curriculum · 2017. 2. 9. ·...

Curriculum Vitae of Sol Pía Juárez Contact Centre for Health Equity Studies Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 816 32 39 E-mail: [email protected] Personal information Place and date of birth: Córdoba, 20 April 1982 Nationality: Argentina Educational background Doctorate Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Faculty of Sociology and Political Sciences, 2011, PhD in Sociology Title: What Matters in Birth Weight. The Epidemiologic Paradox in Immigrant in the Autonomous Community of Madrid; Description: A critical investigation on the presence and possible explanations of the healthy migrant paradox in low birthweight in Spain. Supervisors: Prof. Joaquín Arango and Dr. Diego Ramiro-Farinas Grade: Summa Cum laude with European Mention Masters Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Faculty of Sociology and Political Sciences, 2007. MSc in Sociology Specialization: Population and demographic dynamics 2-year master. Universidad Politéctica de Madrid, 2007. Specialization course in Methods of quantitative research. Equivalent to 1-year master. Bachelor’s Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Faculty of Sociology and Political Sciences, 2005, B.A (Honors) in Sociology Specialization: Population and Human Ecology 5-year degree.

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Page 1: Curriculum · 2017. 2. 9. · Curriculum Vitae of Sol Pía Juárez Contact Centre for Health Equity Studies Stockholm

Curriculum Vitae


Sol Pía Juárez

Contact Centre for Health Equity Studies

Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute

SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 816 32 39

E-mail: [email protected]

Personal information Place and date of birth: Córdoba, 20 April 1982

Nationality: Argentina

Educational background

Doctorate Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Faculty of Sociology and

Political Sciences, 2011, PhD in Sociology

Title: What Matters in Birth Weight. The Epidemiologic Paradox in

Immigrant in the Autonomous Community of Madrid; Description: A

critical investigation on the presence and possible explanations of the

healthy migrant paradox in low birthweight in Spain.

Supervisors: Prof. Joaquín Arango and Dr. Diego Ramiro-Farinas

Grade: Summa Cum laude with European Mention


Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Faculty of Sociology and

Political Sciences, 2007. MSc in Sociology

Specialization: Population and demographic dynamics

2-year master.

Universidad Politéctica de Madrid, 2007. Specialization course in

Methods of quantitative research.

Equivalent to 1-year master.


Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Faculty of Sociology and

Political Sciences, 2005, B.A (Honors) in Sociology

Specialization: Population and Human Ecology

5-year degree.

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Academic positions Current

September 2014-

Researcher (non-tenured), Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska

Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.

Previous appointments

February 2016-December 2016

Researcher (non-tenured), Stockholm University Demography Unit (SUDA), Department of

Sociology (SUDEM), Stockholm University/, Stockholm, Sweden. 50% dedication.

October 2014-February 2015

Researcher (non-tenured), Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund

University, Lund, Sweden. 50% dedication.

January 2012- September 2014

Postdoctoral researcher, Center for Economic Demography, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.

February 2011-December 2011

Research assistant. Institute for Economics, Geography and Demography, Centre for

Humanities and Social Sciences, Spanish National Research Council.

January 2006- January 2010

PhD fellow. Institute for Economics, Geography and Demography, Centre for Humanities and

Social Sciences, Spanish National Research Council.

Research stays


March 2014- August 2014

Institute for Future Studies (IFS), Stockholm, Sweden. Advisor: Kirk Scott

September 2011-December 2012

Center for Economic Demography (CED), Lund University, Lund, Sweden. Advisor: Tommy



June-August 2009

Centre for Population Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM),

London, UK. Advisors: Lynda Clarke and George B. Ploubidis.

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January-June 2008

Former Madrid Region Institute of Statistics (IEM), Madrid, Spain

June-August 2008

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPI), Rostock, Germany

Advisors: Jutta Gampe and Jim Vaupel.

June-August 2007

Population Studies Center, Michigan University, Michigan, US

Advisor: Arland Thornton.

Major Research areas

A. Perinatal health

B. Migration and health

C. Life-course epidemiology

D. Health inequalities

I am a sociologist working in the fields of perinatal health and social epidemiology. One of my

main research interests revolve around the “healthy migrant paradox” in European contexts with

a particular emphasis on perinatal outcomes. I am also interested in the determinants and long

standing consequences of outcomes derived from birthweight and gestational age.

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Scholarships and honors

Award for the best junior researcher presentation. Spanish Society of Epidemiology at the

XXXII Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología. Inicio primum non

nocere. Alicante, Spain. 3-4 September 2014

Award for the best poster presentation at the Reproductive Epidemiology in a Life Course

Perspective. Symposium arranged by EpiHealth and WHO. Malmö, Sweden. 29-30 March 2012

Doctor in Sociology with European Mention. 2011

4-year doctorate fellowship (I3P) Co-funded by the European Science Foundation (ESF) and

the Spanish National Research Council. Spain. 2005

Honors in Sociology. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Spain. 2005

3-month research training scholarship at the Spanish National Research Council. Co-funded by

the European Science Foundation (ESF) and the Spanish National Research Council. Spain.


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Peer-reviewed articles


24. Juárez, S and Hjern, A (2017). The weight of inequalities: duration of residence and

offspring’s birthweight among migrants in Sweden. Social Science and Medicine 175:81-90. doi:


23. Juárez, S; Ortíz Barreda, G; Agudelo-Suárez, A and Ronda Pérez, E (2017) Revisiting the

healthy migrant paradox in perinatal health outcomes through a scoping review in a recent host

country. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 19(1):205-214


22. Juárez, S; Goodman, A; De Stavola, B and Koupil, I (2016) Birth characteristics and all-

cause mortality: A sibling analysis using the Uppsala Birth Cohort Multigenerational Study.

Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 7(4):374-83

doi: 10.1017/S2040174416000179

21. Juárez, S; Goodman, A and Koupil, I (2016) From cradle to grave: tracking

socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in a cohort of 11,868 men and women born in Uppsala,

Sweden, 1915-1929 Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 70:569-575


20. Juárez, S and Revuelta-Eugercios (2016) Exploring the 'healthy migrant paradox' in

Sweden. A cross sectional study focused on perinatal outcomes. Journal of Immigrant and

Minority Health. 18(1), 42-50 doi: 10.1007/s10903-015-0157-5

19. Cantarero-Arévalo, L; Pérez-Vicente, R, Juárez S and Merlo, J (2016) Ethnic differences

in asthma treatment among Swedish adolescents: A multilevel analysis of individual

heterogeneity. Scand J Public Health. 44(2):184-94 doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckt048.


18. Dribe, M; Juárez, S; and Scalone, F (2015) Is it who you are or where you live?

Community effects on net fertility during the demographic transition in Sweden: a multilevel

analysis using micro-census data. Population, Space and Place. doi: 10.1002/psp.1987.

17. Mulinari, S; Juárez, S; Wagner, P and Merlo, J (2015) Does maternal country of birth

matter for understanding offspring's birthweight? A multilevel analysis of individual

heterogeneity in Sweden. PLoS ONE. 10(5): e0129362. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129362

16. Juárez, S (2015) [The quality of the Spanish vital statistics to estimate perinatal health

outcomes: small and large-for gestational age]. Revista Española de Salud Pública 89(1):85-91.

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doi: 10.4321/S1135-57272015000100009. (*) this paper was the topic of the Editorial of this



15. Juárez, S; Wagner, P and Merlo, J (2014) Applying measures of discriminatory accuracy to

revisit traditional risk factors for being small for gestational age in Sweden: a national cross-

sectional study. BMJ open 30(4)7: e005388. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005388. (*) This paper

was selected as a good example of register-based research by the Swedish Initiative for Research

on Microdata in the Social and Medical Sciences network (SIMSAM).

14. Juárez, S (2014) Notas acerca del Movimiento Natural de la Población para el estudio de la

salud perinatal. [Notes on “Movimiento Natural de la Población” for the study of perinatal

health] Gaceta Sanitaria 28(6):505-7. doi: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2014.04.007

13. Juárez, S and Revuelta-Eugercios B (2014) Too heavy, too late: investigating perinatal

health outcomes in immigrants residing in Spain. A cross-sectional study (2009-2011) Journal of

Epidemiology & Community Health 68(9):863-8. doi: 10.1136/jech-2013-202917

12. Juárez, S; Ploubidis, B.G and Clarke, L (2014) Revisiting the 'low birthweight paradox'

using a model-based definition. Gaceta Sanitaria 28(2):160-2. doi:


11. Juárez, S; Revuelta-Eugercios, B; Ramiro-Fariñas, D and Viciana, F (2014) Maternal

education and perinatal outcomes among Spanish women (2001-2011) Maternal and Child

Health Journal 18(8):1814-22. doi: 10.1007/s10995-013-1425-4


10. Juárez, S and Revuelta-Eugercios, B (2013) Socio-economic differences in low birth

weight: revisiting epidemiological approaches. Revista Española Investigaciones Sociológicas

144:73-96. doi:10.5477/cis/reis.144.73

9. Juárez, S and Merlo, J (2013) The effect of Swedish snuff (snus) on offspring birthweight: a

sibling analysis. PLoS ONE 8(6): e65611. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0065611

8. Söderström, L; Pérez-Vicente, R; Juárez, S and Merlo, Juan (2013) Questioning the causal

link between maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring use of psychotropic medication:

a sibling analysis. PLoS ONE 8(5): e63420. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0063420

7. Juárez, S and Merlo, J (2013) Revisiting the effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy

on offspring birthweight: a quasi-experimental sibling analysis in Sweden. PLoS ONE, 8(4):

e61734. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061734

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6. Ruíz-Ramos, M and Juárez, S (2013) Mortalidad general y por causas entre la población

autóctona e inmigrante en Andalucía [All-cause and cause-specific mortality in the immigrant

and native-born populations in Andalusia (Spain)]. Gaceta Sanitaria. 27(2):116-122.

doi: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2012.04.003


5. Juárez, S; Alonso-Ortíz, T; Ramiro Fariñas, D; Bolúmar, F (2012) The quality of Vital

Statistics for studying perinatal health. The Spanish case. Paediatric and perinatal Epidemiology

26(4): 310-315. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3016.2012.01287

4. Juárez, S (2012) Migration and health. The relationship between self-assessment of health

and diagnosed morbidity in young adults. Annals of Psychology 28 (2): 350-357


3. Márquez-Calderón, S; Ruiz-Ramos, M; Juárez, S; Librero López, J (2011). Utilización de la

cesárea en Andalucía (2007-2009): relación con factores sociales, clínicos y de los servicios

sanitarios [Caesarean Delivery in Andalusia, Spain. Relationship with Social, Clinical and Health

Services Factors (2007-2009)]. Revista Española de Salud Pública 85(2): 217-227. doi:



2. Río Sánchez, I; Bosch Sánchez, S; Castelló Pastor, A; López-Maside, A; García Senchermes,

C; Zurriaga Llorens, O; Juárez, S; Rebagliato Ruso, M and Bolúmar Montrull, F (2009).

