curriculum vitae korel gÖymen (prof. dr.) ·...

CURRICULUM VITAE KOREL GÖYMEN (Prof. Dr.) Home Address : Şifa sokak. 30/8 Moda Kadıköy, Istanbul Tel.: (90) 216-450-12 81 Business Address : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and Istanbul Policy Center Sabancı University Orhanlı, Tuzla 34956 Istanbul / Turkey Tel.: (90) 216 483 9112 Fax.: (90) 216 483 9114 E-mail : [email protected] Date and Place of Birth : 1942, İstanbul Marital Status : Married Higher Education and Degrees Obtained : Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey 1960-1964 Bsc. in Public Administration; Leeds University, England 1966-1967 Diploma in Development Administration; Leeds University, England 1969-1973 Doctor of Philosophy, Political Science Previous Employment : The British Council - English Teacher (Part- time) 1960-1966 State Personnel Agency - (June-August,1964) Etibank-Organization and Methods Expert (August 1964-September 1966) Ankara Municipality, Deputy Mayor (March 1978-October 1980) Saraçoğlu Holding Company-External Relations Coordinator, 1983-1984 Turkish Social Economic Political Research Foundation (TÜSES) - Director (1989-1992) Ministry of Tourism - Undersecretary (3 January 1992 - 25 January 1994) Middle East Technical University, Member of Staff, (1974-1983; 1994-2002) Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (since August 2002). Istanbul Policy Center (Senior Scholar) (since August 2002)

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Home Address : Şifa sokak. 30/8

Moda – Kadıköy, Istanbul

Tel.: (90) 216-450-12 81

Business Address : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and

Istanbul Policy Center

Sabancı University

Orhanlı, Tuzla

34956 Istanbul / Turkey

Tel.: (90) 216 483 9112

Fax.: (90) 216 483 9114

E-mail : [email protected]

Date and Place of Birth : 1942, İstanbul

Marital Status : Married

Higher Education and

Degrees Obtained : Middle East Technical University, Ankara,

Turkey 1960-1964 Bsc. in Public


Leeds University, England 1966-1967

Diploma in Development Administration;

Leeds University, England 1969-1973

Doctor of Philosophy, Political Science

Previous Employment : The British Council - English Teacher (Part-

time) 1960-1966

State Personnel Agency - (June-August,1964)

Etibank-Organization and Methods Expert

(August 1964-September 1966)

Ankara Municipality, Deputy Mayor (March

1978-October 1980)

Saraçoğlu Holding Company-External Relations

Coordinator, 1983-1984

Turkish Social Economic Political Research

Foundation (TÜSES) - Director (1989-1992)

Ministry of Tourism - Undersecretary

(3 January 1992 - 25 January 1994)

Middle East Technical University, Member of Staff,

(1974-1983; 1994-2002)

Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Social

Sciences (since August 2002).

Istanbul Policy Center (Senior Scholar) (since

August 2002)

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Academic and Professional Responsibilities and

Membership of Specialized Committees

and Institutions:

Research Assistant Organizational Group, Committee for the

Reorganization of Turkish Public

Enterprises, (1964-1966);

Member Prime Minister's Specialized Committee for

the Reorganization of Turkish Public

Enterprises (1971-72);

Member Society for International Development (Since


Chief Editor Middle East Technical University: Studies in Development (Bilingual quarterly Journal),

(October 1973-October 1977)

Member Board of Trustees, American Field Service

International Scholarships, New York (1974-


Chairman Executive Board, Türk Kültür Vakfı (Turkish

Cultural Foundation), Istanbul 1974-1977

Fellow The Salzburg Seminar in American Studies

Salzburg, Austria, 1974

Chairman Department of Political Science and Public

Administration, METU (May 1976 - May 1977);

(April 1981 - April 1983)

Member Board of Management

International Institute of Administrative

Sciences Brussels, Belgium (1976-1977)

Dean of Students Middle East Technical University (1977-1978)

Member and Treasurer Kent Koop (Union of Batıkent Housing

Cooperatives) Executive Board (1979-1981)

Auditor Ankara Cement Works (1978-1980)

Member Türkiye Gelişme Araştırmaları Vakfı (Turkish

Foundation for Development Research)

Executive Board (1980-1983)

Turkish Representative Asme Humanites (Humanitarian Relief

Organization situated inGermany) (1979-1980)

Secretary General Middle East Technical University

Alumni Association (1980-1981)

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Member Consultative Board, the National Productivity

Center (MPM) on Administration and

Management (1976-1980)

Auditor Turkish Social Science Association

(March 1981-March 1982)

