curriculum vitae laura ventura - scienze...

Curriculum Vitae Laura Ventura January , 2020 Department of Statistical Sciences phone: +39 049 8274177 University of Padova email: [email protected] Via Cesare Battisti, 241 ULR: I-35121 Padova, Italy ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7322-998X BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Main Research Interests Likelihood inference: pseudo-likelihoods and asymptotics. Bayesian inference: objective priors, asymptotics and computational methods. Estimating equations and scoring rules. Robustness. Inference and prediction in non-normal and semiparametric regression models. Biostatistics. Academic Positions and Education – University of Padova 2018– Full Professor of Statistics 2006–2017 Associate Professor of Statistics 2002–2006 Assistant Professor (ricercatore) of Statistics 1998–2002 Postdoc in Statistics 1993–1996 PhD in Statistics (University scolarship) 1993 Master’s degree in Statistics and Economics (with honors) 1

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Page 1: Curriculum Vitae Laura Ventura - Scienze · Curriculum Vitae Laura Ventura January , 2020 Department

Curriculum Vitae

Laura Ventura

January , 2020

Department of Statistical Sciences phone: +39 049 8274177University of Padova email: [email protected] Cesare Battisti, 241 ULR: Padova, Italy ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7322-998X


Main Research Interests

Likelihood inference: pseudo-likelihoods and asymptotics.Bayesian inference: objective priors, asymptotics and computational methods.Estimating equations and scoring rules.Robustness.Inference and prediction in non-normal and semiparametric regression models.Biostatistics.

Academic Positions and Education – University of Padova

2018– Full Professor of Statistics2006–2017 Associate Professor of Statistics2002–2006 Assistant Professor (ricercatore) of Statistics1998–2002 Postdoc in Statistics1993–1996 PhD in Statistics (University scolarship)1993 Master’s degree in Statistics and Economics (with honors)


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Research projects and grants

2019-21 PI: University of Padova Research project Confidence distributions for robustness anddata fusion

2017-19 Co-Investigator: Research project of Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Ve-nezie Il fenomeno degli ”home restaurant” in Italia: sperimentazione di un approcciomultidisciplinare volto a incrementare la consapevolezza dei gestori sui rischi alimentari

2018 Co-Investigator: Visiting Teaching, University of Padova, The Biostatistician’s Toolboxfor Categorical Data Analysis, with Applications in Medical Statistics, Prof. Alan Agresti,University of Florida

2016-19 Local Unit Coordinator: PRIN 2015 Likelihood-free methods of inference (National PIProf. B. Liseo, Universita La Sapienza Roma)

2012-14 PI: Cariparo Foundation Excellence-grant On the use of advanced statistical techniquesin medical research

2011-13 PI: University of Padova Research project Modern Bayesian and frequentist inference:case studies in biostatistics

2008-12 Local Unit Coordinator: PRIN 2008 Approximate likelihoods for complex models (Na-tional PI Prof. P. Vidoni, Universita di Udine)

Member of research projects

2016-17 Advances in likelihood-based inference in Biostatistics with application to measurementerror problems and meta-analysis, University of Padova Research project, PI Prof. A.Guolo

2014-15 Neo-Fisherian and Bayesian inference for intractable likelihoods: modern approaches withapplication in Life Sciences, University of Padova Research project, PI Prof. N. Sartori

2012-14 Sviluppi matematici nella Statistica metodologica con applicazioni a problemi reali, RegioneAutonoma della Sardegna, PI Prof. W. Racugno

2006-07 Metodi di verosimiglianza ed equazioni di stima in modelli complessi: teoria, applicazioni,aspetti computazionali, PRIN 2006, PI Prof. P. Vidoni

2003-05 La specificazione dei modelli statistici: Strategie per fronteggiare e valutare l’incertezza,PRIN 2003, PI Prof. W. Racugno

2001-03 Costruzione e scelta di modelli, PRIN 2001, PI Prof. W. Racugno

1998-00 Modelli statistici, basi probabilistiche e procedure per l’inferenza e le decisioni, MIURNational Grant, PI Prof. W. Racugno

1993-97 Geometry and Computer Algebra in Statistics and Probability, Unione Europea – HumanCapital and Mobility, PI Prof. W. Kendall, Universita di Warwick, UK

1996-98 Metodologie per l’Inferenza Statistica, MURST 40% National Grant, PI Prof. G. Diana


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Scientific committees and conference organization

2020 Organizing Committee, Nineth International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Scien-ces and Applications (IECMSA), August 25-28 2020, Skopje, North Macedonia.

2020 Invited Organizer and Chair, Session New insights in robust methods of inference,24rd International Conference on COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS (COMPSTAT 2020),August 25-28 2020, Bologna (Italy).

2019 Scientific and Organizing Committee, Intermediate Workshop PRIN2015: Likelihood-freemethods of inference, February 18-19 2019, Padova (

2018 Invited Organizer and Chair, Session Advances in Bayesian Inference, 23rd InternationalConference on COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS (COMPSTAT 2018), August 28-31 2018,Iasi (Romania).

2018 Organizing Committee, Seventh International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Scien-ces and Applications (IECMSA), August 28-31 2018, Kiev.

2018 Invited Organizer and Chair, Session Likelihood-free inference and approximate methods,International Conference of Nonparametric Statistics (ISNPS 2018), June 11-15 2018,Salerno.

2017 Organizing Committee, Sixth International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Scien-ces and Applications (IECMSA), August 15-18 2017, Budapest.

2017 Scientific Committee, SISBayes 2017 Meeting, February 22-25 2017, Roma.

2016 Organizing Committee, ISBA World Meeting, June 13-17 2016, Pula (Cagliari).

2016 Organizing Committee, Fifth International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciencesand Applications (IECMSA), August 22-25 2016, Belgrado.

2016 Programme Committee, 50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, June8-10 2016, Salerno.

2015 Organizing Committee, StatisticAll – Festival della Statistica e della Demografia, Sep-tember 11-13 2015, Treviso.

2015 Organizing Committee, Statistica e Scienze Umane: un colloquio, May 15-16 2015,Fognano di Brisighella (Faenza).

2013 Scientific and Organizing Committee, Recent advances in statistical inference: theoryand case studies, March 21-23 2013, Padova.See

2012 Invited Organizer and Chair, Session Recent advances in Bayesian inference, 46th Scien-tific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, June 20-22 2012, Roma.

2011 Organizing Committee, S.Co.2011. Modelli Complessi e Metodi Computazionali Intensiviper la Stima e la Previsione, September 19-21 2011, Padova.

2010 Organizing Committee, 45th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, June16-18 2010, Padova.

2009 Invited Chair, Session Harold Jeffreys Retrospective, International Workshop on ObjectiveBayes Methodology, June 5-9 2009, Philadelphia (USA).

2009 Scientific Committee, International Conference on Robust Statistics, June 14-19 2009,Parma.

2005 Organizing Committee, S.Co.2005. Modelli Complessi e Metodi Computazionali Intensiviper la Stima e la Previsione, September 15-17 2005, Bressanone.