Evaluación de la mortalidad perinatal en mujeres autóctonas e inmigrantes: influencia de la

exhaustividad y la calidad de los registros [Perinatal mortality assessment in native and

immigrant women: influence of exhaustiveness and quality of the registers]. Gaceta Sanitaria

23(5): 403-409. doi: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2009.01.007


1. Marcu, S; Méndez, Rodríguez, V; Calatrava, A; Melero, A; Castro, T R and Juárez, S

(2008). Imigratia Românilor în Comunitatea Madridului. O Odisee de Lumini si Umbre. Revista

de Sociologie Româneasca (4): 26-39.


4. Honkaniemi, H; Wimark, T; Juárez, S; Lagerqvist, M and Rostila, M (2017) Social hållbarhet

i kollektivtrafiken in Wimark, T (editor). Metoder och verktyg för sociala nyttoberäkningar i

kollektivtrafiken. Stockholm University. ISBN 978-91-87355-30-1

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3. Ruiz-Ramos, M; Córdoba-Doña, J; Bacigalupe, A; Juárez, S and Escolar-Pujolar, A.

Mortalidad en España (1999-2012) y desigualdades sociales en la mortalidad general en

Andalucía (2002-2010): crisis económica al inicio del siglo XXI (2014). SESPAS Report 2014.

Gaceta Sanitaria. doi: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2014.01.005

2. Juárez, S, Ramiro-Fariñas, D; Viciana, F (2010). Estudio de fiabilidad y cobertura de los

registros que conforman la Base de Datos Demográfica de Andalucía (BDDA) focalizado en la

salud perinatal y mortalidad infantil. Report for the Andalusian Statistical Institute (IEA).

1. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, V; Calatrava, A; Castro Martín, T; Melero, A; Méndez, R; Marcu, S;

Juárez, S and Lardies, R (2005). Inmigración, formación y empleo en la Comunidad de Madrid.

Report for the Comunidad de Madrid. (*) This study was awarded by the Consejo Económico y

Social, 2006.

Working papers

Merlo J, Wagner P, Juarez S, Mulinari S, Hedblad B. (2013). The tyranny of the averages and

the indiscriminate use of risk factors and population attributable fractions in Public Health: the

case of coronary heart disease. Working paper version 2013-09-26. Unit for Social

Epidemiology, Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden

Malmö, Sweden. Available: Low discriminatory accuracy questions the use of risk factors

(pdf 1,4 MB)

Books (thesis)

What Matters in Birth Weight. The Epidemiologic Paradox in Immigrant in the Autonomous

Community of Madrid (2011). Universidad Complutense de Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-694-9534-6

Available online:

Peer-reviewed abstracts

Juárez, S and Hjern, A (2016) The weight of inequalities: length of residence and birthweight

among immigrants in Sweden. 26 (suppl1). European Journal of Public Health. First published

online: 4 November 2016

Juárez, S; Goodman, A, De Stavola, B and Koupil, I (2015) Early life determinants of mortality

in a cohort of 12,564 men and women born in Uppsala 1925-1929. Journal of Developmental

Origins of Health and Disease, 6, Suppl. 2:S49

Juárez, S; Ortíz Barreda, G; Agudelo-Suárez, A and Ronda Pérez, E (2015). Salud perinatal en

mujeres inmigrantes y españolas. Una revisión de la literatura. Gaceta Sanitaria; 29:213

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Juárez, S and Diaz Olalla, JM. La calidad de la información sobre peso y talla de los niños

declarada por sus padres para el estudio de la malnutrición infantil (2015). Gaceta Sanitaria; 29:


Juárez, S and Merlo, J (2014) Revisando los factores de riesgo del sobrepeso al nacer usando

medidas de precisión discriminatoria. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2014;28:65

Juárez, S; Wagner, P and Merlo, J (2013) Applying discriminative measures to revisit the

determinants of small-for-gestational-age European Journal of Epidemiology (2013), 28, S146

Cantarero-Arévalo, L; Pérez-Vicente, R; Juárez, S and Merlo, J (2013) Understanding the

contextual effect of ethnicity: a multilevel analysis on ethnic differences in asthma treatment

among Swedish adolescents European Journal of Epidemiology (2013), 28, 0148

Ruíz-Ramos, M, Juárez, S and García León, F.J. Mortalidad general y por causas entre la

población autóctona e inmigrante de Andalucía. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2012; 26 :155

Juárez, S; Alonso Ortíz, T; and Bolúmar, F. La calidad del Movimiento Natural de la Población

para el estudio de la salud perinatal: los datos missing en peso al nacer y edad gestacional.

Gaceta Sanitaria. 2012; 26:82

Juárez, S and Merlo, J. The effect of maternal tobacco use before and during early pregnancy on

offspring birthweight: A quasi-experimental design with sibling analysis European Journal of

Epidemiology. 2012(27)1:S28

Karlsdotter, K; Juárez, S.P; Viciana Fernández, F.J; Ramiro Fariñas, D and Merlo, J.

