the people of the UnitedStates the death of Speaker Kerr, of theHouse of Representatives. Hon. MichaelC. Kerr,-- : of ! Indiana, " a ' man of greatintellectual .endowments,, large culture,great probity and earnestness in his devo-tion to the public, has passed from tbe po-sition of power and usefulness to whichhe had been recently called; the body overwhich he had- - been selected , to preside,not being in session to render its tribute'if affection and respect to the memory ofthe deceased, tbe President invites thepeople of the United States to a solemnrecognition of ; tbe -- public and privateworth and the services' .of 'a, pure and emi-nent character., i .j'i.r, u '. ii,j.-- l'lV?" - '

(Signed) TJ. S. Grant.By the Preside : t v"-r.- rif

John L. CApwALtApR, actjing 'SecreVtary of State.: .' :

- Washington, Angrtst 21, 1876." ''vBoston, August 23. The ' echoouer G'.

K. Hatch, from Havana, has a c.ise of yel-low ever on board tnd s detaiued at thequarantine.


London. August 17. The Scottish na-tional memorial to tbe late Prince Consortwas unveiled in Edinburgh this afternoon at4 o'clock. Her Majesty the tjueen, whoperformed the ceremony ST" inauguration,arrived in-- Edurh,-acertmpaine- d By theuune ot Uonnaugbt, rnnce Leopold andPrincess BeatricarThert was no officialreception of ceremony on 'their Arrival? butat three o'clock in the afternoon ber Majesty received an address enclosed in a goldand silver casket from the magistrates - andcoiiacri-a- t Holyrood Place 1 (

London, Atgust, 17.Adispa,tcB jft.nmtie I grade to the standard, says that a warmanifest 'Will be issued by Prince Milan to-da-

declaring that Servia and Montenegrowill hgbt together to the last man; rTbe. 1 pntg ;orre8poh4ehtf,Ragti'aa.srj- -nounces me report oi tue severe neieat ottbe Turk at Kuci confirmed.According to the Montenegrin account, Mo

hammed .Pasha with 20,0Q0 men advancedinto tbe'raviDes'of Kuci on Monday. H'sirmv was attacked on all sides, routed andpur-de- by Montenegrins from' Med on toPokigoritz, wtii-r- n the Turks were pr'itect-- d

hy Ubtiif 'artillery'estimate, tbe lurkjsri loss at To000. Kodoubt this' 'gravest 'disaster of thewar. .

The' Piinai'i Psns dispatch says thattbe rumor of the resignafioi Tif pen'Dtj-Ciss- y

and' appointment 6T Gen. "Bortbout asminister bf war W'b'fficTatly confirmed..'!','; '"

London, August 17. The Timet of to-- J

o ay says oeiruou, up geurrat oc, jjTiaionof infantry, was one pf fb4 hiost'oipsllofficers in tbe army, aud as he fsVof a mem-ber of Parliament, his selection itonfirmstbe jrinciple of making the war department

-, rt'"'''tlParis, August 17. The Russian telegram

tgency, in reply to speeches made in theEngl sb House of Common, lately,-t- o tbeeflect that Knssia was atrongerin 1853 thanfshe is now,' says tnat tbe Gaulou showsthat Russia, who, in 1833, bad an army of600 000 men, now has 1,340,000 as a. peacearmament, and 2,500,000 men injime ofwar.

Bklokadjl, An rust 17. Official dispatches received here state tbat on Tuesday50,000 Tarks attacker! ColantilochU' "position on tots side f Klieaouia-deBi- n. anaafter severe flvbrine. lastinir from 10 a. v.till 4 V. x , the Turk were repulsed withtreat loss.