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Visiting periods

November 2019 Department of Mathematics and Informatics University of CagliariJuly 2014 Department of Mathematics and Informatics University of CagliariOctober 1996 Department of Economic and Social Sciences University of Geneve

Honours and Awards

2015 Best poster, 11th International Workshop on Objective Bayesian Methodologhy2007 Best poster, 6th International Workshop on Objective Bayesian Methodologhy2001 Best poster, 16th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling1998 Best teaching book in statistic, Italian Statistical Society (SIS)


Invited Lectures – International Meetings and Conferences

2019 Robust Confidence Distributions, ERCIM 2019, London, UK, 14-16/12/2019.

2018 Robustness in Bayesian inference, ERCIM 2018, Pisa, 14-16/12/2018.

2018 Robust Bayesian Inference, Workshop Statistics when the model is wrong, Radcliffe Insti-tute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, 31/05 - 01/06/2018.

2017 Bayesian inference from unbiased estimating functions, with a special look at scoring rules,O-Bayes 2017, Austin, USA, 10-13/12/2017.

2016 Robust Approximate Bayesian Inference, ISBA World Meeting 2016, Pula (Cagliari), 13-17/06/2016.

2015 Higher-Order adjustments of the signed scoring rule root statistic, ERCIM 2015, London,12-14/12/2015.

2015 Connections between Objective Bayes, Fiducial Inference and Likelihood Methods (discus-sion of Generalized Fiducial Inference), O-Bayes 2015, Valencia, Spagna, 1-4/06/2015.

2014 Approximate Bayesian Computation with robust estimating equations, ERCIM 2014, Pisa,6-8/12/2014.

2014 Can I make an inference? Robust methods for statistical analysis in clinical trials, WorkshopTraining event on stroke rehabilitation, Venezia, 3/04/2014.

2013 Pseudo-likelihoods for Bayesian inference, O-Bayes 2013, Duke, USA, 18/12/2013.

2010 Recent advances in inference: Hybrid methods, Greco–Italian Meeting on Statistics, 23–25September 2010, Porto San Paolo, Olbia, 23/09/2010.

2010 Recent advances in frequentist and Bayesian inference, Sirtex Workshop: Y90 applicationin liver tumors status of art and studio clinico crc K-ras mutant, Palermo, 2/07/2010.

2006 Adjusted quasi-profile likelihoods from estimating functions, Conference Robust Classi-fication and Discrimination with High Dimensional Data, Firenze, Italia, 28/01/2006.

2005 An Introduction to Robust Estimation with R functions, International Workshop onRobust Statistics and R, Treviso, Italia, 26/10/2005.


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Invited Lectures – National Meetings and Conferences

2016 I dati sono solo numeri?, Festival StatisticAll - Festival della Statistica e della Demografia,Treviso, 8/10/2016.

2016 Statistica e Scienze Biomediche: un colloquio, Polo Universitario Asti Studi Superiori,Asti, 23/09/2016.

2016 Incontri con i saperi: Statistica, Galileo Festival dell’Innovazione, Universita di Padova,7/05/2016.

2015 Statistica in classe: da un caso di studio all’apprendimento e alla formalizzazione di nozionistatistiche, Workshop Matematica in classe 2015, Genova, 24/10/2015.

2014 Approximate Bayesian Computation with proper scoring rules, XLVII Riunione ScientificaSIS, Cagliari, 12/06/2014.

2014 Dall’Universita alla Scuola, dalla Scuola all’Universita, Tavola Rotonda sulla Didatticadella Statistica, XLVII Riunione Scientifica SIS, Cagliari, 11/06/2014.

2014 La Statistica nelle scuole superiori: l’esperienza Piano Lauree Scientifiche, Workshop Lamatematica in azione. Statistica e statistiche per comprendere il mondo, Padova andTreviso, 21-24/03/2014.

2013 La statistica e i test diagnostici, XXIII Settimana della Cultura Scientifica e Tecnologica,Rovigo, 10/04/2013.

2012 L’esperienza Piano Lauree Scientifiche: la statistica nelle scuole superiori, ConvegnoDidattica delle Scienze Matematiche e Statistiche, Padova, 18/05/2012.

2006 Lauree Specialistiche: che fare? Una ricerca per orientare gli studenti e supportare ledecisioni delle Facolta, Convegno Oltre il Labirinto. Esperienze di tutorato e orientamentoin itinere nelle universita italiane, Padova, 20/6/2006.

2005 Un’applicazione di analisi multivariata per lo studio degli indicatori, Convegno Misurazionea valutazione dell’offerta bibliotecaria degli Atenei italiani, Padova, 27/5/2005.

2004 La statistica nelle ricerche sulle attivita fisiche, Convegno La Ricerca Didattica nelle ScienzeMotorie: lo stato dell’arte, Padova, 23/4/2004.

Contributed Lectures – International Meetings and Conferences

2019 Statistics5@Aegina, Aegina, Grecia, 6-8/09/2019.

2018 COMPSTAT 2018, Iasi, Romania, 27-31/08/2018.

2017 BISP10 (poster), Milano, Italia, 13-15/06/2017.

2015 4nd International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Atene,Grecia, 31/8–3/9/2015.

2015 O-Bayes 2015 (poster), Valencia, Spagna,1-4/06/2015.

2014 3nd International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Vien-na, Austria, 25–27/8/2014.

2013 2nd International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Sara-jevo, Bosnia e Herzegovina, 26–29/8/2013.

2013 28th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Palermo, Italia, 8–12/7/2013.

2013 Approximate Bayesian Computation in Rome, Roma, Italia, 30–31/5/2013.

2013 Recent advances in statistical inference: theory and case studies, Padova, Italia, 21–23/3/2013.


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2012 5th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM2012), Oviedo, Spagna, 1–3/12/2012.

2011 Hierarchical Models and Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Conference in Honour of Adrian F.M.Smith, Creta, Grecia, 1–5/06/2011.

2010 COMPSTAT 2010, Parigi, Francia, 23-27/08/2010.

2010 Ninth Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, Benidorm, Spagna, 3-8/6/2010.

2009 The 2009 International Workshop on Objective Bayesian Methodology, Philapelphia, Usa,5-9/6/09.

2007 Sixth International Workshop on Objective Bayesian Methodology, Roma, Italia, 8-12/6/07.

2006 COMPSTAT 2006, Roma, Italia, 28/08-01/09/06.

2005 Fifth International Conference on Objective Bayesian Statistics, Branson, Missouri, USA,4-8/6/05.

2004 19th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Firenze, Italia, 4-8/7/04.

2001 16th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Odense, Danimarca, 2-6/7/01.

2000 Workshop on Inference and Asymptotics, Ascona, Svizzera, 9-14/7/00.

1997 Geometry and Computer Algebra in Statistics and Probability, Tolosa, Francia, 27-31/10/97.1996 Geometry and Computer Algebra in Statistics and Probability, Barcellona, Spagna, 16-


Contributed Lectures – National Meetings and Conferences

2017 SISBayes 2017 Meeting, Roma, 7–8/02/2017.

1996–2018 Conferences of the Italian Statistical Society: Cagliari (2014), Roma (2012), Pado-va (2010), Arcavacata di Rende (2008), Venezia (2007), Torino (2006), Bari (2004),Firenze (2000), Sorrento (1998), Rimini (1996).

2001–2013 S.Co. Modelli Complessi e Metodi Computazionali Intensivi per la Stima e la Previsio-ne: Milano (2013), Padova (2011), Milano (2009), Venezia (2007), Bressanone (2005),Treviso (2003), Bressanone (2001).

1994–2012 Conferences of the PRIN Research Projects: Venezia (2012), Cagliari (2009), Venezia(2003), Padova (2001), Udine (1994).

2011 VIII National Meeting of the Italian Biometric Society, Gargnano del Garda (BS), 27–29/06/2011.

2011 Statistical Workshop Approximate likelihood methods for high-dimensional dependenciesand New robust methods for the analysis of complex data, Verona, 23–25/5/2011.

