current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing Marshall Breeding Independent Consult, Author, Founder and Publisher, Library Technology Guides 25 February 2015 Open Session for JULAC personnel

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Marshall Breeding Independent Consult, Author, Founder and Publisher, Library Technology Guides Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing. 25 February 2015. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Marshall BreedingIndependent Consult, Author, Founder and Publisher, Library Technology Guides

25 February 2015Open Session for JULAC personnel

Page 2: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Library Technology Guides


Page 3: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Traditional model of Automation Single Library System

Includes branches or divisional facilities Automation strategies often set when

capabilities of automation systems were limited

Institutional solo of collection management

Page 4: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Academic Libraries need a new model of library management

Not an Integrated Library System or Library Management System

The ILS/LMS was designed to help libraries manage print collections

Generally did not evolve to manage electronic collections

Other library automation products evolved: Electronic Resource Management Systems –

OpenURL Link Resolvers – Digital Library Management Systems -- Institutional Repositories

Page 5: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Integrated (for print) Library System



Staff Interfaces:

Holding / Items

CircTransact User Vendor Policies$$$


Cataloging Acquisitions Serials OnlineCatalog

Public Interfaces:




Page 6: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Fragmented Library Management LMS for management of (mostly) print Duplicative financial systems between library and local

government or other parent organization E-book lending platform (multiple?) Interlibrary loan (borrowing and lending) Self-service and AMH infrastructure Electronic Resource Management PC Scheduling and print management Event scheduling Digital Collections Management platforms (CONTENTdm, DigiTool,

etc.) Discovery-layer services for broader access to library collections No effective integration services / interoperability among

disconnected systems, non-aligned metadata schemes

Page 7: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

LMS / ERM: Fragmented Model



Staff Interfaces:

Holding / Items

CircTransactUserVendor Policies$$$


CatalogingAcquisitionsSerials OnlineCatalog

Public Interfaces:

Application Programming Interfaces`





Protocols: CORE

Page 8: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Common approach for ERM



Staff Interfaces:

Holding / Items

CircTransactUserVendor Policies$$$


CatalogingAcquisitionsSerials OnlineCatalog

Public Interfaces:

Application Programming Interfaces

Budget License Terms

Titles / Holdings


Access Details

Page 9: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Comprehensive Resource Management No longer sensible to use different software

platforms for managing different types of library materials

ILS + ERM + OpenURL Resolver + Digital Asset management, etc. very inefficient model

Flexible platform capable of managing multiple type of library materials, multiple metadata formats, with appropriate workflows

Support for management of metadata in bulk Continuous lifecycle chain initiated before


Page 10: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Gaps in Automation Almost no systematic automation

support for references and research services Customer Relationship Management?

Resource sharing / Interlibrary loan management

Collection development support

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Library Services Platform Library-specific software. Designed to help libraries

automate their internal operations, manage collections, fulfillment requests, and deliver services

Services Service oriented architecture Exposes Web services and other API’s Facilitates the services libraries offer to their users

Platform General infrastructure for library automation Consistent with the concept of Platform as a Service Library programmers address the APIs of the platform to

extend functionality, create connections with other systems, dynamically interact with data

Page 12: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Library Services Platform Characteristics

Highly Shared data models Knowledgebase architecture Some may take hybrid approach to accommodate local

data stores Delivered through software as a service

Multi-tenant Unified workflows across formats and media Flexible metadata management

MARC – Dublin Core – VRA – MODS – ONIX Bibframe New structures not yet invented

Open APIs for extensibility and interoperability

Page 13: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Consolidated index

Search Engine

Unified Presentation LayerSearch:

Digital Coll




Other Resour


New Library Management Model

`API Layer

Library Services Platform



Enterprise ResourcePlanning



Self-Check /

Automated Return



Smart Cad /

Payment systems



Page 14: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Library Services PlatformsCategory WorldShare

Management Services

Alma Intota Sierra Services Platform

Kuali OLE

Responsible Organization

OCLC. Ex Libris Serials Solutions

Innovative Interfaces, Inc

Kuali Foundation

Key precepts Global network-level approach to management and discovery.

Consolidate workflows, unified management: print, electronic, digital; Hybrid data model

Knowledgebase driven. Pure multi-tenant SaaS

Service-oriented architectureTechnology uplift for Millennium ILS. More open source components, consolidated modules and workflows

Manage library resources in a format agnostic approach. Integration into the broader academic enterprise infrastructure

Software model

Proprietary Proprietary

Proprietary Proprietary Open Source

Page 15: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Library Services PlatformsCategory WorldShare

Management Services

Alma Intota Sierra Services Platform

Kuali OLE

Responsible Organization

OCLC. Ex Libris Serials Solutions

Innovative Interfaces, Inc

Kuali Foundation

Key precepts Global network-level approach to management and discovery.

