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  • 7/22/2019 Curren Transits.pdf



    Following is your personal copy of the Classic British Horoscope.

    At the height of the British Empire, certain men and women, who were educated

    and intelligent, began to redeem astrology from the disrepute of its superstitious

    past. In March 1880, Richard Garnett, a wide-ranging author and scholar, who

    was a librarian at the British Museum, writing under the anagram pen name of

    A.G. Trent, published an article titled The Soul and the Stars, giving the details

    and positive results of his astrological study into the charts of historical persons

    afflicted with insanity (see his E.B. 1911 bio). He wrote, quite sensibly, that we

    "fully admit that astral science is incompetent to explain the divergences of

    human constitution and character without a free use of the doctrine of heredity.

    Our contention is that the two theories complete each other, the latter accounting

    for the element of stability, the former for the element of variability." He went on

    to say, "We have appealed throughout to the testimony of facts of history and

    biography, partly astronomical observations derived from no more recondite

    source than the ordinary ephemeris. Any one can verify or disprove these

    observations in a moment by the same process; any one who will be at the

    trouble to search for examples can investigate the subject for himself." Although

    they had to protect their careers by writing under pen names, an increasing

    number of courageous and pioneering men and women did just that.

    The labor of a century of workers has been to learn how to read horoscopes in

    an accurate manner. A major step in this direction came with Alan Leo's 1911

    publication of *A Thousand and One Notable Nativities*. The best classic

    astrology writers clearly spent hours and hours poring over the planet positions

    of the subjects in this book, learning how to read their charts by synthesizing the

    placements and patterns of the planets.

    The answer as to why astrology revived first in Great Britain must lie in the

    prosperity of the nation at that time - with their basic needs met, individuals had

    the leisure time and resources to devote to understanding the human condition.

    During the same historical period, pioneers elsewhere, notably in Vienna, had

    discovered and were studying the unconscious mind from the psychoanalytic

    point of view.

    This horoscope draws upon the following interpretations:

    Alan Leo: Rising sign interpretations and planets conjunct the Ascendant.

    Sepharial: Planets in the houses.

    Evangeline Adams: Planets in the signs.

    Charles E.O. Carter: Aspects between the planets.

    John Halloran: Pluto in the signs and houses, aspects to Pluto.

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    As you read your horoscope, you will note that the classic interpretations tend to

    deal more with external forms and events than do the increasingly psychological

    and theoretical interpretations of more recent astrology. They are also not

    evasive about the planetary placements and aspects which produce trauma and

    difficulty. Most of us are affected deeply by events throughout the course of our

    lives. And it tends to be negative experiences that send people in search ofastrological guidance. Perhaps one of the finest services that an astrologer can

    perform for a client is to offer an explanation of a traumatic occurrence, an

    explanation which challenges the politically correct view that misfortune 'just


    The interpretations of the Planets in the Signs are the most different from what

    you will find in a typical brief cookbook-style delineation. But in addition to the

    thoroughness of these well-written delineations, the discussion of example charts

    of historical figures who had that planet-sign position teach us how the famous

    Evangeline Adams actually combined the planets in a chart to arrive at an overallsynthesis. This is a valuable skill to learn. To allow AstrolDeluxe program users

    to look at the charts of the historical figures discussed, I made sure that they are

    all included, usually with good birth times, in Halloran Software's Famous Charts

    collection. The data-collection process which Alan Leo began in 1911 with his

    publication in England of *1001 Notable Nativities* flowered with the thorough,

    careful work of the late Lois M. Rodden, assisted by members of ISAR and

    many astrological professionals. Now students in every corner of the earth can

    spend the quality time needed to learn astrology by easily looking at the relations

    between planets in a variety of accurate charts and comparing them to knownbiographies.

    I have edited and polished these interpretations, so that they are now different

    from the originals. In some cases, the astrology pioneers had the wrong birth or

    chart information for the historical figure. And it was fascinating to see how

    elements of a subject's life sometimes mystified the astrologer who did not yet

    have access to information about the planet Pluto, discovered in 1930. In all

    cases, Pluto completed the interpretation. These astrologers also did not know

    about aspect pattern focus planets, the interpretation of which Halloran Software

    has pioneered. When important to the understanding of an historical figure'schart, I have edited the discussion to make it complete.

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    The Classic horoscope template instructs the astrology program to consider a

    previous house planet to be in the next house if the planet is within four degrees

    of the house cusp. The interpretation for a planet in a house applies more

    strongly when the planet is near the house cusp. If the interpretation does not

    seem to apply, visual examination of the chart will usually show that while the

    planet is in that house, it is more towards the house's middle or end degrees,away from the cusp. Note that reports for unknown birth times are shorter

    because they omit readings for the rising sign or for house placements.

    A "Strength" number precedes each aspect interpretation towards the end of the

    reading. This number synthesizes how exact is the aspect, whether the aspect

    is major or minor, and whether an aspecting planet is close to one of the four

    chart angles. The higher the Strength, the more you are likely to feel the aspect

    and to live it out in your life.

    I envision the Classic British Horoscope as the first of many natal interpretation

    reports to work with the Astrology for Windows program, which is a free internetdownload. I enjoyed researching biographies and writing the Pluto

    interpretations. Halloran Software's Famous Charts collection of 5,000 charts,

    assisted by the search features in AstrolDeluxe, especially the new By Dominant

    search, helped to identify famous individuals with relevant biographies.

    Previously, I spent a gratifying nine months researching and writing a set of 392

    interpretations for the Halloran Aspect Patterns report, that works with

    AstrolDeluxe. If you have your own ideas about what should be in a horoscope

    report, you can open the classic.hro natal file, or the soultran.hro transits file,

    with a text editor like Windows Notepad and save it to a different name, such asallmine.hro, and then make all the substitutions that you want. Afterward, you

    can select to use your new file at Customization, Horoscope Report Options. It

    costs you nothing to do this. Your text can even be in a different world language.

    You can then decide whether to keep the resulting interpretations exclusively for

    your own use, to share them, or to let Halloran Software pay you for permission

    to encrypt your interpretations and sell them to registered program users.

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    Horoscope for Current Transits


    Rising Sign

    Libra Ascendant

    Libra was rising at your birth; a sign belonging to the element air and to the

    cardinal or movable quality. This gives you a courteous, gentle, affable and kind

    disposition. Your feelings and affections are strongly developed and are likely to

    play an important part in your life. You are able to make many friends; you

    associate easily with other people; the social side of your nature is active and

    your growth will best be served by cultivating it wisely. You will be less fortunate

    if you live alone or dissociate yourself from others. You have a refined mind, are

    fond of beauty and orderliness, with a taste for music or painting. Your

    surroundings influence you very much and you are not happy unless they are

    neat, elegant and harmonious. Your mind is susceptible of considerable

    cultivation especially in connection with the more imaginative and idealistic

    subjects; but you have more intuition than reason, and emotion and affection are

    more to you than cold intellect. You are rather fickle and changeable, your likes

    and dislikes vary a good deal, and your ideas change with your moods. You are

    not quite constant either to persons or to ideas, and you are likely to experience

    many changes in your life. Companionship, friendship, partnership, association,

    and marriage are the keynotes of your nature, and you will not attain to your

    fullest possibilities without them. Venus is the planet ruling the sign Libra.

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    The Sun stands for the individuality, just as the Moon expresses the personality.

    It also governs the constitution and is the Life force and backbone of the whole

    system. Where the Sun is strong by position of aspects, it gives strength of

    character, a powerful will and a vigorous constitution, all of which contribute

    toward making the life successful. Where the Sun is weak, there is danger of

    short life or one broken by spells of illness or much misfortune.

    It cannot be too strongly emphasized that an analysis of the meaning of every

    factor in Astrology is dependent upon its relation to every other factor. For

    instance, the Sun in each sign has a certain definite influence which it invariably

    exerts, but that influence, thus exerted, is combined with every other influence of

    the Sun in its house position and in its aspects, as well as in reference to the

    ascending sign and other planetary positions and aspects. Thus, it is from the

    sum of the forces and not from each one of them separately judged, that an

    analysis is made.

    The reader should remember, therefore, that to read the analysis of the Sun in

    the signs as it follows, as an analysis verbatim of the solar position in a nativity,

    to read it except as one of the forces of a nativity to be united, accentuated or

    modified by the other factors involved, is not scientific astrology and will not give

    a true interpretation. The statements true in themselves, must be united

    intellectually, in each particular nativity, with other particular factors of that

    nativity; and then, and only then, are the peculiarities of individual instances


    Sun in Scorpio

    The Sun in Scorpio, the house of death, is very strong, but the native is very

    likely to suffer violence. It is quite frequently found that people with this position

    suffer from diseases which bring them to a premature end, as for example R.L.