Jxjkd n, August 18. A dispatch 4o Km--

ter Teleicrabbic Comnany, from ' Pans,Mvetbat Oon. reaipnati-- of tbeWar Lrepartment was not voluntary,' : asPresident MacMihon rrqnested it. This cstion is construed to mean tbat tbe President wishes hi war. rn'iuistryt be7 no longersubject to parliamentary vicinsitndes, and

change during recess. I be selectionof Gen. Ben i. out, who is not a ni'-mb- of.Parliament, eicite coosidcrablc comment,particularly amnst tbe Republican organization of ta . tv a dJe teat ; aanl tnalarce eitjnsion of the powtsrs of the chiefgeneral of "staff, is Shortly exbmed, in con-sonance witb the views "of puk, D'Aodif-frct- ,

which Gen.' Bertbont sbare. It u expected taat Geo- - aCisey will be asalenedto one of the great military communis attb artroachiDg periodical crmnge of those

" "posts..1 as .eA corresponoent ot to aauy 3-- t write

from Fhillipoli, under date ef AOcrast 11.that the condition of th Tarkisb army of

tscn . is ,pepiorriirv -- n4r starvation r athreatening them. The country arounddoes not afford supplies of forage. Between crie and S.fro the village areabandoned. Tha army will soon b obligedtu advance, into the, Servian, territory ,orojiplies or retreat., i 4,.

Throcgn. tha efirU ei Mr, Shovler.of tbe American legation, tb reTeas of allprisoners, except those in tb first category,lias bei ordered, v . j :'";;...

A diopatch to tb 7tv frota Beigrsdisay tliist frirwe Jlilan ha received several, jIf not fnm all tbe powers, cougrstnlauonsupon ue tiirtb of an heir, ail of whichenain ex preoaiom leave r drobt in tbe

mini olT the rrioc tbist the puwor stsds-airott- of

tttisg to tad of th war, whichis daattfmtit to the general peace of Europe.'

Los cox, August 21. A Bcmaa corre- -

Fpondent nf the Stimrfird sayr a dispatchfrop At!:ns tbstaLnusurectioohas broken wit at Rftemo, in Crete.

Raaavic tvauie Patha left Guergusovatzani to Gramada, from Gnimadahere, idthns toward Atexiwitav "His vao- -

I sut1 attacitttd thre bscvian-- ' battalionsFriday, and drove them at Azreu luoua-tain- .

Ti e headquarters are now ten milesfrom Alcxina;x.

will surely fall. 'Paris, Auaut 31. Intelligence received

hex state mat .!. Euipctur ' of Moroccohat. declared bia inability to send his custom M-- eatw'Kiy tc' the Saltan --Ttf Tm key,owing t.t a heavy draft on his rourcescaused by a repression of disturbance inhis own dominion." London. August 19. Private advice

from 'Lisbon announce' thai: the, governmenthas isued a ' decree for suspension ofall engagements for two months, consquently the flaancial crisis is consideredover. This arrangement gives the embar-rae- d

banking josMtntkns time. to de-

termine.! the Jesfc coarse to .adopt. I Liqui-ilatio- o.

however, seems unavoidable inmany case.

Paris Augu" 19. A sabre duel in Bel-gium, between Pcndy and Chardeon, wellknown Communist refugees took place to-day. One received six gashes and the othereight. Both fainted from the loss of blood.Ttuy had accused each other of robbing

'the Commune.Bayrelth, August 19. There were five

hundred persons present at the battjuetlast .night, given, in-- hoaorpf Jletr -- W r.

After makfnsr' speech" which waloudly applauded, Herr Wagner was crown-ed with a silver and laurel wreath.

London, August .22. A Turkish officialdispatch from' Nissa reports tbat tbe Otto-man forces defeated the Servian near Alex-ins' z. The Servian loss is heavy.

Vienna, August 22. Prince Milan, inspieu yt the war .party .to th contrary, hareceived a communication from Englandwith considerable favor, and he is person-ally inclined toapply to the powers for mediation.