Consolidate workflows, unified management: print, electronic, digital; Hybrid data model

Knowledgebase driven. Pure multi-tenant SaaS

Service-oriented architectureTechnology uplift for Millennium ILS. More open source components, consolidated modules and workflows

Manage library resources in a format agnostic approach. Integration into the broader academic enterprise infrastructure

Software model

Proprietary Proprietary

Proprietary Proprietary Open Source

Page 16: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Open Systems Achieving openness has risen as the key

driver behind library technology strategies Libraries need to do more with their data Ability to improve customer experience and

operational efficiencies Demand for Interoperability Open source – full access to internal

program of the application Open API’s – expose programmatic

interfaces to data and functionality

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Leveraging the Cloud Moving legacy systems to hosted

services provides some savings to individual institutions but does not result in dramatic transformation

Globally shared data and metadata models have the potential to achieve new levels of operational efficiencies and more powerful discovery and automation scenarios that improve the position of libraries overall.

Page 18: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Traditional Proprietary Commercial ILS Aleph, Voyager, Millennium, Symphony, Polaris, BOOK-IT, DDELibra, LIBERO, Amlib, Spydus, TOTALS II, Talis Alto, OpenGalaxy

Traditional Open Source ILS Evergreen, Koha

New generation Library Services Platforms Ex Libris Alma Kuali OLE (Enterprise, not cloud) OCLC WorldShare Management Services, Serials Solutions Intota Innovative Interfaces Sierra (evolving)

Competing Models of Library Automation

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Changing models of Resource Sharing

Page 20: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing


Library System

Branch 1

Branch 2

Branch 3

Branch 4

Branch 5

Branch 6

Branch 7

Branch 8


Main Facility


Integrated Library System

Patrons useCirculation featuresto request itemsfrom other branches

Floating Collectionsmay reduce workload forInter-branchtransfers

Model:Multi-branchIndependentLibrary System

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Library Consortia Groups of libraries want to work together

to share an automation system Number of participants limited by the

perceived capacities of the automation system

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Consortial Borrowing Systems Each library system operates its own

automation environment Relies on manual and automated

processes to allow patrons to discovery and request materials among participants INN-Reach (Innovative Interfaces) ShareIT (Auto-Graphics) Relais ILL URSA (SirsiDynix, now defunct)

Page 23: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing


Library System A

Branch 1

Branch 2

Branch 3

Branch 4

Branch 5

Branch 6

Branch 7

Branch 8

HoldingsMain Facility


Library System B

Branch 1

Branch 2

Branch 3

Branch 4

Branch 5

Branch 6

Branch 7

Branch 8

HoldingsMain Facility


Library System C

Branch 1

Branch 2

Branch 3

Branch 4

Branch 5

Branch 6

Branch 7

Branch 8

HoldingsMain Facility


Library System D

Branch 1

Branch 2

Branch 3

Branch 4

Branch 5

Branch 6

Branch 7

Branch 8

HoldingsMain Facility


Library System F

Branch 1

Branch 2

Branch 3

Branch 4

Branch 5

Branch 6

Branch 7

Branch 8

HoldingsMain Facility


Library System E

Branch 1

Branch 2

Branch 3

Branch 4

Branch 5

Branch 6

Branch 7

Branch 8

HoldingsMain Facility

Resource Sharing Application


Discovery and Request Management Routines

Staff Fulfillment Tools

Inter-System Communications










Consortial Resource Sharing System

Page 24: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Shared Infrastructure Common discovery

Retention of local automation systems Technical complex with moderate

operational benefits Common discovery + Resource

Management Systems Shared Resource management with local

discovery options

Page 25: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing


Shared Consortia System

Library 2

Library 3

Library 4

Library 5

Library 7

Library 8

Library 9

Library 10


Library 1 Library 6

Shared Consortial ILS


Model:Multipleindependentlibraries in aConsortiumShare an ILS

ILS configuredTo supportDirect consortialBorrowing throughCirculation Module

Page 26: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Progressive consolidation of library services

Centralization of technical infrastructure of multiple libraries within a campus

Resource sharing support Direct borrowing among partner institutions

Shared infrastructure between institutions Examples: 2CUL (Columbia University /

Cornell University) Orbis Cascade Alliance (37 independent

colleges and universities to merge into shared LSP)

Page 27: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

The Evolution of Library Resource Discovery

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Challenge: More integrated approach to information and service delivery Library Web sites offer a menu of unconnected silos:

Books: Library OPAC (ILS online catalog module) Search the Web site Articles: Aggregated content products, e-journal collections OpenURL linking services E-journal finding aids (Often managed by link resolver) Subject guides (e.g. Springshare LibGuides) Local digital collections

ETDs, photos, rich media collections Metasearch engines Discovery Services – often just another choice among many

All searched separately

Page 29: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Online Catalog

Books, Journals, and Media at the Title Level

Not in scope: Articles Book Chapters Digital objects Web site content Etc.