    Stevenson and Stephen T. Crane, or, when badly aspected, they may meet a

    violent death like Marie Antoinette, President Garfield and Stanford White. This

    is physically the most magnetic sign in the Zodiac. There are three main types,

    classed respectively under eagle, serpent, and scorpion. But in every case, an

    extremely forceful and dominating personality is to be expected. With even the

    best types, the appearance is often somewhat austere. Tremendous will-power

    is evident in every line of the countenance,, which is frequently what conventional

    people call ugly and occasionally this native bears scars. This rather formidable

    appearance is, however, frequently combined with a kindly disposition. However

    dark and forbidding may be the countenance, the nature has yet the fascination

    of the serpent.

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    The native is easily aroused to anger, and makes a most dangerous enemy, for

    he cannot be trusted to fight fair, as with Leo, but will take any means in his

    power to injure his antagonist; nor is he held back by any feeling of pity, but will

    go on to the bitter end. Occasionally, this is so pronounced as to cause actual

    defect in the fighting quality.

    But it is doubtful if any sign in the Zodiac illustrates so markedly the contrastbetween the spiritually awakened soul and its opposite. Crafty and cunning, with

    intense passions and jealousies and with a vindictiveness which will wreak

    insatiable revenges, the Scorpio native becomes, under higher impulses,

    indefatigable in his desire to help mankind, and his coldness and insensibility to

    the sufferings of others is transmuted into devotion and self-sacrifice. The

    coolness of demeanor and stern sense of justice and integrity, together with

    uncontrollable desire for freedom, may degenerate into harshness, selfishness

    and discontent, or blossom into efficiency, sympathy and true generosity.

    Where the Sun is fairly well aspected and Mars is free from affliction, theconstitution is extraordinarily strong; the resisting power is greater than with any

    other sign. The native is capable of infinite hard work and is most dogged,

    persevering and tenacious in carrying out his plans. He does not, however, go at

    them like a bull at a gate. He is always exercising his intelligence to out-

    maneuver his opponent. Where Scorpio assumes the eagle type, the noblest

    qualities of Mars and the Sun are found combined, and there is a certain,

    subtlety and intellectuality about them which come more from the nature of the

    sign itself than from either of the planets. There is no better sign in the Zodiac

    for commanding success, but this success nearly always comes through bitterfighting. There is a strong tendency to science and all other branches of life

    which demand the blending of the two qualities, energy and subtlety. Provided

    that the Sun is strengthened by some good aspects, it is as favorable a position

    as could be wished for him. At the same time, the student must never forget to

    expect something secret and sinister in the nature.

    Scorpio rules the glands of the pelvis and, from its opposition to Taurus, often

    affects the corresponding parts in the neck and throat, but its most special

    signification is in connection with the organs of reproduction. Scorpio is

    particularly to be feared in the recurrence of Cancer after operations, for suchsecondary growths are usually glandular and such diseases are more dangerous

    than ordinary local afflictions of the reproductive organs.

    Sun in the First House

    Gives honor and success. A proud disposition; frank, outspoken, generous;

    despising cliques and coteries; independent and firm. It also gives a love of

    display and publicity, accompanied by high motives.

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    The Moon has to do largely with personality, just as the Sun has to do with

    individuality. The sign in which the Moon is placed describes the type of the

    personality, showing its variety and quality just as the Sun shows the type and

    quality of the individuality. As the personality is the intimate and more immediate

    expression of the temperament and measures the quality and power of sense

    impression, and therefore the scope and precision of the mental forces, it

    indirectly determines what we might call the fluid of being. Moreover, as both

    mental and emotional forces depend first upon sense impression, and since

    personality is that singular union of the mental and the emotional, it follows that

    the Moon's position is the focal point wherein sense, mind, and emotion meet in

    the formation of character.

    The Moon largely determines the kind of life and activity with which the average

    human being meets life day by day.

    Moon in Virgo

    The general influence of the sign Virgo upon the Moon is to accentuate her

    coldness and to develop the mental qualities very much as in the case of Gemini,

    but the restlessness of that sign is replaced by a great steadiness and whole-

    hearted practicality. There is usually a good deal of materiality akin to

    pragmatism in the general tendency of the mind. The native does not, as a rule,

    value knowledge for its own sake, but, immediately on acquiring it, asks how it

    may be used. We have in this sign, many examples of the most eminent and

    practical minds: Edward VII, Paul Kruger, Lord Brougham, Cromwell, the late J.

    Pierpont Morgan, Winston Churchill (cusp with Leo), Joseph P. Kennedy, and

    Sainte Beuve being all good examples of the way in which the acquisitions of the

    mind are immediately put to service. Aspects from Mercury and Saturn obviously

    tend to increase the abstract power. This point is exemplified by a consideration

    of the Moon of Tolstoi, whose mind was decidedly lacking in practicality. Mercury

    and the Moon are only two degrees from conjunction, Mercury in his own house

    being evidently stronger than the Moon. Therefore, the influence of Mercury

    gives an additional touch of his nature to the Moon, thus causing her to act more

    as if she were in Gemini than in Virgo.

    The native is very fastidious with regard to his impressions, analyzing and

    criticizing them with extreme care. He is genuinely anxious to acquire knowledge,

    but entertains strong prejudices. He has, however, a keen sense of truth, and is,

    generally speaking, ready to face facts.

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    Women born with the Moon in this sign are usually cold-blooded and ambitious,

    as was the case with Cleo de Merode. There is a certain lack of romantic

    sentiment, a calculating cleverness in their attitude toward men, which is

    repugnant to the average emotional man. Such women are generally good in the

    practical affairs of managing the home, but they are not likely to contribute very

    largely to its happiness. The women who influence them are usually very cleveror intellectual and are rarely jealous of them.

    The women associated with men who have the Moon in this sign will, as a rule,

    be rather of this same type. Generally speaking, their influence upon the man will

    not be very strong in a sentimental way, although they may admire their

    practicality and common sense.

    Mothers having children with the Moon in Virgo should endeavor to be more

    affectionate or personal in their attitude toward them; they may display efficiency

    and common sense in their dealings with such children, but are inclined to call

    attention to faults which may later in life develop into virtues.

    Moon in the Twelfth House

    Female enemies; many secrets touching the native; danger of restraint or

    enforced retirement; love of mystery; fanciful fears; success in isolated positions

    and remote corners; voyages.

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    Mercury is the most truly sensitive of all the planets. Venus and the Moon are

    more easily affected, it is true, but for them a better term is "impressionable."

    Mercury is the adolescent; he responds to every impression like the weather-

    vane, which is a very different thing from the reception and reflection of every

    impression. In slightly different language, Mercury is not modified by the signs as

    are the more passive planets; rather each excites him to give a special

    expression of opinion. Mercury is, as we know, the mind; and while the contents

    of the mind are determined by the food of the mind, yet different minds deal

    quite differently with identical foods. It has been said that thousands of people

    before Newton saw apples fall from trees, but their only impulse was to eat


    The proper and best influence upon Mercury is Saturn, and without his steadying

    hand to hold him in tutorship to a profounder wisdom, Mercury may be frivolous

    and vain. It is only when Mercury is overpowered by Venus that the mental

    qualities become subservient and slavish, so that one may say of the native "he

    has no mind of his own." There is, however, always the safeguard of the

    proximity of the Sun, especially when the conjunction is not too close.

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    Mercury in Scorpio

    In Scorpio Mercury is "quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword." No

    other position so thoroughly accentuates the fierce acuteness of the mind.

    People with Mercury in this sign are far-seeing and clear-sighted; it is almost

    impossible to deceive them, but on the contrary they are often over-critical and

    sometimes incurably suspicious. The thought is bitter and eager, often vitriolic,and the word follows suit. They have an uncanny faculty of knowing exactly

    where to wound. They make admirable vivisectors on every plane, and they are

    usually quite unscrupulous in their methods and careless of what pain they may

    inflict. Furthermore, they are intensely secretive; they hate to commit themselves

    to any positive statement, but their capacity for insinuation and innuendo may

    well be described as infernal. They make the most dangerous enemies, and in

    some cases (though, fortunately, this is rare) there is something of the snake in

    their temperament, and they may turn suddenly and treacherously upon their

    antagonists. They make excellent secret-service men. They are capable of longcontinued dissimulation and, the imagination being exceedingly vivid, they are

    well fitted to deceive others. With all these qualities, goes an intense skepticism,

    an intolerance of the opinions of others whom they regard as inferior, and a

    supreme contempt for those who disagree with them. On the other hand, the

    secretive side of the sign may sometimes develop as mysticism or some

    profound interest in secret societies (particularly, of course, when Mercury is in

    the twelfth house) or in hidden and obscure matters of one sort or another. They

    have tremendous capacity for investigation and are quite ruthless in their

    methods. These qualities often cooperate to bring about success, and some ofthe most profound seekers into the mysteries of life have this position of


    This is exemplified in its highest and best form by William Blake, probably the

    most profound mystic that the English race has produced. The activity of mind

    and the love for secret subjects of thought are shown in the horoscope of Robert

    Louis Stevenson.

