curso de ingles 15 de 30

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  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    p .19

    UNIT 15 1

    An Impossible Love

    (Love at Firs t Sight) vis ta

    Juan Pedro is an eighteen-year-old student. He is

    good-looking and clever. He has very art ist ic tastes. He

    loves music, art and poetry. But he is very t imid and he is

    not happy.



    Why isn t he happy? Because he is poor and he has no

    fr iends. He knows many other students, of course, but

    they are not his f r iends. People wi th l i t t le money have fewfr iends. I t is very sad, but i t is so.

    por supuesto

    Juan Pedro is from a l i t t le town near Granada, but he is

    studying at the Universi ty of Sevi l le. He has got two

    brothers and two sisters. His father is a school teacher

    and his mother is a housewife.

    cerca de

    ama de casa

    They l ive in a simple, old house outside the town.

    Behind the house, there is a large ki tchen garden, where

    they grow al l k inds of vegetables and some frui t trees:

    cherry trees, lemon trees, orange trees, apple trees andfig trees.

    huer to

    cul t ivan


    The chi ldren help their parents to cul t ivate the

    vegetables, too. Everybody in the house knows that

    cul t ivat ing the ki tchen garden is very important, because

    i t is not easy to br ing up five chi ldren on a

    school teachers salary.

    cul t ivar


    cr iar

    sue ldo

    When Juan Pedro comes back from school to his l i t t le

    room in Sevi l le, he prepares his lunch. And while he eats

    he thinks about his parents, his brothers and his sisters,his l i t t le town and his garden.



    His town is not very far f rom Sevi l le, only two hundred

    and seventy ki lometres. So, at weekends he could go to

    see his fami ly; but he doesn t want to spend the money,

    so he goes home only oncea month.

    le jos de


    va a casa / una

    vez a l mes


    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 2

    (continuation) An Impossible Love

    In Jun Pedros class there are three students who are

    always talking about night clubs and discotheques. Jun

    Pedro never goes to night clubs or discos. He never goes

    to the theatre or to the cinema. He never goes to part ies.

    He just studies al l the afternoon, al l the evening, and very

    often at night, too. a menudo

    So he cannot talk wi th his companions about the things

    that interest them. He can only l isten to theirconversation.

    His companions spend a lot of t ime talking about

    footbal l , too. But Juan Pedro hasn t got a television in his

    room, so he is not wel l informed about footbal l .



    His only pastime is reading. He l ikes to read al l k inds

    of books, magazines and newspapers. He also l ikes to

    study foreign languages. Now he is learning Ita l ian,

    because he loves art, and one day he would l ike to visi t

    I ta ly and see Rome, Florence and Venice.


    Florencia /



    I t is a cold winter evening. Juan Pedro is in his l i t t le

    room studying. After a few hours he begins to feel t i red

    and hungry. So he gets up and does some stretching for

    about ten minutes. Then he goes to his l i t t le fr idge, and

    takes out a bott le of mi lk. He puts some mi lk in a bowl

    and adds two spoonfuls of sugar and some chocolate

    powder . Whi le he is dr inking the mi lk, he begins to read

    the newspaper. On one of the back pages there is a

    beauti fu l colour picture of a famous f lamenco dancer:

    Mara Estrel la Lpez. There is also a long art ic le about

    her. The art ic le speaks about her last tour in South

    America and in Mexico, and her fantastic success. The

    art ic le also says that she is going to dance in a night club

    in Sevi l le for three nights.

    a sent irse

    es t iramientos

    fr igorf ico

    saca / cuenco




    xi to


    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 3

    (continuation) An Impossible Love

    After dr inking his chocolate mi lk, Juan Pedro goes

    back to his l i t t le desk and begins studying. But after only

    ten minutes he has to stop. He cannot concentrate. So he

    takes the paper again and begins to look at the picture of

    the beauti fu l f lamenco dancer. He goes on looking at the

    picture for a long t ime. Then he l ies down on his bed,

    closes his eyes and begins to think about dancing, music,

    poetry and his future tr ip to I ta ly.


    t iene que

    cont ina



    I t is al ready midnight, but Juan Pedro cannot sleep. He

    keeps on thinking about Mara Estrel la Lpez, the dancer.