Scope of SearchSearch:

Search Results

ILS Data

Page 30: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Next-gen Catalogs or Discovery Interface (2002-2009) Single search box Query tools

Did you mean Type-ahead

Relevance ranked results (for some content sources)

Faceted navigation Enhanced visual displays

Cover art Summaries, reviews,

Recommendation services

Page 31: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Next-gen Catalogs or Discovery Interface

Single search box Query tools

Did you mean Type-ahead

Relevance ranked results Faceted navigation Enhanced visual displays

Cover art Summaries, reviews,

Recommendation services

Books, Journals, and Media at the Title Level

Other local and open access content

Not in scope: Articles Book Chapters Digital objects

Scope of Search

Page 32: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Discovery Interface search modelSearch: Digital







Search Results

Real-time query and responses

ILS Data

Local Index

Metasearch Engine

Page 33: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Discovery from Local to Web-scale Initial products focused on technology

AquaBrowser, Endeca, Primo, Encore, VuFind, LIBERO Uno, Civica Sorcer, Axiell Arena Mostly locally-installed software

Current phase is focused on pre-populated indexes that aim to deliver Web-scale discovery Primo Central (Ex Libris) Summon (Serials Solutions) WorldCat Local (OCLC) EBSCO Discovery Service (EBSCO) Encore Synergy (no index, though)

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Web-scale Index-based DiscoverySearch:

Digital Collections

Web Site Content




Reference Sources

Search Results

Pre-built harvesting and indexing

Consolidated Index

ILS Data

Aggregated Content packages

(2009- present)





Open Access

Profile of Library Subscriptions

Page 35: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Bento Box Discovery ModelSearch:

Digital Collections

Web Site Content



E-JournalsSearch Results

Pre-built harvesting and indexing

Consolidated IndexILS Data

Aggregated Content packages

Open AccessVuFind /


Page 36: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Web-scale Search ProblemSearch:

Search Results

Pre-built harvesting and indexing

Consolidated Index


Non Participating

Content Sources

Problem in how to deal with resources not provided to ingest into consolidated index

Digital Collections

Web Site ContentInstitution

al Repositori



ILS Data

Aggregated Content packages

Page 37: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Challenge for Relevancy Technically feasible to index hundreds of

millions or billions of records through Lucene or SOLR

Difficult to order records in ways that make sense

Many fairly equivalent candidates returned for any given query

Must rely on use-based and social factors to improve relevancy rankings

Page 38: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Evaluating Index-based Discovery Services Intense competition: how well the index covers the

body of scholarly content stands as a key differentiator

Difficult to evaluate based on numbers of items indexed alone.

Important to ascertain now your library’s content packages are represented by the discovery service.

Important to know what items are indexed by citation and which are full text

Important to know whether the discovery service favors the content of any given publisher

Page 39: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Open Discovery Initiative NISO Work Group to Develop Standards

and Recommended Practices for Library Discovery Services Based on Indexed Search

Informal meeting called at ALA Annual 2011

Co-Chaired by Marshall Breeding and Jenny Walker

Term: Dec 2011 – March 2014

Page 40: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Balance of ConstituentsLibraries


Service Providers


Marshall Breeding, Vanderbilt UniversityJamene Brooks-Kieffer, Kansas State University Laura Morse, Harvard UniversityKen Varnum, University of Michigan

Sara Brownmiller, University of OregonLucy Harrison, College Center for Library Automation (D2D liaison/observer)Michele Newberry

Lettie Conrad, SAGE PublicationsBeth LaPensee, ITHAKA/JSTOR/PorticoJeff Lang, Thomson Reuters

Linda Beebe, American Psychological Assoc

Aaron Wood, Alexander Street Press

Jenny Walker, Ex Libris GroupJohn Law, Serials SolutionsMichael Gorrell, EBSCO Information Services

David Lindahl, University of Rochester (XC)Jeff Penka, OCLC (D2D liaison/observer)

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Convergence Discovery and Management solutions will

increasingly be implemented as matched sets Ex Libris: Primo / Alma Serials Solutions: Summon / Intota OCLC: WorldCat Local / WorldShare Platform Except: Kuali OLE, EBSCO Discovery Service