Socioeconomic and geographical differences in disability pension: a multilevel analysis in

Andalusia, Spain. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2012(27)1:S196-S97

Karlsdotter, K Juárez, S; Viciana Fernández, F.J; Ramiro Fariñas, D.R and Merlo, J. Análisis

multinivel de las diferencias socioeconómicas y geográficas en la pensión de incapacidad

permanente o de invalidez en Andalucía. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2012(Espec Congr 1):3-33

Karlsdotter, K Juárez, S; Viciana Fernández, F.J; Ramiro Fariñas, D.R and Merlo, J. Análisis de

la asociación entre la pensión de incapacidad permanente o de invalidez y la mortalidad en

Andalucía. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2012(Espec Congr 1):3-33

Juárez, S; Díaz Olalla, J.M. Desigualdades en salud m ental en la población extranjera en

Madrid. Aspectos metodológicos de medida. Session: Salud e inmigración. Gaceta Sanitaria.

2011; 25 :181

Márquez-Calderón, S; Ruíz-Ramos, M; Juárez, S and Librero López, J. Uso de las cesáreas en

Andalucía: relación con factores sociales, clínicos y de servicios sanitarios. Gaceta Sanitaria.

2011; 25 :274

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Juárez, S; Alonso Ortíz, T; and Bolúmar, F. Calidad de la información referida al peso al nacer

y la edad gestacional publicada por el INE. Session: Salud Sexual y Reproductiva. Gaceta

Sanitaria. 2011; 25 :274

Participation in Scientific conferences or workshops

Authors: Juárez, S and Hjern,A

Title: The weight of inequalities: length of residence and offspring’s birthweight among migrants

in Sweden

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: European Public Health Association (EPH).

Place and date: Vienna, Austria. 9-12 November, 2016

Publication: abstract published in Eur J Pub.Health. 2016;26(suppl.1)

Authors: Juárez, S, Eleonora Mussino and Hjern,A

Title: Revisiting the healthy migrant paradox in preterm outcomes. The role of gestational age


Type of participation: Oral communication

Workdhop: Challenges in contemporary migration research. TITA workshop. Demography Unit.

Stockholm University.

Place and date: Stockholm. Sweden. 4-5 November, 2016

Authors: Juárez, S and Hjern,A

Title: Birthweight and duration of residence among migrants in Sweden

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: 8th

annual workshop on Socioeconomic Crisis and Policies to Protect Children.

International Network for Research on Inequality in Child Health (INRICH).

Place and date: Barcelona, Spain. 16-17 June, 2016

Authors: Juárez, S; Mussino, E and Hjern, A

Title: A new beginning? Perinatal health of children of refugees in Sweden

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: Youth, Migrations and Development around the Mediterranean conference

Place and date: Rome, Italy, 4-6 May, 2016

Authors: Juárez, S, Goodman, A, DeStavola, B and Koupil, I

Title: From the cradle to grave. Early life determinants of mortality in a cohort of 12,564 men

and women born in Uppsala 1925-1929

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: International conference of the Society for longitudinal and lifecourse studies

Place and date: Dublin Castle, Ireland. 19-21 October, 2015.

Authors: Juárez, S, Goodman, A, DeStavola, B and Koupil, I

Title: Early life determinants of mortality in a cohort of 12,564 men and women born in Uppsala


Type of participation: Oral communication

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Conference: 9th

World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease

Place and date: Cape Town, South Africa. 8-11 November, 2015

Publication: : abstract published in Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 6,

Suppl. 2:S49

Authors: Juárez, S; Ortíz Barreda, G; Agudelo-Suárez, A and Ronda Pérez, E

Title: Salud perinatal en mujeres inmigrantes y españolas. Una revisión de la literatura

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: II Congreso Ibero-Americano de Epidemiología y Salud Pública

Place and date: Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 2-4 September. 2015

Publication: abstract published in Gac Sanit. 2015; 29:213

Authors: Cantarero-Arevalo, L; Perez-Vicente, R; Juárez, S and Merlo, J

Title: Understanding the contextual effects of ethnicity: a multilevel analysis on ethnic

differences in asthma treatment among Swedish adolescents

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: European Congress of Epidemiology.

Place and date: 11-14 August. 2014. Aarhus. Denmark

Publication: abstract published in Eur J Epidemiology. 2013; 28(1):S66

Authors: Juárez, S and Diaz Olalla, JM

Title: La calidad de la información sobre peso y talla de los niños declarada por sus padres para

el estudio de la malnutrición infantil

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: II Congreso Ibero-Americano de Epidemiología y Salud Pública

Place and date: Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 2-4 September. 2015

Publication: abstract published in Gac Sanit. 2015; 29: 208

Authors: Juárez, S; Goodman, A and Koupil, I

Title: Perinatal health and all-cause mortality. A sibling analysis using the Uppsala Birth Cohort


Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: European Congress of Epidemiology (EUROEPI)

Place and date: Maastricht, the Netherlands. 25-27 June. 2015

Authors: Juárez, S; Goodman, A and Koupil, I

Title: Birthweight and all-cause mortality. A family-based study using UBCoS

Type of participation: Oral communication

Workshop: SIMSAM meeting

Place and date: Ärenäs, Sweden. 5-6 November. 2014

Authors: Juárez, S and Merlo

Title: Revisando los factores de riesgo del sobrepeso al nacer usando medidas de precisión


Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: XXXII Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología

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Place and date: Alicante, Spain. 3-5 September. 2014

Publication: abstract published in Gac Sanit. 2014;28:65

Authors: Juárez, S and Merlo, J

Title: Do maternal countries of origin matter to understand offspring’s birthweight? A multilevel


Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: European Population Conference (EPC)

Place and date: Budapest. Hungary. 25-28 June. 2014

Authors: Juárez, S and Merlo, J.