London. Angnst 22. Mr. DisraRli has 1

his farewell address to his' Constitu-ents, by whom be baa been returned to tbeHouse of Commons continuously since1847. He says: Throughout my pnbliclite I have aimed at tw chief .results notto r lie1 insensible - to the' principle of pro-gress. I have endeavored to reconcile thechsnge wiih that respect for traditionwhich is one of the main elements of oursocial affairs.' I ' have' endeavored to de-velop ana strengthen the empire, believingthat the combination of achievement andresponsibility elevates rhe, character andcondition of the people."

Bki.gradk, August 22. An official dis-

patch received here claims that tbv Turkswere repulsed twice Monday, despite theirnumbers. They were unable to approachtile fortifications of Alexisvitz and onlysucceeded in burning some Christian

London, August 22. A dispatch to theRente- - Telegraph-- Company from Semlinsays it is stated in well informed circlesthat the Servian Prime Minister R stis re-

cently interviewed Mr. Hariz- fT, the Rus-sian representative ' at ''Belgrade, on theeleventh inst., in which he appealed to thegenerosity of tbe Russian government topermit Russian. officers and soldier to enterthe Servian ermy. He also asked for pecu-niary assistance, as Servia has determinedtocontii ue tlm war. The Russian governrincut has replied, granting the above re-

quests under certain conditions. In conse-quence of the arrangements the Slavoniccommissioners in Russia cotmucnccd tosend funds in' large amounts. '.Russian of-

ficers and sub-office- rs in parties , uf tenreach Belgrade daily, passing throughRoumama unhindered, - The" ufiitiers givethoir services srratrjiWHisly.' v ' '; ,

, "Utb,. August .., Ti ,wTlie pieliminarvwork of the International xhiMtion.'to beL u , ca I : 1. :"L; ':.? .1 .T .''i;.. 'ueiu iu ioio nap uecu umiiuciceu,

-- J ' 'ime;ti;;iii,liiX?n';,KGaiveston. August S2, Gold WM&hlH:

Silver 1 per cent, discounts par.' ,

Cotton quiet ;'n lea 94. bales t good mid-dling, 12.1-ic- ; middling MKb-- l low middlingtit..1 a . t - tAt".iijc; goou oruuiary iuac.,, .. ,,

Nkw Yquk, August 22. Stocks dull andunsteady. Money is offered at 2 'per cent.Gold 110". Excliange-lo- Bg 4.88;,short4.90.", Governments dull but a little'-better-

State bonds quiet; Tennessee and Virginianew better. y " ....

Cotton quiet; sales 1049 bales; upIariuslSicjuneans is c. ' mi,.. -

The Ponf financial article says: Gold llljgtfjjiii . iLtXcnange nrin .ana,, advanced.Money 1 percent, and abundant. - Governramtlaflnti....... ... . ..l.t. nnn. ffn. 1 1'' l.tu.. ' ' miu .1 jua JQKi UiUtl.XaferrMoney .dnllat perceut. Goldquiet at 110ymo,J... Governments dull butbetter. ' u , - - - ' t; New; Obleans,' Augii8t'2. Gold 110JJ;sight Ji" per cent premium. . . Sterling 5.42.

Cotlon-Oemau- d, limited; prices easier;8alerW.V bajes;' good ordinary' '9giiOJ.c;low middling 10,?8lllc; -- middlingii-8- c; goou miauiing i4fflpMc;, receipts'net, 32 bales; exports noue; stock on hand,ol, (48 Dales, h,,v.( v, vtrxi -j t. .! it, i ..Foreign ; Warfcota.',.- -'

LrvRPodL,'August23. NoOn-Cot- tbn mar-ket dull and easier; middling uplands 6 1- rjd;uxnxuiug vrneans sales ouisi rmies.

u2as': :; OAHD. rlh 1

Win.'. T6 ill' who' are suffering from tue errors and


or ions or youtn. utuo weakness, early, decay,lose of manbi-to-t-

, etc., 1 will Send a recipe that willcurtf you, rKHB CuABQa. This great mnvdy

- misauuutif iq bouui America.o juu rru kuuivh i u.veiope tv toe r.BT. osapj i,Inha, Station D, UM Uoum, A Turk City, ...aprledeodawSm


Bnrhsn'i Crell Ointment win mil the"Tew Worm every tiam, and otre iwoi Hot InSheep and Cattle.