Chairman Assembly of Founding Members of the

Turkish Cultural Foundation (March 1982)

Chairman Board of Advisors

Kent Koop (Union of Batıkent Housing

Cooperatives) July 1982-July 1983

Member State Planning Organisation, Specialized

Committee on "Local Administration and

Housing" (1981-1983)

Member Prime Minister's Office,

Committee for the Reorganization of the

Administrative System, Subcommittee on

"Local Administration" (1981-1982)

Advisor Friedrich Ebert Stiftung


on Local Administration (1983-1984)

Chairman Turkish Social Economic Political Research

Foundation (TÜSES) Executive Board


Chairman Turkish Foundation for Monuments,

Environment and Tourism (TAÇ) Executive

Board (1992-1994)

Chairman Tourism Development and Education

Foundation (TUGEV)

Executive Board (1992-1994)

Chairman Turkish Foundation for Environmental

Education (TÜRÇEV)

Executive Board (1993-1994)

Deputy Chairman Organisation for Economic Cooperation and

Development (OECD) Tourism Committee


Member World Tourism Organisation (WTO)

Executive Board (1992-1994)

Deputy Chairman World Tourism Organisation (WTO)

European Group (1993-1994)

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Member METU, Faculty of Economics and

Administrative Sciences Executive Committee

(March 1995-March 2000)

Member Turkish Cultural Foundation

National Executive Board (1995-1999, 2004-2008 )

Member American Political Science Association

Member European Urban Research Association

Member British Political Science Association

Member Euopean Group of Public Administration

Member European Governance Network

Member ÇEKÜL (Foundation for the Preservation of

the Environment and Cultural Heritage)

(Since December, 1996)

Chairman of Board and Director Center for Public Policy and Urban Research

Middle East Technical University

(March 1997-September 2000)

Member State Planning Organisation, Specialized Committee

on "Tourism" (1999-2000)

Member Publishing Board, Journal of Tourism Research

Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkish Republic

of Northern Cyprus ( since 2007 )

Member Advisory Board, The Institute for Turkish European

Relations, London (since 1999)

Member National Tourism Consultative Board (since 1999)

Member Executive Board

European Research Center, METU (1999-2002)

Member Executive Board

Disaster Management Implementation and Research

Center, METU (1999-2002)

Occasional Editor Journal of Sustainable Tourism (since 2001)

International Consultant World Tourism Organization

Member Executive Committee, Istanbul Policy Center

at Sabancı University, (since 2003)

Member Social Cohesion and Development

Scientific Advisory Board ( since 2009 )

Member Editorial and Advisory Board, Sivil Toplum

(since 2004)

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Member Board of Advisors, Urban Research and Practice


Member Board of Advisors, Toplum ve Demokrasi

(since 2007)

President Kadıköy (Istanbul) City Council ( 2009-2011 )

President Board of Advisors, School of Hotel Management

Özyeğin University (2009-2013)

Chairperson İstanbul Development Agency, Social Policies

Working Group ( 2011 )

Chairperson Expert Commission on Livable Cities and Urban

Transformation, Ministry of Development ( 2012 )

Member Executive Committee, International Development

and Public Policy Alliance ( since 2013 )

Member Project Board (Anatolian Cities Project)

Turkkonfed / İstanbul Policy Center (since 2016)

Member Steering Committee, İzmir Governance Project


Member Steering Committee, Governance Scorecard of

Istanbul District Municipalities

(February - October 2018)


Books and Reports

1. A Tale of Local Administration (Case of Ankara Municipality 1977-1980)

Editor, Ankara 1983. (In Turkish)

2. Local Administration: Democracy versus Efficiency? Co-editor

(with Winfred Veit), Friedrich Ebert Foundation Publication,

Bonn-Germany, 1982.

3. City Management in Turkey (Türkiye’de Kent Yönetimi), Boyut Publications,

İstanbul, 1997. (In Turkish)

4. “Strengthening of Local Administration in the Central Asian States”. Report

presented to Turkish International Cooperation Agency (TICA), Ankara 1997 (with

Şinasi Aksoy).

5. “National Tourism Plan for Azerbaijan Republic”. Report and Project presented

to the World Tourism Organization, Madrid 2002.

6. “From Bureaucratic Ruling Tradition to New Type of Governance in Turkey”.

Report presented to United Nations and Formez Institute, 2004.

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7. Yerel Kalkınmada Belediyelerin Rolü, (The Role of Municipalities in Local

Development), 2004 (publishing editor).

8. Avrupa – Birliği ve Türkiye’de Bölgesel Yönetişim (Regional Governance in the

EU and Turkey), 2004 (Publishing editor).