    Gandhi and Nehru exemplify the militant, persistent spirit of the mind conferred

    by this position.

    An example of the vigorous eloquence and keen critical instincts of this positionmanifesting in matters of less universal importance is given by John Bright, and

    of these same qualities in more intense form by Theodore Roosevelt and

    Winston Churchill. W. S. Gilbert, the greatest of the social satirists of the

    Victorian Age, has Mercury in this sign, conjunct cynical Saturn.

    Something of the brilliancy and secretiveness, with a most unfortunate turn, not

    only for repartee, which made him enemies, but for obscure thoughts, which

    gave them their weapon against him, is shown in the nativity of Oscar Wilde.

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    Mercury in the First House

    A restless spirit, given to ceaseless inquiry and concern. Many journeys, much

    writing; quick, nervous speech; taste for literature of some sort; an inquisitive

    mind, always on the alert for new information.

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    It may, on first consideration, appear somewhat difficult to differentiate between

    the action of Venus, the "Lesser Fortune," and that of Jupiter, the "Greater

    Fortune." Both represent the expansive and altruistic spirit. But Venus is the

    handmaiden of the Sun and she is consequently attached to the vital force, even

    as Jupiter is more closely an emanation of Neptune, the other extreme of the

    system, the Soul. The altruism of Venus, therefore, means love in a quite

    conventional and often selfish or personal sense; her expansiveness is often

    mere amiability, possibly assumed in order to gain some end associated with the

    instinct of self-preservation; and, finally, Venus is altogether more material and,

    so to speak, fleshy, than Jupiter. Venus in any sign has so much connotation or

    reference that it is very necessary to take into consideration not only the sign in

    which it is placed, but also its aspects to other planets before judging of its

    effects. But the importance of the impact of the different signs is very great. In

    fact, the more material a planet is, the more easily it is influenced. We see no

    such violent commotion in the vaster planets; Uranus in Aries is not so different

    from Uranus in Libra, but Venus in Gemini is utterly different from Venus in


    In dealing with Venus on the lines hitherto followed with the other planets, we are

    confronted with a difficulty peculiar to the nature of her own influence. It is easy

    to observe most of the effects of other planets in the life, character, and work of

    great men, but we know little of the inner details of their domestic and intimate


    Alexander the Great may have beaten his wife, and Cromwell may have been a

    very clever and tactful father, but in the majority of those examples which have

    hitherto served us so well, we know little or nothing of the private life. And it is

    essentially, and first of all, the private life that Venus influences. The reader

    must, therefore, be content to rely, to a certain extent, upon the authority of the

    author regarding the influence of Venus.

    Venus in Sagittarius

    Venus is in some ways at her best in this sign. She has not the passion which we

    have noticed in the other two fiery signs. She is more impulsive and less

    constant. The slightest rebuff kills the interest. And in no case is affection likely

    to be long-lived. These remarks apply to love rather than to friendship, for, in the

    latter, the fact that Jupiter rules Sagittarius comes into play.

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    For this reason we call Venus at her best; she has an aspiring and spiritual

    quality which tends to remove from her any taint of earthy grossness. This very

    quality, however, may in some eyes appear as a defect. Those who imagine that

    the only kind of love is that which is expressed in accordance with social

    conventions may be unmeasured in the hatred of such tendencies as this sign

    confers, particularly upon women.It is very common to find fantastic passions such as have been celebrated by

    Baudelaire, Verlaine and Swinburne, as well as by the one supreme poetess that

    ever lived, Sappho. Those things which are gross and unrefined do not appeal. It

    is necessary to satisfy mental and spiritual cravings and also to content the

    imagination. The lack of earthiness, the absence of physical bonds, causes rapid

    changes which may be mistaken for caprice, but which are really not so; on the

    contrary, they are symptoms of fidelity to the ideal. People with this position are

    proud and high-spirited, and they demand the same qualities in those whom they

    love. Indelicacy shocks. Further it may be said that any attempt to bind down theaffections is intensely resented. To fish for such people one must employ the

    finest lines and the smallest flies; though the more brightly they are colored, the

    more successful is likely to be the sport.

    Examples of the peculiar delicacy or spirit conferred by this position are afforded

    by George Eliot, Robert Louis Stevenson, Chatterton, and Lewis Carroll.

    Perhaps, too, the unfortunate relations of Charles I with his ministers may be

    attributed to this position. He never seemed able to trust constantly in them. He

    would trust too much, become disappointed for quite insufficient reasons, and

    then betray them. One might also look at the political careers of Gladstone,Winston Churchill and Theodore Roosevelt. The extraordinary rashness in

    speech of the last named is very typical of this position.

    With most ordinary people, these qualities manifest as something not much

    better than heartlessness and fickleness. Love sparkles and glitters, but is

    without warmth. Venus does not expand sufficiently to glow or to ennoble the life

    with true affection. There is never any excess energy to waste. The native has

    just so much of the Venusian qualities as suits his own purpose. He has none to

    give to others. As the swift spark is very attractive to those who really seek love,

    people with Venus in this sign often cause the greatest disappointment - theyattract the passion of really warm-hearted people and then fail to satisfy it.

    Often they cannot understand how they are failing. Similarly, they may cause

    much anxiety to those who love them because they do not reciprocate the

    affections of the other party, who may consequently believe that he is failing in

    kindness, when, in reality, it is merely that he is trying to rekindle a shooting star.

    Very often true passion is altogether lacking or, if it exists, it is as transient and

    ephemeral as we learn that certain brightly colored insects are.

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    It often happens that the natural instincts are replaced by fantasies, forms of

    love which are expressed by symbol rather than by sense. Hence, the natural

    purpose of Venus, which is, after all, vitally important to the race, is frequently

    thwarted. Venus in Sagittarius often induces the native to act in such ways as to

    avoid what is, after all, the one great glorious human attribute, willing sacrifice.

    Thus, a woman with Venus in Sagittarius might prefer to adopt a child rather thanto go through the pains of bearing one.

    In art, we find a very interesting expression of this position in Mark Twain (S.L.

    Clemens). Here we see an art, extraordinarily jeweled, with brief scintillations,

    but we rarely find in his writings the large, sustained humor, elaborated and

    rendered complex by the interplay of one idea with another, such as we find in

    the greatest masters. One may also recommend to the reader without comment,

    the study of three people very different in this position who are yet united by the

    presence of Venus in this sign: Marie Bashkirtseff, Maude Adams, and Evelyn

    Nesbit (Thaw).

    Venus in the Third House

    Strong inclination to the fine arts; pleasant traveling; success in letters and

    writings; peaceful relations among the members of the family; amiable

    disposition, and bright, fruitful intellect. Poetry, music, singing, and painting are

    among the pursuits of those under this influence.

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    Mars represents the muscular system; it is often found that a weak brain goes

    with great development of physical strength, and vice versa. It might even occur

    that the whole of the higher faculties might be harmonious and strong, yet fail to

    make good, owing to the lack of practical energy, boldness, and capacity for

    rather brutal work. The material plane continually presents obstacles to the

    higher nature; Mars is the force which pushes such obstacles aside, or

    demolishes them.

    His external influence upon the man as distinguished from his internal influence

    within the character, is that of excitement, inflammation, violence, and accident.

    Thus a square of Mars to the Sun might give a rugged constitution and dauntless

    energy, and at the same time subject the native to fevers and accidents from fire

    or steel.

    The power of Mars will, of course, as before, be modified by his position in the

    Zodiac, and, owing to his material and therefore easily-molded nature, the

    variations will be, on the whole, more extreme than we have found to be the

    case with planets of greater spirituality.

    Yet so great is his importance, that a badly afflicted Mars practically inhibits the

    native from making wise use of his enormous energy. It is a curious and

    somewhat paradoxical situation, and the student cannot pay too much attention

    to its study.

