curriculum guide syllabi i01 to i12

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  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Intermediate One (I01) Course Syllabus

    Course description:Intermediate One is the first course in the Intermediate Level. It covers the first three units (1-3) of the ICPN !orld Lin" #oo"3 $econd %dition. &he topic and communicative functions include conversational strate'ies such as ma"in' su''estionstal"in' aout plans and needs and interruptin' someone politel*. &he lan'ua'e forms in this course include a revie+ of the

    present perfect the future tense includin' modals of future possiilit*, participial and prepositional phrases participles usedas adectives and vers and modals that epress prohiition. &he ne+ +ords and epressions focus on home improvementpulic fi'ures or private citi/ens pulic places periods of time in people0s lives important events in people0s lives ho+ peoplecommunicate ne+s to'ether +ith leical chun"s and specific collocations. In terms of readin' strate'ies the oo" includesma"in' predictions scannin' for specific information readin' for details locatin' ideas and related +ords usin' visual cuesand seuencin'. &he oo" presents +ritin' s"ills such as preparin' a list of classroom rules +ritin' aout possile events inthe future and +ritin' a stor* aout an unusual event. fter ta"in' this course the student +ill have accumulated in thepro'ram a total of 321 hours of in-class instruction

    Course material:!orld Lin" Intermediate One $tudent #oo" 3 $econd %dition !or"oo" ideo ctivit* !or"oo" (4nits 1 5 3 and the 6evie+4nit)

    $upplementar* Learnin' 7aterial 8 6esources:

    !orld Lin" %-!or"oo" 8 %-ideo: Intermediate 1 4nits 1-3

    %-%ams: Intermediate One

    !orld Lin" +e site

    C9-6O7 (&eachers06esource oo" +ith unit activities 'raphic or'ani/ers audio scripts and video +or"sheets.

    Course &hemes:

    Get Started-Lan'ua'e related to culture in %n'lish-spea"in' countries tips +hen learnin' ne+ +ords uses of a dictionar*and reco'ni/in' purpose of +ritin'.

    Unit 15 Indoors OutdoorsUnit 25 Life;s Chan'esUnit 35

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Oral Evaluation

    UNI 1

    1. !ith a partner ma"e a list of items in *our home. &hen ta"e turns as"in' each other aout ho+ the items are fied.

    >. Pretend *ou are a real estate a'ent. $ho+ a house or apartment to *our client and descrie each room. &ell *our clientaout the improvements that need to e done.

    3. 9escrie pulic places in *our cit* to *our partner. &hen have *our partner tell *ou +h* these places need to e protected.

    UNI 2

    1. Plan a trip +ith *our partner and tell +hat *ou +ill do each da* of the trip!

    >. &ell aout the milestones in *our life to *our partner. &hen tal" aout +hat *ou +ill do in the future.

    3. &al" aout +hich life events cause stress. &hen discuss ho+ to deal +ith them.

    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    UNI 3

    1. 7a"e a list of os and discuss the characteristics of a 'ood o.

    >. #rin' a famil* photo to class. &ell *our partner aout the famil* memers in the photo. &hen have *our partner do the same.

    3. !rite a funn* ne+s stor* aout an unusual fictional event. Include details and use descriptive adectives. &hen tell *ourpartner the stor*.


    1. 7a"e a poster of *our home and +rite descriptions of each room. &hen share it +ith *our partner.

    >. !rite a letter of presentation for a o *ou +ant. 4se the present perfect to as" aout past eperience.

    3. !rite an article for *our local ne+spaper aout a current event.

    ?. !ith a partner ta"e turns role pla*in' someone +or"in' for a ne+spaper. &he class should 'uess +hat the o (p.>@) each

    person is fulfillin' at the ne+spaper.

    2. s a 'roup pretend *ou are at a stress mana'ement session. One person is the ps*cholo'ist and the others should tal"aout a milestone in their lives that has caused them stress. &he ps*cholo'ist should 'ive rief advice to each culminatin'+ith her 8 his o+n milestone and +hat that person did to overcome the stress.




    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA
  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Intermediate Two (I02) Course Syllabus

    Course description:

    Intermediate Two is the second course in the intermediate leel! It coers units " # $ o% the ICPNA &orld 'in()oo( * leel plus the wor(boo(+ ideo material+ and a resource boo(! The topics and communicatie %unctionsinclude comparing loo(s+ disagreeing politely+ as(ing about customs+ emphasi,ing important points+ discussingrules in di-erent conte.ts+ %eeling homesic(+ and sharing %acts about a country! In terms o% language+ the

    students will learn phrasal erbs+ It / be / adectie / innitie+ gerund as subect+ %uture time clauses+passie oice+ and reiew the present per%ect! The ocabulary 3ocus sections present language related toclothing style+ dating+ manners+ cross4cultural communication+ business+ and adertising! The readingstrategies include the use o% bac(ground (nowledge+ reading %or details+ ma(ing in%erences+ identi%yingoptions+ scanning+ and predicting! In terms o% writing strategies+ this course coers the s(ills o% writing an ad+a paragraph elated to a language barrier+ and a reiew %or a maga,ine! A%ter ta(ing this course+ the studentwill hae accumulated in the program a total o% *56 hours o% in4class instruction!

    Course material:&orld 'in( Intermediate 2 7tudent )oo(+ &or(boo(+ ideo Actiity &or(boo( 89nits " # $ and the eiew 9nit;

    7upplementary 'earning

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Unit 5

    1! ne student is going to isit a well4(nown tourist attraction in Peru! The other person+ a trael agentshould ma(e some suggestions on appropriate behaior and practices so the trip can turn out to be anice e.perience!

    2! 7tudents should get into groups and role4play any situation o% their choice where %uture time clausesare appropriate!

