curriculum vitae - radboud universiteit · 1 curriculum vitae name dr. m. gesthuizen (maurice) date...

1 Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice) Date of birth April 20, 1977 Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn Country of birth The Netherlands Professional status Assistant Professor Radboud University Nijmegen Dpt. of Sociology Thomas van Aquinostraat 4 PO BOX 9104 6500 HE Nijmegen The Netherlands Phone + 31 24 3615743 Fax + 31 24 3612351 E-mail [email protected] Professional publications 2016 Gesthuizen, M. (2016). Maak je niet druk!, Mens & Maatschappij, 91: 101-106. Koster, T. & Gesthuizen, M. (2016). Werkloosheid doorstaan? Longitudinale bevindingen over de rol van financiële en sociale hulpbronnen bij het ervaren van psychologische stress door werkloosheid. Mens & Maatschappij, 91: 183-210. Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M., Kraaykamp, G. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2016). Inequality among Older Workers in the Netherlands: A Life Course and Social Stratification Perspective on Early Retirement. European Sociological Review, 32: 370-382. Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M., Kraaykamp, G.& Wolbers, M.H.J. (2016). Trends in labour force participation of older men: Examining the influence of policy reforms, normative change and deindustrialization in the Netherlands, 1992-2009, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 37: 425- 447. 2015 Bekker, E. & Gesthuizen, M. (2015). Depressieklachten onder Turkse en Marokkaanse Nederlanders van de eerste generatie: de rol van beperkte integratie en beheersingsoriëntatie. Mens & Maatschappij, 90 (3), 275-305. Bruggers, I., Driessen, G. & Gesthuizen, M. (2015). Vve-voorzieningen, een panacee? Taal- en rekenprestaties, op de korte en langere termijn. Beleid Bestuur Management & Pedagogiek in de Kinderopvang, 2015. Dekker, P. & Gesthuizen, M. (2015). Politiek vertrouwen in crisistijd: nationale ontwikkelingen en economische effecten. In J. Boelhouwer, G. Kraaykamp & I. Stoop (Eds.), Nederland in Europees perspectief: Tevredenheid, vertrouwen en opinies (pp. 73-92), Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. Lancee, B., Gesthuizen, M.J.W. & Werfhorst, H.G. van de (2015). Opleidingsverschillen in opvattingen over economische ongelijkheid in Nederland tussen 1975 en 2008. In H.G. van de

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Page 1: Curriculum Vitae - Radboud Universiteit · 1 Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice) Date of birth April 20, 1977 Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn Country of birth The


Curriculum Vitae

Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice)

Date of birth April 20, 1977

Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn

Country of birth The Netherlands

Professional status

Assistant Professor

Radboud University Nijmegen

Dpt. of Sociology

Thomas van Aquinostraat 4

PO BOX 9104

6500 HE Nijmegen

The Netherlands

Phone + 31 24 3615743

Fax + 31 24 3612351

E-mail [email protected]

Professional publications


Gesthuizen, M. (2016). Maak je niet druk!, Mens & Maatschappij, 91: 101-106.

Koster, T. & Gesthuizen, M. (2016). Werkloosheid doorstaan? Longitudinale bevindingen over

de rol van financiële en sociale hulpbronnen bij het ervaren van psychologische stress

door werkloosheid. Mens & Maatschappij, 91: 183-210. Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M., Kraaykamp, G. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2016). Inequality among Older

Workers in the Netherlands: A Life Course and Social Stratification Perspective on Early

Retirement. European Sociological Review, 32: 370-382.

Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M., Kraaykamp, G.& Wolbers, M.H.J. (2016). Trends in labour force

participation of older men: Examining the influence of policy reforms, normative change and

deindustrialization in the Netherlands, 1992-2009, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 37: 425-



Bekker, E. & Gesthuizen, M. (2015). Depressieklachten onder Turkse en Marokkaanse Nederlanders

van de eerste generatie: de rol van beperkte integratie en beheersingsoriëntatie. Mens &

Maatschappij, 90 (3), 275-305.

Bruggers, I., Driessen, G. & Gesthuizen, M. (2015). Vve-voorzieningen, een panacee? Taal- en

rekenprestaties, op de korte en langere termijn. Beleid Bestuur Management & Pedagogiek in de

Kinderopvang, 2015.

Dekker, P. & Gesthuizen, M. (2015). Politiek vertrouwen in crisistijd: nationale ontwikkelingen en

economische effecten. In J. Boelhouwer, G. Kraaykamp & I. Stoop (Eds.), Nederland in

Europees perspectief: Tevredenheid, vertrouwen en opinies (pp. 73-92), Den Haag: Sociaal en

Cultureel Planbureau.

Lancee, B., Gesthuizen, M.J.W. & Werfhorst, H.G. van de (2015). Opleidingsverschillen in

opvattingen over economische ongelijkheid in Nederland tussen 1975 en 2008. In H.G. van de

Page 2: Curriculum Vitae - Radboud Universiteit · 1 Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice) Date of birth April 20, 1977 Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn Country of birth The


Werfhorst (Ed.), Een kloof van alle tijden. Verschillen tussen lager en hoger opgeleiden in werk,

cultuur en politiek (pp. 195-220). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Lange, M. de, Gesthuizen, M.J.W. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2015). Trends in arbeidsmarktflexibilisering

onder schoolverlaters in Nederland. De invloed van economische globalisering op verschillen

tussen opleidingsniveaus. In H.G. van de Werfhorst (Ed.), Een kloof van alle tijden. Verschillen

tussen lager en hoger opgeleiden in werk, cultuur en politiek (pp. 101-132). Amsterdam:

Amsterdam University Press.

Raaijmakers, N., Thijssen, L., Gesthuizen, M & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2015). Achterstanden van niet-

westerse immigranten op de arbeidsmarkt onder hoger opgeleide toetreders. Mens &

Maatschappij, 90: 73-102.

Savelkoul, M., Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2015). Associational involvement in Dutch

municipalities and neighbourhoods. Does ethnic diversity influence bonding and bridging

involvement? Urban Studies Research,

Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M., Kraaykamp, G.& Wolbers, M.H.J. (2015). Doorstuderen biedt

bescherming op de arbeidsmarkt - Een terugblik op de carrière van oudere werknemers. Demos,

31: 5-7.


Bruggers, I., Driessen, G. & Gesthuizen, M. (2014). Voor- en vroegschoolse voorzieningen, effectief

of niet? De samenhang tussen deelname aan voor- en vroegschoolse voorzieningen en de taal- en

rekenprestaties van leerlingen op de korte en langere termijn, Mens & Maatschappij, 89: 117-150.