    Mars in Virgo

    Mars and Mercury are not altogether unfriendly, and certainly Virgo has no such

    detrimental effect on Mars as we found exerted by Gemini, but the combination

    is a little cold-blooded. There is a certain passionate chastity about it; real

    warmth of heart in the conventional sense appears to be denied. It will be seen

    that, of all upon our list, though many are great men and women, not one can be

    called a great lover. This remark applies as much to method as in the preceding

    sections; it refers to a certain coldness and detachment of action, as if the

    enthusiasms were not awakened. Yet the will may be extremely strong. The

    women on our list are almost ostentatiously passionless, and the men hardly less

    so. In the devotion to a cause, we find two of the greatest women who ever

    lived, Clara Barton, organizer of the American Red Cross, and Madame

    Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society.

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    Before adding the name of Anna Kingsford to these, we must anticipate the

    objection that she boasted of an intensely sensual disposition, but here Mars is

    exaggerated by a square from Jupiter and Virgo is warmed by the Sun, Venus,

    and Mercury, the first of these being in very close conjunction with Mars.

    However, there is no trace of eroticism in her work, and it is the actual method of

    expressing the personality which is denoted by Mars, not the nature of thatpersonality itself.

    Among men we have Balfour, with Mars on the Leo/Virgo cusp, whose cold

    intellectualism is at once his charm and his weakness; Kruger, notably the most

    dexterous and cool politician of his period; Dreyfus, whose detachment made

    him so unpopular with his men, and thus led to his being accused by his brother

    officers; Archbishop Laud, whose lack of warmth lost him his friends; William III,

    most unpopular as a king, owing to his "Dutch coldness"; and Louis XVI, whose

    lack of sympathy with the needs of his people caused his downfall.

    Finally, we have two of the greatest generals that the world has known:Napoleon Bonaparte and General George S. Patton. Napoleon had Mars trine to

    both Pluto and Uranus. Patton had Mars square to both Pluto and Mercury. Both

    of these owed their greatness very largely to this power of detachment in their

    method; both, however keenly interested in a matter, were able to view it and

    treat it as if it hardly concerned them; and this is the chief virtue of Mars in Virgo.

    Mars in the Eleventh House

    Contentions among friends; unsatisfactory relations with others in social life.

    Friends lead the native into extravagance or some form of dissipation. Danger tothe wife in childbirth. In a woman's horoscope, the husband is often profligate.

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    Jupiter, in a general classification, may be said to be the precise contrary of

    Saturn. The latter constricts and conserves; the former expands and spends.

    The one is egoism; the other altruism. In religious symbolism Saturn is Jehovah -

    "I am that I am" - which is only a theocratic way of saying "everything for

    myself." Jupiter is the divine Son, Jesus - the benevolently spendthrift heir - who

    gives his very life for others. Jupiter is the instinct of creation, of generosity and

    hospitality, and of the religious emotions generally; and, of course, in so far as

    the man is passive to Jupiter, he represents these qualities in the cosmos

    bestowed upon the man, and hence "Good fortune." Naturally, his action

    depends, with regard to its scope, upon Neptune and Uranus. Unless these

    planets, signifying respectively the soul and the divine will, indicate bigness in the

    career, a good Jupiter will be no more than a luck-bringer in business or

    profession, and make the character noble, generous, and easy-going; and a

    weak Jupiter will only defeat advancement in life, and tend to enfeeble the

    character by making it spendthrift, luxurious, and unable to resist the influence of


    We have intimated above through what channels Jupiter comes to express his

    creative and generous tendencies in material prosperity; but another point which

    should be emphasized in this regard is that Jupiter represents to a very great

    extent the ambition of the native. The force, quality, and degree of success of

    this ambition will be indicated by the strength and position of the planet, and the

    direction or channel through which this ambition may work out its best prosperity

    will be shown by the sign which Jupiter occupies, modified of course by other

    contributory conditions.

    In the days when a man was either a lord or a serf, a knight or an innkeeper, it

    was comparatively easy to determine with exactness a man's vocation. In

    modern days, however, there are thousands of different and characteristic types

    of employment. While Jupiter is the key to the type of work which may bring a

    man money or profit, it does not necessarily follow that it is the kind of vocation

    for which he has the greatest inclination. Too often, indeed, his inclination is not

    that for which he is best adapted, or it is incompatible with his environment and

    education. On the other hand, an accurate observer may often see a person with

    distinct abilities for a certain type of work, and yet he recognizes that, for some

    other reason, he had an inability to make a success of that work.

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    Jupiter in Cancer

    In Cancer, Jupiter is in the house of his exaltation; and that sign being above all a

    symbol of pleasure, we may naturally expect that it will bring out the truly "jovial"

    qualities of the planet. This is undoubtedly the case; the native is good-humored,

    benevolent, and humane; the emotional nature and the imagination are strong;

    but the pleasantest qualities are more evident in the nativities of private personsthan in those of the great. In those there will nearly always be a counterbalance,

    or life would be dissipated into mere pleasure.

    The chart of the French novelist Marcel Proust is instructive because Jupiter is

    angular right on the fourth house cusp, from which it squares Mars and opposes

    Saturn. The themes of Proust's life and work were guilt and memory, set into

    motion by the death of his mother. Cancer has a strong connection to home,

    mother, tradition, and education. Steel magnate and library philanthropist Andrew

    Carnegie has Jupiter trine rising Mercury and square to Pluto. Born just five days

    after Carnegie with the same Scorpio ascendant, Mark Twain (Clemens) has thesame Mercury and Pluto aspects plus he has Jupiter square the Moon, ruler of

    Cancer, which emphasizes the connection to the public and the common man.

    Oliver Cromwell, the wealthy landowner who became the Lord Protector for

    England after its civil war and who then voluntarily relinquished his position, had

    Jupiter in the fourth in aspect to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and

    Saturn. Another statesman who labored for the public good was Benjamin

    Franklin, whose Cancer Jupiter opposes his Sun and is in quintile to Saturn; his

    brilliance and his robust physical health stems from a grand Fire trine between

    Mars, Neptune, and Pluto. He also had Moon sextile Venus, which made himsuccessful as a diplomat.

    Let us look at the Jupiter of two strong, self-centered men, Jay Gould and

    Joseph Chamberlain, and of one weak, selfish man, James II. Jay Gould has

    Jupiter in conjunction with Venus, which turns the self-indulgence shown by

    Cancer into love of money, and of course implies great luck in getting hold of it.

    There are no good aspects. Chamberlain has Saturn square, which removes the

    religious and philanthropic impulses. James II has Uranus square to Jupiter, and

    the Moon semi-sextile. This is weakness. Jupiter is lord of the ninth house; so

    we find, as we should expect, religious bigotry, the affliction by Uranus denyingillumination.

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    Dr. Zamenhof, the inventor of Esperanto, with his benevolent ideas should have a

    strong Jupiter; and, indeed, the planet has a trine to innovative Neptune and is

    inconjunct to Sun and Mercury. These aspects are not strong enough to carry

    the idea to a successful accomplishment; for this, there should have been

    favorable aspects to Uranus and Mercury; had there been, we might indeed

    have had a "universal language" that would have commended itself to the world.John Bright, one of the really fine religious and humanitarian types of the

    Victorian era, has Jupiter just above the Ascendant; where he is the only planet

    in the east and is the focus of a Yod pattern from Venus, Neptune, and Mars.

    In everyday life, the native who has Jupiter in Cancer is imaginative and

    intuitional, sometimes with inclinations for psychism or other mysteries. The

    position gives excellent aptitude for moneymaking and the ability to hold money

    after it has been acquired. He is likely to travel much by water, but is fond of

    home and is apt to find himself very closely bound by affection to his mother.

    People born with Jupiter in Cancer have a splendid sense of the practical andnatural values of life. The disposition allows for a wider range of vocation, but

    not for any wider attitude toward the work at hand. Some of our most successful

    politicians, manufacturers, wholesale merchants, chemists or men interested in

    shipping or other enterprises connected with liquids, have Jupiter placed in

    Cancer. It often causes them to deal with something that is used in the home or

    on the persons and gives excellent aptitude for making money, as well as the

    ability to accumulate it, although they are often too conservative in business,

    frequently missing opportunities through too great caution. It makes one a

    gracious host and a liberal provider for the home.Women having Jupiter in this sign frequently marry men in public life. They make

    excellent nurses, meet with success in domestic science or in the care of

    children and the home, also in work connected with food.

    Jupiter in the Tenth House

    High honors, wealth, and success. The native rises in his sphere of life, and

    gains credit and emoluments. It is one of the best auguries of a prosperous and

    happy life.