2005 Workshop Likelihood and Bayesian methods for the elimination of nuisance parameters,Padova, 29/6/2005.

2004 Workshop Costruzione di Pseudo-Fattori di Bayes, Cagliari, 16-19/9/2004.

2003 Inaugurazione XVIII Ciclo di Dottorato - Anno 2003 in ricordo di A.C. Capelo, Padova,10-11/1/2003.

1998 Workshop Il Condizionamento nell’Inferenza Statistica, Perugia, 15/6/1998.


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Invited Presentations and Seminars

2019 La statistica e i test diagnostici (un po’ di statistica fa bene alla salute), Palazzo Ducale,Genova, 10/04/2019.

2017 Hybrid models and bio-medical applications: new advances, New York University, 28-31/03/2017.

2016 Robust Approximate Bayesian Inference, Collegio Carlo Alberto e Universita di Torino,29/04/2016.

2016 Statistica in Classe: verso un insegnamento laboratoriale (Statistica Descrittiva), Poloregionale del Politecnico di Milano a Mantova, 8/04/2016.

2015 Hybrid models and bio-medical applications, New York University, 2-6/02/2015.

2014 Pseudo-likelihoods for Bayesian inference, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Univer-sita ”La Sapienza”, Roma, 31/01/2014.

2012 Hybrid Methods in Bayesian Inference, Dipartimento di Scienze delle Decisioni dell’Uni-versita Bocconi, Milano, 31/05/2012.

2010 Metodi ibridi nell’inferenza bayesiana, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali,Matematiche e Statistiche ”Bruno de Finetti” dell’Universita di Trieste, 14/12/2010.

2009 Inference based on estimating equations in the Bayesian setting, Universita Rey JuanCarlos, Madrid Spagna, 10/12/2009.

1998 Robustezza e approssimazioni asintotiche, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Univer-sita degli Studi di Udine, 13/7/1998.

1998 Inferenza condizionata in famiglie semiparametriche di scala e posizione, Dipartimento diScienze Statistiche, Universita degli Studi di Padova, 15/4/1998.


Postdoctoral Supervision – University of Padova

2016–18 Erlis Ruli, Developments on approximate likelihood-based inference

2016–17 Clovis Kenne Pagui (Grant by Unicredit Bank), Advances on the methodology for thecalculation of the bank operational risk

2014–16 Erlis Ruli, ABC: from unbiased estimating functions to higher-order asymptotics

2009–11 Nadia Frigo, New pseudo-likelihoods for complex models: theoretical properties andapplications to state-space models

2007–09 Giuliana Cortese, Inference for competing risks models with time-dependent covariatesand their applications

PhD students – University of Padova

2013 Erlis Ruli, Recent advances in Approximate Bayesian Computation methods.

2011 Nicola Lunardon, Pseudo-likelihoods from unbiased estimating functions in complex mo-dels.

2009 Luca Greco, Robust Inference in Presence of Nuisance Parameters.


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Master’s Students – University of Padova



Editorial activities

2019–21 Associate Editor, Bayesian Analysis2014–19 Associate Editor, Statistical Methods and Applications, Springer

2014 Co-editor, Special Issue Advances in Statistical Inference: Bayesian and likelihood inter-play, Metron, Vol. 7.

1999– Referee for:Annals of Statistics (2017, 2018, 2019)Bernoulli (2008, 2013, 2015)Biometrical Journal (2017)Biometrika (2000, 2015a, 2015b, 2016, 2017)Canadian Journal of Statistics (2011, 2013, 2014)Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation (2016a, 2016b, 2017, 2018)Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods (2014, 2018)Computational Statistics (2017, 2018)Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (2005, 2013)Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics (2014)Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (2016, 2017a, 2017b)Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012)Journal of the American Statistical Association (2011)Journal of the Italian Statistical Society (1999)Metron (2005, 2013)Statistics in Medicine (2019)Statistical Methods and Applications (2003, 2007, 2009)Statistical Papers (2006, 2011, 2016, 2017)Statistics and Probability Letters (2012)Statistica Sinica (2009, 2014)Statistical Science (2014, 2015, 2016, 2019)Test (2008, 2009, 2012, 2013)

Scientific Evaluation and PhD Assesment Commettees

2019 Member of the Savage Award Committee, International Society for Bayesian Analysis(ISBA) for the evaluation PhD thesis in Bayesian statistics

2018 PhD final examination in Statistics, University of Padova (Italy)2018 Referee of the Italian PRIN research projects2017 PhD final examination, University of Geneve (CH)2016 Assessor for the evaluation of the Italian research system 2011-2014 (VQR 2011-2014),

Italian Research and University Evaluation Agency (ANVUR)


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2014– Member of the Commettee Nucleo per la Ricerca Clinica, Fondazione IRCCS ”OspedaleSan Camillo”, (Lido di Venezia)

2013 Assessor for the evaluation of the Italian research system 2004-2010 (VQR 2004-2010),Italian Research and University Evaluation Agency (ANVUR)

Scientific Societies

2020-22 Elected Member of the ISBA Board, International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)

2018-20 Member of the International Society of Nonparametric Statistics (ISNPS)

2018– Member of the Societa Italiana di Biometria (SIB)

2015– Member of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)

2014– Elected Member of the SISbayes Group, Italian Statistical Society (SIS)

1995– Member of the Societa Italiana di Statistica (SIS)

Interdisciplinary collaborations

2018-19 Dipartimento di Dermatologia Pediatrica, Universita degli Studi di Padova

2018 Eurochem Ricerche, Padova

2017-19 Dipartimento di Scienze Cardiologiche, Toraciche e Vascolari, Universita degli studi diPadova

2017-18 Divisione di Nefrologia e Dialisi, Azienda Ospedaliera Brotzu, Cagliari

2016-19 Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Legnaro (Padova)

2016– Electrolux Italia S.P.A.

2015-17 Unicredit Banca, Milano

2012-17 Dipartimenti di Oncologia e di Scienze Cliniche e Biologiche, Universita di Torino,Ospedale San Luigi

2008-19 I.R.C.C.S, Ospedale San Camillo di Venezia

2006-19 Dipartimento di Medicina DIMED, Universita degli studi di Padova

2003-10 Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione, Universita degli studi di Padova, e Casa diCura Parco dei Tigli, Padova

2004-05 Centro Bibliotecario di Ateneo (CAB), Universita di Padova

2003-04 Sezione di Padova dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare


Within University of Padova

2019– Member of the Departmental Commettee Third Mission

2018– Member of the Departmental Commettee FARESTAT

2018– Member of the Departmental Commette Planning and Budget

2018-19 Deputy Chair of the Department of Statistical Sciences and member of the Departmen-tal Administrative Board


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2017– Reference person for the Department of Statistical Sciences in the University CommiteeSAFI (Supporto di Ateneo per la Formazione degli Insegnanti)

2014-19 Head of the First Cycle Degree Courses in Statistics, Department of Statistical Sciences

2014-19 Member of the Departmental Self-Evaluation Group on Teaching (GAV)

2014– Reference person for the Departmental Committee Training: Schools and Teachers

2014– Member of the Departmental Committee Orientation

2014-19 Member of the Departmental Teaching Committee

2014-19 Member of the Council of School of Science

2012-14 Member of the University Committee Orientation for the School of Science

2011-14 Coordinator of the Orientation and Teaching Commettee, Department of StatisticalSciences

