customer first targeted support panel meeting 24 th june 2008 eleanor currie

Customer First Targeted Support Panel Meeting 24 th June 2008 Eleanor Currie

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Customer First Targeted Support Panel

Meeting 24th June 2008

Eleanor Currie


• Your organisation• Your experience in working with Targeted

Support applicants• What you bring to the Panel

Stakeholder Engagement Structure

What was the stakeholder analysis process ?

1. Identification of stakeholders and their scope of interest in the new service

– Stakeholder Profiles

2. Influence levels modelled – Power/Interest matrix

3. Specific engagement requirements and objectives agreed – Engagement mind map

4. Degree of commonality determined

5. Engagement structure established

C1P ProgrammeBoard

SLC Sub-ProgrammeBoard

Stakeholder Management Team


HEI Advisory Group

Stakeholder DesignValidation Panel

Other Work-streams

Stakeholder Forum

LA Advisory Group

Targeted Support


IAG DeliveryPartnership

SIGStrand Leads


SL EmployersGroup

Validation Programme Structure derived from analysis

• Service Design Validation panel

bi-monthly meetings, formal validation of overall service design.Attendees identified from analysis: NASMA, NUS, UCAS, DWP, HMRC (data-sharing delivery partners), ARC, LA rep, UNIAID, Skill, 2 HEI reps, AoC, DIUS (targeted support team), AMOSSHEFor 09/10 will also encompass validation of Targeted Support design

• HEI (Services) Advisory GroupBi-monthly meetings, evidence of cascade, formal validation.Attendees: AMOSSHE, ARC, AUA, BUFDG, NASMA, NUS, UUK, DIUS,

UCAS, min 7independent HEIsValidation of HEI Services. Review and comment on Central Unit and student


• IAG Delivery Partnership SIGValidation of IAG. Joint development of best delivery vehicles, timing and distribution channels for partner organisations.Attendees: Connexions, Learndirect, DCSF (Youth Services IAG team), DIUS (Adult Learning Services), HELOA, HMRC, LSC, NASMA, NUS.

Stakeholder Groups (1)

• LA Advisory group (process assurance) team. Created from LARCG contact list. Validation of applications and assessments. Review and comment on IAG.

• Targeted support SIG (starts June 2008)Attendance organisations identified.Validation of Targeted Support services

• Employers Groupsub-group of HMRC’s Employer Consultation forum.

• Stakeholder ForumInformation events for all stakeholders (first Forum held in Jan 08, second November 08).

• ICR Communications GroupSLC press team, SLC ICR team, HMRC press team, DIUS press office, DIUS ICR Policy team, Wales/Scotland and Northern Ireland press invited.

Stakeholder Groups (2)

Example :

Key Engagement Activities timetable(2008 first quarter programme)

Jan-08 Apr-08

6/1 13/1 20/1 27/1 3/2 10/2 17/2 24/2 2/3 9/3 16/3 23/3 30/3

17/1IAG Delivery

Partners group

31/1Stakeholder forum

The Belfry

21/2HEI Advisory Group

27/2Service Design Validation Panel

24/1LARCG 5/3

HEI Practitioners Seminar

16/1ICR Communications


5/2Employers Group

18/3UCAS Admissions

Conference 31/3AUA Annual Conference

1/4DIUS Targeted

Support SIG

12/3Collection of Student Loans

Management Board

24/1Student Consultative Group

Issues log extract

Workstream Issue No.

Date Description Stake-holder

Origin Actioned to

Status Conclusion

Service Design

SDC1 10/02/07

Applicants in receipt of benefit should be fully informed of the impact any SF payments might have on their benefits. Arrangements for handling this should be agreed with the relevant policy team within DW

DWP Validation panel

Dave Thomson

Complete Advisor training materials & web content updated to include info on benefits impact

Information, Advice and Guidance

IG5 04/10/07

Concern that the move towards a centralised system will negatively impact DSA students

SKILL Validation panel

Elaine Dyer

Complete Email to s/h detailing processes in place for dealing with complex cases

HEI Services HE1 10/06/07

My FF dependency: HEIs advise that in current plans they won't have bursaries, scholarships and fee data until November each year