; HurbawtaiCrajwylle mWp Mrp 1 ahWaUlbleremedy for the Scab In Sbeeu; being soap, It peae--

tratoe at oac ZD th akin and kflla the Scab. '

Buehao'a Caibolle Dlslireiwg Roapcures i rlanarwto llore, Itotr, nd tiastlo, aadKills a.lre, fleas and Tick on all animate.

Be t,ure JAS.'BV'CHAS Mm pperi'onthe labela". AIT others are counterfeit and worthleaa.


'Pbiucipai. Dxror;Jel5.deodwSm . 83 Job sc., Hew r.Tork.

A G:3 worth Reading! A Di--ucl

worth "BeeuiI


TulOw'AfrHrfl-reCHCLE- S., iBy featdlnc mr Illwa-- ' Itravtcd FIIV10LOOY Iii'mvriii iH1BIISHT. Telle rtow m assesere impair--

rtl Vision mud OvarwerkM A.) J beer '

tocwre Weak, tVerjr, (mflaaaed,amelNear-8lgt- F.yes, a4 all tmec OU-eaees- wf

the Kyr. ' '

wMsr wo hobk vnttcr BT Atsjvsrmjmot rvvR nose akd dis- -FtGUBlVO TOtin F.lCg Pmaavklrl mt 10paftva Matleaf Fr , Seixt yrwaar aoalritea

o also. (L ,

Agents .WantetS, ,

Heats r Ladles, ti ta Sifts day I

tall pertlra ra seat fr e. Wrtte hwtdbwely,DR. J. BALL at C0n rp.a bo bk,

' ; 59.8lLibertT6t,irIorkCty, I.X. ,

PB 8 ALB A e fwootr'e Cot tne Frees complete.hy A. H. KOBJJIeON b4.

UKSdatw4t i , - -


xjtAi v xi 3 jl -i.- -a

To IVasw Orlosvnsj, - 2V, a.nt lndlanola.-

' To 3NT- --- OrleaTl I net ale Itnu, Brasbaar an HiKB' Loafaaaaa aa Texaa Ha 1 1 ram al.

steamers of this line are ail arm -- ' Innaat unahlpa. belit cxpreaely for the trad.

Steamers leave (niveau for new oneaaa daujlaneetin via Kn Orleans wtrh all railroad. v

Leave Geiveeioa for ladiaaoia averv Teas is vThareday and 8atardsy, maner nnf wtta th 6lreto, w eet 7 exas aa raoac naiiroaa lot ta Interiorpointa. i i - ' .' -

gtiasiiiia lueie iiiBBiiaai n mew lam tmmj wiay, carry u rrurataaly. ?

Pa ucAeta and umaik kill dlae slim to aBpriampal potat saatat the ii aaai rasae.

.: . i . . (. . rvsus. s wit '' Cestral Wsarf, GeivtrKoa.

TVjtat SV tt T a,alt. . . a M dSwt

. 8wd On tHaller - ttm P re Enrtoa al


il 1 Cantatas VI ortia. buie of fall are.Xao-e- of JSnn r. aad m a e ;

IJJ. iborr iaisiae W erda, A'ar-aae- . twilM.Ae,from iae Orr aoe t ea.aee) to iteorraLstus ge. Mw-a- co 1 ars, Uiit JuLjaak Uy

IO.Itp!gIl,S. . :

iTICX. BLAKEM A i. TATLOH A CI- -sag: aim U ami H iarsod at, ftew lark.



For ill l'fv tif Um X9t, ttomen aa I SplsMa.