    Unit 6


  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Intermediate T*ree (I0+) Course Syllabus

    Course description:Intermediate Three is a course that %ocuses on language that is appropriate %or discussing peoplesE healthsports and hobbies+ and social issues! The language structures used to support communication in relation tothese themes reported speech with say and tell+ the present per%ect continuous+ %uture %actual conditionalstoo and enough+and e.pressions %or describing symptoms! 7pea(ing strategies include chec(ing how someone%eels+ as(ing i% someone (nows something+ and ma(ing a complaint or as(ing %or help! 3or pronunciation+ the

    %ocus is on dropping the h+ compound nouns+ and emphatic stress! eading and writing s(ill deelopment%ocuses primarily on scanning and paraphrasing+ identi%ying specic in%ormation+ writing adescriptie paragraph+ writing a narratie+ and writing an opinion! Intermediate Three coers 9nits 5# J o% the ICPNA &orld 'in( )oo( * leel 87econd >dition; plus a reiew unit at the end! A%ter ta(ing this course+the student will hae accumulated in the program a total o% "0D academic hours o% in4class instruction!

    Course material:&orld 'in( Intermediate * 7tudent )oo( 7econd >dition+ &or(boo(+ ideo Actiity &or(boo( 89nits 5 # J andthe eiew 9nit;7upplementary 'earning

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    "! Two managers should discuss a promotion %or an employee by %ocusing on what she or he has beendoing in the oBce lately! Then+ they should interiew the employee and as( why a promotion should begranted! The employee should also use the present per%ect continuous!

    D! 7tudents should debate who the best soccer player+ tennis player+ olleyball player or some otherathlete is+ supporting the opinion by using the present per%ect and present per%ect continuous!

    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Unit /*! A group o% neighbors present a number o% complaints about their community to the district alderman

    or mayor o% the city! The public oBcial should respond and o-er e.planations as well as potentiasolutions!

    "! 7tudents should discuss seeral important social issues and present them to the class a%ter wor(ing ingroups! They should point out the potential problems by using %uture %actual conditionals! They shouldalso o-er brie% alternaties %or solutions a%ter coming to a consensus on each measure!

    "utonomous #earnin$ %ro&e'ts! Students s*ould 'reate a newsaer arti'le about an eidemi' t*at *as bro1en out in ew

    3or1 or some ot*er lar$e 'ity! T*ey s*ould des'ribe t*e symtoms and reer to w*at t*e'ity did in resonse to a revious eidemi'! T*ey s*ould submit t*e arti'le and oer asummary in arts to t*e 'lass!

    2! Students s*ould oer a resentation on modern treatments or traditional illnesses andot*er *ealt* 'onditions! T*ey s*ould oer inormation on *ow t*ey are 'arried t*ebenets or t*e atient and ot*er relevant details!

    +! Students 'an role lay a tal1 s*ow on any toi' o t*eir '*oi'e t*at romotes t*e use o t*e'ourses tar$et orms and vo'abulary! T*ey must also demonstrate t*e ability to use newvo'abulary and e7ressions t*at 'omlement w*at is tau$*t in t*e 'ourse!

    4! %lay t*e 8*o is Tellin$ t*e Trut*9 $ame but t*e students will retend t*ey are dierent'elebrities and amous oliti'ians amon$ ot*er well,1nown $ures! T*is will re:uire t*emto learn more vo'abulary and lan$ua$e asso'iated wit* t*e eole t*ey *ave '*osen! T*e'lass is divided into *alves or t*e 'ometition!

    5! Students s*ould oer a resentation on a so'ial issue o t*eir '*oi'e des'ribin$ t*eroblem and oerin$ solutions! T*ey 'an also resent on so'ial issues ae'tin$ a 'ity or'ountry oerin$ a variety o solutions as well!

    Useul ebsites


    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA
  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Intermediate ;our (I04) Course Syllabus

    Course description:

    Intermediate 3our is the last course that uses the World Link series! The course %ocuses on language that isappropriate %or communicating in relation to topics such wealth+ trust and sincerity+ and the >arth %rom both anatural as well as the man4made world perspectie! The language structures presented to support thesethemes include statements with wish+ e.pressions with get+ past unreal conditionals+ reported statements

    e.pressions with like+ and the passie in arious tenses! 7pea(ing strategies include e.pressing sympathy+giing direct adice+ and o-ering a di-erent opinion! 3or pronunciation+ the %ocus is on lin(ing similaconsonant sounds+ repeating with rising intonation to indicate surprise+ and practicing similar stress patternseading and writing s(ill deelopment address the studentEs ability to writing narraties anddescriptions+ reading an article and guessing the meaning %rom conte.t+ reading to conrmpredictions+ and identi%ying coherence in a te.t! Intermediate 3our coers 9nits 10 # 12 o% the ICPNA&orld 'in( )oo( * leel 87econd >dition; plus a reiew unit at the end! A%ter ta(ing this course+ the student willhae accumulated in the program a total o% "*2 academic hours o% in4class instruction!

    Course material:&orld 'in( Intermediate " 7tudent )oo( 7econd >dition+ &or(boo(+ ideo Actiity &or(boo( 89nits 10 # 12 andthe eiew 9nit;

    7upplementary 'earning aluation Criteria:

    7pea(ing: Choose three o% the seen learning obecties designated+ with a pre%erence %or those with anasteris(! They should all be o% eual diBculty and reuire some %orm o% response = elaboration beyond thesingle statement leel!

    &riting: ae the students write in response to tas(s that are similar to those presented %or this s(ill in 9nits10+ 11+ and 12!

    In4class ealuation tas(s:As it is better to resere the course boo(Es actiities and tas(s # other than those on the Consolidation Pages 4%or language practice rather than direct ealuation+ this section o-ers you alternaties on how to assess yourstudentsE spea(ing s(ills in4class between ?ays 1 # 1$ o% the cycle! They hae the purpose o% allowing theteacher to elicit language samples %or ealuation purposes without using actiities in the course boo( whosemain purpose is to help consolidate learning!