De Lange, M., Gesthuizen, M., Ultee, W.C. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2014). The impact of macro- and

micro-economic uncertainty on family formation in the Netherlands, European Journal of

Population, 30: 161-185.

De Lange, M., Gesthuizen, M. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2014). Consequences of flexible employment at

labour market entry for early career development in the Netherlands, Economic and Industrial

Democracy, 35: 413-434.

De Lange, M., Gesthuizen, M. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2014). Youth labour market integration across

Europe: The impact of cyclical, structural, and institutional characteristics, European Societies,

16: 194-212.

Gesthuizen, M. (2014). Baltimore in de Bijlmer? Verheviging van de armoedeproblematiek en haar

gevolgen voor sociaal isolement, in: Michon, L. & Slot, J. (eds.) Armoede in Amsterdam. Een

stadsbrede aanpak van hardnekkige Armoede, Amsterdam: Bureau Onderzoek en Statistiek.

Gesthuizen, M. (2014). Overheid is nodig bij armoedebestrijding, Het Parool, 22 december 2014.

Gesthuizen, M. (2014). Risicokapitalisatie?, Mens & Maatschappij, 89: 111-115.

Gesthuizen, M., Savelkoul, M., Scheepers, P. (2014). Ethnic diversity and dimensions of in-group

solidarity: Overview of insights into empirical relationships in Europe, in De Dreu, C. (ed.)

Social Conflict Within and Between Groups, p. 75-92, New York: Psychology Press.

Gesthuizen, M. & Solga, H. (2014). Is the Labor Market Vulnerability of Less-Educated Men Really

About Job Competition? New Insights from the United States, Journal for Labour Market

Research, 47: 205-221.

Gesthuizen, M. & Verbakel, E. (2014). Work values in Europe: Modernization, globalization and

institutionalization and their moderating impact on the occupational class effect, in: Value

contrasts and consensus in present-day Europe: Painting Europe’s moral landscapes, p. 329-353.

Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Savelkoul, M., Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2014). The impact of ethnic diversity on participation

in European voluntary organizations: Direct and indirect pathways, Nonprofit and Voluntary

Sector Quarterly, 43: 1070-1094.

Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2014). The impact of macro-economic circumstances and

social protection expenditure on economic deprivation in 25 European countries, 2007-2011,

Social Indicators Research, 115: 1179-1203.

Page 3: Curriculum Vitae - Radboud Universiteit · 1 Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice) Date of birth April 20, 1977 Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn Country of birth The



André, S., Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2013). Support for traditional female roles across 32

countries. Female labour market participation, policy models, and gender differences,

Comparative Sociology, 12: 447-476.

De Lange, M., Gesthuizen, M. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2013). De arbeidsmarktintegratie van jongeren in

Europa verklaard, Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 29: 146-173.

Gesthuizen, M., Scheepers, P, Van der Veld, W. & Völker, B. (2013). Structural aspects of social

capital: tests for cross-national equivalence in Europe, Quality and Quantity, 47: 909-922.

Van Houten, J.M.A., Gesthuizen, M. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2013). Intergenerational transmission of

occupational status: the role of voluntary association membership as an emerging compensatory

strategy of reproduction, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 33: 13-26.

Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2013). Moeilijk kunnen rondkomen en informeel sociaal

isolement: de rol van macroeconomische omstandigheden en uitgaven aan de verzorgingsstaat in

32 Europese landen in het decennium na de milleniumwisseling, Mens & Maatschappij, 88: 128-


Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M., Kraaykamp, G. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2013). Trends in arbeidsdeelname

van oudere mannen in Nederland, 1992-2009, in: Henkens, K., Kalmijn, M. & Thomése, F. (eds.)

Boekaflevering 2013, Mens & Maatschappij, Wegen rond pensionering: Nieuwe transities en

trajecten, p. 61-84. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.


De Lange, M., Gesthuizen, M. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2012). Trends in labor market flexibilization

among Dutch school-leavers: the impact of economic globalization on educational differences,

International Sociology, 27: 529-550.

Wolbers, M.H.J., Gesthuizen, M. & de Lange, M. (2012). Jongeren vaker werkloos door bescherming

zittende werknemer,, 21-09-2012.

Gesthuizen, M. (2012). De handen (af?) van de verzorgingsstaat, Mens & Maatschappij, 87: 214-218.

Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2012). Educational differences in volunteering: individual and

contextual explanations, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 41: 58-81.

Gesthuizen, M., Huijts, T. & Kraaykamp, G. (2012). Explaining health marginalisation of the lower

educated: the role of cross-national variations in health expenditure and labor market conditions,

Sociology of Health & Illness, 34: 591-607.

Savelkoul, M., Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2012). Etnische diversiteit en informeel sociaal

kapitaal in Europese landen en regio’s: Een toets van de ‘constrict’-, conflict-, en contacttheorie,

p. 79-108, in: Aarts, K. & Wittenberg, M. (eds). Nederland in de jaren nul. Proceedings Derde

Nederlandse Workshop ESS. Amsterdam: Pallas Publications – Amsterdam University Press.

Van Houten, J.M.A., Gesthuizen, M. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2012). Statusverwerving en de rol van

vereniginslidmaatschap als nieuwe compenserende strategie, Mens & Maatschappij, 87: 125-149.


André, S., Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2011). Steun voor traditionele vrouwenrollen in 32 landen.

De invloed van gezinsbeleid en verschillen tussen de seksen, Mens & Maatschappij, 86: 279-304.

Evers, A. & Gesthuizen, M. (2011). The impact of generalized and institutional trust on donating to

activist, leisure and interest organizations: Individual and contextual effects, International

Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 16: 381-392.

Gesthuizen, M. (2011). De gevolgen van de economische crisis voor gemiddeld Nederland, Mens &

Maatschappij, 86: 2-4.

Gesthuizen, M. (2011). Michael J. White and Jennifer E. Glick: Achieving Anew. How New

Immigrants Do in American Schools, Jobs, and Neighborhoods. European Sociological Review,

27: 542-544. Book Review.

Page 4: Curriculum Vitae - Radboud Universiteit · 1 Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice) Date of birth April 20, 1977 Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn Country of birth The


Gesthuizen, M. & Wolbers. M.H.J. (2011). Instabiliteit in de late beroepsloopbaan en pensionering

van oudere werknemers in Nederland, in: Kraaykamp, G., Levels, M. & Need, A. Problemen en

theorieën in onderzoek: een staalkaart van de hedendaagse empirisch-theoretische sociologie, p.