Title: Do maternal countries of origin matter to understand offspring’s birthweight? A multilevel


Type of participation: Oral communication

Worshop: SIMSAM meeting

Place and date: Helsinborg, Sweden. 2-3 June, 2014

Authors: Dribe, M; Juárez, S and Scalone, F

Title: Is it who you are or where you live? Community effects on individual behavior during the

demographic transition in Sweden: A multilevel analysis of micro census data

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: Population Association of America (PAA)

Place and date: Boston. United States. 1-3 May. 2014

Authors: Dribe, M; Juárez, S and Scalone, F

Title: Innovation-diffusion, geography and clustering fertility behavior during the fertility

demographic transition: A multilevel analysis of micro census data for Sweden 1880, 1890 and


Conference: British Society for Population Studies (BSPS)

Type of participation: Oral communication

Place and date: Swansea, Wales. 9-11 September. 2013

Authors: Juárez, S and Merlo, J

Title: You snus you lose? The effect of Swedish snus on birthweight: a sibling analysis

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: International Union for Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).

Place and date: Busan, South Korea 26-31 August. 2013

Authors: Juárez, S; Revuelta-Eugercios, B; Ramiro Fariñas, D and Viciana Fernández, F.J.

Title: Educación de la madre y resultados perinatales en mujeres españolas residentes en la

Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía (2001-2011)

Type of participation: Poster

Conference: Ibero-Americano de Epidemiología y Salud Pública

Place and date: Granada 4-6 September. 2013

Publication: abstract published in Gac Sanit. 2013, 27:174

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Authors: Juárez, S; Wagner, P and Merlo, J

Title: Applying discriminative measures to revisit the determinants of small-for-gestational-age

Type of participation: Poster

Conference: European Congress of Epidemiology (EUROEPI)

Place and date: 11-14 August. 2013. Aarhus

Publication: abstract published in Eur J Epidemiology. 2013; 28 (1):S146

Authors: Juárez, S and Merlo, J

Title: You snus you lose? El efecto del snuff sueco (snus) en el peso al nacer: un estudio quasi-

experimental con análisis de hermanos

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: X Congreso de la Asociación de Demografía Histórica.

Place and date: Albacete. Spain 18-21 June. 2013

Authors: Ruíz-Ramos, M, Juárez, S and García León, F.J.

Title: Mortalidad general y por causas entre la población autóctona e inmigrante de Andalucía.

Session: Salud en las diversas etapas de la vida.

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: XXX Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología

Place and date: 17-19 October, 2012. Santander Spain

Publication: abstract published in Gac Sanit. 2012; 26 :155

Authors: Juárez, S; Alonso Ortíz, T; and Bolúmar, F.

Title: La calidad del Movimiento Natural de la Población para el estudio de la salud perinatal: los

datos missing en peso al nacer y edad gestacional. Session: Salud en las diversas etapas de la


Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: XXX Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología

Place and date: 17-19 October. 2012. Santander Spain.

Publication: abstract published in Gac Sanit. 2012; 26:82

Authors: Juárez, S and Merlo, J.

Title: The effect of maternal tobacco use before and during early pregnancy on offspring

birthweight: A quasi-experimental design with sibling analysis

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: European Congress of Epidemiology (EUROEPI)

Place and date: 5-8 September. 2012. Porto, Portugal.

Publication: abstract published in Eur J Epidemiology. 2012(27)1:S28

Authors: Karlsdotter, K; Juárez, S.P Viciana Fernández, F.J; Ramiro Fariñas, D and

Merlo, J.

Title: Socioeconomic and geographical differences in disability pension: a multilevel analysis in

Andalusia, Spain.

Type of participation: poster

Conference: European Congress of Epidemiology (EUROEPI)

Place and date: 5-8 September. 2012. Porto, Portugal

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Publication: abstract published in Eur J Epidemiology. 2012(27)1:S196-S97

Authors: Karlsdotter, K; Juárez, S.P Viciana Fernández, F.J; Ramiro Fariñas, D and

Merlo, J.

Title: Mortality and disability pension in Spain: a household design on the longitudinal database

of the Andalusian population

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: European Congress of Epidemiology (EUROEPI)

Place and date: 5-8 September. 2012. Porto, Portugal

Publication: abstract published in Eur J Epidemiology. 2012(27)1:S60

Authors: Juárez, S and Merlo, J.

Title: Smoking mothers, fuming babies: the effects of maternal smoking on birth weight by

mother’s country of origin using a multilevel approach.

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: European Population Conference (EPC)

Place and date: 13-16 June. 2012. Stockholm. Sweden

Authors: Viciana, F; Juárez, S; Revuelta, B; Ramiro-Fariñas, D; Montañes Cobo, V and Merlo, J

Title: Measuring socio-economic differentials in low birth weight: looking beyond parental

employment and educational attainment.