    Oral Evaluation

    Unit 0! In airs or $rous students dis'uss w*at it would be li1e to live in lu7ury! Students in'ororatewis*,statements in t*eir dialo$ues w*en 'reatin$ t*e settin$s or t*eir ima$inary livesEn'oura$e students to be 'reative a't out and e7and!2! In airs students dis'uss w*at t*ey would do i t*ey re'eived a lar$e sum o money orsuddenly be'ame amous or i t*is *aened to a riend o t*eirs!

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12



    ! Students wor1 in $rous! Ea'* $rou is divided into two> one,*al o t*e $rou suorts a*yot*eti'al situation 'reated by t*e tea'*er and t*e ot*er *al ooses t*e situation! Studentsdebate i it is o1ay to tell a lie or i t*ey must tell t*e trut* based on t*e *yot*eti'al situation!2! Students role,lay ater sele'tin$ one o a number o emer$en'y s'enarios 'reated by t*etea'*er or ater 'reatin$ t*eir own s'enario! One student is a ?ood Samaritan and t*e ot*erstudent is in need o *el! "ter t*e two students role,lay t*e remainin$ students in 'lass use

    reorted statements to suort t*eir oinions about t*e ?ood Samaritan and t*e de'ision madeby t*e student in need!

    Unit 2

    1! In pairs or groups+ students plan their ne.t acation+ supporting their decisions to isit certain places abroador in Peru using ways to li(es! A%terwards+ students pretend they hae gone to the place chosen anddiscuss what they did while they were there!2! In groups+ students choose a well4(nown landmar( in Peru and discuss its current status+ its history+ theperson responsible %or its construction+ and what the %uture holds %or the landmar(! 7tudents e.pressthemseles using simple present+ simple past+ present per%ect+ and %uture with will! Mroups present theindings to the rest o% the class!

    "utonomous #earnin$ %ro&e'ts

    ! 3ou are a wealt*y erson w*o lives a very 'omortable lie! 3ou *ave &ust wo1en u and are$ettin$ ready to start t*e day! 3ou are also on va'ation in a well,1nown 'ity somew*ere in t*eworld! It@s time to lan your a'tivities or t*e rest o t*e day! Aee t*e ollowin$ :uestions inmindB *at are you $oin$ to do=

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Intermediate ;ive (I05) Course Syllabus

    Course description:

    Intermediate 3ie is the rst course that uses the &orld Pass series! It mar(s the initiation o% students at theIntermediate igh leel o% >nglish language prociency according to ACT3' standards and the initiation o%student language deelopment at the )2 leel according to the Common >uropean 3ramewor( %or e%erence to'anguages 8C>3;!

    The course presents language that is needed to narrate stories and eents+ tal( about abilities+ and ma(ingstatements in general+ particularly in re%erence to leisure actiities! The language structures that are used tosupport these communicatie %unctions include a reiew o% the simple past+ present per%ect+ and the passieoice as well as a presentation o% aderb clauses o% contrast+ purpose and time! The ocabulary 3ocus sectionspresent language related to story4telling+ the wor(place and li%estyles in general+ and tal(ing aboupersonalities! eading s(ills include in%erencing+ s(imming %or main ideas+ and guessing the meaning o% words%rom morphemes! &riting s(ill deelopment includes seuencing eents in a narration+ writing about theadantages and disadantages associated with a topic+ and organi,ing a paragraph using a topic sentence!

    Intermediate 3ie coers 9nits 1 # * o% the ICPNA &orld Pass )oo( 1 leel! A%ter ta(ing this course+ the studentwill hae accumulated in the program a total o% "DJ academic hours o% in4class instruction!

    Course material:

    &orld Pass Intermediate D 7tudent )oo(+ &or(boo(+ ideo Actiity &or(sheets 89nits 1 # *;+ and Teacheresource &or(sheets 89nits 1 # *;!

    7upplementary 'earning 4&or(boo( = >4ideo: Intermediate D K &orld 'in( Intermediate " = Intermediate *

    >4>.ams: Intermediate D 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate " 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate * 9nits 1 # *

    &orld Pass web site

    Newbury ouse ?ictionary C?4.pressions related to GTelling 7tories!H

    9NIT 2

    1! In pairs or groups+ students imagine they are going to do some research on istory K Arts! Togetherthey choose a place in their country they are %amiliar with! >ach student has to mention what they(now using the GPassie oiceH to show how much they (now about the subect! &hile one spea(s+ theothers can as( in%ormatie uestions!

    2! In groups+ students discuss Technology and 7tress in the past+ present and %uture #using ocabularylearned and the passie oice!

    9NIT *

    1! In pairs or groups+ students pretend they wor( in a %ast %ood restaurant! They discuss why they shouldbe appointed the G>mployee o% the ach member o%the group should tal( about one inention and support it with a picture representation! As a whole+students should comment on the prospects o% technology %or the %uture!

    "! 7tudents should wor( in groups and research * # D world leaders! They should describe who they arethoroughly and come to a consensus as to who will ma(e the biggest impact on eents around theworld in the ne.t D years! >ach member o% the group should e.plain why!

    In addition+ teachers may use the oBcial &orld Pass proect sheets! They may be used as indicated i% theycomply with the reuirements o% ICPNAEs autonomous learning proect! therwise+ they should be adapted sostudents do all o% the actiities outside o% class and learn new language that complements what they aregetting in the course!

    Fou can access the oBcial &orld Pass proect sheets and other instructor materials by going to

    http:==elt!heinle!com=spanish=enLus=inde.!html and selecting the &orld Pass icon! Then select the lin( to theInstructorEs 7ite! The username and password are the same as those reuired by the &orld 'in( nline TeacherTraining Course! therwise+ you may reuest a copy o% each proect sheet %rom the Academic Bce!