Will Cure XypeplM,I MUST OWK that yoar

Bimnoui'i Urar Krjrolator '

(nlly dewm tk popolart- -ty U has atiahwd. As atmamj dl.a It aa baqval. It 'carad my wife ot

- a aiAlwij I tut nrnaiad ta-.- -- eatable thu. oUbaa-u- r

- or s.aricaa peofdo, Vy-- i

- A. . P ALBtRT. i

ProtmortaNkholuPaV. . Uc school, Pui of Tarn..

boM,La ,

'MnlMrloxtss Fervem, .; Yia arc at liberty to aM my a bm te prals or yearHegalator a prepared by yo. aa rwooUM R tomrnry on as tb bM pravemiv tor fweraad Agattathe world, I piaal In 8euUweetera Qeorgia, aeer

Georgia, aad aiit ay tbat tt aa oa atorgoodoaaiy plantation anancav. aefroae, taaa anymedicine I ever used; It rapeneds qtitala tf takelntline. . " Voors, etc.,

Boa B. B. BILL, be.(

', CHILDREN. Toar tUfalator

1e vnporlor to any other remedy for i

Malarial DiMSiee among Children, i

and It has larfi sal ta this rc- -'

ttoa'bT KJeoivia. W. X. RCH-- !

. StLL, Alknay. Oe. ""'Lt . 0utlia(lo.

TBWIMOST U?,T1W CKlM JTTICOF QOBGlX 1 h?e aetd Simmoiu's LtTur KecaUtor farconrtlpetiou of my bowel, caused b a temporary de--

raiifrimenl of tbe liver, for ih last rare or fouryetrs.and always, when seed according to th dtreotlone, with derided benefit. I think it If a good medicine fur tbe dersnguineni uf the liver at least sackhas bnen my persona! ozpenenre In the use of It.

UtHAM WARNKR, Chief Justice of Georgia."" "Hlcflc'lleadaohe. .

.. .i BDITORIAL "W have tested Its1

vlrtiee personally, and know that for1 lyepepeia, Btlloo-ne- s and Throbbing I

Headache- - tt is the "best mxU- - i

Ctn tbe I werM - over eaw. ' Wi ' i

have tri'id forty ether remedies beforea Bunmone1 Uver Befraiaior, lint nocft

of them gave ns more ibaa temporary ' '

rcllf j but the KegalaUir not only '. i relieved, but cored n. ditor Ttl- - '

yrapK aiui Meumgtr, Macon, tie. .

Having had, daruur the leet twenty years of my life,tost ea t to racing- Mock, and having had eo muchtrouble with them with colic, grnhb-- , etc, gsve me agreat deal ef trouble; bavlug heard or your Regulatorsa a cure for the above diseases, I concluded to try It,AftHr trying one package In math. I fouud It to earin every instate. .It U oal to be tried lo prove whatI have said in Its praise. 1 can send ye cartiaeatefrom Augusta, C hiton and Macon, as to tbe cure ofnorsee. : o UEUHUI WAYMA,

M. on. Qa.. Julr 4. 1H7H. . i iySTdendAiMy


1 : AQt Ayn BAGGWQ.' ;. "H L. CH IME, rta.s or'aTl kiode for grain,'

Sour, e. . 8 and W) If. Main 8 1


GABTWRiflRT dcfO- - ComiaUsiAa HMhantsWool. 4 rain. 1W8. Com '1 k

1 TlKUKaA. A CO., Comruinainn, Cot on.Fkxir.On .ta.Tebacco.Hlili.-- s Ac. UN Ma nSt

I W. KICKS tc ( 0.. boleoale duaiera U ITultwane Prod oca. 1M Walnut St.V 1. CiLilOVS A (t)..Cottin racUiraeVCom'ila Grain, LualWHlilea Wool. kwCom'l

SKTKR fc C- O- Cotton Faotorttin N. Mala St.