9. Yerel Kalkınma için Ortaklıklar (Partnerships for Local Development), 2005

(Publishing editor).

10. Yerel Kalkınma için Katılımcı Stratejik Planlama (Participatory Strategic

Planning for Local Development), 2005 (Publishing editor).

11. Yerel Yönetişim Yoluyla Yoksulluğun Azaltılması (Poverty Alleviation through

Local Governance), 2007 (Publishing editor).

12. Bölgesel Kalkınma Ajansları (Regional Development Agencies), 2008 (Publishing


13. Yerel Kalkınmada İyi Örnekler (Best Practices in Local Development), 2009

(Publishing editor).

14. Yerel Kalkınmanın Yönetişimi (Governance of Local Development), 2009

(Publishing editor).

15. Bölge Gelişme ve Bölgesel Planlamada Yeni Yaklaşımlar (Innovative Approaches

in Regional Development and Planning), 2010 (Publishing editor).

16. Türkiye’de Yerel Yönetişim ve Yerel Kalkınma (Local Governance and Local

Development in Turkey), Boyut Publications, İstanbul, 2010.

17. Metropolitan Yönetişim ( Metropolitan Governance ), İstanbul Policy Center, 2011,( Publishing editor)

18. Çevre Yönetişimi ( Environmental Governance ), İstanbul Policy Center, 2013.

( Publishing editor )

19. Centralization-Decentralization Debate Revisited ( co-editor, with Onur Sazak ),

İstanbul Policy Center, 2014.

20. Katılımcı Yerel Yönetim (Participative Local Government).

Korel Göymen, et al, İstanbul: Kalkedon Publishing, 2014.

21. Public Policy Making in a Globalized World, ( co-editor with Robin Lewis ),

İstanbul Policy Center, 2015 .

22. Istanbul District Municipalities Scorecard, Korel Göymen, et al, Istanbul: Argüden

Governance Academy, 2018

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A) Articles Printed in a Book (in Turkey)

1. “The Share and Changing Functions of State Economic Enterprises in the

Turkish Mixed Economy” (in Turkish) in Structural Problems of Turkish

Industry, Published by Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Ankara, 1977.

2. “Novel Planning Approaches in Local Administration: The Case of Ankara

Municipality, 1978-1980” (in Turkish) in Theory and Practice, METU, Faculty of

Architecture, Ankara, 1981.

3. “Local Administration in Turkey” (in Turkish), Republican Period Turkey

Encylopedia”, Ankara, 1982.

4. “More Efficient Management and Financing of Urban Services” (in Turkish).

Discussion paper in Housing and Urban Management, Published jointly by

International Cooperatives Association and Kent Koop, Ankara, 1987.

5. “The Case of Ankara in Turkish Municipal Life: 1973-1980 Period” (in Turkish) in

Turkish Municipal Life in it’s 60th Year, Published by Ankara Municipality

Metropol Inc., Ankara, 1990.

6. “The Universal Principles and Aims of Social Democracy and the Turkish

Framework” (in Turkish) in Social Democracy , Published by the Social Democratic

Populist Party, Ankara, 1999.

7. “Bölgesel Kalkınmada Yerel Yönetimlerin Rolü”, (Role of Local Administration in

Regional Development), in Yoksulluk, Halis Akder and Murat Güvenç coordinators,

Istanbul: TESEV foundation, 2000.

8. “Türkiye’de Bölge Kavramı ve Politikalarının Gelişimi” (Evolution of Regional

Concept and Policies in Turkey”, in Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye’de Bölgesel

Yönetişim, Istanbul: Pendik Belediyesi, 2003.

9. “Yerel Kalkınma Önderi ve Paydaşı olarak Belediyeler”, (Municipalities as Leader

and Stakeholders of Local Development), in Yerel Kalkınmada Belediyelerin Rolü,

İstanbul: Pendik Belediyesi, 2004.

10. “Türkiye’de Bölge Politikalarının Evrimi ve Bölgesel Kalkınma Ajansları”

(Evolution of Regional Policy in Turkey and Regional Development Agencies), in

Yerel Kalkınma için Ortaklıklar, Istanbul: Istanbul Politikalar Merkezi, 2004.

11. “Türkiye’de Yerel Yönetişimde Son Gelişmeler: Pendik’te edinilen Deneyimler ve

Çıkarılan Dersler”, (Recent Developments in Local Governance in Turkey:

Experiences and Lessons from Pendik), in Bölgesel Kalkınma Ajansları, İstanbul:

İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi, 2008.