    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA
  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Intermediate Si7 (I06) Course Syllabus

    Course description:

    Intermediate 7i. is the second course that uses the &orld Pass series! The course presents language that isneeded to disagreement in a non4con%rontational manner+ ma(ing and responding to speculation+ andnegotiating solutions! The language structures that are used to support these communicatie %unctions includemodals and phrasal modals+ modals o% speculation about the past+ and phrasal erbs! The ocabulary 3ocus

    sections present language related to highlight generational di-erences+ tal( about disappearances and othermysteries+ and trends related to the wor(place! eading s(ills include in%erencing as well as ma(ing andcommunicating distinctions! &riting s(ill deelopment includes composing letters to opinion+ writingsummaries o% articles+ and preparing a coer letter %or a ob!

    Intermediate 7i. coers 9nits " # $ o% the ICPNA &orld Pass )oo( 1 leel! A%ter ta(ing this course+ the studentwill hae accumulated in the program a total o% "6$ academic hours o% in4class instruction!

    Course material:

    &orld Pass Intermediate $ 7tudent )oo(+ &or(boo(+ ideo Actiity &or(sheets 89nits " # $;+ and Teacheresource &or(sheets 89nits " # $;!

    7upplementary 'earning 4&or(boo( = >4ideo: Intermediate $+ Intermediate D K &orld 'in( Intermediate " >4>.ams: Intermediate $ 9nits 1 # *= Intermediate D 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate " 9nits 1 # *

    &orld Pass web site

    Newbury ouse ?ictionary C?44ideo: Intermediate 5+ Intermediate $ K &orld 'in( Intermediate D >4>.ams: Intermediate 5 9nits 1 # *= Intermediate $ 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate D 9nits 1 # *

    &orld Pass web site

    Newbury ouse ?ictionary C?4ach group is diided into twoO one4hal% o% the group is %or+ and the other is againstthe %ollowing statement: The increase in e.patriate wor(ers has a positie=negatie impact on our country!

    "! 7tudents wor( in groups to prepare a brie% presentation on a Peruian business that operatesinternationally! 7tudents should mention the (ind o% company+ its location+ and the reason %or its success!

    D! 7tudents wor( in groups! >ach group is diided into twoO one4hal% o% the group is %or+ and the other isagainst the %ollowing statement: It is positie=negatie %or a country that couples decide to hae %ewer and%ewer children! n presentation day+ students hold a mini4debate on the topic!

    ea,in. i/s

    1; 7pea(ing e.pressions are to be presented as chun(s 8without brea(ing them up into parts;! S1KparentidS0http:88siteresources.+orldan".or'8IN&BB@86esources8Lo+ell9iaspora.dochttp:==www!icsc!org=srch=sct=sct020$=%eatLe.patsLsendLbac(!php

    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA
  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Intermediate Ei$*t (I0.) Course Syllabus

    Course description:

    Intermediate >ight is the %ourth course that uses the &orld Pass series! Intermediate >ight coers the last threeunits 810412; o% the ICPNA &orld Pass )oo( 1 leel plus a wor(boo(+ ideo material and a resource boo(! Thetopics and communicatie %unctions include e.plaining plans related to trael+ wor(+ and studyO ma(ing andresponding to initationsO tal(ing about imaginary or alternatie situations that could hae ta(en place and

    dealing with critical situations! In terms o% language+ the students will learn the use o% embedded uestions+present and past unreal conditionals+ and reported speech! The ocabulary 3ocus sections present languagerelated to trips and trael plans+ dating and meeting people+ diBcult situations and crises! In terms o% readingstrategies+ the boo( includes ta(ing notes and writing uestions to remember+ prioriti,ing content+ andcomparing and contrasting! In terms o% writing strategies+ the boo( coers the s(ills o% writing a letter o%complaint+ in%ormal and %ormal e4mails+ and writing articles! A%ter ta(ing this course+ the student will haeaccumulated in the program a total o% D"0 academic hours o% in4class instruction!

    Course material:

    &orld Pass Intermediate 6 7tudent )oo(+ &or(boo(+ ideo Actiity &or(sheets 89nits 10 # 12;+ and Teacheresource &or(sheets 89nits 10 # 12;!

    7upplementary 'earning 4&or(boo( = >4ideo: Intermediate 6+ Intermediate 5 K Intermediate $ >4>.ams: Intermediate 6 9nits 1 # *= Intermediate 5 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate $ 9nits 1 # *

    &orld Pass web site

    Newbury ouse ?ictionary C?4aluation Criteria:

    7pea(ing: Choose three o% the learning obecties associated with spea(ing 8ocabulary Tool+ 7pea(ing 7(ill+ orCommunication 7trategy;+ namely those which reuire e.tended discourse that is appropriate %or the leel!They should all be o% eual diBculty and reuire elaboration beyond the one or two statement leel!

    &riting: ae the students write in response to tas(s that are similar to those presented %or this s(ill in 9nits10+ 11+ and 12 o% the 7tudent )oo( or the &or(boo(!

    In4class ealuation tas(s:

    As it is better to resere the course boo(Es actiities and tas(s # with the e.ception o% the Consolidation 9nit 4%or language practice rather than direct ealuation+ this section o-ers you alternaties on how to assess yourstudentsE spea(ing s(ills in4class between ?ays 1 # 1$ o% the cycle! They hae the purpose o% allowing theteacher to elicit language samples %or ealuation purposes without using the actiities in the course boo( thatare primarily meant to help consolidate learning!

    O%"$ E+"$U"ION

    9NIT 10

    5! In pairs+ hae students role4play this situation: you and your %riends are going to trael on acationtogether! Fou can not agree on the place to isit! 7tudents should e.plain their plan+ ta(e things intoconsideration+ and nally decide on a place to go! They should use the ocabulary in the unit!