63-76, Assen: Koninklijke van Gorcum BV.

Gesthuizen, M. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2011). Kansen van laagopgeleide mannen: structurele en

cyclische verdringing in Nederland, in: Dynamiek op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt. De focus op

kwetsbare groepen, p. 63-78. Den Haag/Heerlen/Hoofddorp: CBS/TNO.

Gesthuizen, M. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2011). Late career instability and the transition into retirement of

older workers in the Netherlands, in: Blossfeld, H.-P., Buchholz, S. & Kurz, K. (eds.) Ageing

Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market:Comparing Late Working Life and Retirement

in Modern Societies, p. 65-90, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

Gesthuizen, M. & Verbakel, M. (2011). Job preferences in Europe: Tests for scale invariance and

examining cross-national variation using EVS, European Societies, 13: 663-686.

Gesthuizen, M., Huijts, T. & Kraaykamp, G. (2011). De gezondheidskloof tussen lager en hoger

opgeleiden. Verschillen tussen landen verklaard door overheidsuitgaven in de gezondheidszorg en

arbeidsmarktomstandigheden’, Mens & Maatschappij, 86: 157-181.

Gesthuizen, M., Solga, H. & Künster, R. (2011). Context Matters: Economic marginalisation of low-

educated workers in cross-national perspective, European Sociological Review, 27: 264-280.

Savelkoul, M., Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2011). Explaining relationships between ethnic

diversity and informal social capital across European countries and regions: tests of constrict,

conflict and contact theory, Social Science Research, 40: 1091-1107.


Gesthuizen, M. (2010). A review of ‘Werkloos in Crisistijd. Baanverliezers, inkomensveranderingen

en sociale gevolgen; een verkenning’ van Vrooman, C. (ed.), Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel

Planbureau. Mens & Maatschappij, 85: 316-318. Book review.

Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2010). Economic vulnerability among low-educated Europeans:

Resource, composition, labour market and welfare state influences, Acta Sociologica, 53: 247-


Gesthuizen, M. & Wolbers, M.H.J. (2010). Are low educated men subject to structural or cyclical

crowding out? Employment transitions in the Netherlands from 1980 to 2004, Research in Social

Stratification and Mobility, 28: 437-451.


Gesthuizen, M. (2009). Job characteristics and voluntary mobility in the Netherlands: differential

education and gender patterns?, International Journal of Manpower, 30: 549-566.

Gesthuizen, M. & Veldheer, V. (red.) (2009). Sociale samenhang in de wijk: NSV actualiteitencollege

2008. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau / Nederlandse Sociologische Vereniging.

Gesthuizen, M., Van der Meer. T. & Scheepers, P. (2009). Ethnic diversity and social capital in

Europe: tests of Putnam’s thesis in European countries. Scandinavian Political Studies, 32: 121-


Tolsma, J., Van der Meer, T. & Gesthuizen, M. (2009). The impact of neighbourhood and

municipality characteristics on social cohesion in the Netherlands, Acta Politica, 44: 286-313.

Gesthuizen, M., Scheepers, P., Tolsma, J. & Van der Meer, T. (2009). De invloed van lands-,

gemeente- en buurtkenmerken op sociaal kapitaal: Putnam’s hypothese getest in Europa en

Nederland, n: Sociale samenhang in de wijk: NSV actualiteitencollege 2008, p. 30-39. Den Haag:

Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau / Nederlandse Sociologische Vereniging.


Gesthuizen, M. (2008). Een reactie op Gestruikeld voor de start: De school verlaten zonder

startkwalificatie, van L. Herweijer, Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. Mens &

Maatschappij, 84: 394-95. Book review.

Page 5: Curriculum Vitae - Radboud Universiteit · 1 Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice) Date of birth April 20, 1977 Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn Country of birth The


Gesthuizen, M. (2008). Een reactie op Nieuwe ongelijkheden op de transitionele arbeidsmarkt, van

Veenman, J. (red). Migrantenstudiën, 24: 149-152. Book review.

Gesthuizen, M. (2008). Kort maar hevig, in: Alles kan korter, p. 92-93. Den Haag: Sociaal en

Cultureel Planbureau.

Gesthuizen, M. (2008). Trends in de arbeidsmarktpositie van lager opgeleiden. Tijdschrift voor

Arbeidsvraagstukken, 24: 36-50.

Gesthuizen, M. & Dagevos, J. (2008). Mismatching of persons and jobs in the Netherlands:

consequences for and returns to mobility. Work, Employment and Society, 22: 485-506.

Gesthuizen, M. & Tammes, P. (eds.) (2008). De sterke kanten van Nederland: NSV-

actualiteitencollege 2007. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau / Nederlandse

Sociologische Vereniging.

Gesthuizen, M., Van der Meer, T. & Scheepers, P. (2008). Education and dimensions of social capital:

do educational effects differ due to educational expansion and social security expenditure?

European Sociological Review, 24: 617-632.

Gesthuizen, M., Van der Meer, T. & Scheepers, P. (2008). Verenigd in verscheidenheid. Een multi-

niveau analyse naar dimensies van sociaal kapitaal in 28 Europese landen. Openbaar Bestuur, 18:



Gesthuizen, M. (2007). Arbeidsparticipatie van oudere werknemers: (inter)nationale ontwikkelingen

en de determinanten opleiding en gezondheid. Kwartaalschrift Economie, 4: 437-453.

Gesthuizen, M. (2007). Het werkgeluk van laagbetaald Nederland, In: Veel geluk in 2007: SCP

nieuwjaarsuitgave 2007, p. 147-151. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

Gesthuizen, M. & Dagevos, J. (2007). Het rendement van vrijwillige interne en externe mobiliteit.

Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 23: 133-146.

Meer, T. van der, Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. (2007). Geef migratie niet alleen de schuld. De

sociale cohesie in Europa werkt anders dan in het Amerika van Putnam. NRC, 07-09-2007.

Vrooman, C.J., Gesthuizen, M., Hoff, S., Soede, A. & Wildeboer-Schut, J.M. (2007). Inkomen en

werk, in: De sociale staat van Nederland 2007, p. 123-158. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel



Gesthuizen, M. (2006). Arbeidsdeelname, in: Steenbekkers, A. Simon, C & Veldheer, V. (red.), p. 95-

119, Thuis op het platteland. De leefsituatie van platteland en stad vergeleken. Den Haag: Sociaal

en Cultureel Planbureau.