2009-14 Reference person for the Piano Lauree Scientifiche in Statistics

2008– Member of the Board PhD Programme in Statistical Sciences, Department of StatisticalSciences

2008-13 Member of the University Research Area Scientific Commettee, Economic and StatisticalSciences

2006-10 Reference person in the University Senato Accademico Allargato

2005-12 Reference person for the Faculty Committee on Orientation

2004-07 Member of the Departmental Administrative Board and seminar coordinator

2002-10 Member of the Faculty Teaching Committee

Selection Commettees

2020 Associate Professor (Firenze)

2019 Full Professor (Cagliari), Associate Professor (Padova), Research Assistant (Trieste)

2018 Full Professor (Padova), Research Assistant (Cagliari), Research Assistant (Padova)


PhD Courses – University of Padova

2009/10–2015/16 Introduction to Bayesian methodsDoctoral School in Statistical Sciences

2001/02–2015/16 Robust MethodsDoctoral School in Statistical Sciences

2006/07 Generalized Linear Models: Theory and ApplicationsDoctoral School in Statistical Sciences

2004/05–2005/06 Generalized Linear ModelsDoctoral School in Statistical Sciences

1997/98 Asymptotic Methods in StatisticsDoctoral School in Statistical Sciences


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Undergraduate courses – University of Padova

2010/11-2018/19 Medical StatisticsFirst Cycle Degree in Statistics

2009/10-2018/19 Statistical Models IFirst Cycle Degree in Statistics

2014/15 Medical StatisticsFirst Cycle Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques

2014/15 Applied Statistics to ResearchFirst Cycle Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques

2011/12 StatisticsFirst Cycle Degree in Natural Sciences

2003/04–2009/20 Statistical Models IIFirst Cycle Degree in Statistics

2004/05–2007/08 StatisticsFirst Cycle Degree in Health Biotechnologies

1996/97–2008/09 Teaching Assistant

Other Courses

07/2019 Introduction to Statistical Inference (4 hours), XXVI Corso Estivo BiostAT2019, Scuoladi Alta Formazione Statistica, Polo Universitario Asti Studi Superiori, Asti.

02/2019 Statistical methods for big data (22 hours), University of Padova Winter School onSelected topics in Probability and Statistics at the Universidad de la Habana, Cuba.

11/2018 Statistical Methods for R&D (16 hours), NIDEK Technologies, Padova.

07/2018 Introduction to Statistical Inference (4 hours), XXV Corso Estivo BiostAT2018, Scuoladi Alta Formazione Statistica, Polo Universitario Asti Studi Superiori, Asti.

06/2017 Introduction to Bayesian Statistics (8 hours), Electrolux Italia S.P.A., Porcia.

01/2017 Statistical Analysis of Capability (8 hours), Electrolux Italia S.P.A., Porcia.

05/07/2016 A case study (3 hours), XXIII Corso Estivo BiostAT2016, Scuola di Alta FormazioneStatistica, Polo Universitario Asti Studi Superiori, Asti.

01/07/2015 Case studies in Biology and Medicine (4 hours), XXII Corso Estivo BiostAT2015, Scuoladi Alta Formazione Statistica, Polo Universitario Asti Studi Superiori, Asti.

2015 Statistics (10 hours), I.R.C.C.S Fondazione Ospedale San Camillo di Venezia.

2005/07 Statistics, Linear Models and Generalized Linear Models (10 hours), Master in Tecnologiebioinformatiche applicate alla medicina personalizzata, Consorzio 21 - CRS4 e Polaris,Parco scientifico e tecnologico della Sardegna.

High-School Courses

1. Training and seminars for high-school teachers: 2019 (14 hours), 2018 (6 hours), 2017(6 hours), 2016 (18 hours), 2014 (6 hours), 2013 (6 hours), 2013 (6 hours).

2. Training and seminars for high-school students: 2018 (2 hours), 2017 (4 hours), 2017(2 hours), 2012 (16 hours), 2011 (16 hours), 2010 (16 hours).


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3. Courses Descriptive Statistics and Probability (27 hours) and Statistical Inference (27hours) for PAS (Percorsi Abilitanti Speciali), University of Padova.


Publications on JCR journals

1. Ruli, E., Sartori, N., Ventura, L. (2020), Robust approximate Bayesian inference,Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 205, 10–22.

2. Maffeis, V., Cappellesso, R., Galuppinia, F., Zanon, A., Guzzardo, V., Ventu- ra,L., Martini, A., Fassina, A. (2020), Tumor budding is an adverse prognostic markerin intestinal-type sinonasal adenocarcinoma and seems to be unrelated to epithelial-mesenchymal transition, Virchows Archiv, to appear.

3. Giummole, F., Mameli, V., Ruli, E., Ventura, L. (2019), Objective Bayesian inferencewith proper scoring rules, Test, 28, 728–755.

4. Caroppo, F., Ventura, L., Belloni Fontina, A. (2019), High blood pressure in normal-weight children with psoriasis, Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 99, 329–330.

5. Lepidi, S., Squizzato, F., Bozza, R., Ventura, L., Piazza, M., Porcellato, L., Anto-nello, M., Grego, F. (2019), Propensity-matched cohorts comparison of endovascularversus open reconstruction of transatlantic inter-society consensus C and D aortoiliacocclusive disease, Journal of Vascular Surgery, 69, e168-e169.

6. Mameli, V., Musio, M., Ventura, L. (2018), Bootstrap adjustments of signed scoringrule root statistics, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 47,1204–1215.

7. Kiper, P., Szczuslik, A., Agostini, M., Opara, J., Nowobilski, R., Ventura, L., To-nin, P., Turolla, A. (2018), Virtual reality for upper limb rehabilitation in sub-acuteand chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial, Archives of Physical Medicine andRehabilitation, 99, 834–842.

8. Piras, D., Masala, M., Delitala, A., Urru, S.A.M., Curreli, N., Balaci, L., Ferreli,L.P., Loi, F., Atzeni, A., Cabiddu, G., Racugno, W., Ventura, L., Zoledziewska, M.,Steri, M., Fiorillo, E., Pilia, M.G., Schlessinger, D., Cucca, F., Rule, A.D., Pani,A. (2018), Kidney size in relation to ageing, gender, renal function, birthweight andchronic kidney risk factors in a general population, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation,doi: 10,1093/ndt/gfy270 (Epub).

9. Moreno, E., Racugno, W., Ventura, L. (2017), Invited discussion of ”A Bayesian in-formation criterion for singular models”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 79,366–367.

10. Duregon, E., Cappellesso, R., Maffeis, V., Zaggia, B., Ventura, L., Berruti, A., Terzolo,M., Fassina, A., Volante, M., Papotti, M. (2017), Validation of the prognostic role ofthe ”Helsinki Score” in 225 cases of adrenocortical carcinoma, Human Pathology, 62,1-7.


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11. Enrichi, C., Battel, I., Zanetti, C., Koch, I., Ventura, L., Palmer, K., Meneghello, F.,Piccione, F., Rossi, S., Lazzeri, M., Sommariva, M., Turolla, A. (2017), Clinical criteriafor tracheostomy decannulation in subjects with acquired brain injury, Respiratory Care,62, 1255–1263.

12. Lepidi, S., Squizzato, F., Bozza, R., Ventura, L., Zavatta, M., Piazza, M., Grego, F.,Antonello, M. (2017), Endovascular vs open treatment of severe aortoiliac occlusivedisease: Outcomes of kissing self-expanding covered stent for reconstruction of theaortic bifurcation, Journal of Vascular Surgery, 65 , 21S.