12. “Türkiye’de Özel Girişimin Yerel Kalkınmaya Katkısının Sağlanması”, (Involving

Private Enterprise in Local Development in Turkey), in Yerel Kalkınmanın

Yönetişimi, İstanbul: İstanbul, Politikalar Merkezi, 2009.

13. “ İstanbul için bir Yönetim Modeli “ Ersin Kalaycıoğlu ile birlikte,

Metropolitan Yönetişim, İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi, İstanbul, 2011

14. “ Küresel Çevre Yönetişimi Mimarisi ve Rio + 20 Dünya Zirvesi “ ( with B.B. Göne

C. Tülüş, B. Tuna ), in Çevre Yönetişimi, İstanbul : İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi,


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15. “Katılımcılık ve Yönetişim üzerine bazı düşünceler” (Some thoughts on participation

and governance), İzmir Modeli Çalışmaları (İzmir Model Studies)

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, İzmir: 2018, pp. 78- 103.

B) Other Printed Articles and Book Sections ( abroad )

1. “The New Plan Perspective and Public Enterprise Reform In Turkey” Pakistan

Administrative Staff College Journal, Volume XII, Nu.1, June, 1974.

2. Book review of "Turkish Economic, Social and Political Change" by Edwin J. Cohn,

in Pakistan Administrative Staff College Journal, Volume XII, Nu.1, June, 1974.

3. “The Crisis of Turkey and Prospective Solutions: The Administration and the Public

Sector” in Viertel Jahres Berichte, Nu.86, December, 1981.

4. “The Restructuring of Turkish Local Administration” in Analysen, Nu.103-104,

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn, 1982.

5. "Novel Participatory Mechanisms in Turkish Municipal System" in, Local

Governance (University of Birmingham), Vol., 25, Nu.1, Spring 1999.

6. "Tourism and Governance in Turkey" in Annals of Tourism Research, Vol., 27,

No.4, 2000.

7. “Decision-Making in Turkish Foreign Policy: The Caspian Oil Pipelines Issue” in

Middle Eastern Studies, April 2002. (Vol., 38, No.2, pp.101-122.) (with


8. “ Democracy and Muslim Societies: The Turkish Experience “ in Democracy in

Muslim Societies, Zoya Hasan (ed.).The Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi,

India, 2006.

9. “ Dynamics of Changes in Local Governance in Turkey: Demise of the Bureaucratic

Ruling Tradition ?”, Society and Economy, Vol. 28, No.3, December 2006.

10. “Involving Private Enterprise in Local Development in a Centralized Country with an

Etatist Legacy: “The Case of Turkey”, in Improving Local Government, Michiel S.

de Vries, etal. (eds.) London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

11. “The Evolving State-Third sector relations in Turkey” in TheThird Sector in Europe,

Stephen P. Osborne ( ed. ), London: Routledge, 2008.

12. “Istanbul:Mega-City Straddling Two Continents”, in Urban Research and

Practice, Vol. 1, No.3, November, 2008.

13. Second Tier of Local Government in Turkey “, in The Second Tier of

Local Gover nment in Europe, H. Heinelt and X. Bertrana eds. London:

Routledge, 2011.

14. “Snow Sports Tourism Development Policies in Turkey”, with Cenk Demircioğlu and

Cana Tülüş, in Lifestyle Sports and Public Policy, Daniel Turner and

Sandro Carnicelli (eds.), Routledge, 2017.

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In Turkey

1. “The Multinational Corporation and Developing Countries” (in Turkish),

Özgür İnsan, Ankara; August 1974.

2. “Recent Developments in Public Enterpreneurship in the EEC and Turkey” (in

Turkish) Amme İdaresi Dergisi, Ankara: September, 1974.

3. “Ziya Gökalp’s Impact on Public Policy in Republican Turkey” Turkish Yearbook of

International Relations, Ankara, 1974.

4. “Social Aspects of Turkish Etatism: Interaction of Social and Economic Policy in a

Developing Society” Bosphorus University Journal, Vol.II, Istanbul, 1974.

5. “The Multinational Corporation and International Monetary Problems” (in

Turkish) METU Studies in Development, Ankara: Special Issue, 1975.

6. “Foreign Private Capital in Turkey: An Analysis of Capital Imported under the

Encouragement Law, 6224” (with Gürel Tüzün) METU Studies in Development,

Ankara: Spring, 1976.

7. “The Role and Functions of Public Enterprise in the Turkish Economy” (in Turkish)

Productivity in the Public Sector, published by the National Productivity Centre,

Ankara, 1976.