Gesthuizen, M. (2006). Betaalde arbeid, in: De Boer, A.H. (red.), p. 49-65, Rapportage ouderen 2006.

Veranderingen in de leefsituatie en levensloop. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

Gesthuizen, M. (2006). Determinanten van armoede: macro-economische omstandigheden,

huishoudenskenmerken, gemeente en de buurt. Mens & Maatschappij, 81: 309-331.

Gesthuizen, M. (2006). How socially committed are the Dutch low-educated? Historical trends, life-

course changes, and two explanations for educational differences. European Sociological Review,

22: 91-105.

Gesthuizen, M. (2006). Paid employment, in: De Boer, A.H. (red.), p. 23-33, Report on the Elderly

2006. Changes in the lives and living situation of elderly persons in the Netherlands. Den Haag:

Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

Gesthuizen, M. (2006). Succesvolle innovatie: het belang van sociale en culturele aspecten, in:

Investeren in vermogen. Sociaal en Cultureel Rapport 2006, p. 182-214. Den Haag: Sociaal en

Cultureel Planbureau.

Gesthuizen, M. (2006). Stuwt leuk werk de arbeidsdeelname onder ouderen op?, in: Altijd een

antwoord? SCP-nieuwjaarsuitgave 2006, p. 222-225. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel


Steijn, B., Need, A. & Gesthuizen, M. (2006). Well begun, half done? The long-term effect of entry to

the labor market in the Netherlands, 1950-2000. Work, Employment & Society, 20: 453-472.

Page 6: Curriculum Vitae - Radboud Universiteit · 1 Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice) Date of birth April 20, 1977 Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn Country of birth The



Dagevos, J. & Gesthuizen, M. (2005). Arbeidsmarkt, in: Roes, T., Pommer, E. & Boelhouwer, J.

(eds.), p. 77-105, De Sociale Staat van Nederland 2005. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel


Dagevos, J. & Gesthuizen, M. (2005). Niet-westerse allochtonen met een stabiele arbeidsmarktpositie:

aantallen en ontwikkelingen. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

Gesthuizen, M. (2005). Oorzaken van armoede: maatschappelijke omstandigheden, huishouden, buurt

en gemeente, in: Vrooman, C. (ed.), p. 178-198, Armoedemonitor 2005. Den Haag: Sociaal

en Cultureel Planbureau.

Gesthuizen, M. & Dagevos, J. (2005). Arbeidsmobiliteit in goede banen: oorzaken van baan- en

functiewisselingen en gevolgen voor de kenmerken van het werk. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel


Gesthuizen, M., de Graaf, P.M. & Kraaykamp, G. (2005). The changing family background of the

low-educated in the Netherlands: Socio-economic, cultural, and socio-demographic resources,

European Sociological Review, 21: 441-452.

Need, A., Steijn, B. & Gesthuizen, M. (2005). Long-term effects of flexible work, In: B. Peper, Den

Dulk, L. & Van Doorne-Huiskes, A. (eds.), p 164-179, Flexible working and the integration of

work and personal life in a context of organizational change. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.


Gesthuizen, M. (2004). The life-course of the low-educated in the Netherlands: Social and economic

risks. Nijmegen: Dissertatie Sociologie Nijmegen/ICS.


Monden, C.W.S. & Gesthuizen, M. (2003). Een ondeugdelijke meting van een onduidelijk begrip.

Reactie op het voorstel voor het meten van maatschappelijke impact door Veenhoven, De Koster

en Van Meeteren. Facta, 11: 6-9.


Gesthuizen, M. & Graaf, P.M. de. (2002). Arbeidsmarktkansen van laagopgeleide mannen in

Nederland tussen 1977 en 1998. Mens & Maatschappij, 77: 189-206.

Gesthuizen, M. & Kraaykamp, G. (2002). Ontwikkelingen in verbale capaciteiten van laagopgeleiden

in Nederland. De keerzijde van de onderwijsexpansie. Mens & Maatschappij, 77: 361-380.

Gesthuizen, M. & Kraaykamp, G. (2002). Verbal ability of low-educated people in the Netherlands:

The downside of educational expansion. Netherlands’ Journal of Social Sciences, 38: 191-211.

Gesthuizen, M., Scheepers, P. & Verloo, M. (2002). Support for the discrimination of women on the

labor market: Individual and contextual characteristics. Netherlands’ Journal of Social Sciences,

38: 48-64.

Gesthuizen, M., Scheepers, P. & Verloo, M. (2002). Steun voor seksediscriminatie op de

arbeidsmarkt in Nederland: individuele en maatschappelijke verklaringen, In: A.E. Bronner, P.

Dekker, J.C. Hoekstra, E. de Leeuw, Th. Poiesz, K. de Ruyter, & A. Smidts (Eds.), p. 173-186,

Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek. Jaarboek 2002. Haarlem: Uitgeverij de Vrieseborch.

(Re)submitted manuscripts/papers and proposals in progress

Achbari, W. & Gesthuizen, M. Ethnic diversity and generalized trust: testing the contact hypothesis in

voluntary organizations in the Netherlands. (resubmitted to Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector


Page 7: Curriculum Vitae - Radboud Universiteit · 1 Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice) Date of birth April 20, 1977 Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn Country of birth The


Bekker, E. & Gesthuizen, M. Disintegration, locus of control and depression. (work in progress).

Boekhoorn, P. & Gesthuizen, M. research proposal on ‘vroegsignalering bij schuldenproblematiek’ for

the municipality Nijmegen, opting for a grant in ‘Vakkundig aan het werk (ZonMw)’ (work in


Gesthuizen, M. & Spierings, research proposal on ‘bijstandsexperimenten’ for the municipality

Nijmegen (work in progress).

Gesthuizen, M. & Wolbers, M.H.J. Dropout in comapartive perspective: contextual explanations for

cross-national and cross-regional variation. (work in progress).

Heisig, J., Gesthuizen, M. & Solga, H. Skill and certificate effects on occupational status: The role of

education systems and labor market structures (work in progress).

Middendorp, J. van & Gesthuizen, M., research proposal on ‘de inzet van vrijwilligers bij

thuisadministratie’ for several municipalities, opting for a grant in ‘Vakkundig aan het werk

(ZonMw)’ (work in progress).

Middendorp, J. van & Gesthuizen, M. ‘Is er perspectief?’ Knelpunten en dilemma’s van coördinatoren

en vrijwilligers die hulpvragers ondersteunen met hun administratieve en financiële problemen.