13. Koch, I., Ferrazzi, A., Busatto, C., Ventura, L., Palmer, K., Stritoni, P., Meneghello,F., Battel, I. (2017), Cranial nerve examination for neurogenic dysphagia patients,Otolaryngol (Sunnyvale) 7: 319.

14. Ruli, E., Sartori, N., Ventura, L. (2016), Improved Laplace approximation for marginallikelihoods, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 10, 3986–4009.

15. Dawid, P., Musio, M., Ventura, L. (2016), Minimum scoring rule inference, Scandina-vian Journal of Statistics, 43, 123–138.

16. Ruli, E., Sartori, N., Ventura, L. (2016), Approximate Bayesian Computation withcomposite score functions, Statistics and Computing, 26, 679–692.

17. Ruli, E., Ventura, L. (2016), Higher-order Bayesian approximations for pseudo-posteriordistributions, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 45, 2863–2873.

18. Danesi, I.L., Piacenza, F., Ruli, E., Ventura, L. (2016), Optimal B-Robust PosteriorDistributions for Operational Risk, Journal of Operational Risk, 11, 1–20.

19. Battel, I., Ceolin, A., Koch, I., Ventura, L., Tonin, P., Palmer, K., Meneghello, F.(2016), Comparison of the cough reflex test and water swallowing test in healthyparticipants and neurological patients, B-ENT, 12, 285–289.

20. Righi, L., Duregon, E., Vatrano, S., Izzo, S., Giorcelli, J., Rondon-Lagos, M., Ascoli,V., Ruffini, E., Ventura, L., Volante, M., Papotti, M., Scagliotti, G.V. (2016), BRCA1-associated protein 1 (BAP1) immunohistochemical expression as a diagnostic tool inmalignant pleural mesothelioma classicifaction: a large retrospective study, Journal ofThoracic Oncology, 11, 2006–2017.

21. Duregon, E., Bertero, L., Pittaro, A., Soffietti, R., Ruda’, R., Trevisan, M., Papot-ti, M., Ventura, L., Senetta, R., Cassoni, P. (2016), Ki-67 proliferation index butnot mitotic thresholds integrate the molecular prognostic stratification of lower gradegliomas, Oncotarget, 7, 21190–21198.

22. Papathomas, T.G., Duregon, E., Korpershoek, E., Restuccia, D.F., van marion, R.,Cappellesso, R., Sturm, N., Rossi, G., Coli, A., Zucchini, N., Stoop, H., Oosterhuis,W., Ventura, L., Volante, M., Fassina, A., Dinjens, W.N., Papotti, M., de Krijger, R.R.(2016), Sarcomatoid Adrenocortical Carcinoma: A comrehensive pathological, immu-nohistochemical and targeted next-generation sequencing analyisis, Human Pathology,58, 113-122.


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23. Cappellesso, R., Nicole’, L., Caroccia, B., Guzzardo, V., Ventura, L., Fassan, M.,Fassina, A. (2016), Young investigator challenge: MiR-21/MiR-126 profiling as a noveltool for the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma in pleural effusion cytologhy, CancerCytopathology, 124, 28–37.

24. Mameli, V., Ventura, L. (2015), Higher-order asymptotics for scoring rules, Journal ofStatistical Planning and Inference, 165, 13–26.

25. Cabras, S., Racugno, W., Ventura, L. (2015), Higher-order asymptotic computationof Bayesian significance tests for precise null hypotheses in the presence of nuisanceparameters, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 85, 2989–3001.

26. Cappellesso, R., Millioni, R., Arrigoni, G., Simonato, F., Caroccia, B., Iori, E., Guz-zardo, V., Ventura, L., Tessari, P., Fassina, A. (2015), Lumican is overexpressed inlung adenocarcinoma pleural effusions, PLOS ONE, 10(5): e0126458.

27. Duregon, E., Cassenti, A., Pittaro, A., Ventura, L., Senetta, R., Ruda, R., Cassoni, P.(2015), Better see to better agree: phosphohistone H3 increases interobserver agree-ment in mitotic count for meningioma grading and imposes new specific thresholds,Neuro-Oncology, 17, 663–669.

28. Cappellesso, R., Bellan, A., Saraggi, D., Salmaso, R., Ventura, L., Fassina, A. (2015),Yap immunoreactivity is directly related to pilomatrixoma size and proliferation rate,Archives of Dermatological Research, 2014 Dec 17.

29. Ruli, E., Sartori, N., Ventura, L. (2014), Marginal posterior simulation via higher-ordertail area approximations, Bayesian Analysis, 9, 129–146.

30. Barzon, L., Cappellesso, R., Peta, E., Militello, V., Sinigaglia, A., Fassan., M., Simo-nato, F., Guzzarvo, V., Ventura, L., Blandamura, S., Gardiman, M., Palu, G., Fassina,A. (2014), Profiling of expression of human Papillomavirus-related cancer MicroRNAsin penile squamous cell carcinomas, American Journal of Pathology, 184, 3376–3383.

31. Cappellesso, R., Tinazzi, A., Giurici, T., Simonato, F., Guzzardo, V., Ventura, L.,Crescenzi, M., Chiarelli, S., Fassina, A. (2014), PDCD4 and mir-21 inverse expressionis maintained in cells and exosomes from Ovarian Serous Carcinoma Effusions, CancerCytopathology, 122, 685–693.

32. Duregon, E., Molinaro, L., Volante, M., Ventura, L., Righi, L., Bolla, S., Terzolo, M.,Sapino, A., Papotti, M. (2014), Comparative diagnostic and prognostic performancesof morphological and phospho-histone h3-based mitotic count and ki-67 proliferationindex in adrenocortical carcinoma, Modern Pathology, 27, 1246–1254.

33. Fassina, A., Cappellesso, R., Simonato, F., Siri, M., Ventura, L., Tosato, F., Busund,L.T., Pelizzo, M.R., Fassan, M. (2014), A 4-MicroRNA signature can discriminate pri-mary lymphomas from anaplastic carcinomas in thyroid smears, Cancer Cytopathology,122, 274–281.

34. Lunardon, N., Pauli, F., Ventura, L. (2013), A note on empirical likelihoods derivedfrom pairwise score functions, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 83,1405–1414.


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35. Ventura, L., Ruli, E., Racugno, W. (2013), A note on approximate Bayesian crediblesets based on modified loglikelihood ratios, Statistics and Probability Letters, 83, 2467–2472.

36. Ventura, L., Sartori, N., Racugno, W. (2013), Objective Bayesian higher-order asymp-totics in models with nuisance parameters, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis,60, 90–96.

37. Cortese, G., Ventura, L. (2013), Accurate higher-order likelihood inference on P (Y <X), Computational Statistics, 28, 1035–1059.

38. Simonato, F., Ventura, L., Sartori, N., Cappellesso, R., Busund, L.T., Fassan, M. eFassina, A. (2013), Detection of MicroRNAs in archival cytology urine smears, PLOSONE, 8(2): e57490.

39. Duregon, E., Fassina, A., Volante, M., Nesi, G., Santi, R., Gatti, G., Cappellesso,R., Dalino, P., Ventura, L., Gambacorta, M., Dei Tos, A.P., Loli, P., Mannelli, M.,Mantero, F., Berruti, A., Terzolo, M., Papotti, M. (2013), The reticulin algorithm foradrenocortical tumors diagnosis: a multicentric validation study on 245 unpublishedcases, American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 37, 1433–1440.