Both depend on an ecosystem of interrelated knowledge bases

API’s exposed to mix and match, but efficiencies and synergies are lost

Page 42: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Web-scale Search ProblemSearch:

Search Results

Pre-built harvesting and indexing

Consolidated Index


Non Participating

Content Sources

Problem in how to deal with resources not provided to ingest into consolidated index

Digital Collections

Web Site ContentInstitution

al Repositori



ILS Data

Aggregated Content packages

Page 43: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Citations / Metadata > Full Text Citations or structured metadata provide

key data to power search & retrieval and faceted navigation

Indexing Full-text of content amplifies access

Important to understand depth indexing Currency, dates covered, full-text or citation Many other factors

Page 44: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

A&I Content in Discovery Services

Will discovery services eventually become powerful enough to displace need for abstracting and indexing services?

Specialized vocabulary and other metadata make positive contributions to the discovery process

Specialized and scoped search methodologies

Researchers value this tools

Page 45: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Challenge for Relevancy Technically feasible to index hundreds of

millions or billions of records through Lucene or SOLR

Difficult to order records in ways that make sense

Many fairly equivalent candidates returned for any given query

Must rely on use-based and social factors to improve relevancy rankings

Objectivity: Does relevancy reflect bias or publisher preferences

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Socially-powered discovery Leverage use data to increase

effectiveness of discovery Usage data can identify important or

popular materials to inform relevancy engines

Identify related materials that may not otherwise be uncovered through keyword matching

Be careful to avoid introducing bias loops

Page 47: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Challenges for Collection Coverage To work effectively, discovery services

need to cover comprehensively the body of content represented in library collections

What about publishers that do not participate?

Is content indexed at the citation or full-text level?

What are the restrictions for non-authenticated users?

How can libraries understand the differences in coverage among competing services?

Page 48: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Evaluating the Coverage of Index-based Discovery Services Intense competition: how well the index covers the

body of scholarly content stands as a key differentiator

Difficult to evaluate based on numbers of items indexed alone.

Important to ascertain now your library’s content packages are represented by the discovery service.

Important to know what items are indexed by citation and which are full text

Important to know whether the discovery service favors the content of any given publisher

Page 49: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Open Discovery Initiative NISO Work Group to Develop Standards

and Recommended Practices for Library Discovery Services Based on Indexed Search

Informal meeting called at ALA Annual 2011

Co-Chaired by Marshall Breeding and Jenny Walker

Term: Dec 2011 – March 2014


Page 50: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Balance of ConstituentsLibraries


Service Providers


Marshall Breeding, Vanderbilt UniversityJamene Brooks-Kieffer, Kansas State University Laura Morse, Harvard UniversityKen Varnum, University of Michigan

Sara Brownmiller, University of OregonLucy Harrison, College Center for Library Automation (D2D liaison/observer)Michele Newberry

Lettie Conrad, SAGE PublicationsRoger Schonfeld, ITHAKA/JSTOR/PorticoJeff Lang, Thomson Reuters

Linda Beebe, American Psychological AssocAaron Wood, Alexander Street Press

Jenny Walker, Ex Libris GroupJohn Law, Serials SolutionsMichael Gorrell, EBSCO Information Services

David Lindahl, University of Rochester (XC)Jeff Penka, OCLC (D2D liaison/observer)

Page 51: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Convergence Discovery and Management solutions will

increasingly be implemented as matched sets Ex Libris: Primo / Alma Serials Solutions: Summon / Intota OCLC: WorldCat Local / WorldShare Platform Except: Kuali OLE, EBSCO Discovery Service

Both depend on an ecosystem of interrelated knowledge bases

API’s exposed to mix and match, but efficiencies and synergies are lost

Page 52: Current trends in library resource management, discovery, and resource sharing

Why integrate resource management and discovery? Obviates the need to constantly synchronize local

inventory metadata representations into derivative discovery environment

Transactional efficiency for real-time status and user-initiated requests and services

Strategic Knowledge base: resource management, linking, scoping of discovery

Conceptual and technical cohesion Possible cost savings relative to purchasing

separately Simplified support and business relationships

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Counter trendMany libraries continue

separate discovery strategies

Open source discovery + licensed Web-scale index

EBSCO Discovery Service: strategy to integrate with any back-end ILS or LSP

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Why not integrate management and discovery?

Less dependence on single supplier Best of breed in each product category Increased customizability and local


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TrendDemise of the local catalog

Many library services platforms do not include the concept of an online catalog dedicated to local physical inventory

Designed for discovery services as public-facing interface

Implication: Discovery service must incorporate detailed functionality for local materials and related services

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Questions and discussion