(work in progress)

Raaijmakers, N., Thijssen, L., Gesthuizen, M & Wolbers, M.H.J. Ethnic inequalities among higher

educated labour market entrants (translation of Mens & Maatschappij-article: work in progress).

Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. Crowding in or crowding out? New insights into the

impact of social spending on informal social capital. (Resubmitted)

Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M. & Scheepers, P. The relationship between economic strain and social

isolation: The role of macroeconomic circumstances and social protection expenditure in 32

European countries in the decade after the turn of the century. (to be submitted).

Research proposals

NRO Programmaraad voor Beleidsgericht Onderzoek, 2016, co-applicant of ‘Oorzaken en gevolgen

van voortijdig schoolverlaten: de (differentiële) invloed van nationaal en lokaal onderwijsbeleid’,

with Prof dr. M.H.J. Wolbers (submitted)

FP7 Work programme, 2014, co-applicant of ‘Youth Labour Market Integration in Europe and its

Consequences for Economic and Social Participation: The Role of Structural, Cyclical and

Institutional Factors’, with dr. M.H.J. Wolbers and an international consortium. (Not honoured).

NWO, PROO-programme 2012-2015, main-applicant of ‘Causes and consequences of early school-

leaving: the varying impact of national educational systems and the community context’, with Dr.

M.H.J. Wolbers (co-applicant), selected among the 14 proposals (of the 56) for submitting a full

proposal. (Qualification: very good, not honoured)

FP7 Work programme, 2013, co-applicant of ‘Overcoming youth unemployment in Europe’, with dr.

M.H.J. Wolbers and an international consortium (not honoured).

PAOS-fonds, 2012, co-applicant of ‘De gevolgen van arbeidsmarktflexibilisering en -herstructurering

voor de late loopbaan en pensionering van oudere werknemers in Nederland’, with prof. Dr. G.

Kraaykamp, dr. M.H.J. Wolbers, and M. Visser, Msc, honoured; 7,5k€

NWO, Onderzoekstalent 2012 MaGW, main applicant of ‘The social isolation effects of economic

marginalisation: A Dutch panel study, with H.A.F.H. Werts, Msc (co-applicant) and prof. dr. P.

Scheepers (co-applicant) (final round, subsidizable but not honoured).

NWO, PROO-programme 2012-2015, co-applicant of ‘Social capital and ethnic exclusionism:

schools, teachers and pupils in secondary education’, with prof. dr. P. Scheepers (main applicant),

prof. dr. P. Sleegers, and dr. C. Sterckens (final round, subsidizable but not honoured).

NWO, Vernieuwingsimpuls VIDI 2011, main applicant of ‘Understanding the relationship between

economic vulnerability and social isolation: causal linkages, consequences for health and well-

being, and European contexts’ (Place 21-24 of the 142 proposals in the MaGW domain, place 1 to

20 were honoured)

ERC Starting Grant 2011, principal investigator of ‘Understanding the relationship between economic

vulnerability and social isolation: European contexts, causal linkages, single-parent families, and

adaptive behaviour’. Positive reviews, but not invited for an interview.

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NWO, Vernieuwingsimpuls VIDI 2010, main applicant of ‘Understanding the relationship between

economic vulnerability and social isolation: European contexts, causal linkages, and adaptive

behaviour’ (place 16 of the 99 proposals in the MaGW domain, place 1 to 15 were honoured).

NWO, PROO-programme 2008-2011, co-applicant of ‘Dimensions of social capital of schools,

teachers and pupils: a multi-level approach to explain ethnic exclusionism and social (non-)

participation among secondary school pupils’, with Prof. dr. P. Scheepers (main applicant), Prof.

dr. P. Sleegers, Prof. dr. C. Hermans, Prof. dr. F. Wester and dr. C. Sterckens (place 8 of the 129

– proposals admitted to the final round. All three external referees labelled the proposal

‘excellent’. Subsidizable, not honoured).

NWO, Open competition 2009, co-applicant of ‘The consequences of employment flexibilization and

labor market restructuring on the late career and the transition into retirement of older workers in

the Netherlands’, with dr. M.H.J. Wolbers (main applicant) (A-status, not honoured).

NWO, Conflict & Security 2009, co-applicant of ‘Relationships of ethnic diversity in local

communities with solidarity regarding the in-group and exclusion of out-groups’, with Prof. dr. P.

Scheepers (main applicant), Prof. dr. G. Kraaykamp, and dr. J. Tolsma, A-status: honoured;


NWO, Vernieuwingsimpuls VIDI 2009, main applicant of ‘Marginalization of the low educated:

displacement or negative selection?’ (not honoured).

NWO, Open competition 2008, co-applicant of ‘Economic, demographic and social consequences of

employment vulnerability among young people’, with dr. M.H.J. Wolbers (main applicant). (not


NWO, Open competition 1999, co-applicant of ‘The life-course of the low-educated in the

Netherlands since the 1950s’, A-status: honoured: NWO 425-12-014; 111k€.

Work experience

Visiting Fellow, Social Science Research Center Berlin, hosted by Prof dr. Heike Solga (2014).

Visiting Fellow, Social Science Research Center Berlin, hosted by Prof dr. Heike Solga (2008).

Assistant Professor, Radboud University Nijmegen, Dpt. of Social Science Research Methodology /

Sociology (2007-present).

Scientific Researcher, Social and Cultural Planning Office of the Netherlands (2004-2007).

Junior Researcher, Sociology / ICS, Radboud University Nijmegen (1999-2004).

Visiting fellow, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, hosted by Prof dr. Heike Solga


Education Assistant, Faculty of Social Sciences, Wageningen University (1999).

Reserach Assistent, Panel Study for Belgian Households, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen (1998).

Student Assistant, Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen (1997-1998).