8. “Stages of Etatist Development in Turkey: The Interaction of Single-Party Politics

and Economic Policy in the “Etatist Decade”, 1930-1939” METU Studies in

Development, Ankara: Winter, 1976.

9. “The Process of the Economic Integration of Europe and Industrialization of

Turkey” Foreign Policy, Vol.6, No:3-4, Ankara, 1977.

10. “Proposals Concerning the Restructuring of Local Administration in Turkey” (in

Turkish) Mülkiyeliler Birliği Dergisi, Nu.70-71, Ankara 1983.

11. "Factors which Influence the Local Administration and Planning Concept of the

Period" (in Turkish) in A Tale of Local Administration (K. Göymen, ed.) Ankara,


12. "The Planning Model and Implementation" in A Tale of Local Administration (K.

Göymen, ed.) Ankara, 1983.

13. “Sosyal Demokrasi”, Sosyal Demokrat Halkçı Parti Ankara, 1991, pp. 37-47.

14. “Democratization of State and Society, in Resmi Tarih Sivil Arayış, Istanbul:

pp. 59-75.

15. “General Trends in Turkish Tourism towards the 21st Century” (in Turkish) in Çağdaş

Yerel Yönetimler, Volume 5, No.3, May 1996.

16. "Evolution of Participation in Turkish Local Administration" (in Turkish), Amme

İdaresi Dergisi, Vol.32, December 1999.

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17. “Local Governance in Turkey: Needs, Trends, Proposals” (in Turkish) in Çağdaş

Yerel Yönetimler, Volume 9, No.2, April 2000.

18. “Yönetişimi Uygulamaya Mecburuz (We have to resort to Governance), in Sivil

Toplumu Konuşmak, Istanbul, 2005, pp. 135-150.

C) Published Proceedings of National and International Meetings

1. “Batıkent Housing Project as a case of Local Level Public Policy Implementation: An

Attempt at Policy Monitoring and Evaluation” (In Turkish), Proceedings of Turkish

Urbanism Congress, Ankara: November 1981.

2. “The Administrative Dimension of Urban Integration: Policy Alternatives of Urban

Administration in the Provision of Services” (in Turkish), Proceedings of the “Urban

Integration” seminar, organized jointly by Turkish Social Science Association and

the Turkish Development Research Foundation, Ankara: December, 1981.

3. “Tourism and the Environment” (in Turkish) Proceedings of the Bakırçay

Symposium on “Environment” held in Aliağa, İzmir on 18-19 April, 1992.

Published by Bakırçay Municipal Union and TÜSES, İzmir, 1992.

4. “The Role of the State in Tourism Development: The Turkish Case” World Tourism

Congress held in Bali, Indonesia, October 1993.

5. "The Silk Road: An Exercise in Intercultural Dialogue and Tourism Promotion"

Paper presented at Med-Campus Seminar on Rural, Urban and Cultural Tourism,

Bosphorus University, 25-30 September, 1995, İstanbul.

6. “Participation Through Projects at Metropolitan Level in Turkey”, (in Turkish)

Citizens’ Participation, Proceedings of an international seminar, Boğaziçi University,

13-14 April 1996, Istanbul.

7. “Turkish Tourism Towards the 21st. Century” (in Turkish), Turkish Foreign Ministry

Training Centre Publication No.64, April 1996, pp.99-109.

8. “Harmonization of Tourism Policies and Practice in the European Union and Turkey”

(in Turkish), Paper presented at the First Bilkent Tourism Forum, Bilkent

University, 29-30 November, 1996, Ankara.

9. “Metropolitan Project Management: The Case of Ankara, 1989-1994” (in Turkish)

Proceedings of the Public Management in the 21st Century Symposium, TODAIE,

(mimeograph) Ankara, 1997.

10. “Multi-level Governance in Turkey” Proceedings of “Multi-level

Governance in South-Eastern Europe Workshop”, Athens, 2002.

11. “Local and Regional Governance” (in Turkish), in Proceedings of First Local

Government Workshop, Çanakkale University, 2003.

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12. “Restructuring of Local Government” (in Turkish), in Proceedings of First Local

Local Government Workshop, Çanakkale University, 2003.

13. “ Public Administration Reform Bill”, Pendik Municipality Public Reform

Workshop, Istanbul, 2003.

14. “Global Civil Society: Needs, Opportunities, and Obstacles” (in Turkish). Paper

presented at the National NGO Conference, 2-4 June, 2004 at Biga.

15. “The Evolution of the Regional Concept and Policies in Turkey”. Paper presented at

Regional Governance in the European Union and Turkey, International

Conference, Istanbul, 2005.