IV X. R. BfcALL tc ill., Ujtton Fsclora audIt a (.'omailaHlonM erchsn ta 18 8 (Commercial bl.: Ukr goods'. " "

SAW'tC. BAtW Cfnleai:eTGooillAvenne and Firth bt.

WOY. ..

SMdOIBOnSTOEK.lS07N.M8t. Iroa.Meel,Ac. So


Nat'l Stock Tarda, Jaat bt. Louis. III.Hl'KTaB. DVA.NS S CO., Mve Kloi-- nuuis.

Na'l Btoch YarOa, IU.STATlOl)&a ...

LrrOHs BT.TTHStaMoners, Printers andM'Prs. Preprletort of Uw Uiani.plon V iolct Copying and Record Ink. tlKHWa St.


AGRICULTURAL 1SWLEUENT3.rflRCXBULL, BETJtOLDS tt ALLCK. BD andA. A 'yl Implement house, attend 411 W aliiut t.


Dn. tlicaaraaa e aiark. M IMUwaia su'STOCK YARDS r LIVE STOCK COATS."- -

THK KA.TSA8 RTOflC TASDR, the moet rore-- 1uiodlous In tbeMo.TalleyL.V. Murae. Supt,

IT INasBEKfTl UlkB CO.. K amies Stock VdaA Kanaas Otty.Mo. National Ho,- - Yanls. !Kt. Louie, III. Soeclaliy uudeuf Blooded Cattle.

DOWEKS. Bl ALAMO.. Live Stoik t. slon Merchants, Kansas Stock Yards.


. Opposite Bi emond's Bank, Pecan St., ..

Practical Gunsmiths,


Dealers In all kinds of fire-ar- sad romoaitlosOshing tackle, etc., etc. All kind' of repairing doucst suort notice. . uui wora warrsntrai or no cnarge '

.; M--i . I. -- .iris wir

. , : ' ;AMhfl LL01D, ;l I (!-. I

' Austin, Texa? , . ; ;(

' ' Tendsct hH eervlee to tha sahne a -- i

Closner and Ketdjntr of all Eiaalaol Sewlsg naeuiaa, .. .... .. ,

Satisfaction raaranteed oa all work or ao nav. Hee.tdeno west aide of Saosl creek, asar Cannlnghsml

- auiass ip


..ii ll ' i :

: 'i; Austin, TexasBavin Sbtten oar Ponndrv and ST achlnere la anera.

uen, we are prepares uansu siao ort


BKOlftBS, Asrw WBSf liUI, 1


r Tl

Keep on hand sooply of tesss n. skUtoU,Steam tttings aad ptpiag.

Fitting S AH Kind of Ifscaiaaryrj wood Style,lad oa abort Wotica.

tAll W oz-Is-v W xx'sjrs.tasl

Cash e IMtvary, or City Astept.

Tfe eTls-wo-a P siitot rrte talel (wr ASUraaa ae Ilea.

D. 12. CromtliwaltmyU ly


Be t aasa'iim Weias Sept. C CWVaiste ed Preparatory eoarera. Lasarpeaeed loretlwa. aehhy, moaa-tai- n

cUoMta. swanal canoes it v. maeWsa eapmeae.Prem ties to for tea moothe Oacladlxg aoani,lailioa. etc . etc) College quite prosperoas. Scaaeatfrom all SMtoaaof tha St free Texaa. Foer taOo MSk. saav. addree Secretary e Pacaitv. Bas-po-ka

Coiiaaa. Sal a. Va. Jvl aVsasAerla

'j ohn Mcdonald,

irtkltect, Contractor and BtLUer,

...... ;i anddealaf ts ':;.- .: - ' -

Lcxbek, Sash, Dooms, JSauax, Glass,

Crasaat, Plaatar Part. Farr. Pahrtar aad PlamrierataurnUa, Ld. !ec, blase, (vatveataed troa, SbeeVuue. Tie rM aoaevar, roofs iu, area aaa Slat,plant (aothte aad On stsseataL Jfaaafacxaiar ofCtmcncm, Doom, BsACSurTs, Wwdow sjtdt ; . Duos Cats,' op O alvaxizkd Iko. -

Oa-e-- ei Dr. WeoteaV Tl aad Canalee Shopand H areeuaasa, hem aleirSMostn Mt, aaaeoaaeaensof Pacaa su rt. .... lrKdlyc

a. ISO tfc. to O. T. EOWEU. m CO.. 5ew York.. . . .W W. ( - w. w,U.wIIHI .19 Bl oAJV

rm oust of aa avatkg.