HEI Advisory Group

Susan Maguire

Entered into workstream issues log

Service design won't allow for static text summaries and monthly data refreshes

Case Study 1 (Page 1)Enhanced Ready Reckoner / My Fact FindStakeholder initiated changes to design

• DWP – Impact of SFS payments on benefits will be explained in IAG and ERR/MFF web content• NASMA – pre-population of budget planner will have clear explanation of assumptions• SKILL – specific question to identify Targeted Support eligibility will be designed at early point on ERR and MFF with clear explanation of disability• AMOSSHE – SSG will be properly explained and handled within design• HEI - questions will be very clearly worded to ensure issues like gross or net income are clear• NASMA - Clear site content on PT employment will be included• UNIAID - Case studies will be used particularly for repayment and the budget calculator

Overview of new Student Finance Service

‘Student Finance England’


• End to End Review of Student Finance in England• Ministerial announcement to create a customer focused,

centralised service managed by a transformed SLC• Agreed Blueprint with DIUS for the new service• Approach to phased delivery over a 3 year period • Design phase informed by extensive customer

engagement• Validation of design by stakeholders and delivery


The Customer Journey


My Information and Guidance

My Application and Offer

My Fact Find My PaymentMy


What will I actually get ?

What could I get ?

When will I get paid ?

When will I repay it ?

Manage Measure Improve

The Customer Journey


My Information and Guidance

My Application and Offer

My Fact Find My PaymentMy


What will I actually get ?

What could I get ?

When will I get paid ?

When will I repay it ?

Manage Measure Improve

My Fact Find

What could I get ?

• Personalised quotation• Comparator based on HEI and course• Select up to 5 courses• Includes statutory and bursary support• Available through different channels

The Customer Journey


My Information and Guidance

My Application and Offer

My Fact Find My PaymentMy


What will I actually get ?

What could I get ?

When will I get paid ?

When will I repay it ?

Manage Measure Improve

My Application and Offer

What will I actually get ?

• Primarily on-line • Simplified for new applicants• UCAS links for registration• UCAS links for course choices• Instant provisional assessment• Track application progress• Final course/final assessment• On-line re-assessments• Simplified renewal process

The Customer Journey


My Information and Guidance

My Application and Offer

My Fact Find My PaymentMy


What will I actually get ?

What could I get ?

When will I get paid ?

When will I repay it ?

Manage Measure Improve

My Payment

When will I get paid ?

• Clear payment expectations• Customer notifications (i.e. SMS)• Changes administered quickly• On-line account maintenance

The Customer Journey


My Information and Guidance

My Application and Offer

My Fact Find My PaymentMy


What will I actually get ?

What could I get ?

When will I get paid ?

When will I repay it ?

Manage Measure Improve

My Repayment

When will I repay it ?

• Clear communication from early stage• Budget, payment and repayment calculators• Proposals to reduce overpayment• Option to repay outside tax system• On-line repayment service

The Customer Journey


My Information and Guidance

My Application and Offer

My Fact Find My PaymentMy


What will I actually get ?

What could I get ?

When will I get paid ?

When will I repay it ?

Manage Measure ImproveManage Measure Improve

My Information and Guidance

• Expanded area of responsibility• Awareness and promotion• Throughout the period of the loan• Support for parents and sponsors• Special needs groups• Local partners and central service• Network of regional consultants

• Continuous improvement• Customer engagement• New measurement methods• Customer satisfaction feedback

Annual Cycle Changes


Information & Guidance


April before

My Fact Find Sept

Application & Offer Sept Start

Payment No change

Returning Students Jan onwards

Repayment Information At Application



March start

No change


At Graduation

HEI Course Collection May beforeJan/Feb

Regulations Laid/In Force July beforeJan/Feb

Programme Timetable


Centralisation for new English applicants

Central Processing Unit at Darlington

Alignment with UCAS timetable (Sept)

Enhancements to on-line services


Full My Fact Find service

Simplified new application process

Services available on multiple channels

Fast track renewals for returning students


LAs in England withdraw

Centralisation of all new and returners

Complete remaining transition tasks


Enabling Projects

Where are we now…

Customer Engagement

• Focus groups • Customer needs and

wants identifed• Informed the initial

design• Validated with 1800

customers• Special research for

Targeted Support customers

• Joint customer research with HMRC on repayment

• My Fact Find prototyped with customers

• Stakeholder groups to validate design output

• Embed as a standard way of working

Central Processing Unit

• Assessment and processing of all new applications for English domiciled applicants