    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    6! In pairs+ hae students role4play the %ollowing situation: one o% them is loo(ing %or an apartment torent: the other is a realtor! The one loo(ing %or an apartment needs in%ormation about priceconenience+ %acilitiesQ They should use embedded uestions$

    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    9NIT 11

    5! In pairs+ hae students role4play about the %ollowing situation: one o% them has e.perienced a%rustrating blind date! Ta(e turns tal(ing about what would hae made things di-erent! 7tudents shoulduse ocabulary o% the unit+ and present=past unreal conditionals!

    6! In groups o% %our+ hae students ta(e turns ma(ing initations! Ta(e turns initing+ re%using+ acceptingor rescheduling the initation! 7tudents should use the ocabulary in the unit+ and the e.pressions inthe spea(ing section!

    9NIT 12

    5! In pairs+ hae students wor( in groups o% %our! ?iide the groups into two! al% o% them tal( about tips%or emergency preparedness both at home and in a public place! The other hal% report what has beendiscussed! The reporters moe %rom group to group to report! ae students use the ocabulary in theunit and reported speech! 7tudents ta(e turns!

    6! In pairs+ hae students ta(e turns role4playing a telephone conersation in which one is reporting anemergency to the local emergency number+ and the other is the operator! They should use thee.pressions to reassure someone+ gure out the situation+ gie a solution+ and chec( the solution!

    Autonomous 'earning Proects

    1! 7tudents wor( in groups to prepare the recording o% a radio adto %oster tourism o% less popular=less (nown

    Peruian spots! n presentation day+ students should play the recordings and be prepared to answer anyuestions coming %rom the audience!2! 7tudents wor( in groups! They wor( in the mar(eting department o% a well4(nown trael agency! They haeto create a graphic ad 8poster+ brochureQ!!; to adertise a tourist spot %or di-erent publics 8internationaltourism+ school prom trips!; n presentation day+ students should present the graphics+ and answer uestions%rom the audience!*! 7tudents wor( in groups! >ach group is diided into twoO one4hal% o% the group is %or+ and the other is againstthe %ollowing statement: All students in this country should be reuired to ta(e a year o- between high schooand uniersity! n presentation day+ students hold a mini4debate on the topic!"! 7tudents wor( in groups! >ach group is diided into twoO one4hal% o% the group is %or+ and the other is againstthe %ollowing statement: I% Peru hadnEt been conuered by the 7panish+ certain things would hae beendi-erent!D! 7tudents wor( in groups to prepare a brie% presentation on the countries with the highest and the lowestdiorce rate! They should ma(e conclusions about the causes and e-ects!$! 7tudents wor( in groups to search the Internet %or articles about a recent natural disaster in the area and

    nd stories o% surial! ?iide the class into groups and hae them report on the stories %ound!5! 7tudents should wor( in groups to nd in%ormation and prepare a presentation on a serious disaster7tudents should describe how it occurred and how people beat the odds!6! 7tudents wor( in groups to prepare an in%ormational poster to warn people against a disaster!

    ea,in. i/s

    1; 7pea(ing e.pressions are to be presented as chun(s 8without brea(ing them up into parts;!

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12



    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA
  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Intermediate ine (I0/) Course Syllabus

    Course description:Intermediate Nine is the rst course that uses &orld Pass )oo( 2! Intermediate Nine coers the rst three unitso% the ICPNA &orld Pass )oo( 2 leel! It mar(s the initiation o% students at the Adanced o% >nglish languageprociency according to ACT3' standards and the initiation o% student language deelopment at the )2/ = C1leel according to the Common >uropean 3ramewor( %or e%erence to 'anguages 8C>3;!

    The topics and the communicatie %unctions include managing a discussion+ ma(ing polite reuests+ engagingin interiews+ e.pressing opinions+ summari,ing and describing data+ and presenting be%ore a group o% peopleIn terms o% language+ the students will learn to support these communicatie %unctions by using such and sopast modals+ as well as the erbs hope and wish$The ocabulary 3ocus sections present language related tomoies and moie reiews+ describing places+ and education! eading strategies include in%erring opinions orattitudes+ matching in%ormation and ma(ing connections+ guessing meaning %rom conte.t+ and in%erring a pointo% iew! In terms o% writing strategies+ the boo( coers s(ills such as writing reiews with topic sentences+writing and editing articles using symbols+ and writing an opinion essay using a thesis statement!

    Intermediate Nine coers 9nits 1 # * o% the ICPNA &orld Pass )oo( 2 leel! A%ter ta(ing this course+ the studentwill hae accumulated in the program a total o% D$5 academic hours o% in4class instruction!

    Course material:

    &orld Pass Intermediate J 7tudent )oo(+ &or(boo(+ ideo Actiity &or(sheets 89nits 1 # *;+ and Teacheresource &or(sheets 89nits 1 # *;!

    7upplementary 'earning 4&or(boo( = >4ideo: Intermediate J = Intermediate 6 = Intermediate 5

    >4>.ams: Intermediate J 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate 6 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate 5 9nits 1 # *

    &orld Pass web site

    Audio C? 8All course boo( audio samples+ specically the listening sections;

    Course Themes:el'ome Unit,'anguage related to computers+ telephones+ and restaurants

    Unit # ducation K 3uture Plans

    'earning becties:

    Please re%er to attached document!

    >aluation Criteria:7pea(ing: Choose three o% the nine learning obecties associated with spea(ing 8ocabulary Tool+ 7pea(ing7(ill+ or Communication 7trategy;+ namely those which reuire e.tended discourse that is appropriate %or theleel! They should all be o% eual diBculty and reuire elaboration beyond the one or two statement leel!

    &riting: ae the students write in response to tas(s that are similar to those presented %or this s(ill in 9nits 1+2+ and * o% the 7tudent )oo( or the &or(boo(!

    In4class ealuation tas(s:

    As it is better to resere the course boo(Es actiities and tas(s # with the e.ception o% the Consolidation 9nit 4%or language practice rather than direct ealuation+ this section o-ers you alternaties on how to assess yourstudentsE spea(ing s(ills in4class between ?ays 1 # 1$ o% the cycle! They hae the purpose o% allowing theteacher to elicit language samples %or ealuation purposes without using the actiities in the course boo( thatare primarily meant to help consolidate learning!