Mlscellancons.,OR SALE.

. tMrm of tss scree, with an the UcimsaiiU,ra Have conaty one mile east of the Bianco rive.T5)l?ZLl?'?rlll,mm'mi rs- -dwelllBg boaee. wua oetaooM aad ciaUre;

fiT i2'il"b, "d Metare, SM acre dintedpastarea; a nice yeesgMSaacefucabeep. Call oa M. K bWkigT?

1? "V Travis coanty! Uree-foen- h of amil from Moeat Boaaall; six acree la calUrauoa;good aoaaa, apleadld spring aad ebaadaae ot aabatldlBgrock aad Umber. A berniacaa be bad byapplying to M. B. bAT.

M7 tent, as aora farming land, with tmprov.meat, piaaty of wood and water, aoe paetara. v

sole west from Austin, hi Travia eoaaif .

: los acree of Wad. with stock aad Improvement, laBeaaalspe neanlj. el mile 4 from Klageoery eellwnstation, Bear to chare aad,- - school boa; aa Sar

1SB acr. wttk aB th taHOMt. twfrm Cgia, oo ike Central ftaaroad, i Bastrop eoaa-ty- .

Ceil and get bargai.

acree rat mad Is Bastrop coanty, one arvfl halfmiiea Sam the Central Kaflroad, wit all th UBfvwvmeaia, near betweea iicUade aad Kris. A foodebanf for bargain. Terme easy. Call oa k .

SS1XT, TU Coacrsea Aveaae.

If yo want farms. Improved and ulmproved. laadrted as any la the Mela, yua had better rail o

S. B. iWUilir.sssmmm--as

If yoa want to bay a boose and tea, t baUdiac tats,roe oaa tad them by oaUm oa


, tt yo wsat to real s guoi beam, tall e. M. A. IWtETir.

f yoa want your property ranted, can on"SWUDTXT


I SOW offer foe aale the baat aaarWft - .afralt farm Is the Stat ol Texas, with all the improve-meo- u,

with every convenience attached to the plana,except tb present growls crop, wlihia three adleui toe kiij oi Assun, aorta eiae or iae uotaredo near.Knr funhar laformatlua aad decni of the e k

erty. eaU oa M B SWBJCSSV. No. TU CeacreaArenas, opposite Arena Motel.


farm, sin aad a half mile from Asstia. osOn lee creek aad oa the San Antonio road: 1SU acreInclosed and tacaltlvaUoa, with all Thl laiim i iMiali.adandaaee of limber aad water.--

Apply to at. B. BWXJtSIT.

A farm of a acres, north of Asstia aboat three aade naii auiee; eu aoree tor can tret ion, to itare, and wood, with improvement, sear to chareaaa eenem aonse, in a sooa neicnsoraood.

tSvll tmi afl & swionr,A farm foar artlee eeet of- - Austin, oa the Beetrop

roail, eontaiainR Sv an i, with Improvemmts, near tochurch and sohool konae; woou an watsr oa thrfoj-- APPlT to . , ,; H, H. tViSMXtJ.