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    Saturn, in a general classification, may be said to be the precise contrary of

    Jupiter. Where the latter expands and spends; the former constricts and

    conserves. Where Jupiter is bold and extravagant, Saturn is cautious and

    ascetic. Responsible Saturn acts to protect the interests of self, family, society,

    and the world from harm. Where Jupiter boldly seeks and grows with

    experience, Saturn has the wisdom of having learned from experience. But the

    wisdom and knowledge of Saturn relate to the material world, to the world of

    conditions, consequences, and rules. Saturn can be ambitious, controlling, and

    egoistic. Saturn protects the self against hurt by judging according to lower-

    mind polarities, such as smart versus stupid or winner versus loser. The function

    of the outer planets, which represent the higher mind, is to rebel against the

    limitations of the lower mind, providing opportunities for freedom from the

    tyranny of the everyday world's rules, conditions, polarities, and judgments.

    Man may be master of life and of death - if he will. To the worker in the fields of

    the intelligence, the farmer of mind, the harvest grows continually. Saturn is once

    again the golden god. The brain of the brain worker improves constantly until the

    age of sixty, and even then retains its vigor until the end. Such old men we often

    see. Instead of the vices and infirmities of age, they have consolidated virtues,

    conserved strength. Dignity and austerity crown and cloak them. They are

    simple, strenuous and lofty-minded. Even if they are of solitary habit, they are

    kind. The purpose of their lives has crystallized; and, because they have desired

    only the infinite, satiety does not touch them. Life is to them a religion of which

    they are the priests, an eternal sacrament of which perhaps the ecstasy is

    dulled, but which they consume with ever-increasing reverence. Joy and sorrow

    have been balanced, and the tale thereof is holy calm. They know that peace of

    God which passeth all understanding.

    The commoner aspect of Saturn, however, is this: the malicious oldster, envious

    of youth, hating life because he has failed to live it according to the law of

    righteousness. His will-power is merely obstinacy, opposition to reform, failure to

    accommodate himself to changed conditions, the conservatism of the hardened

    brain. He feels his waning powers and tries to receive - to receive, when all his

    sensibility is gone! Feeling himself impotent, he vents his toothless rage upon the

    young. Unhappy himself, he seeks to make others wretched. Sordid and

    heartless, he sneers at enthusiasm and generosity. Weary of life, he thinks life

    holds no joy.

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    Saturn represents what one does in the world, one's career, and life's lessons.

    Look to the planets that form aspects to Saturn for a guide to the activities that

    will mainly occupy the native's life. Conjunction, sextile, and trine aspects

    represent activities that will come easily to the native. The best of all of Saturn's

    dignities is illumination by the Sun. Square, inconjunct, and opposition aspects

    represent lessons that need to be learned or areas where the native feelsblocked and must fight. When Saturn has favorable aspects, the native tends to

    receive the benefit; when it has unfavorable aspects, then Saturn tends to act as

    a blocking agent.

    Saturn in Scorpio

    The quality of secretiveness in Scorpio, and its order in the Zodiac as the natural

    sign for the house of death, make it a sympathetic menstruum for Saturn's rays.

    There is naturally, however, something deep, obscure and sinister in this position

    of the planet, and where it has a fair chance it will give such a tone to theAkankara, the name given by the philosophers of India to the "ego-making

    faculty," or the Saturn force in the human character. While this position of Saturn

    tends to produce a character both masterful and subtle, the evidence of this

    peculiar effect is not easy to find on account of its very habit of concealing itself.

    In the case of Tennyson it was so covered by external graces (in particular, the

    influence of Venus), that it is only from private sources that we know that traces

    of this Scorpio selfishness ever existed.

    Similar remarks apply to Lord Brougham. Here Saturn in Scorpio gives a harsh,

    unscrupulous purpose, which is developed in material affairs by the sextile ofJupiter; but Mercury and Venus just above the Ascendant conceal Saturn

    effectively, though he is the real director of the inner thought. The self-seeking of

    the great lawyer wore a mask of tact, wit and amiability, beneath which the

    corrosive acid of his purpose ate away his enemies.

    Compare with this the nativity of Archbishop Laud. Here Saturn has a square of

    the Moon, a trine of Pluto, and a wide opposition of Jupiter, who in the ninth

    house signifies religion, with no help beyond a semi-sextile of Mercury. Here is

    the typical selfish and intriguing prelate; Saturn on the cusp of the third house

    constantly occupying the mind with ambition and the lust of power. But Saturn'sstrength is not aided by fortune; the afflictions were bound to bring the native's

    ultimate downfall.

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    Cicero is a great example of this position; Saturn is sextile the Sun and squared

    by the Moon. The operation of the sign is intensified by these dispositions. As

    the first act of his public life, he fearlessly pursued and defeated a group of

    conspirators against the Roman republic. Ranked in the same category, though

    on the surface so different, his more lasting achievement, the "Somnium

    Scipionis", is almost the only mystical treatise which the Latins have left to us.That unfortunate monarch, Charles I of England, had this position. Here Saturn,

    in opposition to Uranus, is close to the cusp of the fourth house, for an ill end to

    the matter, and he receives no notable help. But we can gauge the desperate

    quality of the native's struggle to hold his inheritance, the secret and mendacious

    and fatal paths trodden by him in that attempt. With a preponderance of planets

    in mutable signs, one can only attribute to this opposition of Saturn and Uranus in

    fixed Scorpio and Taurus what is said about him, that he was "self-righteous,

    stubborn, opinionated, determined and confrontational."

    An example of over-development of the self is seen in the poet Thomas Moore.Mars and the Moon are in conjunction with Saturn to give recklessness and

    dissipation; Mercury in opposition to make it blind; only the sextile of Jupiter

    adds a touch of geniality, which made him welcome only as the companion of an

    hour in a tavern or a parlor.

    Compare particularly in this matter the case of the late J. Pierpont Morgan.

    Saturn is squaring Mars, Jupiter and Neptune, sextile to the Moon, while trine to

    Uranus. While there is plenty of self-preservation, the Moon and Uranus both

    bring vision. The dispositions are consequently not altogether bad, but the great

    wisdom was undoubtedly used for material ends.Sir Humphrey Davy has Saturn in Scorpio, but Jupiter and Venus are sextile, and

    the Sun and Mars semi-sextile. Here is much favorable modification of Saturn,

    who is rising. Thus the self-force, rendered bright and tender by such aspects, is

    in complete harmony with the personality. Here strength is wedded with

    gentleness, and we can understand readily how he was able to give his life to its

    purpose without upsetting his contemporaries by bitterness of controversy.

    In Goethe we find adroitness in the emphasis of his ego. Saturn just above the

    horizon is trined by the Moon, and has the illuminating square of Uranus, all of

    which harmonizes the personality with the instinct of self-preservation. Thisinstinct is strong but clever, and we comprehend, if we do not altogether

    applaud, his sword and his diamond buckles.

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    In many ways, as has been seen, Saturn in Scorpio has critical tendencies; it

    imperils the reputation, may bring scandal or unpopularity and, badly aspected,

    may cause reverses or downfall. Its influence upon the health is rather perilous in

    early life, though, that period safely passed, it promises a long life. It is,

    however, a position very favorable for association with mystical or secret


    Saturn in the Second House

    Business losses; a thrifty nature; hard work for little gain; sometimes poverty.

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    As the race evolves, it seems that man must learn to adapt himself more and

    more to the vibrations of Uranus and its powerful influx, which appear to be

    growing more and more potent in the unfolding of genius, or the transcending of

    intellect. Through the harmonious vibrations of Uranus, it is found that people

    become prophetic, keen, perceptive, executive, inventive, original, given to

    roaming, untrammeled by tradition, impatient of creeds, opinionated,

    argumentative, stubborn, and eccentric. They speak to the point; asserting, with

    startling confidence, opinions far in advance of their fellows. They come into

    possession of wealth in unexpected and strange ways, yet often appear to pass

    under the yoke of discipline as though cast down for a purpose from opulence to

    poverty, only to rise again by the unfolding of unexpected resources. Always

    ahead of their time, the natives of Uranus are often dreamers in philanthropy;

    poetic, though their writings need interpretation and are often unintelligible even

    to the imaginative, because of their mystical origin and transcendental coloring.

    In the few years during which Uranus has been under observation, it has been

    found that, if afflicted, it is the source of incurable organic diseases, collapse of

    fortune, and individual as well as national destruction. It is demonstrable that, in

    inharmonious nativities, evil Uranian influences, both through transits and

    directions, have brought about headlong destruction from bad habits, misdirected

    affection, illicit connections before or after legal marriage; according to the

    signification of the place of radical affliction in the horoscope.

    Every psychic thus far studied by the writer has been found, by careful

    consideration of the authentic birth data, to be under powerful Uranian influence;

    and to this vibration may be attributed clairvoyance, warning dreams, second-

    sight, clairaudience and similar phenomena.