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: European Population Conference (EPC)

Place and date: 13-16 June. 2012. Stockholm. Sweden


Authors: Karlsdotter, K Juárez, S; Viciana Fernández, F.J; Ramiro Fariñas, D.R and Merlo, J

Title: Análisis multinivel de las diferencias socioeconómicas y geográficas en la pensión de

incapacidad permanente o de invalidez en Andalucía

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: XXXII Jornadas de Economía de la Salud

Place and date: 15-18 May. 2012. Bilbao. Spain

Publication: abstract published in Gac Sanit. 2012(Espec Congr 1):3-33

Authors: Juárez, S and Merlo, J.

Title: The effect of smoking and snus on birthweight. A quasi-experimental design with sibling


Type of participation: Poster

Conference: Reproductive Epidemiology in a Life Course Perspective. Symposium arranged by

EpiHealth and WHO

Place and date: 29-30 March. 2012. Malmö Sweden

[It obtained a poster excellence award]

Authors: Juárez, S; Díaz Olalla, J.M

Title: Desigualdades en salud mental en la población extranjera en Madrid. Aspectos

metodológicos de medida. Session: Salud e inmigración.

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Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: XXIX Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología. XIV Congreso

de la Sociedad Española de Salud Pública

Place and date: 6-8 October. 2011. Madrid. Spain

Publication: abstract published in Gac Sanit. 2011; 25 :181

Authors: Márquez-Calderón, S; Ruíz-Ramos, M; Juárez, S and Librero López, J.

Title: Uso de las cesáreas en Andalucía: relación con factores sociales, clínicos y de servicios

sanitarios. Session: Salud Sexual y Reproductiva.

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: XXIX Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología. XIV Congreso

de la Sociedad Española de Salud Pública.

Place and date: 6-8 October. 2011. Madrid. Spain

Publication: abstract published in Gac Sanit. 2011; 25 :274

Authors: Juárez, S; Alonso Ortíz, T; and Bolúmar, F.

Title: Calidad de la información referida al peso al nacer y la edad gestacional publicada por el

INE. Session: Salud Sexual y Reproductiva

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: XXIX Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología. XIV Congreso

de la Sociedad Española de Salud Pública

Place and date: 6-8 October. 2011. Madrid Spain.

Publication: abstract published in Gac Sanit. 2011; 25 :274

Authors: Juárez, S; Ploubidis, B. G; and Clarke, L

Title: Testing the epidemiological paradox through birthweight in the Spanish context: A true or

an artificial effect?

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: European Population Conference (EPC)

Place and date: 1-4 September, 2010, Vienna. Austria

Authors: Revuelta, B; Juárez, S; Ramiro-Fariñas, D and Viciana Fernández, F.

Title: Socio-economic differentials in low birth weight: An analysis from the Andalusian

demographic dataset

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: European Population Conference (EPC)

Place and date: 1-4 September, 2010, Vienna. Austria

Authors: Juárez, S.

Title: ¿Es la población inmigrante vulnerable en términos de salud perinatal? [Is the immigrant

population vulnerable in perinatal health?].

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: Asociación de Demografía Histórica (ADEH)

Place and date: 17-20 June, 2010, Sao Miguel, Azores. Portugal

Authors: Juárez, S; Ploubidis, B. G; and Clarke, L.

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Title: Testing the epidemiological paradox in Spain with respect to perinatal outcomes

Type of participation: poster

Conference: Population Association of America (PAA)

Place and date: 14-17 April, 2010. Houston. United States

Authors: Revuelta, B; Juárez, S; Hosnedlova, R and Ramiro, D

Title: When mom was a stranger. The effect of parent’s migration status on child survival in the

foundling hospital of Madrid, 1890-1930

Type of participation: poster

Conference: European Population Conference (EPC)

Place and date: 9-12 July, 2008, Barcelona. Spain

Authors: Juárez, S.

Title: Migration and health: the relationship between self-assessment and diagnosed morbidity.

The experience of Madrid

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC)

Place and date: 26 February-1 March, 2008. Lisbon. Portugal

Authors: Juárez, S; Esparza Catalán, C and Olalla Díaz, J.M

Title: Migración y Salud Mental [Migration and Mental Health].

Type of participation: Oral communication

Conference: Asociación de Demografía Histórica (ADEH)

Place and date: 31 May-2 June, 2007, Menorca. Spain

Invited speaker

Title: Revisiting the healthy migrant paradox in preterm outcomes. The role of gestational age


Institution: Reproductive Health Group, Department of Medicine (KEP), Karolinska Institute

Place and date: 8th

December 2016, Stockholm, Sweden

Title: Does maternal country of birth matter to understanding offspring's Birthweight in Sweden?

Revisiting ethnic differences in health by multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity

Institution: Demography Unit, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University

Place and date: 7th

October 2014, Stockholm, Sweden

Title: Does maternal country of birth matter to understanding offspring's Birthweight in Sweden?

Revisiting ethnic differences in health by multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity.

Institution: SIMSAM, EpiHealth and Region Skåne

Place and date: 10th

September 2014, Lund, Sweden

Title: Is it who you are or where you live? Community effects on fertility behavior during the

demographic transition in Sweden: A multilevel analysis using micro census data.

Institution: Center for Economic Demography, Lund University.

Place and date: 13th February 2014, Lund, Sweden

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Title: What we know –and do not know- about the effect of smoking on birthweight.

Institution: Forskarseminarium. Department of Geriatric Medicine. Lund. University

Place and date: 13th

February 2013,Malmö, Sweden

Title: Are immigrants babies heavier than natives’?.