    He thinks and thinks for a long t ime, then he gets up,

    goes to his desk, opens a drawer and takes out a wallet

    where he keeps the money to buy his food, to pay the

    rent for his room, and to buy books and other school

    suppl ies.

    cont ina pensando


    car tera

    alqui ler

    mater ial escolar

    He counts his money, th inks for a moment, then hesays, I must see her! This is my only chance. But how

    can I go to that night club? People say that night clubs

    are very expensive... Wel l , he says, I could have just

    a glass of mi lk for breakfast and only a sandwich for

    lunch. For dinner I wil l have only an apple. I could also go

    to school on foot, instead of taking a bus. So I can save

    money. Eating isn t so important. But I must see Mara

    Estrel la! .

    opor tunidad





    He spends the night th inking and dreaming about the

    dancer. The next morning, when he has to get up to go to

    school , he is very sleepy.


    sool iento

    During the lessons, instead of l istening to the teachers,

    he keeps thinking about the night club, about f lamenco

    and, of course, about the dancer.

    en lugar de

    *** (contina)

    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 4

    (continuation) An Impossible Love

    In the evening he puts on his best clothes, combs his

    hair careful ly, pol ishes his shoes, and goes to the night

    club. After buying the entrance t icket he feels a l i t t le

    relaxed, because i t isn t so expensive after al l .

    mejor ropa

    cuidadosamente /

    l impia

    re lajado

    The night club is a real ly splendid place, fu l l of

    fashionable people. There are happy couples si t t ing at al l

    the tables: good-looking men and pretty women in

    elegant, expensive clothes and with beauti fu l jewellery.

    Some people are dr inking whisky; others are dr inking

    wine, champagne or cocktai ls. Some women are dr inking

    soft dr inks. There are women with dark hair , women with

    blonde hair , women with red hair . . .



    Some of the couples are marr ied. Some are engaged.

    Some are only fr iends. Only Juan Pedro is alone.

    When a wai ter comes near his table, Jun Pedro tel ls

    him to br ing him a brandy. He doesn t l ike hard dr inks,

    but for one night he wants to be l ike the other men in the

    night club.


    For a few minutes, si t t ing alone at his l i t t le table in a

    corner of the big splendid room, Jun Pedro feels very

    unhappy. Then Mara Estrel la s f i rst dance begins .. . and

    he forgets that he is alone .. . he forgets that he has no

    fr iends .. . he forgets that he is poor . . . he forgets al l thesmi l ing couples si t t ing at the other tables. He sees only

    the dancer, wi th her beauti fu l b lack hair , her big black

    eyes, her sweet pale face, her wonderful art.

    se s iente

    olv ida

    sonr ientes


    There is a big red rose in her hair . The rose and her

    l ips are the same colour. labios / mismo


    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 5

    (continuation) An Impossible Love

    I love her! th inks poor Juan Pedro. I love her so

    much! She must be sweet and affect ionate. And she is so

    young! She must be only eighteen or nineteen. How is i t

    possible that a woman so young can already be a famous

    art ist?

    Whi le Mara Estrel la dances, a tal l gypsy, wi th long

    dark hair , p lays the gui tar. He is very young too, but he

    plays l ike a professional gui tar ist.

    gi tano al to

    Mara Estrel la dances three t imes. When her thi rd

    dance is over, and she si ts down to rest, Juan Pedro

    thinks, I must meet her. I must know her; I want to tel l

    her what I feel for her. But how could I begin? She wil l

    not bel ieve me when I te l l her that I real ly love her. I

    cannot go to her hotel and visi t her. I cannot invi te her to

    visi t me. I l ive in a smal l , modest room. I would l ike tobuy her some beauti fu l jewel lery, but I have no money.

    Wel l , I can offer her some f lowers.

    para descansar

    conocer la

    no me creer

    ofrecer le


    There is a l i t t le f lower shop in the night club. Juan

    Pedro goes in. He sees hundreds of beauti fu l f lowers of

    every colour.


    What can I do for you, si r? asks a pretty young


    Al l the f lowers are terr ib ly expensive. I t seems

    impossible that f lowers can cost so much.


    cos tar

    Juan Pedro can buy only six red roses. Are six roses

    enough? he thinks. He would l ike to buy twelve, but that

    is impossible. So he buys six roses and returns to his



    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 6

    (continuation) An Impossible Love

    A tal l b londe woman is now singing a popular song.

