curricular assessment 2 biology f42011

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  • 8/3/2019 Curricular Assessment 2 Biology f42011



    Name: ...........................................................................................................

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    SECTION A 26

    SECTION B1 12

    2 12

    TOTAL 50


    Intruction: AnswerALL questions.

    1. Diagram 1 shows the structure of an animal cell.Rajah 1 menunjukkan struktur satu sel haiwan.

    Which of the parts labelled A, B, C and D is a mitochondrion?Yang manakah antara bahagian berlabelA,B, CdanD ialah satu mitokondrion?

  • 8/3/2019 Curricular Assessment 2 Biology f42011


    2. Diagram 2 shows the organisation and specialisation of plant cells forming tissue X.Rajah 2 menunjukkan organisasi dan pengkhususan sel-sel tumbuhan membentuk tisu X.

    What is tissue X?

    Apakah tisu X?

    A Epidermis


    B Palisade mesophyll

    Mesofil palisad

    C Xylem


    D Phloem


    3. Diagram 3 shows the structure of a plasma membrane.Rajah 3 menunjukkan struktur satu membran plasma.

    What is Y and Z?Apakah Y dan Z?

  • 8/3/2019 Curricular Assessment 2 Biology f42011


    4. Diagram 4 shows the condition of an onion cell after being immersed in a solution.Rajah 4 menunjukkan keadaan satu sel bawang setelah direndam di dalam suatularutan.

    What is the phenomenon?

    Apakah fenomena ini?



    B Crenation


    C Plasmolysis


    D Deplasmolysis


  • 8/3/2019 Curricular Assessment 2 Biology f42011


    5. Diagram 5 shows the initial and final stages of an experiment.Rajah 5 menunjukkan peringkat awal dan akhir suatu eksperimen.

    What causes the formation of sucrose solution in the cavity of the potato?Apakah yang menyebabkan pembentukan larutan sukrosa di dalam lekukan padakentang?

    A Sucrose molecules from the cavity moved into the potato by diffusionMolekul sukrosa bergerak dari lekukan ke dalam kentang secara resapan

    B Sucrose solution from the potato moved into the cavity by diffusionLarutan sukrosa bergerak dari kentang ke dalam lekukan secara resapan

    C Water molecules from the distilled water moved into the potato by osmosis

    Molekul air bergerak dari air suling ke dalam kentang secara osmosisD Water molecules from the distilled water moved into the cavity by osmosis

    Molekul air bergerak dari air suling ke dalam lekukan secara osmosis

    6. Diagram 6 shows the movement of substances from blood capillary into a body cell.Rajah 6 menunjukkan pergerakan bahan dari kapilari darah ke dalam satu sel badan.

  • 8/3/2019 Curricular Assessment 2 Biology f42011


    Which factor causes the substances to move into the body cells?Manakah faktor yang menyebabkan bahan-bahan bergerak ke dalam sel badan?

    A Metabolic energyTenaga metabolisma

    B Concentration gradientKecerunan kepekatan

    C The presence of a cell membraneKehadiran membran selD The presence of a permeable membrane

    Kehadiran membran telap

    7. The following shows the formation of a sucrose molecule.Yang berikut menunjukkan pembentukan molekul sukrosa.

    What is molecule R?

    Apakah molekul R?

    A Glucose


    C Fruktose


    B Lactose


    D Galactose


    8. Which of the following are true about saturated fats?Yang manakah antara berikut benar tentang lemak tepu?

    I Low content of cholesterolKandungan kolesterol rendah

    II Solid form at room temperatureBerbentuk pepejal pada suhu bilik

    III Maximum content of hydrogen atomsKandungan atom hidrogen maksimum

    IV At least one double bond between the carbon atomsSekurang-kurangnya satu ikatan ganda-dua di antara atom-atom karbon

    A I and IV onlyI dan IV sahaja

    B I, II and III onlyI, II dan III sahaja

    C II and III only

  • 8/3/2019 Curricular Assessment 2 Biology f42011


    II dan III sahaja

    D II, III and IV onlyII, III dan IV sahaja

    9. Diagram 7 shows the action of an enzyme.Rajah 7 menunjukkan tindakan suatu enzim.

    What is shown by the diagram?Apakah yang ditunjukkan melalui rajah ini?