Institution: Center for Economic Demography, Lund University

Place and date: 28th

April 2011, Lund, Sweden

Title: Qué sabemos –y que no– del peso al nacer. Un estudio interdisciplinar de La paradoja

epidemiológica [What we know –and what we don’t know About birth weight. An

interdisciplinary study of the epidemiological paradox].

Institution: Research Seminar of the Population and Society Research Group. Universidad

Complutense de Madrid

Place and date: December 2010, Madrid, Spain

Title: La feminización de los flujos latinoamericanos en España [The feminization of Latin

American immigration flows in Spain].

Institution: International Conference “Russia and Spain. Immigratory countries

in the European geopolitics context in the XXI Century”,

Place and date: 21-22 June, 2010, Madrid, Spain

Title: Utilización del indicador de salud autopercibida en adultos jóvenes [Use of self-perceived

Health indicator in young adults].

Institution: Postgraduate Seminar of the Complutense University of Madrid

Place and date: 9th

April, 2009 Madrid, Spain

Experience in research projects

2017-2022 PI of a workpackage on Social policies: Immigration policies, economic

recessions, and health selection in the project Social determinants of health

among individuals with foreign background: Societal and individual

perspectives. (FORTE # 2016-07128) PI: Mikael Rostila

2016-2018 Researcher in the project Tackling Inequalities in Time of Austerity (TITA)

(Academy of Finland). PI: Mikko Niemelä

2015-2017 Researcher in the project Adverse pregnancy outcomes in relation to

mothers' country of birth (Centre for Clinical Research Dalarna). PI: Erica


2012-2016 Researcher in the project work life and health among people with foreign

background-The effects of segregation, status incongruence and adverse

work environment (Vetenskapsrådet #2013-39601) PI: Mikael Rostila

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2014-2016 Researcher in the project social mobility and health among Swedish men

and women born 1915-2010 (FORTE # 2013-5104) PI: Ilona Koupil

2013-2015 Researcher in the project Methods in register-based research in life

Courseand social epidemiology (Vetenskapsrådet #2013-5104) PI: Ilona


2014-2018 Researcher in the project New perspectives on the interplay between

environmental factors, social issues and health (SIMSAM-Lund Early-life

funded by VR # 2013-5474) PI Rignell-Hydbom


Researcher in the project Contextual effects on an individual disease risk:

revisiting previous evidence with new methodological approaches

(Vetenskapsrådet #2013-2484) PI: Juan Merlo (798,700 euros)

I participated in writing the application.

2013-2015 Researcher in the project The impact of early-life conditions on

educational attainment among second generation immigrants in Sweden,

1973-2010 The Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research

(FAS # 2012-1367). PI: Kirk Scott. (395,521 euros)

I participated in writing the application.

2012-2014 Researcher in the project Mortalidad infecciosa y condiciones de vida en

áreas urbanas: el ejemplo de Madrid en una comparativa internacional.

(CSO2011-29970-E). Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Plan

Nacional de I+D+I. Spain. PI: Diego Ramiro-Fariñas.

I participated in writing the application.

2010-2013 Research assistant in the Project Creación de una infraestructura de datos

espaciales urbanos como plataforma de información geoespacial y

sociodemográfica (IDE-URBANA) (CSO2010-11485-E) Ministerio de

Ciencia e Innovación. Spain. PI: Diego Ramiro-Fariñas (96.473 euros)

2008-2011 Researcher in the project The population of a big city a century ago:

mortality and population structure of Madrid at the beginning of the

twentieth century in an international comparative perspective. Ministerio

de Ciencia e Innovación. Spain. PI: Diego Ramiro-Fariñas


Research assistant Mortalidad y migración en el primer tercio del siglo

XX: España en una comparativa internacional. La mortalidad en

instituciones en el marco de la demografía urbana: Madrid dentro de una

comparativa internacional Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. Plan

Nacional de I+D+i. Spain. (SEJ2005-06334). PI: Diego Ramiro-Fariñas.

2005-2007 Research assistant in the project Mortality in institutions and urban

demography: Madrid in an international comparative perspective.

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Spain. IP: Diego Ramiro-Fariñas.

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2005 Research assistant in the project Migration, Education and Work in the

Madrid Autonomous Region. Consejería de empleo y mujer de la

Comunidad de Madrid. Madrid. Spain. PI: Vicente Rodriguez-Rodríguez.

Agreements with public institutions

2008-2009 Researcher in the Convenio específico de colaboración entre el Consejo

Superior de Investigaciones Científicas y el Instituto de Estadística de

Andalucía para el análisis de la información de base del Registro de

Población de Andalucía. Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía. PI: Diego


2005-2011 PI in the Convenio específico de colaboración entre el Consejo Superior

de Investigaciones Científicas, el Instituto de Estadística de Madrid y el

Hospital Clinico de Madrid para la creación de una base de datos que

permita validar la fuende del Movimiento Natural de la Población.