    The occupations or avocations which seem in sympathy with this strange planet

    are progressive, inventive, exploring, and of a humanitarian nature. The influence

    of Uranus is the least personal, and the most universal in the Zodiac;

    consequently, any endeavor for the betterment of humanity is favored by those

    who are strongly responsive to its vibration.

    Uranus produces lecturers, public figures, travelers, inventors, aviators, radio

    operators, astrologers, electricians, scientists, physiologists, mesmerists,


    Uranus makes one impulsive and extremely eccentric; the native does not know

    his own mind, but is continually moved by providential agencies; he often

    becomes a fatalist, feeling that his destiny is beyond his own control.

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    Uranus emphasizes the will, causing the native to move spontaneously from an

    inner urge; the native is active, original, inventive, and is notable for his love of

    liberty and an idealistic sense of justice. The planet bestows leadership and

    causes the native to become a pioneer and to establish new orders of things.

    Uranus makes the mind independent, original, and not amenable to control. The

    native is unconventional, altruistic and subject to sudden changes of attitude.There is an uncanny ability to sense motives.

    Circumstances induced by Uranus are sudden changes, estrangements, exiles,

    blind impulses, catastrophes, suicides, romantic tragedies, inexplicable changes

    of fortune, accidents, secret enemies, plottings, and sudden elevations.

    Every living soul is presumed to have a purpose, and that purpose single. Not

    one in a million, perhaps, is conscious of that purpose; we seem for the most

    part to be a mass of vacillations. Even the main objective career of an individual

    cannot be considered as necessarily an expression of the interior will.

    But Uranus indicates divine will; and the reason why he is so explosive andviolent and upsetting to human affairs is that he represents the real intention,

    which, lying deeper than the conscious purpose, often contradicts it. The outer

    and the inner are then in conflict; and whenever battle is joined, the inner must

    win. To the outer consciousness, this naturally appears as disaster; for the native

    does not recognize the force as part of himself, or, if so, he regards it as a

    disturbing entity, and resents its dominion. Uranus is, in Egyptian symbolism, the

    Royal Uraeus Serpent; slow, yet sudden, Lord of life and death. It takes a great

    deal to move him; but, when once in motion, he is irresistible. This is why, to the

    normal mind, he appears so terrible.As has been seen, the deep-lying interior purpose of any being is nearly always

    obscure and undecipherable to the mortal eye; but there is an indication or

    hieroglyph of it which is usually very significant. One can hardly call it more than

    the artistic expression of the purpose, and this appears a very good way to

    describe it. We call it the Temperament. It does not define the Will itself, but it

    sets limits to the sphere wherein the Will may work.

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    We have already found that the personality is imaged in the sign on the

    Ascendant; and from this we now turn to a consideration of the sign in which

    Uranus may be situated. Where these two factors are harmonious, we get a

    character with unity of moral purpose; where otherwise, a self-tortured waverer.

    It might be cited as an objection that those who have Uranus in the Ascendant

    are usually eccentric characters; but the argument is on the other side. Sucheccentricity is temperament in its highest development; it shows the entire over-

    ruling of the superficial qualities by this deep-seated, turbulent, magical will. It is

    only to others that the person with Uranus rising appears so eccentric.

    Uranus in Aries

    Uranus in Aries gives a character intrepid, dauntless, fiery and indomitable,

    whether for good or evil.

    Flaming, headstrong, hot-tempered, impetuous, self-willed, and obstinate is the

    type; but sometimes the native will make a sudden and complete turn-about-face, and pursue a new and contradictory course with the same energy as he

    did the former. Nor, as a rule, will he be capable of seeing that he has changed

    in any respect. There is nothing particularly constructive in this type of energy. A

    strong example of this temperament is found in Mrs. Annie Besant, Aries being

    the rising sign. In Pope Alexander VI, the same qualities are apparent; but here

    Capricorn and Saturn are rising; and, although Mars is exalted in Capricorn, and

    so not inharmonious with the Aries temperament, yet a Saturnian element is

    super-added with the most unfortunate results. Here Saturn conjoins the Sun and

    both are square to Mars oppose Uranus.People with Uranus in Aries are always so firmly convinced they are right that

    opposition to their wishes appears to them as something positively unjustifiable,

    and they are therefore entirely unscrupulous in crushing such opposition.

    Sometimes this masterful quality is confined to legitimate lines, as in the case of

    Edison. Scorpio is rising, and its Lord, Mars, which sits on the cusp of the money

    house, is conjunct the Moon, representing the public. As an independent

    newspaper boy, young Edison learned what interested the public and innovated

    ways to make money; he would go on to earn much money from the 1093

    valuable inventions that he patented. Pluto and Neptune are strong and add toEdison's inventiveness.

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    Contrast with Edison's Uranus the case of the Earl of Strafford (Thomas

    Wentworth), and Cromwell, who both had Uranus in Aries. It will also be

    instructive to compare them with each other. Each had an iron will, an

    unscrupulous determination to have his own way at any cost; but Strafford has

    Virgo rising. He prepared a plan for dealing with Ireland called "thorough," which

    was effectively to legalize massacre; but there is no passion in Virgo tocooperate with such violence, and Strafford was not strong enough to carry the

    plan out; he hung fire. Cromwell, with Aries rising, went through Ireland like a

    new Attila.

    Anna Kingsford had Uranus in Aries; with Aquarius rising it is the ruler of the

    chart. Uranus gets more favorable aspects than any other planet - receiving

    trines from the Leo Moon and Midheaven, sextiles from Jupiter and the

    Ascendant, and an exact biquintile from Mercury. A close conjunction from Mars

    strengthens the Virgo Sun. Here we find, then, a great example of the driving

    force of these configurations - Anna Kingsford, despite all disqualifications,disposed of an initiating force sufficient to arouse the thought of half the world. It

    is her work which made the growth of Theosophy and its analogous cults at all

    possible. She was, doubtless, the head of the battering-ram that broke in the

    gates of the materialistic philosophy of the Victorian Age.

    Robert Louis Stevenson has the last degrees of Aquarius rising, but Pisces is

    intercepted in the Ascendant, and Uranus in the first degrees of Aries is just

    within it. There is no great natural harmony between Aries and Aquarius, but their

    presence together in the first house creates harmony. So we find Stevenson,

    despite the most distressing ill-health, producing masterpieces. Astrologicstudents of literature may attribute to Aquarius his curiously gentle, profound

    psychology, and to Uranus conjunct Pluto in Aries the passion for bloodthirsty

    incident, which may also be credited to the position of his Mars conjunct Sun in

    Scorpio. Saturn is also in the Ascendant, just above Uranus, and this adds the

    tinge of melancholy which so increases his incomparable charm.

    Another example is Ludwig II of Bavaria. Here Uranus in the eleventh house is in

    semi-square to a conjunction of Neptune and Mars on the Midheaven. We also

    see a conjunction of Mercury and Venus in Virgo in the fifth house, where these

    two planets are the focus of a yod pattern from Mars+Neptune and Pluto. So wesee a dreamy, easy, pleasure-loving temperament, which bursts out at times into

    maniacal enthusiasms and extravagances. The lack of harmony between Uranus

    and Neptune is the essential blot in the personality which ultimately manifested

    itself as madness.

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    A final example is Abbas Effendi. Aquarius is rising, and Uranus in Aries is just

    within the second house. Uranus is sextile to Saturn in Aquarius and to the Sun

    with Mercury in Gemini; Uranus becomes the focus of a Talent Triangle pattern.

    Here we see the same gentle profundity as Stevenson's. But Neptune is rising

    opposed to the Moon; and, instead of the tremendous will which enabled

    Stevenson to rank with the greatest masters, there is but a soft and somewhatundefined personality, its Will remaining interior, not externalized, since the

    forces that oppress it are too strong to overcome, and also since Neptune,

    opposing the Moon, exercises an inhibitory influence on all continuous activity.

    Uranus in the Sixth House

    Nervous diseases; losses and anxieties through servants; changes which

    interfere with health and comfort.

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    To arrive at the true valuation of Neptune's influence in the signs of the Zodiac

    and upon the native as he comes under the dominion of the signs, the reader

    must constantly bear in mind the peculiar nature of the planet as distinguished

    from other planets.

    Whereas Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Saturn exert their influences chiefly

    upon man in his mundane capacities, his evolutionary life, Neptune exerts a

    spiritual influence upon man in the midst of the latter's mundane existence, for

    Neptune is the planet of spiritual forces, of the revolutionary spirit itself.