• Customer contact centre dealing with– Information, advice and guidance – Applications and assessments– Targeted Support applicants

• Location – Lingfield Point, Darlington• Staff – 550+• Re-location of our existing Darlington

operational unit and EU loans processing

Single Virtual Contact Centre


Colwyn Bay


• Link 3 locations drawing upon skills and experience

• Blending customer channel of choice– Phone– Email– Internet/Webchat– Paper

• Managed through a new technical solution


• Customers confused over current brands

• Tested options on both customers and stakeholders

• Ministerial approval to re-brand the English student finance service for 09/10

• Neutral brand Student Finance Services for EU students

• Repayment brand is under review

What happens next…

Jan 09 Dec 09Feb 09 Mar 09 Apr 09 May 09 Jun 09 Jul 09 Aug 09 Sep 09 Oct 09 Nov 09 Dec 09

Sep 09

10/11 Application cyclestarts

10/11 ‘My Fact Find’ goes live

May 0910/11 IAG Campaign commences

Apr 09

09/10 ‘My FactFind’ goes live

Feb 09New contact centreIT system goes live

Jan 09Application cycle for returners commences

Feb 09Higher Education Bursary and Scholarship System assessment commences

Jul 09

AY 09/10 change of circumstance notifications via HEI portal

Jan 08 Dec 08Feb 08 Mar 08 Apr 08 May 08 Jun 08 Jul 08 Aug 08 Sep 08 Oct 08 Nov 08 Oct 08

Sep 08

09/10 IAG: Full promotioncommences

09/10 Enhanced online calculator available

09/10 Application cycle for new customers starts

Apr 0809/10 IAG: Raising awareness commences

Regional Consultantsin place

Lingfield Point fit-out completed

May 0809/10 Policy changes announced

May 08

On-line HE courses system live

Dec 08

IAG reinforcementcampaign

Nov 08OFFA deadline for 09/10 access agreements

Oct 08

Paper application form available

Jun 08Official opening of Lingfield Point

Collection of 09/10 course data

Sep 08



Questions & Answers

Student Finance System

DSA Support

Student Finance System – DSA Support

Scope for AY 2009/10

• For new students only • With scope to recommend changes to the needs assessment centres, DSA equipment suppliers and non medical helpers via DSA-QAG

• Limited scope to change policy

Student Finance System – DSA Support

Customer Engagement and Validation

• SLC has undertaken extensive review with disabled students. This includes

• students attending focus groups• interviews with individual students• opinion survey research with a student panel.

• Students have been involved in reviewing and early designs of the online system changes

• SLC intends to involve DSA students in the testing phase

• There is already an awareness that dyslexic students may not consider themselves as disabled.

Vulnerable Groups Research

• Research was undertaken among three vulnerable groups to recommend:

– The timing, type and amount of assistance that each group needs before, during and after application for student finance

– How the application process could be simplified for each group

• The three key groups were identified as:

– Students claiming Disabled Students Allowance

– Students in lower income families (under £37.5k household income pa) with parents who have difficulties understanding written English

– Students claiming Childcare Grant

Research findings summary

• DSAs students need more support and help with application itself, sorting out evidence and resolving problems.

• Despite needing more support, they appear to be suffering from far more difficulties in getting their entitlements than other students.

• In contrast, CCGs have fewer problems with their applications but need more pre-application information.

• Despite putting more effort into researching their finance options because it is so critical to their family situation, CCGs still struggle with knowing how much they might be entitled to.

• SNESPs are reasonably well informed because they are more likely to have been helped by their school or college. They struggle with explaining to their parents why they need to provide financial information and what information is required.

DSAs’ applications – Research Recommendations

• The guiding principle should be to make it as streamlined as possible

• Ideally they would apply for DSA at the same time as other finance but they need to be persuaded that Student Finance can handle this efficiently.

• The system also needs to allow for the many who will apply at different times of the year.