Experience in teaching

Guest Lecture ‘Economic deprivation in 25 European countries’, Comparative Economic Research,

December 11 2014, Radboud University Nijmegen

Bachelor thesis: economic vulnerability and social isolation (SOB3022/SOB3023; Bachelor 3

Sociology, 2012-present)

Social Participation and Policy (MAWB3002; Bachelor 3, Sociology and Cultural Anthropology,


Learning Project I (SOB1010; Bachelor 1 Sociology, 2010-present)

Careers at school and the labor market (Radboud Honours Acadamy, 2009-present)

Measurement Models in Communication Sciences (MTB3023; Bachelor 3, Commucation Sciences,


Measurement Models in Sociology (MTB2023; Bachelor 2 Sociology, 2007-present)

Comparative Methodology (SCS104; Research Master Social and Cultural Sciences, 2007-present)

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Mixed Methods (MTM4011; Master Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies, 2007-present)

Learning Project II (SOB2030; Bachelor 2 Sociology, 2010-2011)

Research Designs (MTB2005; Bachelor 2 Sociology, 2007-2011)

Prejuduce against minorities (SOB3003; Bachelor 3 Sociology, 2011)

Guest lecture ‘verslechteren de arbeidsmarktkansen van lager opgeleiden?’ for the course Social

Inequality, Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen (2007)

Guest lecture ‘the labor market’, Sociology, Tilburg University (2006)

Learning Project I, Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen (2003)

Social Reproduction, Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen (2002)

Sociological Questions, Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen (2002)

Learning Project I, Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen (2001)

Methods and Techniques in Social and Cultural Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, Wageningen

University (2001)

Sociological Questions, Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen (2001)

Prizes and awards 2011 Award for Outstanding Reviewing, Sociology of Education (2011)

Doctoral dissertation supervision

Ardita Muja, Vakmanschap als oplossing voor jeugdwerkloosheid? Over de invloed van de

beroepsgerichtheid van het onderwijs op de arbeidsmarktintegratie van jongeren, Radboud

University Nijmegen (with M.H.J. Wolbers).

Jansje van Middendorp, Ondersteuning bij de financiële administratie met inzet van vrijwilligers,

2015-2017, Radboud University Nijmegen (with G. Kraaykamp).

Mark Visser, Growing inequality in late working life and retirement in the Netherlands, 2012-2016,

Radboud University Nijmegen (with M.H.J. Wolbers and G. Kraaykamp). Defence: 2016

Michael Savelkoul, Ethnic diversity in communities: its relationship with solidarity with the in-group,

and the exclusion of out-groups, 2009-2013, Radboud University Nijmegen (with P. Scheepers

and J. Tolsma). Defence: Spring 2014

Marloes de Lange, Causes and consequences of employment flexibility among young people. Recent

developments in the Netherlands and Europe, 2008-2012, Radboud University Nijmegen (with

M.H.J. Wolbers and W.C. Ultee). Defended: 30-09-2013.

(Research) Master’s thesis and honours student supervision

Felix Elbers (MA), on patient and doctor satisfaction (2016).

Wesley van Bruel (MA), on unhealthy behavior (2015).

Lissane Jansen (RMA) on consequences of divorce (2015).

Lex Thijssen (RMA) on neighborhood effects and poverty transitions (2015).

Sander Weijers (MA), on children with disabilities and the way in which schools provide education for

them (2014).

Lieke van Berlo (MA), on the use and implementation of and satisfaction with, anti-agression policy

in psychriatric, forensic institutes. Master thesis was granted the annual award of best thesis

of the Master Sociology (2014).

Inge Bruggers (MA), on the impact of early childhood facilities on math and language performance of

children. (2013).

Steven Wijker (MA), on educational stratification in sports across Europe. (2012).

Margrietha ‘t Hart (RMA), on the impact of policy measures on student enrollment in higher education

in the Netherlands. (2012).

Page 10: Curriculum Vitae - Radboud Universiteit · 1 Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice) Date of birth April 20, 1977 Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn Country of birth The


Mark Visser (RMA), on the impact of economic recessions on the relationship betweenn economic

vulnerability and social isolation. Research Master thesis was granted the annual award of best

thesis of the Research Master and of the Radboud University Nijmegen. (2012).

Sacha Sillekens (Honours) on the relationship between victimization and social isolation. (2012).

Esther Derksen (MA), on the question why 48 percent of Dutch ethnic minorities feel that there are too

many ethnic minorities living in the Netherlands. (2011).

Jasper van Houten (Honours), on voluntary association membership as an emerging compensatory

strategy of social reproduction. (2011).

Suzanne Brunner (MA), on prejudice against bi-sexuality (by hetero- and homosexuals). (2011).

Lisa van Beek (MA), De geest der armoede. Een onderzoek naar de invloed van kenmerken van de

persoonlijkheid op armoedekansen. (2010).

Organising activities and contributions to commissions/committees

Chair session ‘Migration, ethnicity and labor market outcomes’, RC28 Spring meeting 2015, Tilburg,

the Netherlands, May 28-30. (2015).

Host of professor Heike Solga and doctor Jan Paul Heisig at the Department of Sociology, Radboud

University Nijmegen. Jan Paul Heisig gave a lecture on ‘Late-career Risks in Changing Welfare

States. Comparing Germany and the United States since the 1980s’ in the BA1 course ‘Social


Member of the CBS group of experts on labour. (2013).

Member of the examination committee of the Research Master Social and Cultural Sciences, Radboud

University Nijmegen. (2013).

Reviewer for the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO), Research Talent. (2013).

Member of the ‘Onderdeelcommissie’ of the Faculty of Social Sciences. (2013).

Secretary of the parental committee (Oudervereniging) of the Lea Dasbergschool (Primary school,

Arnhem) (2012).

Discussant in the session ‘Different forms of inequality’, RC28 2012 Summer meeting,

Charlottesville, Virginia, US, August 13-15. (2012).

Member of the committee of users of the Dutch Labour Supply Panel, SCP. (2012).

Reviewer for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). (2012).

Invited reviewer for the article‘Country, issue or mobilization? Comparing street demonstrations

across countries, issues and mobilization channels’, written by Marie-Louise Damen, and

presented at the NWO, AIO/Postdocbijeenkomst van Conflict en Veiligheid, November 23.


Member of education committee of the study programme ‘Sociologie’, Radboud University Nijmegen.


Reviewer for the Division of the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) ‘Longitudinal Studies in Social

and Behavioral Sciences’. (2011)

Member of the final assessment committee Social Sciences of the MaGW Open Competition subsidy

round 2010, Dutch Science Foundation (NWO). (2011).

Chair session ‘Higher education’, RC28 Spring meeting 2011 , Essex, Great Britain, April 13-

16. (2011).

Member of the pre-selection committee Social Sciences of the MaGW Open Competition subsidy

round 2010, Dutch Science Foundation (NWO). (2010).

Chair session ‘Ethnic Inequalities in Educational Attainment’, ECSR 2010 Conference on Analysing

Education, Family, Work and Welfare in Modern Societies: Methodological Approaches and

Empirical Evidence, Bamberg, Germany, September 30 - October 2. (2010).