    Neptune's influence upon a life dominated wholly or chiefly by physical or

    materialistic interests is likely to be wholly bad or malefic, while this same

    influence, stressed upon a life already under a spiritual leading, will be wholly

    good or benefic.

    It is the Neptune influence that gives the wings of vision to humanity in its long

    struggle out of darkness into the light of eternity.

    Materialistic persons can think only in relative values of a day, a month, a year at

    most; intellectually developed persons think in values of a lifetime; but those of

    our sphere who are spiritually conscious think and work in terms of the eternal;

    to these a century is as a year, a cycle as a life; they are the true Neptunians.

    The materialistic astrologer classes Neptune "malefic, sinister, obscure," but the

    enlightened astrologian thoroughly understands that Neptune causes upon this

    earth and upon its natives the influx of a spiritual element unrelated to strictly

    earthly affairs. While the other planets are commensurable and deal with the

    relative, Neptune is incommensurable; he intrudes the absolute. In other words,

    for those developed spiritually Neptune is wholly "good," for others he seems

    wholly "bad." Neptune stirs the soul to aspiration toward the infinite; the result is

    that a humanitarian influence is projected by the native for the benefit of

    humanity's advance as a whole. On the other hand, for those whose desires

    cause them to plunge and wallow in the troughs of mere material delights and

    satisfactions, the Neptune influence is as a lightning bolt that shatters their

    temples of materialism to the very foundations.

    Neptune's orbit, being the outer circle of our known universe, is so vast, the

    effect of his movement upon the earth is so slow, that we may best consider his

    influence as negative upon our physical life, and as positive upon our spiritual

    impulses. He is as an indication of the tendency of the period, the planet of the

    new era, a barometer of the latter-day Universe.

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    Neptune requires approximately fourteen years to move through a single sign. To

    give an account of his effects upon humanity would be to write the history of the


    One can gauge him, to some extent, by considering certain events of

    comparatively recent times. Matters requiring wisdom are usually directed by

    men of between forty-five and fifty-five years, and the consensus of theirinfluence may be divined from the place of Neptune at their birth.

    Thus the Revolution of 1848 was brought about by men influenced by Neptune in

    Libra; they struggled for freedom and justice, but their policy lacked virility, while

    their methods failed because of indirectness. Similarly, the French Revolution

    was begun by people influenced by Neptune in Leo, but the generations of

    preparation toward that event involved people with that planet in Cancer or

    Gemini. Cromwell's Neptune was also in Leo.

    The recent Great War was doubtless due to the influence of people born with

    Neptune in Aries; while the rebuilding of civilization has fallen upon thoselaborious and initiative men and women for whom Neptune works through Taurus

    and Gemini.

    The scientific advance of the Nineteenth Century was due to pioneers stimulated

    by Neptune in Capricorn; and the fruits of their labors were gathered by men

    born with Neptune in Aquarius. Neptune was in Pisces, influencing the artistic,

    psychic decadent generation of the Nineties.

    Times when skeptical thought attacks tradition by purely intellectual methods and

    makes constructive work possible are those influenced by Neptune in Gemini.

    Immanuel Kant, who destroyed the old philosophy, Voltaire, who destroyed theold religion, and their contemporaries were of such a generation.

    Neptune, being the planet of spiritual forces, is always revolutionary. Forever he

    quickens the old life and increases the new life; the principle is the same; only

    the material varies according to the signs through which he moves.

    Because of the character of Neptune and the long period of time it requires to

    pass through a single sign, its influence upon the individual is very dependent

    upon its position and aspect to other planets. It is, therefore, obviously

    unnecessary to go into a lengthy account of its effect upon the individual in the

    twelve signs.

    Neptune in Pisces

    People who have Neptune in Pisces are psychic in the extreme, over-modest

    and reserved. As Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, it is the most propitious position

    which this planet can hold. Pisces is a distinctly passive sign, and this is a

    completely passive position for Neptune. Pisces is also not a sign of great active

    strength and assertive power; its forces are more negative, receptive,

    reflectively benefic.

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    Thus, while in its own sign, Neptune does not possess nearly so much power to

    affect the material plane as in either more active or more material signs. In fact,

    the very spirituality of the planet and the very psychic passivity of the sign

    inevitably do not make for strength of manifestation on a physical earth. Thus, as

    the materialistic Scorpio is the most powerful position of Neptune and the

    spiritual Sagittarius its next in force, so, the material Capricorn being theweakest position, the psychic Pisces is its next in weakness, viewed from a

    material standpoint. Otherwise, Pisces might be considered the most powerful

    position of Neptune.

    In the individual nativity, this position of Neptune in Pisces does not, as a rule,

    make for singularly dynamic impulses of high, altruistic quality. Most people are

    too materially active for this passive, psychic force to exert its influence. Unlike

    the position in Sagittarius, so strongly active, this position has little effect upon

    the average man, while it may lend force to the extraordinary man. Kaiser

    Wilhelm II, under whose strong rule Germany prospered for thirty years, hadNeptune in Pisces angular in his chart, conjunct both the Midheaven and Mars.

    The talented comedic wit Oscar Wilde had Neptune in Pisces angular on his

    Descendant; unfortunately afflicted by a close square from Saturn on the

    Midheaven; the youthful radiance bestowed by Neptune gave way to

    imprisonment and a tragic end. Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud had Neptune in

    Pisces square the Moon but sextile to a Sun-Uranus conjunction. Painter Paul

    Gauguin had Neptune angular on the Descendant and the focus of a Kite pattern

    formed by the Moon, Mercury, and Chiron; he was successful as a stockbroker

    until he decided to escape civilization for the simple life of Tahiti. Desiring toescape to a simpler life is a common theme with people having a strong


    A malefic Neptune in Pisces gives a craving for narcotics and strong liquor.

    Neptune in the Fifth House

    Illicit amours; absorbing love of pleasures of a sensuous nature. Unless other

    indications modify this position, the native will be disposed to chaotic and

    unnatural acts; will have depraved desires, fantastic appetites, and licentious

    habits. In either sex it is a dangerous position, and leads to trouble in love affairsand all the evils of erotic mania, seduction, etc.

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    Pluto is a cold, remote, and austere planet. But for all its great distance from

    Earth, astrologers have found it to have a powerful influence in the life - as

    significant as is Saturn for the direction of one's life. Pluto gives the courage and

    intensity to transform oneself, sometimes in unexpected ways. All the outer

    planets symbolize higher mind functions and give awareness of the big picture -

    Pluto confers breadth, versatility, consciousness and judgment. Pluto's choices

    may violate social custom; it sees in terms of longer cycles and needs. Pluto is

    not by itself spiritual in nature, rather it is remorseless. It sometimes correlates

    with efficiency and a Spartan simplicity.

    Pluto in Capricorn

    Your generation matures early, occupying itself with serious matters such as the

    reform of business, politics, government, religion, science, and the environment.

    You may be a critic, but you are not a radical. Security is important to you. If

    Pluto is strong in your chart, you will strive for wisdom through reading and

    learning. You may idealize your father or a teacher and suffer from bouts of

    loneliness. You are capable of great self-knowledge and self-integration. If you

    bite the bullet and take well thought-out actions, you will leave the world a better


    Pluto in the Third House

    The mental processes run deep; communications with others are not easy. A

    master of non-verbal communication. Tragedy when young or involving a sibling

    or neighbor who lives dangerously. Should avoid hitchhikers.

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    Mars trine Pluto (5.99)

    You have a toughness that allows you to play with the big boys. The energy that

    flows through you could make you successful as an athlete. With your mental

    toughness and ability to see the big picture, you could become a scientist or

    mathematician. You have confidence and take risks. It tends to make you

    prolific in your work. A woman with this aspect can see things from a man's point

    of view. You think in terms of growth and evolution.

    Uranus square Pluto (5.95)

    Social technologies, such as broadcasting, publishing, and photography, have

    always attracted you. You have a live and let live philosophy. You cannot be

    pigeon-holed, but have eclectic tastes. Your style is supple, ingenious, witty, and

    socially relevant. You are good at improvisation and could be a host, master of

    ceremonies, interviewer, or negotiator. It is relatively easy for you to make

    changes and try new things. You could have many romantic relationships. Your

    career might go through irregular changes. Your restless, improvisational mind is

    easily distracted. You experience the most success when you do work that you

    believe in and not work that you think people will like. You have the right to be

    selfish. Things will go better and you will enjoy it more when you take charge.

    Mercury conjunct Saturn (3.90)

    This important position runs the gamut from stupidity and inertia, in cases where

    Saturn overcomes and stifles, so to speak, the action of Mercury, to the careful,

    methodical type of mind, with, possibly, great powers of taking pains, sustained

    highly focused concentration, and profound perceptions.