    9NIT 1J! In pairs or groups+ students discuss about di-erent (inds o% moies: chic( ic(+ indie+ mainstream+ etc

    e.pressing their pre%erences and supporting them using Gso=suchQ thatH!10! 7tudents wor( in groups! >ach group is diided into twoO one4hal% o% the group is %or+ and the other is

    against a controersial gossip show on Peruian T! 7tudents support their points o% iew usingGso=suchQ that+H >.pressions to

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    9NIT 2J! In pairs+ students role4play a telephone conersation where one is the trael agent and the other is a

    dissatised customer who has come bac( %rom a disastrous trip! 9se past modals+ wish in the past+ andpolite language %or telephone conersations!

    10! In groups+ students their opinion about the case o% a girl who disappeared a%ter haingtraeled oerseas to meet a man she had met through Internet! 7tudents use past modals to showlogical conclusion+ and mild=strong udgment! Mroups report their conclusions to the rest o% the class!

    9NIT *J! In pairs+ students their dissatis%action about their obs or studies using wish and hope! ae

    students support their point o% iew and as( %ollow4up uestions!10! In pairs+ hae students wor( with a partner to role4play an interiew! ne o% the students is an e.pert

    on education! e=she will answer uestions on the strengths and wea(nesses o% the currenteducational system! 7tudents use hope and wish and >.pressions to ach group should diide itsel% into two+ one in %aor o% the wayPeruian education was in the past and one in %aor o% how it is now or will be soon! Then each sideshould tal( about their hopes regarding education in the %uture! The class will decide who won thedebate!

    In addition+ teachers may use the oBcial &orld Pass proect sheets! They may be used as indicated i% theycomply with the reuirements o% ICPNAEs autonomous learning proect! therwise+ they should be adapted sostudents do all o% the actiities outside o% class and learn new language that complements what they aregetting in the course!

    Fou can access the oBcial &orld Pass proect sheets and other instructor materials by going tohttp:==elt!heinle!com=spanish=enLus=inde.!html and selecting the &orld Pass icon! Then select the lin( to the

    InstructorEs 7ite! The username and password are the same as those reuired by the &orld 'in( nline TeacherTraining Course! therwise+ you may reuest a copy o% each proect sheet %rom the Academic Bce!




    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA
  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Intermediate Ten (I0) Course Syllabus

    Course description:

    Intermediate Ten is the second course that uses &orld Pass )oo( 2! The course presents languagethat is needed to opinions with a high degree o% certainty+ interpreting charts and data+ and

    ma(ing presentations! The language structures that are used to support these communicatie%unctions include past and present unreal conditionals+ reduced aderb clauses+ and reportedspeech! The ocabulary 3ocus sections present language related to discussing contemporaryissues+ language learning+ and stories about e.otic places! eading s(ills include scanning+ guessingmeaning %rom conte.t+ te.t analysis and understanding te.t organi,ation! &riting s(ill deelopmentincludes e.pressing opinions by way o% short messages+ writing reports+ and writing a biographyA%ter ta(ing this course+ the student will hae accumulated in the program a total o% DJ" hours o%in4class instruction!

    Course material:

    &orld Pass Intermediate 10 7tudent )oo(+ &or(boo(+ ideo Actiity &or(sheets 89nits " # $;+ andTeacher esource &or(sheets 89nits " # $;!

    7upplementary 'earning 4&or(boo( = >4ideo: Intermediate 10 = Intermediate J = Intermediate 6 >4>.ams: Intermediate 10 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate J 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate 6 9nits 1 # * &orld Pass web site Audio C? 8All course boo( audio samples+ specically the listening sections;

    Course Themes:

    el'ome Unit,'anguage related to computers+ telephones+ and restaurants

    Unit 4 # Contemporary IssuesUnit 5 # Total Immersion

    Unit 6 # 3ollowing ?reams

    'earning becties:

    Please re%er to attached document!

    >aluation Criteria:

    7pea(ing: Choose three o% the nine learning obecties associated with spea(ing 8ocabulary Tool+7pea(ing 7(ill+ or Communication 7trategy;+ namely those which reuire e.tended discourse that isappropriate %or the leel! They should all be o% eual diBculty and reuire elaboration beyond theone or two statement leel!

    &riting: ae the students write in response to tas(s that are similar to those presented %or thiss(ill in 9nits "+ D+ and $ o% the 7tudent )oo( or the &or(boo(!

    In4class ealuation tas(s:

    As it is better to resere the course boo(Es actiities and tas(s # with the e.ception o% theConsolidation 9nit 4 %or language practice rather than direct ealuation+ this section o-ers youalternaties on how to assess your studentsE spea(ing s(ills in4class between ?ays 1 # 1$ o% thecycle! They hae the purpose o% allowing the teacher to elicit language samples %or ealuationpurposes without using the actiities in the course boo( that are primarily meant to helpconsolidate learning!

    A' >A'9ATIN

    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    11! 7tudents wor( in groups! >ach group is diided into twoO one4hal% o% the group is %or+ and theother is against boo1 ira'y! &hen discussing+ students should re%er to hypotheticasituations in the past and in the present! Additionally+ they should state opinions+ gieadditional reasons+ and illustrate their points o% iew! 83or detailed directions %or minidebates+ see page T12 in the Meneral Teaching ?irections;

    12! In pairs+ students imagine the %ollowing situation: A politician and a psychologist are tal(ingabout $an$sin our community! &hen discussing+ students should re%er to specic cases #

    how this problem might hae been preented+ and what could be done about it nowAdditionally+ they should state opinions+ gie additional reasons+ and illustrate their points o%iew!