    The t i t le of the song is: Under the Orange Trees of

    Sevi l le. I t is a very nice song and the singer has a very

    sweet voice. But Juan Pedro hears nothing. He is thinking

    of Mara Estrel la . . . that sweet, sad face, those beauti fu l

    black eyes .. . her wonderful art . . .

    al ta


    He has a penci l , but he hasn t got any paper or

    envelope, so he wri tes on the programme, under hersweet name: For the wonderful dancer wi th beauti fu l , sad


    He cal ls the waiter and gives him the f lowers and the

    programme saying, Please give these f lowers to Mara

    Estrel la Lpez.

    l lama

    He cannot give the waiter a t ip, because he now has

    no more money. So the waiter goes away thinking, He

    has got enough money to buy f lowers for a woman who

    receives hundreds of f lowers every night, but he doesn t

    give a t ip to a poor, honest wai ter who works al l n ight and

    hal f the day too, because he has to keep a wife and six

    chi ldren that never stop eating.




    t iene que mantener

    Juan Pedro leaves the club. The show is not over yet.

    There are st i l l many numbers on the programme, but they

    don t interest him. He wants to be alone. He only wants to

    think about the beauti fu l dancer.


    I t is al ready very late, but he doesn t want to go backhome yet, so he goes for a long walk along the

    Guadalquivi r r iver.

    tardea lo largo de

    I love her, he says. I love her so much. She is my

    fi rst and only love. But I know that my love is impossible,

    because she is r ich and famous, and I am only a poor,

    t imid student.


    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 7

    Learning a Foreign Language

    The word language comes from the Latin word l ingua.

    How many languages are spoken in the world today?

    Scholars say that they are about 6,800.

    There are also thousands of dialects. What is a

    dialect? A dialect is a form of a language that is used in a

    part of a country or by one group of people. For example,

    Sici l ian is a dialect of I t a l ian.


    erudi tos

    dialec tos



    There are some languages that are spoken only by afew hundred or a few thousand people. But some

    languages l ike Mandarin, Engl ish, Hindi , and Spanish are

    spoken by mi l l ions of people.

    One area of high l inguist ic diversi ty is Papua-New

    Guinea, where there are about 832 languages spoken by

    a populat ion of around 3.9 mi l l ion.

    Mandarin is the main language of China, and about 874

    mil l ion people speak i t . About 366 mi l l ion people speak

    Hindi in India. There are about 350 mi l l ion Spanish-

    speaking people that l ive in South America, in Spain and

    in other parts of the world.

    al ta

    cerca de


    Engl ish is a special language. I t is used by more than

    450 mil l ion people in almost every part of the world. We

    could say that Engl ish is an international language. Most

    of the people that speak Engl ish l ive in the Uni ted States,

    Great Bri ta in, Austral ia, Canada, Ireland, and South

    Afr ica.

    ms de

    cas i

    la mayor a de

    Ir landa

    Engl ish is an off ic ia l language in 52 countr ies. About

    one third of the people in the world understand and speaksome Engl ish. I t is the most useful language to learn for

    international travel .

    Engl ish is a dominant language in diplomacy and

    electronic communication.

    About 90% (n inety per cent) of al l Internet traff ic is in

    Engl ish.

    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 8

    Learning a Foreign Language

    Are there easy languages and di f f icul t languages? Not

    at al l . When chi ldren learn their own language, by

    l istening and imitat ing their parents, and al l the people

    around them, they don t f ind any di f f icul ty. But when they

    are in secondary school and they try to learn a foreign

    language, that is very di f ferent from their mother tongue,

    they f ind lots of di f f icul t ies.

    lengua materna

    For example, for a Spanish pupi l of ten or eleven tolearn Chinese or Arabic, is qui te di f f icul t , because these

    two languages are completely di f ferent from the Spanish

    language. But i f he wants to learn Ita l ian, French or

    Engl ish, he wi l l not f ind many di f f icul t ies, because Ital ian,

    Spanish, French and Engl ish, belong to the same

    language fami ly: Indo-European.

    alumnoarabe / bas tante

    pertenecen a

    Which is the best age to start learning a foreign

    language? Scholars say that chi ldren should start

    learning foreign languages in kindergarten.


    deber an

    As Engl ish is a language spoken al l over the world,

    nowadays there are thousands of books, cassettes and

    videos that teach Engl ish. So i f one wants to learn

    Engl ish, i t is not di f f icul t .

    ya q ue

    hoy en da

    There is, of course, something important that we

    must remember: There are no revolut ionary or

    miraculous methods for learning a foreign language! We

    can buy the best books, the best studyaids, and have the

    best teachers, but i f we don t study, we wil l never learn.