    Provided that the remainder of the nativity supplies initiative and energy, this

    position is good for any post that calls for trouble, prudence, and caution; but of

    itself it may incline to waste of time and lack of energy, particularly if it be in

    water, when mental self-confidence may be lacking.

    Depression is not uncommon and there is a propensity to solitary habits.

    Afflictions between these planets are common in cases of suicide, wherein

    Mercury is also often in a sign of Saturn.

    There are often checks in the career, and in some cases there is a failure to fulfil

    youthful promise. Development is frequently slow and should not be forced,

    unless, as is sometimes the case, there is a tendency to procrastination.

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    There is often a good deal of self-will and obstinacy, and something of the type

    that argues to justify itself at all costs and will never admit its mistakes - this is

    common if Aries is also heavily tenanted. On the other hand, this same tenacity,

    when directed reasonably, makes a very excellent fighter in adverse


    Sun conjunct Mercury (3.76)

    These two are never more than about 28 apart, so that only the conjunction and

    parallel aspects can occur.

    It has often been stated that a close conjunction is of an undesirable nature, the

    mental faculties being liable to suffer detriment. This is especially the case, it is

    supposed, when Mercury is combust, or within 5. I have never seen any

    suggestion made as to the possible difference between a superior and an

    inferior conjunction of Mercury or of Venus, but there may be a distinction of

    values.In Raphael's Guide it is said that the author does not agree that the conjunction

    of the Sun and Mercury impairs the native's faculties "so far as business or

    literary ability is concerned, but for clear sound intuitive perception and deep

    contemplation Mercury is best away from the Sun."

    I would rather suggest that the real loss is one of flexibility and impartiality. The

    native is inclined to be dogmatic, stubborn, and sometimes conceited, with little

    mental receptivity. The feelings impair the clarity of the mind, and there may be

    prejudices. The abilities are certainly less than with the Luni-Mercurial

    conjunction, which can, however, also be prejudiced, especially by racial andfamily influences.

    It is clear that there is some advantage in having the two bodies in different

    signs, since this must increase the range of responsiveness.

    In some cases, where the planet appears to predominate, the intellect subdues

    the animal nature, and there is an ascetic tendency, though a kindly one. More

    often the animal passions and spirits seek to control the mind, and the native is

    self-indulgent, usually in a wild, healthy-animal way. In few cases will he brook

    interference or counsel.

    The mind is generally practical and worldly, seeking objective results even whenstimulated by religion. It is self-assured, categorical, and independent in a way

    reminiscent of Uranian action.

    Probably the truth that lies in Raphael's assertion is that the mind is not

    sufficiently detached from personal feelings, except, of course, when occupied

    with pure abstractions - which in this case will rarely happen.

    The mind is usually healthy and robust, optimistic and vigorous.

    It is a good position for actors and artists generally, for there is a sense of the

    colorful; it is also good for the exercise of authority of a set and established


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    Psychologically the mind will benefit by the cultivation of adaptability, and by

    reflections tending to humility, and the advantage of not taking oneself too


    Sun sextile Mars (3.75)

    This aspect indicates great energy, and, subject to the remainder of the map,much actual daring and adventurousness. Nevertheless, this energy is frequently

    expressed in intellectual fields and is by no means always concerned with

    adventures in the usual sense of this word.

    There is usually strength and hardihood of body, though the physique is often

    spare and wiry rather than heavy and powerful. There is quick decision,

    alertness, and ability in all matters appertaining to objective problems. Nothing is

    too much trouble; the native likes to exercise his powers both physical and

    mental, and he is never happy unless doing something. He is far happier when

    busy performing or discussing his own doings than when forced to listen toothers. If airy or mutable signs rise, the energy is often intellectual; with watery

    signs ascending, there is often a "psychical" expression, i.e. the force of

    character is seen in the personality, which is of the kind often called magnetic.

    Regard must also naturally be paid to the signs containing the aspecting bodies

    themselves, but in any case there will probably be a decisive type of character,

    knowing well what it thinks, wishes, and intends.

    The profounder Scorpio side of Mars often causes the native to be a seeker

    after "hidden" things, a deep thinker, and an incisive, close-knit writer, such as R.

    W. Emerson (had a Yod pattern focused on 10). It likes epigram and apothegm.The same influence makes the native secretive, having a distinct inner side that

    is rarely exhibited; it is also productive of personal dignity and self-control.

    Likewise patient endurance of physical pain comes under this configuration, such

    as was exemplified by the late Earl Curzon. It may be emphatically said that the

    aspects of the Sun and Mars are by no means the purely pugnacious and

    brawn-producing influences that they are sometimes supposed to be; in their

    highest manifestation they signify the true *hero*, or man who fights, as it were,

    in the front ranks of mankind for the welfare of the race, a modern Hercules, in

    the ideal sense of the myth.Note that even the harmonious contacts usually bring some of the effects more

    often ascribed to the inharmonious, especially if either body is weak by sign or

    by other aspects. But these are likely to fall short of actual harm and may be

    rather of the nature of narrow escapes. For example, Lord Roberts was in the

    utmost danger when he won his Victoria Cross.

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    Sun sextile Pluto (3.74)

    You start life with great physical strength, but physical strength will decline and

    you along with it if that is where you have poured all your energies - put that

    energy into educating yourself and you will rise to the top. You prefer the real to

    the illusory and superficial. You do not like restrictions or lies and will work to

    free yourself of them. Have confidence in your own judgment. Take positiverisks. Sometimes luck is the power of your own unconscious. You are

    adaptable, versatile, and have good powers of communication and creativity.

    You can be a pioneer in the use of new techniques. You have a strong individual

    will, but you also believe in the collective power of teamwork and comradeship.

    You are good at transforming and reorganizing.

    Moon square Venus (3.27)

    Sorrow through the affections seems inevitable with this influence, except indeed

    in those cases in which the native voluntarily, and perhaps with no regrets,abandons ties of this kind. This austere, self-abnegating type certainly occurs

    when other more severe influences are also at work. The sphere of the Moon

    and Venus is a homely and usual one, and aspiring persons sometimes spurn it

    in the desire to live a larger life, as is recorded of Gautama, and as is also

    exemplified in the saying of Jesus, "Who is my Mother, or my brethren?"

    In more common cases there is simply ordinary incompatibility between husband

    and wife, or, if there be affection of a kind, nevertheless the woman's influence is

    an unfortunate one. In other cases marriage does not take place owing to some

    obstacle. It is probable that this hindrance is usually either a rival (Libra) or amatter of money (Taurus), unless it is due to the signs and houses occupied.

    Nor is the influence by any means limited to the married state. It is unfortunate

    for all 7th house matters, and the native is likely to suffer through associates of

    all kinds that come under this house. It is also bad for money, which will perhaps

    be rejected together with other worldly things, or may be lost through 7th house

    affairs - I believe, however, that a voluntary poverty is more common so far as

    this contact is concerned, and that where the native actually desires wealth the

    aspects are no serious obstacle.

    Sometimes there is a certain amount of weakness and shyness and agentleness or gentility that may appear effeminate; sometimes, to hide this, the

    native is moody or rough. The affections are very sincere and active. Sometimes

    the partner is idealized and too implicitly obeyed, with ill results.

    The characteristic popularity of these aspects does not seem to be diminished

    when they are inharmonious.

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    Mercury sextile Pluto (2.02)

    Although you may need to overcome initial shyness, you do things with an ease

    and dexterity that people find very cool. People like your style and your positive

    attitude to life and work, to which you apply exceptional invention and versatility.

    You are plugged-in and very solid. You could be an intellectual who is interested

    in social or political reform; Pluto gives the perspective for long-range planning.You are also good at research, at finding facts. You are open-minded and

    rational, although you may learn to your regret that politics is nine-tenths


    Mercury sextile Mars (2.00)

    This contact powerfully strengthens the mind, and gives great vigor to its

    faculties, especially the more practical and positive ones. It is untiring, incisive,

    alert, and singularly capable of detecting weakness in the positions of its

    opponents, and of instantly taking advantage of them. It is common in the mapsof people who have engaged in successful struggles, such as military or naval

    commanders, politicians, financiers, and reformers. It has been stated that

    contacts of some kind, usually malefic, were always found in the maps of pacifist

    conscientious objectors during the Great War.

    The position is courageous and often rash, so that even the good aspects do not

    tend to personal security, although naturally the effects are not likely of

    themselves to be very serious.

    It tends to literary work and is often childless in a physical sense, its books being

    its offspring. At the same time there is often much fondness for children and theirsociety.

    The disposition is usually good-natured, but sometimes the native is centered in

    his own