    A Enzyme is a proteinEnzim ialah satu protein

    B Enzyme and substrate are specificEnzim dan substrat adalah spesifik

    C Enzyme is denatured by temperatureEnzim ternyahasli oleh suhu

    D Enzyme speeds up the biochemical reactionEnzim mempercepatkan tindak balas biokimia

    10. Diagram 8 shows a cell cycle.Rajah 8 menunjukkan satu kitar sel.

    Which of the phases labelled A, B, C and D does the replication of DNA occur?Yang manakah antara fasa-fasa berlabelA,B, CdanD berlakunya replikasi DNA?

    11. The following information is about a stage in mitosis.

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    Maklumat berikut adalah mengenai satu peringkat mitosis.

    Which of the following is the phase of mitosis?Yang manakah antara berikut fasa mitosis itu?

    A Telophase


    C Prophase


    B Metaphase


    D Anaphase


    12.Diagram 9 shows a type of muscle tissue found in the human body. Where is thetissue found?

    Rajah 9 menunjukkan sejenis tisu yang dijumpai dalam badan manusia. Di manakah tisuini boleh didapati?

    A Heart C BicepsJantung Biseps

    B Pancreas D Small intestinePankreas Usus Kecil

    13.The plasma membrane consists of molecules arranged in a double layer as shown inDiagram 10

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    Diagram 10

    The part labelled I and II are

    Bahagian yang bertanda I dan II


    A hydrophobic and hydrophilicrespectively

    Hidrofobik dan hidrofilik

    B hydrophilic and hydrophobic


    Hidrofilik dan hidrofobik

    C both hydrophobic

    Kedua-duanya hidrofobik

    D both hydrophilic Kedua-duanya hidrofilik

    14.Diagram 11 shows the net flow of water molecules from a dilute solution to aconcentrated solution through a semi-permeable membrane.

    Rajah 11 menunjukkan pergerakan molekul air dari satu larutan cair ke satu larutanpekat melalui satu membran separa telap.

    Diagram 11

    What is this process called?Apakah nama proses ini?

    A Osmosis B Active transportOsmosis Pengangkutan aktif

    C Simple diffusion D Facilitated diffusionResapan ringkas resapan berbantu

  • 8/3/2019 Curricular Assessment 2 Biology f42011


    15.Diagram 12 is a graph which shows the changes in mass of potato strips immersed in

    different concentrations of sucrose solution.Rajah 12ialah graf yang menunjukkan perubahan jisim jalur kentang yang direndam didalam larutan sukrosa berbeza kepekatan.

    Diagram 12

    Based on the graph, which of the following concentrations of sucrose solution should be usedso that a flaccid potato strip regains its turgidity?

    Berdasarkan graf, larutan sukrosa yang manakah perlu digunakan supaya jalur kentangyang flasid segah kembali?

    A 1.5 g per 100 ml B 2.5 g per 100 mlC 3.5 g per 100 ml D 4.5 g per 100 ml

    16. Lipid is needed to build substance X while cellulose is needed to build substance Y.What are substances X and Y?

    Lipid diperlukan untuk membina bahan X manakala selulosa diperlukan untuk membina

    bahan Y. Apakah bahan X dan Y?

    17. Haemoglobin is an example of aHaemoglobin ialah satu contoh

  • 8/3/2019 Curricular Assessment 2 Biology f42011


    A. primary structure of protein B. secondary structure of proteinStruktur primer protein struktur sekunder protein

    C. tertiary structure of protein D. quarternary structure of proteinStruktur tertier protein struktur kuartener protein

    18.Which of the following graph shows the effect of pH on the metabolic rate of the enzymepepsin?

    19.Diagram 13 shows the phases in a cell cycle.

    Diagram 13

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    Which of the following represents V?Yang manakah antara berikut mewakili V?

    A mitosis C stage SMitosis peringkat S

    B cytokinesis D stage G1

    Sitokinesis peringkat G1

    20.Diagram 14 shows a phase in mitosis of a plant cell.Rajah 14 menunjukkan satu fasa dalam mitosis satu sel tumbuhan.

    Diagram 14

    Which of the following is true about the cell in Diagram 14 ?

    21.Diagram 15 shows an organelle found in a cell.Rajah 15 menunjukkan satu organel yang dijumpai dalam satu sel.

    Which process occurs in P?Apakah proses yang berlaku di P?

    A. Photosynthesis.Fotosintesis

    B. Synthesis of proteinPenghasilan protein

    C. Synthesis of enzymePenghasilan enzim

    D. Generation of energy


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    Penghasilan tenaga


    Which of the following is organelle Q?Yang manakah antara berikut ialah organel Q?