Teaching experience

General postgraduate level

Role: Lecturer

Title: Regression analysis with categorical variables. Practice in Stata

Institution: Spanish National Research Council. Madrid (Spain)

Year: 2008

Role: Lecturer

Title: Introduction to Logistic regression

Course: Demography and Statistics Applied to Health

Institution: Spanish National Research Council. Madrid (Spain)

Year: 2008

Master’s level

Role: Lecturer

Title: Introduction to sibling analysis

Master’s program: Population health and health equity

Institution: Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute

Year: 2017

Role: Lecturer

Title: Introduction to DAGitty

Master’s program: Population health and health equity

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Institution: Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute

Year: 2017

Role: Lecturer

Title: Migration and perinatal health

Master’s program: Master's Degree in Research and Nursing Care in Vulnerable Populations

Institution: Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Year: 2016

Role: Lecturer

Title: Unequal lives

Master’s course: Population health and health equity

Master’s program: Population health: societal and individual perspectives

Institution: Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute

Year: 2016

Role: Lecturer

Title: Exploring life course mechanisms of social inequalities in health: family design in

Life course Epidemiology

Master’s course: Life course approach to health equity studies

Master’s program: Population health: societal and individual perspectives

Institution: Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute

Stockholm (Sweden).

Year: 2015

Role: Lecturer

Title: Migration and Health

Master’s course: Social stratification

Master’s program: Population health: societal and individual perspectives

Institution: Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute.

Stockholm (Sweden).

Years: 2015, 2016

Role: Lecturer

Title: Controversies in Social Integration

Master’s course: Social stratification

Master’s program: course on advance topics in Demography: migration and integration

Institution: Department of Economic History, Lund University. Lund (Sweden)

Years: 2013

Role: Lecturer

Title: Sociology of Health

Master’s program: Public Health

Institution: Spanish National School of Public Health. Madrid (Spain)

Years: 2011, 2012, 2013

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Role: Lecturer of an in-depth course

Student’s name: Josefin Klöfvermark

Title: Migration and health

Institution: Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute


Role: Assistant supervisor of a PhD dissertation

Student’s name: Jeff Neilson.

Year of admission: 2012

Title: Converging times. Parenthood, time allocation and the gender division of labour in

Sweden 1990-2010

Institution: Centre for Economic Demography. Lund University

Main supervisor: Prof. Maria Stanfors

Date of defense: September 16th


Role: Supervisor of a master’s thesis

Student’s name: Josefin Klöfvermark

Year of admission: 2014

Title: Smoking during pregnancy by duration of residence among immigrants in Sweden 1991-

2012: A study on health inequalities

Institution: Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute

Date of defense: July 16th


Management experience (total: 220 hours)

Role: Course manager (with Prof. Mikael Rostila)

Course: Population health and health equity

Master’s program: Population health: societal and individual perspectives

Institution: Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute.

Stockholm (Sweden).

Year: 2016

Role: Academic director

Course: Sociology of Health

Master’s program: Public Health

Institution: Spanish National School of Public Health. Madrid (Spain)

Year: 2011, 2012, 2013

Role: Course administrator

Course: Annual postgraduate course Population Health

Institution: Spanish National Research Council. Madrid (Spain)

Year: 2005-2011

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I+D experience External reviewer for the XXIV Spanish Society of Epidemiology. 14-16. 2016. Seville, Spain

External reviewer for the II congreso Ibero-americano de Epidemiología y Salud Pública. 2-4

September. 2015. Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Chair and organizar of the sesión: “Aproximación del curso de la vida: el efecto de las

experiencias vitales en la salud” X Congreso de la Asociación de Demografía Histórica (ADEH).

18-21 June. 2013. Albacete, Spain.

Discussant at PhD Conference in Economic History. Mölle, Sweden. 2012

Member of the Organizing International Seminar “Seminar on new approaches to death in cities

during the health transition” International union for the Scientific Study of Population, Instituto

de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía (IECA) and Spanish National Council for Scientific

Research. 15-16 December. 2011. Seville

Session Organizer “Inmigración y salud” Sociedad Española de Epidemiología y Sociedad

Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria. 6-8 October. 2011. Madrid

Member of the Organizing Committee of the International “Workshop New approaches to death

in cities during the health transition”. International Union for the Scientific Study of the

Population. Seville, Spain, 15-16 December. 2011

Session Organizer “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. Revisiones historiográficas y nuevas

aportaciones teóricas en la investigación demográfica”. IX Congreso de la Asociación de

Demografía Histórica. Sao Miguel, Azores, 17-19 June. 2010

Member of the Organizing Committee of the annual postgraduate course Population Health.

Spanish National Research Council, Madrid. 2005-2011

Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Workshop on Foetal and Neonatal

Mortality. Historical Perspectives on the Borderline between Life and Death. Madrid, 10-11

June 2008.

Member of the Organizing Committee of the XI Madrid Science Fair. organized by the Spanish

National Research Council and the Madrid Region. 24-27April, Madrid. Spain

Member of the Organizing Committee of the V, VI, VII, VIII, IX edition of the “Science Week”

organized by the Spanish National Research Council and the Madrid Region. 2006-2008,

Madrid. Spain

External referee in Journals - PLOS ONE

- International Journal for Equity in Health

- The Professional Geographer

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- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

- Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health

- European Journal of Public Health

- BMC Public Health

- Journal of Public Health Research

- Public Health Report


- Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology

- Journal of Women’s health

- European Journal of Population

- American Journal of Epidemiology


- Journal of International Medical

- Public Health Nutrition


Membership in international networks and societies 2016- International Network for Research on Inequalities in Child Health (INRICH)

2011- SIMSAM early life

2011- Unit of Social Epidemiology, Lund University

2010- Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE)

2010- European Association for Population Studies

2006- Research Group on Demographic Dynamics.

2007- Grupo de Estudios de Población y Sociedad (GEPS).

2008- Association of Historical Demography (ADEH).