    9NIT D

    11! In groups+ students imagine they hae passed a surey to nd out the percentage ostudents that are studyin$ En$lis*to trael abroad+ and the ones who are doing it toimproe their ob opportunities and careers! 7tudents report their conclusions using educedAderb Clauses and the >.pressions to tal( about Charts and ?ata!

    12! 7tudents wor( in groups! >ach group is diided into twoO one4hal% o% the group is %or+ and theother is against the %ollowing statement: ll schools in #eru should teach two foreignlanguages! 7tudents should use appropriate language and educed Aderb Clauses! 83or

    detailed directions %or mini4debates+ see page T12 in the Meneral Teaching ?irections;

    9NIT $

    11! In pairs+ hae students report about a&ob interviewthey hae been through #the uestionsthey were as(ed and their replies! 7tudents should use language %rom the unit! ()$g$* Theyasked me why ! had +uit my previous ,ob$ ! told them that ! needed to channel all my energyinto something else$

    12! In pairs+ hae students wor( on a presentation about an a't o $enerosity they haewitnessed or heard about! A%ter the preparation stage+ a pair oins another pair and ta(eturns deliering their presentations! 7tudents should use Presentation Phrases!

    Autonomous 'earning Proects

    1! 7tudents will wor( in groups to research on what causes bullying in Peruian schools and howthis problem can be soled! al% o% the members o% the group wor(s on the causes+ and the othehal%+ on ways to sole the problem! 7tudents will prepare posters to depict their ndings!2! 7tudents will wor( in groups to research on Piracy in Peru! al% o% the members o% the group arein %aor+ and the other hal% is against Piracy! 7tudents will prepare some (ind o% isual material todepict their ndings!*! 7tudents wor( in groups to research on reuired e.aminations %or %oreigners to study at an>nglish 7pea(ing Country 9niersity! 7tudents will prepare some (ind o% isual material to depicttheir ndings!"! ae students research and gie a short 82min; presentation to the class about an GordinaryHperson who has done something e.traordinary to help others! 7tudents should use PresentationPhrases!

    9se%ul &ebsites


    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA
  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Intermediate Eleven (I) Course Syllabus

    Course description:

    Intermediate >leen is the third course that uses &orld Pass )oo( 2! The course presents languagethat is needed to tal( about arious topics and clari%y oneEs opinions+ (eeping a conersation goingby reuesting clarication and elaboration+ and presenting in%ormation related to collected data

    The language structures that are used to support these communicatie %unctions include thepassie 8reiew;+ phrasal erbs+ and subect and obect relatie clauses! The ocabulary 3ocussections present language related to cognitie processes+ tal(ing about people and personalitiesand a personEs image! eading s(ills include s(imming+ identi%ying cause and e-ect+ and scanning%or in%ormation! &riting s(ill deelopment includes comparing and contrasting through essaywriting+ writing a personal letter+ and establishing cause and e-ect by way o% an essay! A%ter ta(ingthis course+ the student will hae accumulated in the program a total o% $21 hours o% in4classinstruction!

    Course material:

    &orld Pass Intermediate 11 7tudent )oo(+ &or(boo(+ ideo Actiity &or(sheets 89nits 5 # J;+ andTeacher esource &or(sheets 89nits 5 # J;!

    7upplementary 'earning 4&or(boo( = >4ideo: Intermediate 11 = Intermediate 10 = Intermediate J >4>.ams: Intermediate 11 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate 10 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate J 9nits 1 #

    * &orld Pass web site Audio C? 8All course boo( audio samples+ specically the listening sections;

    Course Themes:

    el'ome Unit,'anguage related to computers+ telephones+ and restaurants

    Unit - #

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    A' >A'9ATIN

    9NIT 5

    1! 7tudents wor( in groups to discuss i% their memory is better or worse than aerage! Theyshould mention the techniues they use in order to remember in%ormation! 7tudents shoulduse Passie oice and the ocabulary in the unit! 8>!g: I thin( I hae an aerage memory+ but

    specic in%ormation sometimes slips my mind! &hen I was in school I was taught how toma(e associations+ and this is howQ I couldnEt agree more with the idea o% ma(ingassociationsQ;

    2! In pairs+ students e.change opinions about adantages and disadantages o% trac(ingstudents by ability! 7tudents should agreedisagree with their partners and e.pand on theirresponses!

    9NIT 6

    1! In pairs+ students tal( about any guilty pleasure 8things they enoy that are supposed to bebad %or them; they are %amiliar with! They should choose one Gguilty pleasureH and preparea list o% ways in which it can actually be good %or them! 7tudents should use Phrasal erbsand ocabulary in the unit!

    2! In groups+ students ta(e turns tal(ing about G&hat is your happiest memory %rom schoolHA%ter tal(ing %or one minute+ the other members o% the group will as( %ollow4up uestionsThe spea(er should (eep a conersation going 8e.pand on his=her answers;! 7tudents shoulduse Phrasal erbs and the ocabulary in the unit!

    9NIT J

    1! In groups+ hae students report on the impact o% %ashion on our students! They shouldsupport their opinions using subect and obect relatie clauses and the ocabulary in theunit!

    2! In pairs+ hae students wor( on a presentation about the importance o% appearance in aninteriew! 7tudents should support their points o% iew using subect and obect relatieclauses!

    Autonomous 'earning Proects

    1! 7tudents wor( in groups to research on the topic o% personality traits associatedwith birth order9sing their ndings+ students will prepare an article giing adice to parents on how to raise anoldest+ an only+ a middle+ or a youngest child! 7tudents will prepare isual materials to illustratetheir ndings!2! 7tudents wor( in groups! They choose a celebrity+ and do research about his=her birth order7tudents should prepare some isual material e.plaining how the celebrityEs personality ts thedescription in the article G)orn to be &ildH 8page 6D;!*! 7tudents wor( in groups to design a surey on the best and worst time o% day! 7tudents shouldpass this surey to %our people+ and then plan and report on the results o% their surey!"! 7tudents wor( in groups to do research on similarities and di-erences between what ma(esPeruian and American people happy! 7tudents should present a short oral report 8with itrespectie conclusions; to the class!D! 7tudents wor( in small groups to research on the popularity o% cosmetic procedures in Peru7tudents should present a short oral report with its respectie conclusions to the class!$! 7tudents wor( in small groups to research on the %ashion industry in Peru+ and present a shortoral report to the class! 7tudents will prepare some (ind o% isual material to illustrate theindings!