Chair session ‘Divorce in comparison’, RC28 Spring meeting 2010, Florence, Italy, May 15-17.


Chair session ‘Inequalities in China’, RC28 Spring meeting, 2010, Florence, Italy, May 15-17.


Secretary of the editorial board of the Dutch sociological journal Mens & Maatschappij. (2010).

Member of board of the Department of Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen. (2009-2011).

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Member of the library committee for the Department of Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen


Chair session ‘Methodologische kwesties’, Dag van de Sociologie 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands,

June 11. (2009).

Member of board of the Dutch Sociological Association. (2006-2008).

Organizational committee ‘NSV-Actualiteitencollege 2008’. (2008).

Chair session ‘onderwijsmarkt-arbeidsmarkt’, CBS-symposium Sociale Dynamiek, April 22. (2008).

Member of the library committee for the Department of Social Science Research Methodology,

Radboud University Nijmegen. (2007-present).

Member of the external referee committee ‘Sociale Dynamiek’, Statistics netherlands. (2007).

Member of the external referee committee ‘Werkgeversperspectief ouderen op de arbeidsmarkt’ EZ/

NIDI. (2007).

Organizational committee ‘NSV-VVS Dag van de Sociologie 2007’. (2007).

Organizational committee ‘NSV-Actualiteitencollege 2007’. (2007).

Member reading committee ‘De invloed van fysieke structuur op het sociale leven’ SCP. (2006).

Member reading committee ‘Anstige burgers? De determinanten van gevoelens vanm onveiligheid

onderzocht’ SCP. (2006).

Member reading committee ‘Jaarboek ICT en samenleving 2005: Kennis in netwerken’ SCP. (2005).

Chairman Ph. D. Candidate Commission, Department of Sociology, Radboud university Nijmegen.



Ph.D Social Sciences. Dissertation 'The Life-Course of the Low- Educated in the Netherlands:

Social and Economic Risks', Sociology Nijmegen/ICS. (2004).

Master in Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen. Master’s thesis: 'Steun voor Discriminatie van

Vrouwen op de Arbeidsmarkt: Individuele en Contextuele Kenmerken'. (1999).

Atheneum (higher secondary education), Nederijn College, Arnhem, the Netherlands. (1995).

Post-doctoral courses Introduction in ‘co-determination’. (2013).

Attainment of the certificate ‘Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs’ (BKO). (2009).

Scientific Writing, Taalcentrum University of Amsterdam. (2005).

Advanced Conversation, Talencentrum, Radboud University Nijmegen. (2002).

Integration of Theory and Research, ICS. (2001).

Scientific Writing, Talencentrum, Radboud University Nijmegen. (2001).

Event History Analysis, Ann Arbor, Michigan, ICPSR summer school. (2001).

Maximum Likelihood Estimations, Ann Arbor, Michigan, ICPSR summer school. (2001).

Avanced Methods and Techniques in Empirical Research, ICS. (2000).

Theory Construction, ICS. (1999).

Selected presentations/conference papers


Ethnic inequalities among higher educated labour market entrants, RC28 Spring Meeting, Tilburg, The

Netherlands, May 28-30.

Ethnic diversity and generalized trust: testing the contact hypothesis in Dutch voluntary organizations,

ECPR General Conference, Montreal, Canada, August 26-28.

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The impact of country level push factors on high school drop out risks in 16 European countries,

RC28 Spring Meeting Budapest, Budapest, May 8-10.

The impact of country level push factors on high school drop out risks in 16 European countries,

WZB Seminar, Berlin, April 10.

The impact of country level push factors on high school drop out risks in 16 European countries,

AMCIS conference ‘Educational Systems: Inequalities, Labour Markets and Civic Engagement’,

Amsterdam, February 13-14.


The role of social capital in the process of status attainment: voluntary association membership as

compensating strategy, RC28 2011 Summer meeting, Iowa City, Iowa, US, August 9-12.

Educational differences in preferences for redistribution: a trend analysis in the Netherlands (1975-

2008), RC28 2011 Summer meeting, Iowa City, Iowa, US, August 9-12.

Health Marginalization among the Lower Educated. Explaining Cross-National Variation by Health

Expenditure and Labor Market Conditions, RC28 2011 Spring meeting, Essex, April 13-16.

Opleiding, opvattingen over ongelijkheid en vakbondlidmaatschap. Een trendanalyse in Nederland

(1975-2008), AMCIS jaarconferentie over Onderwijs en stratificatie: ongelijkheid, arbeidsmarkt

en participatie in de afgelopen decennia, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, January 20.


Sociologie. Bachelor Voorlichtingsdag 2010, Nijmegen, Netherlands, November 6.

Economic vulnerability among low-educated Europeans: Resource, composition, labour market and

welfare state influences, ECSR 2010 Conference on Analysing Education, Family, Work and

Welfare in Modern Societies: Methodological Approaches and Empirical Evidence, Bamberg,

Germany, September 30 - October 2.

De relatie tussen economische kwetsbaarheid en sociaal isolement ontrafeld in drie projecten.

presentation prepared for the VIDI-interview, Utrecht, the Netherlands, August 26.

Economic vulnerability among low-educated Europeans: Resource, composition, labour market and

welfare state influences, Dag van de Sociologie 2010, Groningen, Netherlands, June 10.

Economic vulnerability among low-educated Europeans: Resource, composition, labourcmarket and

welfare state influences, RC28 2010 Spring meeting, Haifa, Israel, May 9-11.

Sociologie. Bachelor Voorlichtingsdag 2010, Nijmegen, Netherlands, April 10.


Educational Differences in Volunteering: Individual and Contextual Explanations. Dag van de

Sociologie 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 11

Job preference orientations in Europe: tests for equivalence and explanations for cross-national

variation. European Survey Research Association Conference, Warsaw, Poland, June 29-July 3.

Educational Differences in Volunteering: Individual and Contextual Explanations. Giving &

Volunteering Research Conference 2009. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 9.


Labor market vulnerability of low-educated people: a cross-national comparison. NISCO-dag 2008,

Nijmegen, the Netherlands, November 13.

Late career transitions of Dutch elderly workers. flexCAREER workshop, Leipzig, Germany, October


Labor market vulnerability of low-educated people: a cross-national comparison. 'Interuniversitaire

Overleg Sociale Ongelijkheid en Levensloop’, September 24.

Page 13: Curriculum Vitae - Radboud Universiteit · 1 Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice) Date of birth April 20, 1977 Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn Country of birth The


Labor market vulnerability among the lower educated: explaining cross-national variability.