40. Turolla, A., Dam, M., Ventura, L., Tonin, P., Agostini, M., Zucconi, C.S., Kiper, P.,Cagnin A., Piron, L.A. (2013), Virtual reality for the rehabilitation of the upper limbmotor function after stroke: a prospective controlled trial, Journal of NeuroEngineeringand Rehabilitation, 10, Article Number 85.

41. Simonato, F., Ventura, L., Sartori, N., Cappellesso, R., Busund, L.T., Fassan, M.,Fassina, A. (2013), Detection of MicroRNAs in archival cytology urine smears, PLOSONE, 8(2): e57490.

42. Cabras, S., Racugno, W., Castellanos, M.E., Ventura, L. (2012), A matching prior forthe shape parameter of the skew-normal distribution, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics,39, 236–247.

43. Farcomeni, A., Ventura, L. (2012), An overview of robust methods in medical research,Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 21, 111–133.

44. Ventura, L., Racugno, W. (2012), On interval and point estimators based on a penaliza-tion of the modified profile likelihood, Statistics and Probability Letters, 82, 1285–1289.

45. Fassina, A., Marino, F., Siri, M., Zambello, R., Ventura, L., Fassan, M., Simonato, F.,Cappellesso, R. (2012), The miR-17-92 microRNA cluster: a novel diagnostic tool inlarge B-cell malignancies, Laboratory Investigation, 92, 1574-1582.

46. Fassina, A., Cappellesso, R., Guzzardo, V., Dalla Via, L., Piccolo, S., Ventura, L., Fas-san, M. (2012), Epithelial-mesenchymal transition in malignant mesothelioma, ModernPathology, 25, 86-99.

47. Ventura, L., Racugno, W. (2011), Recent advances on Bayesian inference for P (X <Y ), Bayesian Analysis, 6, 411–428.

48. Pauli, F., Racugno, W., Ventura, L. (2011), Bayesian composite marginal likelihoods,Statistica Sinica, 21, 149–164.


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49. Pace, L., Salvan, A. e Ventura, L. (2011), Adjustments of profile likelihood throughpredictive densities, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 63, 923–937.

50. Pace, L., Salvan, A., Ventura, L. (2011), Remedying the Neyman-Scott phenomenonin model discrimination, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81, 749–757.

51. Greco, L., Ventura, L. (2011), Robust inference for the stress-strength reliability,Statistical Papers, 52, 773–788.

52. Racugno, W., Salvan, A., Ventura, L. (2010), Bayesian analysis in regression modelsusing pseudo-likelihoods, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 39, 3444–3455.

53. Ventura, L., Cabras, S., Racugno, W. (2010), Default prior distributions from quasi-and quasi-profile likelihoods, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140, 2937–2942.

54. Piron, L., Turolla, A., Zucconi, C., Agostini, M., Ventura, L., Tonin, P., Dam., M.(2010), Motor learning principles for rehabilitation: A RCT study in post-strokepatients, Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 24, 501–508.

55. Carraro, A., Scarpa, S., Ventura, L. (2010), Relationships between physical self-description and physical performance in a sample of Italian adolescents, Perceptualand Motor Skills, 2, 522–530.

56. Ventura, L., Cabras, S., Racugno, W. (2009), Prior distributions from pseudo-likelihoodsin the presence of nuisance parameters, Journal of the American Statistical Association,104, 768–774.

57. Piron, L., Turolla, A., Agostini, M., Zucconi, C., Cortese, F., Zampolini, M., Zannini,M., Dam, M., Ventura, L., Battauz, M., Tonin, P. (2009), Exercises for paretic upperlimb after stroke: a combined virtual-reality and telemedicine approach, Journal ofRehabilitation Medicine, 41, 1016-1020.

58. Fassina, A., Corradin, M., El Mazloum, R., Murer, B., Furlan, C., Montisci, M., Guolo,A., Ventura, L. (2009), Detection of silica particles in lung tissue by EnvironmentalScanning Electron Microscopy, Inhalation Toxicology, 21, 133–140.

59. Santarelli, R., Magnavita, V., De Filippi, R., Ventura, L., Genovese, E., Arslan, E.(2009), Comparison of speech perception performance between Sprint/Esprit 3G andFreedom processors in children implanted with Nucleus cochlear implants, Otology &Neurotology, 30, 304-12.

60. Bellio, R., Greco, L., Ventura, L. (2008), Modified quasi-profile likelihoods from esti-mating functions, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138, 3059–3068.

61. Greco, L., Racugno, W., Ventura L. (2008), Robust likelihood functions in Bayesianinference, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138, 1258–1270.

62. Piron, L., Turolla, A., Dam., M., Zucconi, C., Agostini, Piccione, E., Pizzoni, B.,Ventura, L.,, Tonin, P. (2008), Virtual environment vs conventional physical therapyfor arm motor rehabilitation after stroke: a RCT study, European Journal of Physicaland Rehabilitation Medicine, 44, 1–3.


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63. Giummole, F., Ventura L. (2006), Robust prediction limits based on M-estimators,Statistics and Probability Letters, 76, 1735–1740.

64. Pace, L., Salvan, A., Ventura L. (2006), Likelihood based discrimination between se-parate scale and regression models, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136,3539–3553.

65. Greco, L., Ventura, L. (2006), Bounded estimation in the presence of nuisance para-meters, Statistical Methods & Applications, 15, 27–36.

66. Pace, L., Salvan, A., Ventura, L. (2004), The effects of rounding on likelihood proce-dures, Journal of Applied Statistics, 31, 29–48.

67. Adimari, G., Ventura, L. (2002), Quasi-profile loglikelihoods for unbiased estimatingfunctions, The Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 54, 235–244.

68. Giummole, F., Ventura, L. (2002), Practical point estimation from higher-order pivots,Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 72, 419–430.

69. Adimari, G., Ventura, L. (2002), Quasi-likelihood from M -estimators: A numericalcomparison with empirical likelihood, Statistical Methods & Applications, 11, 175–185.

70. Adimari, G., Ventura, L. (2001), Robust inference for generalized linear models withapplication to logistic regression, Statistics and Probability Letters, 55, 413–419.

71. Ronchetti, E., Ventura, L. (2001), Between stability and higher-order asymptotics,Statistics and Computing, 11, 67–73.

72. Ventura, L. (1998), Higher-order approximations for Pitman estimators and for optimalcompromise estimators, The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 26, 49–55.

Refereed Book Chapters/Journal Publications

1. Caroppo, F., Zacchino, M., Milazzo, E., Fontana, E., Nobile, F., Marogna, C., Ventura,L., Belloni Fortina, A. (2020), Quality of life in children with psoriasis: results from amonocentric study, Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia, to appear.

2. Ruli, E., Ventura, L. (2019), Accurate likelihood inference for the volume under theROC surface, Cancer Reports, to appear.

3. Ruli, E., Ventura, L. (2018), Modern likelihood inference for measures of process capa-bility, In: BIOSTAT at 25. Invited Essays in Theoretical, Biomedical and Social Statistics,Edizioni ETS, Book ISBN: 978-884675409-7, 273–283.

4. Ventura, L., Racugno, W. (2016), Pseudo-likelihoods for Bayesian inference, In: Topicson Methodological and Applied Statistical Inference, Series Studies in Theoretical andApplied Statistics, Springer-Verlag Italia, Book ISBN: 978-3-319-44092-7, 205–220.