    A. Cytoplasm.Sitoplasma

    B. Mitochondria.Mitokondria

    C. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum.Endoplasma retikulum kasarD. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

    Endoplasma retikulum licin

    23. Which of the following show passive transport?Yang manakah antara berikut menunjukkan pengangkutan pasif?

    A I and II onlyB II and III onlyC I, II and III onlyD I, II, III and IV

    24. Which of the following is the inorganic compound in the cell?

    Yang manakah antara berikut ialah sebatian tak organic di dalam sel?

    A ProteinsB LipidsC Water

    Ribosome can be found freely in the cytoplasm or can be attached toorganelle Q.

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    D Nucleic acid

    25. Which of the following carbohydrates is a monosaccharide?

    Yang manakah antara karbohidrat berikutmerupakann monosakarida?

    A MaltoseB FructoseC LactoseD Sucrose

    26.Diagram 16 shows a molecule of an organic compound.


    Which of the following molecules is X?Yang manakah antara berikut ialah molekul X?

    A Sugar

    B ProteinC MaltoseD Triglycerides

  • 8/3/2019 Curricular Assessment 2 Biology f42011



    1. Diagram 1.1 shows a cotton blouse which has blood and oil stains on it.

    Raiah 1.1 menuniukkan sehelai blaus kapas yang ada kesan darah dan minyak

    Diagram 1.1

    A biological washing powder, Brand X, is used to remove the blood and oil stains.Diagrarn1.2 shows the contents of the washing powder Brand X.Serbuk pencuci biologi, Jenama X telah digunakan untuk menghilangkan kesan darah danminyak pada blaus tersabut. Rajah1.2 menunjukkan kandungan serbuk pencuci Jenama X .

    Diagrarn 1.2

    a) (i) Which stain can be removed by using washing powder Brand X?Kesan yang manakah dapat dihilangkan menggunakan serbuk pencuci Jenama X?


    (ii) Explain your answer in (a) (i). Terangkan jawapan anda di (a)(i)


  • 8/3/2019 Curricular Assessment 2 Biology f42011



    .........................................................................................................................................[2 marks]

    (iii) Complete the schematic diagram below to show the mechanism of enzymereaction in a ( i )

    Lengkapkan raiah skema di bawah untuk menuniukkan mekanisma tindak balasenzim dalam a (i)

    [3 marks]

    b) Enzymes in Brand X are only 10% of the total mass of the washing powder.Explain why the amount of enzymes used is low.

    Enzim yang terdapat dalam Jenama X hanya 10% dari jumlah jisim serbukpencuci.terangkan mengapa jumlah enzim yang digunakan sangat rendah.


    ..........................................................................................................................................[2 marks]

    c) Explain what will happen if the blouse is washed with very hot water instead of warmwater as instructed by the manufacturer.Terangkan apa yang akan berlaku jika blaus dibasuh dengan menggunakan air

    yangsangat panas dan bukan air suam seperti yang disarankan oleh pengilang.



    [2 marks]d) lf the blouse is MADE of silk, WHY This washing POWDER CANNOT be used?Jika blaus ini diperbuat dari sutera, terangkan mengapa serbuk pencuci ini tidaksesuai digunakan?

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  • 8/3/2019 Curricular Assessment 2 Biology f42011


    1. ..................................................

    2. ............

    3. [3 marks]

    Answer1. A2. C3. B4. C5. D

    6. B7. C8. C9. B10. B

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    11. D

    No Mark Scheme Mark

    (a) Able to label the parts X, Y and Z


    X: spindle fibreY: chromosome

    Z: centromere



    1 3

    (b)(i) Able to name the stage of mitosis shown in Diagram 5


    Anaphase 1 1

    (b)(ii) Able to describe what happen at the stage of mitosis shown in

    Diagram 5

    Sample answer

    P1 - centromere divide

    P2 - chromatid separate and move to the opposite poles1+1 2

    (c) Able to state the number of chromosomes in the daughter cell



    41 1

    (d)(i) Able to name the type of cell shown in Diagram 5


    Animal cell 1 1

    (d)(ii) Able to state one reason for your answer in (d)(i)

    Sample answer

    The spindle fibres are formed by centrioles 1 1

    (e) Able to state 3 importances of mitosis

    Sample answer

    P1 Increases the number of cells for growth

    P2 Form new cells to repair damaged tissues

    P3 Form new cells to replace dead cells

    Max 3 3

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    P4 Involve in asexual reproduction of unicellular organism by

    binary fission

    Any 3

    Total 12