Wissenachaftszentrum Berlin, June 3

Ethnic Diversity and Social Capital in Europa and the Netherlands. Presentation (with Prof. Dr. P.

Scheepers, Dr. J. Tolsma, and Dr. T. van der Meer, and Dr. M. Gesthuizen): Dutch Ministry of

Finance (Minister of Finance Wouter Bos and Professor Robert Putnam attended the

presentation), The Hague, the Netherlands, June 2008

Employment transitions in the Netherlands in the period 1980-2004: Are Dutch low educated men

subject to structural or cyclical crowding-out? RC28 Spring meeting, Florence, Italy, May 15-17


Trends in opleidingsongelijkheid 1992-2005: werk versus diverse vormen van inactiviteit naar

geslacht, leeftijd en etniciteit. ‘De Dag van de Sociologie 2007’ Rotterdam, the Netherlands, May


De levensloop van lager opgeleiden in Nederland. ‘Ministerie voor Sociale Zaken en

Werkgelegenheid’, Den Haag, April 17.

Ontwikkelingen in arbeidsmarktkansen van laagopgeleiden: naar meer nuance. Een reactie op Paul

de Beer in vijf stellingen. Ontwikkelingen en keuzes in het stelsel van werk en inkomen, Den

Haag, January 26


De Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt: algemene ontwikkelingen en verdiepende analyses. Presentatie gegeven

voor de divisie ‘Arbeidsrekeningen’ van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Den Haag,

November 16

Neighborhoods and poverty transitions: The intermediating influence of changes in household

characteristics. ‘Interuniversitaire Overleg Sociale Ongelijkheid en Levensloop’, September 19

Neighborhoods and poverty transitions: The intermediating influence of changes in household

characteristics. ‘RC28 Spring Meeting Nijmegen. Intergenerational Transmissions: Cultural,

Economic, or Social Resources?,’ Nijmegen, the Netherlands, May 11-14


Arbeidsmobiliteit in goede banen: oorzaken van baan- en functiewisselingen en gevolgen voor de

kenmerken van het werk. ‘Ministerie voor Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, directie Sociale

Verzekeringen’, November 7

Laagopgeleiden en hun gebrek aan arbeidsmarktsucces: opleidingsverschillen in zoekgedrag,

mobiliteit en veranderingen in baankenmerken. ‘Interuniversitaire Overleg Sociale Ongelijkheid

en Levensloop’, June 8

Laagopgeleiden en hun gebrek aan arbeidsmarktsucces: opleidingsverschillen in zoekgedrag,

mobiliteit en veranderingen in baankenmerken. Marktdag Sociologie 2005, Brussels, Belgium,

June 2


Lower education and social commitment. ‘Euroconference on the Causes and Consequences of Lower

Education in Contemporary Europe’, Granada, Spain, 23 september

Lower education and labor market success: a dynamic analysis. Research Centrum voor Onderwijs en

Arbeidsmarkt, Maastricht, the Netherlands April 24


Lower education and labor market success: a dynamic analysis. SISWO ‘Sociale ongelijkheid en de

levensloop’, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, January 28

Page 14: Curriculum Vitae - Radboud Universiteit · 1 Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice) Date of birth April 20, 1977 Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn Country of birth The


Social participation of low-educated people in the Netherlands. Marktdag Sociologie. Nijmegen, the

Netherlands, May 22


The reverse side of educational expansion: Changing composition in verbal ability of the low-educated

in the Netherlands. Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany, April 19


Laagopgeleiden op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt, wat leren we van de arbeidsmarktonderzoeken 1960

1998? SISWO ‘Sociale ongelijkheid en de levensloop’. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September


The life-course of the low-educated in the Netherlands ICPSR zomerschool, Ann Arbor Michigan, US,

July 11

Laagopgeleiden op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt, wat leren we van de arbeidsmarktonderzoeken 1960-

1998? Derde NSV/VVS ‘Marktdag Sociologie’. Antwerpen, Belgium, May 18

The life-course of the low-educated in the Netherlands. Labor Market Change, Unemployment and

Citizenship in Europe: a EuroConference, Helsinki, Finland, April 23

Data collection

Monden, C.W.S., Gelissen, J., Gesthuizen, M. & A. Need. Familie-enquête Nederlandse Bevolking

2000: Data documentatie. Nijmegen: Radboud University Nijmegen. (2002).

Gesthuizen, M., De Graaf, P.M., Hello, E., Meertens, V. & G. Schaap. Leerproject 2001: Data

documentatie sociaal culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen. Radboud University Nijmegen:

Vakgroep Sociologie. (2001).

Reviews Acta Sociologica (Article reviews)

American Political Science Review (Article reviews)

American Sociological Review (Article reviews)

British Journal of Political Science (Article reviews)

British Journal of Sociology (Article reviews)

Comparative Political Studies (Article reviews)

European Societies (Article reviews)

European Sociological Review (Article and book reviews)

European Urban and Regional Studies (Article Reviews)

International Journal of Manpower (Article reviews)

International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing (Article reviews)

International Migration Review (Article reviews)

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (Article reviews)

Journal of European Social Policy (Article reviews)

Journal of International Migration and Integration (Article reviews)

Journal of Urban Affairs (Article reviews)

Mens & Maatschappij (Secretary of editoral board and book reviews)

Migrantenstudies (Book reviews)

Political Studies (Article reviews)

Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (Article reviews)

Social Forces (Article reviews)

Social Problems (Article reviews)

Page 15: Curriculum Vitae - Radboud Universiteit · 1 Curriculum Vitae Name Dr. M. Gesthuizen (Maurice) Date of birth April 20, 1977 Place of birth Millingen aan de Rijn Country of birth The


Social Science & Medicine (Article reviews)

Sociologie (Article reviews)

Sociology of Education (Article reviews)

Sociology of Health and Illness (Article reviews)

Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review (Article reviews)

The Manchester School (Article reviews)

The Sociological Quarterly (Article reviews)

Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken (Article reviews)


Alumni Association Radboud University Nijmegen

Dutch Sociological Association

European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

International Sociological Association (ISA).

Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ISC)

Interuniversity meetings Social Inequality and the Life Course (ISOL)

Nijmegen Institute for Social and Cultural Research (NISCO)

Participant flexCAREER-project (coordinator: H-P. Blossfeld), 2008-present.

Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28)


Dutch Mother tongue

English Experienced

German Mediocre