5. Ventura, L., Reid, N. (2014), Approximate Bayesian computation with modified logli-kelihood ratios, Metron, 72, 231–245.

6. De Santis, F., Ventura, L. (2014), Advances in Statistical Inference: Bayesian andlikelihood interplay, Metron, 72, 123-124.


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7. Carraro, A., Scarpa, S., Paggiaro, A., Ventura, L. (2011), Un contributo alla validazio-ne Italiana della Scala Multidimensionale di Vittimizzazione tra Pari, Giornale Italianodi Psicologia, XXXVIII, 177-188.

8. Greco, L., Ventura, L. (2009), Robust inference in composite transformation models,Metron, LXVII, 17–30.

9. Carraro, A., Mauro, L., Ventura, L. (2006), Giochi di lotta e aggressivita: Un’espe-rienza nella scuola, Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dello Sport, I, 51–56.

10. Giummole, F., Ventura, L. (1999), A predictive density for semiparametric scale andlocation models, Statistica Applicata, 11, n. 2, 235-250.

11. Ventura, L. (1996), A note on the asymptotic distribution of the Ozturk test, Metron,LIV, n. 3-4, 223-229.

Books (in italian)

1. Ventura, L., Racugno, W. (2017), Biostatistica. Casi di Studio in R, Egea, Milano.

2. Grigoletto, M., Pauli, F., Ventura, L. (2017), Modello Lineare - Teoria e Applicazionicon R, Giappichelli, Torino.

3. Bortot, P., Ventura, L., Salvan, A. (2000), Inferenza Statistica: Applicazioni con S-PLUSe R, Cedam, Padova.

4. Grigoletto, M., Ventura, L. (1998), Statistica per le Scienze Economiche. Esercizi conRichiami di Teoria, G. Giappichelli, Torino.

International Conference Proceedings

1. Maffeis, V., Cappellesso, R., Galuppini, F., Boscolo, M., Ventura, L., Fassina, A.(2019), Tumour budding seems to be independent to epithelial-mesenchymal transitionin intestinal-type sinonasal adenocarcinoma, VIRCHOWS ARCHIV, 475, S92–S93.

2. Mameli, V., Musio, M., Ventura, L. (2015), Simulated adjustment of the signed sco-ring rule root statistic, Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on StatisticalModelling, Linz (Austria), July, 6-10.

3. Ruli, E., Ventura, L., Racugno, W. (2013), Approximate Bayesian inference basedon modified log-likelihood ratios, Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop onStatistical Modelling, Palermo, July, 8-12, 351–356.

4. Ruli, E., Ventura, L. (2012), Bayesian approximation methods for pseudo-posterior di-stributions in the presence of nuisance parameters, Proceedings of the 27th InternationalWorkshop on Statistical Modelling, Prague, 16-20, July, 16–20.

5. Ventura, L., Racugno, W. (2011), A Bayesian adjustment of the modified profile likeli-hood, Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Valencia,July, 11-15, 2011, 642–647.

6. Cabras, S., Racugno, W., Ventura, L. (2010), Pseudo-Bayes factors, Proceedings ofCOMPSTAT 2010, Parigi (Francia), August 22 – August 27 2010, e-book, 863-870.


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7. Lunardon, N., Pauli, F., Ventura, L. (2010), On empirical composite likelihoods, Pro-ceedings of COMPSTAT 2010, Parigi (Francia), August 22 – August 27 2010, e-book,1319-1326.

8. Cabras, S., Racugno, W., Ventura, L. (2006), Bayesian inference on the scalar skew-normal distribution, Proceedings of COMPSTAT 2006, Roma, August 28 – September1 2006, 1373–1380.

9. Maniero, S., Ventura, L., Pietropaolo, F., Ventura, S. (2004), Statistical modelling forthe time projection chamber signal processing: how can statistics improve detectorperformances?, Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,Firenze, July, 4-8, 2004, 450–454.

10. Greco, L., Ventura, L. (2004), Quasi-likelihood ratio statistic for robust hypothesistesting in the presence of nuisance parameters, Proceedings of the 19th InternationalWorkshop on Statistical Modelling, Firenze, July, 4-8, 2004, 420–424.

11. Fonseca, G., Giummole, F., Ventura, L. (2002), Improving maximum likelihood estima-tion in mixed linear models, Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on StatisticalModelling, Chania, Grecia, July, 8-12, 2002, 265-269.

12. Brazzale, A.R., Ventura, L. (2001), How robust is conditional inference?, Proceedingsof the 16th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Odense, Danimarca, July,2–6, 2001, 417–420.

13. Bellio, R., Brazzale, A.R., Ventura, L. (2001), Adjusted quasi-profile likelihoods androbustness, Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,Odense, Danimarca, July, 2–6, 2001, 413–416.

14. Giummole, F., Ventura, L., Salvan, A. (2000), Estimating functions based on the mo-dified directed likelihood, Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on StatisticalModelling, Bilbao, Spagna, July, 17-21, 2000, 433–436.

15. Giummole, F., Ventura, L. (1999), Prediction limits for semiparametric scale and lo-cation models, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,Graz, Austria, July 19-23, 1999, 536-539.

National Conference Proceedings

1. Ruli, E., Sartori, N., Ventura, L. (2018), Posterior distributions with non explicitobjective priors, Atti della XLIX Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana di Statistica,Palermo, 20-22 giugno 2018, Pearson.

2. Ruli, E., Sartori, N., Ventura, L. (2016), Approximate robust Bayesian inference withan application to linear mixed models, Atti della XLVIII Riunione Scientifica della SocietaItaliana di Statistica, Salerno, 8-10 giugno 2016, USB stick, 1–14.

3. Danesi, I.L., Piacenza, F., Ruli, E., Ventura, L. (2016), Optimal B-robust posteriordistributions for operational risk, Atti della XLVIII Riunione Scientifica della SocietaItaliana di Statistica, Salerno, 8-10 giugno 2016, USB stick, 1–6.

4. Giummole, F., Mameli, V., Ventura, L. (2016), Reference priors based on composi-te likelihoods, Atti della XLVIII Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana di Statistica,Salerno, 8-10 giugno 2016, USB stick, 1–6.


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5. Pinto, A., Ruli, E., Crovato, S., Ventura, L., Ravotto, L. (2016), Italian consumers’food risks perception: an approach based on the correspondence analysis, Atti dellaXLVIII Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana di Statistica, Salerno, 8-10 giugno 2016,USB stick, 1–6.

6. Danesi, I.L., Piacenza, F., Ruli, E., Ventura, L. (2015), Posterior distributions fromoptimally B-robust estimating functions and approximate Bayesian computation, Bookof Abstracts CLADAG 2015, Santa Margherita di Pula, 8-10 october 2015, 464-467.

7. Ruli, E., Sartori, N., Ventura, L. (2014), Approximate Bayesian Computation with pro-per scoring rules, Atti della XLVII Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana di Statistica,Cagliari, 11-13 giugno 2014, USB stick, 1–6.

8. Ventura, L., Ruli, E., Racugno, W. (2013), Default Bayesian inference for the consensusmean in inter-laboratory studies, Proceedings S.Co.2013: Complex Data Modeling andComputationally Intensive Statistical Methods for Estimation and Prediction, Milano, 9–11settembre 2013, USB stick, 1-6.

9. Ventura, L., Ruli, E. (2013), Advances in approximate Bayesian computation withmodified pseudo- likelihood roots, Proceedings S.Co.2013: Complex Data Modeling andComputationally Intensive Statistical Methods for Estimation and Prediction, Milano, 9–11settembre 2013, USB stick, 1-6.