    mater ial d idct ico

    no aprenderemos


    There are some strange people who come to a teacher

    and say, In how many weeks can I learn to speak

    English? That is just nonsense, of course. A person

    cannot learn English in a few weeks. He must study for

    many months ... for a year ... or two years ... or three

    years. But i f he studies enough he can begin to say many

    things in English after only five or six lessons. despus de

    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 9

    Learning a Foreign Language

    But a student must not waste t ime watching TV or

    playing si l ly videogames on his computer, and then say, I

    haven t enough t ime to study.

    malgas tar

    When a students vocabulary is big enough, he must

    begin to have l i t t le conversations in Engl ish wi th his

    teacher. He must not say, Oh, I can t ta lk. That is too

    di ff icul t . I make so many mistakes. I f he makes

    mistakes, the teacher can correct him. Good teachers arealways patient.


    Al l th ings seem diff icul t when we begin to do them,

    but things that seem di ff icul t today can seem very easy

    after a few days.


    The teacher can ask the student easy questions

    about his name, his parents, his brothers and sisters, his

    relat ives, his studies, his favouri te sports or his favouri te

    singers. The student must answer al l these questions,

    using al l the words that he can remember. He must neveranswer only Yes. or No. That is not conversation!

    Many people col lect th ings, foreign stamps, for

    example. Some col lect postcards, wi th views of

    interesting or beauti fu l p laces. I f the student col lects

    things, he can talk about his col lect ion.

    If the student is a woman, and i f fashions interest

    her, she and the teacher can talk about fashions. Some

    people l ike to talk about the theatre, or the television and

    radio programmes that interest them.Yes, there are dozens of th ings that the student can

    say. Of course, there are some days when a person has

    no ideas in his head. We al l know that. So what can a

    student talk about on these days? Wel l , he can talk about

    the weather. Engl ish people love to talk about the

    weather. They talk about i t every day. So i f the student

    talks about i t , h is conversation wil l be very Engl ish.




    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 10

    Robert And Millie

    As I am sure you al l remember, Robert and Mi l l ie are a

    marr ied couple. She is marr ied to him and he is marr ied

    to her. In other words, they are husband and wife. Do you

    understand? I am sure you do.

    Como es toy

    seguro / pare ja

    Robert is not a very nice man. He is always impatient

    or angry. He never speaks kindly to his poor wi fe.

    At breakfast t ime he says that there isn t enough sugar

    in his coffee, or that the coffee isn t strong enough. At

    dinnert ime he says that the steak is tough, or that there

    aren t enough potatoes. When he says that , Mil l ie always

    gives him al l her potatoes, but he never thanks her. He

    just eats them, wi th an angry face. When there is f ish for

    dinner, he always says that he hates fish. But Mi l l ie is

    always patient and sweet. She is never angry wi th him.




    Why has Robert th is nasty character? Why is he always

    angry? Why is he always i rr i table? - One of the

    reasons why he is always i rr i table is that he has got a

    stomach ulcer. And as you know, ulcers are very painful.

    ant ipt ico



    es tmago ( l i t . )


    But the main reason why he is in a nasty mood al l the

    time is that he doesn t l ike his job. He thinks that i t is

    very boring, and that the car factory is too far from his

    house. So he has to get up at six every morning, dr ive for

    about an hour and for eight or nine hours a day he has to

    do something that he doesn t l ike.




    t iene que / conducir

    Robert is a very good mechanic, and he l ikes to repair

    cars. He is also very good at repair ing every kind of

    electr ic appl iance, but he doesn t l ike to work in the car

    factory. He would l ike to open his ownrepair shop, but for

    now he can t. He needs some capi tal to begin.



    e lec trodomes t icos


    neces i ta

    *** su propio taller de reparaciones


    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 11

    (continuation) Robert And Millie

    So, as you can understand, when he arr ives home he is

    very often in a nasty mood. Thank God, Mi l l ie is a sweet

    and nice person.



    Why has Robert got an ulcer? He says that the food at

    the car factory canteen is horr ib le. And at lunchtime he

    has to eat there. - Mi l l ie says that the reason why he

    has an ulcer, is that he dr inks too much beer and wine

    and he dr inks a lot of whisky, too. She also thinks that

    he has got headaches because he never stops smoking.

    He even smokes in bed. In fact, every night he l ikes to

    read in bed for an hour or two, and while he reads, he

    smokes and dr inks whisky.


    t iene que

    inc luso


    Robert s doctor is always saying to him that he must

    eat less and dr ink very l i t t le alcohol , because alcohol is

    very bad for his stomach ulcer. - But Robert never l istensto him.