D) Select Unpublished Presentations (mostly electronic publications)

1. “Participation at Municipal Level" (in Turkish) Paper presented at the Bosphorus

University Workshop on “Workers’ Participation”, Istanbul, July 1979.

2. “Management by Objectives and the Case of Ankara Municipality, 1977-1979” (in

Turkish). Paper presented at the National Productivity Center Top Management

Seminar held in Ankara, December 1979.

3. “Tourism and Governance in Turkey: From State-Sponsored Development to Public-

Private Cooperation”, Paper presented at the World Tourism Congress, 17-24

October 1997, İstanbul.

4. "Metamorphosis of the Republican Peoples' Party", Paper presented at the Fifth

National Social Sciences Congress, Ankara: 13 November, 1997.

5. "The Urban Landscape in Turkey", Paper presented at the "Contemporary Turkey"

conference held at the Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University, June, 1999.

6. "Türkiye'de Yerel Yönetimler ve Yönetişim" (Local Administration and Governance

in Turkey), paper presented at the 6. National Social Science Congress, 17-19

November 1999.

7. "Governance Lessons derived from the Turkish Earthquake". Paper presented at the

International Workshop on "Governance", Tel Aviv University, December, 1999.

8. “Directly Elected Wizards or Dragons: Reflections on Turkish Mayors”. Paper

presented at British Political Science Association Annual Conference (with Chris

Game), Manchester, April, 2001.

9. “Participation Dimension of Metropolitan Governance: Project Democracy in

Ankara”. Paper presented at International Association of Schools and Institutes of

Administration (IASIA) Annual Conference, June 2002, İstanbul.

10. “Role of Local Administration in Local and Regional Development”. Paper presented

at the IASIA Annual Conference, Miami, 2003.

11. “Local Government Reform in Turkey”. Paper presented at the IASIA Annual

Conference, Seoul, July, 2004.

12. “The Third Sector in Turkey: towards a new social contract with the state”. Paper

presented at the European Group of Public Administration conference Ljubljana,

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13. “ Metropolitan Restructuring in İstanbul “, Paper presented at IASIA Annual

Conference, Como, Italy, July, 2005.

14. “EU –Turkish relations from a Turkish Perspective”, presentation at Napoli

University, in the Euro-Med International Conference, Napoli, 15 March, 2006.

15. “Competitiveness of İstanbul”, presentation at Eurocities conference in Budapest,

23 March, 2006.

16. “Strategies for Istanbul to Compete/ Co-operate Globally”. Paper presented to IASIA

Warsaw conference, July, 2006.

17. “Recent Developments in Local Governance in Turkey” (with Begüm Özkaynak).

Paper presented to IASIA, Abu Dhabi conference, July 2007.

18. “The Evolution of Regional Concept and Policies in Turkey”. Paper presented at

IASIA, Kampala conference, August 2008.

19. “Challenges and Recent Developments in Local and Regional Governance in

Turkey”, Council of Europe Executive Council Meeting, Istanbul, April 2008.

20. “Facilitating Participatory Local Development through Local Agenda 21 in Turkey”.

Paper presented at IASIA, Rio de Janerio conference, August 2009.

21. “ A New Governance Model for İstanbul “, paper presented at IASIA Rome

Conference, June,2011.

22. “ Reform of Provincial Government in Turkey “, paper presented at the IASIA

Bangkok Conference, July, 2012.

23. “ Local Governance Debate within the New Constitution Process of Turkey “,

European Union Committee of Regions Muğla Meeting, 4 June, 2012.

24. “ İstanbul Development Agency: A Novel Instrument in Metropolitan Development”

Paper presented at the IASIA Conference, Manama, Bahrain, June, 2013.

25. “ Sustainability Issues of Turkish Cities “, paper presented at the International

Development and Public Policy Alliance Conference, Beijing, China, July, 2013.

26. “Select Participatory Mechanisms in Turkey : the Local Context “, presentation at the

Asian- European Policy Dialogue Conference, Observer Research Foundation,

New Delhi, November, 2013.

27. “ Urban Governance in Turkey “, presentation at Rice University, USA, Houston,

December, 2013.

28. “Dynamics of Governance in Turkish Tourism”, paper presented at IASIA Annual

Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 4th July, 2014

29. “Quality Issues in Turkish Local Government “ (Türk yerel yönetiminde kalite

konusu), Annual Kalder Conference. Ankara 16 March 2016

30. “Turkey-European Union Relations in the contex of Democratic Standarts “ ,

presentation made at “ Turkey –EU Relations Conference, organized by İzmir

Chamber of Commerce, on 5th April, 2016 at İzmir Hilton Hotel.