10. Ruli, E., Ventura, L. (2013), Bayesian marginal posterior simulation from the signedlikelihood root: an application to the Cox regression model, Proceedings of the IXConference of the Italian Biometric Society, Bressanone, 27-28 giugno 2013, 55–58.

11. Ruli, E., Ventura, L. (2012), Modern Bayesian inference in Zero-Inflated Poisson mo-dels, Atti della XLVI Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana di Statistica, Roma, 20-22giugno 2012, USB stick, 1-4.

12. Ventura, L., Racugno, W. (2012), Higher-order asymptotics in Bayesian inference, Attidella XLVI Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana di Statistica, Roma, 20-22 giugno2012, USB stick, 1-4.

13. Ventura, L., Sartori, N.,e Racugno, W. (2011), A class of strong matching priors forhigher-order Bayesian inference, S.Co.2011, Padova, 19-21 september 2011, USB stick,1-6.

14. Lunardon, N., Greco, L., Ventura, L. (2011), Pairwise robust estimation of multivariatelocation and covariance, S.Co.2011, Padova, 19-21 september 2011, USB stick, 1-6.

15. Ventura, L., Racugno, W. (2011), Applied Bayesian small-sample asymptotics: appli-cations in regression with continuous responses, Proceedings of the VIII National Meetingof the Italian Biometric Society, Gargnano del Garda (BS), 27-29 giugno 2011, 5-8.

16. Ventura, L., Racugno, W. (2010), A note on the relationships between Bayesian andnon-Bayesian predictive inference, Atti della XLV Riunione Scientifica della Societa Ita-liana di Statistica, Padova, 16–18 giugno 2010, USB stick (ISBN: 9788861295667), 1–8.

17. Cabras, S., Castellanos, M.E., Racugno, W., Ventura, L. (2009), A matching priorfor the shape parameter of the skew-normal distribution, Proceedings S.Co.2009: Com-plex Data Modeling and Computationally Intensive Statistical Methods for Estimation andPrediction, Milano, 14–16 settembre 2009, 109–114.


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18. Cortese, G., Ventura, L. (2009), Likelihood asymptotics for the stress-strength modelP (X < Y ), Proceedings S.Co.2009: Complex Data Modeling and Computationally Inten-sive Statistical Methods for Estimation and Prediction, Milano, 14–16 settembre 2009,133–138.

19. Lunardon, N., Ventura, L. (2009), A comparison of quasi-likelihood ratios for generalestimating functions, Proceedings S.Co.2009: Complex Data Modeling and Computatio-nally Intensive Statistical Methods for Estimation and Prediction, Milano, 14–16 settembre2009, 263–268.

20. Cortese, G., Ventura, L. (2009), Competing risks regression with internal time-dependentcovariates, Proceedings of the VII National Meeting of the Italian Biometric Society, Pontedi Legno (Brescia), 10-12 giugno 2009, 49-52.

21. Pauli, F., Racugno, W., Ventura, L. (2008), Composite likelihoods in the Bayesianinference: an application, Atti della XLIV Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana diStatistica, Arcavacata (CS), 25–27 giugno 2008, CD.

22. Racugno, W., Salvan, A., Ventura, L. (2008), Pseudo-Bayesian analysis in regressionmodels, Atti della XLIV Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana di Statistica, Arcavacata(CS), 25–27 giugno 2008, CD.

23. Greco, L., Ventura, L. (2007), Robust inference in the stress-strength model, Atti delconvegno: S.Co.2007 Modelli Complessi e Metodi Computazionali Intensivi per la Stima ela Previsione, Venezia, 6–8 settembre 2007, 266–271.

24. Fassina, A., Corradin, M., Guolo, A., Ventura, L. (2007), A statistical assessment ofsilica levels and lung cancer, Atti della Riunione Intermedia 2007 della Societa Italiana diStatistica, Venezia, 6–8 giugno 2007, 533–534.

25. Greco, L., Ventura, L. (2006), Robust inference in presence of unsuspected correlation,Atti della XLIII Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana di Statistica, Torino, 14–16giugno 2006, 575–578.

26. Greco, L., Racugno, W., Ventura, L. (2005), Accounting for model uncertainty in theinferential Bayesian setting, Atti del convegno: S.Co.2005 Modelli Complessi e MetodiComputazionali Intensivi per la Stima e la Previsione, Bressanone, 15–17 settembre 2005,257–262.

27. Marras, E., Sartori, N., Ventura, L. (2005), Modified estimating equations in modelswith stratum nuisance parameters, Atti del convegno: S.Co.2005 Modelli Complessi e Me-todi Computazionali Intensivi per la Stima e la Previsione, Bressanone, 15–17 settembre2005, 263–268.

28. Greco, L., Ventura, L. (2004), Robustness and estimating equations in the presenceof a nuisance parameter, Atti della XLII Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana diStatistica, Bari, 9–11 giugno 2004, 221–224.

29. Greco, L., Ventura, L. (2003), Bounded influence estimation of regression models inthe presence of a shape parameter, Atti del convegno: S.Co.2003 Modelli Complessie Metodi Computazionali Intensivi per la Stima e la Previsione, Treviso, 4–6 settembre2003, 235–240.


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30. Brazzale, A.R, Ventura, L. (2003), Considerazioni pratiche sugli stimatori di tipo Mottimali, Giornate Scientifiche in ricordo di Antonio C. Capelo, Cleup Editrice, Padova,51–60.

31. Brazzale, A.R., Ventura, L. (2002), Hampel estimation for extreme value distributions,Atti della XLI Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana di Statistica, Milano, 5–7 giugno2002, 613–616.

32. Bellio, R., Ventura, L. (2001), Robust estimation of stochastic frontier models, In:Modelli Complessi e Metodi Computazionali Intensivi per la Stima e la Previsione (a curadi C. Provasi), Cleup Padova, 175–180.

33. Adimari, G., Ventura, L. (2000), On the robust inference for generalized linear models,XL Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana di Statistica, Firenze, 26–28 aprile 2000,641–644.

34. Ventura, L. (1998), Inferenza condizionata in famiglie semiparametriche di scala e po-sizione, Atti della XXXIX Riunione Scientifica della Societa Italiana di Statistica, Sorrento,14-17 aprile 1998, Vol. 2, 817-824.

35. Ventura, L. (1996), Intervalli di confidenza condizionati per i parametri di posizionee di scala delle curve normali di ordine s, Atti della XXXVIII Riunione Scientifica dellaSocieta Italiana di Statistica, Rimini, 9-13 aprile 1996, Vol. 2, 243-250.


1. Ruli, E., Sartori, N., Ventura, L. (2017), robustBLME: Robust Bayesian Linear Mixed-Effects Models using ABC.CRAN:

2. Ruli, E., Sartori, N., Ventura, L. (2016), iLaplace: Improved Laplace Approximation forIntegrals of Unimodal Functions.CRAN:

3. Ruli, E., Sartori, N., Ventura, L. (2014), HOTA: R code for Marginal posterior simulationvia higher-order tail area approximations.

4. Cortese, G., Ventura, L. (2013), ProbYX: R code for Small sample inference on the stress-strength reliability.

5. Cabras, S., Castellanos, M.E., Racugno, W., Ventura, L. (2012), MATCHING-SN: Rcode for Matching prior for the shape parameter of the skew-normal distribution.