    Robert s alarm clock wakes him up at six oclock every

    morning. But does he get up when he hears the clock?

    Oh, no! He only cal ls: Mi l l ie! Br ing me my coffee!

    When he cal ls, Mi l l ie is al ready in the ki tchen, because

    she always gets up at hal f past f ive to prepare breakfast

    for Robert. So she patiently br ings him his f i rst cup of

    coffee in bed. But when she br ings him the coffee, he

    then says that he wants many other things too: his

    sl ippers, the morning newspaper, his cigarettes, his

    matches .. . and he also says, Why are you always so

    slow? Why don t you hurry up? Don t you know that I am

    in a hurry?

    para preparar



    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 12

    (continuation) Robert and Millie


    I t is a beauti fu l Sunday morning. I t is ten oclock. Mi l l ie

    would l ike to go for a walk in the park wi th Robert. She

    l ikes to walk in the park looking at the f lowers, at the

    trees, and she l ikes to hear the birds singing. She f inds i t

    very relaxing. But when she asks Robert i f he wants to

    go, he only answers, Rubbish! The park doesn t interest

    me, and you know very wel l that I hate birds.


    re lajante


    So poor Mi l l ie takes a book and si ts down in her l i t t le

    front garden and starts reading. A l i t t le sparrow is

    hopping from one branch to another of an apple tree.

    Mi l l ie looks at i t and smi les sweetly. Then she looks at

    some pretty pink roses that are start ing to blossom and

    she thinks; Li fe is not so bad, after al l .


    gorr in

    sal tando / rama


    despus de todo

    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 13

    The Engl ish Alphabet

    a b c d e

    ei bi: si: di: i:

    f g h i j

    ef dgi: eitS ai d gei

    k l m n o

    kei el em en ou

    p q r s t

    pi: kju: a: es ti:

    u v w

    ju: vi: dblju

    x y z

    eks wai zed

    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 14

    Contesta a las siguientes preguntas:

    1. How old is Juan Pedro?

    2. Why is Juan Pedro unhappy?3. Have people wi th l i t t le money a lot of f r iends, or few fr iends?

    4. Where is Juan Pedro from?

    5. Where is he studying?

    6. How many brothers and sisters has he got?

    7. What is Juan Pedros mother, a teacher or a housewife?

    8. Where does his f ami ly l ive?9. What do t hey grow in their k i tchen garden?

    10. Why is the ki tchen garden important for his fami ly?

    11. How far is his t own from Sevi l le?

    12. On weekends, why doesn t he go to see his fami ly?13. What does Juan Pedro do instead of going to the cinema or to


    14. Why can t he talk about footbal l?

    15. What is his only pastime?

    16. Why is he learning Ita l ian?

    17. Who is Mara Estrel la Lpez?18. Where is she going to dance?

    19. Why can t Juan Pedro concentrate?

    20. Where does he keep his money?

    21. What does he think about eating?22. What does he think about, instead of l istening to his


    23. After buying the t icket, he feels a l i t t le relaxed. Why?

    24. Describe the night club.

    25. What does Juan Pedro tel l the wai ter to br ing him?

    26. According to him, how old is Mara Estrel la?

    27. What is t he gypsy playing in the night club?

    28. What does Juan Pedro want to tel l Mara Estrel la?

    29. What would he l ike to buy her?

    30. Why does he buy only six f lowers?

    31. Why doesn t he give the waiter a t ip?

    32. What does the waiter th ink?

    33. What does Juan Pedro do aft er leaving the club?


    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 15

    Contesta a las siguientes preguntas:

    1. Where does the word l ingua come from?

    2. How many languages are there in the world?

    3. And how many dialects?

    4. What is a dialect?

    5. What is Mandarin? Is i t a frui t?

    6. How many Spanish-speaking people are there in the world?

    7. Write somet hing about the Engl ish language.

    8. How do chi ldren learn their own language?

    9. Do chi ldren f ind any di f f icul t ies learning t heir own language?

    10. To which language fami ly do Engl ish and It al ian belong?

    11. Which is the best age to learn a foreign language?

    12. How many years are needed to learn Engl ish wel l?

    13. How do students general ly waste their t ime?

    14. How do you waste your t ime?

    15. How many hours a day do you spend in front of your


    16. What do Engl ish people l ike to talk about?

    17. What do you l ike to talk about?***

    1. When there is f ish for dinner, what does Robert say?

    2. Why has Robert a nasty character?

    3. Why is he always in a nasty mood?

    4. Why has Robert got an ulcer?

    5. Why has he always got headaches?

    6. For how long (por cuanto t iempo ) does Robert l ike to read in bed?

    7. At what t ime does Robert s alarm clock wake him up in themorning?

    8. Does Mi l l ie get up before or after Robert?

    9. Where does Robert l ike to have his f i rst cup of coffee?

    10. What does Mi l l ie br ing him besides (adems de) h is coffee?

    11. Why does Robert say to Mi l l ie, Hurry up!?

    12. Why does Mi l l ie want to go to the park?

    13. Does Robert l ike birds?

    14. What does Mi l l ie th ink about l i fe?

    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 16


    to add tu Ad aadir

    after all a:ftEr:l despus de todo

    aid eid ayuda

    almost :lmEust casi

    alone ElEun solo

    along ElN a lo largo de

    Arabic ArEbik arabe

    around Eraund alrededor de

    as Az ya que

    Australia strei l jE Australia

    to believe tu bi l i :v creer

    to belong tu bi lN pertenecer

    best best mejor

    bird bE:d pajaro

    to blossom tu blsEm florecer

    bowl bEul cuenco

    branch bra:ntS rama

    to call tu k: l l lamarCanada kAnEdE Canad

    canteen kAnti :n comedor

    carefully keEful i atentamente

    chance tSa:ns oportunidad

    cherry tSeri cereza

    to close tu klEuz cerrar

    to communicate tu kEmju:nikei t comunicar

    to cost tu kst costar

    couple kpl pareja

    to cultivate tu klt ivei t cult ivar

    dialect daiElekt dialecto

    drawer dr:E cajn

    to dream tu dri :m soar


    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 17

    (continuation) Vocabulary

    to drive tu draiv conducir

    electric appliance i lektr ik EplaiEns electrodomestico

    even ivEn incluso

    everybody evribdi todos

    factory fAktEri fabrica

    to feel tu f i : l sentir -se

    fig f ig higo

    to find tu faind encontrar

    Florence f lrEns Florenciaform f:m forma fridge fr idZ frigorifico

    to go back tu gEu bAk volver

    to go home tu gEu hEum ir a casa

    to go in tu gEu in entrarGod gd Dios

    group gru:p grupoto grow tu grEu crecer; cultivar

    guitarist gita:r is t guitarrista

    gypsy dZipsi gitano

    to hate tu hei t odiar

    to hop tu hp saltar a la pata coja

    housewife hauswaif ama de casa

    to inform tu inf:m informar

    Ireland aiElEnd Irlanda

    jewellery dZu:Elr i joyas

    job dZb trabajo, empleo

    to keep on tu ki :p n continuar

    kilometre kilEumi: tE kilmetro/

    kindergarten kindEga:tn kindergarten; jardn de


    less les menos

    like laik como


    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 18

    (continuation) Vocabulary

    main mein principal

    mechanic mikAnik mecnico

    method meEd metodo

    mood mu:d humor

    more mE ms nasty nAsti antiptico

    nowadays nauEdeiz hoy en da

    to offer tu fE ofreceroften fn a menudo

    own Eun propio

    pastime pa:staim pasatiempo

    poetry pEuitr i poesa

    to polish tu pl iS l impiar (zapatos)

    powder paudE polvo

    to prepare tu pripeE preparar

    pupil pju:pl alumno

    reason r i :zn razn

    to receive tu r is i :v recibir

    to relax tu r i lAks relajar -se

    rent rent alquiler

    to repair tu r ipeE reparar; arreglar

    to rest tu rest descansar

    salary sAlEri salario

    to save tu seiv ahorrar

    scholar sklE erudito (substantivo)

    school supplies sku:l sEplaiz material escolar

    to seem tu s i :m parecer

    I should ai Sud debera

    sight sai t vista

    simple simpl simple


    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 15 de 30


    UNIT 15 19

    (continuation) Vocabulary

    sparrow spArEu gorrin

    to spend tu spend pasar; gastar

    stomach stmEk estomago

    to stretch tu s tretS estirar -se

    stretching stretSiN estiramiento

    success sEkses xito

    sure SuE seguro

    to take out tu teik aut sacartall t: l alto

    tongue tN lengua

    tough tf duro

    tour tuE gira

    trip t r ip excursin

    to try tu trai intentar

    ulcer lsE lcera

    Venice venis Venecia

    video vidiou video

    wallet wlit cartera

    Carmelo Mangano ht tp: / /www.inglesparaespanoles .com for pr iva te or academic use only.