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31. The Challenge of the Century: Sustainable Urban Development,” Keynote speech

Delivered at the Annual Energy Cities Conference, 2nd June, 2016, in


32. “Yerel Yönetişim ve Çoğulcu Demokrasi bağlamında Türkiye’de Kent

Konseyleri Deneyimi (City Council experience of Turkey, in the contex of

Governance and political pluralism”. Presentation made as principal speaker at

the “Local Government and City Councils Workshop”, organized by United

Cities and Local Governments, on 27 October, 2016, in İstanbul.

33. “The Impact of select Global Trends on City Council Agendas” (Küresel Eğilimlerin

Kent Konseyleri gündemine etkileri”, presentation made as principal speaker at the

annual conference of Turkish platform of City Councils, on 6th November, 2016

at Kapadokya, Nevşehir.

34. “Global Trends pertaining to Local Government “( Yerel Yönetimleri etkileyen

Küresel Eğilimler), presentation made as invited speaker at İzmir Metropolitan

Municipality, on 10th March, 2017.

Scholarships, Awards and Grants Received:

1. The American Field Service International Scholarship for a year of study in Syracuse,

N.Y.; 1959-60.

2. The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarship to attend the NATO Youth Conference in

Bad Godesberg, Germany; 1963.

3. Cento Scholarship for postgraduate work at Leeds University, England;


4. OECD Scholarship for doctoral work at Leeds University, England; 1969-


5. RCD (Regional Cooperation For Development) Grant to act as "country expert" at

the "Top Management Seminar" held in Lahore, Pakistan, September-October, 1973.

6. Ford Foundation Grant to act as consultant to the Government of Pakistan on

"Administrative Reform", January-February, 1974.

7. OECD Travel Grant to attend the Salzburg Seminar in American Studies,

Session 152, February, 1974.

8. The EEC Commission Grant to consult with Commission Experts in Brussels, March


9. Nato Tour Grant by the International Communications Agency of the United States

Government to visit facilities and confer with Nato personalities. January-February,


10. The United States Government grant under "Special Guest" status to consult with

counterparts in the U.S. October, 1979.

11. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Germany) research grant to conduct comparative studies on

Local Administration in Germany, France, Belgium and Turkey. January-July 1982.

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12. “Most successful NGO” / TÜSES Foundation

“Most successful NGO Executive”, Nokta Weekly, 1991.

13. “Most meritorius political personality of the year”

Nokta Weekly, 1992.

14. “Top Bureaucrat of the Year”

Ekonomide Diyalog Weekly, 1994.

15. Top Turkish Officials tour of NATO, organized by the NATO Information and Press

Directorate, to confer with top NATO officials, December 6-11, 1995.

16. World Bank Economic Development Institute grant to participate in the “Urban

Fiscal Decentralization” expert forum, held in Marrakesh, Morocco, 12-17 May 1997.

17. World Bank Economic Development Institute grant to participate in the “Governance

in Administration” expert forum, held in Marrakesh, Morocco, 3-6 September, 1998.

18. World Bank Economic Development Institute grant to participate in the "Civil

Society" expert forum, held in Cairo, 5-9 March, 2000.

19. European Union and Swedish Government grant to participate in “Future of Europe”

Conference, 4-5 December 2001, Stockholm.

20. Centre for European Constitutional Law grant to participate in “Multi-level

Governance in South-Eastern Europe” Workshop, 10-11 December, 2001 Athens.

21. Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility to Radboud University, Nederlands, April, 2007.

22. Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility to Darmstadt University, November, 2009.

23 Rice University, USA grant to lecture and guide students working on Turkey related

Issues, December, 2013.

24. Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility to Darmstadt University, May, 2013.


Introduction to Social and Political Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Ankara-

Turkey METU, 1968-69.

Turkish Politics and Administration, Leeds University, 1970-71.

Turkish Government and Politics, METU, 1973-74.

Administration of National Economic Policy, METU, 1973-1977.

Public Enterprise, METU, 1973-1982.

Current Issues in Turkish Development, METU, 1974-1976.

The Multinational Corporation in World Development, METU, 1974-1977.

Current Issues in Municipal Administration, METU, 1978-1982, 1994-1995.

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Politics and Administration of the Metropolis, METU, 1982-83.

Metropolitan Administration, METU, 1992-2001.

Urban Politics, METU, 1994-2002.

Turkish Experience in Social Democracy, METU, 1995-1999.

Select Issues in Turkish Tourism, Bilkent University, 1995-1998.

Contemporary Issues of Metropolitan Administration, METU, 1995-2002.