• The option for face-to-face contact is necessary but most would be happy if Student Finance simply provided sympathetic, knowledgeable, patient telephone support to help with their online applications.

DSAs’ applications – Research Recommendations • If the application was simpler, if it was clearer what was required, or if less

exacting evidence was required, the demand for face-to-face support would be a lot lower.

• A named contact should be offered as soon as a problem arises.

• For telephone support, partially deaf students prefer a female voice with no accent (deep voices and broad accents are more difficult to hear).

• Partially sighted students need the form to be optimised for accessibility software (eg. Zoom Text) or to have a large font version.

• Have a quick process for authorising carers or friends to speak with Student Finance on the student’s behalf.

Student Finance System – DSA Support

Suppliers Database

• SLC is developing a database of DSA suppliers, and non-medical helpers, keeping information on suppliers and their bank accounts (estimated delivery June 09)

• Suppliers can invoice for goods and services and have these settled direct to suppliers bank accounts without data re-entry

• SLC will be able to monitor expenditure by supplier , bundle remittance notifications and payments (phase 2)

• Satisfy VFM and fraud requirements through greater visibility

• SLC staff will be able to use the database to handle telephone and email enquiries from the suppliers.

Student Finance System – DSA Support

Needs Assessments Quotations

• In order to encourage efficiency and competitive quotes, Needs Assessments centres will be required to obtain 3 quotes for equipment, no min threshold

• Unique items can be paid on one quote, discretion and common sense approach

• Required to achieve VFM and compliance with public sector procurement rules

•Standard layout of Quotes will make comparison easier

• Only 1 quote is needed for non-medical helpers

• The costs of completing Needs Assessments and Reports will continue to be deducted from the DSA general allowance.

Student Finance System – DSA Support


• SLC is assuming DSA is excluded from the ELQ exemption, as is HEFCE, but a final policy confirmation is still outstanding

• The CPU, and LA staff, are aware that these students can still provide household income and consent to share for the bursary system, as institutions may use bursary funds to minimise ELQ impact on the imposition of higher course fees.

Student Finance System – DSA Support

Electronic Applications • For AY 09/10 on-line applications are not available • Research confirms on-line applications are the preferred method of applications, 10/11 developing online

• DSA students can complete a paper or download a word version of the application form • Applicants will be directed to this option when completing the on-line application for maintenance and fees support.

Student Finance System – DSA Support

Paper Application Changes


- All students will be asked to complete a PN1 or PR1 first, and then to complete a DSA1, which will be slimmed down so that questions on the PN1 are not re-asked on the DSA1.

Scanning and Imaging forms and correspondence

- Enabling a Scanned Image to be linked to a customer for advisors- Ensuring an image of outbound correspondence is viewable by the customer - This is available in .pdf format – other formats for screen readers are being investigated

Student Finance System – DSA Support

Needs Assessments Management

• SLC’s preference is to use the list of DSA-QAG approved equipment suppliers who offer a ‘one stop shop’ service • in line with policy specifications• however specialist suppliers may be required and used.

•Students can insist on being assessed by a non-accredited centre.• However SLC will strongly recommend students don’t do this, as SLC is not able to assure themselves of the quality of advice or any after sales services.

• DIUS Review Report recommends accreditation requirements and standard tests

• SLC will rely on DSA-QAG’s list of accredited Needs Assessment Centres

• SLC will recommend changes required at Needs Assessment Centres to DSA- QAG

Student Finance System – DSA Support Central Processing & Support Teams

• CPU will continue to be responsible for assessing eligibility based on the disability evidence supplied.• specialist support unit for DSA enquiries • named contacts for individual students where required.

• CPU has staff with 3 years of experience through the “pilot LA transfers”.• Also using experience from NASMA secondee and LAs

•The Targeted Support Unit staff will be specially trained not just in DSA, but also in how to generally assist disabled students.

• CLASS and other organisations contacted through DSA-QAG will provide specialist training to staff within the Unit

Student Finance System – DSA Support

SLC Implementation Plans

• Advisors can co-browse on-line applications and help students with queries in completing their applications.

• Students can request call-backs when lines are busy

• SLC are recruiting a Diversity Manager who will be responsible for - liaising with stakeholder organisations

- providing specialist knowledge in service provision for those with special needs