JeSS tf ,


A valuable farm of 100 scree la WlUlasajamiuf the corpo ate Umiu of Oeonretova. Siacr-- e la cnllivatl. a, with Improvements en thi othsideef r,a Uabrlal tin, oppntlte th Fair irsnads;high and' heel thy, serine; a tne view of the ooeetryfor mile around; flne location: near to college aadfemale academy; no better la ih Bute, the anilea.aors of which woald bean bono I e any Inalltnttoa oflearning. Living Is cheap; the oeatry heaaUfel aadhenrthy. I will sell this place for the low prloe offcttue cash. Yoa ca caU oa Mr. J. M. Price, efOeorgetowa, who wul take great pleaeara la showlmgtbe property, or communicate with me by letter orotherwise. TlUe perfect. St. B. SWXtNKY.I ng fp,i . 715 Cosgrea A ranee, Austin. '


A dice little farm of ten acres, sortheaat, within Imile of A set In, on the Manor road, with all the Im-provement. Wood aad water: near. to chore. . , aadu .1 knM Iiu mamawq. I aie place Uiknown aa WUaoa's Cannery. WUI eell the propertyfor 1J0. Till perfect, Appl to


OR BALK.F19S0 acre of land Is Llano eoantv. near T.) .an t n

for one dollar per acre. Till perfect. Call oaauge. ... At. H. OWaa.MST. .


v x zrp m? zi x. jl.

Dealer la pts sad typtsi

Shingle, Laths, Door, Sash. Blinds and BalldersHardware. ataafatarar of sail kinds of draaeed lam-ba- r,

mouldings, brackets, bannisters, newels aasa.SanM, blind and eypreee cUterna.

OflSoe aad aUlla. Ash street, aeer Ooagraee Aveese.Trd es Pace street neer railroad depot, sa Sabwlp


Mexico & Far West




TJnited States msU coacbee leave Aaatln and BaaAntonio every Taeeday, Thursday and Set arraymorning forfttT)TtICKSBrRi. LOTAL TALLXT. , Pi n 'I


7 EST ER N TEXAS.'... , . i .

The eoechaa atartlor Taeadav sad Bstsrssydose coonec tloai at Fort Coacse for



TbXBTa, si PASO and aU pomUU ,

Hew Mexico, Arizona and Call :

. ,' , fornla. , 1

I 'TVs coaches etartlng from Aastla and aa Astonla

os Satarday maira citomiaectloaata Paso with s ;

I BIX WCIM OOACH to - - - -j CHXHCABTJA aad sU potaU St


Partbrv pertlrn lari faraisbed apoa rajnetlos toSAM T. SCOTT'S Stage Omee, Aaatln, Tessa.C. BSE CO.' Baa Anloe Tes.HON. LOCIS CABDIS, Bl Psaa, Tesa77 - ,

Any loeel aa at ea the haea.See. Tezae ead Osl. Staare Com., Washington, D. C.Tree. Tea aad CaL. Slag Cms Llui tick. Arm.M-DS- . ,

ALLX tt CO.,


Erccsrs tzi tezlzi t!:rch::tsf

BASH. IWOSB. BTJ-- M, WSTTB fESB KOCU,AO aa tu i i sum,

Dram id taiberslwy bead sad dressod to cedar

sPBciAi. buxb or DniEraioa unoua

at to aar mtt aea. ssart soUcs.

Ttev kasa tSaar atock of OeaeaHe and Lam her at.ways contcMa. Tbey rsvtt sa eiamiaa-lo- e e their

aaa pawnee mwaye sae a a jajadt., aetaai

ICS FACTOKV.JCXTVAOar seer as sad eaeeaaaer or los geaweiry. wa

vrtahto aeearetoe from as. are rjneed to tareoes drlvere, tbe poatomoa, er at tr .

rv. the aeaatiU of Ace they awS aa to femuAi teatkrwtrb i i 1 aoae lekie the evl aril totrtae k 4 tlsne the --t.rriw. li-r-

we kee m reeed la sJl ke tor ui aet 4v, .t we aj arw mssefacssn;ig a tervtaa evr

prmat daasasss. asa'L aier f ., '

Uf pfl' raoca. sia I e arrai'girsaaai s -i. a V- s-

Aasaata, IPSh