Politics and Administration of the Turkish Metropolis, Bilkent University, 1997-98.

Birmingham University, 2000-2001:

Public Policy Analysis (Contribution to modular post-graduate course)

Decentralization and Governance (Contribution to modular post-graduate course)

Tourism Policy (Contribution to modular post-graduate course)

Urban Development and poverty (Contribution to modular post-graduate course)

Third Sector (NGO) Governance (Contribution to modular post-graduate course)

Dynamics of Governance in the European Union, METU, 2001-2002.

NGO Governance, Sabanci University, 2002-2017.

Local Government in Turkey and the European Union, Sabancı University, 2003-2018.

Turkish Governance, Sabancı University, 2006-2014.

European Union – Turkey Relations, Sabancı University, 2006-2014.

(modular post-graduate course)

Governance, Politics,Policy, Sabancı University, 2011-2018.

Government,Sabancı University International Summer School for High School students,



1) As Deputy Mayor of Ankara (1977-1980), responsible for Planning and Projects,

supervised and co-ordinated dozens of projects.

2) Ford Foundation expert to advise the Pakistani Government on ‘administrative

reform’, 1974

3) Co-managed (with Prof. Sinasi Aksoy) the project on “Strenthening of Local

Administration in Central Asian States”, on behalf of Turkish Agency for

International Cooperation (TIKA), 1997.

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4) Prepared the “National Tourism Plan for Azerbaijan Republic”, as the international

expert, on behalf of the World Tourism Organization, 2002.

5) Member of Advisory Board, “Municipal Finance Decentralization Project”; funding

by Open Society, 2004-2005.

6) Project Manager, “ Pendik Yerel Kalkınma Platformu Projesi (Pendik Local

Development Platform Project); funding by Pendik Municipality, 2004-2008.

7) Project Co-ordinator, “Poverty Alleviation through Local Governance Project”;

funding by Mediterranean Development Forum, 2004-2005.

8) Country Expert, “Innovating Governance and Public Administration in the Euro-

Mediterranean Region Project”; funding by United Nations and Formez Foundation,


9) Country Expert, “Third Sector in European Countries Comparative Study”; funding

by the European Union, 2004-2008.

10) Project Advisor, Çanakkale Kent Eylem Planı (Çanakkale City Action Plan); funding

by Local Agenda 21, 2006-2008.

11) Project Manager, “Tufanbeyli Sosyo-Ekonomik Kalkınma Projesi” (Tufanbeyli

Socio-economic Development Project); Funding by EnerjiSa company, 2008-2009.

12) Project Manager, Kadıköy Kent Eylem Planı Projesi (Kadıköy City Action Plan

Project); funding by Kadıköy City Council, 2009-2011.

13) Member of Expert Group to prepare proposals for the ‘ Local and Regional

Governance ‘ section of the new Turkish Constitution ( September 2011- June 2012 )

14) Member of Steering Committee, İzmir Governance Project, (2017 - 2018)

15) Member of Steering Committee, Scorecard of Istanbul District Municipalities Project

(February - October, 2018)


1) Arslan Dorman (Msc. 1996), “The Effects of Military Interventions on the Turkish

Municipal System”.

2) Nalan Sevim (Msc. 1997), “Coping with the Impact of Globalisation or Urban

Development: The Case of Kocaeli”.

3) Yusuf Şahin (Msc. 1998), co-supervisor, “Impacts of Provision of Urban Services

and Facilities on the Political Attitudes of the Squatter Dwellers”.

4) Pınar Türker (Msc. 1998), “Impact of Planning Institutions on Urban Water


5) Fatma Saçlı (Msc. 1999), “Local Agenda 21: An Effective Tool for Urban

Environmental Management and Participation?”.

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6) Zafer Şahin (Msc. 1999), “Clientelist Relations in Urban Sphere: A Turkish Case”.

7) Ahmet Nohutçu (Ph.D. 2002), “Evolution of Public Policy Making within the

Dynamics of Governance.”


1) Çağla Tezer (Msc. 2007), “The Impact of European Spatical Development

Perspective on Multi-Level Governance”.

2) Gül Mescioğlu (Msc. 2007), “The EU Policy Game”.

3) Hafize Berna Öztürk (Msc. 2008), “The Impact of Structural Funds on Local

Governance in the EU”.

4) Burcu Akın (Msc. 2008), “A Novel Instrument of Regional Development in Turkey:

İzmir Development Agency”.

5) Merve Tiryakioğlu (Msc. 2009), “The Role of NGOs in Dissemination and Advocacy

of Human Rights in Turkey”.