    9se%ul &ebsites


    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA,1510,5550,00.html,19840,1660618,00.html,1510,5550,00.html,19840,1660618,00.html
  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12



  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    Intermediate Twelve (I2) Course Syllabus

    Course description:

    Intermediate Twele is the %ourth course that uses &orld Pass )oo( 2! The course presentslanguage that is needed to buy and sell things+ telling and discussing stories+ and addressing globaissues as well as possible their respectie solutions! The language structures that are used to

    support these communicatie %unctions include a reiew o% denite and indenite articles+ using%ronted structures %or emphasis+ and those reuired to tal( about the %uture! The ocabulary 3ocussections present language related to shopping cultures+ art+ and discussing the worldEs %utureeading s(ills include identi%ying relationships between pieces o% in%ormation and summari,ings(imming+ and in%erring meaning %rom conte.t! &riting s(ill deelopment includes %ormal lettewriting to opinion+ completing a ob application+ writing a coer letter+ and academicwriting! A%ter ta(ing this course+ the student will hae accumulated in the program a total o% $"6hours o% in4class instruction!

    Course material:

    &orld Pass Intermediate 12 7tudent )oo(+ &or(boo(+ ideo Actiity &or(sheets 89nits 10 # 12;+ andTeacher esource &or(sheets 89nits 10 # 12;!

    7upplementary 'earning 4&or(boo( = >4ideo: Intermediate 12 = Intermediate 11 = Intermediate 10 >4>.ams: Intermediate 12 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate 11 9nits 1 # * = Intermediate 10 9nits 1

    # * &orld Pass web site Audio C? 8All course boo( audio samples+ specically the listening sections;

    Course Themes:

    el'ome Unit,'anguage related to computers+ telephones+ and restaurants

    Unit 0 # 7hopping CulturesUnit # The Impact o% ArtUnit 2 # 'oo(ing to the 3uture

    'earning becties:

    Please re%er to attached document!

    >aluation Criteria:

    7pea(ing: Choose three o% the nine learning obecties associated with spea(ing 8ocabulary Tool+7pea(ing 7(ill+ or Communication 7trategy;+ namely those which reuire e.tended discourse that isappropriate %or the leel! They should all be o% eual diBculty and reuire elaboration beyond theone or two statement leel!

    &riting: ae the students write in response to tas(s that are similar to those presented %or thiss(ill in 9nits 5+ 6+ and J o% the 7tudent )oo( or the &or(boo(!

    In4class ealuation tas(s:

    As it is better to resere the course boo(Es actiities and tas(s # with the e.ception o% theConsolidation 9nit 4 %or language practice rather than direct ealuation+ this section o-ers youalternaties on how to assess your studentsE spea(ing s(ills in4class between ?ays 1 # 1$ o% thecycle! They hae the purpose o% allowing the teacher to elicit language samples %or ealuationpurposes without using the actiities in the course boo( that are primarily meant to helpconsolidate learning!

    Copyright @ 2012 by ICPNA

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    A' >A'9ATIN

    9NIT 10

    1! 7tudents wor( in groups and discuss why many people in Peru consider it important to weabrand name clothes+ to hae the latest in technology+ or to go to %ancy restaurants orschools! 7tudents will %ocus on using the correct articles and the ocabulary in the unit!

    2! In pairs+ students compare and contrast the now and then o% the neighborhood they lie in7tudents should re%er to how this place was ten years ago+ and how it is now! They shoulduse e.pressions to compare and contrast and the ocabulary in the unit!

    9NIT 11

    1! In groups+ assign students to nd and bring to class a picture o% a wor( o% art that theyespecially li(e 8they can photocopy it %rom a boo( or maga,ine+ bring in a postcardreproduction+ or bring in the actual artwor( i% itEs something they own;! ?iide the class intogroups o% %our or e+ and hae students ta(e turns tal(ing about the artwor( and what theyli(e about it! 7tudents should use %ronted structures %or emphasis and the ocabulary in theunit!

    2! In groups+ ta(e turns role4playing a discussion where two o% the members are in %aor and

    the other two are against the construction o% a new amusement par( in their neighborhood!Challenge an argument and introduce a counterargument! 8An amusement par( is going tobe ery benecial %or the (ids in the neighborhoodO they will hae a place to hae %un ThatdoesnEt ma(e sense! In %act+ itEs going to be counterproductie %or their studiesQ;

    9NIT 12

    1! In groups+ hae students report about their %uture upon nishing their studies here! 7tudentswill re%er to their plans+ .ed schedules+ predictions+ and intentions!

    2! In groups+ hae students ta(e turns presenting their point o% iew on the importance o%introducing technology in education! The presenter describes the benets and supporthis=her points o% iew! The listeners ma(e comments and suggestions %or improementregarding the issue!

    Autonomous 'earning Proects

    1! 7tudents wor( in groups to research on the topic o% status symbols in Peru and in the 9!7! Theywill prepare an article comparing both countries and present their ndings to the class!

    2! 7tudents wor( in groups to research and hold a mini4debate on this topic: GFour possessionscan=canEt gie you true happinessH!

    *! 7tudents wor( in groups to write a short Gaudio tourH o% a neighborhood in their city! ae themrecord their audio tour!

  • 7/25/2019 Curriculum Guide Syllabi i01 to i12


    $! 7tudents research on the topic o% global warming in Peru! Then they should prepare a one4minutemessage about which urgent measures need to be ta(en and why!

    9se%ul &ebsites

